• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Twilight Vermillion

It's been seven days since Twilight had stepped up to be Guild master. During that small time, she chatted with the few remaining guild members to learn what had happened in her absence. She was disappointed to find that another guild attacked her family. While most might address it with anger. In Twilight's eyes, Jose was just someone that needed to understand that his actions held weight. As Twilight could easily understand why someone could buckle under the sheer amount of desire to be strong and powerful.

Since that power could also corrupt him. And although Twilight understood why Gramps did what he did. She feared that this was not enough. In fact, she had a pretty good idea about what was to happen next.

"Those that besiege power with power. Will only find themselves back where they started." Twilight said out loud at the window she was seeing through.

"What?" Macao asked as he looks at Twilight confused.

"I expect that his hatred will now only grow. When cornered, a man will do crazy things to get what he wants." Twilight continued without missing a beat.

"So you expect him to retaliate differently?" Macao asked, still slightly confused. But the more he thought about. The more it made sense.

"Yes. Macao, you might be wondering why I suddenly called you into this office. I have a job for you." Twilight said as she turns to look up at him. Since despite her travelling, she didn't grow an inch. Not that it mattered to Twilight. She was far too busy thinking about other things.

"You want me to spy on him?" Macao asked slightly stunned at the fact.

"No. I need you to find him. I wish to have a little chit-chat with him." Twilight said.

"But what could I bait him with?" Macao asked.

"I have the power to return his magic back to him. All I need is a little favor." Twilight said serious.

"But he attacked our guild hall! Your room! And Lucy!" Macao said as he raised his voice in anger a little. But Twilight neither flinched nor raised an eyebrow at his anger.

"Like gramps probably said himself. It's merely a building. We can rebuild it. Which he did. I like the new upgrades to my room anyhow." Twilight simply stated.

"But Lucy!" Macao said, his voice a lot softer now.

"Exactly. If we don't do something. Lucy will be in danger. Or more specifically, her dad. You see, I expect him to retaliate in a way no normal sane human would do. By attacking the weakest point or the connection with her dad." Twilight said as she raised her voice. Not out of anger, but out of the seriousness of the situation.

"He is... He is... Going to kill him?" Macao asked shocked at the implication.

"Indirectly. Yes. Probably some kind of poison that is almost undetectable. I am certain of this, since he used what you guys described as poisonous fire. If we could cast that type of fire, he must have a deep understanding of both fire magic and poison magic." Twilight explained.

"My god." Macao said stunned in shock at this. But then he shook his head and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"Find him. Alive and well. But be quick, the amount of darkness is growing in him. Soon our enemies will find him faster than you." Twilight said.

"Can I bring in a team with me?" Macao asked hopeful.

"No. I trust you with this. I need him to trust me as well." Twilight said.

"Find him, then what?" Macao asked.

"Send me a message over an orb. And I will teleport to you. Make sure we are alone." Twilight said with a small smile.

"Understood." Macao said as he ran out of the office and guild hall as he ran into the direction of Jose's last known position.

Meanwhile Twilight just simply walked back into the guild hall with a orb in her hands. She placed it on the counter of the guild hall's bar. And took a seat. It has been so long since Twilight had the chance to do that. Though she was now waiting for the good news. However while waiting, she watched some of the new and old guild members do their thing as if the others were simply gone for a small while.

"Guild master!" Ann shouted at Twilight.

"Yes, yes. No need to shout. What is it?" Twilight asked a little annoyed.

"Sorry." Ann drooped a little, before looking back up at Twilight all hyped up, "I think I found another member that wants to you our guild!"

"That is indeed good news. Well, where is this new member?" Twilight asked.

"Oh. Right you can't see her." Ann suddenly said saddened.

"In what form is she?" Twilight asked with a small smile.

"Uh. She named it a phantom form." Ann explained.

"Is that so." Twilight said as she let her Friendship orb hover a little. It then lit up allowing everyone in the hall to see the phantom being.

"Nice to meet you. I am the guild master, Twilight Sparkle. How may I help you?" Twilight calmly asked as she looked at the phantom. Which was slightly stunned that she was visible.

"Uh. If you want, I could introduce you?" Ann offered. However Twilight shook her head at Ann. She allowed the phantom to simply speak up.

"My... My name is Sweetie. I died a few hundred years ago, I think." Sweetie admitted.

"My child. No matter what form you took. It matters little to me. Tell me, what is such a young ghost such as yourself doing in my guild?" Twilight asked. She gave the phantom as small smile to encourage it to speak up.

"I didn't want to join. I need you help." Sweetie admitted.

"I know." Twilight simply stated as she still simply smiled.

"I need someone to find someone for me. Her name is Twilight Sparkle." Sweetie admitted.

"She is in Midi. Why?" Twilight answered.

"No, no. Not her. She is a different Twilight Sparkle. I mean the one from Equestria." Sweetie admitted.

Twilight didn't flinch nor looked surprised. She was still carrying the same smile as before and asked, "Why?"

