• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 15-2: Saddle Arabia Blues

Saddle Arabia Blues

It was a wonderful afternoon in the city of Canterlot. Just outside Twilight Sparkle’s house, the royal carriage was parked there with Princess Luna and a couple of guards waiting patiently. Sunburst, Moondancer and Pinkie Pie waited with anticipation while Moondancer rocked Spike in her arms.

“I can’t wait,” Pinkie Pie said. “A whole weekend of doing nothing but having fun. This is going to be the best couple of days ever.”

“Well we still gotta wait for everyone else to arrive,” Sunburst said. “Besides, we got here before Twilight, Starlight and the others did.”

“Speaking of which,” Moondancer said. “Where’s Danged Spell? Normally he would be here by now.”

Just as Moondancer finished her sentence, a sound of hooves slowly walking the pavement echoed through the street. Sunburst, Moondancer and Pinkie Pie turned their heads to see Danged Spell walk on up, still soaking wet.

“Spell,” Moondancer said. “What the hay happened to you?”

Danged Spell shook the water off his fur coat and said “You can thank that witch Cinch for the humiliation I’ve been through. I’ll pay her back ten folds.”

Princess Luna laughed as she stepped away from the carriage and walked up to Danged Spell. The stubborn colt looked up at her as the moon princess rubbed him on his mane.

“Knock it off,” Danged Spell said in a low and stern voice. That ain’t funny ya big palooka.”

“Oh relax already, young colt,” Princess Luna said with a chuckle. “Maybe you should learn to just have a bit of fun, like Chancellor Cinch.”

“A bit of fun, my behind,” Danged Spell snorted.

“Is that any way for a young hero who bested the Windigo’s Guild in Canterlot to act?” Luna said with a smirk on her face. “Come on now. You’re better than this.”

“Uggh, fine,” Danged Spell said as he gently nudged Luna’s hoof off his head.

“Hey, that reminds me,” Pinkie Pie said. “Princess Cadance was supposed to watch over us. Where is she?”

But as soon as Pinkie Pie finished talking, a magical aura surrounded her as she floated up in the air. Pinkie Pie turned around and saw Princess Cadance and Shining Armor walking up to the youngsters.

“Did that answer your question?” Princess Cadance asked as she pulled a cheerful Pinkie Pie closer.

“That sure did,” Pinkie Pie giggled.

Shining Armor laughed as he said “Well since our parents are out till later tonight, we’ll open up the house to everyone once Princess Celestia and the others arrive.”

“So that means we’re all going to be having a fun time together?” Moondancer asked as Spike sucked on the tip of his tail.

.”That’s right,” Princess Cadance said. “Sunset, Starlight, Twilight, Golden Lace and Wanda will all be here.”

“It’s too bad we can’t have it at the castle,” Danged Spell said. “It would have been a fun time.”

“It would,” Princess Cadance said. “But mother had to hire cleaning experts to deep clean the interior of the castle. So we will have to remain here until everything is done.”

“Look on the bright side, Spell,” Moondancer said. “We are preparing it for a big event in the future. And you know what that means.”

Moondancer gave a wink towards Danged Spell, who’s scowl turned into a devilish grin.

“I think I know what you’re talking about,” Danged Spell said.

As Moondancer and Danged Spell let out a jolly laugh, Sunburst turned his head and his face beamed with excitement.

“Hey guys,” Sunburst yelled. “I think they’re here.”

Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Princess Luna turned their heads to see Princess Celestia, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Golden Lace run up to them. The younglings next to Luna cheered as the rest of the group approached.

“Sorry we’re late,” Wanda said. “We were having a bonding time together.”

“So,” Sunset said. “Are we about ready to par-tay?”

“You want to par-tay?” Pinkie Pie said as she slunked to Sunset Shimmer’s side. “Oh when that comes, we will par-tay.”

As Sunset and Pinkie stood together, an excited Twilight Sparkle ran up to Princess Cadance. The two proceeded to dance together.

“Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake,” Twilight and Cadance chanted as they danced together. Wanda walked up beside Sunset and Pinkie with a disgusted look on her face.

“Do they have to do this, everytime?” Wanda asked.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Sunset replied.

“Aww, what’s wrong with a friendship dance?” Pinkie Pie asked. “You two should try it.”

Wanda and Sunset rolled their eyes as the man’s cub said “Ehhh probably not.”

Pinkie Pie just looked at them awkwardly and said to the reader “Wow. Talk about being pessimistic, considering that Wanda is a rather cheerful child.”

Suddenly, Starlight ran up to Sunburst and leaped onto the colt in a big surprise. Sunburst struggled a bit as Starlight cuddled him

“Sunburst-sama,” Starlight said.

“Uggh,” Sunburst said. “Glad to see you as well, Starlight.”

Danged Spell just walked up to the two and looked down at them with a smile on his face.

“I guess Sunburst is in a….tight squeeze,” Danged Spell laughed. “Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” the other younglings sans Starlight and Sunburst yelled as they all burst into laughter.

Golden Lace giggled a bit as she walked up to Wanda and Sunset.

“No wonder you guys are full of optimism,” Golden Lace said as she struggled to hold in her laughter.

“That’s how we roll, Lace,” Sunset said. “We’re a bunch of friends who look out for each other. And sometimes give each other a hard time. But we don’t go too far.”

“I think you’ll fit in well with the rest of us,” Wanda said as she placed her hand on Lace’s cheek. “Sure you were horrible back then. But you’re a much better pony now, and I do feel sorry for what you had to go through.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “We’re like a family. And as a family, we are one together.”

“And not just that,” Moondancer said as she sat Spike right next to Abigail. “We’re also friends. And friendship is magic.” As Moondancer spoke, Abigail and Spike looked at each other and cuddled together.

Princess Celestia looked at the younglings interacting with each other. She gave a wink to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor as the elder alicorn and her sister Princess Luna walked towards the carriage. Cadence only looked on with a smile on her face as the two older alicorns walked away.

“I can’t believe this is our first trip out of the Equestrian nation in a long time,” Princess Luna said.

“Nether can I,” Princess Celestia said. “But I can tell by your tone that you’re nervous.”

“Me? Nervous?” Princess Luna said with a fake laugh. “No way.”

“Come on sister,” Princess Celestia said. “I’m as nervous about this trip as you are.”

“You’re nervous?” Princess Luna said as she came to a stop. “What is the one thing that makes you nervous?”

Princess Celestia came to a full stop as she felt something holding down her leg. She looked down and saw Wanda Young hold onto the alicorn’s leg.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “I’m scared that you’re going to be going away.”

“I’m scared that I won’t be with you, my darling,” Princess Celestia said as she used her magic to pry Wanda off her leg and place her right to the side. “But promise me you’ll be strong for your sisters and your friends.”

“Strong?” Wanda asked.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia replied. “You demonstrated that with your dedication to your friends not long ago. And as a result, you became the first non-pony to earn her cutie mark. That’s the kind of strength that even I didn’t expect. And I’m proud that you demonstrated that. So promise me that you will be strong for them like you did that day.”

Wanda looked up at Princess Celestia as she slowly released her grip from her adopted mother’s leg. Princess Celestia turned around and rubbed Wanda on the top of her head, causing the little man’s cub to giggle.

“So my darling,” Princess Celestia said. “Do you promise to be strong for your sisters and your friends while I’m gone?”

“I promise,” Wanda giggled.

Princess Celestia lifted her hoof from Wanda’s head. Wanda turned her around and ran towards Sunset Shimmer, who proceeded to hug the little man’s cub. Celestia giggled as she saw her two daughters embrace each other.

“Mommy,” Wanda said as she turned to face Celestia. “Promise that you’ll be back.”

