• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,805 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Trekking in the Himalayas Pt. 3

Previously on Power Rangers...

"If it's not too much trouble. What happened?" asked Twilight as she pulled out a notebook from her backpack and a pen.

"Years and years ago, our ancestors did battle with a great evil. They were able to able to defeat the darkness so in honor of that victory. They created a special jewel. One that was blessed by our gods. It was filled with light, warmth, and hope. So long as it reigned in our village, it would ward off any evil that dare step foot in our home. And it would protect us. But... over two centuries ago... the jewel was stolen."

"A group of settlers raided our village, and during the conflict, they managed to find the jewel and run off with it. The thieves ran with our ancestral fighters in pursuit. They chased them to the temple nearby as the sky began to grow gray. Seconds later rain and storm clouds poured as both sides climbed the stairs and entered the temple."

"What happened next?" said Twilight.

"From the ones that were told to stay behind, they could only describe it as a flash of light appeared. Soon they climbed the stairs and entered the temple's main room. There was no more there, simple the jewel. They began to reach for it when the statues nearby began to glow. Their eyes are as red as the blood that flows through us. Soon they felt some strange force pushing them against their will."

"They were pushed as the statues moved from their pedestals, and the jewel floated into the air. Since then, every single person who has entered the temple has never been seen again. Yet, before they were left, they heard a saying. It spoke that only when the challenge has been complete, can the jewel be set free and returned to its rightful owner. So as you can see, my family for generations and generations have tried to overcome the challenge. But everyone who has set foot in the temple has never been seen again." said the village chief as he finished his tale.

"Well, as I said, just before you lot came. We were approached by some monsters. They said they were looking for something. They didn't say much, but that it was a bear."

"Uh-oh," said Twilight as she looked at Ash. The boy knew who the chief was talking about.

"I told them of a creature that had been recently roaming our hunting grounds. Most of the men say it resembles a bear, but yet none of our weapons seem to damage it. They were able to track it to where it lives." The village chief then pulled out a map as it showed the location of the creature's home.

"Looks like we got our target," whispered Ash to Twilight.

"I will say the same thing to you as I did those monsters. The only way I'll help and give the map, is to whoever can return the jewel to our village."

In a different part of the landscape, there laid a temple. Based on its design, it seemed to have been built by people during the dawn of time. Throughout the years of erosion and time left an effect on the structure, it still stood its mighty ground. Bits of moss were shown growing as it added more color and camouflage to the temple.

"I can't believe we're doing this shit!" stated Rainbow.

"In case you forgot, Dash! We need that map to stop those mutants from gettin' the zord, first!" assured Applejack.

He then approached them and he put his hand out. The girls did the same as they put theirs on top of their leader.

"Power Rangers..." started Ash.

"Fear no danger!" said the group as they broke.

"So we're here. Where's this impossible challenge or the jewel for that matter?" asked Rainbow as she approached one of the statues that were present.

"The chief said the jewel will only appear once the challenge has been completed," said Sunset as she approached another statue.

"Harmony Yellow!"

"Harmony Red!"

"Harmony Blue!"

"Harmony Green!"

"Harmony Purple!"

"Harmony Guardian Power Rangers!" shouted all five.

"Nothing we do affects them!" shouted Applejack as a huge boulder was thrown.

"Fire melts metal!" shouted Ash. A water geyser was shot at him as the boy rolled away from the attack and faced the water statue.

"Water quenches fire!" shouted the yellow ranger.

"Earth swallows water!"

"Wind scatters earth!"

"And I shall quell the wind!"

Ash then began to spin in place with his blade out as the speed and momentum were creating his own mini tornado. The wind statue put its staff out to try to control it but soon it was sucked into the swirling vortex as it all surrounded the boy's blade. The girls were seeing this as they could feel the giant breeze that blew over. Ash once more tapped into his topaz's power as he then brought his blade down on the floor. A giant hurricane came out as it blew wind in all directions. The girls felt it as they were sitting up and got into the air. Applejack found a good grip as the others grabbed each other's hands to avoid flying away. In the middle was Ash as he grunted, concentrating on his gem and boosting it to full power. Moments later, all of the wind died down.

The girls then fell on top of each other as they demorphed. They let out some pains and grunts as they rubbed themselves where the pain was. They all got up and quickly made their way to where their leader was. Ash was on a knee with his sword in hand touching the spot where it made contact with the ground.

"Is this?" said the lavender girl holding the shiny rock up for all to see.

"After many years, it has been returned," said the chief as he held the jewel.

"You have your jewel, now... we kept our end of the bargain," said Ash.

"Of course," said the village chief.

He then had one of the villagers appear. He handed the chief the rolled-up piece of parchment. He then gave it to the boy as he unfurled it as the girls looked over his shoulder. The map showed their location as well as the mountain range near them.

The teens followed Ash as they disappeared into the forest and came to a dirt track. With the map in hand and the location of the bear zord, our heroes were this closer to retrieving the lost zord before the Dark Lords. They had walked a few meters when suddenly there was an explosion that caught all of them off guard as they fell to the floor. The rangers all looked to see what happened as standing there were two individuals who had set up an ambush for our heroes.

"Hello, Rangers!" said Pharynx as he and his brother appeared along with some minions.

"Now then... we'll take the scroll," threatened Thorax.

"Hand it over, Ash!" said Pharynx.

The two brothers had some of their minions behind them as they were ready to lunge. The rangers all got back to their feet as they stared at the monsters in front of them. They glanced a look between each other as they knew what to do. They put their bags aside as Ash put the map inside.

