• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,805 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 19: Truth Revealed

In the lair of the Dark Lords, Sombra was shown on his throne. The commander having now been restored to his full power was even more intimidating. And it showed as he was still relishing in his recent victory against the rangers. Being able to take them all out in a blink of an eye. Then being able to strike fear in the heart of his rival who for long held a defiant face, it made him happy to know that he was able to make the boy feel weak.

Sombra then stood up as before him, were his generals as they bowed. He raised his hand as they were given their commands.

As for our heroes, they were in the command center. Rachel was having the small drones attend to the teens. They were now awake as they each were being treated. They all were bandaged up as they suffered different bruises. Applejack had her shoulder bandaged up, Rainbow had her forehead being covered, Twilight suffered a bruised hand, Sunset had a wrist injury, and Ash had his entire chest covered.

The A.I. was currently treating Sunset's wrist as the girl lay on the medical bed.

"The medicine will help heal all of your wounds in no time. But... you need to completely rest for it to take effect," said the A.I.

"Thanks, Rachel," grunted Sunset as she felt a slight sting from the spray as the ointment was applied.

"So, sugar? Who was that?" asked Aj to her leader as the others also wondered.

Ash grunted as he leaned against the bed frame and clutched his side.

"That was Sombra."

"Who is he?" asked Twilight.

"The last person you ever want to cross. He's their leader and the evilest son of a bitch to ever exist. He's the reason, why my friends and my parents were murdered." said Ash. "He destroyed my entire dimension, my home, all of it. I thought he perished along with the destruction of my world. But... it seemed he survived. And this whole time, I've been chasing them, I was unaware that he was alive. He was just binding his time, waiting. To take us out."

"So, how do we win against him?" asked Sunset.

"Win? We're lucky to be alive. We're still standing." responded Ash as that statement got the girls to really grasp the situation.

"I suggest, you all rest. You need to gain back your strength," said Rachel.

"No, we should be out there..." stated Rainbow as Ash cut her off.

"She's right, girls. The only way we're gonna stand a chance is if we heal up. Let's get some rest. Don't worry, everything will be fine," stated the boy.

The girls simply nodded as they obeyed. They dragged their bodies to their rooms. Ash grabbed his shirt as he too began to slump out of the medical bay. Rachel then inputted the code for the scanners and drones as she was looking to keep an eye on the city while the teenagers were out of commission for a bit.

The city of Canterlot was shown as walking down the sidewalk were three friends.

"Oh, thank goodness you two were here to help me. Seems the others were too busy to answer."

"Not at all, Rarity," said Fluttershy as she was accompanying her friend.

"Ooh, just think of the fashion!" stated the fashionista as she was imagining all the sales that were going on.

"The frolicking! That's short for "frosting licking"! I'm gonna get my hot little hands on the new dessert trend – the puff cake! Half cream puff, half cupcake!" said Pinkie as she then shuddered at the thought of that as her tongue hanged out and drooled.

"The city is our oyster!" exclaimed the marshmallow teen.

The trio soon made it to their destination as they began to explore the many shops. The fashionista was having the time of her life as she used her shopping skills and latest tips in the fashion market to get so many discounts. While the girl was having the time of her life, she did allow Rarity and Fluttershy a chance to visit some of the shops they wanted. Despite not having the majority of their friends, the girls were enjoying themselves.

They were currently in the food court as they talked about some stuff. Their conversation was soon stopped as they heard some nearby individuals. They were currently watching a video on their phone as it showed the rangers and some of their epic battles.

"Aren't they amazing? That yellow ranger whoever he is is rather cute. I wouldn't mind being saved by him." said a woman.

"Those rangers have been getting quite the attention as of late," said Rarity.

"Even at school, the CMC has managed to convince Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna about starting up a Power Rangers fan club. But it's a good thing that they're here to save us from all those horrible monsters," said Fluttershy.

"I guess, it's we're quite lucky to have them. I just wonder who they really are under that helmet," said Pinkie.

While the trio of friends was enjoying their mall day. In the rangers' command center, Ash was shown in his room. The boy awoke all night, his mind was plagued with what went down. The thought that his rival was back. The sight that he had to witness. His team being manhandled by Sombra. He was thankful that he showed some hint of mercy as he could have chosen to slaughter them right there had he not gotten his attention.

