• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 2, Episode 11: Glitches

Once again, we find Flash Sentry out with Adagio Dazzle.

The pair were currently at a nice little cafe, Adagio picking it since she liked the tea they served there. The reason they were there was because they were waiting for two other people, Flash sitting nervously as he did so. Meanwhile, Adagio was on her phone and smirked as she stared at it.

"Well that's charming," she stated as Flash wondered what she was looking at. "That new squid alien that's been showing up looks like it'd make good takoyaki. I wonder if it taste like the earth brand squid."

"What are you looking at?" Flash asked, Adagio turning to show him a website that showed the many different aliens that Flash could become. Everything from Volt-Edge to Kagenobi were there, each having a picture that you could click on to go to a page that talked about the specific alien, its abilities and some of the things they had done.

"I'm just curious to see what people think about your alien forms. Some of your more popular aliens seem to get a lot less jokes told about them."

"Ah," Flash shrugged, "let'em make jokes. I know each of my aliens are awesome. At some point, each of them have shown their worth. You couldn't make me part with even one for a million bucks."

"I get that. But still, it's probably frustrating when you need one alien but get another. Didn't you say that happens sometimes?" Flash nodded. "So what if you really need Firefly but get Molestache instead?"

"Well Molestache can fly. He might not be able to shoot fire, but he can still be really useful. And yeah, sometimes the Omnitrix gives me something other than what I ask for. But it always comes through for me when I really need it." He looked down at the watch and smirked. "I know it's not alive, but I trust it to have my back when the situation calls for it."

Adagio wasn't sure what he was getting at, but didn't get to ask due to the arrival of their guests. "About time you showed up." Flash sighed as he looked around and saw Adagio's sisters, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

The pair were dressed in normal clothing, just like their sister. They were still colourful and made the pair stand out, but no more then Rarity would on a normal day.

"Whatever," Aria stated. "Just be glad I didn't let Sonata drive. We would have been early, but we might have also smashed into something." Sonata laughed at this, as she sat down and grabbed a menu to read through. It took her almost ten whole seconds to realise she had it upside-down.

As Aria sat down, she looked Flash over and raised an eyebrow. "So, you're Adagio's new boy toy?" Flash frowned at this, "can't say you look all that interesting. But this is the first time I've seen you."

"No it isn't," Flash told her. "We've met before. Back when you three brainwashed me."

"We did?" Sonata looked up from the menu and gave a face a child would give when they heard a word they didn't understand.

"We've brainwashed a lot of humans," Aria pointed out. "You're gonna have to be more specific."

"You guys faced off against my band in the Battle of the Bands, remember?" Aria stared at him, only to then get a look of recognition.

"Oh yeah. Now I remember you." She laughed, "hope you're not still sore about us kicking your butts back then." Flash huffed, clearly annoyed that she had said that.

"Well," Adagio sighed, "this is going well."

"The only reason you three beat us is because you were using magic." Now it was Adagio's turn to laugh.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that pretty boy." Flash gave her a pout, but decided not to argue about it. "Well," Adagio told her sisters, "you wanted to meet him and now you have. Happy?"

"Maybe," Aria replied. "But I wanna know why you're still hanging out with him. I thought the whole dating thing was supposed to be a fling so you could have some fun." She continued to look Flash over, "what's so special about this guy?"

"Ouch," Flash rolled his eyes as Adagio chuckled.

"That's for me to know and you to figure out. You have this one outing to try and figure it out." Adagio sipped on her tea as a waitress came over and took her sister's orders, Sonata ordering a big sundae whilst Aria ordered a hot chocolate. Once the waitress left, the pair focused on Flash and the teen knew he was in for some grilling.

Adagio better appreciate this. And she better be ready for when he decided to introduce her to his parents.

Over at Twilight's place, the girl was in her laboratory. There, she was dressed in her science gear with her hair up in a bun.

She was currently staring at the device she had gotten from Dragstar, having been curious about it ever since she managed to get it. But no matter what she did, the device refused to reveal any of its secrets. "Come on," she told it before touching it with a electro-driver.

Spike was over in his bed, watching almost bored as Twilight tried to get it to work. "Face it Twilight. You've been working on that thing for weeks. Maybe it's time to give it up."

"No way," Twilight told him. "If Dragstar could make it work, I should be able to as well." She picked the device up and spun it in her hand. "If I could just take it apart and figure out how it works..." She sighed before hearing a knock at her door. "Come in."

The door opened before Shining stepped inside, smirking as he stepped over to her. "Hey sis." She noticed the device she was holding, "still working on it?"

"Yup," Twilight put it down, "and still no closer to an answer about how it works. Don't suppose Dragstar's willing to come clean about it?"

"Nope," Shining shook his head as he moved over to her and placed a box he was carrying on the ground. "We tried, but he's been super tight lipped about it." Be stared at the tube, "I guess we'll have to hand it over to the plumbers. They'll know what it is and how to deal with it. They'll probably be upset I left it this long to hand it over."

"I guess," Twilight nodded before hearing movement and looking down to see Spike staring into the box on the ground. "What are you doing?"

Spike smirked, "just seeing what's in here." He grabbed some kind of iron-like device in his paws, "what's this?"

Shining reached down and grabbed it, pulling the device away from the pup. "This is not for you. It's a super high powered magnet that'll let me pick up anything over ten tons heavy."

"Where'd you get it?" Twilight looked just as intrigued by it, Shining handing it over for her to look at.

"The plumber's sent me it and a bunch of other stuff. They've been really impressed with my reports lately, along with how well Flash has been doing. So they sent me so more gear to try out." He picked up a cube-like device Twilight remembered Fuego using on Gelidafur, "check out the capture cubes. If we ever run into an alien villain, I can use this to contain them."

