• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 7: A Dazzling Dispute

It was a late night in Canterlot and a woman was making her way through the streets.

This woman was dressed in fancy clothing, wearing a golden necklace around her neck, with many gems in it, along with fancy earrings and a gemmed ring on each hand. She walked down the street with an air of superiority to her, her heels clicking as she did so. But as she got closer to her car, she got the strangest feeling she was being watched.

She looked around, but there didn't appear to be anyone else around her. She was completely alone...or was she?

She had no idea that high above her, something was glaring down at her and licking its lips. It flew through the air above the woman and as she focused her attention on what was in front of her, the creature stalking her dived down with incredible speed.

She didn't hear it until the very last minute, a flapping sound, which made her spin around. And the last thing she saw before letting out a mighty scream into the night, was a strange winged creature with a tail, sharp claws and a lot of sharp teeth.

The next day.

Adagio Dazzle was walking towards the plumber base, a smirk on her lips as she stared at her phone. Said phone was currently on a gossip website, which had an article about Adagio and her sisters. But mostly, the article was focusing on her and her relationship to Flash.

As she stepped into the building, she noticed Twilight, Spike, Sunset and Rainbow were there and waiting for the elevator.

"Hey," she smirked before showing them all her phone, "guess who's the talk of the town again?" They all rolled their eyes at this, as Adagio was constantly bragging whenever something about her appeared online due to her relationship with Flash. "I've gotta tell ya. The world just can't get enough of me."

"Are you sure all this publicity is a good thing?" Twilight asked as the elevator arrived. "What if people get curious about who you are?"

"That'd be great," she smirked as they stepped into the elevator and started heading down to the real base.

"Really?" Sunset asked. "You and your sisters have no official form of ID. No birth certificate, no parents to talk of and haven't even spent a day in school outside of your plan to steal our Equestrian Magic. Don't you think people might be suspicious?"

"Don't you fall under most of those categories?" Adagio asked, "aren't you scared people might get suspicious?"

"Sunset has all the stuff she mentioned," Twilight pointed out. Adagio was surprised by this, the girl turning to Sunset who shrugged.

"When I came here, I had a bunch of gems and bits that I could use. I was able to use them to get myself everything I'd need to look like I'd been here all my life. How do you think I'm able to afford my apartment on a sushi waitress' salary." The elevator came to a stop and they stepped out into the hybrid's enclosures.

Fluttershy was there along with Drift and Pearl, both of which were sitting on the ground playing a board game with the girl. She had done wonders with the two, teaching them so much. The pair could now talk in simple sentences and read pretty well.

"Hello," Fluttershy smiled at them. Drift and Pearl also smiled, Pearl waving happily as Drift overtook her on the game board.

"Everything seems to be going well here," Twilight smiled. "Are these two giving you any trouble?"

"No," Fluttershy shook her head, "they're being perfectly behaved. So long as I can keep the treats coming." She threw them both a flavoured biscuit, the pair munching them down as the others smiled.

"I hope the other three hybrids are just as well trained," Rainbow stated. "We've been pretty lucky so far. But the next one might not be so easily tamed." The others knew she was right, but hopefully the next one to show up would be weak so Flash could easily subdue it.

Speaking of Flash, he was currently in the main control room with two other people.

One was Shining Armor, who was sitting at a computer looking over a bunch of police report. The other was Tirek, who had come to see how well the new base was holding up. He had asked for a full tour, though his civilian status had meant he wasn't allowed anywhere too important.

"I see you've quickly gotten the hang of the plumber computer," the old man smiled when he saw how easily Shining had adapted to the technology. "I remember when I first started using the plumber tech. I kept hitting the wrong buttons for a while. Almost depressurised the entire spaceship once. The others certainly had a good laugh about that."

Shining smiled at this. "Well, the technology's a lot more universal now."

"So what are you looking at?" Tirek asked, looking curious as he stared at the many reports. Shining wondered if he should tell Tirek, but Flash spoke up first.

"Apparently, some kind of monster attacked someone last night."

"Monster, you say?" Tirek looked intrigued, whilst Shining frowned. Flash really needed to learn when to keep his mouth shut.

"Yes," Shining nodded, "it apparently swooped down and attacked the woman when she wasn't expecting it. She was seriously injured, but nothing permanent or life threatening."

"I get the feeling that might have only been due to luck," Tirek stated. "Any leads on what it could be?"

"None," Shining sighed. "The attack happened so fast that the victim was knocked out before she saw any major details. All she knew was that it had wings and teeth. But I doubt this'll be the only attack that'll happen. If we don't figure out what this thing is, people will start being too scared to leave their homes." Tirek nodded and decided now would be a good time to leave.

"I won't distract you anymore then," he started making his way towards the elevator. "I hope you manage to catch that creature and put it wherever it belongs." Shining and Flash nodded as Tirek reached the elevator, only for it to open up with Twilight, Spike and Adagio stepping out of it. "Oh, hello again girls. Long time no see."

Adagio and Twilight smiled at him. Twilight knew he was mistaking her for her Equestrian counterpart, but she wasn't in the mood to explain the difference. "It's good to meet you again," Twilight smiled as Tirek scratched Spike behind the ear.

"Oh yeah," he groaned. "That's the spot." Tirek didn't seem to even notice the talking dog, as he turned to Adagio.

"Ms Dazzle. I've been hearing some interesting things about you as of late. Apparently, you've been getting quite a lot of attention recently."