“I will, my darling,” Celestia said. “And Sunset, make sure you and Cadance look after her.”

“That’s a one hundred percent promise, mother,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“And with that,” Celestia said as Princess Luna jumped into the carriage. “We’ll be on our way.”

Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Spike the Dragon, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor all waved as Princess Celestia jumped into the carriage. She stuck her head out and waved good-bye as the guards extended their wings and pulled the carriage faster and faster until it flew off from Canterlot.

Inside, Princess Celestia waved outside as she saw the younglings become far more distant. She looked as Wanda disappeared into a small speck. Celestia’s smile faded into a frown as she closed her eyes and sat right next to Princess Luna.

“This is going to be a long trip,” Princess Celestia said. “I wish we didn’t have to leave Wanda and Sunset back in Canterlot.”

“That may be true, my lady. But she’s gotta learn how to survive without you.” Princess Celestia opened her eyes to see Majordomo Kibitz sitting across from her.

“Kibitz,” Celestia said. “I didn’t expect you to be joining us on this journey.”

“Well someone’s gotta keep an eye on you both while the Castle is being prepared for the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Kibitz said. “King Myrrh is hoping we can get that treaty done so that the trade route between the Equestrian Mainland and Saddle Arabia is opened up.”

Princess Luna put her muzzle right next to Celestia’s ear and whispered “It was his idea. I couldn’t stop him.”

Princess Celestia merely rolled her eyes as Princess Luna and Majordomo Kibitz giggled in delight.

Back down on the streets of Canterlot, right outside Twilight Sparkle’s house, everyone lowered their arms from waving as the carriage disappeared into the atmosphere. Princess Cadance walked up to the door and turned to face the younglings.

“Okay,” Princess Cadance said. “Who’s ready for a whole weekend of fun?”

Every youngling cheered in unison as Cadance used her magic on the doorknob. But when she tried to turn, the knob stood there, stuck in place.

“Well,” Princess Cadance said as she began to sweat. “This might be coming off to a bad start.”

As Cadance struggled to turn the doorknob, Shining Armor walked up right next to her holding a key in the air with his magic.

“Allow me,” Shining Armor said. “Mom and dad entrusted me with this.”

“Oh, right,” Princess Cadance said as she blushed with embarrassment and walked away from the door.

Shining Armor inserted the key into the lock and turned it before turning the doorknob and opening the door. He goes inside with Princess Cadance following from behind.

“Okay you two,” Pinkie Pie said as she pulled Danged Spell and Moondancer close to her. “Are you ready to par-tay?”

“I’m up for the best weekend of my life,” Moondancer said.

“Bring it on, you wild animal,” Danged Spell replied with a smirk on his face.

With that, Pinkie Pie lets go of Moondancer and Danged Spell as the two walk in through the doorway. Pinkie Pie followed behind with a clownish cartwheel. Starlight and Sunburst looked at each other with a warm smile as Pinkie Pie disappeared through the doorway.

“I haven’t been this excited since our last slumber party in Sire’s Hollow,” Starlight said as she clapped her hooves.

“You and I both,” Sunburst said. “What do you say we go have some fun with our friends?”

“YAAAAAAY!” Starlight cheered as she ran through the doorway. Sunburst just laughed before he followed Starlight through the door. Golden Lace watched Sunburst go inside as Twilight and Sunset walked up to her with Spike riding on Twilight’s back.

“Truth be told,” Golden Lace said. “I’ve never had a…”

“Slumber party?” Twilight interrupted.

“I’ve never had one with friends, either,” Sunset laughed. “It does make two of us.”

“Or maybe three.” Twilight giggled.

“Well,” Golden Lace said with a smile. “Let’s see what this slumber party is made of.”

Spike held onto Twilight’s back as the lavender filly walked through the doorway, with Sunset and Golden Lace right behind them. Wanda looked outside with Abigail right beside her.

“My first slumber party,” Wanda said. “I can’t wait to see what kind of fun I’ll have.”