Coupled with the fact that they failed to get the Tiger Shark Zord and was now in the hands of their foes. Safe to say, the rangers suffered many losses recently. For the boy, that was all going to change. Ash sat up as he could feel the pain shooting through his body. The medicine had made it to where he didn't feel most of his bruises from the previous day, but he was far from 100%. Yet, despite all that, he had to get up. He slowly managed to sit up as he breathed heavily. He then shifted to put his legs on the ground.

Ash took a couple of moments to compose himself. He then grunted as he got to his feet and could feel his legs tremble. The boy was able to steady himself by placing his hand on his nightstand. He took more breaths as he pushed himself to ignore the pain. With a push, Ash stood up and began to drag his body. The doors opened as Ash was shown coming through.

"Master Ash, you need to rest. The medicine won't take full effect if you don't rest your body," said Rachel as she was concerned for the boy.

"I... can't rest, Rach. Not with Sombra back," grunted the teen.

"I understand, but you don't much against him if you aren't at full health!" stated the A.I.

"Even if we're at full health, there's no guarantee that we'll beat him. But I know something that may," stated Ash. He managed to make it to the computer as he sat down in the chair and breathed heavily. "Pull up... the schematics."


"Now!!!" shouted the boy.

"At once, Master."

Rachel then began to log into the Morphin Grid and their database. Soon the A.I. pulled up the blueprints and designs that the boy requested. It was the schematics of the secret project that he had been working on. The videos that held some ranger archive footage were also pulled up.

"Are you sure?" asked Rachel as she knew what Ash was thinking.

"This has to be done. We're gonna finish this!" said the boy with determination.

He then took the bandages off his chest as he began to get to work. The A.I. also began to work with the boy on this secret project that they were determined to finish. The progress was shown in montage shots as code and numbers were shown on the screen. Ash was talking with the computer how certain aspects of the project as he crossed out some. His gemstone was shown on the screen as every piece of data was connected to it.

While this was going on, in a secret location, Thorax was shown. The general was ordering some minions to keep on digging. They were looking for something that their radar caught when they were searching for the other zords. The general informed the others of the disturbance as he was sent to investigate. Now the mutant was searching for the thing that caused the disturbance.

A sound was heard as a minion got his attention. It was a metal box as it was buried in the ground. The minion gave it to Thorax as the mutant opened it up. A light shined as he eyed what was in it. It didn't take long as they returned and he rushed to his lab. He had the object in the examination tube as info was being displayed on the screen. He soon read what it said as his eyes widen, then a sinister smile was shown on his face.

"What's the status with Thorax?" asked Sombra.

"He's currently examining the object in question. However, he hasn't said much about what it is. Probably keeping that info all to himself, like he always does." stated Starlight.

"In that case, send a monster out to cause destruction. No doubt the rangers are too weak. This is the perfect opportunity to strike chaos in the hearts of these humans." ordered Sombra.

"At once, my liege," said Chrysalis.

The doors opened, and in came an officer.

"Stoneface, here. What's my mission?" asked the officer as he stood before the generals.


A beam was shot as it hit several people as they turned into stone statues. More beams were fired as people screamed and ran. As they were running, they were caught and turned into stone. Stoneface was now laughing as he was being accompanied by some minions.

At the same time, the girls were shown exiting their room. They were feeling much better as the medicine that Rachel gave them worked. After a full day's rest, they were able to move their bodies without any problem. They all made their way to the central room as Ash was sitting at the terminal.

"Ash, have you been up all this time?" asked Sunset.

"You didn't get any rest?" said Twilight.

"I'm fine, girls. I couldn't just sit back and wait. And good thing you all are up." said the boy as he kept his eyes on the screen in front of him. He then pushed some keypads as the cameras came up.

On the screen was Stoneface as he was causing his path of destruction. Rachel's scanners had picked Stoneface's presence as they saw just what kind of trouble he was doing.

"Looks like we're being thrown back into the fire real quick," said Rainbow.

"It won't be easy. His body is made up of completely solid rock. Not even Aj's power can make a dent into something that sturdy. You girls handle this, I'll stay here and see if I can find some weakness." said Ash.

"We're on it. Let's go," said Sunset.

"Just watch out for his laser attack. If it touches you, even if you have your ranger suit, you'll become a nice figurine," said the boy.

"Ready!" stated Sunset as she and the girls all stood in a line.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted the girls.

