• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,686 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

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Episode 8: The Floating Isle, Angel Island

Episode 8: The Floating Isle, Angel Island

Twilight was checking a bunch of files that needed to be checked. Twilight sighed that she had to do all of the filing. She looked over towards Spike and saw that he was asleep. She looked over at the clock and saw that it was 10:00 at night. She then walked over towards Spike, picked him up, and took him to his bed. After she took off Spike's sandals, pants and sweatshirt, she put him in bed and tucked him in.

Then she went out and checked out Nyx and Joshua. They were sleeping in their individual beds. Since they started sleeping in beds the previous year. Twilight quietly stepped in, and kissed their foreheads. After that, she walked out of the room, and headed for her own room, where two guards were standing in front of the door.

"What a day," Twilight said, tiredly. She then yawned. "At least it's over." The then headed behind a room divider, changed from her daily clothing to a night gown, and headed over towards her bed. She unfolded the covers, and got into her bed. She then covered herself up and fell asleep.

The next day, she woke up. She got dressed, and headed into the dining hall, seeing that the cooks had prepared breakfast for Spike, Nyx and Joshua. There were pancakes, eggs and hash browns.

"Morning, Twilight," Spike said.

"Hey, Spike," Twilight said. She then yawned. "Sorry, I guess I'm still a little tired." She then looked over at Joshua and asked, "Is that pimple still bothering you, Josh?"

Joshua reached his hand up to the bump on his forehead and said, "Nah, it's not bothering me. But, I don't think that this pimple cream is helping."

"We'll have to have a talk with Midpoint about that," Twilight said. "But, I'm sure that it'll be fine." Then one of the guards came into the dining room. Twilight then looked over towards the guard and asked, "What is it?"

"Three of the Freedom Fighters are in the throne room," the guard said. "Sonic, Tails and Maria."

"Why are they here?" Twilight asked.

"They're here to see how you all have been handling the changes," the guard said. "Although, they all fell asleep."

"Right," Twilight said. "Because it's the middle of the night back at their time. Since Equestria had came to their world, and this world's sun and moon run on gravity, there's no need to move the sun and the moon." Then Twilight headed for the throne room. When she came in, she saw that Sonic, Tails and Maria were all asleep on the Cutie Map. Tails was drooling all over Griffonstone. Twilight smirked. "Of course."

It's been a few hours since Twilight found Sonic, Tails and Maria sleeping in the throne room. They woke up and were having a talk with Twilight as Spike was cleaning up Tails's drool.

"So, what brings you here in the first place?" Twilight asked.

"Well, we came to see how well you all were adjusting to your changes," Sonic said. "Seems that you all have been getting used to your new forms."

"Well, I'm glad that you came to check on us," Twilight said. "By the way, since you guys have three Chaos Emeralds, what are you going to do with them?"

"Keep them from bad people like Eggman," Sonic said.

"Well, at least this world is interesting," Twilight said. "Especially those blue creatures on the ARK. Nicole, what were those things called again?"

"Artificial Chaos," came Nicole's voice.

"Oh, you saw the Artificial Chaos?" Maria asked.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "They were draining energy from the ARK. And yet, they were based off of some kind of god or something?"

"Oh, yeah," Maria said. "They were based on a creature made of living water. The legend comes from a floating island somewhere on this planet."

"A floating island?!" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, a place called Angel Island," Maria said.

"Perhaps we should see this island for ourselves," Sonic said. "Nicole, you have any locations on a flying island?"

"I do," said Nicole. "I'll set the coordinate into the Spirit of Freedom."

"No way," Sonic said. "I think we should put it into the X-Tornado."

"Very well," Nicole said. "Coordinates set in the X-Tornado."

Later, Sonic, Tails, Maria and Twilight went to Knothole, and got into a jet plane.

The jet plane was known as the X-Tornado. Tails was in the cockpit with Twilight behind him, and in the second cockpit, Maria was sitting in the front seat, and sitting on the wing was Sonic. As they were taking off, Sonic was still on the wing.