"Of course," Adagio smiled a cocky smile. "The media can't get enough of me." She flicked her hair, Twilight rolling her eyes as Tirek smiled.

"Yes, apparently. How would you like to increase your fame?" Adagio gave him a curious look, telling him to keep talking. "Well, my company has started getting into the fashion business. But we don't have any models. How would you like to be one of my models and get your face in a few fashion magazines?" Adagio's eyes went wide, unable to believe she was being offered such an opportunity.

"Are you kidding?" She asked as he nodded, "oh I am in."

"Excellent," Tirek smiled. "I don't suppose you know anyone else that might be interested in that kind of work? The more models we have, the better." Adagio smirked, knowing exactly who to get to help her. "Anyway, here's the card of the man running the photoshoot." He handed her a piece of cardboard, Adagio happily taking it. "Give him a ring and you should be able to get everything sorted out."

"Perfect," Adagio smirked, "I'll call him as soon as I talk to my sisters." Tirek nodded and stepped into the elevator, Adagio and Twilight waving at him as he the doors closed. When they did, Twilight turned to move to the computer only for Adagio to grab her shoulder. "I need all the ID and documents that'll stop others from realising I wasn't born on this planet. You're good with computers. Think you can whip something up for me and my sisters on that big computer?" Twilight groaned, knowing this was gonna be a pain.

Two days later, Adagio and her sisters had all the documentation they needed to pass as normal people.

That was also the day they had their photoshoot, Flash having given them a ride there. The teen stood behind the camera, as the photographer made the final preparations. "Alright girls!" He then called out, "how's it going in there?"

"Almost done," Sonata sang. And sure enough, the Dazzlings appeared a minute later in amazing clothing. Flash had to admit, the three looked great in the tops, skirts and dresses they had been shown.

"What do you think?" Adagio asked him, Flash unable to put words together and simply nodding. This made Adagio laugh as she and the other two stepped up in front of the green screen.

"Alright lovelies," he told them. "Now, strike a pose!" The three did so, looking like they had done this a hundred times. He started snapping pictures and they quickly started shifting between poses to give him a bunch of different angles. "Oh, beautiful darlings. Simply marvelous. The camera loves you."

"Of course it does," Adagio smirked. "What's not to love." Flash rolled his eyes with a smile, Adagio's slight ego being one of her more endearing qualities in his opinion. As long as she didn't let it get out of control, Flash didn't see any serious issues occuring.

At the same time, Shining was investigating another attack by this strange monster.

The plumber was studying the the street that had been the site of the attack. He placed his badge one the and once he activated it, it started unleashing a light similar to the one Flash's Omnitrix used to scan aliens. It swept through the area, set to pick up anything that didn't appear human.

As he did, he started searching the street himself.

"Figure anything out?" Shining looked up and saw an officer he was friends with back in his cop days. Shining smirked at him, but shook his head.

"Nothing yet. But if what we were looking for was easy to find, you guys would have already figured out what this was." The cop nodded as he looked over at Shining's badge.

"Man, your alien stuff's pretty cool. Wish I could have something like that."

"Plumbers are always looking for new members," Shining joked. As he did, something caught his eye and made him flinch. He looked around and spotted something on the ground, reflecting the sun into his face. It was under a nearby dumpster, likely falling fallen there when the victim was attack.

He moved over to it and reached under the dumpster, pulling out a small blue gemstone. "That shouldn't be there," the cop stated. "The woman who was attacked stated the creature grabbed her necklace. Must have come off in the struggle."

"Why would a monster want gems?" Shining wondered, thinking about the other attack report. "The one attacked the other night was also wearing a lot of jewels."

"So this monster is a jewel thief?" The cop asked, "what would it want with fancy jewelry?" Shining was also wondering that and when his badge beeped, he got his answer.

Picking it up, he saw a compass appear on the screen and point him towards something. Following it, he found something on the ground that was almost two small to notice. A speck of red, which he carefully picked up to see was some kind of scale. "What's this?" He placed the scale on his badge and started properly scanning it, but it would likely take a while to complete a thorough examination.

"So what do we do now?" The cop asked, with Shining unsure how to answer that. He just wished he knew what this thing was and why it was after gemstones.

In an underground cavern, a part of the city's sewers that had been destroyed during the situation with the Hypnotist, something was living inside the cavern.

Hidden in the shadows, that something was staring at a bunch of gemstones that were scattered about the place. It then reached out and grabbed one, throwing it into its mouth and munching on it with growls of satisfaction. But this wasn't enough. It needed more. More gems. More food. And it would do whatever it took to get it.

The last few days had been a dream come true for Adagio.

The photos she and her sisters had taken were already plastered all over the net, causing the trio to become quite the talk of the town. Now, the three couldn't walk down the street without anyone stopping to ask for her autograph. The attention was like a drug to Adagio and she was completely hooked.

However, whilst Flash was happy for her success, he couldn't help but notice it was having a bit of a negative affect on her. One that was on full display when the pair went to a fancy restaurant for lunch to celebrate Adagio's latest achievement. A commercial.

"Welcome," the hostess smiled at them. "Sentry, table for two."

"That's right," Adagio stated before Flash could speak up. "Please make sure it's a window table that's close to the bathroom so we don't have to go far if we need it, but not so close that he can hear them flush. I really don't need that whilst I'm eating." The hostess was surprised by these demands, but nodded.

