• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 10(Revenge of the Guild)-1: Crashing the Ponyville Fair

Arc 10: Revenge of the Guild

Crashing the Ponyville Fair

Buttercup pulled a new batch of apple fritters out of the mini-oven and placed them on a table. She used a spatula to gently lift the fritters off the pan and into a basket lined with a red checkered cloth. After placing the spatula down, Buttercup lifted the basket by the handle and took it over to a fritter stand, where ponies were lined up for some of that delicious pastry.

“Apple fritters,” Buttercup yelled. “Come and get your hot and delicious apple fritters.”

Nearby, Wanda, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack and Abigail were feasting on some hot apple fritters, all while the afternoon sun shined on them. Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara were right next to Wanda, enjoying small bites of the tasty pastry. They appear not to have a care in the world as the Ponyville Fair was as busy as it could be, with various ponies wandering about.

“Wow,” Wanda said after eating a piece of fritter. “I was hoping these things would be good. But not this good.”

“And to think,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We mainly eat the apples from Sweet Apple Acres when uncle Bright Mac comes to Canterlot.”

“Well that’s one of the many wonders of La Maresa,” Applejack said after swallowing a huge chunk of apple fritter. “Along with the rest of the Ponyville Providence. There’s a lot we can give you that Canterlot doesn’t. In fact, have you ever heard of San Di’Neighgo?”

“I’ve heard of the city,” Wanda said as she took a sip of apple juice. “Mommy told me that San Di’Neighgo is referred to as the heart of Ponyville.”

“Not just the heart of Ponyville,” Sunset Shimmer replied. “They say that the city was once a small village where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were born, near where the castle ruins are.” Wanda’s jaw dropped from hearing what her sister just said.

“Is that true?” Wanda said bursting with excitement.

“I’ve read a lot about it,” Sunset said. “And besides, mommy told us about it before.”

Wanda leaped out of her seat and landed on the ground nearby. She jumped up and down with excitement as Sunset Shimmer and Applejack looked on with amusement. Sunset tried to hold back her laughter. But she let out a loud chuckle that even caused Applejack to burst out laughing. Even the two babies giggled in delight.

“And your mother actually told you about her being born in San Di’Neighgo?” Applejack said as she struggled to control her guffaw.

“Oh believe me,” Sunset said as she wiped a tear from her eye. “Wanda does have a thing for forgetting every once in a while. Someone’s gotta remind her.”

“And I take it you’re all having a good time.” Sunset and Applejack turned around to see Bright Mac walking in from the corner, pulling a wagon full of apples, flour, brown sugar, eggs, milk, cinnamon, vanilla, baking powder and salt.

“Pa,” Applejack said as she leaped out of her seat and gave Bright Mac a big hug.

“Oh we are Uncle Bright Mac,” Sunset said. “I just wish the others were here with us to enjoy this feast.”

“That reminds me,” Bright Mac said. “Granny Smith is out looking for the other young'uns. She mentioned wanting to have you all enjoy our family’s apple fritters together.”

“You mean the rest of our friends and those they’re with?” Wanda asked as her eyes lit up with excitement. “I hope they get to taste that apple goodness.”

“Settle down there, sugar cube,” Applejack said as she got out of her seat and approached Wanda. “I know you’re excited to be with your friends. But you have all day. This is the best moment for you to relax and unwind from all that stress up in Canterlot.”

“Applejack’s right,” Bright Mac said. “Whatever happens from here on out. I can guarantee we’re doing what’s best for you and your sisters.”

“Sounds like we’re in for a big surprise,” Sunset said as she got up, leaving Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara to reach out to the older filly. “Boy I can’t wait.”

But as Sunset began to take a few steps away, her ears began to shake as she overheard the sounds of ponies screaming. As her eyes shrunk down in fear, Wanda, Applejack, Bright Mac, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara looked to the side and saw ponies fleeing for their lives as pillars of cold, cold ice formed around the fair. The peace that La Maresa brought was about to be brought down.

“WANDA! SUNSET! APPLEJACK!” Bright Mac yelled. “Grab the babies and let’s hide.”