Twilight then looked out the window, and called out to Sonic, "You do know that's really dangerous, right?"

"Doesn't bother me," Sonic replied. "I do this all the time when we fly on the X-Tornado."

"It's true," Tails said. "Alright, guys, we're going on a trip." Tails then activated the boosters of the rocket, that's to the power of the blue Chaos Emerald they got from Midpoint.

Meanwhile, on a floating island, an aircraft different from the X-Tornado and the Spirit of Freedom landed in a jungle area of the forest on the island. Out of the aircraft came two Mobians. One a wolf, and one a dingo. These were two of the world's most dangerous bounty hunters, Sleet and Dingo.

"Alright, Dingo," the wolf known as Sleet said. "The boss wants to get the Chaos Emerald must be here on this island. He wants us to get it off the island and deliver it to his base."

"But what about the guardian?" Dingo asked. "Aren't we supposed to watch out for him?

"Oh, don't worry," said Sleet. "If we ever bump into the guardian, the boss says to have the guardian keep his eye out for his 'real' enemy. Sonic the Hedgehog. No doubt he'll be here today."

"Oh, this might be easier than I thought," Dingo said. He then pointed over towards one part of the island, and there was the Altar of the Emeralds, and there, instead of a Chaos Emerald, there was the Master Emerald. "That is one big emerald."

"That must be it," Sleet said. "The Chaos Emerald. Let's go and get it." The two of them then started running towards the altar, but then Sleet hit a line, and then both of the bounty hunters got caught in a net coming from the ground. Both of them yelling in surprise. Then a red echidna jumped out of the bushes, and landed in front of the two hanging bounty hunters, getting ready to punch them.

"You two better have a good explanation for being on my island!" the echidna said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Sleet said, holding out a hand. "You got the wrong guys. We've come here to warn you."

"But I thought we was gonna..." Dingo said, but Sleet elbowed him. "Ow!"

"Listen, we came here to warn you about someone coming here to take your Emerald," Sleet said. "He's a really bad guy. You don't want to mess with him."

"Oh, really," the echidna said, turning his back towards the two bounty hunters. "How do I know I can trust you?"

Sleet then handed the echidna a photo of Sonic, giving an evil look. The echidna gave an angry look towards the picture and said, "This guy'll think twice before trying to take my emerald." He then released the net, making the two bounty hunters fall to the ground.

Later, the X-Tornado came in close and when it was deep enough over the island, the X-Tornado started changing.

The X-Tornado had become the X-Cyclone. When the X-Cyclone landed, the cockpits opened up. Sonic jumped down, Tails flew down, and Twilight flew over to Maria, and carried her down to the ground.

"I didn't think there'd be a flying, solid island," Twilight said. "This is amazing!"

Sonic and Tails shook their heads, smiling at Twilight's comment. Sonic then said, "Are you sure this is where the Artificial Chaos is based off of? This place looks pretty abandoned."

"Trust me," Maria said. "This place isn't abandoned. All we have to do is find the guardian."

"The guardian?" Twilight asked. "The guardian of what?"

"The guardian of the Master Emerald," Maria said. "Legend has it that it has massive power, and its in sync with all seven Chaos Emeralds."

"Massive power," Twilight said. She then widened her eyes. "That's how this island is floating! If the Emerald is removed from where it was..."

"This island would come falling down," Tails said.

"That's right it would!" came an angry voice. The four of them looked towards the source of the voice, and in came the echidna, and he had something on his hands.

"Whoa, who is that?!" Sonic asked, getting in a defensive stance.

"That must be the guardian," Maria asked. "Let's approach him respectively." The four of them slowly walked towards him. Twilight stepped closer to the echidna.

"Hello, there," Twilight said. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, high princess of Equestria. And I am happy to say..."

"I don't care if you're the queen of the races," the echidna said. "You're not getting the Master Emerald!" He then lifted up his right arm, showing the metal claws connected to his glove. "I am Knuckles! The last of the echidnas, and protector of the Master Emerald! I will protect it from anyone who tries to steal it!" He then started running towards Sonic. "Starting with you!" He then tried making the first attack, but Sonic wasn't there when he punched the ground.