"We'll...we'll try our best." She walked off to see if such a table even existed, whilst Flash frowned at Adagio.

"Don't you think that was a bit much?" Flash asked. "I doubt you can even hear the bathrooms from this part of the restaurant."

"Well I don't want to take the risk," Adagio told them. "This is supposed to be a celebration. This beautiful face is finally going to be on TV, where it belongs." Flash frowned, worried Adagio was letting all this attention turn her into something she wasn't.

Correction. It was turning her into something she used to be.

Flash frowned as he thought about the Adagio that had tried to take over the world, who Flash had feared she was when they met again. He no longer saw her like that, but she was starting to act like it again. Flash wondered if he should say something, but was worried she would take offence to this.

The hostess returned and had a table ready for them, the pair sitting down and quickly seeing what was on the menu.

"Nothing childish," Adagio told him. "Imagine what people will think if they saw you eat something uncultured." Flash frowned, since he wasn't sure what was uncultured. "Absolutely not," she stated when he asked if he could get the spaghetti and meatballs. "If people see you slurping that up and getting your face covered in sauce, we'll be made the laughing stokes of the city."

"I doubt people care what I eat," Flash told her. Adagio gave him a look and he wasn't in the mood to argue. "Fine. What do you suggest?" Adagio looked through the menu and smiled when she found something for them, ordering it before even telling Flash what it was.

A little while later, the waitress returned with a plate full of a strange mix of different leaves. Flash tilted his head, since it did not look filling at all. And sure enough, when he tried one it tasted gross and didn't satisfy him at all.

But the look Adagio was giving him told the teen he needed to finish it, Flash deciding he would get a burger as soon as Adagio wasn't around. They finished their ''meal'' and as soon as they did, they headed out to pick up Adagio's sisters to head to the shoot.

At the same time, Shining was in the base looking over the info he had gotten.

He had been out on patrol the last three nights and not once, did he run into the creature on the prowl. And it had been out there. Six more attacks had been documented, one of them being in the middle of the day. And even then, there had been no way to tell what kind of creature it was that was attacking the people. No other witnesses and no CCTV.

"Either this thing is smart enough to not get caught, or it's been really really lucky." As he said that, a beeping sound caught his attention.

He rolled over to one of the computers, realising it was the one his badge had sent the scale scan to in order to do a thorough scan. And the process was finally complete.

"Finally," he brought up the data. "Now, what the heck are you?" When he saw the answer, his eyes went wide. "Human?" The DNA was human, but not entirely human. There were two other strands that were apart of the DNA mixture, with only one of them having a name. The other strand was an unknown, which made Shining frown. "There's only one thing I know of with that kind of DNA." He took out his phone and tried to get through to Flash, only to hear a ringing sound coming from behind him.

Looking around, he saw Flash's phone on one of the tables.

Flash was completely oblivious to the fact he had forgotten his phone, having been run ragged by Adagio using him as her personal taxi.

Currently, the teen was driving the Dazzlings towards their commercial shoot. "Didn't you just hear about this shoot?" Flash asked as the girls worked on their makeup. "How were they able to set everything up so quickly?"

"Well we weren't the first choice for the actresses," Sonata explained. "The three girls who were supposed to do it all go sick, so they asked us to fill in for them." Flash nodded, seeing that that made more sense now.

"But it doesn't matter that we're just the fill ins," Adagio told him. "We're gonna be on TV and it'll mean our careers are gonna explode." Flash wanted to point out that not every commercial lead to a successful acting career, but he didn't want to upset Adagio.

What did upset Adagio, was then they came to a stop at a crosswalk as an old woman began to cross the road.

Adagio's hands tapped against the dashboard, impatience clear on her face as the elderly woman went as fast as she could. "Come on grandma. Don't make us get old waiting for you!" The old woman frowned at her, Flash also looking shocked by Adagio saying that. "Finally!" The woman stepped out of the road and Flash was able to drive off, "old people need to just stay indoors." Flash could hardly believe she said that.

He was really starting to get sick of Adagio acting like a spoiled brat. But he didn't get the chance to say anything, as in that moment he turned a corner only to hear a loud scream and looked ahead.

Down the street, a woman was getting chased by something flying after her. It was some kind of winged humanoid reptile, which appeared to be a little taller then Flash. Its body was mostly red, but it lower jaw was orange in colour. That orange also went down the front of its neck, its chest, stomach, waist and the underside of its long red tail. Its wings were red and had orange on the inside, whilst a mohawk of yellow spins could be seen on its head and running down its back to the tip of its tail.

"Seriously?" Adagio asked, as he car was pulled to a stop. "Why now?"

"Stay here!" Flash got out of the car and ran towards the creature, the Dazzlings watching with Sonata and Aria interested in seeing Flash transform. "Leave her alone!" The creature looked up and when it did, it noticed Flash and quickly spat out a blast of fire. "WOW!" Flash leapt to the side, the flames exploding against the ground. "That was close!" He turned to it, amazed when he realised this creature was an actual freaking dragon. "Let's go hot head!" He activated the Omnitrix but as he did, it suddenly spoke.

"Uncatalogued DNA detected!" Flash's eyes went wide, "function not available. Please stand by."

"Now?" He looked up and gasped when the dragon fired another burst of fire towards him, Flash leaping to safety as he put the pieces together. "A dragon?" He remembered what the others had said about Spike's Equestrian counterpart. Dragons were real in that universe, which must mean... "It's an Equestrian Hybrid."

