• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 9-2: La Maresa: Jewel of Ponyville

La Maresa: Jewel of Ponyville

Princess Celestia emerged from the Everfree Forest with Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright riding on her back. The Alicorn Princess ran as fast as she could, blazing through like a cheetah in the savannah. Her eyes left an impressive glow, while she snarled like a wolf. But for Wanda, Sunset and Abigail, they didn’t seem to mind as their mother made their way down to the village up ahead.

This was La Maresa. Some refer to it as the prime Ponyville of Equestria. Compared to the grand city of Canterlot, La Maresa was a humble village. The buildings are not as tall, but were still amazing to the eye. A single street paved through the middle of town, specifically the commerce sector, for ponies to walk through. Individual houses decorated the exterior of this beautiful Ponyville. Some of the commercial buildings were themed off what they were providing, like one that was shaped like a giant cupcake. Though there weren’t as many ponies in La Maresa as there was in Canterlot, they still considered this village their home.

“Wow,” Wanda said as she and Sunset observed the entire village from the back of Princess Celestia. “What a beautiful place. I want to live here when I grow up.”

“You and me both, sis,” Sunset said as she was awestruck by the sights of La Maresa.

As the two siblings looked around La Maresa, some of the ponies were quick to spot Princess Celestia running through their village. Their faces turned to joy as they saw alicorn princess blaze through town.

“Everyone,” one villager yelled. “It’s Princess Celestia. She’s arrived in town.”

“Princess Celestia?” another villager said. “I heard she was coming down for the Ponyville Fair.”

“I can’t wait to meet her,” a third villager said.

Suddenly, a whole flock of villagers began to crowd around the path that Princess Celestia was on, cheering for her and bidding her welcome. But as Princess Celestia ran as fast as she could, she realized that the crowd was blocking her way forward, and they didn’t look like they were going to move.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “I think we need to slow down.” But Celestia wasn’t paying attention. She continued to run as fast as possible before making a great leap. The villagers looked in awe as Princess Celestia jumped over them.

“Woah,” The crowd said as they watched Celestia pass above them.

Princess Celestia was able to clear the jump and descended downward towards the ground. But as she landed, her hoof caught onto a stray pebble, and she tripped over it, causing her to tumble and fall to the ground. The act caused Wanda, Sunset and Abigail to lose their grip on Princess Celestia, sending them flying off their back.

“HEEEEEELP,” Wanda and Sunset yelled as Abigail screamed off the top of her lungs.

By the time Princess Celestia snapped out of her trace, she looked up and saw Wanda, Sunset and Abigail tumbling in the air. With a loud splash, Sunset had wound up in a nearby fountain while Wanda and Abigail tumbled nearby on the ground. Sunset stuck her head out and spewed water from her mouth while Wanda and Abigail looked dazed.

“Oh dear,” Princess Celestia said as she approached Wanda, Sunset and Abigail. “I’m terribly sorry, my daughters. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

But as Princess Celestia walked up to Wanda, Sunset and Abigail, so did the rest of the village, as their eyes were solely on Wanda. They had never seen anyone like her before, not even in any part of Equestria. Considering that Wanda isn’t even a pony, or another familiar creature of Equestria, that would be an understatement.

“What is this creature?” One villager said, curious by Wanda’s presence.

“I’ve never seen such an adorable child,” Another villager said as she was awed by Wanda’s looks, despite looking a bit dizzy.

“She looked like she’s been hurt.,” a third villager said.

“She’s my daughter,” Princess Celestia said as she placed her hoof on Wanda’s head for assurance.

“She’s your daughter, your majesty?” that same villager asked.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia replied. “She was left at the doorstep of the castle when she was a baby. Since then, I’ve taken her in as my daughter to at least give her a life worth living. Right now, she’s a bit roughed up by that accident. My fault, actually.”

As Wanda shook her head and recovered, she saw all those ponies looking at her. While there were some unicorns, there were also pegasi, but also plenty of earth ponies.

“Oh,” one villager said. “Doesn’t she look cute?

“I’ll say,” another villager said. “If she’s Princess Celestia’s daughter, she’s welcome in our village.”

Wanda felt a bit nervous hearing all those ponies talk about her. She turned her head towards Sunset and whispered “I would prefer it if you were the center of attention.”

