• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,804 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Megazord

There comes a time in everyone's life when they must find the courage to seek out their destiny. But sometimes, what you seek isn't always what you find.

"You know, I didn't understand what my parents meant since I was a kid. But now... I do," said Ash as he was sitting on the paw of his zord as they were looking at the city from the mountain range out of the town. "I'm in another dimension, far from home. Apart from the girls, I don't know many people. I'm a sole survivor."

Ash's wolf looked at its owner as it let out a growl.

"Protecting this dimension and stopping the Dark Lords is my path. I couldn't do much to save my home. I won't let the girls suffer the same fate as I did."

The girls were at the command center as Twilight was at the computer. She was working with Rachel as they were watching the footage that was recorded of them defeating Jet Stream the other day. The thing that still weighed on the girls' minds was how the mutant was able to grow ten times his size, and he almost defeated them had it not been for their zords.

"Anything, Rachel?"

"I'm sorry, Twilight. But I can't figure it out either," replied the A.I. to the bookworm.

"It doesn't matter!" stated Rainbow as she was nearby making some popcorn as she had a bowl in her arms. "They may get stronger, but we'll be quicker!" The girl now began to do some karate punches to emphasize her point.

"But they've never gotten that big before," stated Aj as she leaned on the kitchen counter.

"They must bet getting help," stated Sunset. "But how?"

"That's what I want to know," said Ash as the boy arrived from the elevator as he walked in. His wolf zord was in its pet size as it hung on its owner's shoulder. "Any updates?"

"None, Ash. We don't know what might have caused Jet Stream to grow that big," stated Twilight.

"Well, we'd best be on guard. If he found a way for him to grow, chances are we're going to be encountering them more often than one," said the boy.

With the villains, they were currently talking about their next plan. With the rangers now knowing how to use their zords, they were more determined to find the missing zords so that they could counter them. In Thorax's lab, the mutant was working on his device when Starlight came in.

"Boys and their toys. Typical, you neglect women,"

"My, Starlight. I must say you look lovely, today," responded Thorax in a blunt tone as he continued to work.

"Nice to see you still love me," taunted the girl mutant.

"Unfortunately, I prefer science now. That is a subject you can figure out, unlike women," responded Thorax as he began to work his digits as he inputted the final commands into the screen.

"Is it ready, my son?"

"Just about, mother. All I need is to do... there we go," said Thorax as he finished inputting the final commands into the system as it transmitted the data into the small device that was on the table.

"It is ready," said Thorax as he picked up the device.

"But does it work?"

"Well, that's what fields tests are for. So, we need a volunteer," smirked Thorax.

"I have just the mutant for the job," said Starlight as she left.

Ash was with Rachel as the pair were trying to find out the answer as to how their foes could have gained access to get bigger. Over and over, he played the recording of them fighting Jet Stream in his gigantic form as it wasn't making any sense. Eventually, the teen let out a stressful sigh as he leaned back. His wold zord came rushing in as it jumped onto his lap. The boy looked at the zord as he petted it which nuzzled into his shirt as it then laid down on his lap.

"I know I shouldn't stress myself out, but this is something that I haven't encountered before. Not even mom or the others told me that they could grow this big. So, it was either a secret, or someone is helping them. Either way, we have to stop them. And with you and the others, we stand a chance of stopping them." said Ash to his wolf zord as it let out a small howl.

"Master Ash, I was searching the Morphin Grid as you requested. I seem to have picked up a strange anomaly."

"What is it, Rachel?" asked the boy to the A.I. program.

"Hard to say, I'm running scans as we speak. It may take a while, but I believe this could belong to either a zord or the other thing we seek."

"Alright, keep me posted. I need to relax."

"One more thing, Master. While I was searching the Morphing Grid, I came upon some interesting information. It seems you and the girls aren't the only rangers in this dimension."

"Huh?" said Ash as he quickly returned to his seat. His wolf now leaped from his lap to his shoulder as it held on with its paws.

"From where we come from, our rangers have been passed down from generation to generation. It's how your mother became a ranger and then you. So there's only been one single team of rangers to keep the peace in our dimension. But in this dimension... there's more."

"I don't believe you," said Ash as he was a bit skeptical.

"Allow me," said Rachel as she pulled out several files.