"Cool," Twilight smiled as Spike jumped onto the table, "I don't suppose I could..."

"Yes Twilight. You can study this stuff. But no taking any of it apart." Twilight could live with that, as she put the magnet down and tried to see what else Shining had. But as they did, Spike took a closer look at the magnet device and as he did, he accidently pressed one of the buttons with his nose.

"Oops." The siblings heard this and stood up in time to see the device switch on, sending out a magnetic wave that started pulling things closer. Luckily, the device was on its lowest setting and only had a weak field. But before Shining could switch it off, the rod device from Dragstar was pulled over to it.

"Spike!" Twilight cried, as the rod fell to the ground after the device was switched off. "Be more careful." Spike gave her a sheepish expression, as Twilight reached down to pick it up. But as she did, The device short-circuited. "What?" It started vibrating, as Shining looked down.

"What's wrong?" But then he saw the device shaking and sparking. "What's it doing?"

"I don't know." She tried to pick it up with her magic. But as she did, the device suddenly rolled away from her as it vibrated and sparked more. "That can't be good." And it wasn't.

The sparks began to crack the device and after a few seconds of this, it broke apart and sent pieces flying everywhere. Luckily, Shining had activated his suit and pulled Twilight and Spike behind his shield. The pieces bounced off it and would have done them some serious damage, the three staring at where the device had been.

In its place, a strange mixture of while and black slime was on the ground. Faint green lines could also be seen on the black parts, whilst the white parts slipped to the floor as it began to slither around. The three stared at it in shock.

"What is that thing?" Spike asked, as the slime moved around randomly.

Shining's plumber suit scanned it and when it got a match, two words came up on his helmet that he didn't understand. "Galvanic Mechamorph?"

"What?" Twilight asked.

"That's what it's called," Shining stated. "Apparently."

"Are you saying it's an alien?" Spike asked, as the slime slithered towards the door. They didn't expect it to get out, but then it slithered under the door.

"WAIT!" Twilight cried, the three rushing for it and running out into the backyard. When they spotted it, they saw it was heading towards their father's riding lawn mower. "Not good." She remembered what the device had been able to do to a car. If this was the creature that ability had come from...

The slime creature reached the lawn mower and much to their horror, began to merge with the machine.

Shining changed his shield to a blaster, which he pointed at the lawn mower as it was completely engulfed. They expected the machine to turn into a tank or something. But instead, the device began to reshape itself into a more humanoid appearance.

Slowly, its shape became more refined as the alien stood before them. It was a rather odd looking creature, that seemed to be a marshmallow in human form. Black covered its entire head, along with its shoulders and the back of its arms, hands and its back with the back of its legs included. Its head had a giant green ring in the centre of it, whilst the rest of the black sections of its body were covered in green lines that resembled circuitry.

Shining, Twilight and Spike watched as the alien began to move its arms around, flexing its fingers and stretching its body in different ways. The alien then turned to them and took a step forward, Shining being ready to fight back but not wanting to accidently start something if it was friendly.

However, after that on step if seemed to lose the strength in its legs. "Augh!" He fell to the ground, landing on his hands and knees.

The three gasped, realising whatever it was was hurt, so ran forward. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked, as she reached out and grabbed it by the armpit. "Are you injured?"

"Apologies," the alien spoke as the circle on its head flashed. "I'm...still repairing myself."

"Repairing yourself?" Shining asked, "is that what you call destroying my dad's lawn mower?"

"I am sorry for that." As he said that, parts of his body began to spark. "I required materials to rebuild my body. If I hadn't done that, my matrix wouldn't have lasted." They weren't sure what he meant by that, but they had a feeling it meant he would have died.

"Alright then," Shining nodded as the creature raised its head. When it saw him, its eyes went wide.

"You're a plumber?" He sparked again, "what planet am I on?"

"Planet Earth. And I am a plumber. But who are you?"

"My name is Gal-N," the creature replied. "And I wish to file a report on the terrible treatment I received." The three shared a look, wondering what he meant. "My ship was on the edge of the solar system when we received a distress call coming from this planet." His head sparked and he clutched it in his hand. "But when we came to help, we were attacked. My crew were all killed and I was heavily injured. Luckily, I was able to get to the escape capsule and downloaded my matrix into a storage tube for safety."

"I see," Shining nodded. "So you jettisoned yourself to earth and ended up in the hands of Dragstar."

"I don't know who that is," Gal-N stated. "All I know is that whilst I was in the storage tube, I was experimented on. Subjected to horrible electrical blasts that almost destroyed what remained of my body. Then my body was forced to take control of things I had no command over. I couldn't even use them to repair myself. This Dragstar turned me into a slave. It was horrible."

"Well you don't have to worry," Twilight assured him. "You're okay now. We'll contact the plumbers and have them come pick you up. Then, you can go home."

"Home?" Gal-N asked as he sparked, "I don't have a home. The ship was my home. My crew were my family and now, I've lost everything." They all frowned, feeling sorry for him. "All I have left is to pray for justice. This planet must make things right."

"What are you talking about?" Spike asked, as Shining realised something.

"You said the ship that attacked you sent out a distress call?" Gal-N nodded. "According to galactic law, any ship that does that must be charged with a great penalty. If the ship is discovered to belong to a fleet or company, they are considered equally to blame."

"Exactly," Gal-N nodded. "We tried to help the earthlings and they took everything I love. They must face the consequences."

"Hang on a minute," Shining told him. "Earth doesn't have any ships capable of sending out a distress call like the one you must of picked up. No human has even gone further than the moon."

