• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,805 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 2: New Owners

"Pick it up, Twilight!" shouted Rainbow as she was wearing a cap on her head and a whistle around her neck.

"I'm... trying..." said the girl as she was out of breath. Her arms were to her side as she ran. She soon collapsed with her limbs spread out.

"Only fifty more laps," stated Rainbow standing over the girl who was breathing hard.

"Fifty laps?!" shouted Sunset who was also spread out from the exhaustion of Dash's "workout".

"Rainbow, perhaps you should have pulled back a bit," stated Rarity.

"What are you talking about? This is what I do every day, besides, they're fine," said the chromatic girl as she showed her friends who were dying for some water.

While these four friends were busy in the field outback. The rest of the them were inside as they were in the auditorium. Applejack and Fluttershy were helping Pinkie to plan out the party she was going to throw for Friday. Given that Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna allowed the girl to choose whatever theme she wanted, made the party girl have the biggest smile on her face. As for the rest of her friends, they were worried for their lives.

Both Aj and Fluttershy were sitting down in front of a whiteboard as Pinkie was in front of them dressed in a lab coat with glasses on as she pointed to the board.

"And that's why my math checks out," said Pinkie in a nerdy voice.

"Well... that's, um, something." spoke the buttercup girl.

"Yeah, something. But uh, Pinkie."

"Question from the audience, must have their hand raised," spoke the party as she directed to her friends who were the only ones present.

Aj looked around as there was nobody else, so she slowly raised her arm.

"Yes, you in the hat."

"Uh, Pinkie. Not discrediting yer board or anything. But, how can you tell what it says?" asked the country girl. The scene now showed the party girl's board as it didn't have any numbers on it at all but just random drawings and doodles.

"Silly, this part tells me that the universe is round. This part right here says that chocolate milkshakes are the best kind of milkshakes. And that this one says we need apples for the party. Ooh, and oranges. And grapes! And strawberries. [gasps] Strawberry cupcakes! I'm hungry." said the girl as she now licked her lips.

"That's nice, Pinkie..." said the animal-loving girl as she looked at Aj, who also had a confused look trying to figure out their friend.

In the hideout, the boy was currently in the training room of his headquarters as he taking on a simulation. He was focusing on his stamina and hand-eye coordination. He did a corkscrew as he landed, and the simulation was stopped. He was then getting a message on his morpher as he left the room. He grabbed a towel as he wiped his forehead.

"What's the report, Rachel?" asked the boy to the computer as the towel was around his neck.

"Scans show there's some activity near the docks," said the A.I.

"Anything else?" asked the boy.

"Nothing, but I am scanning the entire city."

"Let me know, I'm gonna go check it out," said the boy as he now entered his room and quickly put on a fresh set of clothes.

He then started to make his way to where the four gems were as he grabbed them and put them in his pocket. He then entered the elevator as it descended. He was in the garage where his cycle was as he got on and revved the engines up. He now began to leave as he zoomed out of the tunnel as the rocks from the outside now slid to the side as the cycle hung in the air for a bit as it then continued through the forest and onto the nearby road.

While our hero was heading towards the docks, things had occurred that made the computer pick up the activity.

"I'm sick of waiting around! I say we go out and find our pest now!" shouted the mutant who was the older brother.

"You need to have patience big brother," spoked the little brother. "Our master knows what he's doing."

"Yeah, and he has us sitting here on our asses doing nothing! I'm a proud warrior, raised and bred on the battlefield. I crave competition, I crave for a fight."

"And you'll get your fight, big brother. Patience was never your strong suit."

"And you think you're so perfect, little brother? All you've done since we got to this dimension is simple standby and watch these puny weaklings from afar. I'm starting to question where your loyalty lies."

"My loyalty is to you and mother. And as I've told you before, I'm scouting what these humans are like in this dimension. Best to know who we're dealing with so we can learn all their secrets. Not to mention, they do have some useful things that I like." said the mutant as he was holding a small switch that he was playing some video games on. "Oh, high score."

"You two!" shouted the other female mutant. "Boss wants us in the throne room."