The creature flew down and tried to slash at him, Flash rushing over to grab a trash can lid and use it as a shield.

The creature's claws hit the metal and tore right through it, making Flash gulp as he swung the metal around to hit it in the head. The beast roared in pain, staggering back as Flash ran to a safe distance. As he did, he tried to activate the Omnitrix's scan function. But before he could, a blast of fire came up from behind him and he had to stop doing that and jump to safety.

"Augh!" He hit the ground, as the dragon flew towards him with its claws at the ready.

But before it could slash at him, a laser slammed into it and it was blasted backwards. "Gotcha!" Flash spun around to see Shining on his bike, which had just blasted the creature as he drove towards Flash. "What are you doing? Transform."

"I can't," Flash told him. "It's a hybrid and the Omnitrix wants its DNA."

"Right," Shining nodded as his bike vanished. "I'll buy you some time." He pulled out his blaster and charged at the recovering dragon, how got up and launched a fire stream at the plumber.

Shining leapt to the side and fired his blaster as he did, hitting the creature several times with it. But its thick scales protected it from getting hurt, as Flash activated the scanning function. "Here goes!" He pointed it at the dragon and unleashed the beam, hitting the dragon and running over its body.

The hybrid noticed this and roared at him, the scan completing before it could try and escape. "Unknown DNA sample acquired," the Omnitrix announced. "Scan complete."

"Oh yeah!" Flash activated the Omnitrix and slapped it down, a blast of light filling the street as he transformed. "Volt-Edge!" The alien roared before unleashing a blast of lightning towards the creature.

The dragon leapt into the air, avoiding the lightning as he fired a stream of flames towards Volt-Edge. But Volt-Edge was able to leap out the way and bounced off the side of the building to catapult him towards the creature. But the beast simply flew straight up and Volt-Edge was unable to get a good slash in.

"Dang it!" He cried, landing on the ground and looking around.

With that trash can destroyed, there was no other metal disks that he could use to lift himself into the air. As such, the dragon had the advantage as it launched a fireball towards him. Volt-Edge retorted with an electrical blast, the two colliding and making an explosion of fireworks.

"Wow," Sonata marvelled at the sight whilst Aria was impressed.

"That guy's good," she stated. "Getting to see him up close like this is pretty awesome." Sonata nodded, but Adagio didn't seem so impressed. Instead, she checked her watch and looked rather annoyed.

"Come on Flash," she growled. "Stop playing around and just take it down already. Go Way Big and stomp on it." The rest of the Dazzlings looked at her in surprise, as another firework explosion filled the air.

"Come on!" Shining groaned as he launched a laser at the dragon. But the hybrid easily avoid it and launched a stream of fire towards him. Shining quickly changed his blaster to a shield and blocked the blast, letting it be deflected as the dragon tried to overpower it. "That's right, keep your focus on me."

The dragon was so focused on Shining, he didn't notice Volt-Edge leap into an alleyway. Then, he zigzagged up the sides of the buildings and landed on the roof. Using as much speed as he could muster, he leapt off the roof and shot towards the dragon.

The lizard didn't notice him until the last minute, Flash tackling it to the ground. "Just calm down!" He cried, but the dragon began struggling and attempting to bite him. "Alright, you asked for it." With that, he unleashed a blast of lightning that electrocuted the hybrid.

It roared out in agony, the lightning zapping it painfully. But it refused to let this stop it and kept flapping his wings, keeping it in the air. It suddenly started spinning around and as it did, Volt-Edge found himself having trouble holding on. He kept unleashing all the lightning within him, hoping he could overwhelm the beast. But eventually, his arms gave out and he was thrown off the dragon.

"GYAH!" He cried, falling to the ground and crashing into it. "Augh!"

"Flash!" Shining rushed over to him, firing at the dragon as he did. But the winged lizard dodged them and flew off, as Volt-Edge remained laid out on the ground. "You okay?"

"I've been better," he groaned before hitting the Omnitrix and turning back to human. "Ow." He sat himself up and staggered around before getting his balance. "That could have gone better."

"Yeah," Shining nodded, "I don't think this one's gonna be interested in talking it out." Flash nodded as they turned in the direction the dragon went. "Come on. We've gotta stop that thing before it hurts anyone else." Flash nodded, turning back to his car as Adagio got out of it.

"Took you long enough," she told him. "Come on. We're gonna be late for the shoot."

Flash could hardly believe she said this. "Adagio, I've gotta go after that thing." Adagio frowned, crossing her arms. "It attacked someone. If I don't stop it, it could attack someone else."

"It will attack someone else," Shining stated. "The only thing this creature seems interested in is jewelry. All its victims were woman with lots of it on their person."

"Guess that makes sense," Aria nodded. "Equestrian dragon's favourite food are gemstones. They'll do anything to get as many as they can and horde them. If this thing is part dragon, it'd also have that same hunger."

"Exactly," Flash nodded, "which means I need to stop it before it attacks someone else."

"So you're putting someone else over the needs of your girlfriend?" Adagio asked, like it was the most shocking thing in the world. "I can't believe you. You...you're the worst boyfriend ever!" That had been the straw that broke the camel's back, Flash glaring at her.

"Adagio, that's enough." She frowned at this, "there are more important things in life then your modelling career."

"So you care about getting more attention for yourself then helping me get some attention?"