"Then what was the ship doing here?" Gal-N asked, "it was in your orbit." The siblings tried to think, with Twilight's eyes going wide.

"Vilgax." Shining and Gal-N both looked shocked, "it must have been him."

"Vilgax?" Gal-N asked, "you expect me to believe the famous warlord came to this planet?" They nodded, "do I look like an idiot to you? What, couldn't think of a more believable galactic warlord?" He sparked again and as he did, the top of his head ring moved downwards to give him an angry look. "Clearly, you're just trying to stop your planet from facing the repercussions of what you've done." He sparked some more, his body twitching as he did so.

"That's not true."

"Then prove it," Gal-N told him. "This Dragstar. The one that caused me so much pain. Bring him to me. He tortured me and I will make him pay."

"You can't do that," Shining stated. "Dragstar's already in jail. He's doing his time for what he did."

"What? How is that fair?" He sparked. "I had to endure unimaginable pain and you think having him locked inside a small room will make up for it?" The sparking and twitching intensified, Shining's suit bringing up a warning light.

"Hold on." He brought up the warning, the scan his suit was doing on Gal-N finishing. "My suit's telling me your matrix has been damaged. What could that do to you?"

"Anything," Gal-N replied. "Disrupt how the nanites that make me up communicate, or alter my personality."

"Could it make someone thirsty for revenge?" Twilight asked, fearing the damage might be why he wasn't willing to listen to them.

"This has nothing to do with revenge," Gal-N stated. "This is about justice and if you won't give it to me, I'll take it myself." Shining raised his blaster, not wanting to risk this alien doing anything he would regret if the damage was affecting him. But before he could fire, Gal-N's arm shot out and grabbed his blaster.

"HEY!" Shining cried as his blaster was sucked into his arm, which retracted back to him. As he did, it reshaped itself to be that of Shining's blaster. "Give that back!"

"No way!" Gal-N yelled as he pointed at them. Shining gasped and grabbed both Twilight and Spike, leaping them away as the weapon fired. It slammed into the ground and exploded, as Gal-N tried to aim it at them again. But before he could, Twilight used her magic to grab several objects off the ground and throw them at Gal-N.

The mechamorph saw them coming and leapt away, the alien running around the building towards the front. "Wait!" Shining cried, as they ran after him. But by the time they reached the front yard, Gal-N had reached his police cruiser.

"Perfect." He leapt at the vehicle and before Shining or Twilight could stop him, he spread around it like he had the lawn mower. Within seconds, the car was transformed into a black vehicle with green lines. The window was covered up and in the middle of it, Gal-N's eye ring could be seen. "Let's rev it up!" The car started and flew down the road, Spike and the sibling watching in shock.

"Not good," Twilight gulped as Shining took out his rod. Activating it, it transformed into a sports car-like vehicle that Shining was sitting in. Twilight and Spike quickly got in, the vehicle revving up before exploding down the road with great speed.

Flash had to admit, Adagio's sisters weren't so bad. Sonata had the same bubbly personality as Pinkie, though was slightly more of an airhead. Meanwhile, Aria was actually able to give off some witty repartee.

They had spent the last hour talking about stuff Flash never thought he would be talking to these girls about, including TV shows, video games and food. If Flash hadn't known the three of them were once magical sea creatures, he would have mistook them for normal human teenagers.

"So," Aria raised an eyebrow at him, "what exactly do you do when you're not showing our sister a good time?"

"Hmm?" Flash wasn't sure how to answer that, being reminded of his first date with Adagio. Luckily, his phone went off and he saw that it was Shining Armor. "Excuse me a moment." He got up and headed off to the side, leaving the sisters to talk.

"Well," Aria smirked "isn't he mister mysterious."

"Knock it off Aria," Adagio told her. "He has a life of his own."

"I like him," Sonata smiled. "I thought he was cute back when we first went to CHS. But now that I've got to talk to him, he's really nice. I hope you stick with him for a while."

"Yeah," Aria told Adagio, "but I'd still like to know why you decided to throw the whole fling idea out of the window for this guy. What's so good about him that you decided to stick around?" Adagio frowned, knowing she couldn't tell them the truth.

"I bet I know," Sonata laughed before bringing her fingers together and slowly pulling them apart. "Say when." Adagio just rolled her eyes, unable to believe that the youngest member of her siblings could say such things. "I'm getting worried," Sonata said when her fingers were a good foot apart.

"Will you stop that," Adagio told her. Flash then returned and grabbed his jacket.

"Sorry," he told them, "but something's come up. I gotta go." He turned to Adagio and she instantly knew why he had to leave, Adagio nodding as Flash turned to run out the door.

"Huh," Aria scratched her head, "didn't think he'd bail on this. What, does he have a job or something?"

"Or...something." Adagio looked back at where Flash had left and smirked, knowing he was likely going to do something insane.

Flash had just pulled his seat belt around him and started up his car, the teen waiting for an opening to pull out of his space.

But before he could, he heard a knock at the window and turned to see Adagio looking into the car. "Mind if I join you?" She opened the door before he could reply, Adagio landing on the seat next to him. "Figured you could use some help."

"What about your sisters?"

"They're big girls. They can look after each other." Flash rolled his eyes, but knew he wasn't going to be talking her out of this. As such, he pulled out and drove in the direction Shining had told him about, "so what's the sitch?" Flash explained everything Shining told him, Adagio being quite surprised that the device she nabbed from Dragstar was actually an alien.

They quickly made their way towards the destination Shining had estimated this Gal-N would go to, though since he didn't seem to be firing on all cylinders he wasn't sure the guys was gonna be making any sense.

