• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 15: Tirek's Rampage

For the citizens of Canterlot, today had already been a rather interesting day.

First, a strange looking dog ape creature had appeared in a local dog park and ran amok before being stopped by Flash. Then, the plumber base exploded much to everyone's shock and horror. The authorities were completely lost about what had caused this, as Flash Sentry and his friends were being suspicious about it.

And now, out of nowhere, a spaceship had appeared above the Tirek building.

They had all stared at the vehicle, as it crashed atop of the building and stayed there for several minutes until it eventually came back to life and flew off into the air. Everyone feared it would start raining lasers down on the ground, but it didn't. Instead, it simply started flying around in random directions. It was a miracle nothing had been flown into.

Eventually, the ship just stopped right in the middle of town.

Everyone wondered why Flash Sentry or the plumbers weren't doing anything to stop it, as the ship remained completely still. Then, a part of the ship exploded and something pulled itself out.

That something was a strange looking centaur creature, which leapt out of the ship and fell towards the street. Those on the street saw it coming and ran, barely managing to get away before the monster crashed down on the street. The force of the impact shook the place, the ground being ripped apart whilst the buildings around it had their windows shattered.

When the shaking finally stopped, the creature began to stand to its true height. As it did, a drone flew down and recorded its image to send to the city's protectors.

The monster quickly turned to the drone and as it did, it growled before opening its mouth. In said mouth, a ball of energy formed before exploding out towards the drone in a single powerful blast. The drone didn't stand a chance and was soon vaporised, shocking those that were watching.

The creature began walking down the half destroyed street, letting out many un-intelligent roars as it did so. Eventually, it found a street lamp that hadn't been knocked over by the impact and reached down with its flaming rock arm.

Grabbing the pole, it pulled the metal device out of the ground and caused energy to spark out of it. The beast leaned down and opened its mouth, the energy flowing into it and being sucked up like soup. And as it was, the creature's body started growing.

Back at the plumber base, Flash and the others reached the exit and ran out of the building.

Flash grabbed his hoverboard and took to the air, Trixie entering her Sky Butterfly form whilst Shining used his rod device to create a helicopter. The girls all climbed onto the helicopter as it took off, the lot following Flash and Trixie as they headed towards the spot Tirek had landed.

As they did, they looked up to see Azmuth's ship was still pulling the red one up into space. Tirek's stolen spacecraft was moments away from exploding and doing a bunch of damage. If Azmuth didn't get it away fast enough, it might not matter if they could stop Tirek.

They finally arrived and when they did, they spotted Tirek stomping his way down the street.

Rainbow was the one to ask what they were all wondering. "Is it just me, or is he bigger than he looked on camera?" The others were wondering the same thing, getting their answer when Tirek reached up and grabbed a nearby power-line. As he did, lightning exploded out of the power-line and surrounded his entire body.

"What's he doing?" Trixie asked, only to watch as Tirek opened his mouth and started sucking the power into it. "No way."

"He's eating the electricity?" Adagio asked, as Tirek's form began to glow.

"He's absorbing the energy and using it to power himself up," Twilight realised. "But how did he transform into...this?"

Flash had an idea, remembering how Tirek had fallen into one of his pods before they were all teleported away. "You don't think...he was mutated?" Everyone looked at him, the teen frowning as he started at Tirek. "His ship had a bunch of different alien DNA in it. He fell into one of his pods before we left. So maybe he was mutated by the pod and...this is the result."

They all frowned, not liking the sound of that in the slightest. But they knew one thing. They had to stop Tirek before he got too big to control.

Flash flew down on his hoverboard, Trixie following after him as he activated the Omnitrix. Tirek seemed to notice their presence and growled when he saw them, Flash seeing no signs of intelligence behind his eyes. He was now nothing more than a mindless beast, with what was probably an insatiable hunger for energy.

And as he opened his mouth, a sphere of light appeared within it.

"Look out!" Trixie cried, she and Flash swerving to the side to avoid the energy blast Tirek launched. It almost hit the helicopter, but Shining was able to pull it out of the beam's path before it could hit. The girls all cried out, as they were thrown around and almost pushed out of the vehicle.

Flash then flew to the ground, jumping off his hoverboard and looking up.

He watched as Tirek began to stamp around, making the ground shake with every step. "Gotta stop him from moving around and doing more damage." He found the alien he was looking for and slammed the dial down, transforming and catching Tirek's attention as he looked down. "Arctiguana!"

Tirek growled at the ice lizard, who took a deep breath before unleashing a blast of ice towards Tirek's feet. Within seconds, his front feet were covered in a layer of ice that spread to the rest of the ground. This locked the monster in place, allowing Arctiguana to run towards the back legs.

Trixie smirked, but then noticed Tirek moving one of his arms. And when she saw said arm catching fire, she gasped. "FLASH, LOOK OUT!" Arctiguana looked up and was shocked to see the molten rock arm, firing a blast of fire between his legs.

The alien leapt into the air, barely managing to avoid the fire blast, as it flew down and hit the frozen ground instead. This caused the ice to start melting, allowing him to pull his legs free and start stomping around. "Wow!" He leapt up onto one of the buildings, but the stomping was making the ground shake so much, the buildings around him were starting to crumble. "Not good!"

Trixie flew in and swung her sword around, slashing at the green front leg and cutting into it.

She hoped this would result in him falling over, but the other three legs quickly took the weight whilst the green one started healing itself in a matter of seconds. "What?" She looked and realised this leg was plant-like, the many spouts coming off it showing its anatomy.

Then, as Tirek stood on all four legs, a bunch of seeds suddenly shot out of the leg and flew towards her.

She gasped, as swung her sword around to cut the seeds in half. But one of them managed to hit the sword and remain intact, bursting open and covering the blade in a bunch of vines. "Aaah!" She swung her sword to try and dislodge it, but the vines quickly wrapped around it and then up her arms.

Shining flew in with his helicopter and as he did, he placed his Multi-Striker into a slot and caused a bunch of weapons to fold out of it. "Someone focus on firing, whilst I keep us from getting blasted." Sure enough, Tirek raised his magma arm and launched a fireball towards them.