“You’re telling me?” Sunset whispered back.

But as many of the ponies of La Maresa looked at Wanda with curiosity and how adorable the man’s cub is, a familiar voice echoed in the background.

“Wanda? Is that you?” The voice said.

“Unca Bright Mac?” Wanda said as her tone changed to excitement. She turned her head to see Bright Mac walk up to her, Sunset, Abigail and Princess Celestia. But he wasn’t alone. Right next to him was another mare. Her coat was a Pale gamboge color. Her mane was curly and long with a brilliant gamboge hue. Her eyes were pure turquoise, and her cutie mark, the representation of delicious jam in a jar.

“Hey Wanda,” Bright Mac said as he and the other mare walked up to the younglings. “Been awhile since we last saw each other. How’s life in Canterlot? Has that chancellor been giving you a hard time.”

“Every once in a while,” Wanda said as she began to dwell. “But now these Banks fellows gave me and mommy an even harder time. Especially after they threatened to shut down the school if anything happened to that mean bully who picked on Ditzy Doo.”

“Oh that is horrible,” Bright Mac said. “Filthy Rich told me about the Banks. They’re bad news.”

As Sunset looked at the mare next to Bright Mac, the young filly asked “By the way, who’s she?”

“Oh her?” Bright Mac said as he presented his mate. “Dis here’s my wife, Buttercup. I’ve known her since before you were born, and since then, we’ve kept Sweet Apple Acres running with my ma Granny Smith.”

“Nice to meet y’all,” Buttercup said as she took a bow. “Bright Mac told me about you young’uns, and how Princess Celestia raised you both.”

As Buttercup spoke, Abigail tried to get up and take a few steps, only to fall right back down.. She shook her head and got up again as Bright Mac, Buttercup and Princess Celestia laughed.

“Don’t worry Abby,” Wanda said as she picked the kitten up. “I’m here for you.”

“Abby?” Buttercup said.

“Her real name is Abigail Albright,” Wanda said. “But I call her Abby for short.”

As Sunset got out of the fountain, Princess Celestia walked beside her and placed her hoof atop her head.

“Sorry about that,” Princess Celestia. “Guess even I still have a lot to learn about my curse.”

“Don’t worry, mommy,” Sunset said with a smile. “I’ve been through worse.”

“A curse you say?” Bright Mac said. “Now that’s something I’ve never heard from you, your majesty.”

“It’s a long story that we can discuss at Sweet Apple Acres,” Princess Celestia said.

“Why not?” Bright Mac said. “Besides,your young’uns are welcomed at Sweet Apple Acres. There’s a couple of mah kin who want to meet you.”

“Don’t you worry, Princess,” Buttercup said. “I can look after them while you have a chat together.”

“That would be great,” Princess Celestia replied. She turned towards Wanda and Sunset and said “Now you two be nice to Buttercup.”

Wanda and Sunset nodded to their alicorn mother as the Man’s Cub held onto Abigail. They turned towards Buttercup, who signaled to the two younglings.

“So,” Buttercup said to Wanda and Sunset. “Is this your first time here in La Maresa?”

“I’ve barely been outside of Canterlot,” Sunset replied. “Sire’s Hollow was one thing. But La Maresa already blew my mind away.”

“I have never been here myself,” Wanda replied. “But it sure looks pretty.”

As Buttercup turned around and walked in the opposite direction, Wanda, Abigail and Sunset followed right behind her. The two kids and the kitten have had a long trip from Canterlot. But they knew that the day had only begun, and they have yet to even step a foot, paw or hoof into the Ponyville Fair of La Maresa.

A little later at Sweet Apple Acres, Buttercup placed a basket onto the ground and proceeded to kick a nearby tree. Apples fell from the tree and most of them landed into the basket. Sunset pulled some of the apples from the tree with her magic, while Wanda flew up and pulled some of her own. Abigail had climbed up a tree and was taking a nap.

“This looks like a lot of hard work,” Wanda said as she pulled a few apples from the trees and flew down with them.

“It sure is,” Buttercup said. She looked at Wanda’s wings and said. “But I didn’t know you could fly. Are you some kind of fairy?”

“A fairy?” Wanda asked.

