• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

The final adventure part 2

While Twilight and her group made their way across the kingdom of Fiore towards the capital city, aptly named Crocus. Celestia and Discord was making their way towards the space and time communication array which was floating city in space. Which in simple words, was merely a communication array that is used by gods and across dimensions. Nonetheless, after generations of having discovered the spell, they finally made use of it.

As the two of them walked across a bridge made of stars. The massive array was in sight. It looked like some kind of futuristic elevator. That headed into the beyond. And yet this was very much the place to be. It was quiet however, then again the beings that used to live here are long gone. They became one with the stars.

And after a few minutes of walking. They had finally arrived, and just as she was about to press the call button. Someone from the other side called them instead. Much to their confusion. As they let it ring for a few moment, Celestia finally picked it up by pressing the button also used to call another.

"Hello?" she asked confused.

"Ah! You finally picked up. Nice to meet you, Celestia. My name is Eve. I am in charge of spells that cross dimensions. Just as you are in charge of maintaining your sun." Eve said happily.

"Okay... And why are you calling us?"

"Simple. You wish to know more about Twilight's current situation. Correct?"

"And a way to get her back home. Yes." Discord added.

"Ah yes. Discord. Good to see you too." Eve said slightly annoyed.

"Well? How is she?" Celestia asked.

"She is doing perfectly fine. In fact, she is so fine. That she will be returning really soon." Eve said.

"Really?! What do you mean with that exactly?" Celestia asked.

"Twilight Scarlet Vermillion Sparkle is returning home in mere days. You see, she is currently working hard on searching for more information regarding her spell that caused her to wrong warp. After that, she will cast a spell to allow her to go home. For good this time."

Discord smiled, "I see. That is good news."

Eve smiled, "Yes. I can imagine that. Seeing as Time flows similarly in both realms. And yet her body is stuck in time stasis."

"About that, will she be alright? Her body might be in stasis, but neither her soul, magic or mind is. Won't that cause lasting damage?"

"Her mind is going to be fine. Same about her soul. But her magic... that might be a different story." Discord explained.

"Yes. But the god of magic has actually made her body in this world adapt to her new magic pool. So don't worry. She is going to be fine."

"That is good news." Celestia sighed in relieved.

"That being said... is she...?" Discord suddenly asked.

"A god?" Eve replied.

"I was going to say, a titan. But yes is she a god?"

"Yes. Her magic atleast is. She isn't immortal. But she is godlike in magic ability alone. She has gained Yggdrasil magic." Eve replied.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Celestia shouted shocked and stunned at the information given to her.

"Yeah. Crazy right? Those magic orbs were just orb magic, but over time, they transformed into Yggdrasil magic. Or more like, her magic transformed over time into that magic. But she..." Eve said as she began to ramble about all the things that Twilight did that eventually made her magic the way it currently was.

"So... the god of destiny essentially made her overpowered. Why?" Celestia asked as faceplants onto the ground in annoyance.

"Probably because they felt bad. Despite what everyone said, the god of destiny is a good god. She is incredible as she almost never make any mistakes. And any she does make, she takes to heart. However she does not panic. She probably just asked the god of fate what to do. And together they just changed her fate and destiny into one that is a bit more entertaining for both her, and Twilight's sake." Discord explained.

"Exactly. The only difference that makes Twilight the way she is right now. Is the sheer fact, that she is impossible and that she turned herself this way without realizing it. She is an impossible pony. She should not exist. And yet here she is. She can choose her path, without anyone being able to stop her. Including us." Eve stated.

"So now what?" Celestia asked annoyed and worried.

"I suggest waiting a few more days. She should back really soon." Eve suggested.

"Well alright then. Thanks for the talk Eve. We got to get going." Celestia said happily.

"Yeah. I will talk to you later, I guess." Discord said in agreement.

"Mhm. Good talk. Have a pleasant day you two." Eve said as she cut the connection.

"Welp. I suppose we need to wait once more." Celestia said slightly disappointed.

"Eh it's better than the alternative." Discord said as he mentioned the earlier statements.

"You mean, its better to wait than to fight some unknown enemy? I suppose so. But I am still somewhat disappointed."


"Not enough chaos I suppose." Celestia said, much to the confusion to Discord.

"What?" Discord said as he got closer.

Celestia was spooked at it and slightly backed off, "What?"

Discord said nothing as he got closer, his grin all but gone. "You are not Discord. I am Discord god of chaos!" he added soon after.

"And who says you are the only one that likes a little bit of chaos?" Celestia stated with raised eyebrow.