With fear running through her eyes, Wanda rushed back to the table and picked up baby Diamond Tiara, as the filly began to cry. Sunset rushed back to the table and lifted Apple Bloom off with her magic, with Abigail jumping off the table and running right next to Wanda. The unicorn went to Applejack’s side as Buttercup emerged from the booth and approached Bright Mac.

“Honey,” Buttercup said with a hint of fear in her voice. “What’s going on?”

“It’s the Windigo’s Guild,” Bright Mac said. “I never thought they would resort to trashing the Ponyville Faire.” Hearing that made Wanda freak out, catching the attention of Bright Mac and Buttercup, still holding onto Diamond Tiara.

“Wanda dear,” Buttercup said, seeing Wanda’s eyes water up. “Did something happen between you and this Windigo’s Guild?”

“Yeah,” Sunset said as she lowered Apple Bloom down to her side and gave her sister a hug. “A lot. They tried to capture her and Chancellor Cinch back in Canterlot. Mommy was only able to save them when she and Danged Spell were under this...Wolf’s Breath curse.”

“Then we need to get you all to safety,” Bright Mac said as he turned tail. “Come on, and don’t look back.”

Without a second thought, Sunset Shimmer picked up Apple Bloom with her magic and ran towards Bright Mac, while Wanda held onto Diamond Tiara and stood next to Buttercup, Applejack and Abigail.

“Never thought we’d be seeing this kind of madness in La Maresa,” Applejack said as she saw pillars of ice shoot up throughout the fair.

In a single dash, Bright Mac, Buttercup, Wanda, Diamond Tiara, Sunset SHimmer, Apple Bloom, Applejack and Abigail took off, leaving behind the picnic table, the wagon full of ingredients, the food booth, and tons of delicious apple fritters. It didn’t take long for a tower of ice to materialize underneath and cover the spot in a frozen tower of despair.

Further down in the fair, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie were walking down with Granny Smith and Big Macintosh. Pinkie Pie was just bouncing around.

“You sound pretty excited to have another batch of Buttercup’s apple fritters, aren’t ya?” Granny Smith said with delight.

“But of course,” Pinkie Pie said. “The apple family always makes the best apple fritters in all of the Ponyville Providence.”

“If it sounds that good,” Twilight said. “Then I can’t wait.”

“Oh believe me” Trixie said as she and Starlight walked beside Twilight. “The Apple Family makes the great and most delicious apple fritters in all of Equestria. Nothing ever comes close.”

“If it sounds that good,” Starlight said as she licked her lips. “Then count me in.”

Twilight turned her head towards Starlight and asked “By the way, Starlight. That furbob plushie you won. Where’d you put it?”

Starlight just smiled and said “Trixie said it’s okay for me to leave it at her wagon. I believe she can keep it safe.”

“But of course,” Trixie said. “Nothing has penetrated the wagon of the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!”

Twilight just rolled her eyes and said “Surrrrrrre.”

But as Granny Smith, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie were walking without a care, they noticed a cloud of dust picking up in front of them. Granny Smith took a glance and saw a crowd of ponies running towards them as if they were in constant fear.

“Take cover, young’uns,” Granny Smith said. “We got a stampede of ponies heading our way.”

Granny Smith, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Trixie dove out of the way and hid behind a booth as the crowd ran closer to them.

“Everyone alright?” Granny Smith asked. “No filly is going to be roadkill on my watch.”

“Wait,” Trixie said in a complete panic. “Where’s Starlight?”

Granny Smith turned her head and saw Starlight Glimmer standing there helplessly, as the crowd of ponies raced towards her.

“STARLIGHT!” Trixie yelled. “GET OUT OF THE WAY!”

But Starlight could not move an inch. She stood by with fear in her eyes and her ears flopping downward as the crowd moved closer and closer to her.


Nothing seemed to be moving Starlight. She continued to stand there as the crowd came closer and closer. Starlight’s ears dropped downward as her eyes shrunk down.

“Oh no,” Pinkie Pie said as she bit in her hooves. “Starlight’s going to be street pizza.”

“Not on my watch,” Granny Smith said as she hunkered down.