"So what's the plan?" Adagio asked.

"We find this guy, I turn into Volt-Edge, zap him and hopefully that's enough to subdue him long enough for Shining to arrive and capture him." Adagio nodded, as Flash turned to her. "Just to be sure. You have a licence, right?"

"No," Adagio smirked, "why would I need a licence?"

"Don't you girls travel around in a van?" He asked, Adagio still unsure what he was getting at. "So you don't have a licence."

"I've been driving since the first automobile was ever created. Plus, I haven't had an accident in over thirty years. I know how to drive." Flash hoped she was right, especially as something suddenly shot passed them on the T-junction. "Was that him?"

"Either him or another alien enhanced car." Flash turned the corner and raced after him, spotting Shining's car in the back mirror. As they got closer, Flash let go of the wheel and Adagio leaned over to grab it. He then opened the window and climbed out, Adagio sliding into his seat and taking over the drive.

Flash pulled himself onto the roof and as he did, he noticed the car in front of him shift its aesthetics. The back window suddenly had a circle on the back of it, which shifted and glowed. "What, another human who wishes to stop me from seeking justice." As he said that, the top of the car suddenly transform. From out of it, Shining's blaster appeared.

Flash's eyes went wide, as the laser fired at him. "Hold on!" Adagio cried before swerving out of the way, Flash barely managing to hold onto the roof as the laser struck the ground between him and the road.

The laser then fired again and as it did, Flash had to cling onto the roof with everything he had. "Transform!" Shining told him, Flash nodding as he did. He activated the Omnitrix and flicked through the aliens until he found Volt-Edge. Luckily, once he was him he would be able to magnetize himself to the roof.

He slammed the dial down and in a flash, the teen was replaced by the wooden alien known as Bushwhacker. "Ah man!" He quickly grabbed the edges of his car with his root toes, still attaching himself to it as Adagio swerved around to avoid the lasers.

"What?" Gal-N asked, "a psychlorian. Where did you come from?"

"Doesn't matter!" Bushwhacker smirked as he thrust his arms towards the car, "all you need to know is this alien's the one that's gonna bring you down!" But as the arm got closer to the car, something else happened.

The car's body suddenly transformed, as it grew a pair of wings whilst the wheels folded downwards and transformed into repulsors. To everyone's shock, the car suddenly shot upwards as a bunch of booster rockets grew out the back. "What the?" Spike cried, as the jet car rocketed off. "What just happened?"

Twilight thought back to when they fought Dragstar and how he was able to use that device. Remembering the robot he was able to create, he quickly put the pieces together. "His ability isn't just merging with technology, but upgrading it."

Shining frowned. "So he can make a car fly. No problem." He flew closer to Flash's car, "jump on!" The alien nodded and leapt onto the roof. As he did, Shining brought up the different vehicles and selected one that would help them. His car then started glowing, shocking everyone as the vehicle began to transformed. Shining pulled back so Adagio could get ahead of them, whilst the hard-light vehicle grew larger.

In a flash, the car transformed into a futuristic osprey helicopter. Instead of rotors on the ends of the wings, a pair of repulsors were were there instead.

Chopper continued to fly down the street, but then took off and flew into the air. It passed over Adagio and as it did, the girl frowned before noticing Flash's phone was in the cup holder. She smirked, knowing what she could do to help.

Gal-N arrived at a populated area of the city and as he did, he spotted a bunch of people down below.

"Finally," he cried before he sparked, "I can get the justice I deserve!" He flew down and as he did, Shining's blaster appeared out of the bottom. As he did, the people below noticed him coming. "Face your punishment!" He unleashed a powerful laser that shot towards the ground, making a car explode and terrifying the people as they ran for their lives.

Gal-N laughed as he flew around, firing randomly. Sometimes he fired a stream of energy, whilst others he fired multiple bullets. The lasers didn't hit anyone, but it did cause an amazing amount of damage that could fly into someone and hurt them.

But as he continued to fire, the helicopter arrived and Bushwhacker glared at him. "I gotta stop him!" He ran forwards and leapt into the air, spreading his leave wings in a way that let him catch a breeze like a parachuter. He grabbed the jet car in his vine arms and pulled himself closer, landing on the back of the car as he did so. "Now I've got you!" He turned his hands into hammers and started slamming them onto the roof.

"Hey!" Gal-N cried, "stop that!" He pointed the blaster out of the roof and fired, Bushwhacker avoiding the first two blasts. But then one blast struck him right in the head, the energy hitting him right where the Omnitrix was.

"AUGH!" He cried, as the energy flowed into the Omnitrix and the force knocked him backwards. He lost his grip and fell towards the ground.

"Flash!" His friends yelled as Shining flew down to try and catch him. He seemed stunned, so he wasn't able to grab hold of the buildings around him. He picked up speed and right as he was about to hit the ground, Shining's jet fired out a clawed cable.

It caught him and pulled him up at the last second, Bushwhacker moaning as he came to. "What?" He looked around and realised what had happened, making him sigh in relief. But just as he was about to try and fight again, the Omnitrix beeped. "Already?" It definitely hadn't been ten minutes, which was the Omnitrix's usual time limit. As he transformed back, he wondered what was going on.

Gal-N flew towards some people that were attempting to flee, firing his blasters at them. The people screamed as as they tried to escape, several police cars arrived. "More worms for me to punish!" He laughed, as his body sparked. He flew down and transformed himself back into a normal car, sliding to a stop as he did so.

He then flew off the car and retook his humanoid form, as the cops jumped out of their cars and pointed their guns at him.