Discord finally had enough as he simply walks off towards the exit. Leaving a confused Celestia in his wake. "What the hell Discord! Come back here!" she in turn shouted as she raced after him, hot in pursuit.

Meanwhile back in Fiore, Twilight and gang has arrived at last at Crocus. And probably for the last time for Twilight. And boy was she going to miss Crocus, despite its flaws. Twilight still thought that this city is the best. Regardless, they had a new tough task to perform. How was Twilight going to touch the crown without pissing the royal family off.

"So now what?" Erza asked.

"We need to somehow touch the crown of the king. Without pissing them off, in the process." Twilight bluntly stated.

"I get that... But how?" Gray asked.

"Well. Perhaps you could leverage your position as ex guildmaster to get an audience with the king." Natsu suggested.

"Not possible. I pissed them once before. I will probably do that again, with such a move."

"Well its your last day in this world. I say go out with a bang!" Natsu said giving a toothy grin.

"It's not that. What if they get angry at the guild?" Twilight noted.

"Don't worry about that. Our guild is very popular. One or two times saving the world will solve those." Lucy stated, "Aye!" Happy added.

"Oh fuck it. If we break anything. I will simply fix it. Lets go. The castle is that direction!" Twilight sighed as they moved towards the castle.

"So how are we going to reach the museum that hold the crown?" Lucy asked.

"As Natsu stated earlier. Go nuts!"

Gray and Erza blinked at that. "You don't mind?"

"Hey. If all else fails. Gramps will have to clean it up. Not me." Twilight dismissed. Lucy deadpanned at that.

"Aye aye boss! Well guys. I am sure its not just me. But I really want to hit something." Natsu said as they were stuck for years inside a time bubble.

Erza sighed, "Well you heard the boss. Lets go."

Gray also sighed, but nodded along. And Lucy decided not to participate with that one. Not wanting to piss the princess off.

And what followed is... a Fairy Tail style break in. Which was exactly as it stated. Natsu and Gray bulldozed wall after wall to get to the museum. Meanwhile Lucy and Erza stopped any form of security guards to stop their destruction. And Twilight simply followed, but did not do any damage. And after what seemed like hours for Twilight, they had finally found the crown... Sitting inside a massive safe. The only way of seeing it, was through a small unprotected window into it.

Well if you could still call it a safe. Since Natsu absolutely demolished the whole safe with a single punch. Causing the alarm to scream. Something the Gray easily took care off, by freezing them shut. Preventing air pressure from reaching the horns and subsequently stopping the alarm. Twilight would have been impressed if it wasn't for one small issue. He only stopped the alarm inside the museum, not throughout the castle.

"Twilight the crown is exposed. Touch it! So we can get out of here!" Lucy shouted over the sound of fighting.

"On it!" Twilight said as she touched the crown. In an instant, a whole heap of memories returned to her. Including a critical piece of information regarding the spell she used. But she shook the headache off, as she had other worries to take care off.

"Memories regained! Now lets get the fuck out of here!" Twilight shouted over the increasing sound of combat.

"We are being overwhelmed!" Gray shouted.

Twilight sighed, as she hovered one of her orb near her. She then casted a single spell. "Blast off!" which resulted in them being lifted into the sky, and shot across the city and out of city limits from a single launch.

"Thanks! That was too close." Lucy said exhausted.

Twilight nodded, as she lifted a different orb and shouted "Global Repairum!" causing a massive magic circle to appear above the city as it proceeded to repair all the previous damage done by her team, along side some minor not-important damage being repaired around the city.

"There. Now, lets get going before they realized where we went. And... slowly make our way to our last destination. By walking there... Even though it is a long distance away." Twilight stated.

"Why walking?" Lucy asked exhausted.

"Gives me some time to think. And seeing as these few days are my last days in this world. I would like to slowly accept my fate."

"Ah. Nostalgia and sorting the new memories, right?" Erza asked, also saddened at the mention.


Erza nodded in understanding, Gray and Natsu also looked rather disappointed. Lucy meanwhile wasn't so... understanding, but that was because she didn't know Twilight as well.

"Are you... leaving?" Lucy asked.

"For good, yes." Twilight responded.

"Where to?"


"Home?" Lucy asked confused.

"Lucy. To tell you the truth. Twilight here isn't supposed to be in this world. She is from another, but was send here against her own will. Now she is reverse engineering the spell that send her here." Erza explained.

"Yes. The due to this, once I complete my spell. Its likely that you will never meet me again. I will go back to the world I belong to." Twilight added.

"Is that why everyone in Magnolia seemed to be preparing something?" Lucy asked.

