• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

A weird looking gem.

It was the following day, as Twilight was walking towards the cafe she could tell that the city was tense. Clearly the city was aware of what is about to happen. Nonetheless Twilight entered the cafe in a good mood.

"Good morning, miss Death." The bartender said also in a good mood.

"Morning. Now about the plan..." Twilight asked.

"Of course. Let me bring out the map." The bartender said as he runs into the back.

"Please Scarlet. Join us around this table." Shining Armor said behind Twilight.

"Sure thing." Twilight said as she joins Shining Armor and Governor Luna.

"Found the map. Here." The bartender said as he placed it on the table.

"Alright. No need for small chat. Please explain the plan." Twilight said to the point.

"Certainly. My forces are preparing for an invasion from the city. Which means, from the front door of the HQ. I want you to infiltrate the base and open the front door. Do kill anyone in the way, besides slaves and civilians." Shining Armor requested.

"Please be careful. That place is not only swarming with enemies. But also with prisoners and slaves. Our plan is to destroy the HQ and rescue as many prisoners and slaves as possible. While also taking out the boss. DO NOT KILL any prisoners or slaves." Luna ordered.

"Understood. Will do." Twilight said.

"Also I have a lot of men cutting off any source of outside help. We have closed the borders and put the night guard on high alert. At what time shall we strike?" Shining asked.

"As soon as possible. As soon as I got the gate open, I will shoot a flare into the sky using my magic. That is the signal for the invasion." Twilight requested.

"Very well. I wish you the best of luck." Shining Armor said smiling.

"I will be watching you." Luna said before leaving once again.

Twilight exits the cafe and quickly made her way to the HQ. She sees some holes in the wall and climbs through one of them, getting into cover and quickly executing one of the nearest guards then hiding it into the bushes. Before moving on, Twilight decided that killing all the guards in the watch towers might decrease the chance for the invasion to be caught early on. So she did so. Killing each guard as silently as possible. Before hiding the bodies in one way or another.

After all the sneaking, she also found the prisons and a locations with all the slaves. Before sneaking her way back to the front door and killing the second guard that was guarding it. She then shoots the door with her Celestial orb to open it and shoots a flare using the same orb into the sky. As soon as she did so, she could hear a roar and a massive stampede of soldiers making their way to the HQ. And without the tower guards, the entire keep were caught off-guard.

As soon as the fighting began, Twilight directed the soldiers towards area's with the most enemies. While directing Shining Armor and herself to area's with lots of prisoners and slaves. Shining armor started to get the slaves to run away and out of the keep, while instructing Twilight to go and inspect the prisons.

As Twilight entered the Prison. She was nearly cut to bits as one of the swordsman was waiting for her. Twilight then did a roundhouse kick to remove the blade from his hands and shoot him in chest using her magic. Killing him instantly. Twilight then proceeded to open every cage letting the prisoners escape. As Twilight walked deeper and deeper into the prison. She spots a young girl inside the cage designed for the heaviest of criminals.

As Twilight got closer, she spots the girl having bloody hands and holding tight on a weird gemstone. It was orange in color and was in the shape of an apple. Twilight then opened the cage to let her out, but she wasn't budging.

"Hey. I opened the cage. Your free now." Twilight said.

"No. Don't hurt me." The girl said in shaking fear.

"No. I am with the army. I am here to get you out of here." Twilight said, trying to dismiss her fear. But it didn't work. Instead the girl started to shake even more.

Twilight then sighed, before calmly and slowly pick the girl up. Said girl was twice the size of Twilight, by the way. And slowly move her outside. The girl was slightly stunned at the interaction, but said nothing.

"Shining Armor! I found this girl inside of the Max protection prison. She was the only one there." Twilight shouted over the combat.

"Oh! You found her! Good. let's get her back to Luna as soon as possible." Shining Armor said, he was about to grab the girl out of Twilight's hands, yet Twilight for some reason refused to let go.

"Now hold on. Who is this girl anyways?" Twilight asked suspicious.

"Nobody you need to involve with." Shining said disgruntled as he tries and fails to get the girl from Twilight's hands.

"I am afraid that is not how this works. This girl is different somehow. That gemstone... is different, somehow. Who is she?" Twilight asked stubbornly.

Shining Armor sighed, "Fine. Her name is Applejack. She is the element of harmony wielder, the element of honesty." he said. Finally giving up.

"The element of harmony." Twilight said with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that. Princess Luna is the one calling it that." Shining Armor said.

"Hmpf. Do you think you men can do the rest?" Twilight asked.

"Certainly. Why?" Shining Armor asked.

"I will return her to Luna personally. Clearly she has some kind of importance here." Twilight said as she began to walk back to the castle.

"Fine." Shining Armor sighed before joining the fray.

While walking back, Applejack looks up at Twilight. Certain confusion was on her face. Almost as if she was expecting someone else. Then she looks at the blue sky and sighs. "So you name is?" She asked Twilight.

"Scarlet Death is my alias." Twilight said.

"I see. You remind me of someone else. But she can't exist... its simply impossible." Applejack said slightly disappointed.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked curious.

"You see. Shining Armor has a sister. Her name is Twilight Sparkle. But she died protecting him from a fatal strike from Princess Celestia. The one the leads this kingdom and the most corrupted of us all." Applejack explains.

"Is that so?" Twilight asked slightly surprised.

"Mhm. You do look a lot like her. Although you look a lot smaller and cuter I suppose." Applejack said with a small smile.

"My age is deceiving. Although I am this small, I am probably of similar age of yours." Twilight said pouting a little.

"I know. You literally look like carbon copy of Twilight Sparkle. But with some differences I suppose. Your magic feels familiar but different. And Twilight used to use a stick that looked like a horn as magic staff." Applejack explained.