"Fall!" He thrust his arm forwards, as Shining's blaster appeared. But now, it changed shape and morphed into a cannon with a speaker on it. The next thing the cops knew, powerful sonic waves flew out towards them and caused them all to cry out.

They clutched their eats to try and block out the sound, making them drop their weapons as they did. Gal-N's arm stretched out and grabbed all the guns, sucking them into his body. He laughed as he did so, only to hear movement above him.

He looked up and saw the helicopter heading towards him, the mechamorph laughing as he pointed his blaster at them. "Say goodbye!" His head sparked as he fired, but the helicopter took evasive maneuvers as they did.

"HEY!" Flash cried as he swung from the hook, "careful!" He then saw Gal-N turned to the cops, as his other arm transformed. This time, it turned into a large gun with multiple barrels that he realised used to be their guns. "WATCH OUT!" The cops were still recovering, so they didn't realise they were about to be gunned down.

The weapon fired a multitude of bullets, which shot towards the police officers ready to end their lives. But before they could make contact, a giant wall of crystals appeared in front of them that blocked the bullets. "What?" Gal-N cried, looking around and spotted Rarity a ways off.

She smiled as she kept the shields up, whilst a blue blur shot passed and grabbed the cops. In the blink of an eye, they were all zoomed out of harm's way. Flash, Shining, Twilight and Spike all smiled at this, whilst Gal-N growled. "Stupid humans!" He rushed back to the car and leapt onto it, as Flash jumped down off the hook. He rolled to a stop and charged forward.

"Stop!" But Gal-N morphed into the car and transformed it back into the jet, taking off as he did so. "Ahh!" He turned to Rarity, as Rainbow returned from where she dropped the cops off. "Good timing."

"You can thank Adagio," Rarity told him. "She called us on your phone and explained the situation." Flash smirked before turning back to the car, which was getting away. The Omnitrix then beeped, turning green much to Flash's surprise.

"That was fast." He remembered the Omnitrix hadn't been activated as long, which meant recharge probably didn't take as long. "Alright. Firefly should be able to catch up with him." He slammed the dial down and in a flash, he was transformed into Volt-Edge. "Seriously? Now!" As he said that, his car arrived on the street and he saw Adagio driving with Sunset, Pinkie and Fluttershy. Applejack's truck was also driving along with it, Rainbow Dash speeding Rarity into it as the helicopter chased after the jet car.

Volt-Edge leapt onto his car and magnetized himself to the roof. "Follow that alien!"

"You got it!" Adagio put her foot down and raced off, with Applejack driving after him. "I called Trixie and she's on her way. But she might be a while." Volt-Edge nodded as they chased after the flying car.

The helicopter was getting closer and as they did, Spike turned to Shining. "Doesn't this thing have any weapons?"

"Not on its own," Shining sighed. "It needs me to plug my Multi-Striker into the main system. Ahh, I really wish I didn't leave the rest of my gear by at your lab." All he had was that one capture cube. But they would need to get Gal-N to stop moving to use it.

"Look out!" Twilight cried, as Gal-N launched another laser at them. Shining pulled back and the laser fizzled out in mid-air, as the car started changing again.

This time, a large rocket appeared beneath it and was launched. The missile flew towards them and Shining barely managed to avoid it, but the missile suddenly changed direction and flew up from behind him. "Incoming!" Spike cried as Shining tried to dodge it again, but the missile struck his tail and exploded. "We're hit!" The copter began to fall, "we're going down. Mayday! MAYDAY!"

"SPIKE!" Twilight cried, his cries not helping the situation. Shining tried to regain control, but the impact had damaged something and the controls weren't responding.

They were about to crash into a street with several people on it, the bystanders yelling as they ran for their lives. But before the vehicle could hit the ground, lightning shot out and struck it.

That lightning came courtesy of Volt-Edge, who was able to capture the vehicle in a field of lightning. The alien was having trouble with the weight, but managed to carefully lower it to the ground. As he did, Applejack and Adagio pulled up next to the helicopter.

"You guys okay?" Sunset asked as the helicopter dissolved, the ones inside it nodding. As they did, a barrage of laser blasts flew down around them.

Gal-N laughed hysterically as he fired Shining's Multi-Striker. The lasers flew down towards them and as he got lower, they got closer and closer to hitting them vehicles. Luckily, Rarity was able to put up a barrier to protect them. Before she did, Volt-Edge leapt off his car and started firing electrical blasts towards the flying car.

The bolts struck the vehicle and made Gal-N cry out, forcing him to pull away as Volt-Edge landed on the crystal wall.

"Get back here!" He cried, as Rarity sent the crystal he was on flying. He flew after the car and charged up a large amount of energy, which he fired towards the alien. Gal-N reacted by firing his blaster, the two attacks colliding with one another and causing an explosion.

That explosion pushed Volt-Edge and the crystal he was on downwards, Volt-Edge gripping the sides of the gem as best he could. But in that moment, the Omnitrix beeped.

"What?" He cried before being reverted back to human, right as he reached the rest of the gems. He slammed into it and as he did, he rolled along the shield.

"Flash!" Twilight looked confused, wondering why the Omnitrix wasn't even keeping him alien for half the time. "Are you okay?" Flash moaned as he sat himself up, rubbing his head and looking at the Omnitrix.

"What's with this thing?" Before he could think, Gal-N flew down and prepared to blast him. Luckily, Rarity dispelled the crystal he was laying on and he fell onto the ground before the lasers could hit him. She also did this in several other locations, allowing Pinkie to throw a bunch of exploding sprinkles out whilst Twilight and Applejack used their magic to throw some of the debris Gal-N created.