The girls cried out as he swung the machine around, Adagio unbuckling herself the second they were stable. "With pleasure." She rushed over to the gunning station and sat down, whilst the Rainbooms all grasped their geodes and transformed into their equestrian forms.

Adagio started firing at Tirek, the gatling guns on the right side of the copter launching a barrage of energy bullets towards him. These bullets slammed into Tirek and exploded against his skin, making him roar in pain as the Rainbooms all leapt out of the copter.

Rarity created a bunch of diamonds for the wingless ones to glide down on, whilst Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy flew towards the mutant with their plumber weapons in hand. They all fired, as Pinkie also threw some explosive sprinkles towards him.

The blasts from multiple directions began to distracted Tirek, making him stomp around in anger and cause more buildings around him to be shaken to damage.

Arctiguana leapt off his building and hit the Omnitrix, transforming into Dragoon and flying up. As he did, he started breathing fire at Tirek just like the others. But Tirek had had enough of being attacked and began to fight back, swinging the tendrils on his back around.

The black one flew towards Trixie and the Rainbooms, unleashing a blast of energy that flew at them.

Rarity quickly formed a wall of shields, blocking the electricity. But as Twilight picked up some rocks, Tirek's mechanical tendril slammed into the ground and started drilling at the ground. This sent rocks flying everywhere, hitting Rarity's shield again and making cracks.

The girls all rushed into an alleyway, as Dragon flew up towards Tirek's head. As he did, Tirek spun around and whipped his XLR8 tail around faster than should be possible for something his size.

The tail slammed into him and Dragoon was sent flying, as the helicopter flew in and attempted to blast him once again. But as it did, Tirek leaned back on his insectoid leg and suddenly sprang forward. "WOW!" Shining saw him fly up, attempting to pull away. But Tirek grabbed the copter in his metal arm, as he crashed back down on the ground and made the street shake.

Shining tried to pull himself free whilst Adagio fired at Tirek's face, but the mutant refused to release the copter and opened his mouth. The next thing they knew, energy was flowing off of Shining's hard-light vehicle and into Tirek's mouth. This caused Shining's helmet to throw up a warning signal, stating a sudden power drain was making the vehicle's form come undone.

As Tirek sucked away the energy, he began to grow larger and larger.

The Rainbooms rushed out of the alleyway. As they saw this, they flew up with Trixie and attempted to fire on him again. But their attacks did nothing, whilst Tirek's plug tendril whipped around and slammed into Trixie and Rainbow.

The girls screamed as they were thrown backwards, Rarity quickly grabbing them in her gems whilst the drill tendril attempted to hit Twilight and Fluttershy.

The girls flew away, as Shining got out of his seat and rushed over to Adagio. He grabbed her and leapt out of the helicopter, as the whole thing suddenly blinked out of existence from the last of its energy being drained away. The pair fell with Adagio screaming, whilst Shining held his Multi-Striker up.

The device morphed into a grappling gun, which fired and hit the side of a building.

This allowed the pair to swing down to safety, but Tirek noticed them and didn't want them getting away. As such, it slammed the crystal foot onto the ground and launched a bunch of shards out of it. "Look out!" Shining cried, spinning around so his back was to the leg.

The crystal shards flew passed, none of them actually hitting him in the back. However, a few slashed into his sides and made him flinch. And one hit the cable, cutting it and causing the pair to fall uncontrollably.

They screamed as they fell, but Twilight and Fluttershy flew in and caught them both. However, Tirek still wasn't done with them and opened his mouth before the orb of energy formed. That orb exploded out and the beam flew towards them, Twilight and Fluttershy doing their best to escape.

They pulled the two out of the beam's range, but the attack struck the ground and exploded. The force of this knocked the four flying and they all ended up crashing into the ground, screaming as they impacted and rolled to an unconscious stop.

"No!" Applejack cried, as they had pulled the unconscious Trixie and Rainbow to safety as well. She, Rarity, Sunset and Pinkie glared at Tirek, the beast hearing Applejack's cry and turning towards them. They glared at him, as the monster opened its mouth and another orb of light formed.

"Rarity!" Sunset cried, the girl rushing forward and thrusting her hands forward to form a wall of shields.

Tirek fired and as soon as he did, the girls realised Rarity's wall wouldn't hold. Sunset rushed forward and grabbed Rarity, focusing her magic and linking it with Rarity's. This strengthened the shield and as the laser hit, they cracked but held.

Applejack and Pinkie grabbed Rarity as well, channelling their own magic into her to enhance the barrier. The cracks didn't heal, but they didn't get worse either. They all screamed at the pressure the shield was under, all four feeling their energy drain more and more with each second.

Eventually, Tirek's attack ended and Rarity lowered her wall. But the girls were so drained, they knew they wouldn't be able to do that again. They needed to find a way to counter Tirek.

And that way came when Dragoon flew back onto the scene, landing in front of the girls and transforming back to normal. Flash looked around, seeing his friends had all been knocked down and injured by Tirek. This had to stop. "Girls, I want you to go around and get the others when I move Tirek away."

"How?" Applejack asked, "that guy's unstoppable."

"And he's huge!" Pinkie cried, as Tirek was now the size of a skyscraper thanks to draining Shining's helicopter. Flash activated the Omnitrix and when he found the alien he was looking for, a holographic keypad appeared. A keypad that he quickly typed a seven digit code into and when he did, the keypad vanished allowing access to the transformation.

"Get ready!" He cried before slamming the dial down.

Meanwhile, a news copter had flown into the area, in order to see what was going on. As it got closer, the reporter opened the door to allow the camera to see Tirek in all his glory. "As you can see," she told the audience. "The strange creature that appeared from out of that spaceship, has grown to kaiju scale and seems hellbent on smashing the entire city to pieces. With the strength it seems to possess, everyone must be wondering what could possibly stop this thing." As she said that, a bright green flash filled the air.

Turning towards the flash, they saw a giant white and red alien they all recognised, rise up and grow to full height. He stared Tirek down, the two roughly on even footing height wise.

"It's Flash Sentry!" The reporter cheered, "it appears our city's hero has come to stop this monstrosity. And with an alien that large, I'm sure he'll have this fight won in just a few minutes."

All over the city, people were watching as the two stared one another down.