Sonic was standing by the tree with a flower in his hand, and he said, "I don't know what's bugging you, but I'm not a thief. None of us are."

"Not from what I heard!" Knuckles said, trying to punch Sonic. Sonic used his spin dash attack and countered Knuckles, making the metal claws fall of his hands. Knuckles recovered, and then he charged at Sonic, who was charging at him. Then the two of them made contact, Sonic was kicking Knuckles's face as he punched Sonic's.

From the Alter of the Emeralds ruins, Sleet and Dingo were standing there, Sleet was looking out with a pair of electronic binoculars. He was smirking when he was watching Sonic and Knuckles fighting each other.

"Looks like the guardian took the bait," Sleet said. "Dingo, load up the Master Emerald. It's time we delivered it to the boss." He then looked towards Dingo, who was trying to lift the Master Emerald, which was at least 8 times bigger than him. "Oh, boy, this is gonna be a long day."

Back over at Sonic, Tails, Maria, Twilight and Knuckles, Sonic and Knuckles were still going at it. Every time Knuckles tried to punch Sonic, Sonic jumped out of the way, making Knuckles knock down a tree.

"STAND STILL!!" Knuckles shouted. He then tried punching Sonic again, but was countered by Sonic's spin dash attack. "OOF!" Knuckles then got up, but then he was lifted into the air by a magenta aura. "What the?!" He looked around and saw the same aura surrounding Twilight's horn. "What are you doing?! Put me down!"

"Not until you explain yourself on why you're attacking us!" Twilight said.

Back in Equestria, Joshua was in the bathroom at the Castle of Friendship, trying to put more pimple cream on the bump on his forehead.

"C'mon, c'mon," Joshua said. "Why isn't this clearing up?" Then there was a knocking on the door. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Starlight!" came the voice of Starlight from the other side of the door.

"Come in," Joshua said. Then the door opened.

"That pimple still bugging you?" Starlight asked. Joshua nodded. "Sunset Shimmer had that problem back in the other dimension. Some people there just squeeze out the juice. Let's squeeze that juice out, after we rub off that cream." Starlight then grabbed a washrag, and started rubbing the pimple on Joshua's forehead. "Alright, this might hurt a little." Starlight then tried squeezing Joshua's pimple, but it wasn't releasing any liquid. "What the heck?"

"What is it, Starlight?" Joshua asked.

"It's... it's solid," Starlight said, her pupils shrinking.

"Solid?" Joshua asked. "What do you mean?"

Starlight then looked up at her horn and got an idea. She then said, "Hold still. I need to check something." Starlight then lit up her horn with her light blue aura. She then leaned her head towards the pimple on Joshua's forehead. Then the pimple started glowing in a white aura, mixing with Starlight's aura. Starlight then gasped, and turned off her horn.

"What? What is it?" Joshua asked.

"You... you mentioned that you got turned into a pony by Sombra, didn't you?" Starlight asked, starting to get worried. Joshua nodded. "It... would seem that your magic... is bringing back the transformation."

"WHAT?!" Joshua shouted.

"We have to tell Twilight about this immediately," Starlight said. She then noticed Joshua's ears, which were starting to get pointy. "Come with me!" Starlight then picked Joshua up, and started running down the hall.

Back on Angel Island, Knuckles was trying to get out of Twilight's magical hold.

"So, you were told by two random Mobians that Sonic here is a thief?" Twilight asked. "He hasn't done anything wrong. He's a hero to both America and Equestria."

"Not from what I heard from the two guys that came here," Knuckles said, angrily. "They told me that you were coming here to steal my Emerald!"

"What two guys?" Tails asked.

"A gray wolf with a cape, and a muscular, orange dingo," Knuckles said.

"Sleet and Dingo?!" Sonic asked. "Those two are villainous bounty hunters!"

"Bounty hunters?!" Knuckles shouted. "No way! They told me not to believe you!"