"Yes. They are preparing Twilight's farewell ceremony." Gray stated.

"And from the look of it, people from outside Magnolia are also arriving to assist." Natsu added. His sensitive nose having smelled some unknown smells

"Yes. The people of Midi are also assisting. Since I helped them for so long."

"I see. It will be a farewell ceremony to not forget. Is it?" Lucy said with a sad smile.

"Aye!" Happy said though slightly less chipper than before.

As the team continued to walk and chat. Back in Crocus the uproar had died down as the king and his daughter looked at the crown, now stuck in a wall.

"What was that all about?!" The king shouted somewhat shocked at the state of his crown.

"Most likely, Twilight Sparkle is finally going home." The princess stated.

"Wait. Does that mean, our repair queen is leaving?" The king asked saddened, while also using one of Twilight's many nicknames.

The princess looked away, though she had always been in strive with Twilight. The two had actually become close buddies during most of her stay. The princess would tell Twilight stories of her own world, and Twilight would teach her some skills regarding repairing magic. "Yes." she finally said, small tears in her eyes at the mention.

The king looked at his daughter and gave her a hopeful smile, before suddenly hugging her. "I am sorry. I know she is a close friend to you. And although she always played hard in favor of her guild, she was merely playing hard to get, wasn't she?"

"Yes. She knew too much. She knew our future, our past in ways that is beyond the skills of a seer. It made it hard for her to make friends, especially ones she knew were going to hurt her guild in the future." The princess said as she hugged back.

"Yes. Sometimes ignorance is bless. Knowing too much can hurt a person too." The king stated, understanding Twilight's troubles to heart.

"Mhm. She... *Hic* She would tell me my own future." The princess started to cry as the situation was starting to sink in, "Tell me my... *Hic* my future actions. Reasons not to make friends, with me."

"But the strong princess despite the shock of knowledge didn't back down. And finally successfully befriended her. Even if it came at a cost that only the princess would know." The king stated, still hugging her now crying daughter.

"She would lose her new best friend." The king's personal guard answered for him, "A friend she knew was going to go home one day. At first she purposely tried to push her away. Only to now face Twilight actually leaving."

The princess began sobbing as she sat on the floor hugging her legs. Her arms too weak to hug her father any longer. "I just wish... I had given Twilight more time to be with me. Now, all I can do is be sad as she leaves." she said in between sobs.

"No. Princess you mustn't be sad about it. Instead you should be happy to have met her at all. How about we make it a festival while also participating with the farewell ceremony from a distance?" Her personal maid suggested as she hugged the princess instead.

"That. Is a good idea." The princess said as she let the last tears fall from her eyes as she slowly gained a more determined look. The suggestion of the maid started to sink in. And a small smile returned on her face.

"Let's build her a statue. And participate by throwing a party at the fact she came to this world to begin with. Even if we might lose the reason why we celebrate. We will celebrate no matter what!" The king practically shouted. As he saw her daughter regain her smile.

The princess nodded, "Everyone prepare our capital city immediately! We need to hold a massive and powerful festival, one that will transcend time and space!"

"Yes! All to celebrate her presence alone." The king shouted as he began to delegate his people into action immediately.

With renewed hope and happiness, the princess began to communicate with Magnolia regarding the farewell ceremony. Though she still had a few tears in her eyes, because no matter what happens next. Her best friend is about to disappear forever.

Meanwhile back with the party, Erza was explaining to Lucy all the adventures Twilight went through. Her powers, her being, the whens and hows. But Twilight was simply watching from the side-lines. A bright smile on her face, when she felt a disturbance from the capital city. Her smile fell for a moment only to brighten only harder a moment later.

"What is it?" Gray asked, not having missed that slight shift in expression.

"My... Best friend is crying. I think the situation finally made her realize what is happening." Twilight said knowing.

"Who, the princess?" Natsu asked.

"Yes. The princess was my best friend. We talked about my past and her future all the time. We were extremely close. I will miss her dearly." Twilight admitted, internally she was sad. But she didn't show that, not right now.

"Even though she tried to push you away?" Gray asked.

Twilight smile softened, "She was hurting. She wanted me to leave, even if she wasn't fully aware of the consequences."

"And now that she finally succeeded. Her actions are sinking in, isn't it?" Natsu said understanding surprisingly well.

"Like the dragons. I will be going somewhere, nobody can follow me." Twilight stated with a nod.

Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Erza's eyes widen at the revelation. "It will be miracle if those gods actually hold on to their side of the deal." Twilight added.