But before Wanda could make a move, she unexpectedly coughed right into her hand. She looked down and saw a few droplet particles.

“Oh dear,” Wanda said. “I’m getting sick again? Let’s hope I don’t miss out on all the fun.”

Abigail meowed as she and Wanda walked up to the doorway and through it. But on a roof nearby, Cozy Glow had been looking down at the entrance to Twilight’s house. Her face showed not of joy, but of concern.

“Something tells me I need to keep an eye out on little Wanda,” Cozy Glow said. “This might be bad news.”

Later that evening, the carriage was flying above the desert sands as the sun began to set. Inside, Princess Celestia just stared out the window, paying no attention to Princess Luna or Majordomo Kibitz, who were in the middle of talking with each other.

“King Myrrh has a son?” Princess Luna asked.

“I wonder where you have been in the last eight years,” Kibitz said with a humble chuckle. “His son’s name is Hoofar and he considers him his pride and joy. The two are inseparable.”

“Is that so?” Luna said.

“Oh I’m not kidding,” Kibitz replied. “Everywhere the king goes, the young prince follows, learning a lot from his father. They say parents can be the best teachers.

“Best teachers,” Princess Celestia muttered to herself, catching the attention of Luna and Kibitz.

“Sister,” Luna said. “Are you alright?”

Princess Celestia snapped out of her trance and said “Yeah. I’m fine.”

Kibitz took off his glasses and wiped off the smudge with a cloth before he said “I take it Princess Celestia feels homesick without Wanda or Sunset.”

“I’m afraid so,” Princess Luna said. “It’s mainly Sunset and Wanda’s first time being without their mother. But for my dear sister, it feels like she was more reluctant in letting them go.”

“And I assume it had to do with what happened in the past before Sunset and Wanda,” Kibitz said.

“Kibitz,” Luna said. “You don’t even know half of it.”

Later that night, as the sun disappeared into the desert sky, the carriage landed in the north east wing of Saddle Arabia’s grand palace. A semi-buff, unicorn male, dressed in royal garb, stood by as the carriage opened and Celestia, Luna and Kibitz came out. Right next to him were members of his royal guard, and a young colt who stood by his side. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked up to the unicorn king and bowed down.

“King Myrrh I presume,” Celestia said.

“Indeed,” King Myrrh said. “I bid the Princesses of Equestria welcome to Saddle Arabia.”

“It is an honor to be here, your majesty,” Princess Celestia said with a bit of a somber tone.

“Though I do admit,” King Myrrh said. “I didn’t expect Princess Celestia to be depressed.”

“My sister’s been going through alot since we departed Canterlot,” Princess Luna said. “She had to leave her daughters behind after the Windigo’s Guild attacked La Maresa and the Storm King invaded Mount Aris.”

“Oh dear,” King Myrrh said. “That is a shame. My son, Prince Hoofar, would have been honored to have met the ones called Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young.”

“Guess in the end,” Princess Celestia said. “We tend to be more protective for their own good.”

“Indeed we do,” King Myrrh said. “Anyway, our treaty negotiations will begin tomorrow. For now, you both should get some rest.”

“Rest,” Celestia said. “Yes. That does sound like a good idea.”

Princess Celestia walked past King Myrrh and Prince Hoofar as she slowly made her way towards the castle. Princess Luna walked up to King Myrrh, who looked more concerned

"You know," King Myrrh said. "We could always put this off for another day."

"It was my sister's insistence in wanting to get this completed," Princess Luna said. "For your people's sake and for ours."

"Point taken," King Myrrh said. "Perhaps I shall show you and your sister to your rooms."

King Myrrh, Prince Hoofar, Princess Luna and Majordomo Kibitz followed Princess Celestia as they approached the entrance to the Saddle Arabia palace. Prince Hoofar looked at Princess Celestia and ran up closer to King Myrrh.