"They've done horrible crimes," Tails said. "They're on the most wanted list from the FBI and the CIA." He then showed a file of Sleet and Dingo on the Most Wanted list.

Knuckles saw the files in shock, he then got angry and shouted, "THOSE LIARS!!" That made Twilight release her hold on Knuckles, and he started running towards the altar. Twilight, Sonic, Tails and Maria followed him, and they headed over towards the altar. They saw Sleet and Dingo trying to move the Master Emerald from the place where it stands. "HEY!! STAY AWAY FROM THE MASTER EMERALD!!"

Sleet and Dingo looked towards the group running towards them, and Sleet put a hand to his head, sighed and said, "The things we do to try and get the job done." He then pulled out a small remote, pointed it at Dingo, and said, "Make sure they don't come back, Dingo." He then pushed the button, and a beam came from the remote, and Dingo started transforming after the beam hit him. Dingo then got bigger, he grew huge bat wings, the mane of a lion, the legs of a centaur, and the muzzle of a dragon.

"Whoa!" Sonic said. "This is gonna be tough!"

Dingo then charged at the group of heroes, and Sleet then started walking over towards the ship, which was now parked in front of the alter. He then said, "You take care of those pathetic heroes, Dingo. I shall use the ship's tractor beam to get the Emerald."

"OH, NO YOU DON'T!!" Knuckles shouted, running towards Sleet. But then he was grabbed by Dingo.

"Oh, I don't think so," Dingo said. He then punched Knuckles back, making him push down Twilight, Sonic, Tails and Maria. Dingo then laughed at them.

"This guy is getting on my nerves!" Knuckles said.

"How about we call a truce and take these guys down?" Sonic said, holding out his hand.

"Truce," Knuckles said, shaking Sonic's hand. But he didn't let go. Instead, he started spinning around like a red tornado, and then throwing Sonic, who went into a spin dash attack, hitting Dingo, knocking him onto his back.

"Oooooh!" Twilight, Tails and Maria said in unison.

Then the air ship came into the air and released a beam on the Master Emerald. The Master Emerald slowly started floating from the alter.

"NO!!" Knuckles said as the Master Emerald was coming up from its pedestal. Knuckles then started running up the stairs, and he tried to jump up to grab it, but it was too late. The island started falling.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Tails said.

"Are we floating?!" Sonic asked.

Knuckles moved over to the heroes and said, "We're not floating! The island is falling!" Then all five of the heroes started screaming.

The group was falling slower than the island. Twilight then looked up at her horn. She had an idea. She then lit up her horn in a magenta aura, which then the entire island was glowing in the same aura. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Maria went down to the ground. The group looked around.

"Where's Twilight?" Maria asked.

Then the sound of Twilight groaning came to their attention. They looked up, and they saw her flapping her wings and her horn lit up. She was also groaning.

"Get... the Emerald!" Twilight said. "I can't hold this for long!"

"C'mon!" Tails said, running towards the X-Tornado. Sonic, Knuckles and Maria followed. Dingo recovered and started flying towards the airship that he and Sleet came in. Then the Bombay doors opened for Dingo and the Master Emerald to get in.

"Good job, Dingo," Sleet said, holding out his remote to change Dingo back to normal. "Let's deliver this to the boss and see what he can do with it."

The X-Tornado came flying in behind Sleet and Dingo's air ship. Tails was in the cockpit with Maria in the seat behind him. Sonic and Knuckles were both standing on the wings.

"These guys are gonna be sorry for taking the Master Emerald!" Knuckles said.

"We better get onto that ship, quickly!" Sonic said. "Tails, get us an opening!"

Tails then pushed a button on the yoke of the X-Tornado, and some laser fire at the back of the ship. Sonic and Knuckles then jumped through the hole. They saw the Master Emerald.

"We gotta get the Emerald off the ship!" Knuckles said.

"Oh, no you don't!" came Dingo's voice. The two of them saw Dingo coming in from around the Emerald. He then charged at the two, but Knuckles countered him by punching Dingo in the face.