They each appeared on a split-screen as their transformation was taking place. They traced their gem's symbol that was shown on their Morpher's interface as it recognized them. They soon became encased in their suit as bits of their respective gem were on their shoulders. They all landed on a platform as they lifted their heads. Their helmet and vizor were configured as the girls did their poses with their zords in the background.

"Where is he?" asked Rainbow as the girls were now teleported to where their foe was.

"Watch out!" shouted Twilight.

She managed to get the attention of everyone as she noticed something. Standing at the top of a building was Stoneface. The mutant saw the rangers arrive as he looked to deliver a sneak attack. Fortunately, the girls were barely able to get out of the beam's path as they rolled to the side and looked up.

"So glad you could come, rangers. You'll be the centerpiece of my collection. Minions!" shouted Stoneface as a portal opened up and some footsoldiers appeared before the girls. "Attack!"

The minions charged as the girls did the same. Sunset spun kick and then grabbed one of the minion's arms to drag them to the ground. One of them managed to trip the girl as she fell forward and hit the ground, but recovered at the same instance by spinning and sweeping the minion that tripped her. She then did a kip-up as she ducked and began to continue to fight.

Twilight was battling on some stairs as the girl was she leaped over the railing to land on the lower section. She kicked forward to knock the minion blocking her path back as he collided with the others and tumbled. She ducked a sneak attack as she turned and blocked an arm. The girl then kneed the minion several times in the chest as she flung him over the rail and crashed hard onto the floor. She then stepped off the wall as she got to the top of the stairs as punched the rest of the minions as they fell down the stairs.

Applejack was shown backflipping as she was near some parked cars. She leaned against a vehicle as a minion who was waiting on the roof of the car. Aj felt the arm grab her as the girl quickly countered by throwing the mutant off the roof, and crashed into the ground. The teen then rolled onto the roof of the car to the other side as more minions were waiting for her. They went for a punch as she opened the car door to block their fists. She then thrust her fist through the window of the door and knocked back the monsters. The girl flipped over the hood and stood at the front of the car. She then kicked it as the vehicle moved and ran into the rest of the minions as they were flattened.

Rainbow was using her karate moves as she blocked and countered every punch and kick that was thrown her way. The girl rushed at the minion in front of her as he did his best to block her attacks, eventually, Dash landed an amazing kick with her foot as she took her foe down. She then did several cartwheels and finished with a backflip as she avoid the enemy fire that was aimed at her. The girl then leaped into the air as the wings on her suit came out. She turned into a blue streak that was zipping in and out of frame as she took out the minions that were trying to shoot at her.

"Not bad, now... hold that pose!" shouted Stoneface as he fired a beam from his mouth.

"Rainbow!" shouted Sunset as she ducked and warned her friend.

The girl saw the beam coming at her as things moved in slow motion. The girl landed as the beam was inches from touching her. Then in a blink of an eye, it was stopped in its tracks. Rainbow saw that Twilight was bent down in front of her as the girl was using her shield to block the attack. The girl could feel herself being pushed as her feet dragged. The teen was determined to not let any harm come to her friend as she kept on holding. Soon the attack ended as the shield was intact and she fell on her behind.

"Thanks, Twilight," smiled Rainbow at her friend protecting her.

"Don't mention it," said the girl.

Applejack and Sunset finished the last bit of the minions as they checked on the pair. Stoneface then retreated as that last beam attack took a lot out of his energy. He pulled back as he needed time to recharge.

"After him!" shouted Applejack.

"Ash, Rachel, the mutant escaped. Can you track where he's headed?" asked Sunset.

"Already on it," said the A.I. as she was tracking Stoneface's signature. She soon got a lock on his signal as the cameras showed the mutant near the mall.

"Girls, he's at the mall. You better hurry, there's a lot of people there," stated Ash.

"Understood, have you located a weakness?" asked Sunset.

"Not yet, I need more time," said Ash as the transmission ended.

The girls all began to run in the direction of the mall.

"Rachel, what's the status?" asked Ash.

"Progress is only at 65%."

"We need to finish it. I have a feeling the girls are gonna be in danger soon," said Ash as he began to furious type at the keypads.

Speaking of the mall, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were walking down the stairs. They all had found some things they enjoyed on their small shopping trip. Pinkie even decided to record their hangout so that they could show it to the rest of their friends.