The files came upon the screen as each one had a special symbol that belonged to the different ranger teams that this dimension hosted over the years. Safe to say, this shocked the boy as he didn't expect that this dimension suffered the same kind of threats that he was used to back in his world. But to think, that over the years, many teams of rangers like him and the girls were doing, actually defended the planet on multiple occasions. The boy began to click on them as the names of them popped up.

"Mighty Morphin, Zeo, Turbo, Time Force, Dino Thunder, Operation Overdrive," said the boy as he was listening off a few names of the list he read. "Some of these are kind of weird names to be called."

"Let's not forget Master, you and the girls called yourselves the Harmony Guardian Power Rangers," stated Rachel with some sass in her tone.

"It's to represent the gems we have. Plus, it somewhat of a nice ring to it," defended Ash about the team name. "Anyways, this is a lot of information."

"Shall I begin to download it?" asked Rachel.

"Yeah, and while that's happening. Let's take a look at this history."

"Where shall we start?" asked Rachel as she was already downloading the info from the Morphin Grid to their computer.

"I guess, we start at the very beginning," stated Ash as he clicked on the first folder that was labeled Mighty Morphin. The boy sat back in his chair as Rachel made some snacks appear for her master as they were going to be here a while to look at the videos of the rangers from the past.

While the boy was having a history lesson, at CHS, the students were getting ready for the school event that was but two days away. Almost everybody knew about the Power Rangers as the news outlets had reported on how it captured the group fighting against the monsters and their soldiers. The latest one was showing a video of the girls and Ash as they took down Jet Stream with their zords. What was once a menacing vigilante, was now a team of defenders as everybody was counting on the rangers to save their home and take down the bad guys.

And this definitely showed as a certain group was holding a meeting.

"Welcome to the official Power Rangers fan club!" shouted Scootaloo as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle pulled down a huge poster as on it were the rangers as they stood with their hands on their hips.

The response was a huge cheer and whistles as the crowd of students that were in the room showed their appreciation for the image of their heroes.

"We now call this meeting to order!" said Sweetie Belle as she banged the small gavel on the table to get everybody to settle down.

Outside of the classroom door, was Rainbow as she had her ear to the door. She was listening in on the meeting as she wanted to see what her fellow classmates thought of them, but more importantly her.

"Hey, Rainbow," called out Applejack.

"Shh!" said Dash as she zipped over to her country friend and put her hand over her mouth.

Applejack didn't like that she swatted away the hand from her mouth.

"What the hay are you doin'?"

"I'm spying. Now shut up," said the chromatic teen as she went back to listening. Applejack shook her head at her friend's behavior as she too quietly listen as well.

"First order of business is to express our love for the rangers. And to say which one is our favorite," smiled Applebloom.

"I like the red one!" said Pipsqueak.

"Green one," stated Featherweight.

"Purple one," exclaimed Sweetie Belle.




"The best one! The Blue Ranger! He's the most awesome one!" said Scootaloo as her inner fangirl came out.

"HE?!!!" shouted Rainbow. She was offended to think that one of her fans thought she was a boy. "I'll have you know, I ain't..."

"Settle down, Sally!" stated Applejack as she put her hand over her friend's mouth to silence her. She then used her strength to drag the chromatic athlete away to avoid her blowing their cover.

"Did you all hear something?" asked Sweetie Belle.

The rest of the younger students all shook their heads as they continued the meeting of the Power Rangers fan club. With the two older girls, they had made it to where there was nobody else as she finally released her hand.

"Aj, what the hell?!"

"In case you forgot, we got to keep our identities a secret," said Aj poking her finger to her friend's shirt.

"But I ain't a boy!" stated Dash as she found it insulting that people thought she was a guy under her suit.

"Just let it go, Dash. There are things more important than makin' sure that people know you're a girl under that suit," stated the country girl.

"It's a matter of principle, Applejack!"

The two began to argue as some students who were walking by just avoided being caught in their line of sight. Eventually, the pair decided to settle it with an arm-wrestling contest. While the two rivals went to settle their differences, the rest of their ranger buddies were doing other things with their friends.

