• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,678 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

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Twilight was walking around her house in Canterlot like usual. She was lately very into magical combat books and adventure books. This was thanks to her older brother sharing her stories of his adventures in combat school. Twilight became very obsessed of these books, to the point that she only talks about combat spells at this point.

This was very unusual for a six year old. But Cadence and her parents let her fantasy go wild. This was normal for a child of her age. However Twilight's obsession grew stronger these last few days. As Shining Armor shared more and more fantastical stories with Twilight. And although Twilight knew that most were most likely fake and only meant to make Twilight entertained with these stories, it didn't change the fact that Twilight also wanted to be a part of such an adventure.

Her desire for adventure became so massive, that Twilight would often sneak into the barracks to watch the guards train. Much to the dismay of the trainer at the training field. However Twilight was often being told to leave, which caused her to sneak back in, a few minutes later.

After her parents were told to keep her on a better lead. As they complained that Twilight's action made her in danger of being attacked. Cadence however reasoned that if they can't keep a single filly safe, that they can't protect a single adult pony. And after lots of debates, Twilight was allowed to come to their training on the grounds that the family Sparkle ensures that she is being guarded.

This prevented Twilight from watching the training whenever she wanted. Which didn't sit well with Twilight. She loved the adventure, the danger and the freedom. So against the wishes of her parents and the guards, Twilight continued to sneak into the training field. Much to the dismay of the trainers.

However the guards had gotten used to Twilight sneaking in. They automatically became more attentive as soon as one of the guards notice her in the area. Even if Twilight hadn't planned to sneak in, they would automatically watch themself. Which gave them more self-awareness and spacial awareness. Princess Celestia had noticed this, and would often smile once she saw that Twilight found another way to sneak into the training field.

This became a cat and mouse type scenario. As the trainers searched for holes to close them, and Twilight would find other holes to sneak passed. In fact Celestia and the head of security watched as Twilight sneaked past hyper alert guards in the middle of the night, like an assassin. And nearly always getting away with it.

It got to the point that Celestia would sometimes question her own security about this obvious safety liability. However it did have several good points. Every time Twilight successfully sneaked passed the guards, they would often find on how she managed to sneak in. On top of that, the night guard became more and more aware that they would have a high chance of an intruder every night. Which made them hyper alert on sounds, movement and oddities.

This caused Twilight to get caught before she made a move. And although the guard sent her to Cadence's room every time she didn't stop trying to sneak in. It was then that Twilight realized that she might have to start using different techniques to enter the training ground. She then successfully got in by posing as a guard. This obviously didn't sit well with Celestia as Twilight used some kind of shape changing magic.

It made Celestia painfully aware on how little the guard has been trained to deal with such kind of intrusion. After Twilight managed to succeed five times, Celestia made a move that would change the future to come. She trained the guard in detecting irregularities in another ponies magic. This meant that shape shifting magic was a really difficult way of sneaking into the castle. And would sneaking in as a changeling close to impossible.

Twilight wasn't one to give up however. It was this day that her attempt went horribly wrong however. Celestia, Cadence and her parent are about to get a shock of the century.

It was night time in Canterlot. Twilight managed to sneak out of the house undetected. Something which had become harder day by day. She ran from street to street while sticking to the alleyways. Sadly for Twilight, it seemed that a guard detected that, and was in hot pursuit.

"Twilight Sparkle! Come back here!" The angry guard shouted.

Twilight gulped as she focused at running away. She then dove inside a room around a corner as soon as she entered the castle. She heard as guard runs past in an attempt to catch up.

"*wheeze* They have gotten so good at finding me lately." Twilight said tired. She looks at the room she is in and sees some books that read 'combat' on it. Curious, Twilight approaches the bookcase and sees a story she has never read before.

It reads "Fairy Tail" and according to the shape that book was in, it looked like it was given a magical protection. Making it a rare and potentially dangerous book. Twilight quickly puts the book in her bag and runs towards the training field. Shining Armor, her brother, was training this evening. And he hadn't shown himself to Twilight after his mission.

So Twilight was very anxious about meeting her brother. But as always, she was more curious about exploring the castle. She then managed to stumble her way into a room with a magic circle on the ground. The magic circle was a portal type circle. And an ancient one at that. It had a weird fire symbol on it, alarmed, Twilight was about to walk away when she realized that the book and the circle had the same symbol.

As the curiosity got the better of Twilight, she decided that casting a spell won't hurt, right? Well she is about to find out. Opening the book released some kind of seal. This seal led to Celestia, which made her realize that somepony opened this book. Without permission.

Celestia was just calmly writing on some paper. These papers went to the captain of the guard. Which Shining Armor was about to become. It was then that she felt the seal break inside the portal room. Alarmed, Celestia rushes down the stairs in an attempt to stop whoever is behind it.

Meanwhile Twilight found the spell inside the book and started to cast. Much to the horror to Celestia. Twilight casted the teleportation spell. A spell that Twilight had never casted before. And without her knowledge, she casted a spell that too much for Twilight.

Celestia in the mean time felt Twilight's magical signature close to the book. It was a teleportation spell. Celestia's eyes went wide in shock as she forgets herself and galloped at top speed towards the room in a last ditch attempt to stop Twilight.

Twilight meanwhile realized that the spell she is casting was too much. However she was unable to stop the spell. As her mana goes out of control and the spell went berserk. Twilight felt as all her magical energy was leaving her body. She felt powerless to stop it. As her hopelessness to stop herself hit Twilight like a train. She attempted to meditate to reduce the damage on her body. Sadly for her, it was too late.