"I can't believe all the great deals that we saw," said Rarity holding several bags in her hands.

"Not to mention the free samples!" stated Pinkie as she reached into her hair and pulled a puff cake. She took a quick photo for her story later as she then gulped it down in one swallow.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Rarity," smiled Fluttershy.

"Oh, please. I'm just happy to know that I got to spend the day with friends who aren't always running off and leaving us high and dry. Perhaps we should confront the rest of the girls to see if they can tell us what secret they're keeping." stated the fashionista.

The three teens were about to head to the entrance when an explosion happened. They all turned their head as the people near the door were sent flying and splashed into the water fountain. Smoke was shown as the people coughed. Stepping through were more minions and Stoneface as the people saw them and screamed.

"Ah, perfect!" shouted Stoneface as he opened his mouth.

He had his beam shoot out as he moved it in a line. The people trying to run were caught as they were turned into statues. The few folks running up the stairs were also turned to stone. Pinkie Pie managed to push both her friends to the floor as they barely avoided the beam. It did chop a piece off of Pinkie's cotton candy hair as it fell and hit the ground with a thud. As for the girl, she wasn't worried as soon her hair replaced the small patch she lost.

"Run!" shouted Fluttershy.

The three now began to head off into the mall as Stoneface managed to finish off the people at the entrance. He then gave the command to the minions to search the mall for any survivors. The three girls were running and turning the corners of the building as everywhere they looked, the monsters were patrolling the halls.

They were now looking for anyplace to hide less they suffer the same fate that others did. They eventually came to one of the clothing stores they visited as they rushed in. They ran and hid behind the counter. They peeked their head to see if any of the monsters were nearby. Their eyes scanned, left, and right, but they saw nothing. Just when it seemed everything was clear, there was a sound heard.

The girls stayed quiet as they looked through one of the windows of the store. Minions were shown approaching a man as he was on the floor backing up in fear. The minions then split as Stoneface made his presence known and stared at the human.

"Please, I beg of you," said the man as he was pleading with the monster to show mercy.

"How nice. I don't have someone in that position. Thank you for being so considerate." mocked Stoneface.

He then opened his mouth as he fired his beam. The man closed his eyes and looked away with his hand out. The beam hit the person and within seconds, the person was turned into a stone statue. It was a perfect life-sized replica. The girls saw this through the window and gasped. It took everything in Fluttershy's power to not scream at seeing the fate that happened to the poor man.

Pinkie inadvertently knocked over some stacks of papers as they fell to the floor. The girls gasped as the sound didn't go unnoticed as one of the minions heard it. They looked in the direction of the store that the girls were hiding in. He glanced at the store and looked through the window, but the girls ducked down to avoid being seen. The minion then got the attention of Stoneface.

"What is it?" asked the officer. The minion communicated as he pointed at the store. "Well, let's check it out."

The monster then began to march in the direction of the store. The girls were shown as they could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. The look of fear and terror was on their faces.

"What do we do?" asked Pinkie as she knew what would happen if they were found.

Ash was busy working his fingers as he needed to finish the project and go help his team. The boy was doing all he can to put the final touches but it was working.

"Rachel?!!" shouted Ash.

"Status... 85%."

"But that can't be?! Everything is calculated. Why is it not connecting?!!" asked the boy.

"The gem isn't responding. It seems we can't get it to work," said the A.I. as Ash slumped in his chair. He put his head down in defeat. "I'm sorry, Ash. We'll have to start all over again."

The boy was heartbroken to think that all the work he did to get the project to be complete wasn't functioning. He put in the extra hours to make sure the project was finished, but it seems that there was a major error. If his gem didn't respond, then it meant that he miscalculated and he had to start all over from square one. Ash looked at the container that held his gem as it shined.

Remember, Ash. Your gem responds to your emotions. Concentrate, and you can feel its aura. It resonates with you. You just need to focus.

"Just need to focus," said Ash as he repeated the words of his deceased mother.

The boy then opened the container, and he took his gem. He closed his fist as the gem was in his palm. The teen then closed his eyes as he took some deep breaths and began to focus. Ash was concentrating his mind as he tried to be one with his gem.

"Focus, focus, respond to my heart," spoke the boy softly.

Ash's gem began to hear its owner's heart as it shined a bit. Soon it glowed a few more times as his fist was shining in a yellow light. The boy opened his eyes as he saw his gem and smiled.