"I don't think so!" Knuckles said.

Back in the X-Tornado, Tails and Maria were watching. Maria then said, "Isn't there anything we can do to help?"

"I can't do anything, but you can," Tails said. "You have the Phoenix Flare! You used it to take down all of the Artificial Chaos among Space Colony ARK. You can stop them."

"Oh, no, I can't," Maria said. "I don't know how I did that. Even if I did, I don't think I'll be able to control it."

"Maria, according to the files, you have a lot of power in you," Tails said. "You just need to believe in yourself." Maria thought about that. She looked over at the fight in the airship.

Maria exhaled and said, "Open the window." Tails then opened the window, Maria undid her seat belt, and stepped out of the cockpit. Tails then flew closer to the hole in the airship. Maria slowly stepped to the nozzle of the X-Tornado. She reached for the hole of the airship, and pulled herself in.

Knuckles noticed her coming in, and said, "Hey, Sonic. That other girl has come in."

Sonic looked over and saw Maria trying to pull herself in. Sonic rushed over towards her, and helped pull her in. Sonic then asked, "What are you doing?"

"Something I haven't wanted to do," Maria said. She then jumped on top of the Master Emerald. Sonic and Knuckles got confused and jump up onto it as well.

"Oh, no you don't!" Dingo said. He then jumped up, but before he could land on them, Maria put her right hand on the Master Emerald.

"Chaos... Control!" Maria said. Then Sonic, Knuckles, Maria and the Master Emerald vanished, and Dingo landed on the floor. Sleet looked behind and got shocked by the disappearance.

"NO!!" Sleet shouted. "Impossible!"

The X-Tornado then fired at the wings and engines of the airship, sending it down into the ocean below. The airship sank, and coming up from the water, Sleet and Dingo were splashing around.

"This is all your fault!" Sleet said.

"Me?!" Dingo argued. "You were the one who ordered me to keep the Emerald from them!"

"Oh, really?" Sleet asked. He then pulled the remote from below the water, aimed it at Dingo, and transformed Dingo into a dingy.

"Hey! No fair!" Dingo's voice came from the dingy. Sleet then got into the dingy, and started rowing away.

"Quit your complaining, Dingo," Sleet said. "The doctor isn't going to be happy when we tell him that the mission was a failure. We must get back to base."

Later, Angel Island was floating back in place. At the Altar of the Emeralds, Knuckles was sitting on top of the Master Emerald, looking down at Twilight, Sonic, Tails and Maria.

"I just want to apologize," Knuckles said. "I shouldn't have misjudged you. I was misinformed by those two bounty hunters. I shouldn't have left my post."

"It's alright, Knucklehead," Sonic said. "Everybody makes mistakes once in a while."

"I can agree with that," Twilight said. "A lot of mistakes can happen. But we always make up for them."

Tails then walked over towards Knuckles, and handed him a small device. Tails then said, "If you need anything, just contact us. We'll come right away if you need anything."

Knuckles took the device and said, "Oh, I'll be sure to call if anything happens." Then Twilight, Sonic, Tails and Maria headed back to the X-Tornado. Then the X-Tornado started heading west.

Just then, there was a beeping coming from the screen in front of Twilight. Twilight then asked, "What's this beeping?"

"We're getting a call," Tails said. "Push the green button on the screen to answer it."

Twilight saw the green button on the screen, pushed it, and Nicole appeared on the screen. Twilight then answered, "Nicole? What is it?"

"I'm here to deliver you a message from Starlight Glimmer," Nicole said on the screen. "It's about Joshua."

"What?! What's wrong with him?!" Twilight asked, very worried.

"It would seem that his magic is turning him back into a pony," Nicole said. "He's in Knothole. You better hurry."

Twilight's eyes got smaller. She then looked over at Tails and said, "Speed up, Tails."

"Way ahead of you, Twilight," Tails said. The X-Tornado then started flying faster towards Knothole.

"Hang on, Joshua," Twilight thought. "Mommy's coming."

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Oracle of Delphius