Sunset was currently with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they were in the school gardens planting some seeds. The buttercup girl had needed some help, so she asked her friends for some help to which they agreed. The trio was hard at work planting the seeds that would turn into lovely vegetables in a few months.

"Thanks for helping me, girls."

"No worries, Fluttershy. I don't mind getting a little bit dirty now and then," said the bacon-haired girl as she took off the gardener gloves to wipe her forehead.

"I just hope that with all the candy that I planted, I can grow some sugar trees." giddy Pinkie as she pulled a cupcake out of her hair and began to eat it.

"I'm not sure that's how it works," said Fluttershy as she planted some more seeds.

Twilight was with Rarity as the fashionista was putting the finishing touches on her outfit that she was going to wear for the school event. As well as they were in their chemistry class as they were learning about the periodic table. Rarity did notice the wristband that was on her bookworm's wrist as the gem inside was shining brightly in the sunlight. The girl asked her friend where she got it as the lavender girl was able to come up with a lie that her parents gave it to her. The marshmallow teen seemed to have bought that lie as it got Twilight to let out a breath of relief.

The day continued as it turned out that the arm-wrestling between the two rivals went a bit too far as they literally broke the lunch table. Seems Vice-Principal Luna wasn't pleased by how out of hand both Dash and Aj let their pride get. So to avoid having detention and missing the school event on Friday, the women had the two build the table. They nodded as they began to gather the destroyed pieces.

Thankfully, the farm girl had a way with tools as she was able to come up with a blueprint. So the pair began to get to work on their punishment. While this was going on, Spitfire and her gang had made it to the field as they were about to start their daily practice.

"Alright, gang. Let's start with five laps around the building," stated the captain as she blew her whistle.

The rest of the Wonderbolts had finished their stretches as they began to do as their captain instructed. The coach was watching his team of athletes as they were getting ready for the next match of the season. After about 15 minutes, everyone was raring to go as they began to run some drills. During this time, the school groundskeeper had emerged from his tool shed as he put some headphones on. He turned on the engine of the lawnmower as he began to cut the grass for the team to use.

The CMC had made it to the bleachers as they were looking to do an activity.

"You really think the rangers will show up?" asked Applebloom as she was setting up a camera.

"Trust me, this plan will work. I'll dress up as a monster, and Sweetie Belle will act like a damsel in distress. Once she yells how much danger she's in, the rangers will arrive, and we'll ask them for their autographs. That'll show Diamond Tiara that the rangers aren't fake." said Scootaloo as she was determined to make their rival eat her words.

"And why do I have to be the one in danger?" asked Sweetie.

"Because you're Rarity's little sister. So I'm sure some of her drama queen skills you have as well," stated Scootaloo.

"Ooh, well, that makes sense," said Sweetie Belle.

"Now give me a few minutes to change and I'll be back," said Scootaloo as she left to the side as Applebloom was setting up the small camera.

While the girls waited for their friend to return, the Wondercolts were on the field doing some practice shots. They had just finished the drill when they stopped to take a quick water break. They all grabbed some bottles of water as they began to rehydrate. One of the teammates finished their bottle as they tossed the bottle towards the nearby recycling bin. It hit the edge and instead fell and rolled onto the lawn. The gardener had finished his job as he turned the engine off and left to take his lunch break.

A few moments later, the lawnmower that was left behind began to glow. It then transformed as there stood a mutant named Cutup.

"Chop, chop, chop!" stated the mutant as he began to look around.

He noticed the water bottle on the grass as he started to get annoyed. He then looked saw the rest of the Wondercolts.

"Uh, guys?" said Fleetfoot as she saw the creature.

"Time for you kids to scram!" shouted Cutup.

At that moment, two pillars of light shined next to him as out came Pharynx and Starlight.

"This should drive the rangers out!" stated Pharynx as he slammed his gauntlets on the floor as the earth shook causing the Wondercolts to all fall to the ground.

The sound didn't go unnoticed by Applebloom and Sweetie Belle as they were near the bleachers and saw the mutants. They thought it was Scootaloo, but when they saw their friend return after missing a piece of the costume, they soon realized the state of the situation. The Wondercolts all began to get up as Starlight pointed her staff at them as Spitfire and her friends were all tied up. The CMC now hid behind the bleachers as they saw the older kids trapped as they were scared. The Wondercolts were squirming as they were scared at what the mutant and the generals might do.