Flash's school friends and teachers cheered for him, whilst his fans quickly started recording what was likely to be a major fight. Meanwhile, his parents watched from their home and looked terrified, as they saw their son was about to engage in combat with a monster.

Misty hugged Banana, as Way Big charged forward. "Be careful."

"You can do it son," Trail told him.

Way Big reached the mutant and as it threw a metal fist at him, he stopped and leaned to the side.

Tirek growled as his punch missed, Way Big quickly grabbing the arm and using all his strength to throw him over his shoulder. Even with Tirek's size and mass, the giant alien was strong enough to send him flying down the street.

This moved him away from the others, as the four conscious Rainbooms rushed over to where the others were with Rainbow and Trixie on their backs. Once they made sure the four were okay, the got to work moving them as far away from the battle as they could.

But in that moment, Tirek pushed himself back to his feet and charged with his horns pointing forwards.

Way Big was able to grab the horns, but the force of the impact sent him staggering backwards. He quickly found himself getting close to his friends, who wouldn't be able to move everyone before he stepped of fell onto them. Way Big was eventually able to stop, but it took all his strength and he was locked in place if he didn't want to crush his friends.

But then, just as he was about to lose his balance, his friends all glowed green before vanishing in a flash of light.

This surprised Way Big, but then he smirked as he realised what must have happened. "Thanks, Azmuth." He turned back to Tirek and allowed the mutant to push him back again, only to then leap to the side when they reached the end of the street.

This caused Tirek to lose his balance and fall to the ground, as Way Big took several steps backwards and raised his fists. As Tirek picked himself up, Flash remembered everything Shining had taught him about hand to hand combat. And before Tirek could stand at full height, Way Big charged forward and punched him in the face.

Tirek was knocked backwards, as Way Big kept charging, planning on dealing a few more kicks and punches. But before he could reach Tirek, the mutant's tendrils sprang up and attempted to shock and drill into him.

This put Way Big on the defensive, the giant alien avoiding the plug tendril and grabbing the drill one. He held it in place, as Tirek recovered and raised his magma hand. The next thing Way Big knew, a powerful blast of fire exploded out and slammed into him.

"Augh!" He was knocked backwards, barely managing to keep on his feet as Tirek slammed his diamond leg into the ground and caused a large line of gems to shoot out and attempt to impale him.

Way Big barely managed to jump to the side in time to avoid getting stabbed, running around another building whilst Tirek worked to pull his crystal leg free. With his higher speed and agility, Way Big reached Tirek's side and leapt up. He landed on his back and started riding him like a horse. "Giddy up!"

Tirek roared as he started swinging around, but Way Big managed to grab hold of his back tendrils and started pulling on them. A part of him hoped they would come off, making Tirek less dangerous to fight head on. But they remained in place and the ends attempted to attack Way Big, missing since Tirek couldn't see what he was attacking.

Then, his tail flew up and wrapped around Way Big's neck. The hero's eyes went wide at this, as he felt it pulling on him and making him have a hard time breathing.

He eventually let go of Tirek's back and was thrown off by the tail, getting set flying until he crashed into the building. The cried out as the structure fell upon him, whilst Tirek slowly began to turn towards the wreckage. The monster growled in his direction, as Way Big started pulling himself out of the rubble.

He panted, staring the beast down as he stood up. "Alright, you're as tough as you look. But I'm not completely helpless." Tirek growled and opened his mouth, the energy sphere forming. "So, that's how you wanna play this." He brought his arms together, "bring it!" He crossed his arms as a ball of energy appeared in front of him.

The two energy spheres built up power until they fired at the exact same time, the beams flying across the city and colliding against one another. The impact caused a shockwave that shattered the last few windows that had survived in the area, as the orange and green light pushed against each other.

Way Big and Tirek grunted as they put as much energy as they could into their attacks. But eventually, one of the beams began to overpower the other. Way Big smirked, seeing his attack moving towards Tirek. "That's right! Take it!" But as he said that, the Omnitrix dinged.

"FLASH!" Way Big realised it was Azmuth, "cancel your attack!" Way Big wondered why, but he got his answer when his beam reached Tirek. And to his shock, the mutant allowed it to fly into his mouth. And as it did, Tirek started growing again.

"No!" Way Big cut the attack, but Tirek had now grown to be a head taller than him. "I thought it was just electricity that made him grow?"

"It's any form of energy," Azmuth replied. "You need to think of another plan and hurry, you won't have much longer in alien form." Azmuth frowned and rushed forward, whilst Tirek roared before throwing his metal fist in Way Big's direction.

The alien hero ducked under it and tried to deal a punch to Tirek's stomach, only for the black tendril to wrap around his arm and stop him before thrusting the plug into him. "AUGH!" He cried, as he was electrocuted. As he was, Tirek leapt onto his back feet and slammed the front ones into Way Big's chest.

Way Big staggered back and lost his balance, falling to the ground flinching in pain.

He turned to Tirek, panting as he realised he just couldn't be this guy. Without his energy blast, Way Big had no way of doing serious damage to him. And to make matters worse, as Way Big tried to pick himself up, he Omnitrix beeped.

He flinched as Tirek opened his mouth, a green flash reverting him back to human as the energy orb formed.

At the same time, the news copter flew overhead with the camera focused on Flash as he appeared out of the light. "Ladies and gentlemen. Flash Sentry was unable to stop this monster." As she said that, Flash removed something from jacket and threw it at the ground.

That something was his hoverboard, which he leapt onto in order to get away. But Tirek quickly started launching fire at him as he flew into the air and attempted to escape, the fireballs raining around him and forcing him to fly in a zigzag.

But eventually, one of these fireballs exploded near him and the shockwave knocked him off his board. "Oh no!" The cameraman screamed, as everyone who knew Flash feared the worst.

But as he got closer to the ground, Flash started glowing a green light. And as Tirek fired his mouth beam, Flash vanished and the attack caused the ground to explode. "This is looking bad. Flash Sentry was unable to stop it. So what can?"

Flash gasped as he was returned to the base, appearing in the main room and being laid down on a bed.

He looked around and saw the rest of his friends, all laying on more beds Azmuth had materialised somehow. Speaking of Azmuth, he floated over on his platform with a tablet in hand. He held it over Flash's body and scanned him with it, whilst Flash turned to the computer and saw it showing the news footage of Tirek continuing to destroy the city.