“Ma used to tell me all about fairies when I was your age,” Buttercup said as she scooped up some of the apples and placed them into the basket. “They’re like...guardians who protect ponies during the long summer nights. Their magic has this warm feeling, like being next to a fireplace during the winter nights.”

“I don’t think Wanda is what you’re describing,” Sunset laughed. “She may have those flutter wings, but I don’t see her as what you call a fairy.”

“Guess you’re right,” Buttercup giggled. “But then again, miracles seem to happen while down here in La Maresa. I wonder if it’s related to the Everfree Forest nearby.”

As Buttercup continued to shake up the trees for more apples, Wanda flew downward with apples on her arms. She placed the apples into the bucket and took a step onto the ground. Sunset placed two more apples into the bin as she reflected on the entire apple orchard.

“Hey sis,” Wanda asked. “Do you think the others are enjoying the fair without us?”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Sunset said with a smirk. “I would say they are, but mommy said that the fair doesn’t open for another hour.”

“Maybe they’re checking out what La Maresa is like,” Wanda replied. “I heard that an old train called the Banana Express sits here for everyone to check out.”

“The Banana Express, eh?” Sunset replied. “Now that’s the most bizarre name for a train I’ve ever heard.”

“And since when do bananas dominate over apples?” Someone said, which caught the attention of Buttercup, Wanda and Sunset. The trio turned their heads to see two earth pony younglings. The slightly older colt had a brilliant amaranth coat, a short, brilliant orange mane and tail, moderate sap green eyes, a yoke around his neck, and a cutie mark representing a green apple half. The young filly had a brilliant gamboge coat, a pale, light grayish olive mane, moderate sap green eyes, and a cutie mark representing three apples.

“Applejack, Big Mac,” Buttercup said. “Glad you two could make it.”

“Well we ain’t letting those two hog the spotlight in apple pickin,” the younger filly named Applejack said. “Ain’t that right, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup,” the older one known as Big Mac said.

“Well we’re just helping out to pass the time,” Wanda said.

“And I take it your name is Applejack, right?” Sunset asked as she extended her hoof out.

“It sure is,” Applejack said as she grabbed Sunset’s extended hoof and shook it wildly, causing Sunset to shake. Wanda looked at Sunset’s predicament and giggled.

“Okay,” Sunset said, pulling her hoof back as she felt her whole world shaking. “I didn’t see that coming.”

“Sorry,” Applejack said. “Sometimes, I don’t know my own strength.”

“Applejack dear,” Buttercup said. “Would you kindly demonstrate to our guests on how you buck apples?”

“You got it, ma,” Applejack said as she lowered her body and scratched the surface. As Wanda and Sunset looked on, Big Mac came up behind them.

“I’d stay back if I were you both,” Big Mac said.

Applejack ran towards a nearby apple. She took a giant leap and swung her left leg forward. With a mighty kick, the tree shook violently as apples began to pour from the tree. But on that tree, Abigail held on for dear life as the tree shook and the apples fell, screaming loud from her lungs. The kitten looked up, and moved back a bit as an apple missed and bounced off the thick tree branch. She looked down and let out a hiss at Applejack.

“Whoops,” Applejack said as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. “Sorry about that, little kitty cat.”

As Abigail growled at Applejack, Wanda flew up to the tree branch and gently picked up Abigail before proceeding to pet her. The kitty cat’s anger melted away as she allowed Wanda to rub beside her ear. Applejack looked up at Wanda’s flutter wings and was awestruck.

“Well I’ll be,” Applejack said before turning her head towards Sunset. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your sister is some kind of fairy.”

“Funny,” Sunset said. “But she’s no fairy. Wanda is a man’s cub. Mommy told me that she came from the world of humans. But judging by her abilities, I think she might not truly be a...human.”

As Wanda flew down holding Abigail in her arms, Applejack and Big Mac ran up to the duo. Abigail was still scared by Applejack’s mighty kick, while Wanda was calm and collective.

“Still can’t believe that a human like you could have that gift,” Applejack said. But as she looked at Abigail, the cat growled directly at that apple filly’s face.

“Abigail,” Wanda said as she rubbed Abigail on the ear, calming the kitten down. “It was an accident. She didn’t mean to do so.”