The trio was walking towards them when some blast shots were heard and fired in front of them as it created a small smokescreen. At that moment, Ash and the girls appeared in their ranger suits as they began to slash at the binds that held the Wondercolts as they were relieved to be saved.

"Are you alright?" asked Ash to Spitfire.

"Yeah, thanks, bud," replied the captain.

"Don't mention it, get to safety," instructed the yellow ranger as he and the girls watched the Wondercolts leave.

Rainbow noticed the nearby soccer ball as she used her feet to do a Rainbow move and then did a back kick as the object went sailing into Cutup as the smoke cleared, and the mutant was hit in the face as he went down.

"Oh, yeah! Still got it!" said Rainbow as her skills were still on par, even after quitting sports.

"Who the hell kicked that ball?!! I'll take your ass on right now!" shouted the mutant as he was pissed off.

"Rangers," growled Pharynx as he and Starlight saw the five individuals as they had managed to free their captives. "Nice of you to join our lawn party."

"Perfect, I'll take red and purple," snickered Starlight as she ran forward with her staff.

"You can have whoever you want, but yellow and blue are all mine," stated Phraynx as he ran forward.

The teens now moved to engage with their selected opponents. Well, almost, everybody.

"Hey, wait a minute, y'all. How come I didn't get picked?" asked Aj as her name wasn't called by the mutants to fight. Safe to say, the farm girl was a bit disrespected that she was left out intentionally.

"Because they save the best for me," stated Cutup as it seemed he would be fighting Applejack, one on one.

"In that case, you better brace yerself partner for the Harmony Guardian Green Ranger!" stated Applejack. She got down on all fours as she began to use her back leg to kick up the dirt behind her as she prepared to charge like her rhino towards the mutant.

"Hey, what the hell are you doin'? You're tearing up school property, girl!"

"Huh?" said Aj as she then looked behind her as she saw the patch of dirt she accidentally made when she dug her foot into the grass. "Oh, I'm sorry. It's okay, I'm a farmer. I know how to fix this, all I need is some... Wait a doggone minute? Why the hell am I apologizin' to a monster?" said Applejack as she had an epiphany.

"Harmony Ax!" shouted Aj as she pulled out her weapon and began to run towards the mutant.

"Stop!" shouted Cutup.

"What now?!!" shouted the green ranger.

"You're leaving footprints with those boots. Take them off!" shouted Cutup as he engaged Aj.

"I don't think so!" shouted Applejack as she caught the mutant's arm under hers and used the ax in her other hand to slash at him.

The pair turned as Aj was now ducking under some swings from the mutant as the girl kept on using her ax to get some blows in. She activated her power to make her skin tough to absorb the strikes of the ones she couldn't dodge in time.

While this was going on, her friends were dealing with the other two generals as they were at a standstill. They were unaware of the CMC who had been watching the whole thing go down. The girls were awwing and oohing as they saw the rangers go at it. Safe to say, they were even more impressed to see them up close.

"Look at them, they're so cool," said Sweetie Belle.

"They're amazing!!!" shouted Applebloom.

"I told you the blue ranger was the best. Though I thought it was boy," said Scootaloo.

"No, I'm not!!!" shouted Rainbow as she managed to hear that comment even while she was fighting against Pharynx. She wanted to make sure that message was heard loud and clear.

With Aj, she was engaged with Cutup as the country girl seemed to be holding her own. She moved the way out of the way of a lunge by Cutup as she grabbed his arm. She tossed it upwards as the girl spun and did a bicycle kick to his chest as he stumbled.

"Give up?" taunted Aj.

Cutup did a quick slash as Applejack didn't see it coming as she got hit. She fell to the ground as she rolled.

"Time to cut you loose, ranger," stated Cutup as he began to move towards the fallen girl with his blades whirling.

Rainbow saw her friend was in danger as she blocked one of Pharynx's gauntlets with her lance as she swatted him away and used her weapon to pole vault into the air. Twilight was dealing with Starlight as she blocked a magic shot with her shield and tossed it to the girl mutant as it caused her to fall to the ground. Her weapons returned as she too jumped into the air.

Both girls landed by their friend as they grabbed her by the shoulders and moved Aj out of harm's way.