This caused the team to slump. However Twilight's beaming smile never leaved her face. She knew that now wasn't the time to be sad. That time is however fast approaching, but wasn't there yet. So her smile shall not leave until the end will approach.

Twilight then saw their destination in the distance. Only for the team to stop when it suddenly began snowing.

"Snow?" Lucy asked.

"Yes. I nearly forgot. It is winter right now. Is everyone well dressed?" Twilight asked the team. Everyone shook their head, Twilight sighed in response as she summoned some winter clothing that fit the team perfectly.

"Consider it an early Christmas present." Twilight said smiling. Only to inadvertently step on a landmine.

"Right. You aren't going to be there coming Christmas." Erza said as she drooped. The team moral went down as a result.

"Sorry guys. Anyways we have arrived. If I read properly, Erza's home is that one house with a red roof and white lines on the side of it." Twilight said as pointed at it. Her smile fading at the mention of it.

The team nodded and as they approach, out of nowhere, a bunch of demonic enemies appear. They all had a cruel smile on their face as one of the demons of Zeref's book suddenly appeared before them.

"Look who we got here. Some lost fairies." The demon growled.

"Demons?!" Erza shouted, she requiped immediately into her anti-demon armor.

"Hmpf. How boring." Gray said as he prepared his ice-make magic.

"Hey! Leave Erza's hometown alone!" Natsu shouted as he stood ready.

"What Natsu said!" Lucy agreed.

Twilight merely raised her eyebrow as she waited for the demons to make the first move. Twilight was however not planning to assist unless they truly needed it. However she did notice the demon looking at her specifically. Meaning this encounter wasn't a coincidence.

"Demons!" The demon roared. "Attack these dumb fairies. I will take care of this lonely kid!"

In response to the order, all the flying and none-flying demons dived at the team. Meanwhile Twilight simply side-stepped the demon's attacks. Not worried at all. Since she knew, this demon was weak. Even if the demon would hit her, she would not take damage at all.

"Ice make! Shield!" Gray shouted as he blocked the ground demons from approaching Lucy. Lucy in response called upon her Cancer key.

"Cancer!" Cancer shouted as his summon spell finishes.

"Cancer. Cut their arms off!" Lucy shouted.

"Yes!" Cancer moved into position as he struck the approaching demons twice. "Ebi!" he added later as he successfully cut the demons into pieces.

"Great work Lucy!" Natsu shouted, as he jumped over Gray's shield. "Fire Dragon Roar!" he shouted as he blast hot flames over the demons causing them to cry out in pain from the fire.

"Ice make! Birds!" Gray shouted as he blasts a lot of the demons in sky out of the sky.

"Mhm. Time to make my move." Erza said as her weapon turns into a cannon and she proceeds to shoot the rest out of the sky.

"It seems your demon friends aren't as strong as you thought, huh demon of the book of Zeref." Twilight casually stated as she continued to dodge the demon's attacks.

"Fuck. Stand still kid!" He shouted enraged. Twilight then give him a smug smile as she does exactly that. Taking one of the demon's hits head on.

"Gotcha!" The demon shouted pleased. Only for his smile to disappear when Twilight simply took it like it was nothing.

"Is that all you can do?" Twilight said as she raised her eyebrow at the action.

"But... how! How did that do nothing?!" The demon shouted shocked.

"Demon. You... are either really stupid, or you do not understand who I am." Twilight stated casually.

"Hmpf. I couldn't care less." He stated.

"I see... And I also see that he is watching." Twilight said as she looks up. She sees what appears to be a flying orb in the sky. Twilight could feel two magics inside it. Zeref's and Mard's magic. The owner of this magic and a puppet belonging to him.

"Yes. They are investigating you." The demon said with an evil smile.

"Well there is no need. I am already leaving this world soon. We will not meet. I can assure you." Twilight said knowingly.

"How the fuck would you know!?" The demon shouted confused.

"Because I know the future. I cannot see myself being a part of that story. I am like the book of Zeref's puppets. But a puppet of a different book." Twilight stated honestly.

"What the fuck?! Which book?!" The demon shouted shocked.

"No need to shout. A book that I recently destroyed. A book to a world with different magic. A place that nobody but myself belong in." Twilight said as she let one of her orbs out.

"But enough banter. Let me finish this fight." Twilight stated.

"Hah! What can a small kid such as yourself do!?" The demon shouted unimpressed.

Twilight's smile turns evil, "Did you really think Zeref is the only one capable of his magic?"

"Huh?" The demon said as he suddenly felt as if he needed to run far away from her.