“Sorry bout that, little kitty cat,” Applejack said. “But sometimes, I don’t know mah own strength.”

“You think that’s crazy,” Sunset said. “You should see Danged Spell in action, especially when he’s affected by the Wolf’s Breath curse.”

“The wha?” Applejack said as she was totally confused by Sunset’s words.

“Maybe I should tell you all about it when we arrive at the fair today,” Sunset giggled.

“Speaking of which,” Buttercup said as she lifted the basket full of apples with her hooves and got up onto her two legs. “I think we have enough apples for Granny Smith’s famous apple fritters at the fair today. So we best be getting ready.”

“Yay,” Wanda said as she flew to the ground and set Abigail down. “I can’t wait.”

“I’ve already worked up an appetite,” Sunset said. “And I can’t wait to get into the fair today. It’s going to be so awesome.”

“By the way, ma,” Applejack said. “Is Apple Bloom going to be with us?”

“Grandma Granny Smith is looking after her,” Buttercup said.

“Who’s Apple Bloom?” Sunset asked out of curiosity.

“My youngest bundle of joy,” Buttercup said. “I can’t wait for you both to meet her.”

“By the way,” Wanda said. “Where is mommy at the moment?”

“She’s having a discussion with Bright Mac,” Buttercup said. “She’ll join us later today at the entrance to the fair. So don’t worry about it, Wanda darling.”

Wanda and Sunset both felt excited. They have never been to La Maresa, nor have they checked out the Ponyville Faire. Then again, they have barely been outside of Canterlot throughout their lives. So it’s not just a big event they get to check out, but also the fact that they get to know the world a bit more, and the lessons they’ll learn from their experience. But for Applejack and Big Macintosh, it’s just another year at the fair with new faces that show up, and all those yummy snacks to try out. Some are familiar to them while others are all new flavors.

Later that day, Wanda, Abigail, Sunset, Applejack, Big Mac and Buttercup were lined up at the entrance to the Ponyville Faire. Wanda waited patiently for the fair to open up, alongside Applejack and Big Mac. But Sunset Shimmer was excited because she couldn’t contain herself, mainly because she was waiting for the gates to open up.

“I can’t wait to go in,” Sunset said as she paced back and forth with excitement. “All those rides, the food, the exhibits there. It’s going to be the best thing ever.”

“Now settle down, Sunset,” Applejack said. “Ah been to this fair many times, and ah know how it always turns out. Especially the food there. Granny Smith makes a nice apple bake for the event. Topped with cinnamon and powdered sugar, and graham cracker crumbles. It’s been mah favorite alongside apple fritters. Now that’s something to look forward to.” Unfortunately, Applejack’s wisdom did not do enough to calm Sunset’s nerves.

“Okay,” Sunset said as she licked her lip “Now I’m really excited to try that out.” Applejack just looked at Sunset and began to roll her eyes a bit.

“Oh for cryin out loud,” Applejack said as she turned to face Big Macintosh. “Can you believe this? Becoming more impatient to enter the fair because of one’s obsession with food?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied. That only caused Applejack’s eyes to widen a bit.

“Okay,” Applejack replied. “Even I didn’t see that coming.”

But Wanda wasn’t waiting for the entrance to the fair to open up. She was looking around and looked a bit worried.

“Hey Buttercup,” Wanda asked. “What happened to our friends? And to mommy?”

“Oh them?” Buttercup replied. “Princess Celestia said she’ll be showing up anytime, mah dear, with the rest of your friends from Canterlot.”

“Sounds like you’re more patient than the rest of us,” Applejack said.

“Well I don’t just want to rush into the fair to enjoy the food,” Wanda replied as Abigail rubbed herself on Wanda’s leg. “I just want to enjoy this moment with my friends.”

“You know,” Applejack said. “You remind me of a mix between two other friends: Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”

“How so?” Wanda said, confused by what Applejack said.

“You have the urge to want to be with your own friends,” Applejack replied. “And yet, at the same time, you also have this sense of being shy.”

“Applejack has a knack for friendship,” Buttercup said. “I’m sure you’ll get to enjoy the time at the fair with your friends, Wanda.”

“Well I sure hope so,” Wanda replied. “I also hope that there aren’t any nasty surprises to expect.”