The mechamorph avoided these attacks and prepared to attack back, but before he could something drove onto the street. A bus. "Oh," he saw a bunch of people inside and chuckled as he sparked, "perfect!" He flew down and abandoned Shining's police cruiser, the car falling to the ground and would have broken if Twilight hadn't caught it.

"What's he doing?" Pinkie cried, as the mechamorph flew over to the bus. "Oh no!" The living blob slammed into the front of it before the driver knew what was happening, then expanded and covered the entire vehicle.

Gal-N laughed as he took control of the bus and began to drive it away, Shining, Twilight and Flash rushing over to Shining's car as he did so. The three leapt inside as Adagio and Applejack drove passed them. They all gave chase and hoped they could catch up with Gal-N, actually able to thanks to the alien swerving around on the road.

He did this to terrify the people inside, wanting them to feel the same fear he had felt. "Enjoying the ride?" He asked those inside, as the driver tried to grab the wheel only to get a zap. "Ah, ah, ah. Can't have that."

"What is this guy's problem?" Rainbow asked over the phone, as they tried to catch up with him.

"He was damaged by Vilgax's attack on his ship," Twilight explained. "It's screwed up his sense of reason. He actually thinks what he's doing is right."

"We've gotta find a way to stop him before he hurts anyone," Shining cried. "But I don't know how?"

"The lightning seemed to hurt him," Fluttershy pointed out. "Maybe try and go Volt-Edge again." Flash nodded, as they got closer to the bus.

As they did, Gal-N's eyes shifted to the back of them. "Oh I don't think so!" Once again, the bus transformed and became a plane-like vehicle that took off. "Welcome to air Gal-N," he laughed as he sparked. "Please put your tray plate into their upright position." There were many children on the bus and when the vehicle barral-rolled around, it made them scream in fear.

Gal-N laughed at this as he swerved around a building, those on the ground following after him. As he did, he unleashed his blaster and fired at the streets. A couple of people were still on the streets and had to take cover as he did.

The others frowned as the Omnitrix timed in, quickly pulling himself through the window of the police car. "I've gotta save those people." Once he was one the roof, he activated the watch and dialed up Volt-Edge. He slammed it down and as he did, a bright flash of light revealed his transformation into Chamalien. "What is wrong with you!?" He told the Omnitrix, having not got a single alien he had asked for so far today.

He looked up at the bus as it continued to fly through the air, Chamalien realising he had absolutely no way of saving them in this current form. Then, the bus did a loop-the-loop and spun as it did so. This changed its trajectory, pointing it straight towards one of the taller buildings. "HE'S GONNA CRASH!" Rainbow cried, everyone realising that slamming into the building at that speed, and at that height, would kill everyone on board.

Twilight wasn't sure Gal-N could survive it either, but she didn't know what this alien was capable of.

Everyone watched in horror and Chamalien couldn't even watch, realising he had let all those people down. But instead of a huge explosion, a loud roar filled the air.

"Huh?" Chamalien looked up and was surprised when he saw a giant kaiju like lizard appear in front of the building, its mouth wide as it roared at the bus.

"WHAT THE!" Gal-N pulled back and the flying bus stopped in mid air, the alien quickly turning to escape so he wouldn't become lunch. The kaiju snapped at the end of the bus but missed, everyone terrified they were going to have to fight it as well. But then they heard a voice.

"Looks like I made it just in time!" They looked around and saw Lady Masquerade, as she leapt off the roof of a smaller building and used her belt to swing down. She landed on the back of Applejack's truck, as the monster suddenly vanished.

"Trixie!" Chamalien smiled, realising she had created that monster. "I have never been more happy to see you." Lady Masquerade smirked with a salute before they focused on the bus, which had flown down to the street. "We've gotta find a way to stop that thing. But he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses." In that moment, the Omnitrix beeped again.

Flash reverted back to human and frowned as he looked at the watch, wishing he knew what was wrong with this thing. But then the watch unleashed several sparks, making him cry out and almost let go of the car.

These sparks then reminded him of the blast that had hit him back when he was Bushwhacker. It was then that it hit him, "that blast did something to the Omnitrix. It's stopping it from functioning correctly." He tried to think of a way to fix it, but he had no idea how he was supposed to do that.

Then, he remembered something he was told and activated the Omnitrix. He pressed the side button and the dial sprung up, Flash switching it to the blue setting.

"Here goes." He pushed it down and prayed this would work. As he did, the Omnitrix beeped several times whilst the bus turned another corner.

They followed and when they did, they saw there was a section of the place that was closed off for roadworks. They passed under a bridge that held the city's monorail track, then noticed the roadworks had crane truck that appeared to have a large magnet on the end of it.

This made them worry. If Gal-N got control of that, there was no telling what he could do.

But he didn't seem at all interested in the magnet, instead flying the bus away from it. But as he did, the crane spun around and the magnet moved right in the bus' path. "NO!" Gal-N cried, as he tried to stop. But it was too later and the magnet's pull dragged the bus towards it. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!"

This scream surprised everyone, the lot of them not expecting him to act like that. They watched as the black and green slime around the bus before to wobble like jelly, then melted off the sides of the machine to pool beneath the vehicle.

"What's happening to him?" Trixie asked, the others unsure.

"A magnetic field," Twilight realised. "It must have some negative effect on whatever he's made out of." When the bus was free, the doors of it opened and the driver tried to leap out. Unfortunately, they were a good fifteen feet up and any attempt to jump would result in injury.

Rarity quickly acted and made a line of diamonds, creating a slide the drive didn't hesitate to jump down.

As the rest of the passengers followed, the puddle that was once Gal-N began to reform. Flash, Shining and Trixie rushed up to him, Trixie preparing her staff ready to fight if needs be. "It's over," Shining told him. "Come quietly."