"We got you, Aj," stated Dash.

"Huh?" said Cutup.

"Over here!" shouted Ash.

He and Sunset now came behind as Cutup turned to them. The two teens ducked under his arms as they slashed with their sabers. They then both did a diagonal slash as they hit Cutup right in the chest.

"Respect the lawn," grunted Cutup as he was coughed

"Who gives a damn about this shitty ass lawn?!!" shouted Pharynx.

"Let's finish this!" shouted Ash as he and the girls combined their weapons.

"Harmony Cannon!" said the rangers.

"Move!" shouted Starlight.

"Fire!" said our heroes.

Their cannon now powered up as it shot a blast towards the generals. Starlight and Phyranx moved out of the way as Cutup was slower than them. He was hit by the shot as the rangers disassembled their weapon and turned around to do their signature pose as in the back their foe fell as an explosion occurred.

"All right! We did it!" stated Ash as the girls also cheered.

"Not so fast, rangers," spoke a voice.

At that moment, a flash of light appeared. Starlight and Pharynx saw it as the individual that appeared made them gasp. The mysterious figure was none other than another mutant general as she smiled and then turned to look at the rangers. Apart from Ash, the girls were stunned by who or what they saw.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Rainbow.


"Allow me to introduce myself, Ash," said the mutant with a cold, sinister voice. "I am Chrysalis. Second in command of the dark lords."

The girl mutant wasted no time as she thrust her hand out as a bolt of lightning came out. It took down our heroes no sweat as they all screamed in pain as they fell to the ground. Starlight and Pharynx were smiling at how powerful their comrade was that she was able to drop the rangers like that.

"Nice shot, mother," stated Pharynx.

Chrysalis then looked at the spot where Cutup was defeated as she began to work her magic.

"Wicked spirits, hear my plea. Watch as the devil may cry from even the deepest parts of Tartarus; darkness comes crawling seeking vengeance! Open the gates of chaos so that new life shall be born!!!" said Chrysalis as she had her hand out and finished her chant.

The spell worked as the ritual was starting to take effect. A small tornado began to form around the spot of the defeated mutant. It then got bigger and bigger as it then blew away as there stood Cutup as he was now big.

"So that explains how they got bigger," said Sunset as this was like last time.

"How?" asked Ash to Chrysalis.

"A new trick I learned," snickered the general. "Have fun."

With that, the three generals all disappeared as they gave their final orders to Cutup to smash them.

"Look out!" shouted Twilight.

The rangers all rolled out at the last second as Cutup's foot almost came down on them.

"Alright, girls. I think it's time for some animal power," stated Ash as they began to touch their morphers.

"Harmony Zords, arise!" said all five of them as they activated the symbol to call their animals robots.

The call was sent as it rang through the air. It rang several times as it was transmitting the signal. It was then received as the animals started to head towards their owners. Ash's wolf let out a howl as it was running along the forest. The others responded with their own sounds as they were shown also in between a row of trees heading towards the rangers.

"Here they come," said Sunset as they saw the zords now enter the city for them to battle.

Ash's wolf picked up speed as it jumped over a small bridge and then leaped forward to take a bite at Cutup as it was holding on.

"Let me go, you overgrown mutt!" said the mutant as he used his arms to hit the wolf. It released his hold of its mouth as it was sent flying along the ground.

"Wolf!" shouted Ash as he saw his zord take a bump.

The girl's other zords also were hit as they too were slightly pushed back. Safe to say, unlike last time, the zords were taking a beating. They were all being swatted away and taking punishments from the giant mutant as they struggled. The wolf had gotten to his feet as he shook the attack off and then let out a howl. He was now communicating with Ash as he was telling his owner what they needed to do to defeat Cutup.

"I hear you, bud," said Ash as he had his hand over his heart, where the symbol of his animal was on his suit. "Girls, listen. There is a way for us to win. But for that to happen, we must combine our zords to defeat the monster."

The girls' zords also let out their respective sounds as they agreed with their comrade and to relay the message to the girls.

"Wow, can they do that?!" said Rainbow as she was surprised and excited.

"Well, let's find out, y'all," stated Applejack.

"Count me in," said Twilight.