But as she finished talking, Wanda was immediately startled by the sound of a deep, loud horn. She jumped upwards and landed downward on the ground. Right behind her was Rainbow Dash holding a horn in her hoof.

“Hahahahaha,” Rainbow Dash laughed as she pointed at Wanda. “Gotcha.” Her little prank just caught the attention of Sunset Shimmer and Applejack, who aren’t thrilled with that prankster’s stunt.

“Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said with a harsh tone. “You know better than to pull that horned toad of a stunt.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said as she snarled at Rainbow Dash. “What if she got hurt?”

“Oh please,” Rainbow Dash replied. “What is she, Fluttershy? It’s not like she’s afraid of her own shadow.”

“She might,” Sunset said as she glanced at Rainbow Dash. Wanda got herself up and dusted herself off, with Applejack standing right by her.

“Don’t you worry about Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said to Wanda. “If anyone tries to give you a hard time, she answers to me.”

“Well no wonder I could hear some pony tootin her own horn.” That voice came from Danged Spell, followed by the sound of colts and fillies laughing. Wanda looked behind Rainbow Dash and saw that young colt walk towards them with Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Moondancer, Sunburst and Ditzy Doo coming in right behind them. Baby Spike was riding on Twilight’s back.

“You two missed out on the tour at Ponyville,” Twilight yelled as she ran up to Wanda and Sunset. “There were so many interesting places there. Did you know that they have a library that looks like a tree? An actual Tree House Library?”

“Well that’s not something we see everyday,” Sunset replied.

“Maybe once I graduate from the School for Gifted Unicorns,” Twilight replied. “I should move here to La Maresa. It looks like a nice place to live.”

“Well if you did that,” Sunset giggled. “You’d have to send letters to our mommy on what lessons you learned today. And you’d have to do it weekly.”

“Oh, I can do that,” Twilight said with a smirk on her face. “What do you say to that, Sunset?”

Sunset only laughed and said “I was only messing with you. And it wasn’t about scaring you to half-death. At least I have standards.” Sunset’s reply only made Twilight laugh.

“Hey by the way,” Wanda said as Abigail rubbed up against her leg. “Where is mommy? And Aunt Luna? And big sister Cadance?”

“Did somebody call my name?” That voice came from Princess Cadance as she and Shining Armor came up right behind the younglings.

“BIG SISTER!” Wanda yelled as she ran up to Princess Cadance, who scooped up the man’s cub and gave her a hug.

“How did you enjoy the ride with mother?” Princess Cadance said.

“It was an adventure,” Wanda replied. “You should have seen what we saw.”

As Princess Cadance placed Wanda down, Shining Armor walked up and gave Wanda a friendly little noogie.

“I bet it was on a grand scale, little monkey,” Shining Armor said.

Sunset walked up to Princess Cadance and said to her “Glad we can all enjoy the fair as a family, sis. Even though we’re supposed to be on some assignment.”

“It’s about building a friendship here in La Maresa, Sunset,” Princess Cadance replied. “Mother assigned you, Wanda and the others to a random youngling here in this beautiful Ponyville. Though judging by who we have, it seems you and Wanda have become acquainted with Applejack, daughter of Bright Mac and Buttercup.”

“I’d say Applejack is a horse of a different color,” Sunset said. “At least we don’t have to do some friendship dance together.” Those words caused something in Princess Cadance to snap.

“Oh thanks for reminding me, sis,” Princess Cadance said as she ran up to Twilight Sparkle. Both Wanda and Sunset looked on and they had a look of total dread.

“Oh no,” Sunset said to herself as she covered her face with her arm. “Not again.”

Princess Cadance approached Twilight Sparkle as the duo chanted “Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” Wanda just looked on there and looked like she was going to be sick.

“Thanks a lot, Sunset,” Wanda said in a sarcastic tone. “I don’t know anything that’s worse than that.”

“I wouldn’t bet on jinxing yourself, Man’s Cub.” That harsh tone caused Wanda to jump a bit in fear. She turned around and saw Chancellor Cinch walking towards her.

“What do you want, Chancellor?” Sunset said as she stood her ground beside Wanda.

“I’m here for this event to ensure that your sister is well-behaved during her time at the Ponyville Fair,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “After all, this is a test to see if she can truly be a part of the ponies of Equestria.”