Gal-N panted, though how they were unsure on, as his head sparked. "It's...NOT OVER!" He spun around and pointed his arm at them, the weapon turning into the blaster that he fired. The three gasped and leapt out of the way, as the laser flew passed them and struck one of the support beams for the city's monorail.

The others gasped at this, as the stone support was broken apart in the middle and crumbled.

With no support, the bridge started bending and looked like it would break any moment. Twilight quickly rushed over to it and grabbed the bridge in her magic, lifting it up as she did. Rarity also helped, placing a crystal under it as well. The pair grunted, the weight of the bridge proving heavy.

Gal-N fired several more shots, Trixie using her staff to deflect them so they didn't hit her friends. One of these deflections hit the cable of the magnet, causing it and the bus to fall to the ground with a crash.

Gal-N growled as his body sparked, then rushed over to the nearest car. "We gotta stop him!" Rainbow cried, as Gal-N merged with the car. But as he began to drive away, they heard a noise many of them recognised as the train.

Twilight grunted under the weight of the broken bridge, "there's no way I can hold it up if the train drives over it." The others frowned, fearing something horrible might happen.

"I'll run to the station," Rainbow cried. "Maybe they can stop it!" She ran off and the others heard the train. Even if Rainbow could reach the station, there was no way those in charge could stop the train in time.

"Flash!" Shining turned to the hero, "you've gotta transform."

"But the Omnitrix keeps giving me the wrong alien," Flash told him. "What if it gives me something that can't stop the train?"

"Well it's better than not trying at all," Adagio told him. "You said the Omnitrix always comes through for you when you really need it. Well it's time to put that faith to the test." Flash stared at her, then turned to the others who all nodded.

He then looked down at the Omnitrix, which glowed green now that the recalibrations had completed. If it worked, Flash should remain an alien for the right amount of time. But that would be meaningless if he didn't get an alien that could stop the monorail.

"Okay Omnitrix," he told the device. "I don't want Goop. I don't want Molestache." He activated the watch and as the dial sprung up, he started turning it. "Just give me something I can use to stop that train so we can all get on with our lives." Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and slapped the dial down.

In a burst of green light, he transformed and everyone was amazed by what they saw. In front of them was what appeared to be a gorilla, which was made out of plastic blocks that were either red, blue or yellow. The Omnitrix symbol on its chest and Flash opened his eyes to look himself over.

"Wow," he held up his big blocky arms, "who's this guy?"

"Never seen him before," Adagio tilted her head as Shining scratched his.

"You look like you're made of those building blocks Twilight used to love playing with."

"Bloxx?" He looked himself over, then felt something inside him. Like a drive telling him what he could do. And as the sound of the train grew closer, he turned towards the tracks and held his arms out. As he did, they stretched with a strange clicking sound until he reached the column.

He then pulled himself towards it, appearing under the section of destroyed column before his entire body began to change. Within seconds, the alien gorilla transformed into a round column that connected to the rest. It extended upwards and pushed the rest of the bridge into place, it and Twilight's magic holding it together.

The monorail rushed over the line and as it did, Flash and Twilight both flinched at the weight. But they pushed through it and eventually, the train finished racing over the tracks.

As soon as it was on the other side of the bridge, Flash shrank back to his gorilla form and Twilight cut the magic. This caused the column to fall to the ground and the track was now beginning to bend. Hopefully, Rainbow would be able to get to the station and get them to stop the trains.

"Now what do we do?" Fluttershy asked, Flash turning in the direction Gal-N went.

"Now, we end this once and for all."

The Mechamorph laughed as he flew through the city, firing lasers and missiles at anything that moved.

"This is too much fun," he told him. He might have been righting a wrong, but who said justice couldn't make him laugh. He turned into another street and did several loop-the-loops before firing a laser at a car. "That's right. Suffer. Just like how I have suffered."

"Gal-N!" The mechamorph stopped in midair and spun around, allowing him to see a car driving towards him. A car with a certain ape-like alien on top of him.

"A segmentasapien?" He asked, "where did you come from?" He created a bunch of lasers, "doesn't matter. If you're trying to save these monsters, you will suffer with them."

Flash glared at him, "this isn't justice. It's vengeance, the most pointless of causes. And I won't let you hurt any more innocent people, just because you can't handle getting hurt."

"None of them are innocent!" Gal-N screamed as he sparked, "and I will make them pay!"

"Oh I don't think so," Flash told him. He leapt into the air and extended his arm, grabbing onto the sides of a building and swinging himself around. Gal-N fired, but Flash was able to swing around and avoid the lasers. He then swung straight up and morphed his hands into a pair of cannons, which fired a bunch of brick bullets towards Gal-N.

They slammed off the metal on his body with little damage to him, Gal-N spinning around and firing missiles.

Flash's fist morphed into a shield and the rocket exploded against it, knocking him backwards. But he managed to grab hold of a building and stop his fall, whilst Gal-N charged towards him. As he did, Flash noticed Twilight, Shining and Applejack on a nearby roof, having been lifted up to it on Rarity's shield.

They were holding the electromagnet, which Twilight had jury rigged to Shining's plumber badge. "Alright. Time to end this." He swung around a little more and dodged Gal-N's attack, the mechamorph swerving around as Flash threw himself at it. "Gotcha!" He yelled as he flew towards the front of the vehicle, then thrust his arms and legs out.

His entire body grew larger and formed a wall in front of Gal-N, which then began to curve until it formed a sphere that completely trapped him. "What?" The mechamorph cried, as Flash fell towards the building. "What is this?" He fired several lasers and missiles, blasting the blocks that made up his prison.