"Get that map!" ordered Thorax.

The minions heard the command and charged.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted the teens as they ran forward and transformed into their suits.

"Harmony Sabers!" they said as they flipped forward and had their weapons out as they were in smaller circles taking out the minions.

Ash was dodging and ducking under the minions while slashing at them. He then ran forward as two minions were attempting a high and low attack at once. The boy countered by doing a standing backflip as he timed it expertly to avoid the attacks on both ends. He then did a backspin kick as he took them out. He then did a corkscrew as he dodged some more attacks.

Applejack was using her strength to punch some of the trees. It created some logs as the girl threw them at her foes as they went down. She then planted herself on all fours as she charged forward like her animal as the minions were flattened by the farm girl. She stood up and without looking lifted her arm to block an attack as she activated her ability to make her skin harden. She looked at her target as a bead of sweat was shown as the minion was scared of the girl. She then grabbed the monster and lifted it above her head. She then brought it down onto her knee as she broke the back of the monster as it disappeared.

Rainbow was using her superspeed to zoom by her foes as she was punching them back and forth in a cycle. She came to a stop as she then raced up a tree that was leaned over. She reached the top using her speed and then leaped off as she activated the wings on her suit. She soared above and then did a spin strike as she took out her section of foes.

"Owl darts!" shouted Twilight as she pulled out the small things from her belt and threw them.

The tiny things made contact with the minions as small explosions occurred. The lavender girl had a smile through her helmet as she then pulled out her shield. She was blocking the punches by the minions before kicking and punching them in retaliation. A few of them pointed their weapons at the girl as she put her defense up as it protected her. Twilight then leaped into the air to spin as she threw her shield. The thing bounced off the trees as it ricocheted between the foes and trees before it returned as Twilight held her hand out and caught her weapon.

Sunset was using the new moves she learned from Ash as she was taking out the minions with ease. One of them got a hold of her as they lifted her by her waist. Another grabbed a hold of her legs as the girl countered by rolling to the side and dragging them off of her. Another looked to kick the girl as she backflipped into the air. She pulled out her wings in midair as she was now floating into the tree branches. The girl then pulled out her blaster, and she began to snipe the monsters as they all fell.

One of the minions was flung to where Ash's bag was as he noticed it and grabbed it. He was trying to run away when he was stopped by the yellow ranger as he slashed at him with his saber. The boy then was attacked by Thorax and Pharynx as the two brothers were looking to take out their foe.

"Dash!" shouted Ash as he spun and tossed the backpack to the girl.

"On it!"

Rainbow had finished off the last of her section as she ran using her speed. She slowed down and was under the bag when she was slammed away by Pharynx.

"Mine!" shouted the mutant.

"Nah, partner!" shouted Applejack.

The girl touched her belt as a lasso came out for her to use. She swung the thing up high and then tossed it. The rope wrapped around the general as the farm girl gave a tug and yanked the monster away from the bag as it hit the ground.

Pharynx fell to his knees as he saw the green ranger holding him in place. He merely smirked as he let out a grunt and broke his hold and then grabbed the long strand of the rope as he pulled on it to get Aj to move a bit before digging her feet.

"You wanna a test of strength, girl?" mocked Pharynx.

"Bring it!" shouted Applejack.

Both her and Pharynx were now engaged in a tug of war with the rope as each was trying to pull the other off their feet. The green ranger was tapping into her gem and using her ability to stand her ground. Pharynx knew that the girl was using her super strength as he was having some difficulty dragging her along the dirt. The monster then put his other hand in front of the other as he began to pull as Aj was now starting to move. He then did it more as Applejack was slowly losing this tug of war. The farm girl yelled as she lifted her foot and stomped it into the dirt as she held her position. Now she yanked on the rope as she was starting to make the general move.

Both of them then had the same thought. They let go of the rope and pulled themselves in. They brought their right arm up as each looked to punch the other using the momentum they obtained during their tug of war. Both hit dead-on as they made contact with the chest of the other. A small explosion and earthquake occurred. Applejack then stumbled back and fell to her knees as she brought both of her arms to cover her chest.

"Shit!!" said the girl as she felt the effect of Pharynx's gauntlets hitting her.

Pharynx was hit as he dragged along the dirt before stopping. He looked at his midsection as he could see a dent was made in his armor. Despite wanting to destroy his foes, he did admit that Applejack was able to stand toe to toe with him in a test of strength and not hold back when it came to her punching him. All of it gave the mutant admiration and respect to the farm girl for not being afraid of getting down and dirty.

"Not bad, girl," chuckled the general.

He then clashed his gauntlets together before slamming them down on the ground. It created a shockwave attack that was heading to Aj as the girl couldn't defend herself. She fell back as an explosion effect occurred as she yelled. Pharynx then turned to where the backpack was and was about to grab it.

"Too slow!" shouted Rainbow as she zoomed by and grabbed the bag before Pharynx could.

"We'll see about that," smiled Thorax.

The general now pulled out his weapon. Small daggers were shown between his fingers as he watched the blue ranger zipping away. The monster calmed his breath as tossed the small knives. They were sent sailing as Rainbow noticed them out of the corner of her eye as they landed on the ground in front of her as a thunder explosion went off as she was knocked back. The bag once more was sent flying as it landed elsewhere.