"Nothing's broken, badly burned or seriously damaged in any way." Azmuth turned away from him. "You're luckily you were in alien form when you received these injuries. Your human body probably wouldn't have withstood anything that deadly."

"Yippee," Flash sighed as he looked over at his friends. Shining, Twilight, Rainbow, Trixie, Adagio and Fluttershy were all unconscious, whilst the others looked tired. "Are they gonna be alright?"

"The ones who are awake will be alright after some rest. The others are hurt, but should all make a full recovery. But that won't matter much if we can't find a way to stop Tirek."

Flash frowned, "I'm open to suggestions. If Way Big couldn't stop him, what the heck can?"

"I have my ship at a safe distance from Tirek, scanning him for any weakness that could help us stop him. But I've never seen a mutation of this level before. Whatever DNA manipulation technology his ship had, it was severely damaged when it altered him."

"What happened to his ship?" Flash asked.

"I managed to get it out of the atmosphere before it could explode. It shouldn't cause any issues for us. Now all we need to do is figure out how to stop him."

"Can't we send him to the Null Void?" They looked over and saw Shining was sitting up, having awaken along with the others as robots tended to him and the others.

"Glad to see you're awake," Azmuth told him. "That's not a bad idea, but I'm afraid we have no way to send him there. My ship can open a portal to that dimension, but it doesn't have the power to make one big enough to send him at his current size."

"So there's really no way to beat him?" Rarity asked as she lay on her bed.

Flash growled as he got up, watching Tirek as he continued to wreak havoc on the city. People were probably scared and running for their lives and there was nothing he could do, Flash looking down at the Omnitrix in frustration. "A butt ton of aliens in this thing and not one of them can stop him. What good is this thing if I can't protect my home with it?"

Azmuth turned to him and when he did, he noticed the Omnitrix and realised something. "There...may be a way." Everyone turned their attention to him. "The Omnitrix might not have an alien you can use to best Tirek, but it's possible it could stop him."

"How?" Twilight asked, as she and the others were starting to come around as well.

"One of the reasons I created the Omnitrix, was to protect the DNA of all sentient life in the universe. One of the ways it does this is with a DNA repair system."

"DNA repair system?" Sunset asked, "what's that?"

"Using the DNA stored inside the Omnitrix, it can restore DNA that's been damaged or altered to its natural state. I designed it to save species that might be wiped out from their DNA being affected by outside sources, like a parasite or radiation."

"So we can use this system to turn Tirek back to normal?" Flash asked, Azmuth nodding as he returned to the computer and changed it to show the scans that had been done of Tirek.

Going over the data, he sighed. "It could work, but it won't be easy. The Omnitrix's repair function was never tested on a mutation this big. To do it, I would need to put the Omnitrix into overload."

"That doesn't sound safe," Sunset frowned.

"It's not," Azmuth glanced back to Flash. "The overload could result in you being seriously injured. And the Omnitrix could be damaged beyond repair." Hearing that made Flash frown, as he looked down at the watch. But he quickly shook his head and gave Azmuth a serious look.

"That doesn't matter. If this is the only way to stop Tirek, so be it."

"If you're sure?" Flash nodded, "alright." He pointed at the screen, as the image of Tirek zoomed in on his forehead. "One more thing. In order to repair the DNA, the Omnitrix will need to lock onto the human DNA within him. And with his entire body mutated the way it is, this area is the only spot you can make contact with him to lock on."

"So Flash has to touch that monster's forehead?" Applejack asked, "even though he's as big as a freakin' skyscraper?"

"Yes," Azmuth nodded. "And he'll need to be in human form, in order for me to place the Omnitrix into overload. Honestly, I don't know if you can do this."

Flash frowned, "I have to try. The people of Canterlot put their faith in me, when they made me their hero. If I just give up, I'll be letting them all down."

Shining tried to stand up, "I'm coming with you." But as he said that, he held his side and flinched in pain. The others all tried to do the same and all had similar reactions. None of them were in a fit state to fight against Tirek.

"None of you are leaving this place," Azmuth told them. "My medical bots can heal you, but they're not miracle worker. It's gonna take a few more hours to get you all back into fighting shape."

"Flash can't do this on his own!" Adagio cried, the others nodding.

"He won't be alone." They all turned to the voice, surprised when they saw Drift and the other four hybrids standing together. They all looked up at the screen, watching as their creator ripped half the city apart. "Tirek made us to be weapons, but you guys showed us we could be something more. Let us help you."

Flash smiled at them, then noticed Scoop. From what he could remember, he hadn't exactly bonded with the diamond dog hybrid. "Don't worry," Pearl told him. "Scoop wants to help to. We told him what you did to save us and how you gave him his name. He wants to repay you." The hybrid nodded with his tongue sticking out.

Flash stared at the five and was a little unsure. He thought they had died before and they had barely managed to get them away from Tirek. To send them back into the fray...

He turned to Shining and Azmuth, clearly wanting their opinion. The two nodded, trusting the five to keep themselves safe. "Alright," he nodded, "let's do this. The five of you get ready. This isn't gonna be an easy fight." They nodded and all got ready, testing their abilities to make sure they were working fine after what Tirek had done to them.

As they did, Azmuth started fiddling with the Omnitrix. "Alright," he told him, "you still have the earpiece. When you get close to Tirek, tell me to start the overload and I'll do it. But you'll only get one chance at this, so you'll need to get it down at just the right time."

"Got it," Flash turned to the others and felt a little anxious. This could be his very last battle. If he failed, it could mean the end of the world for all he knew. "Wish me luck guys."

"You don't need luck," Shining stated. "You've got this." The others nodded and Adagio motioned for him to come closer. He did so and when he was within arms reach, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. The next thing Flash knew, his lips were on hers.

Everyone was shocked by this, none of them remembering Flash and Adagio ever kissing like this.

Flash was completely brain blank, as Adagio finished and let him pull away. "Um," was all he could say before his brain rebooted, "that was..."

"Something to make you wanna survive this whole thing," Adagio replied. "Now get out there and kick some butt!" Flash smirked and nodded, turning away from her bed and looking over at the hybrids.