"Thank you... Mom," muttered the boy while looking to the heavens. He gave gratitude to his mother for helping him in his time of need.

Ash then put the gem back in the container as he began to touch more keypads. The screen showed the gem as the numbers and code appeared next to it. The progress bar then showed the percentage as it began to rise. It then stopped as the image of the gem and his ranger suit was shown.

"Status, complete," said Rachel. "You did it."

"And not a second too late," said Ash as he took his gem from the container. "I have to get to the girls!"

"Where are you?" called out Stoneface in a low, creepy voice.

He entered the store as he was flanked by the minions. They passed by the first few coat racks as they knocked them over. Stoneface had his claw finger out as he made his way to the counter. The same counter that the girls were hiding behind. He traced the surface of the wooden structure as it was digging into the oak. It left a few marks as the claw was then shown gripping the edge.

"I promise I won't harm you. All I ask is that you stand still and... SMILE!!!" shouted the monster.

He peered his head over the counter. Stoneface was looking to find the girls, but to his surprise, he saw nothing. A shadow outline then was shown running past one of the aisles.

"Spread out! If they're here, we'll find them!" ordered Stoneface.

The minions nodded as they began to split up. They were cautiously looking at their surroundings as they kept a keen eye out. Once more the shadowy outline of a person was shown. They picked up the pace as they chased after it. The outline reached the end of the aisle as did the minions. They arrived but some nothing but their comrades from the other aisles. Soon a sound was heard as a shopping cart was rolled towards them. It knocked all of them over like bowling pins as they fell.

"What the hell are you doing?!" shouted Stoneface as he arrived. He was anything but amused at seeing his troops lying on the floor.

At that moment, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie were shown exiting from one of the nearby dressing rooms. Their little plan to distract the monsters worked as they now had a clear shot at the exit. They quietly walked toward the exit and ran before Stoneface could look back. The girls were now running as they looked to escape from the mall.

As they were running, more minions spotted them as they blocked off their route. Pinkie immediately pulled out some cupcakes and threw them at the monsters. It merely hit them in the face as they were blinded.

"Run!" shouted the party girl.

The trio booked it as they went around the blockade. They kept on running as more and more minions popped out. They made it to the escalators and quickly ran down them. They passed by the many stone statues that Stoneface made as they were approaching the doors. They were about to leave when some blasts shot in front of them as they dropped to the floor to avoid going into them. They looked up as it was none other than Stoneface as he managed to track the girls. Now the minions appeared as they circled the girls.

They were all scared as they sat and backed up against each other. Stoneface then jumped down as he approached the teens.

"Don't be afraid. It'll be all over soon," told Stoneface as he tried to give the girls some comforting words before they met their fate.

The girls held each other as they were in fear. Stoneface began to open his mouth as he looked to turn all three teens into stone. Just when he was about to release, some figures were shown leaping into the air. It was none other than their friends as Rainbow knocked a nearby minion into Stoneface as both tumbled and he stopped his beam. The others were shown leaping into action as they stood around their friends on the floor and fought the minions guarding them.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you all doing?" asked Rarity as she was confused.

"Come on!" said the chromatic-haired teen.

She grabbed Rarity's hand and pulled her up as Aj and Twilight did the same with Fluttershy and Pinkie. Sunset did one last spin kick to take out the last minion as all seven girls began to book it. Stoneface was struggling to get up as some of the other minions helped him up. After he retreated and Ash sent the location of the girls, they hurried to put a stop to Stoneface. They arrived just as the monster was turning people into stone. Soon they saw their pals in trouble and they devised a plan to save them.

The group of girls made it to the parking lot of the mall. Even more minions were patrolling the lot as Rainbow and Aj began to hold them off.

"Over there!" shouted Sunset as she pointed at a nearby staircase.

They began to run towards it as a minion jumped on a car next to them. Sunset blocked an attack and then swept the foe with her arm as he hit the hood of the car. Sunset then began to hold off her section as Twilight was tasked with getting their friends to safety. They passed by some more cars as they were about to approach the door.

"We're almost there!" said the lavender girl.

Just as she said that their path was blocked.

"Get going, I'll hold them off!" said Twilight as she took her battle stance and began to charge.

She leaped and did a split as she took out two foes at once. She landed and then ducked before spinning with her leg up high to take out another.