Rainbow got to her feet as she turned to see Thorax. The scientist stood there as more daggers appeared in between his fingers. The chromatic girl wasted no time in running forward. Thorax tossed his daggers as he spun back a few feet. Rainbow was zipping and zagging to dodge them as she got up close and personal with the general. She was now throwing fists as Thorax was now moving his head and backing up as he dodged them with ease.

"What's the matter?" taunted Thorax with the smuggest of smiles as he was keeping up with Rainbow's speed of throwing her punches. "I thought you were fast?!!"

"Shut up!" shouted Rainbow.

"What's the matter?!!" taunted Thorax more as that phrase was getting on the girl's nerves for not landing a hit.

Thorax kept evading as he saw his window. He leaned back from the latest attack and then thrust his fist out as it hit the girl in the chest and flung her back. He then leaped into the air. Thorax raised his arms in an X as he then brought them down to launch the knives.

"Worm!!!" shouted Thorax as he launched his attack.

Rainbow saw the attack but was too slow. The daggers hit her as electricity flowed through her body. It then turned into another explosion as the girl yelled and fell to the ground.

Thorax landed as he saw the blue ranger on the floor squirming in pain. He made more daggers appear in his hand as he looked to finish the girl off. He took a few steps forward when some shots were fired as they went off around the general creating a smokescreen. He covered his eyes to avoid being blinded by the bright sparks that went off as he was unaware of the object heading towards him. Just as it was about to hit the general in the head, he put his arm out as he caught it. Without looking and being distracted by the smoke, the mutant detected the danger. He then emerged from the smoke with his eyes open. Thorax then looked at the thing he caught as it was a shield.

Standing a few meters away was Twilight. The bookworm noticed her friend was in danger as she rushed to aid her. She was hoping that her calculated plan would work, but it seemed that failed. Thorax looked at the shield and then at the purple ranger as he smiled.

"Trying to attack while your enemy is blinded. Effective strategy. If your opponent can't see, that gives you a small window to strike. You're a smart one." said Thorax as he tossed the shield.

Twilight grabbed it as she brought it back to her arm.

"I'm impressed. Ash found someone who is smart well before the sapphire gem increased its user's knowledge. But then again, you're already smart. So that power is useless to you."

"Don't remind," said Twilight as she hated that she got the short end of the stick when it came to the animals they had and the powers they related to.

"Well, not necessarily. See, there is one other thing the gem could have given you," blurted out Thorax as he knew a thing or two about the stones.

"Wait, what?!" said Twilight as she was distracted by that fact.

"Oops," snickered Thorax.

He then threw his daggers as they were in a straight line behind one another. They produced pillars of thunder as they rushed forward to Twilight at high speeds. The girl couldn't defend herself as she yelled and fell back.

"Fool the mind and the battle is yours," said Thorax as he managed to outwit the nerdy girl.

Pharynx had located the bag as he had his mutant arm out. He then felt some heat as an arrow of red light appeared seconds before him and erupted into flames as the mutant reeled back his arm and waved it off. He looked up into the trees above as there was Sunset who had her bow out. The girl then began to pull back in rapid session as the general put his arms together as his gauntlets deflected the arrows of light. Sunset then pulled back the string once more as the girl tapped into her gem's power. A red arrow appeared as she released it, this one now turned into a flaming one as the red ranger used her phoenix's ability to make it aflame. It made contact with Pharynx and his gauntlets as the mutant was pushed back a good distance as he fell to a knee.

Sunset was about to get the bag when the tree she was in started to shake. Thorax appeared as he ran and threw his tiny daggers at the bacon-haired girl. Sunset then began to pull back her bow as she was using her arrows to intercept the knives thrown by the mutant. However, she couldn't keep up with the general's speed as she only got a small handful before they hit her and the tree. The red ranger now fell and tumbled onto the ground as she was in pain.

Both brothers stood as there were the girls all on the floor as they were still struggling to move.

"Thanks for the gift, rangers," said Thorax as he had the backpack in his hand.

"Now, to give something in exchange," said Pharynx.

Both generals began to walk toward the fallen girls as they saw them. They were backing up a bit as the brothers looked to combine their powers to eliminate the girls. At that moment, they sense something. A yellow mirage-like wolf came at them as it howled. Pharynx reeled back and thrust out a punch as it made contact with the spirit as both powers were at a standstill. Thorax then leaped above his brother and he tossed his daggers out to hit the wolf. Tt soon disappeared as both managed to fend it off.

"Topaz Slash!"

Ash appeared behind his animal spirit in the air. He had his sword out as his gem powered it up. The boy had managed to catch both mutant brothers off guard as he did a diagonal slash. Both felt the attack and tumbled as the bag Thorax had was tossed in the air. Ash grabbed it before landing near the girls.

"Rainbow!!" shouted the boy.

The girl nodded as she got up and ran. She was running around the group in a circle as a rainbow tornado formed. Thorax and Pharynx had gotten to their knees and were about to launch their attack when the tornado died down and the rangers were no longer there. They grunted as they soon teleported away.

The rangers were now miles away as they were in another part of the area. Their suits were deactivated as they had taken a lot of punishment. The girls slumped to their knees as Ash was still standing.

"You think... they're gonna find us?" asked Twilight breathing hard.

"I doubt it. While we may be weakened, they are as well. So for now, we have some time before they set out to look for us." said Ash as he began to walk forward.

"Great, cause... I need some rest after the ass-whipping I took," said Rainbow as she leaned back to crack her muscles.

"What now?" asked Sunset as she got up and placed a hand to lean against a stump.

"We rest. Over here," said the boy as he signaled for the girls.