In a split second, Granny Smith jumped out from behind the booth and raced towards Starlight Glimmer as the crowd moved closer and closer to the scared, little filly. With a swift bite, Granny Smith picked up Starlight by the scruff of her neck and jumped out of the way as the crowd ran past, screaming in complete horror.

“What happened?” Twilight said as she panicked. “Where’s Starlight? Where’s Granny Smith?”

When the stampede of scared ponies ran off in another direction, Twilight Sparkle was able to spot Granny Smith, still holding a scared Starlight by the scruff of her neck. Granny Smith gently placed Starlight down, who was still scared stiff.

“Starlight?” Granny Smith said as she placed her hoof on the unicorn’s forehead. “Youngling? You alright?”

Starlight Glimmer looked up at Granny Smith before turning her head towards the stampede of ponies running off. But as she looked in the distance, Starlight’s eyes began to water up. Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Trixie came out from behind the booth, approaching Granny Smith and Starlight Glimmer.

“Oh dear,” Granny Smith said before Starlight Glimmer cried her eyes out. “A traumatic experience.”

As Starlight cried, Granny Smith picked up Starlight with her arms and gave her a gentle hug, allowing the young unicorn to cry onto her chest.

“It’s alright, youngling,” Granny Smith said as she patted Starlight’s back. “The danger is over. You’re safe with Granny Smith.”

“I’m glad she’s alright,” Twilight said. “But sadly, this is a part of who Starlight is. She doesn’t do well with these kinds of scenarios.”

“Reminds me of what I used to be when I was a filly,” Granny Smith said.

“Really?” Twilight said.

“It’s a long story,” Granny Smith said. “But when we arrive at the apple fritter cart, I’ll talk to you about it.”

“I’m afraid there will be no apple fritters for the time being.” Granny Smith, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Trixie turned their heads to see Filthy and Spoiled Rich running up to them with a concerned look on their faces. Next to them were Rarity, Moondancer, Fluttershy, Spike, Sunburst, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell, who all shared Filthy and Spoiled Rich’s concerns. But right next to Fluttershy was a concerned Mr Bovine.

“What are you talking about, Filthy?” Granny Smith asked.

“It’s the Windigo’s Guild,” Filthy Rich said. “They’re causing more trouble than those three juvenile delinquents did to Wanda.”

“Say what?” Twilight said, completely shocked.

“It’s a long story, young lady,” Mr Bovine said. “Filthy Rich filled me in on the details the moment we were called for apple fritters. But it appears these punks planned on ruining the fair.” Granny Smith’s face dropped in pure shock as she began to worry.

“I left my son and Buttercup with Applejack, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, along with Celestia’s kids,” Granny Smith said. “Oh dear. We better find them before it’s too late.”

“I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case,” Spoiled RIch said. “I fear the worst for my daughter.”

“Then I suggest I go find them and bring them here,” Rainbow Dash said, looking like she’s raring to go. But Granny Smith looked stern.

“No young lady,” Granny Smith said as Starlight poked her head out. “We’re doing this, together. No pony left behind.”

No sooner does Granny Smith finish speaking, a tower of ice sprouts from right beside her, destroying a nearby booth and scaring Starlight Glimmer.

“And I mean it,” Granny Smith said as she picked up Starlight Glimmer by the scruff of her neck. “We need to get you all out.”

“Allow me, my lady,” Mr Bovine said as he sat down. “I’ll escort the fillies and colts out of here.”

Granny Smith walked behind Mr Bovine and placed Starlight on his back. Twilight Sparkle, Trixie and Pinkie Pie jumped on board. Right behind them was Sunburst, Moondancer and Rarity. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hovered over Mr Bovine, with the latter handing Spike over to Twilight. Though the little pegasi had a deep concern on her face.

“Are you sure you can handle that many, Mr Bovine?” Flutttershy asked.

“Like I have a choice?” Mr Bovine replied. “I’m not letting any youngster fall to the Windigo’s guild, even if I have to die to save them.”

“He’s one tough bull,” Rarity said as she held on.