All three mutants arrived at the throne room as the mother of the two brothers was nearby as she was looking at a device. She was used her long fingernails to swipe as she was scanning the city of Canterlot. On the throne was their leader as he sat in the darkness as only his yellow eyes were shown. The three now bent down in front of their boss.

"So, what's the objective?" asked the girl mutant.

"If we're going to destroy this dimension, then we need to cause as much chaos as we can. Thanks to my son's ability to do recon, we know some of the things these "humans" value. One thing is that they required water to stay alive. In fact, 60% of their bodies are made up of water. So, turns out the city is getting a shipment of its daily water that these people drink."

"And you want us to destroy it?" asked the girl mutant.

"Let me handle it! Knowing our pest, he's bound to show up, and when he does, I will handle him. Master," said the older brother mutant as he turned to look at their leader. "Let me put an end to our problem. He's merely one soldier against an army. And with my fighting skills, I will assure you that he will not bother us again."

"You let your ego blind you, big brother."

"Very well," spoke the leader. "Destroy the shipment, draw out our problem. And make sure you take care of it."

"Yes, master." said the mutant as he left.

"Good luck, Pharynx," spoke the mutant as he watched his big brother leave on his mission.

It didn't take long as Pharynx had arrived at the docks. He saw the forklifts as they were loading containers. Inside of them were small cases of bottled water that was to be loaded into trucks and to the stores for the people of Canterlot to purchase. He appeared from a portal with a green outline as he had a small group of minions with him.

"Let's see them tremble in fear!" shouted Pharynx as his gauntlets appear in his hands.

He made his presence known as the workers saw the mutant and his crew as they were shocked and scared. Pharynx then slammed his fist on the ground as a shockwave attack headed toward the forklifts as they rocked back and forth. They all toppled over as the men landed. They weren't too injured as they saw the minions running towards them as they got up and hightailed it.

"Ha! Ha! This is too easy!" snickered Pharynx. "You, get that shipment over here!" commanded the mutant to one of his minions as they nodded.

A few minions approached the forklifts as they had their arms transform into cables as they attached to the control panel. They plugged into the machine and were now controlling the lift as they had the container land in front of them. They then opened up as inside were tons of cases of water as they fell on the minions as they were buried under the pile.

"Now then," said Pharynx as he approached the container and prepared to destroy it all.

He clamped his fists together as he looked to slam them on the items. At that moment a sound was heard. Some minions looked to the port as a cycle was shown. The person riding on it leaped out of his bike and flipped forward as he let out a battle cry. He managed to take two minions down with a dropkick as he then kipped up.

A few more began to engage the boy as he blocked a side attack from two minions with his arm. But that left him exposed as he was kicked by another minion in the chest as he stumbled back. He recovered as he slid under a clothesline attack as he began to trade some fists with a minion, taking it out. He then turned around as he dodged some strikes from the others that were focused on him.

The boy was using his parkour moves and flips to help avoid the attacks and counter. He backflipped onto some crates as one of the minions had climbed up behind him. He noticed it at the last second as he blocked with his left arm and did several kicks to its midsection before throwing it onto the ground. He then noticed a pulley as he hopped off of some crates and leaped for it as he spun around. He took out the minions in a circle with consecutive kicks as they fell and were defeated. The boy then let go as he rolled through and landed in front of the Pharynx with the rest of his minions behind him.

"So, you finally show your face? You've been giving us alot of trouble, kid."

"Nice to see you again, Pharynx," said the boy as he knew who the mutant was. "Tell me, are you following your mother's orders, or was your little brother too much of a bitch?"

"You dare talk about my little brother?!" shouted Pharynx. He may have been a tough warrior, but Pharynx did care about his sibling. "Tell me, is your mother with the fires of hell?!"

That response got the boy to hesitate for a moment as he thought back to his mother. He felt himself clenching his fists as he thought back on his mother and fallen friends.

"Ah, did I hit a sensitive spot? Tell me, are your friends with her?" taunted Pharynx.

"That does it! I'm here to take you down!" shouted the boy as his morpher powered up. "It's Morphin' time!"