They saw their leader as he was standing in front of a cave. They each grabbed their backpacks as they headed to where Ash was.

"We're not going in there, are we?" asked Applejack.

"It's the best place. Especially cause it's about to rain," said Ash.

The girls raised an eyebrow at that statement. Soon the sound of thunder was heard as water began to fall as it hit the girls. They all looked up and saw grey clouds rolling in within seconds. Lightning flashed as that served as the signal to rush in to stay dry. They all stood in the dark as soon there was light produced by Ash pulling out a flashlight.

Given how hard it was raining, the group knew they were going to be here for a while. Ash now set his bag down again as he began to build them a fire. Once that was done, the girls all pulled out the medkit to start treating some of the bruises they got when battling against Thorax and Pharynx. The boy was now working with Applejack on making some food for them to eat. During the meal cooking, Sunset had grabbed the map and placed it on the ground as Twilight also looked at it.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell where we teleported to," said Twilight as the area she noticed when they landed didn't match anything on the map.

"And no use trying stepping out in this weather," said Sunset.

"Then all we can do is wait for the storm to pass," said Ash as he shook the pan to get the vegetables to be thoroughly cooked. "How are you holding up, Aj?"

"It'll take more than a punch to keep me down," said the girl as she still felt a bit sore at getting hit by Pharynx's gauntlets.

Once dinner was made, the team of rangers began to eat as Ash was looking at the map. Eventually, each of the rangers reached into their backpacks and pulled out their colored shapes. They each inputted a code as their shapes turned into their zords in their pet forms. The small animals each appeared by their owners to give them company. Sunset's phoenix opened its mouth to produce some more flames to the fire they had the warmth of the cave increased as everyone gave a relaxing sigh.

The group of rangers was able to pass the time by telling some stories. When it got to Twilight, the girl was ecstatic as she stood before the fire and prepared to let the chills out.

"This story is called The Legend of the Headless Horse..."

The thunder crashed, putting the girls and their zords on edge. The boy did his best to keep a calm face.

"It was a dark and stormy night, just like this one," Twilight began. "And four people were having a slumber party."

Another lightning flash appeared, displaying the howling rain and the outside of the cave. By then, Ash sat frozen as the girls all rushed to hold onto him. Rainbow hugged him from the left, while Applejack was on his right, and Sunset was behind their leader with her arms wrapped around his neck. Even the girls' zords were scared as they hid behind Ash's wolf for protection. Twilight was just near the end of her ghost story.

"... And just when the last person thought she was safe..." Twilight continued in a low voice. "There, standing right behind her, just inches away was - The Headless Horse!"

A gasp escaped from the girls in complete unison before another thundering crash sent them screaming as Twilight's owl made a terrifying screech sound as its eyes appeared in the dark behind them. The three girls held the boy in terror as Ash could feel them digging their nails into his skin. Twilight merely smiled as her owl emerged from the dark and landed next to her as it gave a hoot.

"Looks we're finally working as a team," smiled the bookworm to her zord as for once, they were on the same page.

The girls calmed down as they felt their heartbeats slowing down. They soon heard some grunts as they looked and realized they were all holding each other... specifically holding onto Ash. They did notice the muscles that were on the boy's body as they couldn't help but turn red at how they felt.

"Get the hell off of me!!" shouted Ash as their nails were still digging into his skin.

"Sorry!!" said all three girls as they let go of their leader.

They roughly pulled away and sent him rolling backward on the floor. His wolf came up to his face as it began to lick its owner's face.

"You weren't scared, Ash?" asked Twilight.

"Kinda hard to be scared when I'm feeling pain and having three girls all up on me," glared the boy to his comrades as they couldn't help but turn red while looking away.

Soon the time came for everyone to get some sleep. The rangers pulled out their sleeping bags as they all lay around the fire. Ash had told the girls he would be up a bit to keep watch as the girls nodded. The boy had his wolf pup in his lap as he poked at the fire with a stick. A while passed as the yellow ranger decided to tuck in for the night. His wolf also yawned as Ash got into his sleeping bag and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, in the rangers' command center, Rachel was doing some work while the teens were out retrieving the bear zord. Before Ash and the girls left, the boy had given the A.I. the task of searching the Morphin' Grid for any other signs of zords popping up or the other thing the pair was looking for. While the A.I. was doing that, she came across a locked archive of sorts. It took a while, but she was able to crack it open as it was filled with more ranger history and facts from the different teams that Ash had been studying up on in his free time. She began a full download for future reference as the A.I. came across something. She accessed it as she was unaware that she was contacting someone or something.

"Hello? Who's calling?" said a voice.

"Who are you?" asked the female A.I.

"My name is..."

The morning came as the sounds of birds chirping were heard. Rainbow had opened her eyes as she sat up and stretched her limbs. Her zord had returned to its shape as it lay on the floor. She grabbed it as her nose then smelled something.

"Told she'd be last to wake up," said Sunset as the others were already up.

They were currently eating the breakfast that Applejack and Ash made. Seems Sunset had predicted that their chromatic friend would be the last one to wake up. And the bacon-haired girl was right.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up?!" asked the girl.

"Cause we didn't want to disturb you. Also, 'cause we enjoyed you snoring," chuckled Twilight as the others all tried to hold back their laugh.

"And you didn't leave anything for me?" whined the girl as she got out of her sleeping bag.

"Simmer down, Sally. We saved you a plate," said Aj as she handed the food to her friend and rival.

"Eat up and then we're heading out," instructed Ash as he was packing up their stuff.