“That’s a big lie. You’re only here just to sample the delicacy of this place.” That voice came from Bright Mac of all ponies. He walked up behind Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The former looked excited to finally join in on the fun at the fair. The latter, not so much.

“Well, we can’t all be….modest,” Chancellor Cinch said as she felt embarrassed by Bright Mac calling her.

“It’s okay,” Princess Celestia replied. “I wanted Chancellor Cinch to get away from her job to enjoy the time here. And like she stated, it’s also a test for Wanda.”

As Bright Mac approached the ground, Buttercup came out of the line and approached her husband. The two embraced each other by rubbing their muzzles together before facing each other.

“Princess Celestia raised those two like we raised our own,” Buttercup said. “She must be blessed to have those angels.”

“What’d I tell ya?” Bright Mac said. “I’ve known those two since the human was a baby. Anyone who’s an adopted daughter of Princess Celestia is welcomed to Equestria in my book.”

As Bright Mac and Buttercup embraced each other, the colts and fillies lined up outside the entrance to the fair, with Wanda and Sunset positioned at the far edge of the ground. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch walked in front of the group, ready to make the announcement. As the younglings seemed eager to enter the fair, they had to learn to be patient. Celestia, judging by her posteur, felt more eager to just jump over the fence and have the time of her life.

“Okay students,” Princess Celestia said. “While you’re here to enjoy your time at the Ponyville Fair, you are also on assignment. Each of you will locate one friend that you will be assigned to: a local from La Maresa. Chancellor Cinch will give you the details.”

As Princess Celestia took a few steps back, Chancellor Cinch took a few steps forward, looking as calm and collective as possible, all while maintaining a strict, disciplined stance.

“As I am aware,” Chancellor Cinch said as she checked her glasses. “A few of you have already met your respected friends from Ponyville. They include Danged Spell with Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo, and Sunset and the Man’s Cub Wanda with Applejack and Big Macintosh. Step forward.”

With that, Danged Spell, Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer stepped forward all while Abigail positioned herself right next to Wanda.

“And now for the rest of you,” Chancellor Cinch said as she pulled out a list. “Sunburst, you will be assigned to a pegasi filly named Fluttershy. Moondancer, you will meet a unicorn youngling named Rarity. Starlight Glimmer, you will find the one known as Trixie. And Twilight Sparkle, an earth pony by the name of Pinkie Pie will be your assignment.”

With those words, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Twilight Sparkle cheered, ready to get down to the fair. But when Chancellor Cinch raised her hoof, the younglings stopped.

“That being said,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. Unless at the designated spots of the fair, there will be no rough housing, no cutting in line, and no use of magic unless otherwise.”

Cinch then directed her head at Wanda and said “Do I make myself clear?”

Wanda swallowed nervously and said “Y..yy….yes ma’am. You won’t see me pull a stunt like that.”

Suddenly, a loud horn goes off, scaring Wanda and causing her to jump even higher into the air. That noise also caught Chancellor Cinch off guard. She looked up and saw Wanda clinging onto a tree branch for dear life, chattering her teeth like she was completely scared.

“That scared me,” Wanda yelled as she held on tight to the tree branch.

As Chancellor Cinch looked up, she overheard the sound of laughter. She looked down and saw Rainbow Dash laughing on her back, all while she clutched a horn in her hooves. The Chancellor did not look pleased by Rainbow Dash’s prank as she glanced coldly at the pegasi.

“You pull a stunt like that again,” Chancellor Cinch said in a stern tone. “And I’m going to make you wear a tutu and recite nursery rhymes for two hours. Do I make myself clear?”

Rainbow Dash swallowed hard and said “Y...yy...yes ma’am” before dashing back in line, right next to a giggling Danged Spell. Chancellor Cinch looked at the now humbled rainbow filly and her frown changed to a smirk. Next to her, Abigail looked at Rainbow Dash and gave her a menacing glare.

“What are you looking at?” Rainbow Dash said before turning her head away from Abigail.

“Oh the fact that you toot your own horn too loud,” Danged Spell said with a chuckle.

“Oh hah hah,” Rainbow Dash said as she turned her head towards Danged Spell. “Real funny.”