"You guys ready?" They all nodded, "then let's stop this guy, once and for all!" The hybrids cheered in agreement, ready to show Tirek why threatening them was a bad idea.

Tirek continued to lay waste to the city, as the news copter continued to fly around.

"As you can see, this monster truly appears unstoppable. It has already forced Flash Sentry and his friends into a retreat and now, there is no sign that anything will arrive in time to stop it before it destroys our fair city."

Tirek seemed to finally notice them and raised his magma arm, unleashing a blast of fire towards it. The pilot barely managed to pull the copter away before the fire hit, the new reporter crying out as she barely managed to hold on.

She panted once the copter regained control. "Ladies and gentlemen, I fear this may be the end of Canterlot." But as she said that, a green light appeared below them and she looked down towards one of the un-destroyed buildings. "Wait, is that Flash Sentry? And who's he with?"

Flash was standing on the building, the five hybrids standing around him. They all glared up at the monstrous behemoth, as it turned to glare at them. "No matter what," Flash told them. "I've got to get to his forehead." The others nodded, as Tirek raised his arm and threw it forward.

Drift, Pearl and Scales leapt into the air, Drift lifting Flash up as Pearl lifted Scoop and Scales tried to lift Charger. But the large hybrid was too big to carry and he was barely able to lift him a foot or so before the fist smashed into the building.

"Guys!" Flash cried, but saw Charger had fallen onto the metal arm whilst Scales flew up and out of danger. He sighed in relief, as Charger began to run up the arm and wrap hair around him. "Alright!" He turned back to Tirek, "ATTACK!" The others didn't need telling twice, Drift and Scales launching their long range attacks in Tirek's direction.

Tirek quickly raised his magma arm to block them, as Charger continued to run up his metal arm. Once he was at the elbow, he leapt up and threw a punch right into the joint to make it fold upwards by reflex.

This caused the metal arm to explode free of the building an swing around, actually hitting Tirek in the head and causing him to go staggering backwards out of control. At the same time, Charger leapt off of him and crashed into a building. He dug his fingers into the rock of the building, as he slid downwards until he reached the ground.

Flash tried to use this opening, telling Drift to fly him in close.

"Hold on!" Drift cried, as they dived towards Tirek's head. But as they got closer, the black chord on his back swung around and got between them. "Uh oh!" Before Drift could pull up, the chord slammed into the pair of them and they cried out in pain.

"Flash, Drift!" Pearl cried, watching as the two began to fall. As she did, Scoop began struggling. "Careful. Do you want me to drop you?" But Scoop nodded, making her wonder what he was up to. She did as instructed, Scoop falling only for Pearl to realise he was aiming for the black chord.

He landed on it and summoned his claws, using them to grip into the rubbery flesh.

Pearl was amazed by this, but turned her attention back to those falling. She dived towards them but as she got closer, she realised they were too far apart to both grab in time. Luckily, Flash had recovered and activated the Omnitrix.

As Tirek began to pull himself back to full height. he slammed it down and transformed. "Firefly!" The alien insect quickly fired his jets and stopped himself, allowing Pearl to grab Drift and lift him back into the air.

At the same time, Scales flew up and started launching fireballs at the monster. He spat them at his lower back, making Tirek roar in pain, whilst Scoop kept biting and clawing at the black chord.

Changer had also begun his attack, rushing at Tirek's legs and grabbing the one made of crystal. He summoned as many hairs as he could, as he tried to lift the beast. "RAAAAARRRRRRHHHHH!" He roared, lifting the foot up a little bit.

Tirek looked down and saw what he was doing, flinching at the continuous efforts of Scoop and Scales.

Charger thought he had the beast under his power, only to then feel the foot move backwards and pull him with it. "Charger!" He heard Firefly cry, "you gotta let go. He's gonna-" He didn't get to finish, as Tirek swung his leg forward and kicked Charger with all his might. Charger couldn't hold on as Tirek stopped, the force sending him flying towards a building further down the street. "CHARGER!" His friends all yelled, as he smashed through the building.

"Oh!" Azmuth flinched, as the others all looked horrified.

"NO!" Fluttershy screamed, as the camera zoomed in on the building. It tried to get a better angle, but couldn't see if Charger was alright or not.

"Don't worry," Azmuth assured them. "Remember, he's still got that beacon on him. I'm using it to check his vitals and he's fine, though his brain activity suggests he's been knocked unconscious." He quickly activated the teleport and brought Charger back, Fluttershy and the others pulling themselves over to him as he appeared.

They looked him over, seeing his hair unfurling from around his body. If he hadn't been so wrapped up, that kick might have very well killed him. But he would live, though he might have a headache when he woke up.

"Come on Flash," Shining watched as Firefly flew towards Tirek.

Drift had recovered and now flew besides Firefly with Pearl, the trio approaching the giant, as Scales continued to burn and Scoop continued to claw at him.

Tirek launched another blast from his mouth towards the three, Firefly replying with is own blast of fire. But the flames were overpowered by the energy blast, forcing the three of them to separate. As they did, the mechanical whip on his back swung around with the drill on the end spinning.

Pearl and Drift managed to avoid this, only for Pearl to find herself getting punched by the metal fist. "AUGH!" She screamed as she too was sent flying, soaring three streets until she crashed into the top of a building.

"No!" Drift cried, glaring at Tirek as the drill flew towards him. But Drift unleashed a sonic blast at it that the drill struck, pushing against it in a vain attempt to overpower. Drift tried to hold on as long as he could, allowing Firefly to get in close. But eventually, he ran out of breath and the sonic wall shattered. "WOW!" He barely managed to avoid getting drilled, but as he did Tirek's plant legs launched several seeds towards him.

They slammed into his chest and started growing vines that he was unable to fight against in time, getting tied up and falling to the ground. "GYAH!" He crashed into the street and let out a moan, struggling to try and escape.

Firefly saw this and frowned, but knew he had to get to Tirek's head.

He turned his attention back to the goliath and jetted upwards, only to find himself coming face to face with his giant magma hand. "Not good." The hand unleashed a massive column of flame, which Firefly flew right into. And whilst he didn't get burned, he could still feel the smoke it caused blind him. When he flew out, he was still unable to see and didn't realise the magma hand was now primed to backhand him. And that's what it did.