"Because. Trixie, my sister's best friend. Has been searching for her for awhile now. Ever since she befriended Shining Armor, she has been searching for her. Hoping she would go home early." Sweetie explained.

"Sweetie. If can, then can you please, enter my office. We will talk further there." Twilight simply said.

As Sweetie hovered into it, as she did so, Ann spoke up, "Sorry master. I knew she wasn't going to be a new member. I just needed your help."

"Ann. We are your family. Don't worry. Just ask, and we will assist. Like family." Twilight said as she turned to her, and give her a hug.

"Yeah. I will remember that." Ann said as she smiled and walk back towards the table with her friends.

Before Twilight turned around to meet Sweetie properly. She looked at Wakaba deeply in the eye. And nodded some kind of message at him. Wakaba realized what Twilight said and walked towards her, and stood next to the door. This is to stop anyone from interfering.

Twilight then turned into her office and closed the door. She took a seat behind the desk.

"So you came from Equestria." Twilight stated.

"Yes. However after one hour, I will be pulled back." Sweetie admitted.

"I am sorry. But she isn't going back." Twilight said with a sad smile.

"But why not? Shining Armor is starting to become desperate. While his parents have already given up hope." Sweetie almost shouted.

"Because without her memories. No matter if she knew the spell. She won't be able to go home. It is sadly a condition." Twilight explained.

"That is bull. And you know it!" Sweetie shouted angry.

"Sweetie... Belle. That is a fact." Twilight said as the mere mention of Sweetie's name resurfaced some memories.

At the mention of Sweetie's last name, Sweetie flinched shocked. "How do you know my last name?" she asked stunned.

"I don't know. I do not remember." Twilight admitted.

"Wait..." Sweetie finally put two and two together.

"Yes. I am afraid that I still do not remember. And without the rest of my guild, it will be impossible to recover my memories. But Sweetie Belle. Do not worry. My time will come." Twilight said as all of her magic orbs were floating next to each other. Shining a low dim while buzzing with magic.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Sweetie asked concerned.

"I do not know how to go back myself. But I do know how to return others." Twilight simply answered as her magic orb buzz became louder and louder.

"NO! WAIT!" Sweetie shouted as Twilight's magic held Sweetie in place.

"I am sorry. But I will not go home yet. I still haven't fulfilled my purpose here. And to answer your question. My parents haven't given up hope yet, they are simply awaiting my return. Goodbye, my little pony." Twilight said as her magic buzzed, and she casted a powerful spell, returning Sweetie Belle from where she came.

"Are you serious about what you stated?" Wakaba asked slightly sad.

"Yes. Even though I know how to go back, something prevents me from doing so. My memories need to be returned first or I can never go home. And yes, I did say home. Don't get me wrong, my guild is my family. But so is my pony counterpart family. And they have been waiting for so long. They deserve it for waiting for so long." Twilight admitted. And to her surprised, Wakaba smiled at this.

"I am happy you have finally decided to choose. Though I am a bit sad, that one day, you will be gone. I understand completely. Besides, you might have gone on an adventure in our world. But you have yet to do so, in Equestria." Wakaba admitted happily.

"Does Gramps share your sentiment?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Yes. He is happy to have a grand-daughter such as yourself. But he really does hope, that one day you get to see your own family again." Wakaba admitted.

Twilight closed her eyes and smiled, "I suppose so. Just as my family is currently missing me. I will wait for my current family to return. I can wait an eternity for them. Since without them, I cannot go home. The only one that can, is none other than Lucy Heartfillia." she admitted.

"Why her?" Wakaba asked curious.

"She is the key. Since she is loved by the spirit king and his spirits. She is the only one in existence with the power to allow me to go home. She is the holder of the key for me to go home. All she needs to do, is find my key and de-summon me. Then I can go home. And perhaps, maybe, she could summon me again in the future." Twilight admitted.

"Wait. So you are a golden key?!" Wakaba asked shocked.

Twilight smiled, "Believe me, I am as shocked as you. However, I know I am. Since I can talk directly to the spirit king without the need to go to him and without owning a key with summoning magic." she said.

"Wait! But every golden key represents an constellation. Which one are you?" Wakaba asked stunned.

"Monoceros. The constellation of the unicorn." Twilight simply answered.

"Since you probably were a unicorn when you teleported. Of course! How else could it have been. Where is your key now?" Wakaba asked as he finally understood what this meant.

"Shattered. Only a key owner and it's spirit can find this key. And the only way for it to restore itself, is through regaining my memories. Lucy, her team and myself, will have to go on a grand adventure. To regain my memories, and to gain a powerful ally." Twilight explained.

"Will this allow you to go back and forth at will?" Wakaba asked surprised.

"Technically. However I will only truly appear if my services are truly needed. That is going to be setback. But in exchange, she will gain the world's most powerful magical being in existence. Me!" Twilight stated.

"I see. Which means, you are going to have to wait. And maintain her home, huh?" Wakaba said smiling.

"That I will. That I will." Twilight repeated also smiling.

"But wait! In which form? Unicorn or Human?" Wakaba suddenly asked.