As Mr Bovine got himself up on his four hooves, Granny Smith noticed Danged Spell standing right behind the big bull, looking prepared to make his move.

“Young stallion,” Granny Smith said to Danged Spell. “You do realize what situation you’re in?”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “I’ve been down this path before when the guild tried to capture Wanda and mean Cinch.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Granny Smith replied.

“I kid you not,” Rainbow Dash said as she put her hoof on Danged Spell’s shoulder. “I’ve seen him in action with his Wolf’s Breath Curse. We’re basically equals.”

“She’s actually got a point about Danged Spell,” Moondancer said. “As much as I have to tolerate his corny puns, he’s far more dangerous when he goes from bronco to beast.”

But before anyone else could speak, another pillar of ice jumped up from the ground nearby, scaring everyone. Granny Smith looked at a corner and saw a few Windigo’s Guild cultists freezing parts of the fair.

“No time to argue,” Granny Smith said. “We better get out of here.”

With a scratch on the ground, Mr Bovine took off with Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rarity, Moondancer and Sunburst riding on top of him. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Danged Spell, Granny Smith, Filthy and Spoiled Rich followed right behind them as more ice pillars popped up from where they stood. Starlight looked back and her heart dropped as more ice pillars popped. She buried her head into the fur of Mr Bovine.

“I’m scared,” Starlight cried.

Sunburst put his arm around Starlight and said “Don’t worry. Whatever happens, I’ll be by your side.”

Though most of the group were scared, Spike showed no form of any fear. Twilight looked down as the baby dragon just giggled.

“Oh Spike,” Twilight said with a concerned look on her face. “If only you knew what danger we were all in.”

Somewhere in the now ice-covered fair, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna scour the fairgrounds, looking for any sign of life. But the tower of ice made searching rather difficult.

“Any sign of the kids?” Princess Luna yelled.

“That’s a negative, sister,” Princess Celestia replied. “Whatever the Windigo’s Guild did, they sure messed us up, big time.”

The atmosphere around Celestia and Luna began to thicken up with a bone-chilling cold fog. Celestia and Luna continued to search around, but visibility had begun to dissipate, and ice began to form on their wings.

“We can’t search for the kids in this condition,” Princess Luna said as her wings began to freeze. “The last thing we need is to lose our ability to fly and to crash into something dangerous.”

“Agreed,” Princess Celestia replied. “We’ll have to search on the ground.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna descended and landed straight onto the ground, folding their wings back. As their hooves touched the dirt, Chancellor Cinch ran up to the duo. A bit of frostbite formed on her mane.

“No sign of the Man’s Cub,” Chancellor Cinch yelled “Or any of the other younglings. Unfortunately, it’s getting hard with cultists marching about.”

“That’s my bigger worry,” Princess Luna said. “And as a matter of fact, there’s also no sign of Princess Cadance or Shining Armor. I fear they may have been put in the deep freeze.”

“We need to find them, and fast,” Princess Celestia said with a nervous tone. “If those monsters managed to get their hooves on those kids…”

But before Princess Celestia could speak, she was hit on the head by a flying ice spell, freezing her horn in place. She fell to the ground and screamed in pain as Luna and Cinch turned their heads to see Coldnelius Snap and a couple of members of the Windigo’s Guild right next to him.

“SNAP!” Chancellor Cinch yelled with a snarl as she turned to face the cult leader. “I still remember what you did back in Canterlot to me and the Man’s Cub.”

“Flattery will get ya nowhere, Governor,” Coldnelius Snap said as he took a few steps towards Cinch. “And it’s a shame your precious princess’s horn went south for the winter.”

Luna took a massive stomp toward Coldnelius Snap, putting herself in front of Princess Celestia, and said “What do you want, monster?”

“Why you must be the second banana of the alicorn sisters,” Coldnelius Snap said as he pointed his hoof at Princess Celestia, still suffering from the ice covering her horn. “And don’t bother with your magic. The cold of the Windigos will nullify it.”

“You may have brought down our beloved Princess Celestia,” Chancellor Cinch said as she stood her ground alongside Princess Luna. “But you will never get your hooves on the Man’s Cub or her friends.”