"I don't do this for the attention!" Flash roared, shocking her. "I'd be doing the same thing if my secret identity wasn't known." He pointed at her, "I thought you had changed. I thought you'd realised there are more important things in life than everyone loving you. But it's clear the only person you care about is yourself." He reached into his jacket and threw her his keys, "if this shoot is so important then go there yourself." He turned to Shining, who had created his hard-light bike.

Adagio watched as Flash climbed onto the bike with the plumber, who passed him his previously forgotten phone, the teen giving her one last look of disappointment before Shining drove off. She watched him vanish, then looked down at the keys before turning to the car and getting in. The other two did the same and as Adagio started the vehicle up, they all sat in silence as they headed towards the shoot.

"Does this mean you and Flash are broken up now?" Sonata asked, looking upset at that possibility.

Adagio didn't say anything, since she didn't know the answer to that. She didn't want to be broken up, but Flash had to know how important this was for them. "I don't know," she finally said as they got closer to the address.

"I hope not," Sonata stated. "Ever since you and Flash started hanging out, you've seemed a lot happier." Adagio looked at her questioningly. "I mean...this is the happiest I've ever seen you. You never smiled like you do with Flash before, not even back when we were in Equestria causing a bunch of argument and feeding off their negativity."

"Yeah," Aria nodded. "You've definitely been less grouching since the two of you hooked up. I'd hate for the old Adagio to come back."

"What's wrong with the old me?" Adagio asked, "I was cunning and deceptive. I was able to bend those around me to my will, even without magic. Why is it a bad thing I'm becoming like that again?"

"Cause none of that made you happy," Sonata pointed out. "Not really. You've actually been happy with Flash and all his friends, even if you didn't have any magic or fame."

Adagio let those words sink in, as she thought back to everything that had happened since meeting Flash again and learning his secret. She had to admit, she had had a lot of fun. And it wasn't just the alien stuff, as she remembered times they were together and he didn't go alien. Movies they saw together, songs they listened and sang to. Video games they played and other events they enjoyed together.

Adagio remembered laughing and enjoying herself like never before. And those times had been when the two of them were completely alone. Nobody there to appreciate her, or adore how beautiful she was. She hadn't realised just how much fun she had had despite not being worshiped.

"That doesn't matter anymore," Adagio told them. "I doubt Flash would be willing to forgive me. We should just focus on our new career and...I don't know, forget that Flash was ever apart of my life."

"Is that what you want?" Aria asked. "Besides, he was willing to forgive you for brainwashing him and his friends. I'm sure he'd be up to forgiving you for this, as long as he knew you meant it." Adagio wasn't sure. She doubted he would even want to talk to her.

Flash and Shining continued to chase after the dragon, finally catching up to it as the creature flew above the city.

Flash quickly activated the Omnitrix, whilst the dragon looked back and saw them. It shot a fireball and them, but Flash slapped the dial down and transformed. "Firefly!" He quickly launched his own flames, the two connecting and exploding. This allowed Firefly to leap off the bike and fly after the dragon, using his own fire to propel himself forwards.

The dragon launched a fireball at him, but the insect simply flew through it without any issues.

"Now I've got you!" He spat out a blast of silk and hit the dragon in the chest, the insect quickly flying around him before the dragon could react and tying him up. HIs arms and wings were trapped to his waist whilst his mouth was covered. "That should hold you!" The beast struggled against the string, as he began to fall towards the ground.

Firefly fired another cable, hitting his chest and keeping the dragon from smashing to the ground. As he did, Shining drove up and prepared a capture cube.

But before he could throw it, the dragon's claws tore through the bindings. "Flash, keep wrapping him up!" Firefly tried to, but the dragon was too fast and tore through its cocoon. Eventually, he was free and leapt into the air. Firefly shot another blast of string, which hit it in the chest, only for the dragon to grab said string and use its strength to swing Firefly around.

"WOW!" He cried, being thrown all over the place before the dragon smashed him into the ground. "AUGH!" He fought through the pain and opened his eyes, seeing a bunch of people who had been standing besides a building during the fight.

The dragon roared as it slammed down onto the ground behind him and launched a blast of fire. This one would be a wide spread blast Firefly couldn't stop with his own, the insect jumping to his feet and hitting the Omnitrix. In a flash of light, he transformed into another alien.

"BLOXX!" He cried, quickly reshaping his body into a large wall. The flames slammed into him and he roared out in pain, the heat making his almost plastic-like body begin to burn. This allowed the humans to rush out from behind the wall and escape, as Shining raced onto the street and started firing his bike's weapons.

The dragon leapt into the air, Bloxx reverting back to his normal form and putting himself down to keep from catching fire. He needed to find a way to beat this thing and fast.

The Dazzlings finally arrived at the place they would be shooting the commercial.

Pulling into the parking lot, they parked up and headed inside. The guard let them in and they all saw the place was full of different pieces of equipment. Camaras and other tech were scattered around, along with a bunch of people who would be working it.

"Ah," they looked around to see a man walking towards them, "you must be my stars. Ready to make your first commercial?"

"Of course we are," Adagio smirked. But her smirk slowly faded when she remembered what had happened before, making her feel like some of the fun had vanished. "So," she shook her head, "what's this a commercial for? Better not be dog food."

"Of course not," the director laughed. "It's a new brand of perfume. It's called gemstone and you three will be recorded using it as a large diamond is placed between you." He pointed to said diamond, the three looking around and their eyes going wide seeing the largest diamond ever in front of them.