Celestia was about to enter the room, when Twilight's spell activated and a powerful explosion rocks the entirety of Canterlot. Celestia was blasted several kilometers into the mountain as her body smashed through every wall and furniture in her way. The spell then shone like the sun as the heat of the spell melted a part of the castle. Until it suddenly disappeared.

And a final spark of light appeared. Two seconds later, a powerful beam of magic power rips apart a large chunk of Canterlot castle as the beam lit up the sky, blasting off any and all clouds and into the night sky. Until eventually a small sparkle of light came to be. And with that, Twilight is gone.

As Celestia regained her composure and she looks at herself, she sees that she had sustained a lot of injuries. Even with her immortality, she hadn't obtained this much damage since her fight with her sister. She looks at her surroundings, and sees that the explosion had destroyed a large chunk of the castle. Her bedroom tower had fallen over the wall that surrounds Canterlot and into the Everfree forest. The garden that Celestia was in, was a shell of its former self. All the flowers and trees were ripped apart, the statue of herself was disintegrated and the fountain was just gone.

But that is not what caught her attention. She saw as hundreds of ponies lay in pain all over the garden. Staff, outsiders and even guards laid injured in the garden. Realizing the massive scale of the explosion, Celestia sounded the alarm and ordered every guard to rescue and save every pony in sight. She ordered the nobles to open their doors for the injured through telepathy. While she herself was just laying in the garden, injured. She had broken her hind legs and several ribs. But the pain was nothing compared to the sheer damage and injuries, Twilight spell had casted.

"Twilight." Celestia said, "My little pony. Why did you do that?" she questioned.

"Now is not the time. I will find out eventually." Celestia said as she watched the guards in a sheer state of panic grab every injured pony they found. She saw as she smiled that Shining Armor took up his leadership immediately.

He seemed too focused on saving the injured, to feel shocked about the situation. As the rescue teams from across Equestria arrived at Canterlot, outside of the castle, thousands were safe, although they were immensely shocked and even traumatized in some cases. And even the guards from across Equestria arrived at the scene. Every pony across Equestria did their part in assisting the injured. From sending medication to food and equipment. Many rushed to city to assist the medical crews.

It was then that Shining Armor lost a bit of composure as he saw the state that Princess Celestia was in. He quickly scanned Celestia as he searched for her internal injuries. He was shocked to find that whatever rocked the castle, managed to even break the strong bones of an alicorn. He feared for the life of those around him as he quickly order everyone to check the rubble for survivors and told his crew that whatever happened, also injured their princess quite badly.

This put the guard on their hyper alert state as they searched everywhere. They moved every citizen out of the garden and into the emergency hospital. And as soon as they finish that, they approached Celestia.

"Your highness. We believe to have send every injured into the emergency med bay." Shining Armor reported.

"Thank you. Please move me there too. It seems that I can't move my hind legs." Celestia calmly requested.

Shining Armor saluted as he and every other guard moved the alicorn to the royal medical bay. The medic said the she would need to use some powerful ultra healing spells to heal her. But she is fine.

"What happened?" Shining asked.

"A forbidden spell was being cast. Although the caster couldn't have known that as it looks like an ordinary teleportation spell." Celestia stated.

"I see. Who is the unlucky caster?" he asked.

Celestia gulped at that. She remembered that his sister was Twilight. And that she was the caster. Shining Armor noticed Celestia's hesitance and sad face. He immediately feared the worst. And worst it was.

"Your sister. Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said as a small tear was released from her eye.

If Shining was in shock, he didn't show it. "I see. What happened to her?" he asked.

"She managed to teleport under unfavorable circumstances. With her magic drained and the spell going berserk. It exploded. But before she got hit by the explosion, her teleportation was successful." Celestia explained.

"Which means?" Shining asked.

"She is most likely alive. But as the data shows, she will most likely end up with amnesia. And she is also far away from Equestria. That was dimensional spell. She is just gone." Celestia said as her eyes started to tear up.

"Why are you crying?" Shining asked as he sniffed.

"I have no way of returning her. That world's magic interferes with my magic. I cannot return her. Unless she finds her way back herself. She will never return." Celestia finishes.

It was then that Shining Armor broke down. He was both crying as he was practically howling. He was immensely shocked and also practically traumatized. He has lost his little sister.

"I will hold you responsible for her death." Shining said angrily.

"I respect that. She shouldn't have been able to obtain that book. I was sloppy. And she paid the price for it." Celestia admitted.

"But we can grieve later. I still have thousands of ponies to potentially safe. We will talk later about Twilight Sparkle." Shining said as he regains his composure.

"Please and thank you. I will help you where ever I am able." Celestia said.

Surprisingly, no pony died. Twilight was the only one that was missing in action. Her body was never recovered and as soon as her parents heard of it. They wore black for the rest of their lives. Cadence was too shocked to do anything as she became meek and mellow, her ability to rule was all but removed. And Shining Armor would hold Celestia responsible for the disaster and the loss of her sister.

Celestia meanwhile simply prayed that Twilight would be able to find her way back home. As she build a massive statue in the garden, in Twilight's honor. She would stare at this statue every week, while also teaching Trixie to become the element of magic bearer. "Twilight. Please return home." Is something Celestia would say every time she was in front of the statue. In the hopes that Twilight would hear her calls one day.

Author's Note:

And that is the start of Twilight's adventure. For those unaware, she is still a pony in this chapter. The next chapter wouldn't be like that.

I hope you like this start, I tried my hardest. And also I must admit, I am great with actions scenes. I am not great with sad scenes however.