• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 1-3: Baby's day out

Baby’s Day Out

“What do you mean they’re going ahead with the vote on the Border Wall?” Princess Celestia was startled by the words of Prime Chancellor Abacus Cinch, who had a look of concern on her face. .

“Senator Twinkle Wish was able to convince most of the Senate to fund that ridiculous wall,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I may have a stern stance on outsiders. But even I think that’s a lousy idea.”

“And you require me and my sister to veto this bill, correct?” Princess Luna asked, doubting that her actions would mean anything.

“Precisely,” Cinch responded. “A changeling can easily fit in with the guards to sneak past the wall and invade our land. Magic has a better chance of warding them off.”

“And just where are you going to find unicorns willing to put their magic on the line?” That voice caught the attention of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch. They turned their heads to the staircase to find a yellow unicorn mare with a twin-tailed orange mane, a curly tail and a cutie mark of a shooting star.

“Senator Twinkle Wish,” Cinch said to the slightly younger mare with a scowl. “You do realize that this border wall is nothing more than a waste of taxpayer’s bits.”

“And yet, you would be willing to sacrifice the well-being of our Unicorns to protect us from outsiders,” Senator Twinkle Wish replied. “We need solutions that don’t require exhausting fellow ponies.”

“Then maybe I should pitch in if you’re so concerned with outsiders,” Princess Celestia said as stepped forward.

“No. You’re a national treasure,” Twinkle Wish protested. “If anything bad happened to you, Equestria would fall into complete chaos.”

“I appreciate your concern, Mrs. Wish,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “But she is mainly a public figure and one of the many heads of Equestria. Her younger sister Luna is another, as am I. Even if something happened to them, we can still manage the Equestrian Government.”

“It’s not just that,” Twinkle Wish said with a bit of fear in her eyes. “Celestia and Luna are the most powerful ponies in all of Equestria. Without them, I fear we may be lost.”

Celestia just let out a playful raspberry and said “Oh please. Just what would be the worst thing ever to kidnap me and leave Equestria in total chaos?”

Suddenly, Senator Twinkle Wish’s eyes shrunk down as if she saw a ghost. She struggled to lift her hoof into the air and said with her teeth chattering “Does that demonic flying monkey answer your question?”

“What demonic flying monkey?” Chancellor Cinch said as she, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna turned their head to where Senator Wish was pointing. Flying in the air was Baby Wanda, now sporting her clear flutter wings.

“A MONSTER!” Chancellor Cinch was startled by the presence of Wanda before she fainted on the front mat of the royal palace. Celestia’s eyes shrunk down as she saw the sight of Wanda’s wings as they flittered in the air.

“What in your name is going on with Wanda?” Princess Luna asked, confused by the fact that Baby Wanda was now capable of flight.

“I don’t know,” Celestia replied. “But I have a horrible feeling about this. Luna, go check up on Princess Cadence. She has a lot of explaining to do. I’ll go get Wanda.”

“Right,” Luna said as Princess Celestia took off. But before she could go in, Princess Luna saw Senator Twinkle Wish still shaking. Just seeing Baby Wanda in person was enough to make her a bit paranoid.

“Demonic….flying...monkey,” Senator Wish said as she struggled to get the words out. “Gonna...eat...my brains.”

“You have a vivid imagination,” Princess Luna joked as she rushed past the still unconscious Chancellor Cinch to check up on Princess Cadence.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia was able to fly up to where Baby Wanda was hovering. Down below, the crowds of Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies were freaking out over the infant’s innocent presence, like she was some kind of harbinger of doom. Some were grabbing their little colts and fillies and making a run for it. Others were trying to hide out in nearby buildings. The entire city of Canterlot was at edge. But not Princess Celestia. She was determined to get her baby and calm her down.

But before she could approach Baby Wanda, she heard one of the guards yell out “Your majesty, is there anything we can do to stop the monster?”

Celestia let out a sly chuckle, and said to the guard “That won’t be necessary. It’s just a man’s cub.” But as Celestia turns her head and approaches Baby Wanda, the little bambino flew off, giggling as she darts past paranoid ponies, in fear of their own lives.

“Oh no you don’t,” Princess Celestia said as she took off in pursuit of Baby Wanda.

But as Celestia was in pursuit of Baby Wanda, Chancellor Cinch woke up, groggy from having seen the face of Baby Wanda. It seems her sour mood has turned worse from the events that transpired.

“Is that monster...gone?” Cinch said as she barely got up on her four legs.

Cinch looked around and noticed that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were gone. All that was left was Senator Twinkle Wish, still shaking from her encounter with the Man’s Cub.

“Forget that last question,” Chancellor Cinch said to herself. “Why am I left with an incompetent idiot?”

Meanwhile, Baby Wanda continues to fly as if she were free as a bird. Princess Celestia was in pursuit, hoping to stop Wanda from causing any more ruckus. But at that point, it might as well be impossible, with the ponies of Canterlot freaking out over a flying man’s cub. Still, that didn’t stop Princess Celestia from moving close towards Baby Wanda.