The boy's morpher now charged up as the gem inside of his device shined. He then drew a symbol on the interface of it as it recognized it and began to transform the boy.

"Harmony Gem, power up!"

The gem inside was a topaz as it now encased the boy as he had his head down as his body was now turning into his ranger suit. He had bits of crystal on his shoulders that resembled his gem as the middle of his suit had the symbol of his animal as it showed the outline of a wolf. He lifted his head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of him. The transformation was complete as the boy stood there in his yellow suit.

"Harmony Guardian, Yellow Ranger!" shouted the boy as he took his battle stance.

"Get him!" shouted Pharynx to his minions.

They all charged towards the boy as he ran forward as well. With the extra power from the suit, the ranger was able to have his punches deal more damage. He hit a minion square in the chest as it was sent flying towards the ocean and into the water. He now began to deflect some attacks and counter. He as backed up to one of the warehouses as he hopped onto a stack of tires and ran along the wall as he leaped over the huge wave of the enemy taking some down as he landed. He then continued with some more fist exchanges as he ducked under some and used his legs along with his parkour moves to take out any in his way.

He leaped into the air as he spun in the air as he hit one of them as they collided with the others as they faded away. The ranger landed in a circle as he saw himself surrounded. He then began to tap into his gem as a yellow outline encompassed him. He was calling on his animal as he thrust his hand out. A yellow-mirage-like wolf appeared as it took out all the enemies around the boy. They all fell over as it stood behind the ranger letting out a howl before it disappeared.

The ranger was then blindsided by Pharynx as he hit the boy in his side. He stumbled and then engaged in a fight with the mutant who blocked his attack with his arm and then delivered some hard knee strikes to his midsection and flung the boy over his head. The ranger flew as he managed to use the momentum to roll through and land on his knees.

"You've improved since we last met," said Pharynx.

"All the time I spent chasing you and your buddies. I made a vow that I would become stronger. I trained rigorously, making sure that I was ready. That I complete the mission the others started!" shouted the boy.

"Too bad, you'll die as your team did!" shouted the mutant as he slammed his gauntlets into the ground.

The shockwave from the attack was so fast, that the boy didn't have time to get out of the way as he was hit. He was sent flying through the air as he crashed into some barrels. Pharynx was smiling as he began to approach the pile. The boy had barely got the barrel off of him as he grabbed his suit and then flung overhead once more as he landed on his back.

"All that training and you're still the same rookie you were when your team fell. No wonder they didn't live, cause you couldn't save them," stated Pharynx.

The ranger turned over as he saw Pharynx approach him as he struggled a bit to get to his feet.

"Well, I've picked up some new tricks," said the boy as he reached to his side and pulled out his small saber.

Pharynx laughed as he charged forward as did the ranger. They engaged in the middle, dodging and trading shots as he was able to use the small saber to get some strikes in on the mutant. Pharynx was being overwhelmed a bit by the boy's new moves that he picked up during his training. However, he was able to overcome it with his strength as he got a good powered-up punch to the boy as he once again was flung away. He landed hard as he crashed into more piles of junk as a small dust cloud formed.

"Time to finish this," said Pharynx as he look to put the boy down.

"Harmony Blaster, fire!" shouted a voice from the smoke.

"Huh?" said Pharynx as he was now pelted with tons of shots. They hit him as small explosions went off and then a larger in the background as he was thrown onto his back and rolled.

The mutant was getting to a knee as the smoke now cleared away. On his knees was the boy as he had a small blaster in his hand. The mutant was caught off-guard as he decided to withdraw and regroup his plan of attack.

"Wait!" shouted the boy as he clutched his side which he felt some pain.

He saw Pharynx transform into an orb as it was now zooming away at high speeds. The ranger now touched his morpher as his cycle appeared before him. He got on it and revved the engines as he chased after the fleeing mutant.

The girls were in the music room as they were finishing up their rehearsal.

"I think we're all set to perform for Friday's party," said Rainbow.

"Indeed, now all I have to do is figure out what outfits we're going to wear!" said Rarity with a squeal and a huge smile.

"Just don't make mine too 'frou-frou-'," said Applejack.