It was the size of their heads and looked absolutely perfect, the girls staring at it in amazement. "There's no way that's real," Aria cried out.

"Of course it isn't," the director replied. "It's a replica made of glass." The girls nodded and the director showed them to the dressing room, the makeup and hair specialists quickly getting to work whilst those in charge of the wardrobe started looking for the perfect clothing for each of them.

Back at the battle, the dragon continued to rain fire down on the ground.

Shining and Bloxx did their best to avoid the flames, Shining shooting at the dragon but his lasers weren't having any issue on the beast with its scales. "Alright," Bloxx leapt into the air and fired several blocks towards it, "let's see how you like this!" He then slammed the Omnitrix and transformed again. "Diamondhead!" He smashed into the ground as he turned his arms to spikes and thrust them towards the dragon.

The hybrid watched as the crystals shot towards him, his eyes going wide at the sight of them.

It dodged several and grabbed some more out of the air, the dragon stuffing them into its mouth. This shocked the heroes, as the beast munched upon them and actually managed to bite through them without issues. "It's eating my shards?" The dragon swallowed the gems and licked its lips, then turned its attention to Diamondhead. "I don't like that look." Sure enough, the dragon shot down towards him and Diamondhead raised his arms in defence.

The dragon tackled him and latched its arms and legs around one of his arms before biting down on them, the crystal alien's eyes going wide as he actually broke through the crystal. "Flash!" Shining cried, as the dragon started eating him alive.

"Raaah!" It didn't hurt, but Diamondhead didn't want to make him think eating him was okay. "Get off!" He swung his arm around and extended it, pushing the dragon away from him. He then broke his arm off of the extended pillar as it fell to the ground, the dragon quickly starting to eat it like it was the last edible thing on earth. "Geez," he rubbed his arm to make sure there were no holes, "what are your teeth made out of?"

Shining watched it eat the large diamond and hoped this would give him the chance.

He took out a capture cube and threw it, but the dragon saw it coming and leapt into the air. The cube instead expanded around the gem before shrinking back down and sealing it inside.

This did not sit well with the dragon, who turned to glare at the pair and focused once again on Diamondhead. "Change aliens," Shining told him. "I don't wanna test how much of you he can eat and you still surviving." He nodded and hit the Omnitrix, transforming once again.

"Arctiguana!" The ice lizard quickly fired his frost breath towards the dragon, who unleashed a flamethrower in reply. The elemental blasts combined and created a large cloud of steam, with filled the street and blinded the three.

Arctiguana turned to Shining, but the plumber was blocked from his view. He tried to find him and the dragon, but everything was out of sight.

Seeing no other option, he leapt straight up and fired a blast beneath his feet. This created a pillar of ice below him, which pushed him higher and higher until he was out of the steam. He looked around and as he did, he saw something flying towards him.

"Wow!" He leapt off the pillar and barely missed getting slashed at by the dragon, the lizard using his hand to slide down the pillar in a spiral. As he did, the steam bagan to fade and Shining could see what had happened. The two were perfectly matched and as they launched their elemental breath attacks, nothing seemed to tip the scale. At least until a certain beeping sound was heard.

Back with the Dazzlings, they were striking a pose around the prop as the cameraman filmed them.

"Alright," he stated, "that's enough for now. Let's take a break whilst I go over the footage and figure out if there's anything we're missing." They all nodded and the crew began to break up, all heading off in different directions.

The Dazzling moved over to where they had placed their bags, taking their phones out and doing what most teens did. Adagio checked her texts and frowned when she saw Flash hadn't contacted her. "I thought he would have called or something after he took that dragon down."

"Um, Adagio." She turned to Sonata, who had her phone open on a new site. There was a video, showing live footage of something that was going on in town.

"It appears Flash Sentry's Omnitrix has timed out, leaving him stuck in his human form and unable to fight the creature that is attacking him." Sure enough, the video showed Flash as human and working to avoid the flames and claws that the dragon creature was attacking him with.

The beast slashed at him, but he was able to dodge at the last minute as Shining rushed in. The dragon launched a fireball, but the plumber blocked it with his shield weapon. "Flash is gonna be in trouble if he can't go alien," Aria pointed out.

"That dragon wants to take him down because it knows Flash is dangerous," Adagio stated. "But if Flash can distract it for just a minute or so..." She wasn't sure how Flash was supposed to do that, since the only thing dragons loved above all else was...

She slowly turned her attention towards the glass diamond that looked perfectly real. If the dragon saw that...

"No," she shook her head, "I can't. If I do, they could fire me. My career would be over before it even starts." But she glanced back at Sonata's screen and show Flash was having issues, barely managing to keep himself from getting his head bitten off. "Flash."

"Raaaah!" Flash cried, leaping backwards as the dragon charged at him. He glanced down at the Omnitrix, which was still red. "Come on. Any time now would be good."

"Get away from him!" Shining fired a cable from his Multi-Striker, which had a handcuff-like ring around the end. It struck the dragon's leg and locked around it, Shining quickly retracting the cable and pulling the beast back towards him. "Now I gotcha." He pulled out his last capture cube. If he failed to get him this time, he was gonna have a hard time containing the beast.

But the dragon quickly spun around and unleashed a blast of fire, which forced Shining to leap to the side to avoid it. This gave the dragon an opening to clash at the cable, ripping through it and freeing it from Shining's gasp.