Soon the whole team was ready to leave the cave. They were all prepared as they slung their backpacks over their shoulders. The team was about to leave when Applejack fell to a knee.

"You okay, Aj?" asked Rainbow.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just... still a bit sore from the punch I received from Pharynx," said the farm girl as she clutched her side.

"You sure you can walk?" asked Twilight.

"Don't worry... I can," said the girl trying to take a step but soon fell back to a knee.

"That answers that question. You just need a bit more time to rest," said Sunset.

"But we gotta move now! For all we know, they could already have the zord," said Dash as she was stressing the fact that they were running out of time.

"I got an idea. Put her on my back, I'll carry her," said Ash.

The boy bent his knees as Twilight and Sunset helped their friend over to their leader. They helped her onto Ash's back as he had his hands under her thighs and stood up as he held his teammate.

"Thanks, sugarcube."


"Just keeps those hands where I can see them, alright?" said the country gal letting her friend know not to try anything funny.

"What does that mean?" asked Ash as he was completely clueless about what Applejack as the others chuckled at how dense he was.

"Come on! Let's move!" shouted Rainbow as she exited the cave.

They were welcomed to the rays of the sun as it shined on their faces. The glistening of raindrops that were on the nearby plants was shown. Twilight had taken the map from Ash when they helped their friend onto his back as she unfurled it. They were still unaware of where they were as the only solution was to follow the mountain path that the cave lead away from. They all began to walk as Ash did his job of carrying Applejack on his back as the girl held on by wrapping her arms around her leader.

The teens walked for hours as they kept on following the path. Eventually, they climbed the latest slope of the path as they came to a hill. They saw another forest below them and beyond that were two mountains that had a path in the middle. Twilight was able to identify something in the area below as it matched on the map. The bookworm then informed her teammates that they were closer than expected. All they had to do was get past the ridge and through the mountains as they would be near the lair of the bear zord.

"How you doing back there, Aj?" asked Ash as he turned his head to look at the girl.

"Enjoying the view, partner," said the country gal.

"Feeling any better?" asked the boy.

"Yeah, I think I can be able to walk again... but... um... do you mind if you continue to carry me? At least until we pass the mountain pass," said the girl turning a bit red from suggesting that request.

"Yeah, I don't mind," said Ash.

The girl smiled as she placed her head on her leader's back and sighed while having some red on her face. The team continued traveling down as they made it to the forest. They had to stop for a quick rest as they refueled and rehydrate. After a bit, they continued on the path as they came to the mountain range and walked along the path in between. Eventually, the group made it past the ridge as they came out to the other side. Upon first inspection, they noticed some tracks on the ground. Ash bent down to let Applejack get off as the girl was a bit more healed. She thanked her leader as they began to examine the prints.

"Looks like this is the right place," said Rainbow as she looked around.

Their surroundings were an alpine meadow with a coastline on the far end.

"Let's start searching."

"Good call, Sunset. Everyone stay within distance, contact each other on our Morphers if we spot anything," said Ash.

The girls nodded as all five broke apart in different directions. They were unaware of something lurking in the grass as a pair of glowing eyes flashed as it began to scout and hunt its prey.

The rangers were scouting the meadow and the coastline to find any clues as to where the zord might be. Twilight and Rainbow checked near the water as they found skeletons of fish that appeared to have been eaten. Which meant that their target used this water source not only for hydration but also for nourishment. In the meadow, Sunset and Applejack came across some bushes that housed berries. Some of them were damaged as they too confirmed that the zord also had been here. Ash had been tracking the tracks on the ground, hoping to get something. But he didn't, but he did pick up on something. That when he followed a trail of the tracks, they were soon joined by something else. They looked to be smaller footprints.

The group soon met up in the middle of the meadow as they told each other what they found. However, they still couldn't find any clue as to where the zord might be.

"What are we missing?" asked Rainbow.

"I'm starting to think it might not be here," said Sunset.

"No, it's here. I can feel it," said Ash. "Watch out!"

The boy sensed something. Coming at the group was a blur as small knives struck them all feel onto the ground. They felt the attack as they saw it was none other than Thorax and Pharynx as they had returned with some more minions.

"Thanks for leading us," said Thorax.

Seems the scientist had a backup plan. Before Ash had retrieved his backpack and disappeared with the girls, the mutant planted a small tracker on the bag. He informed Pharynx of this as they simply waited for the rangers to emerge from their hiding place and head towards the location of the zord as they quietly followed behind.

"Now, then. We'll defeat you and take the zord for ourselves," stated Pharynx.

"We're not letting you get the zord!" shouted Ash as he stood up with the girls following suit.

They all stood in a line as they gave a nod to each other. They lifted their arms as their wristbands turned into their Morphers.

"It's Morphin' Time!" shouted the boy.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted the rangers as some music began to play.

Ash now began to trace the symbol that his topaz gem showed as it recognized it. It then had the gem encase the boy as he landed on a platform as his whole body turned into the suit with bits of his gem on his shoulders. He lifted his head as the vizor covered the last bit of him as he did his pose with the animal that was on it appeared behind the boy and let out a howl.

Applejack traced her symbol that her emerald gem showed it recognized it. It then encased the girl in her suit as she landed on a platform. Her whole body turned into a suit with bits of her gem on her shoulders. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The girl did her pose with her zord behind her.

Rainbow was now undergoing her transformation as she was being encased in her suit. She traced her symbol produced by the cobalt stone. She landed on a platform as bits of her gem were on her shoulders. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The girl did her pose with her zord behind her as it made its sound.