“Wanda, my darling,” Princess Celestia urged. “Come back. I don’t want you to get hurt.” This was all while Celestia was dodging buildings, clotheslines, signs, and even other Pegasi that were trying to fly away from the little winged tyke. But despite the obstacles, Celestia was able to inch closer to Baby Wanda and was about to grab her.

“I gotcha,” Celestia said as she grabbed. But as soon as she did, she slammed right into a nearby wall, losing her grip on Baby Wanda as the infant flew off.

Celestia slid down from the wall and collapsed onto the pavement of the alleyway. She shook her head and slowly got up, still shaken up from that mid-air collision. Thankfully, the wall only suffered some minor cracks. But it seems the situation has been made worse.

“This has not been my day,” Celestia sighed. “It feels as if I need a miracle to get my baby back.”

Meanwhile, at another alleyway, we find a younger unicorn filly with a light amber coat, moderate cyan eyes, and a red and bright yellow mane and tail. She was hiding out in a tipped over garbage can, as if she feared the outside world. Her eyes shined red as if something demonic was buried within her soul. A tear flowed from her eye, as if she did something horrible, like she was some kind of monster.

As the little filly hid in the garbage can, she noticed something coming and hid inside, covering herself with an old rag of a blanket. When she looked from the inside of the blanket, she saw Baby Wanda flying down and got onto her hands and knees, and her flutter wings disappeared. For a man’s cub who stood out like a sore thumb, Baby Wanda was happy to be on the pavement of the dark alley.

But instead of fear, the little filly was curious. She had never seen a creature like that before. Intrigued, the little filly came slowly out and approached Baby Wanda, who turned to the little filly and giggled.

“Wow,” The filly said as her heart was warmed by the presence of the baby. “I have never seen a creature like you.” She reached out with her right arm and slowly stroked the baby’s head. Baby Wanda cooed by the little filly’s warm touch. The filly picked up Wanda, despite how heavy she was. For the first time in awhile, it seems the filly had lost all her fear, and was instead replaced by pure happiness.

“Wanda. Wanda, I’m here.” That voice came from someone familiar to Wanda, who giggled loudly. But it was enough for the little filly to place the baby down and dart straight back into the trash can, hiding in case someone was coming for her. But as she looked out, she saw Princess Celestia, relieved to finally see her daughter. Wanda looked at Princess Celestia and let out a giggle as Princess Celestia picked her up.

“You’ve had quite the adventure,” Princess Celestia said as she cuddled Baby Wanda. “And I was worried about you.” But when she looked at Baby Wanda, the young infant’s face was gazed at the trash can the Little Filly was hiding in. Celestia turned to the trash can and could easily make out the outline of the filly, who chose to bury herself under the old rag.

“Go away,” the filly said. “I’m a monster.”

“It’s alright,” Celestia said as she walked over to the trash can and reached out. “I won’t hurt you. And you’re no monster.”

“But….I’ll hurt you,” the filly cried as she continued to hide. “Like I hurt….everyone.”

“Oh that’s nonsense,” Celestia laughed. “Even if you could, I would be unfazed. After all, you sound a lot like me back when I was younger.”

Nervously and reluctant, the Little Filly crawled out of the trash can, covered in some of the garbage in there. She had a scared look on her face, and her eyes shined red like rubies.

“Oh dear,” Celestia said as her face turned to worry. “I think I know why you said you would hurt me. You have a heart of gold, but an evil demon of destruction in you.” Celestia put her right arm on the little filly face, who proceeded to cry on it. Celestia then said “What is your name?”

“Sunset,” The Little Filly said as she cried on Celestia’s arm. “Sunset Shimmer. And I destroyed the orphanage. But I didn’t mean to. All I wanted was to have a friend. But now I’m too afraid to even show my face after what I did. I’m a monster, and I’ll wind up in Tatarus.”

“You’re not a monster, sweetie,” Celestia replied as she handed Baby Wanda over to child Sunset Shimmer. “You’re a pony who has the soul of a demon in you. But I can help you.”

Sunset wiped the tear of her face as Baby Wanda cuddled with Sunset. “You….can?” Sunset said as she looked up at Celestia.

“How would you like to be my third daughter?” Celestia asked. “You will have two sisters to call your own, and a chance to help rehabilitate you. You will be a part of a loving family. And don’t worry. I’ll help cleanse you from the evil within you. You have my word.”

Sunset’s tears turned to joy as she and Baby Wanda hugged each other. “I will. I’ll take it, if it means I can have friends again.”

Celestia grabbed both Baby Wanda and Sunset Shimmer and cuddled them both together. The alicorn shed a tear of joy, not only by being reunited with Wanda, but also by accepting Sunset Shimmer as her third daughter.

“There she is. There’s the monster who terrorized Canterlot.” That voice came from Senator Twinkle Wish, who was with Chancellor Abacus Cinch, and a few of the guards. Their eyes were gazed at Baby Wanda, who began to hide behind Princess Celestia.

“What is going on?” Celestia said as she protected Baby Wanda.

“Princess Celestia, that monster nearly brought chaos to all of Canterlot,” Senator Twinkle Wish complained. “It must be sent to Tatarus for the sake of all ponies.”