“Oh I beg to differ, side kick,” Coldnelius Snap said. “As I speak, my cultists are going after the little tykes and them country folk. We will drain the Man’s Cub of her magic and put Equestria in an eternal winter. Furthermore, with your precious Princess Celestia’s magic experiencing frostbite, there’s nuffin' she can do to save them. Your days of sunshine and lollipops are over.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Princess Celestia said as she slowly got up. “You may have blocked out my magic with that cold spell of yours, Snap. But I at least still have the power of the Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

“So,” Coldnelius Snap said as he pointed his horn at Princess Celestia and charged it up. “Yoou have the mongrel’s spirit like that brat did. Won’t save ya if you’re frozen solid, baked bean.”

Coldnelius Snap fired off a spark of cold ice from his horn, and it went flying right towards Celestia. But before it could hit her, Princess Luna jumped in the way and used her magic to swat it away, sending it flying into a nearby stand, freezing it in place.

“Don’t you dare hurt my sister,” Princess Luna snarled.

“LUNA!” Celestia yelled.

“Oh I like ya, Princess Luna.,” Coldnelius Snap said with a grin. “But there is nuffin' ya can do ter save that whale that ya call a sister. My cultists are ready to take her out.”

“Not while I draw breath,” Princess Luna said as she stared closely at Coldnelius Snap. She barely glanced her head towards her older sister and said “You’re our only hope, dear sister. Find Wanda and make sure she’s safe.”

“We’ll do what we can to hold off Coldnelius Snap and his cultists,” Chancellor Cinch said as she took Luna’s side. “It’s up to you to find the Man’s Cub and her friends..”

“But you’ll lose,” Princess Celestia said.

“I know,” Princess Luna replied as a tear fell from her eye. “But if anyone can keep them safe, it’s you, big sister.”

“I...I understand,” Princess Celestia said as she turned away from Luna and Cinch. “Best of luck to you both.”

Without a second thought, Celestia’s eyes turned completely white and glowed with a warm light. She growled as she leaped from the ground and onto the various booths, running as fast as possible.

“Blast her,” Coldnelius Snap yelled. “Make sure she doesn’t get to those kids.”

One by one, the Windigo’s Guild fired off blasts of pure cold right at Princess Celestia. But Celestia jumped over many of the shots, freezing only parts of the roof of each booth. One shot looked as if it were about to hit Princess Celestia, only to be deflected off by a burst of magic that flew right out of Princess Luna’s horn. Celestia jumped off the roof of one of the booths and ran off into the distance while Luna and Cinch had their eyes focused on Coldnelius Snap and his cultists.

“I warned you,” Princess Luna said as she charged up a magic spell. “You do NOT….MESS WITH MY SISTER!” She squatted down on all fours and pointed her horn at Coldnelius Snap, charging up her magic.

“So. You wanna protect your precious sister,” Coldnelius Snap said with a laugh. “Oh this is rich, comin' from one who sulks in the blooming shadows.”

“I may be one who sulks in the blooming shadows,” Princess Luna replied. “But if there is anything you don’t know of me, it’s that I care a lot for my sister. And anyone who messes with my sister, messes with ME!”

“And anyone who messes with my former mother,” Chancellor Cinch said as she stood by Princess Luna. “Will feel my wrath.”

“No, Cinch,” Princess Luna said as she kept her sight on Coldnelius Snap. “Follow my sister. Make sure you find Wanda and the others. I’ll be alright. And besides, I got your back.”

Cinch’s tone lightened. Reluctantly, she said “Understood,” before turning tail and running off in the opposite direction.

“Give the Governor something…..cool,” Coldnelius Snap as he and his cultists fire off bolts of ice at Chancellor Cinch.

As the ice flew towards Cinch, Princess Luna jumped in the way and drew up a magic shield, absorbing the blows of cold magic. She lowered the shield and took a glance at Coldnelius Snap.

“You’re not freezing any of my family,” Princess Luna said with a stern tone. “And as a family, we are one together.”

“Then it’s time you got sent to the cooler, you over ripe second banana,” Coldnelius Snap said.