Twilight traced her symbol produced by her sapphire gem as it recognized her. The gem encased the girl as she landed on a platform. The girl lifted her head as the vizor completed the last bit of her. The girl did her pose as her animal appeared behind her and made a noise.

Sunset underwent her transformation as the ruby stone grew larger and encased the girl in her suit. The girl landed on a platform as bits of her gem were also shown on her shoulder. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The girl did her pose as her zord appeared behind her and made a noise.

"With the courage of the wolf, Harmony Guardian Yellow Ranger!"

"With the strength of the rhino, Harmony Guardian Green Ranger!"

"With the cunning of the owl, Harmony Guardian Purple Ranger!"

"With the speed of the falcon, Harmony Guardian Blue Ranger!"

"With the fiery of the phoenix, Harmony Guardian Red Ranger!"

"Harmony Guardian Power Rangers!" shouted the group in unison.

"Take them down!" shouted Pharynx.

The minions all charged forward as the rangers did the same as they pulled out their sabers. The group now engaged once more with their foes. While the two groups were fighting, the eyes from before were shown as they peeked through the meadow.

Ash had done a corkscrew as he landed and slashed a section of the minions he was fighting. He then heard some yelling as Pharynx had appeared and hit the boy with his gauntlets as he flew to the floor. The mutant brought his fists down as an ax stopped it from making contact with the yellow ranger. Applejack did a kick to the general's midsection as she managed to get him to back off.

"Thanks, Aj."

"Anytime, sugarcube," said the girl to her leader.

"Care for round 2?" taunted Pharynx.

"Bring it!" shouted the girl.

Pharynx slammed his gauntlets on the floor as Applejack did the same with her ax. Both created a wave attack that was heading towards each other as they collided with one another. Rocks and pieces of dirt went flying as both warriors stood their ground. Both charged as Applejack ducked under Pharynx's arm swing and then spun to attack as the general moved to the side. Both traded blows using their weapons as they tried to land a hit. Applejack slid under an attack as she turned her upper body to block an overhead attack.

The girl rolled to the side as she pulled out her lasso once more and tossed it at the mutant as he grabbed it.

"Want to do this dance again?" taunted Pharynx.

Both now began to engage in another tug of war. Like before, neither was willing to budge as they both felt their feet slipping before digging into the dirt. Pharynx grabbed the rope with his other hand as he began to pull. This time, Applejack did a different move. She felt herself being dragged as when she was but a few meters in front of Pharynx. The country gal intentionally took a step forward as the sudden shift in weight took the mutant off his balance as he stumbled forward.

The green ranger took the moment to spin in the air as she swung her ax to hit Pharynx for massive damage. Aj landed as she then tapped into her gem's power as she was doing some arm movements as her hands glowed. On the other side, Ash was doing the same as he too was charging up his animal. He nodded as Aj responded with the same gesture.

"Unleash the beasts!" shouted both teens.

They thrust their hand out as the mirage-like spirit of their animals emerged. They charged forward to Pharynx as he had gotten to his feet and both animals collided with the mutant as he was flung into the air as an explosion went off.

Thorax was engaged with Rainbow as he was tossing his daggers at the girl. Rainbow was using her speed to evade them as they landed in her path as she zigged and zagged.

"Didn't you learn your lesson?!" taunted Thorax as he jumped into the air.

The mutant tossed out his knives in an array of the field as they covered the girl in front of her. Rainbow noticed this at the last second as she leaped up and activated the wings on her suit. A whistle was heard as Twilight signaled to her comrade. She was dealing with the small fry as she kicked one away and tossed her shield towards her friend. Time moved in slow motion as the blue ranger as she grabbed it and then threw it Thorax was coming down. The shield hit the mutant as he fell to the floor. Rainbow landed as she immediately tossed the shield back to Twilight who threw it back into the air.


The girl now appeared with her weapon in hand. She slid under a swinging arm attack as she pulled back the bow and aimed at the air. The bacon-haired girl saw the object as she got the perfect window and released it. The red light hit the shield of her comrade as it was now sending towards Thorax which erupted into flames as it caused the general to be hurled along the dirt.

"Time to go all out!" said Ash as they all stood in a line with their weapons in tow.

All five now stood as their bodies began to glow. They felt the power of their weapons up as a light shot from each of them as it was rainbow-colored. The lights now held the brother mutants in place as they couldn't move.

"Full power!" shouted all of them.

They each began to slide towards the mutant as they had finished charging up. Each of the girls did an attack as they passed by their foes.

"Charging Lance!" shouted Rainbow as she was the first one to slide by as she did her attack.

"Meteor Spike!" shouted Applejack as she slid by and swung her ax upwards.

"Blitz Flare!" shouted Sunset as she pulled back on her bow and shot an arrow of red light.

"Shield Splice!" said Twilight as she did her attack sliding by the mutant.

The scene now changed as it spun around the monsters as Ash was now in the air as his weapon was charged. It froze for a few seconds as he resumed the attack and dealt the final blow to their team finisher.

"Harmony Blade, Strike!!" shouted Ash as he did a downward slash on the pair.

He appeared behind them as the generals were tossed once more into the air as an explosion went off. The rangers all turned behind to look at their foes as they were still kicking.

"Put them together!" shouted Ash as he gave the final order to the team.

"Harmony Cannon!" shouted all the rangers.