"Damn!" Shining switched to his rifle and started firing, the dragon flying up as fast as he could. "Not good. If we can't find a way to bring this thing down, I'm gonna have to resort to more powerful weapons." Shining didn't want to seriously hurt this creature. But he might not have any other choice.

The dragon quickly flew off, clearly wanting to escape before Flash could transform again or Shining decided to blast him.

"Oh no you don't!" Shining changed his weapon again, his rifle gaining a missile-like object on the end of it. He fired and the missile launched, shooting towards the dragon who spun around to blast it with fire. But the missile shot through the flames and split apart, firing out a net of some kind.

The net wrapped around the dragon and began to tangle it up, the beast roaring as it struggled to escape from the bindings and fell to the ground.

Flash and Shining ran after it, the dragon crashing to the ground and launching fire through the gaps in the net. The net was made of fire resistant cables. Resistant, but not fireproof. And as it kept launching fire, it noticed the cables hit were slowly starting to fray.

Showing its intelligence, it aimed at the same spots and kept flaming it up. "It's gonna get out!" Flash cried, "catch it before it does." Shining nodded and readied the cube, but the dragon launched a fireball at them and forced the pair to hid behind Shining shield.

This gave it enough time to burn through the cables and finally rip itself free of the net, allowing it to leap into the air.

"I could really use an alien right now," Flash told his watch as the dragon fired a blast of fire towards them. They both leapt back and as they did, an engine caught their attention and made them look back to see Flash's car racing towards them. "What?"

The vehicle skidded to a stop and when it did, Adagio stuck her head out the window. "Hey!" She held something up for the dragon to see, "I got something you're gonna want!" The dragon saw this and its eyes went wide, as Adagio put the diamond on the seat next to her and turned the car around.

As it shot off, the dragon flew after her. "What's she doing?" Flash cried, only to get a text from Adagio.

The Dazzling couldn't believe she was doing this.

She was letting a dragon chase her through the streets, in a vehicle it could probably melt with a single blast of fire. Looking in the rear view mirror, she saw the dragon coming and quickly swerved around a corner. The dragon overshot and missed the turn, causing it to have to start chasing her again. Hopefully, she would be able to keep this up until she got to the spot she was aiming for.

She lost the dragon two more times and decided she had to stop pushing her luck. As such, she drove to her destination and grabbed the gemstone. Lowering the window again, she spun the car around and threw the gemstone out of it.

The dragon saw it and gasped, accelerating towards it and grabbing it before it could hit the ground. The beast cried out in joy and quickly bit into the diamond, only for it to break and have a horrible taste on its lips. It roared in fury, throwing the rest towards the ground. And as it shattered, it turned to Adagio and prepared to burn her in the car.

But before she could, something suddenly tackled it. "GOTCHA!" It fell to the ground and the next thing it knew, its entire body was being encased in something.

That something was the crystals created by Diamondhead, the crystalline alien quickly forming it around its entire body. Within seconds, its its main body, arms and wings were encased in a crystal shackle. Its arms were pinned to its side, meaning it couldn't cut at the crystal with its claws, whilst its mouth also couldn't get the right angle to bite through it.

Diamondhead let it go before it tried to bite him, then quickly encased both its legs together so it couldn't run away. As he did, Shining ran in with a capture cube. Diamondhead moved away and Shining threw it at the dragon. "We're sorry about this," Diamondhead announced. "I promise, we'll take care of you." The dragon frowned as the cube expanded around him, trapping him inside before shrinking back down.

Once the cube was locked, Diamondhead returned to human before focusing on Adagio.

The girl stood besides his car, looking a little bashful. "I never thought you'd come back," Flash told her. "What about your shoot?" Adagio frowned at this, as Flash slowly made his way over to her.

"I...I'm sorry. I let the thought of being a famous model go to my head. I missed being able to be the centre of attention. But you're right. There are more important things in life then being loved by everyone." Flash finally reached her and Adagio slowly looked into his eyes, "I know you're probably don't wanna date me anymore. But I hope that we can still be friends. My sisters helped me realise that...that last few months have been the most fun I can remember." She looked back down. "And if you're still okay being friends, I'd still like to be." She waited for Flash to reply, every second being like an eternity to her.

Instead of saying anything, Flash leaned forward and kissed Adagio on the forehead. This surprised her, the girl blushing before Flash pulled away and hugged her.

"I'm glad to see the you I like is back," he told her. "I know this was all really overwhelming, but you made the right decision in the end. That's what matters." Adagio smiled and was almost brought to tears, Flash pulling away from her and smiling before turning to Shining Armor. "You okay taking that thing back to the base?"

"No problem," Shining assured him.

"Alright," he turned back to her. "We've got a commercial shoot to get to."

"What?" Adagio asked. "But...there's no way they'll let me continue. Not only did I run away in the middle of the shoot, I stole one of their props." She looked over at the broken pieces of glass, knowing the commercial would probably be cancelled now that it was gone.

"Did anyone see you take it?"

"No. Sonata and Aria made a distraction so I could take it."

"Then there's no proof you were the one who did it. Besides, there's no way they have only one prop like that. Let's go." Adagio frowned as Flash pushed her towards the car and let him drive her back to the shoot. Flash might have been trying to be nice, but Adagio didn't think it was gonna be that simple. The way that glass had been shaped to look like a gem likely meant it was really expensive. There's no way it could be so easily replaced.

"Do you have the replacement gem?" The director asked as the pair of them walked into the building.