"All right then. We all agree. Let's do it," said Ash as he and the girls touched their morphers once more. It was now a different symbol that was used to merge the zords.

"Follow me," said Ash as he leaped up and entered his zord.

"Right," said the girls as they too jumped into the air as each one absorbed into their zords.

The yellow ranger entered inside as it was a huge room. Soon a control stand with tons of dials and buttons appeared in front of him as it showed his gem. It then scanned the boy as it began to recognize him and granted him access. The girls also did the same when they entered as they were given access.

"You girls, set?" asked Ash over their communicators.

"All good," responded the girls.

"Harmony zords, combine!" shouted all five as a split-screen showed their helmets.

The zords heard their command as they began to change. Aj's rhino now turned the back of it into a pair of legs as Ash's wolf jumped on top and tucked its back legs in as it was the chest. Rainbow's and Twilight's birds each took their position next to the wolf as they had their wings tucked in as Sunset's phoenix appeared on top of all three as it used its wings to connect all of the zords. The wolf let out a howl as the final transformation took place as the head of the Megazord appeared with Sunset's phoenix serving as the headpiece/helmet as a face was revealed.

Inside, the rangers all appeared in a giant control room. They were positioned from left to right of Twilight, Rainbow, Sunset, Ash, and then Applejack on the far right. The tables from before appeared as they were color-coordinated. Sunset and Ash then began to switch places as the Megazord recognized the change in command as the boy was now in the middle.

"This is awesome!" said Rainbow as she couldn't believe they were inside of their huge mech.

"Focus, Dash," said Sunset.

"Awake," said Ash as the Megazord heard his command.

"Harmony Guardian Megazord!" shouted all five rangers.

Their robot came online as it landed and stood with the symbol of their gems gathered in a circle. All around, different sections of their Megazord were shown of all the animals being part of this giant robot.

"Hold position," commanded Ash as the girls nodded.

The mech now stood in place as it was a few meters away from Cutup.

"Like I'm scared," said the mutant as he wasn't impressed by the rangers' new trick.

He wasted no time in charging forward towards our heroes. He then began to slash at the Megazord which didn't have much effect. Every time he swung or attacked, the rangers' Megazord simply absorbed the blow as they stood their ground. Even the kicks by the monster didn't do much against our heroes. Cutup was running out of steam as the rangers didn't move one inch or have a scratch on their zord.

"Oh, you think you're tough, don't you?" taunted Cutup as he went for another attack.

This time, the arm was caught by the zord's left arm which was Rainbow's falcon. It caught the arm in its mouth and with one push, it shoved the mutant back as he fell to the floor.

"Now it's our turn," said Sunset.

"Falcon blade," said Rainbow.

The zord heard the command as the face let out a roar. The falcon then had its wing that was tucked shift to the front. They combined to create a sword as it was held in the mouth of the falcon.

"Slice!" shouted Ash as the zord began to swing the sword at the mutant.

It was effective as Cutup took a big hit as he stumbled back. The zord then began to do more slashes and lunges at the monster. It did a kick as the leg that had the rhino's horn struck the mutant as it felt like he got poked with a needle. He let out a painful cry at how sharp it was.

Cutup fired an energy beam as it was heading towards our heroes as they didn't have time to move out of the way.

"Twilight!" stated Ash.

"Owl shield!" stated the girl.

The owl that was the zord's right arm began to have its wings turn into a circle as it made a shield. The attack repelled off the shield as it was redirected into the sky. The smoke cleared as there stood the Megazord as it didn't have a scratch nor did the shield as it retracted in a second. The rangers then continued to hammer Cutup with more slashes as they were pushing back the mutant.

"Let's turn up the heat!" shouted Sunset as she pushed some buttons on her table.

The zord then had the wolf in the middle open its mouth as flames came out. The fire then took the shape of the Sunset's phoenix as it collided with Cutup as he was set ablaze and flung back a few feet.

"Let's finish this, y'all!" stated Applejack.

"Harmony Megazord," started Ash.

"Sonic Rainboom!!!" shouted all of them as they thrust their hand out.