“Calm yourself down, Senator,” Chancellor Cinch snapped. She turned to Celestia and said “But you do have a lot to explain about this...thing. Why weren’t we informed of this so-called monster, or whatever it is?”

“It is not a monster,” Celestia replied with a stern stance. “It is a man’s cub. It is a she. And she…..is my daughter.”

“Your….your what?” Senator Twinkle Wish was shocked by the words of Princess Celestia, so much so that she fainted. Abacus Cinch was also surprised, but kept a stern stance and a calm tone.

“You better have a good excuse for why you have this man’s cub.” Chancellor Cinch said as she stared into Princess Celestia’s eyes.

“Last night, a human left behind this baby in Canterlot, asking me to care for her away from a land ravaged by war,” Celestia said as she stood by Baby Wanda. “Her name is Wanda, daughter of Eleanor. And as the mother of all ponies, I couldn’t say no. So I took her in to raise as my second daughter, with Sunset Shimmer as my third.”

“There was another human in Equestria?” Senator Wish said as she got up and overheard everything Princess Celestia said. She looked like she was about to freak out.. “This is why we need that wall.”

“Wall or not, she’s my daughter now,” Celestia cried. “And if you want her, you’ll have to get by me. I made a promise to raise Wanda as my own, and a promise is a promise.” Judging by Celestia’s body language, she was not going to surrender Wanda peacefully.

Reluctant, Chancellor Cinch said “Very well. I will allow you to raise this man’s cub as your own daughter. But she is your responsibility, one hundred percent. Furthermore, she must be kept in Canterlot for her own sake, unless you accompany her outside the city.”

“I will do exactly that,” Princess Celestia said as she held Baby Wanda close to her. “If it means Wanda gets to be my daughter, so be it.”

The words of Chancellor Cinch caused Senator Twinkle Wish to freak out more, who said “Are you kidding me? Allowing a man’s cub to be raised by Princess Celestia?”

“It is a test to see if she can be a part of pony culture,” Chancellor Cinch said. “And I expect no less from the very pony who raised me when I was a filly.” And with that, Chancellor Cinch turned around and marched off, but not before saying “And by the way Princess, you and your sister are still due for that veto.”

As Chancellor Cinch marches off, Senator Twinkle Wish got up, still panicking over the fact that Princess Celestia would look over Baby Wanda. She turned to Princess Celestia and said “This isn’t over yet, Princess Celestia. My wall will still prevail.”

But as Twinkle Wish ran off in frustration, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence flew in with Kibitz galloping behind. All three are just glad to see Princess Celestia and Baby Wanda, but were surprised to see Sunset Shimmer right next to her.

“Don’t worry sister,” Celestia said with a smile on her face. “Everything has been taken care of. Wanda is safe.”

“Thank goodness,” Princess Luna said as she was relieved to see Celestia with Baby Wanda once more. “And don’t worry. I wasn’t harsh on Cadence.”

“When I saw Wanda fly off with those wings of hers, I nearly freaked out,” Cadence said as she was glad to see Wanda’s face again. “It was as if I almost lost my little sister.”

“Well you’re not gonna just have one sister,” Celestia said as she rubbed Cadence on her head. “You’re going to have two. Say hello to Sunset Shimmer.”

As Celestia turned her arm to Sunset Shimmer, the little filly let out a meek “Hi” to Cadence. The young, pink alicorn’s eyes lit up as she went to Sunset and cuddled her.

“Ohhh, I’m going to have two sisters now,” The young alicorn said as she rubbed her muzzle to Sunset’s. “Isn’t this exciting?”

“Urrgh,” Sunset said as she struggled to get loose. “Yes.”

“Is there something I can do, your majesty?” Majordomo Kibitz said to Princess Celestia as he walked up to her.

“Take Cadence, Wanda and Sunset back to the castle. And give both Wanda and Sunset a bath.” Celestia hands Baby Wanda over to Kibitz as Cadence puts Sunset Shimmer down and walks off.

“At once your majesty,” Kibitz said as he started to walk off in the opposite direction, holding Baby Wanda with his magic. Cadence followed behind, but not Sunset, who was still afraid.

“It’s okay, Sunset,” Princess Celestia said as she comforted Sunset. “He’ll look after you while I’m gone. Now run along now.”

Those words are enough to lift Sunset’s spirit, as she ran towards Kibitz, Cadence and Baby Wanda.

Luna walked towards Princess Celestia and said “So. Are you ready to surprise Twinkle Wish with that wall veto?”

Celestia's face turns into a smirk as she says “Bring it on, sister. I can’t wait to see the look on her face. I’d say one humiliation deserves another.”

As Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked off from the alleyway, the duo let out a hysterical laugh that could be heard throughout all of Canterlot.

Down the street, as Chancellor Cinch, Senator Wish and a few guards walked down the path, the echo of Celestia and Luna’s laughter filled the air. This caused Senator Wish to scream like a maniac and faint completely. The guards laughed while Chancellor Cinch placed her hoof to her face.

“This is going to be one of those days,” Chancellor Cinch said.

To be continued in...

A Mother’s responsibility

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