Adagio was shocked when she saw someone walking towards the director with a perfect replica of the gem she had broken, though he almost tripped over some wires. "Careful," someone told him, "we've only got five more of those." At the moment, the director spotted Adagio.

"Ah, our star has returned." He walked over to her, "knew you'd be back. I've been in this game long enough to tell when someone is a pro. Let me guess, had to take a walk to get your nerves under control?" Adagio couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"So the commercials still going?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't it? Tirek Enterprises paid a lot of money to make this commercial, even using their high spec equipment to make the gems we're using super easy. There's no way we can stop now. Unless you want to give up and not become a star."

Adagio frowned, unsure if she trusted herself not to turn into a total diva again.

"Of course she does," Flash stated. He placed a hand on her shoulder and Adagio looked at him, Flash nodding back at her. That one look made Adagio smile, as she realised Flash wasn't gonna let her quit. And if she did go bratty celeb again, he would be there to set her right.

"Okay then," the director announced. "Then let's get the rest of this commercial going." Adagio smiled, giving Flash a kiss on the cheek before going to join her sisters.

Flash smiled as he watched her get to work.

Several days later.

The dragon let out a groan as it began to wake up, the creature opening its eyes and seeing it was in some kind of glass container. That container was full of large rocks and the ground was rather warm, which made it feel good. There was plenty of room to fly, but it was still a cage.

"Hello there." He spun around and saw a pink haired girl standing on the other side of the glass. She smiled at him, as two other creatures stepped up next to her. "I'm Fluttershy. This is Drift and Pearl."

"Hello," Pearl waved as Drift nodded.

The dragon growled before launching fire at them, only for the glass to stop it and not even get singed. When it saw the flames weren't working, he shot forward and started scratching at the glass. Again, it didn't work.

"It wasn't easy to make a room able to hold up to your incredible destructive power," Azmuth stated as he floated passed on a platform. "But I think you'll find this room is able to stand up to anything you throw at it." The dragon roared as Fluttershy smiled.

"Don't worry, we won't keep you here forever. Just until we can send you somewhere you'll be more comfortable. In the meantime." She pressed a button and a small hatch opened up, a bunch of crystal shards falling into the room as it did. "I hope this will calm you down. Flash went to a lot of trouble to make all these for you."

The shards were the same one Diamondhead produced, the dragon rushing over to the small pile and starting to enjoy them.

"And if you're good, you'll get more." She walked over to Azmuth, as the hybrids continued to watch their new sibling munching away at the gems.

Azmuth was currently staring at a screen with a bunch of DNA on it, Flash, Twilight, Spike, Shining and Sunset arriving in the room as they did so. "It's as you suspected," Azmuth told Flash. "His DNA was combined using the same technology used to make Drift and Pearl. A fusion of human, tankedrag, and unknown DNA."

"Tankedrag?" Flash asked.

"Reptilian aliens that look just like the dragons of your planet's mythology. They're intergalactic explorers who are known for making maps. They probably came here a while back and inspired the dragons you know of." That surprised them. "Surprisingly, the tankedrag DNA is practically the same as the unknown DNA. In fact, they seem incredibly similar."

"Maybe dragons are the same in all universes," Spike pointed out. They all shrugged as Azmuth typed at the computer.

"The tracking device inside the creature has also stopped working. In fact, the signal looks like it hasn't been used in a while. Whoever made it deactivated the tracer a while ago."

"You think that means they're giving up?" Rainbow asked, Azmuth shrugging as he had no idea what this meant. All they knew was that there were still two more hybrids left to find and they had to find them before this mysterious creator could.

Tirek sat in his ship, staring at footage being broadcast by the plumber base's security system.

The man laughed at how foolish they had been, allowing him to tour the base so freely. Doing so had allowed him to place several devices around it, allowing him to hack into the base's systems. Now, they were all his to spy on.

"That's it," he told them. "Keep collecting my creations. You do the work and I'll make off with the prize." He just had to come up with a way to get said prize from the heroes. But he would figure it out.

Several days had passed since the capture of the dragon hybrid.

In that time, Fluttershy had worked hard to show the creature it didn't need to attack everything that moved. It hadn't been easy, but with enough gems the beast finally began to calm down. Flash had come up with the name Scales, which it seemed to be okay with. As such, Scales was beginning to learn how to talk as well. But it was a much harder process then with Drift or Pearl.

Adagio's commercial had also aired and was quite the hit, with the girl and her sisters gaining even more attention because of it.

However, Adagio wasn't going to let it go to her head this time. As if trying to prove she wasn't the same brat from a few days ago, she treated Flash to a meal at his favourite burger joint.

"Yummm," he sighed after taking a bite of the double decker burger. "Delicious." He didn't care if it caused him to die young of a heart attack. He would take this delicious burger over those weird leaves any day of the week.

Adagio had gotten her own burger, though only a single one, the girl sighing as she too loved the taste. She didn't even care that she had gotten sauce on her mouth and that people were staring. "Who cares what other people think," she sighed. "This stuff is good." Flash nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. The pair would enjoy themselves and didn't care if it made people think they were low class.

Being famous had its perks, but they refused to let it make them into people they didn't want to be.

Author's Note:

The third hybrid has been found and yes, Flash has a dragon form. I know a lot of you were probably expecting him to get that actual Ben 10 Dragon alien, but it just seemed a bit too big for me. Having a normal sized dragon for Flash to become will make things much easier.

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