The wolf chest howled as it opened its mouth. The other zords also opened their mouths as they shot out their respective colors. The pillars of light shot forward as each one had a mirage image of the girl's zords. The first to make contact was Twilight's owl, then Applejack's Rhino, next Rainbow's Peregrine Falcon, followed by Sunset's Phoenix, and lastly, Ash's wolf as each was moments behind the other as they struck the mutant as he exploded and was destroyed once and for all.

The explosion went off as above the smoke shined a rainbow as it had some magical gem dust sprinkle over the defeated mutant as well as the area around it as it was restored to its former glory. Inside the group of teenagers, all cheered as they high-fived one another at a job well done while their Megazord took a step forward as it did a victory pose.

"Well, seems that last piece of data from that officer gave me what I needed," said Thorax as he had the final recording for his device.

"Does it work this time?" asked Starlight as the last test Thorax did was a dud.

"Trust me, with mom chanting her words, it gave me the final missing piece. Now you no longer have to be present near a fallen mutant's body to make them grow. Simply speak the words into the device, and you can revive them from even in our lair." stated Thorax.

"For once, you being nonviolent and a peacemaker proves to be a good thing, little brother," said Pharynx.

"But what about the rangers and their new toy?" asked Chrysalis.

"Let them celebrate," spoke the leader of the dark lords as he sat on his throne. "While the rangers rest from their hollow victory, they have no idea that the forces which will destroy them grow stronger and stronger with each passing moment." the leader stood up as his shadow remained hidden as the only thing that echoed around the room was his sinister laugh.

With our group of heroes, they were back in the command center as they were celebrating their victory. They were amazed that they could summon their zords to do battle against the mutant when they got bigger. But now that they could form them together to create one giant mech, it was mind-blowing.

"How much more awesome can I get?!" asked Rainbow boastful.

"Enough for your ego to fit the Ghastly Gouge," said Sunset.

"Exactly... hey!" shouted Dash to the bacon-haired girl for saying that.

"Good work, team. Now we have a way to deal with those monsters when they get bigger," stated Ash he sat down at the computer panel.

At that moment, sounds were heard as all of their zords came rushing in as they were shrunk back to their pet size. The birds all landed on their owners, with Twilight's owl landing on the bookworm's head. Aj and Ash had their zord jump into their arms as the girl nuzzled her tiny creature while the boy petted his.

"By the way, Ash? What's that?" asked Twilight as she pointed to the many file icons on the screen.

"Oh, well, earlier I was doing some research to look for the missing zords. I had Rachel use the Morphin Grid to expand our search and well, we came upon something interesting. Turns out, you girls in this dimension have had tons of rangers that have been protecting your world for years."

"No way," said Applejack.

"You're serious?" asked Sunset.

"I didn't believe it at first, either. But turns out, it's true. Take a look," said Ash as he clicked on one of the folders as he picked up watching the footage from where he left off. The girls soon stood behind his chair as for the next few hours, they were learning about their ranger heritage.

At school, the CMC called an emergency meeting for the Power Ranger fan club. The trio of girls explained to everybody how the rangers showed up to save the Wondercolts and then take down the bad guys. While most of them couldn't believe what they were hearing, there was one girl and her pal who didn't but what the CMC were selling.

"And then the Blue Ranger was all like, BAW! POW! SMASH! Oh yeah, turns out it's also a girl. Which is weird," said Scootaloo as she thought for sure the Blue Ranger would have been a boy given how much coolness they resonated.

"Most of them other than the Yellow Ranger are girls. Also a bit weird," said Applebloom as she could hear the feminine in the voice of the other rangers when they were battling.

"As if all of this happened. I mean, didn't you say that you three hid? So how can you have seen what you're telling us if you hid?" asked Diamond Tiara with a smirk.

"I knew these Power Rangers were fake," snorted Silver Spoon.

"They're real! We saw them with our own eyes!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

"Unless you have actual footage, we don't believe you," snickered Diamond Tiara.

"Footage? Wait, the camera!" said Applebloom as she was reminded that it was rolling the whole time. She now brought it out as she hooked it up to the laptop. "Here it is."

The small country girl pushed to play as the video came up on the screen behind them as it did indeed record everything. The camera saw the rangers fighting against the mutant generals as everybody was awing and oohing at seeing their saviors in action. All the while, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon held sore looks. Still, they were intrigued by the rangers in action that they too had excitement hidden on their faces.