With a flick of his neck, Coldnelius Snap sent a beam of pure cold right at Princess Luna, who wastes no time firing off a beam of arcane magic right back at it. The two beams deadlocked in the middle, pushing back against each other as Luna and Coldnelius kept their focus.”

“You’re about to experience the ice age of your life,” Coldnelius Snap said as he held his ground with his magic. “And there is nothing….nothing that can save ya.”

“Then it’s time I turned up the heat,” Princess Luna said as her horn glowed bright from the tip of her arcane beam.

“Two can play that game,” Coldnelius Snap said as the magic on top of his own glowed brighter.

Coldnelius Snap and Princess Luna’s horns glowed brighter as the two beams remained deadlocked, growing bigger and bigger with each passing second. Neither Luna nor Snap looked like they were ready to flinch as they each held their ground.

“Master,” one cultist said before Coldnelius Snap held his arm out.

“Stand down,” Coldnelius said. “I’m going to give 'er a winter she won’t forget.”

As the spark of both horns glowed bright, they sent a surge of energy channeling through the respective magic beams, flying through until they hit the dead center of both beams. The collision of both sparks triggered a white ball of pure energy that grew fast and negated the beams of arcane and ice. Coldnelius Snap looked up and only smiled with delight.

“I’m beginning to like you, Princess Luna,” Coldnelius Snap said as the ball of energy consumed him. “All just to keep your own humanoid niece safe. Too bad it means she will lose an aunt when the day is over.”

Princess Luna, exhausted from her use of magic, looked up and saw the energy ball fly towards her. She tried to move, but her legs were wobbly, and she collapsed onto the ground. She lied there, looking at the energy ball as it inched towards her.

“Dear sister,” Princess Luna said as she let out a tear from her eye. “Please keep our darlings safe.”

With one last smile, Princess Luna closed her eyes as the energy ball consumed her.

Meanwhile, further down in the fair, Princess Celestia dashed through the fair as fast as she could, all while a white aura covered her eyes. She panted as hard as possible, not once turning her head. Neither the cold atmosphere that surrounded her fur, nor the ice surrounding her horn, could stop her from running as fast as possible..

But without a warning, the sound of a magic explosion rocked the fair, causing Celestia to come to a stop. She looked behind her and saw a white aura blast through the fair, causing Celestia to lose her footing and fall to the ground. The white aura around her eyes disappeared as she slowly got up.

“What in my mother’s name just happened?” Celestia said as she looked upwards. The white magic aura was gone as snow fell from the sky. Celestia looked puzzled as small snowflakes landed on her muzzle, melting into droplets of water.

“Your majesty. This is no time to rest.” Princess Celestia turned her head to see Chancellor Cinch run up to her. The middle-aged unicorn looked distressed as she came to a stop.

“Chancellor,” Princess Celestia said. “What happened to Princess Luna?”

Chancellor Cinch lowered her head down and said “I’m afraid she decided to hold the line while we made our escape. I’m sorry.”

Celestia turned her head away in agony. A tear fell from her eye, freezing into pure ice and shattering completely on the ground.

“This is my fault,” Princess Celestia cried. “If I wasn’t careless, I would have gotten you and Luna away.. Now she’s dead.”

“Don’t let this go to vain, Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Don’t let Luna’s sacrifice become pointless. We still have to find the other children and get them out safely.”

Princess Celestia got up and said. “But she saved me long ago from being Daybreaker. What am I to do?”

Chancellor Cinch replied by saying “Honor her memory. Find the children and get them to safety. Princess Luna would have wanted it that way as well.”

Princess Celestia’s depressed tone changed into a more serious stance. She stood firm and said “You’re right. Come on, Chancellor. Let’s find those kids.”

With a kick of dust into the air, Princess Celestia and Chancellor Cinch took off, with the former’s eyes glowing bright again and her sharp teeth shined in the cold atmosphere.

To be continued in….

Double Trouble for everyone.

Author's Note:

So the ice just hit the fan. Coldnelius Snap, who was relegated to a joke villain and later a side villain, has just become the main villain of this arc. He's far more dangerous now than he was when I introduced him. And things are going to get worse than they will get better.

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