"But, Twilight..." said Fluttershy.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be right behind you," assured the girl as she blocked another attack and then leaped over the car.

"Hurry, darlings!" said Rarity to Fluttershy as they continued to run toward the door.

All four girls soon ended up back to back as they were surrounded. They did catch a glance of their friends about to reach the door as it meant they were going to be safe. Knowing that they all looked at each other and nodded. They now stood side by side as they raised their arms and had their bracelets change into their Morphers. Their friends made it to the door and they looked back one last time to see how their companions were doing. What they say, was an utter surprise.

"Harmony Gem, Power up!" shouted all four girls.

They shined brightly as seconds later, they stood in their ranger suits prepared for battle. While the rangers thought their friends were gone, they were completely unaware that they looked back and saw them transform.

"They're the Power Rangers?!!" shouted all three as they were stunned.

The four rangers then began to engage as they pulled out their sabers. They were now using their moves and cars parked to their advantage as they were mowing down the footsoldiers. All the while, their friends were watching this as they were in awe.

"I can't believe it," said Fluttershy.

"To think, they were right under our noses the whole time," stated Rarity.

Applejack slashed the latest minion as she looked up. Stoneface made his presence known as he landed and began to fight with the farm girl. Aj blocked several attacks as she swung which she missed and was slashed before being flung back. The green ranger was about to get up when several minions began to pile on her as they held her.

"Get off of me!" shouted AJ.

Applejack then began to tap into her power. She was shown starting to stand up as the minions now realized the danger they were in. The ranger managed to push off the horde of minions on her as she growled. She wasted no time in then bringing her left foot up and then stomping it to the ground as a shockwave occurred and hit the others.

"Go, Applejack!" cheered Pinkie.

"Huh?" said the girl as she heard the pink girl's voice.

Stoneface took that momentary distraction as he fired one of his beams. It hit the back of Applejack as she felt it. Seconds later, a rocky surface began to form as Aj was soon covered head to toe in stone.

"Applejack!!!" shouted all six girls as they saw their friend be turned into a statue.

The look on their faces told the whole story. They were in utter defeat at seeing one of their best friends being turned to stone. Stoneface on the other hand was smiling and laughing as he relished in the fact that he took down one of the rangers so easily.

"This can't be happening," said Pinkie as her hair deflated a bit.

"Oh, it is. But don't worry, you'll join her, right now!" shouted Stoneface as he fired beams at the trio.

"NO!!!" shouted the rangers.

They all quickly jumped in front of the girls and put their arms out. They felt the beam hit their backs as they screamed a bit. It died down as they slumped to their knees. They turned to look at Stoneface as within seconds they too were now stone statues. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were mortified to see that their friends paid the price for their mistake.

"Girls!" shouted the three as they began to look at the statues hoping to bring their friends back.

They saw the statues as they remained still. It seemed there was no way for them to turn back as they started to blame themselves for them having to take the attack when they should have just escaped.

"How sad indeed. If only I gave a shit, this might bring a tear to my eye," taunted Stoneface. He then turned his demeanor into a serious one as he began to approach the girls.

They were scared as they saw the monster coming at them. Soon a person was shown running as they leaped into the air to spin and they did a flying kick to Stoneface's midsection as the mutant stumbled back. The girls looked to see who saved them as it was none other than Ash. The boy had made it to where his friends were as he looked to end the mutant.

"Ash!!!" shouted all three.

"Hope I'm not too late," smiled the boy.

"Ash, they've been turned to stone," sniffed Fluttershy trying not to cry too much.

"Don't worry, I'll save them," assured the boy to the buttercup girl as he then looked back at the mutant.

"What chance do you stand against me, boy?!" taunted Stoneface.

Ash simply smirked as he raised his arm to have his bracelet transform into his Morpher.

"Harmony Gem, Power up!" shouted the teen.

Ash now began to trace the symbol that his topaz gem showed as it recognized it. It then had the gem encase the boy as he landed on a platform as his whole body turned into the suit with bits of his gem on his shoulders. He lifted his head as the vizor covered the last bit of him as he did his pose with the animal that was on it appeared behind the boy and let out a howl.

"With the courage of the wolf, Harmony Guardian Yellow Ranger!"

"He's a ranger too?!" said the girls.

"Minions, destroy him!" commanded Stoneface to the last bit of his forces as they charged.