"Is that why you were scared? Thinking you saw a ghost?" Twilight asked curious.

"Eeyup." Applejack said.

"I am sorry. I am going to speak some truth to you then... I am not from this world." Twilight said.

"What?" Applejack asked confused.

"I come from another place. I wasn't supposed to be here. But due to circumstances, here I am. When you say carbon copy, you weren't wrong probably. Although I do not remember my past. I am probably Twilight Sparkle from another world." Twilight admitted.

"Is that so?! Wow. Twilight did always say that other dimensions exists. But I never believed her. God, I should have listened." Applejack said disappointed in herself.

"However due to my circumstances, I have amnesia. But if Twilight from this world was here, something tells me, she would do the same." Twilight said smiling.

"Do what?" Applejack asked.

"Saving your asses. That is what." Twilight gave Applejack a toothy grin.

Applejack then laughed loudly at the mention. "I guess." she said as she removed a tear.

"Alright we are almost back at the castle. And that is probably where my paths will split. Lots of other people need help. And maybe, just maybe, the Twilight Sparkle from this world might still be alive." Twilight said hopeful.

"I sure hope so. I guess I will leave it in your hands..." Applejack said.

"Twilight Scarlet." Twilight introduced once more.

"Miss Scarlet." Applejack finished. Just as they had arrived at the castle doors.

Twilight opens the door with her magic and placed Applejack on one of the couches. Just as Luna enters the room. As soon as she did, her eyes widen as she rushed to Applejack's side. And after asking lots of questions and concerns, she looks at Twilight.

"Miss Death. If you find the others of the Elements of Harmony, please sent them here. I will protect them, and heal them." Luna requested.

"Understood. I will also begin my search for a certain Twilight Sparkle. Something tells me, that she isn't dead yet." Twilight said.

"Why do you think so?" Luna asked.

"Hm. I suppose that is something you will never understand. However, even if I fail at finding her. I will do my best to atleast try and locate her body." Twilight offered,

"If you do, I will be eternally in your debt." Luna said grateful.

"Sure thing. But I suppose that means my job here is done. Correct?" Twilight asked.

"It is. I saw you taking out a lot of enemies already. Shining Armor will be fine." Luna said as she stood up and grabbed a bag of jewels.

"One trillion jewels plus a fifty million bonus for safely getting our VIP out. Here is the bag." Luna said as she gave it to Twilight. Twilight then moved the bag to a pocket dimension.

"Please doing business with you. So about the elements of harmony job..." Twilight asked.

"I am unable to pay you for it sadly. However, I can ensure that the magic council gets permission to build an secondary Magic council HQ building on our lands." Luna offered.

"Deal." Twilight said, "Now, where to next..." she added.

"I know. There is a small village due north of here. Called Cherry town. They are having issues with bandits and corruption. Perhaps they could use some help." Applejack offered.

"Yes. And it is the last known location of the element of loyalty." Luna added.

"I see. Welp, time to taste some cherries." Twilight as she started to walk towards the door only to be stopped by Applejack.

"Listen. The last I heard of Rainbow Dash was that he had fallen into the corruption. You might want to get rid of the corruption first. Something tells me that the bandits aren't bandits, but rather citizens of Cherry town that have fallen into the corruption. Find the cause of the corruption might speed everything else up as well. Just a fair warning." Applejack said.

"Is Rainbow Dash the element of Loyalty?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. However I don't remember the rest. Something tells me that princess Celestia has erased parts of our memory in an attempt to stop us in our tracks." Applejack stated worried.

"It is possible." Luna said in the background.

"Very well. I will see what I can do. Is there any bounty hunter cafes in that area?" Twilight asked.

"They are too corrupted." Luna said.

"Understood. First things first, the corruption. Then we can talk about anything else." Twilight stated.

"Exactly. Good luck." Luna and Applejack wished at the same time.

"Thanks." Twilight before opening the door and heading outside. She then proceeded to walk to the nearest taxi station and rented a pig carriage and instructed it to go to Cherry Town. As she headed inside, the carriage took off. Twilight waved to Luna and Applejack before fully departing. Twilight was now en-route to Cherry town.

Meanwhile inside Celestia's castle,

"Your highness. We have terrible news." Celestia's secretary stated worried.

"What is it?" Celestia said while sipping on some red wine.

"Canterlot has been liberated and the Element of Honesty has been freed." The secretary stated.

"Hm... Who was it?" Celestia asked, her voice venomous and hostile.

"We don't know. She goes by the name Scarlet Death and is a bounty hunter. Her rank is S tier. Reports states that she looks a lot like Twilight Sparkle." As soon as Twilight's name was mentioned, Celestia threw her glass into the wall.

"Looks?" Celestia asked after a moment of calming herself down.

"Yes. We are one hundred percent positive that it isn't her however. The magic type is far too different. And the way she does things are far too deadly." The secretary stated after she jumps to the side to dodge the wine glass. He looked scared.

"Hm... Watch her for now." Celestia stated.

"Understood. Permission to leave?" The secretary asked.

"Granted." Celestia said before turning to the window.

'A Twilight like duplicate. Huh. Things were starting to get a bit boring I suppose. Let's see what she is capable of.' Celestia thought as she grabbed a new wine glass and poured herself some red wine into it. She took a sip and smile and at the whole taste of the drink.

Author's Note:

Using some Assassin's Creed as inspiration for this chapter.
Also the was one of the six elements of harmony users found.
five more to go.
Rainbow Dash + Element of Loyalty = not found
??? + Element of Generosity = not found
??? + Element of Kindness = not found
??? + Element of Laughter = not found
??? + Element of Friendship = not found
Applejack + Element of Honesty = found and saved.