"Don't worry, darling. It'll absolutely speak to your personal sense of style," assured the fashionista to her country friend.

"Well, I need to head to the confetti store. I hear they're having a sale. Buy 100 different types of confetti, you get a free round of taffy. Mmm, so sticky," said Pinkie as she licked her lips.

"Well, I need to head over to the animal shelter. I promise that I volunteer to take care of the hamsters this week," said Fluttershy.

"And I'm headed over to the mall. New to pick up some new strings I ordered so that I shred some chords," said Rainbow as she strummed her guitar.

It wasn't long as the girls decided to call it for the day. They all split up to go in their separate ways. Applejack had decided to accompany Dash to the mall, Twilight, and Sunset were also walking in the same direction as they had to pick up some things from Sunset's job at the sushi restaurant. It didn't take long as the four of them split into two pairs. Sunset had arrived at her work as she gathered the things from her boss and then began to leave with her lavender girl. The pair had exited the mall as they began to talk while eating some ice cream.

"Any new reports?" asked the bacon-haired girl as she was leaning against a railing.

"Nothing yet," said Twilight as she looked through her phone scrolling through the news. "Do you have any idea on who the masked person might be?"

"Hard to say. Everybody is afraid of these creatures that have been attacking. The police haven't done much about it, and if this guy is someone who can take them down. I'm wondering why he's not working with the law. If he knows how to deal with them, why doesn't he share any information? One person can't do everything themselves." said Sunset.

"Wish my brother could hear that. He's a hard worker, but he's so dedicated to his duty of protecting this city. I get he's a captain and that he's been given lots of awards and medals for his service. We're proud of him, but I wish he didn't have to focus so much on his work."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come around," said Sunset smiling at her friend. "Come on, I'll drop you off."

The two girls now began to walk to the parking lot where Sunset parked her car. They were about to enter when they heard the sound of sirens pass by. It caught their attention as they got in Sunset's car and began to trail the cars from a distance. They soon came to a small building that wasn't far from the mall as the cop cars surrounded the building.

The person in charge of this squad was Spearhead as Shining Armor had some other business to attend. So he sent his partner in his place.

"Get everyone to safety, move!" shouted Spearhead as he instructed his men to clear out the surrounding folks. He then made his way to one of his men as he was on the computer. "What's the report?"

"Our drones were just sent in. Seems noticed one of those creatures zooming on the interstate at high speed." said a cop.

"Time to show the people we can handle this," said Spearhead as he had a megaphone in his hand. "This is the CPD! Come out with your hands up!"

"Did you hear? Seems they got one of those creatures cornered. Let's see if we can take a closer look." said Sunset.

"I don't think we should," said Twilight.

At that moment, a sound was heard as the girls looked towards the road. The cops noticed a similar sound as they saw a dot. That dot turned out to be someone. It was the boy as he was riding on his cycle as he had been chasing Pharynx since the pair left the docks. He managed to track the mutant to the building where the cops were as he spun in a circle as he came to a halt. The smoke cleared as everyone was seeing the masked vigilante as he got off.

"Stay where you are!" shouted Spearhead as he addressed the ranger.

"I'll handle this," said the ranger as he zoomed past them with quick speed as they blinked, and he was now in front of the building. "You clear the area and everybody else!" instructed the boy as he now raced inside.

The girls saw the ranger as he entered the building. Safe to say, Sunset was now more interested. She turned to Twilight as the girl shook her head.

"Come on, Twilight. Think about it. You wanted a chance to learn about this masked vigilante. Well, maybe if we see him in action. And could potentially interview him, we'll find out why these attacks are happening."

"I don't know. It's too dangerous. My family would... Sunset," blinked Twilight as her friend was nowhere to be seen. She then looked out the window and saw the girl now sneaking around the back of the building. "Sunset!" shouted the lavender as she went after her friend.

Sunset dipped into the nearby alley as she hopped onto some boxes and got over the fence. She then stay out of sight of the officers checking round back as she entered through a small opening that only someone of her size could enter. The lights of the building were on as she was carefully watching her surroundings. Some noises were heard as in front of her, a fight was occurring.