"Unicorn when initially spawned, however I can probably transform at will, when summoned. However after being de-summoned. The key will temporarily shatter. This is the cool-down before she can re-summon me." Twilight explained. Though she is merely stating her expectation. Not because she knows this for a fact. Or maybe something within herself is telling her that. There is currently no way of knowing.

"Huh. That will be unique huh?" Wakaba admitted.

"Yes it will. Now, Wakaba unless you have something else to talk about. I need to fill in some paperwork." Twilight asked dismissive.

"Uh, actually I admitted that I forgot to tell you some stories. Particularly about some new members among the old crew. Particularly about Lisanna, Juvia and Gajeel." Wakaba admitted.

Twilight smiled, "I told Mirajane it. And she luckily believed me. So she owes me a thousand bits." she simply said.

Wakaba blinked, "Anyways, Juvia and Gajeel used to be part of Jose's guild. They joined Fairy tail after the destruction of the guild and-" he tried to explain when Twilight's orb blinked. Twilight face suddenly turned serious.

"We will continue this talk later. I need to go." Twilight said as she grabs her orbs. Requiped into her combat gear and instantly teleported away towards the location of the transmission.

As soon as she teleported, she looked around to regain her bearings. She was in a forest to the east of Hargeon. As she could see some boats, though they looked very far away. As she shook her head, she walked towards the source of the transmission. Only to find signs of a fight. Realizing that this was a desperate transmission, she ran deeper into the forest.

Only to find Macao and Jose in a stalemate fight with a member of the dark guild Grimoire Heart. Someone that was strong, but not as strong as someone like Macao. Yet, from the injuries it was clear that both Jose and Macao were injured, while the dark guild member was not.

"Give him up! Our master Hades would love another member!" The dark guild member shouted while also using an evil laugh.

"Screw you! I already called my guild master. She is on her way here!" Macao shouted.

"Yomazu. That was your name, yes? Tell master Hades that unless he can give my magic back, I shall stay here!" Jose shouted.

This Yomazu was about to answer only for him to faint, thanks to Twilight's sleep spell.

"Twilight!" Macao shouted happily.

"Hmpf. Grimoire Heart, huh. They are nothing but puppets." Twilight said pissed.

"So you are Makarov's cute little daughter. It truly is nice to meet you. My name is Jose Porla. Technically the guild master of Phantom lord. Though they have disbanded sadly." Jose said with a fake politeness.

"It truly is good to meet you. Saint owner, Jose Porla. My name is Twilight Sparkle Vermillion. The current holder of the guild master status, owner of S rank and Saint rank... And recently also S rank mercenary." Twilight introduced.

"My. You must be quite powerful then, no?" Jose said, he tried to mask his fear. Though he failed to do so.

"Yes. Listen up. I have a proposal for you. In exchange that you regain your magic. You will go to Alakitasia and make a new guild there." Twilight proposed.

"Oh? Why all the way due west of Earth land?" Jose asked with surprisingly high amount curiosity.

"Because I expect another attack on Fiore soon. However, by the time it happens. I will be back home. I need someone to tip the king on future invasions. I want that person to be you." Twilight explained.

"I see. What reason do you have to trust me?" Jose asked.

However Twilight carried on without missing a beat, "Of course you will need some funding to start the project. I will send about fifty billion Jewels. And prevent the magic council from taking your Saint status in the process. How about it?" She asked again.

Jose smiled, "Deal." he said as he shook Twilight's hand.

Twilight then smiled, and used some ancient magic to let the magic flow back into Jose. Jose slowly felt his magic returning until it stopped. He then looked confused at Twilight.

"I have given you control over all your powers back. However due to Fairy law's ability, I cannot return your magic power. Which you will have to regain by training yourself once again." Twilight explained.

"I thank you, may your future stand bright." Jose genuinely complimented.

Twilight merely smiled, "And may you not wake up a lion once more." she replied. Before teleporting away.

And back Twilight was in her office. Wakaba hadn't moved from his seat as he waited for Twilight to return.

"As you were saying?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"About Juvia and Gajeel..." Wakaba said and continued his story and explanation*.

Author's Note:

*If you want to know what he is talking about, just watch the damn show!

I was arguing to myself about the whole "Guild Master" thing with Twilight. Like how to continue it. Since my original intention was to create a big fight against Celestia, then make her fall into a seven year long sleep from the fallout.

But I thought that, that felt to go against Celestia's personality. So I made this change. However then I was stuck wondering what to do now. How to continue it and stuff. At first I thought about just skipping seven years. But realized that, that is against my way of writing. (And partially since I read the comments stating their renewed interest in my book)

So now what? Well I have decided to skip time differently. Each chapter for seven chapters straight, will be representing one year. Until the rest of Fairy Tail finally returns. So this is Chapter one from seven that is going to represent one year.

Regardless of my complaining at my own actions, I shall and will complete this book. Just expect a lot longer waiting times than before.

Anyways this will be the "Seven years of Guild master" Arc. (Just a heads up, I might be typing this and saying this. But I am truly curious what I am making now. So I might just eat my own words later on.)