Ash stood at the trigger as they powered up their weapon. In front of him were Thorax and Pharynx as the pair were weakened and stumbling to their feet. For the boy, he was about to pull the trigger on his foes and destroy them. All that he had to do was give the command, and he would end up getting revenge for the death of his fallen comrades as well as his parents. He looked at them for a brief second, both brothers had an expression of mercy at the yellow ranger.

"Time to end you both," growled Ash as he was dead set on killing both monsters.

He was about to pull the trigger when a loud noise was heard.

"Huh?" said everyone.

Coming out of the hidden grass was a large figure. That figure growled as it charged forward. It made contact with the rangers as they all collapsed to the ground. It didn't stop with the teens as it then turned around to attack the mutants as they too fell to the dirt. Everyone felt the attack as Ash lifted his head to see what attacked them all. Upon seeing, his eyes widen. Standing before there was a creature, not just a creature, a bear, and not just a bear. But it was the bear zord that both sides were looking for as it let out a growl.

"Is that?" coughed Sunset.

"The zord!" said Pharynx.

Both sides were starting to think about how to capture the animal before the bear stood on its hind legs. It made itself look taller as its mouth opened and an energy beam was fired. It hit all of them as they once again fell to the ground. The bear then got on all fours as it began to charge at its foes.

"Alright," growled Thorax.

The general then charged as he had his daggers in between his fingers. He leaped into the air as he tossed them. The small knives hit the bear as it growled a bit in pain at first but then pushed forward. It brought its claws and swiped at Thorax as the mutant was flung away. The creature was heading towards Applejack. The country girl noticed at the last second as they made contact. The green ranger had her arms out as she was tapping into her ability. She was trying to use her strength to slow down the creature as it came to a slow down with her feet dragging along the dirt.

It was another test of strength as the bear was trying to take attack the girl with its jaw as the girl held its arms with hers. Soon the bear showed off its strength as it reeled its entire body back as Aj went flying into the air. The girl was about to crash into the dirt when something grabbed her in mid-air as they landed. Once she landed, Applejack saw that she landed not as hard. She looked and saw Ash under her as the boy had grabbed his teammate in mid-air and used his own body to cushion her fall.

"You okay, country gal?" chuckled Ash as he had the girl on top of him.

"Yeah. Thanks, sugarcube," said Applejack as she got off of him and allowed him to sit up.

The fight was still going as their friends and foes were trying to subdue the bear zord. Everything they were trying to do to fight the creature was having little to no effect as it kept on charging forward and attacking displaying the guts it had. Applejack rushed in as she pulled out her rope and tried to use it. The rope got around the bear's neck and it suddenly came to a stop as it turned to look at the green ranger. Applejack began to pull as soon the girls joined in. The bear's paws were dragging only a few inches before it raised its paw to use one of its sharp claws to cut the rope. The girls fell back as Pharynx charged into the bear's side as he slammed his gauntlets.

The bear skidded along the grass as Thorax appeared behind his brother and leaped into the air. Pharynx powered up his fists and slammed the ground as his brother charged up his knives, and he tossed them with electricity. The daggers hit the bear as it stunned it when Pharynx's attack made contact. A huge explosion occurred as a wind effect was made. All the foliage nearby fluttered in the wind as a result of the attack. The brother mutants saw the results of their attack as they smiled. Soon the smoke cleared and a roar was heard. Emerging from the smokescreen was the bear zord as its eyes glowed the brightest. It roared as it stood on its hind legs and raised its paws above its head to make it look even taller and tougher. Which worked as both monsters were a tad bit scared. The bear roared, and its body shined with a red aura as its guts were on full display.

It wasted no time in charging forward as both monsters were slow in their attack. It then came to a complete stop as it opened its mouth once more and fired a massive beam of attack that hit both Thorax and Pharynx. An explosion much bigger was shown as both mutants were thrown into the air before they fell to the ground in pain. The creature still wanted to fight as it had scuffs along its body as it began to charge toward the fallen mutants to maul them.

"Retreat!" said Thorax to his brother.

Both of them then turned into pillars of light as they left within seconds before they were chewed out by the zord. The bear stomped and clawed at the ground as its anger was still on display. it then turned to the girls who were getting to their knees as it had new targets to maul. It then charged toward them as the girls didn't have time to move. They put their arms out to cover them for some sort of protection. The bear was about to make contact when a mirage-like wolf appeared to stop it in its tracks as the two animals traded claw swipes. The spirit managed to get an attack that swiped the bear back a bit as it shook the attack off. It allowed enough time for Ash to appear as he stood in front of his team.

The bear looked at the boy as he stood there facing the creature. Even in its raged form, it could sense the animal within the boy as it looked to fight him. The bear started to prepare to charge as Ash put his hands up to fight. Soon, he put them down as he stood there.

"Power down!" said the boy as his suit was gone.

"Ash!" shouted the girls in unison.

"What are you doing?!" shouted Rainbow.

"Put your suit, or else you're gonna get mauled," said Twilight.

"I don't want to fight you," shouted the boy to the bear.

The bear roared as it began to charge at the defenseless boy. The girls shouted out for their leader to put his suit back on to fight it. Ash simply ignored them instead, he got down to his knees and put his head down. The bear made it to him within a few inches from him as its jaws were above its head as some drool was dripping from it. The boy still didn't lift his head as he remained calm and collected.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," said the boy, keeping his head down to avoid looking the creature in its eyes to provoke it even more.