"True magic! Destroy Puppet bearing!" she shouted as a powerful spell appeared that instantly erased the demon and his puppet bearing that he is made out off.

"There we go. All done!" Twilight casually stated with a smile. She looked up and saw that the orb had teleported away.

"You are scary!" Lucy admitted slightly stunned.

"Ugh. Its better than to fight that demon unnecessarily." Twilight dismissed.

"Well the threat is gone. Will you touch my old home now?" Erza asked, her voice sounded sad but also nostalgic.

Twilight nodded at Erza as she calmly walked over to the house and touched it. Only to nearly faint as all the memories that were locked, were unlocked at the same time. And I mean everything that was locked, including traumas and bad memories. But also a plethora of good memories. With the highlight being the last few memories before disaster.

"And?" Natsu asked worried.

"Everything... got unlocked. Including traumas and bad memories. Ouch my head hurts from the amount of old memories." Twilight admitted as she held her head in an attempt to stabilize her mind. Only to fail and faint in the end.

"Twilight?!" Erza shouted as grabbed her sister before she could hit the ground from fainting. She carried Twilight for a moment as she touched Twilight's forehead. Only to yelp her hand away at the heat.

"Twilight is going down with a fever! We need to go back as soon as possible!" Erza shouted.

"Alright! Thankfully I called a cab. He should arrive in two minutes." Lucy said with a worried smile.

"Twilight! Stay with me!" Erza shouted in vain. As Twilight is already long gone. Fainted from the sheer scale of her memory. Being overloaded with older memories. Her mind is desperately trying to sort it all. Which resulted in a fever.

'Meanwhile in her head.

As outside her dreamworld the gang attempts to rescue her by moving as fast as possible back to Magnolia. Twilight is currently enduring an out of body experience. She was watching her younger pony self experience the world at face value. From her first adventure book to her first actual adventure. From learning the petty act of stealing and escaping. To sneaking and fighting her first sort of fight.

Twilight was experiencing her memories from the first memory to her latest memory. Until she eventually settled into a large hallway, filled with doors. All leading to several memories of her own. Only to meet a pony, she didn't expect to meet so soon.

"Hello there." Human Twilight said to the alicorn before her.

The alicorn jumped in surprise before slowly turning to take a look at the mystery guest. "Who... are you?" she asked.

"I am pleased to meet you. My name is... Twilight Sparkle Vermillion Scarlet." Twilight said with a small bow.

The alicorn blinked in surprise, before giving a soft smile, "My name is Luna. Princess Luna Moon, the second princess of Equestria and Princess Celestia's sister." Luna introduced.

"I know. Nice to meet you. I must say, I wasn't expecting to meet a pony so soon. But I suppose that is to be expected. Soon I too, will change form and into a pony once more." Twilight said with a smile.

"A filly but yes. I... wasn't expecting to meet you in humanoid form. But it is pleasant nonetheless." Luna admitted.

"That it is... So. Someone else took control of the elements of harmony I take it?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. Trixie Lulamoon."

"I see." Twilight then proceeded to look at the stars that Luna was staring at.

"That being said, why are you here?" Luna asked.

"The overload of memories caused my brain to overload. Thus giving me a fever. Knowing my adoptive sister and her friends, they are probably moving me back to Magnolia post haste." Twilight stated, "Magnolia is home by the way."

"I see. So when will we meet properly?" Luna asked.

"If time is one to one. Then at most a week. I will first have to reverse engineer the spell I used to get here. Then I will bid farewell to my friends. During which they will hold a farewell ceremony as I cast the spell to return home. And if the dimensional winds are quiet, at the minimum a day, and three at most, to pass through the dimensional sphere to get back home." Twilight explained.

"I see. Will your return be a spectacle?" Luna asked.

"I... Don't know. However it is likely that I return at the location that I casted the original spell at. Also important! My magic orbs will follow me back into this world." Twilight warned.

"Understood! I will warn my sister." Luna said smiling.

"Alright. Welp its time to wake up. Meet you on the other side Luna." Twilight said before fading away back into the waking.

Meanwhile Luna smiled as she walked back through a portal to her own world. The world of Equestria.'

Author's Note:

Okay. Next chapter is an important one. Since its the last chapter before the epilogue. Also I will do something rather cruel at the epilogue. But no spoilers. That being said. As you probably noticed if you followed me, you saw that I was writing the prologue of two not-yet submitted books. Its likely that those will be published before... The next arc of this series. Or atleast one of the two. I am not entirely sure yet.

Anyways, sorry for the long wait. With summer and a few other things in-between, I wasn't able to work as hard on this book as I would have liked.