The ranger had found Pharynx as they were fighting each other in a huge open space. Sunset was watching the encounter as the mutant and the ranger were fighting. The boy had his small saber against Pharynx's gauntlets as the mutant was now pushing the boy back as he was lifted off his feet and tossed as he was sent flying to some more debris as he hit hard.

"Sunset!" shouted Twilight.

The girl grabbed her bookworm friend as she pulled her behind her hiding spot with her hand over her mouth. Twilight took Sunset's hand off her mouth and glared at her to which she gestured to what was in front of her. The girls peaked their heads out as they saw Pharynx approach the ranger as soon he demorphed as he took a lot of damage and didn't change while he chased the mutant. The girls were shocked to see that the vigilante was a boy who looked to be their age as he was grabbed by the mutant.

"This is where you meet your end," said Pharynx as he held the teen in his hands as he tried to break free.

"What do we do?" asked Twilight as she unintentionally knocked over a can on the hiding spot they were behind as it rolled towards the mutant.

Pharynx noticed this as he looked to where the can came from and saw the girls. He smiled as he dropped the boy in his hands.

"Well, we have some wondering eyes. Didn't your parents tell you? It's not nice to stick your nose in other people's business," snickered the mutant. He was about to slam his gauntlets to attack the girls.

"NO!!!" shouted the boy as he leaped into the air and dragged Pharynx before he could do his attack. "Get out of here!" he said to the girls.

"We should go!" said Twilight to Sunset as she grabbed her arm and ran towards the way they came.

"Minions!" shouted Pharynx as they appeared and blocked the girls' path.

The girls fell on their bottoms as the minions looked to bring their weapons down on them as they moved out of the way and ran. They were cut off as they turned and ran in another direction. All around the minions were cutting off the girls from escaping as Pharynx was distracting the boy so that he couldn't help the girls. One of the minions looked to deliver a strike to the girls when something hit it. It turned around as an old tire collided with it as it fell.

"Leave our friends alone!" shouted a southern voice.

"Applejack!" said Sunset and Twilight as they saw their friend.

She wasn't alone as Rainbow was with her as they were on a platform above. The pair had managed to get Rainbow's new strings from the mall. They had just exited the store when they saw Sunset and Twilight hurry off in an instant as they were concerned where their friends might be headed to. So they trailed their friends to the building; they managed to see the vigilante as he entered the place as it got Rainbow all sorts of excitement. Once Sunset and Twilight sneaked in through the back, they began to go also in case they ran into trouble. And it turns out they did as they were being attacked by the mutants and their minions.

"Up here!" shouted Rainbow as Applejack threw some more pieces of rubble at the minions as their friends ran.

Rainbow bent down and extended her hand as Twilight managed to grab her hand. She pulled her up as it was now Sunset's turn.

"Don't think I'm letting you get away!" shouted Pharynx as he slammed the ground once more.

The whole building was shaking as the people on the outside and the cops all cleared out as they feared it might come crashing down. The platform the girls were on was now unchained as it slanted and they slide down into a pile of old mattresses as dust picked up. They felt a bump as they landed and let out groans. The minions now grabbed each one of them.

"Get yer hands off of me!" shouted Aj as she did a hard kick that sent one of them flying and unhooked her.

Rainbow then did a similar kick as she sent another flying as the minions tried to restrain the girls as they ducked and did a punch as they fell. They didn't notice that Pharynx was in position as he tapped into his power and slammed his fists into the ground. The boy saw this as he got up from the beating he took and ran towards the girls. They soon looked in front of them as the shockwave was heading towards them as they couldn't get out of the way. The boy now leaped forward as he shielded the girls by taking the brute of the attack as a small explosion went off.

The girls covered their eyes as they saw the person who protected them. It was the boy they saw who had battled the mutant. During the attack, the gems he had been carrying in his pocket were flung out as they each landed by the girls' feet, but they didn't notice them. It soon ended as the explosion died down as the boy felt the pain and fell to his knees. They looked to check on the boy when tons more minions surrounded them.

"Still playing the hero? Well, time to die like one," said Pharynx.