The bear snarled as it could so easily kill the boy if it wanted to. It sensed the boy's aura as its jaws were still open. The girls were watching the scene play out before them. Right now, no one was in control except for the zord. Cause if the girls made so much as a move, the creature could potentially injure their friend or worst. So, they all waited. The bear had its eyes on its prey as Ash didn't move. The boy had his eyes close as he was awaiting whatever fate had in store for him. Soon the bear brought its jaws down.

"ASH!!!" yelled the girls.

The boy heard the girls scream as he opened his eyes. He soon felt his hair being a bit wet as the bear's tongue was licking it. It then brought its nose to the ranger's face as it nuzzled into it. Ash slowly and carefully brought his hand up and placed it on the zord's nose. He then began to rub it as the creature gave a low and soothing growl. The boy then traveled upwards as he reached its ear and began to scratch behind it as that served as the final sign that it trusted the ranger's word.

"Thank you," muttered the yellow ranger to the zord.

He stood up and began to pet the bear's face as it licked his hand. The girls stood up as well as they saw the scene. They powered down as they began to cautiously approach their leader and the creature.

"It's alright, girls. She's on our side now," said Ash still petting the bear's fur.

"You sure?" said Sunset.

"Come on, she won't bite. Much," chuckled the boy.

The girls all put their hands out very slowly while looking away. The bear approached each one as it sniffed the girls and recognized a familiar scent. While it may not have been the scent of the original teammates it last saw, it could tell that the gems were bonded with the girls as they were the new power rangers. It growled and began to lick each one of the girls' hands and nuzzle it. The girls all let out a sigh as they soon smiled.

"What did you do?" asked Applejack.

"Nothing. I simply showed her that I didn't want to fight. That we didn't want to harm her. So, I simply left myself open and allowed her to see we mean her no harm. When dealing with a wild animal, stay calm." said the boy.

"And you took that big of a risk. Knowing that she could of... mauled you," said Twilight.

"Sometimes, you have to make the necessary sacrifice. As I told you girls, the duty of being a ranger doesn't come easy. Or without a price. I was willing to lay down my life just to show her we're not her enemies." said Ash as the bear walked to him and nuzzled his leg.

"Thanks, girl," said the boy.

"Wait, you're calling it, her? You mean, she's a girl?" said Rainbow as she was confused.

"I think it best if I show you," stated the yellow ranger.

The group now followed the bear as they were walking toward a hidden cave. They followed the zord inside as it was dimly lit. Soon it let out a growl which was answered by two smaller growls. The girls were confused as soon emerging from a stack of grass were two bear cubs as their heads poked out. The twins raced to their mother as she nuzzled them with her nose.

"SO CUTE!!!" said all the girls as they rushed forward.

They each all got to their knees as the cubs noticed them. They jumped into Sunset's and Applejack's laps as they nuzzled them with Twilight and Rainbow looking over their shoulders. The girls couldn't help but see how precious and adorable the cubs were as they began to pet them.

"So... that's why you called it her," said Twilight to the boy.

"Yup. When I was following a trail of her tracks, I noticed also a different set of smaller tracks. I wasn't fully buying it, but I had a hunch as to what it may be. So when she made her presence known and began to attack us..."

"She was merely defending her home. And her babies," said Applejack.

"Like any mother would," stated Ash as he put his head down.

For the boy, he was now thinking of his deceased mother and how she did all she could to protect him from danger well before he became a rookie. He had his head down to avoid the girls seeing a tear fall down his cheek. While the girls didn't see it, the bear zord saw the tiny drop hit the ground as she made her way to the boy's side and nuzzled his leg. Ash lifted his head to see the zord as it was trying to comfort his pain and loss.

"Thanks, girl," said Ash as he rubbed her head. "Alright, time to go home. Ready?"

"Of course," said Sunset.

"Uh, I was talking to the bear and her cubs, Sunny."

"Oh, right," smiled the bacon-haired girl sheepishly as her face turned red from embarrassment.

Ash now bent down to the bear's eye level as her cubs were on her back. The boy put his hand out as soon all three zords began to glow. The gems of the rangers glowed as the bears let out a roar. Soon they reappeared in Ash's hand as three hexagons with the bear symbol on them. The boy stood up and showed them to the girls as they smiled.

"Now for us to go home," said Ash as he lifted his Morpher.

The group did the same as they all touched their interface and turned into their respective lights as they zoomed away from the cave and were traveling back home.

"I see. This is proving some valuable information. Thank you." said Rachel as she was still inside the Morphin Grid and talking with the voice she heard.

"No problem. We're here to help one another in a time of need. Speaking of it, take this." said the voice as it sent a code to the A.I. as it downloaded into her system. "If any danger should arise, then this will be the solution."

"Understood. Well, I should get going. My master and his friends should be returning shortly."

"Just remember, once a ranger. Always a ranger," was the last thing the voice said as it disappeared.

Rachel then began to exit from the Morphin' Grid with the new info she received from her mysterious guest. At that moment, five-colored lights appeared in the command center as Ash and the girls returned.

"Welcome back, Master Ash. Did you recover the bear zord?"

"Yup. And not just one," said Ash as he used his gem to activate the hexagon shapes.

The shapes jumped out from his hand and onto the floor. They soon changed into the bear and her cubs as they were in their pet form. The cubs were still cute as the girls awed. They couldn't help but play with them as soon the zords of theirs jumped in and began to make some new friends. All the while, Ash was seeing this with his wolf cub hanging onto his shoulder. The boy sighed as he too began to join in on the fun as the team of rangers managed to successfully recover the zord and her children from the dark lords.