The boy ducked the first two minions. He then blocked an attack from another with his arm as they then punched it several times in the chest. He then leaped into the air to deliver a flying kick as he took out another one. He turned around to see the mutants try to sweep him as he leaped into the air and then landed as he began to trade some fists with the rest of them. They managed to kick him into the car, and he rolled to his side when they tried to hit him. He opened the passenger side door to block a kick. He kicked the mutant and then immediately rolled onto the hood to avoid another attack. He then got on top as they followed the boy. He did some roundhouse kicks and tossed some by their arms off the car as they slammed into the ground.

He then did a parkour roll off the hood to avoid some shots aimed at him. He then pulled out his blaster again and took them out. It wasn't long before the boy took the remainder of the minions out as he ran towards the car and leaped. He managed to run along the side of it as he reached the end of it and then did headscissor as he flung the last one onto the ground as it groaned and disappeared.

"Time for you to join the rest of your teammates!" shouted Stoneface as he opened his mouth and quickly fired his beam.

"Ash, watch out!!" shouted the girls.

The boy turned as he was hit by the beam. It created a small light show as it made the girls turn to avoid being blinded. Stoneface stared into the light as he was smiling at his mission being a success. Soon the light died down.

"What?!" shouted the mutant.

Standing there was Ash as the ranger was glowing yellow, but the big thing was that he wasn't turned to stone like the others.

"This can't be! How?!!"

"I'll show you. Meet my new power!" stated Ash as his body glowed. "Battle Armor Online, Activate!"

The suit heard Ash's command as he touched his Morpher. The boy was now undergoing another transformation as this time he was taking his power to the next level. It showed Ash as he stood there with his arms down. Soon his gem shoulder pads began to get bigger as he now had topaz shards on his knees. The final thing was that his chest now had some crystal armor that match his gem and had the face of his wolf's head. The ranger also had a cape that formed as it fluttered in the wind. And with that, the transformation was complete.

"Harmony Guardian, Yellow Ranger. Warrior Mode!" shouted Ash as he made his sword appear as it too changed with the hilt being covered in topaz.

"What the?" said Stoneface as it was his turn to be in shock at what he saw.

The girls were amazed by what they saw as they could tell that Ash's new power meant he was stronger than before.

"It doesn't matter!" shouted Stoneface as he fired another one of his stone-changing beams.

Ash simply twirled his sword in his hand as he slashed the air and two swipes shot out. They headed toward Stoneface's beam as they bypassed it and pushed it back to his mouth. An explosion occurred as the mutant stumbled back and was flung to the ground. Ash wasted no time as he ran forward. He then began to fight Stoneface as the mutant tried to swing at the ranger but he couldn't. Ash was blocking his attacks with ease as he got in his attacks to damage the monster.

Stoneface stepped back and went for another beam attack. This time, Ash turned around as his cape began to work. The garment was able to protect the ranger from harm as it wasn't affecting him. Ash held his cap as he flung his arm to the side as the beam stopped on his command.

"No!!" shouted Stoneface.

"Time to end this!" shouted Ash.

He then tapped into his gem's power as he made a yellow magical circle appear around his sword's blade and thrust it out. The circle shot toward Stoneface as it froze the minion in place. Ash then zoomed ahead as he looked to deliver the final blow.

"Topaz Incisor Shred!"

The boy then began to swing his blade in all sorts of directions as the screen was covered in slash attacks. He then backed up and leaped into the air and did one final diagonal slash on Stoneface as the mutant screamed in which an explosion occurred. Ash appeared behind the mutant as he had his sword out, as Stoneface was falling, Ash sheathed his sword as he did a new victory pose. An explosion went off behind the boy. The girls were smiling at their friend for defeating the monster. Soon something happened. The statues of their friends began to glow as soon the rocky surface was gone. Applejack was the first as she stumbled to the ground in which Ash caught her.

"I got you, Aj."

"Ash, is that you, sugarcube?"

With the girls, they saw the statues of Rainbow Dash, Sunset, and Twilight all glowing as they soon turned back to normal. The rangers let out gasps as they felt themselves. Once they found to be back alive, they looked at their friends and smiled. They all heard some sounds as they made it to the end of the parking lot and looked down. The people who were all turned into statues were now reverting to their normal selves. They all let out relieved sighs and had smiles. All seven looked at each other as they too smiled, however, it was clear it was time to come clean.