Drift gasped, as he watched Firefly get knocked away before crashing through a building window. He continued to struggle against his binds and started using his beak, pulling at them hoping to tear right through the vines.

Scales had started slashing at Tirek's back, attempting to distract him whilst Scoop kept clawing and biting at the black cable. As they did, Tirek's XLR8 tail flicked around and flew towards Scales. The hybrid didn't see it coming until the sun was blotted out, making him look up and gasp before leaping away,

The tail almost flattened him. But as he flew out from under it, the metal chord thrust the drill down towards him. "WOW!" He held up his claws attempting to catch the drill. His super durable scales allowed him to withstand it, long enough to dig his claws in. But this proved to be a mistake.

His claws dug into the metal, but this didn't stop the drill from spinning. Instead, Scales was pulled around and started spinning at high speed.

At the same time, Scoop had no idea the plug of the chord he was attacking had just swung around and was now pointing at him. It sparked with lightning, the crackling catching the hybrid's attention. He spun around and when he did, he gasped seeing a blast of lightning flying towards him.

He howled in pain, causing him to accidently dig his claws deeper into the chord. This caused Tirek to roar before swinging both back whilst around, slamming them into building on either side of him.

Scales and Scoop finally lost their grip at this point and was smashed into the building, the two losing consciousness as well.

Azmuth quickly teleported the two and Pearl back to the base, four of the five hybrids now being out cold.

Drift was also incapacitated and Azmuth had tried to teleport him back. But the crash must have done something, since he couldn't lock onto the signal. All they could do, was watch as Flash had to now fight Tirek alone.

Tirek marched through the street, glaring at the building that Firefly had been thrown into.

As he approached, his metal arm raised as he prepared to punch it into collapsing. But in that second, something exploded out of the building and flew towards him. Riot-Horn. "RAAAAAAAAAARH!" He roared, fists at the ready to smash Tirek with.

Tirek also threw his own punch and the pair collided, Riot-Horn surprisingly able to match his strength.

The impact sent out a shockwave, which would have destroyed any surrounding windows if there were any left. But whilst the pair appeared on equal strength, Riot-Horn lost steam due to being in the midair. The metal fist began to push him backwards, but he quickly slammed the Omnitrix and transformed.

"Goop!" The alien slime separated and slid up the metal arm, as the magma arm rose up to burn him. But before it could, Goop hit the Omnitrix again. "Arctiguana!" He hung onto the metal arm and fired a blast of ice towards the magma arm, freezing it solid and preventing Tirek from burning him.

The metal arm began to fly around and attempt to throw Arctiguana off, but the ice lizard held on for dear life. He then hit the Omnitrix again and in a green flash, he vanished.

The mutated human stared at his arm, trying to find any trace of him. But he could. If the arm wasn't made of metal, he probably would have felt Chamalien pulling himself up towards his shoulder. But as he got closer, Tirek's enhanced sense of smell kicked in.

The monster growled as it located Chamalien, raising the drill cord and spinning it around.

Chamalien looked up and gasped, as the drill came flying at him. This forced him to jump into the air, slamming the Omnitrix and transforming again. "Pesky Dust!" The fairy alien flew away from the arm as the drill slammed into it, making Tirek scream in pain as the drill was pulled away.

Pesky Dust quickly formed some of his sleep mist and fired it at his face, but Tirek was still roaring and he had unleashed enough force from it to push the dust back towards the alien. Luckily, he was immune to his own attack.

The damage done to Tirek's right arm had left it useless, but the left arm was starting to thaw out. At the same time, the drill and plug tendrils moved up and started getting ready for an attack. As Tirek recovered from his pain, he fired the electrical blast at Pesky Dust.

The fairy flew towards the lightning and and as she did, she hit the Omnitrix and transformed. "Bloxx!" The gorilla alien cried as he formed a sphere out of his body, using it to fly forwards and into the lightning. His plastic body was completely immune to the electricity and he flew through without an issue. And as he did, he was right in front of Tirek's face.

The two glared at one another as Bloxx prepared to transform back to human and punch him with the Omnitrix. But before he could, Tirek opened his mouth and began to charge up a laser. One that Bloxx couldn't hope to survive.

Thinking fast, the hero envisioned an alien and knew he was his only chance. So, as Tirek fired, he slammed the Omnitrix and transformed for what could be the very last time. And as the green flash filled the air, the beam consumed it.

All over the city, everyone watched in fear.

Flash's parents held one another, unable to look away from the screen despite what their minds were telling them had to have happened. Flash's school friends were just as shocked, his teachers fearing the worst whilst his fans were all on the edge of their seat.

At the base, Azmuth and the others watched the beam continue to fire.

They all didn't dare to blink, not wanting to miss what happened. They all feared the worst, by trusted Flash. "Come on," Shining whispered. "This isn't enough to stop you." And as he said that, something happened.

As the beam began to weaken, it revealed something inside it. A sphere of electrical energy, with a familiar armored lizard within it.

Volt-Edge grunted, as he pumped out as much power as he could into his forcefield. It was the only thing keeping him in one piece, so he needed it to stay active. He was seriously feeling the stain and if he ran out of power before Tirek did, he would be done for.

But then, just as the sphere was beginning to short out, Tirek's blast died down and he staggered back in exhaustion. This was all Volt-Edge needed, the alien hero falling towards the monster's head, as his electrical power died out. And as he got close, he hit the Omnitrix and reverted back to human.

Everyone in the city watched in horror, as the now human Flash Sentry fell towards the monster. All it had to do was move and he would fall right into its mouth. But it didn't.

As Flash fell towards Tirek's head, he thrust the Omnitrix forward. "Azmuth, NOW!" Azmuth didn't need telling twice and powered up the DNA repair system, which activated a millisecond after Flash touched Tirek's head.

The Omnitrix dial began to spin and glow before an explosion of green light flew out of it. The light flowed out of the device and into Tirek, spreading throughout his entire body. Flash felt the feedback and lightning sparked out of the watch, hitting him and making him feel like his entire body was on fire.

He screamed in pain, but refused to pull his hand away. He could take the pain.