"Father," Prince Hoofar said. "I know that Wanda and Sunset didn't come down to visit. But I never saw Princess Celestia like that."

"It's because she fears for her daughter's safety and well-being," King Myrrh said to his son. "Both her younger daughters."

"Just like how you cared for me?"

"Yes," King Myrrh said as he turned his head away. "Ever since your mother's death, I have been watching over you, in hopes that I can make you the shining star of Saddle Arabia. Like with Princess Celestia towards her daughters, I do share some concern for your well being. Sometimes I do worry if you will live to see another day.”

“Dad,” Prince Hoofar said. “I miss my mother as well. But I promise I won’t let you down.”

“I know, my son,” King Myrrh said. “That’s why I’m proud to have you by my side. You serve as a shining example to our people, and to the hope that you bring them. Never forget that.”

As the night began to shine down on Saddle Arabia, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Majordomo Kibitz, King Myrrh and Prince Hoofar walked into the palace, where the interior lit up like a warm flame that led the lost individual to their way forward.

Later that night, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were relaxing in a royal suite, with Majordomo Kibitz sleeping on a nearby bed. Princess Celestia looked out at the moon shining in the distance with the image of a pony-like demon imprinted on it. Princess Luna turned to her sister and placed her arm around her shoulder.

“Still thinking about Wanda and Sunset?” Luna asked.

“You guessed right,” Princess Celestia said. “Sometimes I do wonder if it was a good idea to leave them both in the care of others.”

“It’s like what Majordomo Kibitz said,” Luna replied. “Wanda and Sunset will have to learn how to adapt without us. What would happen if we both disappeared and they couldn’t figure out how to handle themselves?”

“There is still the concern that I could lose Wanda like I lost….her,” Celestia said as she lowered her head and closed her eyes.

“I know what you mean, sister,” Princess Luna said. “You fear what happened to your other daughter from long ago will happen to Wanda or Sunset.”

“And it still bugs me to this day,” Princess Celestia replied.

Luna got off the bed and walked up to the balcony. She looked up at the moon, reflecting deep on the inside.

“You’re not the only one who worries about losing a loved one,” Princess Luna said. “Sometimes, I still fear that I could lose you as well.”

“Like when I became Daybreaker and nearly became lost to you,” Princess Celestia said.

“I didn’t want to lose you to whoever that shade was,” Princess Luna said as she turned to face Princess Celestia. “But at the same time, I didn’t want to hurt you either. You’re my sister, and I have always cared for you since that incident. And truth be told, I still get nightmares thinking about that fateful day.”

`I can understand what you mean, dear sister,” Princess Celestia said. “I worry a lot because of the well-being of Wanda and Sunset. You worry a lot because of my well-being.”

“I do,” Princess Luna said as she approached Princess Celestia. “And I do fear that I may lose you one day, even if you don’t become Daybreaker again.”

“As if I were to die?” Princess Celestia said in a bit of shock.

“That….may be accurate,” Princess Luna said. “But it’s also something I hope I don’t have to think about.”

Princess Celestia looked down as she placed her hoof over her heart. She opened her hoof to her face and just stared right at it.

“Guess we both have a lot in common,” Princess Celestia said. “Our own worries, our fears, our own doubts. They can weigh us down even in the best of times.”

“Every one of us has our own worries,” Princess Luna said as she jumped onto the bed. “King Myrrh has his concerns not just for his son, but also for his own people. Likewise, the people of Saddle Arabia can worry about the well-being of their king and the prince. It’s how we all think, and it’s how we all react.”

Celestia rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling before she said “Luna. What would happen if Wanda was in major distress, but the same thing happened to me as well?”

“That is something I cannot answer,” Luna replied. “For I do not know what the future may bring. But I can say this: Don’t worry about the future. Worry more about the present.. We’ll get through this, one hundred percent.”

“I hope you’re right, Luna,” Princess Celestia said as the moon shone down on the Saddle Arabia night.

To Be Continued in...

Disaster strikes

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