"This is impossible, how could Ash have found a new power? His spirit was crushed after what we did to him and his girlfriends!" shouted Pharynx as he slammed his gauntlets into the wall.

The dark lords were all watching through their crystal ball as Stoneface carry out his mission. When they saw Ash transform and power up, it legit caught them off guard. Yet, Sombra wasn't worried.

"Who cares if he and his friends have their new power-ups? It won't matter in the long run. I will kill him and then we'll destroy this world." stated Sombra as he glanced at the crystal ball.

At that moment, Thorax was in his lab as he managed to make a discovery. Something that he believed could help crush the rangers. And it involved on bring back someone from the past.

In the rangers' command center, there was nothing but silence. The team was seated, but it wasn't just them. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were also present as the rangers brought them back. It took a while, but eventually, Ash told the whole story. How he arrived from another dimension. Him being the sole survivor of his home and he was the vigilante that the news reported. Then the girls sneaked into the warehouse where he fought Pharynx and it was there they touched the stones to take the oath and become rangers. They leaped into action and fought all the monsters that showed up, even going so far as to explore different parts of the world to search their quest in retrieving the missing zords. And lastly, the enemies they were battling against.

"So, you are the Power Rangers?" asked Rarity for one final clarification.

"Yup," answered Ash.

"And this whole time, not only were you guys fighting those monsters. But you couldn't tell anybody who you were?" stated Fluttershy.

"Yes, though... my parents found out themselves in a way. But they've promised to keep it a secret," said Twilight.

"And now that you three know, it means that we're in more trouble than before. Cause, you know who we really are."

"That doesn't mean, we're gonna tell anybody," smiled Rarity at Ash's statement. "We understand what you're saying. The responsibility that comes with being a ranger. We understand why you kept it a secret. And believe us, we won't tell a soul."

"You're serious?" said Ash with a raised eyebrow.

"Totally! Who would've thought, that I'm best buddies with Power Rangers? This is the best day ever!!" shouted Pinkie as she made a party cannon appear and pull the string. Confetti shot out and showered the rangers.

"We appreciate you, girls. I know that we kinda treated you guys like shit, but... it's just because we were trying to protect you," stated Sunset.

"We get it, darling. And as the saying goes, water under the bridge."

"Well, in that case, let me extend an offer. Seeing as you're now part of this team, despite not having powers, you're free to visit the command center as often as you want."

"Really?" said Pinkie.

"Sure, these transporters will allow you to teleport in an instance to the command center. If you're ever in danger, simply push the button and you'll be transported to safety. And if you want, I'm willing to give you girls some basic lessons in self-defense. That way you can handle yourself if things get dicey." said Ash.

"By the way, Ash. What's with that new mode? It was pretty sick!" said Rainbow.

"You like it? It's something I've been working on in my spare time. And it's not just me who can transform. All of us can upgrade our suits. I'd figured that if we're going to at least attempt to defeat Sombra, having all the zords might not be enough. So we might need some new powers to help us." stated the boy.

"You're not the only one who discovered she's got a new power. Remember how we were able to track you guys in the mall with all those monsters?" asked Twilight as she had a smile. "Well, I was able to locate based on your auras. Seems I got psychometry, meaning I can sense the auras of anyone or anything in the vicinity. It means I'm not just smart. I actually have a power!!" shouted the girl as she was finally glad to be useful.

The others all just let Twilight have her moment as they smiled.

"We appreciate it, Ash. And thank you. For welcoming us to the team." smiled Rarity as the other two did the same.

"Seems we have more guests at the command center," spoke Rachel.

"Who's that?!" asked Pinkie as she pointed at the central computer.

"That's Rachel. She's the A.I. that's been looking after me since I list my parents. I'll tell you about her another time. For now, let's all bring it in." instructed Ash.

The boy put his hand out as soon Rainbow, Aj, Sunset, and Twilight did the same. They all looked at the three remaining girls as they smiled. Soon they too extended their hand as they were huddled in a circle. All seven teens were smiling at the moment that was before them. Each one, regardless of whether or not they were Power Rangers, one thing was for sure. They each had each other's backs.

"And break!" stated Ash.

"Power Rangers!" shouted all the teens as they lifted their hands into the air as the scene froze and end with them smiling.