The Omnitrix continued to spark and shake, as the repair system went into overdrive rewriting Tirek's entire DNA structure. As more of his body was covered in the light, the less he began to struggle against what was happening to him. And eventually, his entire body was consumed by the light and the Omnitrix finished its work.

But as soon as it did, it unleashed an energy pulse that exploded from it. This sent another jolt of pain flying through Flash's body. He was then blasted backwards, away from the still glowing Tirek.

Everyone screamed his name, as he fell towards the ground and was completely limp. It looked like he was about to go splat on the pavement.

But at the last moment, something shot up and grabbed him. It was Drift, the hybrid having finally freed himself from the vines just as Flash was blown away. He held Flash in his arms as he flew away from Tirek, not wanting to know what would happen if this plan failed.

They flew to the end of the street and Drift landed, placing Flash down as the teen looked barely conscious. "Come on Flash. Wake up."

Flash's eyes drifted open and as he did, his vision fell upon the watch. The Omnitrix had not come out of the situation undamaged, as its face plate was covered in cracks, along with several of the buttons whilst the strap was burned in places. The device flickered a few times before the green section went black.

Flash's focus then turned to Tirek, the giant still glowing as the effects the Omnitrix had on him continued. But eventually, the giant's body stopped glowing. And when it did, it revealed a giant stone statue of Tirek. This statue remained completely still, a look of horror on his face.

Then, cracks began to appear along the statue and slowly, the entire thing began to collapse like a sandcastle in the wind. Eventually, all that was left was a giant pile of dust that filled the destroyed street.

From out of it, Tirek's old human body rolled out and onto the street.

Flash smirked seeing this, glad to see his efforts had resulted in success. And as he confirmed Tirek's defeat, his body finally gave out and he started to fall into unconsciousness. Drift's voice called to him, telling him to stay awake. But it was no use. He blacked out and everything around him went dark.

He didn't know how long he was unconscious. But as he slept, he dreamt about being each of his aliens and using their powers to save the world. And eventually, he felt himself starting to wake up.

When he did, the first thing he noticed was a beeping noise. His eyes slowly drifted open and he found he was in a large metal room, with a dim light above his head. His mind slowly cleared along with his vision, allowing him to move his still tired body and sit himself up in the bed he found himself in.

Taking a better look around, he realised he was in a hospital room of some sort. Not the kind he normally saw, this one looking much more high tech. There were a few machines besides him that had wires connected to his skin, Flash seeing one was a heart rate monitor that was making the beeping.

He then noticed his parents, sitting in chairs looking like they had fallen asleep.

He frowned, knowing they had likely been worried sick about him. But at that moment, his stomach was too empty to feel guilty.

A bowl of fruit was located next to him and he quickly reached for an apple. But when he did, he saw his left arm was now bare of the Omnitrix. The sight of his arm without the device made his heart sink, but he quickly shook the upset feeling off. He had chosen to do what he did and knew the risks. He couldn't complain now.

He took an apple and bit into it, the crunching sound causing his parents to jerk awake and gasp seeing him. "Flash!" Trail rushed over to him, as Misty contacted the others. "Are you okay?"

"I'm still feeling a little sore," Flash replied. "But, I think I'll live."

"You had us worried," Misty told him. "Please don't ever do anything like that again."

"You don't have to worry about that," Flash showed them his watchless arm. "My days of being a hero are over." As he said that, the door opened with Azmuth and Shining stepping into the room.

"Flash!" Shining smiled, "you're alright." Flash nodded, as Azmuth floated over to him.

"You impressed me. The feedback was even greater than I expected. Being able to withstand it was certainly an impressive feat." Flash smiled as Azmuth used his tablet, "I've been checking your vitals whilst you were out. You're perfectly healthy."

"That's good," Flash smiled before realising something. "Wait, how long was I out for?"

"Two weeks," Misty told him. "We were starting to fear you'd never wake up."

"Your body was suffering from its own form of DNA repair, after getting hit by the same energy that repaired Tirek's DNA." Azmuth typed away at the machine. "You might actually be surprised to find your allergy to shellfish is now gone. The DNA repair completely removed that issue from your system."

"Really?" Flash was amazed by this, but decided to focus on the more important things. "What happened to Tirek and the city?"

"Tirek's been placed under arrest," Shining told him. "We made a full report to the Plumbers and they're not happy about what they learned. We made a full investigation into his company and discovered a lot of tech he sold, was reverse engineered from the tech he stole along with the ship. He's going away for a long time."

"My ship has almost completed its repair of the city," Azmuth stated. "All the damage Tirek has done will be restored soon. Luckily, nobody was injured during his rampage."

Flash sighed in relief, as his hand automatically went to his wrist. "I'm sorry, Azmuth. You trusted me with the Omnitrix and now...your life's work is gone."

Azmuth smiled. "You did the right thing. I created the Omnitrix to help the world. You used it for its very purpose. I couldn't be happier that it ended up in your hands." Flash smiled, glad Azmuth wasn't mad. "Besides, it's hardly gone." He tapped a button on his tablet and in a flash, a familiar round metal orb appeared in front of Flash.

The teen's eyes went wide, as he picked it up and the pod began to open. And inside, glowing its bright green glow, was the Omnitrix.

Flash stared at the watch, then turned to Azmuth as he smirked. "It's yours if you want it. You've proven you're worthy of it." Flash smiled before holding his arm out. And to everyone's amazement, the watch leapt out of the pod and once again formed around his wrist. As he did, the dial formed the diamond and all of Flash's aliens flashed on the screen. The Omnitrix Hero was back.

Everyone smiled, as Flash pulled his blanket off to get up. "Hang on," Misty told him. "You might have just woken up, but you're in no condition to leave."

"Please don't make me be stuck in here. I'm fine."

"I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed to leave," Azmuth stated. "So long as he takes it easy. And no transforming for at least a few more days." Flash sighed, glad he could leave but still sore about being stuck in human form. "Besides, I think he'll want to see this."

"See what?"

Flash was amazed when he stepped out of the elevator and looked around, seeing the destroyed part of the base had been almost completely restored.

His friends were all there, the lot of them rushing over when they saw Flash was awake. They all asked how he was and once Flash had assured them he would live, they stepped aside and allowed Flash to see what was in the middle of the room.