As Chancellor Cinch took a few steps from the group, she turned around and cleared her throat. She then said “Now that you all have your assignments, you are now free to explore the fair, and locate the very youngling you’ve been assigned to. But as I said, be on your best behavior, or I will call you out for it. Now that everything is clear, you are dismissed.”

WIth that, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo, Danged Spell, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Moondancer cheered as they ran past Chancellor Cinch and through the entrance of the fair. But as Cinch turned her head towards the back, she noticed Applejack, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail looking upwards. Wanda was still stuck there, shaking in fear from Rainbow Dash’s senseless prank.

“Man’s cub,” Chancellor Cinch sighed. “It’s time for you to come down. That hooligan who scared you has been dealt with.”

“But…” Wanda said as she held tight. “What if I get scared again? What if I…”

But before she could speak further, Wanda’s grip on the tree trunk went loose and she fell from the tree, screaming really loud. She stopped only at a few inches from the ground, and was levitating, surrounded by an aura of magic. She looked up and saw Chancellor Cinch’s horn glow bright as she was set gently down on the grass.

“You’re already safe you silly child,” Cinch said with an eyeroll. “Now go inside the fair and enjoy yourself. That last thing we need from you is all that senseless drama.”

Wanda got up and bowed to Chancellor Cinch as she said “Thank you, Miss Cinch.” And without hesitation, Wanda ran past Cinch and through the entrance gate. Sunset, Applejack and Abigail ran after her.

“Wait up, sis,” Sunset said as she ran after Wanda. “You forgot about us.”

“And we’re due to introduce you to the rest of our family,” Applejack yelled as she ran past the gate.

Nearby, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Bright Mac and Buttercup all walked up to Chancellor Cinch. Despite the drama that came out of Wanda and Rainbow Dash, Celestia was rather amused.

“I’m surprised that you turned down that offer to be the headmare of the School for Gifted Unicorns,” Celestia said with a chuckle.

“I would have,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But my late husband introduced me to the world of Equestria politics. Ruthless, untamed, chaotic, and treacherous.”

“Well he was the previous chancellor of Equestria,” Princess Luna. “Until that fatal incident.”

“I heard about that,” Bright Mac said. “Who was that strange, fox-like creature who took his life?”

“It’s a name even I do not dare to speak,” Cinch said as she lowered her head in shame.

“I’m afraid she’s right,” Princess Celestia said. “Thankfully, it has been locked away in Tartarus. But for now, I think it’s time we enjoyed some time at the fair.”

“I’ll say,” Princess Cadance said. “After the last few months, I could use a swell time, especially with my knight in shining armor.”

With that, Princess Cadance kissed Shining Armor on the cheek, causing his ears to spew out steam as his eyes and ears went completely nuts.

“Your wish is my command,” Shining Armor said as he and Princess Cadance took a stroll through the gates. Celestia looked on and let out another chuckle.

“Well then,” Princess Celestia said. “What do you say we all have a good time?”

“I’m up for that,” Princess Luna replied. “I’ve waited a long time for this break.”

“When we get in, “ Bright Mac said. “I can’t wait to reintroduce you to my ma. I heard she’s been making something special for the Princesses of Equestria.”

“Oh she didn’t have to go out of her way for it,” Princess Celestia said. “But if she insists, I may check it out.”

With that, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Bright Mac and Buttercup took a stroll through the gates of Ponyville Fair. Nearby, Chancellor Cinch watched on, and had a thought of her own.

“Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to kick back and relax for once,” Chancellor Cinch said as she made her way to the gate. “Besides, all that time as the Chancellor of Equestria, and I could use some time to freshen up till the next session in the Senate.”

To Be Continued in…

Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo: The Rematch

Author's Note:

So here's how the arc will work. I have divided the characters into groups, and they will interact with their Ponyville/La Maresa counterpart.

Danged Spell will partner up with Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo
Moondancer will partner up with Rarity
Sunburst will partner up with Fluttershy
Twilight Sparkle will partner up with Pinkie Pie
Starlight Glimmer will partner up with Trixie
and Wanda and Sunset will partner up with Applejack

There will be one more part to this arc before its conclusion, and it will focus on two points. One will be about Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, the other will be on Celestia, Luna and Cinch.

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