"Run! Get out of here!" said the boy as he told the girls to leave.

"We ain't leavin' you with this thing!" shouted Applejack.

"Get the hell out of here!" shouted the boy as he was grabbed by his shirt and lifted by Pharynx.

The girls wanted to help their savior. Their eyes were soon looking at their feet as the gems began to glow. They all bent down to pick them up as it shined even brighter as if it was resonating with the girls' spirits.

"Put those down!" shouted Pharynx as he could see what the gems were doing.

The gems now shined the brightest as the boy's morpher resonated as well. The girls had their eyes turn white as the gem in each of their hands was now infusing with them. Soon a voice spoke to each of them.

If you accept this responsibility. Your whole life will change. Sacrifices will be made, the ones you love will be put in danger. You must be willing to protect the innocents at all costs. The greatest virtue of being a ranger is not the power itself, but the reward of helping others. Do you accept this oath?

"We accept," said the girls still having their eyes completely white.

At that moment, the gems they each had now began to change. The one in Aj's hand now turned into an emerald stone as it circled her wrist; Rainbow's gem was cobalt as it circled her wrist, Sunset's gem turned into ruby, and Twilight had a sapphire stone. The topaz from the boy's morpher responded to the other as it pushed back Pharynx and his minions as they all fell onto their backs.

"What?" said the mutant.

Standing in front of him was the boy as his morpher was now restored to full power. He stood there in his yellow ranger suit as the pain was temporary gone. He turned to look at the girls behind him as they were on their hands and knees as each one had a slight headache. It soon died down as they looked to their left wrists and saw the same device as the one the boy in front of them had.

"What is this?" asked Sunset.

"It's advanced," said Twilight looking at her morpher.

"Hey!" shouted the boy as he got their attention. "If you're gonna help, then morph."

"What are you talkin' about, sugar?" asked Aj.

"Just touch the interface of the device on your wrist. And the rest will happen," said the boy.

"You sure we can trust him?" asked Rainbow.

"What other choice do we have?" asked Sunset.

The girl looked at their wrists as they saw the device. They put their two fingers over it and scanned them. It granted them access as it now gave each of them a symbol to draw. Once they finished drawing it, a prompt of words came up for them to say. They looked it over as it was telling them the words to say to morph. They all cast a glance at each other and gave a nod.

"Here goes. Harmony Gem, power up."

The four girls now began to change. For Applejack, she was being encased in her suit as it was green with bits of her gem on her shoulders as the middle of her suit had the symbol of an animal as it showed the outline of a rhino. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The transformation was complete as the girl stood there in a green suit.

Rainbow was now undergoing her transformation as she was being encased in her suit. It was blue as bits of her gem were on her shoulders as her symbol in the middle of the suit was that of a peregrine falcon. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The transformation was complete as the girl stood there in a blue suit.

Sunset underwent her transformation as the gem grew larger and encased the girl in her suit. Bits of her gem was also shown on her shoulder as the symbol for her suit showed an image of a phoenix. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The transformation was complete as the girl stood there in a red suit.

Twilight was the last one as she did her transformation. The gem inside her morpher now began to encase the girl. Like the other, bits of the gem were shown on her shoulder as the symbol for her suit was an image of an owl. The transformation was complete as the girl stood there in a purple suit.

Now all five of them stood in a single line as dramatic shots were shown of them. The five gems felt the connection as they had been reunited once again.

"Wow! You weren't kidding!" said Rainbow as she put her hands to her helmet and felt her suit.

"Amazin'," said Applejack looking at hers.

"Awesome," said Sunset also examining what she wore.

"Yeah," said Twilight doing the same.

"Let's do this," said the boy as he took a step forward.

"Harmony Rangers!" said Pharynx as he thought he'd never see the day where the gems would pick new owners.

He wasn't the only one as back in the lair, the other three generals and the leaders could feel the presence of the gems. Unlike when it was just the single one, they felt the connection was once again complete. A feeling that they thought was long gone and wouldn't be possible to form ever again.

"So... he has a new team," said the leader as he bawled his fist as some dark energy formed and destroyed some nearby minions.