It was a machine just like the one that had blown up two weeks ago, Flash amazed to see it was rebuilt. "Turns out, Tirek had everything I needed in that lab to rebuild it." Azmuth floated over to it, pointing at a large generator device. "And I managed to salvage his dimensional engine before the ship blew. If this had exploded, there'd probably be a large hole in the universe above the planet."

Flash nodded and turned to his hybrid friends. "So...you guys are going?" They nodded, "thanks for helping against Tirek."

"We didn't do much," Pearl pointed out.

"It was enough," he told them. "You guys take care in Equestria. If anything happens, don't hesitate to ask. Even if it's another world, I'll come and help."

"Thanks," Drift smiled. "For everything." They all nodded and as Azmuth prepared the machines, the hybrids hugged their friends. Even Scoop got a scratch behind the ear by Fluttershy, the five then stepping over to the machine.

They all laid down, hoping this time wouldn't turn out like the last.

Everyone stepped back, as the pods closed and the hybrids said one final goodbye before the device put them to sleep. "Alright," Azmuth turned to Sunset, "is the Princess ready?" Sunset nodded, her journal in hand. "Then let's begin." With that, he activated the device and the machine powered up.

the light from the machine blinded everyone, as Azmuth began the human DNA purge.

The hybrids didn't feel a thing and as their DNA was rewritten, the interdimensional engine powered up and started locking onto the device Azmuth had given Princess in Equestria. And soon, there was a mighty flash of light that blinded everyone.

When the light finally faded, everyone opened their eyes and turned to see the machine was still in tact. But the hybrids were gone, the pods completely empty. "Did it work?" Fluttershy asked, looking worried that something might have gone wrong. But Azmuth looked over his tablet.

"Human DNA one hundred percent purged. Dimensional transfer successful. It should have worked." He moved over to the base's large computer and activated it, connecting it to the device he had given Princess. After a minute or so to boot up, the screen showed the alicorn with a smile on her face. "I'm assuming from the look on your face, you have good news."

"Excellent news," Princess smiled before turning the device to show dragon Spike and Starlight Glimmer helping five individuals as they started waking up.

Scales, Charger and Scoop looked exactly the same, but Drift and Pearl were now quadrupedal like all the other members of their race. Everyone smiled seeing this, as the hybrids could now make a life for themselves in a world they belonged in. After everything they had been put through, their lives were finally able to truly begin.

Three days after the hybrids were sent to Equestria, Flash was finally allowed to go home.

Azmuth had wanted to make absolutely sure he was physically fine before he let the teen go. Flash quickly grew bored of being confined to the base, without even being allowed to go alien. But eventually, he was given the all clear and finally allowed to go home.

He, Trail and Misty were climbing the stairs, the elevator still not fixed, Flash looking forward to going home and sleeping in his own bed. But as they arrived at the ground floor and opened the door, they saw Shining rushing towards it. "Flash!" He cried, "there you are. Trouble! Come quick!"

"Already?" Flash asked, "I'm still sore from my last adventure." Shining gestured for him to follow and they all rushed outside. But as soon as he got through the doors, he was assaulted with a mighty cheer and round of applause.

Outside the base, hundred of people were waiting for him. The entire compound and the streets around it were filled with people who were all cheering and clapping. Flash could barely believe what he was seeing, as Shining and his parents laughed. "Surprise."

"What's...what's going on?"

Shining patted him on the shoulder. "You saved the entire city from absolute destruction...again. The people of Canterlot want to thank you." Flash's eyes went wide, as music started playing and even the mayor of the city stepped forward.

"Flash Sentry," he spoke. "Your hard work and dedication to peace and the safety of others, has kept our city safe. It is on this day that I offer you the key to the city and the promise that Canterlot will always be somewhere you can call home." Flash smiled, whilst the crowd continued to cheer. "Furthermore, I announce that the day you defeated that monster will be a new special day in Canterlot. To honour our hero, Flash Day will be a new celebration!"

Flash's eyes went wide, as the crowd cheered and repeated 'Flash Day' over and over. But as he did, he saw his friends and remembered something.

"Can I say something?" He asked, the mayor nodding. "I appreciate your gratitude, but I wasn't the only one who fought against that monster. And I've not been the only one working to keep Canterlot safe. Lot of people have been putting their lives on the line to keep Canterlot from becoming a massive crater. It wouldn't be right to just honour me."

He gestured for his friends to join him and they all did, Flash smiling as the Rainbooms, Shining and Trixie stood by his side.

"Instead of having a day where you just give thanks for what I've done, let's make that day a day to celebrate all the heroes in the city. Not just me and my friends, but the cops, doctors, firefighters and everyone else who choose to put others before themselves. Instead of a Flash Day, let's make it a Hero Day!" The crowd exploded, loving the sound of that and yelling 'Hero Day' over and over.

The Mayor smiled, also liking the sound of that. And so, he agreed and everyone began to celebrate.

The party went well into the night, with everyone having the time of their lives. When the sun eventually set, fireworks were launched much to everyone's enjoyment. Flash was particularly amazed, when he saw that each firework was in the shape of a different alien he used. Most were just their faces, but some included other parts of their bodies and a couple had their whole image.

It would surely be a day that many would remember, with the following year's events being just as exciting.

But what none of them realised, was that someone was watching the whole event from afar. They stood atop the roof of the Plumber Base, staring down at the party going on.

That person was a young woman, whose entire body was hidden within a strange set of clothing. They almost looked ninja like in appearance, with a form fitting dark gray suit and a hooded cap atop of it that only went down to the small of her back. Around her waist was a strange belt and her face was completely hidden, the hood and a mask hiding everything behind it except for a pair of bright blue eyes and a strand of blue and purple hair.

The girl watched the festivities closely, interested by what she saw. "Not yet," she finally said. "But soon." She focused on Flash, who was dancing to some music with Twilight and Adagio. "Enjoy this whilst you can. It all gets worse from here." With that, she reached down and pressed a couple buttons on her belt. In a bright flash, she completely disappeared.

Author's Note:

Season 3 is over and everyone is happy. But it looks like things will be heating up again soon. Hope you enjoyed this season and how it ended. Next week, Behind the Alien returns in a slightly different way.

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