However, Flash was sure to make several layers of blocks and constantly repaired anything that was damaged. He had landed on the roof and Twilight finally managed to hook to the plumber badge to the electromagnet. "Can you guy hurry up." An explosion occurred inside the sphere and he flinched, "this guy's not getting tired."

"We're ready," Twilight told him as Applejack lifted the magnet up and placed it against the sphere. Flash quickly made an opening and pulled the magnet inside, the end of it sticking out of the inner wall. "Ready?"

"Ready!" The alien announced as Twilight activated the badge.

Inside the sphere, Gal-N continued to keep blasting at the walls. "LET ME OUT!" He was about to create something even stronger. But before he could, he felt something. "What?" He turned towards the side and spotted the electromagnet from before. "No!"

"Turn it onto full!" Flash told Twilight, who nodded as she added more juice through the badge. The magnet's force grew stronger and as it did, Gal-N felt his body growing less stable.

"NO!" He tried to blast it, but before he could his body began to fall apart. The car fell to the bottom of the sphere, as his body began to melt of it. Flash looked inside the sphere and saw this, making sure to keep the magnet pointed at him.

"I'm sorry bad things happened to you," Flash told him. "But I can't let you hurt anyone else." He watched as Gal-N remained in a puddle on the ground, as the weapons he had previously stolen began to fall out of him. As he did, Flash reverted his body back to his gorilla form but kept holding the electromagnet.

Meanwhile, Shining held out the capture cube he had been sent and threw it at the buddle.

It expanded above the puddle and consumed Gal-N, who groaned. "This isn't fair." Those were his last words before he disappeared inside the energy construct, which shrank back down to its normal size. As it did, Twilight deactivated the electromagnet as Flash put it down.

Shining picked the cube up, Flash looking him over. "I know he did a lot of bad things, but I do feel bad he went through all that." The others nodded and wished they hadn't had to do this. Unfortunately, some people and aliens just weren't capable of letting go of the pain.

"So what happens to him now?" Applejack asked, Shining staring at the cube.

"I'll contact the plumbers and give a full report. They'll pick him up and hopefully, they'll be able to fix his matrix. Once it's repaired, they can decide what actions should be taken with him. He didn't actually hurt anyone, so it's possible he'll get off with a warning. But if he still wants to take revenge, it's possible the damaged matrix wasn't what was causing him to go on a rampage. And if that's true, they'll have to sentence him as an actual criminal."

The others nodded, hoping Gal-N's damaged matrix could be repaired and was the cause. If not, it would mean Vilgax had destroyed another life.

Twilight then turned to Flash, looking over his alien form. "You know, this form is certainly an interesting one. Not exactly a brawler, but it's abilities could have a lot of applications." Flash smirked and nodded in agreement, whilst looking down at the Omnitrix.

He had remained alien for a while now, so that likely meant the recalibration had repaired whatever had been done to it. But as he looked at his new alien form, he couldn't help but get a worrying sensation. Xylene had said the recalibration would reboot the Omnitrix's systems. Did that mean the watch was back to how it had been when he first got it? If that was true, did that mean he was back to ten aliens that he didn't know about?

The news that night was all about the insane attack by the mysterious vehicles.

Flash and his friends were all at Shining's place, Twilight bouncing Flurry on her lap as they watched the news. Cadance was at the back of the room, surrounded by different fabrics. Apparently, she was making some kind of plush toy for Flurry but didn't say what it was going to be.

Shining finally stepped into the room, having gotten in contact with the Plumbers. "Alright, I've sent the message. The plumbers should be by in a day or two to collect Gal-N."

"Do you really think that cube will hold him that long?" Rarity asked, Shining nodded.

"It's got a life span of one week. And whilst inside, those contained are placed in a form of stasis to stop them from fighting back or their injuries from getting worse. He won't be a problem." They nodded, but really wished there was a plumber prison they could keep him in on earth.

The TV was showing the destroyed monorail being repaired, whilst Twilight turned to see Flash staring down at the Omnitrix. "You okay? You look worried?"

The others turned to Flash, as he looked back at them. "I'm just worried about the recalibration."

"I thought it fixed that thing?" Trixie asked, Flash nodding.

"Yeah, but I don't know what else it did. What if the reason it gave me that new alien was because...the reboot made it reset and give me a bunch of new aliens?" Now everyone understood why he seemed worried. "I really like the aliens I had and I spent a long time learning to master their powers. I don't want to have to start from scratch with a bunch of new ones."

"Well it's better you find out now instead of during a fight," Shining told him. "And if you do have a bunch of new aliens, we'll be there to help you master them. Right guys?" They all nodded and Flash smiled, taking a deep breath as he reached for the button.

"Here goes." The dial popped up and, seemingly slower then normal, the triangles crossed to form the diamond. The image of his new alien appeared, Flash gulping before he turned the dial to see... "Volt-Edge," Flash sighed before turning it and seeing Firefly. Then Lindwhirl, XLR8 and so on. Every one of Flash's aliens were there.

Everyone sighed in relief, glad Flash wasn't starting again from scratch. "That's good," Shining nodded. "I understand why you were worried. If you're scared recalibration might make you lose your aliens, try and be extra careful so you don't have to do it." Flash nodded, thinking the same thing. He then switched to the gorilla alien and smiled, remembering how it was just the alien he needed.

It seemed Flash's trust in the Omnitrix was warranted. And he would trust it no matter what happened in the future.

Author's Note:

Pay off from the Dragstar episode, meeting one of the original 10 as a civilian and a new alien for Flash. Boy was this an action packed chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.

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