"This time you won't get away, Pharynx!" said the boy.

"We'll see about that! Minions!" instructed the general.

His command was given as the minions all pointed their weapons at the five rangers. They fired as shots were traveling through the air. The boy was able to dodge them with ease as he leaned his body back. However, the girls were all hit dead-on as they fell with ease. They weren't hurt as the blasts didn't do that much damage.

"Talk about idiots," muttered the boy to himself when he saw the girls go down like it was nothing. "Get up! And don't worry, your suit protects you."

"This keeps getting better," said Rainbow as she stood up with excitement.

The girls now stood up as they saw the enemy coming towards them. At that moment, they felt their bodies begin to move as they were able to act accordingly as they dodge some strikes and fists. Each one was able to block an attack and then either deliver a kick or punch taking one of them down.

"How? I don't know how to fight," said Twilight.

"The suit is programmed with basic fighting skills. However, don't rely on it too much," said the boy as he was now doing some parkour moves that only he could manually get the suit to do as he took out more minions.

"Well, good thing, I take karate," said Rainbow as she was in her element. Out of everyone, she was the one who was having the easiest to adjust as she blocked any attacks and responded with her own.

For Applejack, she was rely on her strength, coupled with her suit, which gave her a small boost. She sidestepped an attack as the minion bent over to which she used her knee to hit its midsection a few times before tossing it onto some steel pipes as it was defeated. Sunset was cornered as her suit took over for the girl. It began to initiate the proper move set as when the enemy lunged for an attack, she leaped over them and did a small backflip to get more distance.

"Okay, I have no idea what I just did. But it looked cool," said the bacon-haired girl.

She then saw an enemy rush her as she blocked and did a roundhouse and then transition immediately to low sweep the next enemy. Inside, she was smiling as she began to continue to fight.

Seems the girls were able to use the suit's powers as they were starting to get the hang of it. As for the boy, he had managed to finish taking out his part of the minions as he was dealing with Pharynx once more. This time the boy was having the upper hand as he did some quick consecutive kicks to his midsection as he was pushing him back. He then spun in the air as a small tornado effect created around him as he hit the mutant, dragging his feet along the ground.

"Time to end this!" shouted the yellow ranger as he tapped his morpher once more. Now he summoned his personal weapon. "Harmony Sword!" He then leaped into the air as it powered up. With his foe in his sight, he delivered his finishing move. "Topaz Slash!!" shouted the boy as he did a diagonal line over Pharynx.

It caused a small explosion to go off as he landed with a pose. The explosion continued for a few moments, as Pharynx was shown being blown from it as he hit the steel door. He was still alive but the attack from the boy's finishing move did leave him weakened.

"Give up, Pharynx!" said the boy pointing his weapon at his foe.

"Ha! Never! Enjoy this while you can, cause now that you have your new team. We'll take great pleasure in destroying them as we did your old one. And this time... you will join them." said Pharynx as a portal opened up behind him.

"Wait!" shouted the boy as he ran, but Pharynx disappear into the portal as it closed immediately behind the mutant. "He got away!"

The girls had finished with the minions as they now stood there. They looked at each other as they couldn't help but cheer as they were amazed by what they were all able to do. Their suits now powered down as they saw each other. They all looked to the boy who was a few meters away as he powered down but his back was still turned to them.

"Hey! Who are you? Mind telling us what all of this shit is?" asked Rainbow.

The boy didn't say anything as he collapsed facefirst onto the floor. That caused the girls to worry as they all rushed over to check on him. They turned him over as he had his eyes closed, they could see he was still breathing as Twilight was able to locate his pulse.

"I think this where we make our leave," said Twilight.

"Yeah, but where? And what about him?" asked Rainbow.

"We'll take him back to my house. Once he wakes up, we'll see if he can give us some answers," instructed Sunset.

Applejack then grabbed the boy and flung him over her shoulders as the four of them exited the building as nobody was around to see them leave. They got into their two cars and were now traveling towards their bacon-haired friend's place as they hope to get some answers on just what the hell went down. But more importantly, who this person was.