• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 9: Group Therapy

Tensions were high in Canterlot, as a large hostage situation had just occurred in the city.

At a software company in the city, three men had taken the employees prisoner. The three were armed with guns and had all the employees and the CEO of the company tied up in a corner, whilst the police were outside trying to mediate the situation.

One of the men walked over to the CEO and knelt down in front of him, pointing his gun right at his head. "Alright, you gonna pay up?"

The man glared at him, "I'll give you nothing. You think you'll get away with this? You'll regret making this mistake."

"Funny?" The gunman chuckled, "I seem to remember telling you the exact same thing, right after you stole my life's work and fired me."

"That program was company property," he growled. "You developed it using our technology and signed a contract that clearly stated anything you made was ours."

"But the contract also said I would get a hefty bonus once it was completed. But just as I was about to finish it up, you went ahead and fired me for no reason." He patted the gun against his head. "Except there was a reason. You didn't want to pay me, so you fired me and stole my program to complete on your own. And now the company's a million bucks richer."

"You gave up any right to that money when you tried to sabotage a coworker's project," the CEO growled. "You knew you wouldn't be able to finish your program before them, so you destroyed it and tried to use what you learned from it to complete yours."

"So what?" The man asked, "my program was way better than that piece of junk." He pointed the gun at the man. "I'm not going to ask again. Give me the money I'm owed, or you're company's gonna have a lot few pensions it'll need to pay out." He pointed at young woman, who screamed in terror whilst the other three gunmen prepared to do the same thing.

But in that moment, they heard something hit the ground and clatter. This made them all turn their guns in that direction, but saw nothing.

The first gunman pointed at another, telling him to go check it out. He did so and saw the noise had been made by a pencil holder falling to the ground, the man picking it up and wondering how the heck it had fallen.

But as he reached down to pick it up, something shot out of the floor and grabbed his shirt. And before he could call out to the others, he was pulled down and everything went black when he hit the floor.

The cry of pain made the others rush over, only for the second gunman to find something grab his feet and pull them out from under him. He cried and fell to the ground, his gun flying across the room.

The first gunman pointed at that location, wondering what the heck was going on. But before he could think to run back and grab a hostage, he was suddenly grabbed around the arms and lift into the air. "STOP!" He screamed, only to come crashing into the ceiling.

A crack could be heard as he made contact with it, the man dropping his gun as he fell unconscious. The man then fell to the ground and was completely out of it, the hostages wondering what the heck had happened.

But then, something appeared in front of them. A strange ghostly creature with a single purple eye and long white claws.

The women screamed, as the creature looked them over. "Is everyone okay?" They were too scared to answer, until the CEO recognised the symbol on his chest.

"Flash Sentry?"

"The one and only," Ghostfreak used his claws to cut through their bonds. As soon as they were all free, the hostages ran for the exit whilst Ghostfreak collected the crook's guns. The police soon arrived and took the guns, arresting the criminals whilst giving their thanks to Flash.

The alien hero saluted before phasing out of the building, heading back down to the main street where he spotted Trixie, Twilight and Adagio.

He flew down and transformed back as he landed, the teen shaking his head to get the cobwebs out of them. "You okay?" Twilight asked, Flash holding his head as he stood back up.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Just...Ghostfreak's gonna take some getting used to."

"Really?" Adagio looked confused, "how is it any different from turning into living slime or...whatever the heck Upgrade is made out of."

"I don't know," Flash finally recovered. "It's just...feels different. Like...I'm not really me when I'm Ghostfreak. And the way that alien makes me think is a little unnerving."

"What do you mean?" Trixie asked, as they stared heading down the street.

Flash frowned, looking almost afraid by what he was about to say. "When I first flew in, my first thought was to grab the three and throw them out the window." The girls were shocked by this, considering this had all taken place on the building's fifth floor. "It's like...I have to really try to care about not hurting my opponents too much. It feels like there's a little voice in my head, telling me to just end them."

This worried the girls, though Twilight tried to help Flash feel better. "It's probably just a quirk of the alien. The same way you have a really short attention span when you're XLR8. You just need to get more in sync with the alien and you'll be able to tune it out in time."

"I hope you're right," Flash nodded. As much as this alien freaked him out, he had to admit the alien's abilities were useful. He just hoped he felt less uncomfortable with him with use.

"And if not," Adagio spoke up. "I'm sure Azmuth can find a way to fix it so you feel more you when you're him."

Speaking of Azmuth, he was currently in the Plumber base.

He had stuck around after Flash's little incident to make sure nothing else went wrong with the Omnitrix. But he had been doing diagnostics on the device every day since then and everything looked normal.

Shining Armor was with him in the lab, working on the devices he had got from the phase and shield criminals. "Dang it!" He cried, "whoever made this either used machines to build it or wiped it so clean that I can't get a single finger print off of it."

"My guess is he used machines," Azmuth stated. "Even galvins haven't designed a way to remove fingerprints good enough to fool Plumber tech. I'm sure you'll find another way to track them."

"I hope so," Shining nodded. "We haven't had any other powered up street crooks, but I get the feeling it's only gonna be a matter of time before the next one shows up. And you saw what happened the last time some idiot, got his hands on this kind of tech. By the way, how's the Omnitrix scans looking?"

"Good," Azmuth nodded. "I'm certain the issues caused by it won't happen again. I'm actually amazed it was even affected by this level of technology."

"Is there a way to protect it from being affected like that again?"

"Unfortunately, that would require taking the Omnitrix apart and rebuilding it from scratch. This was only meant to be a prototype after all. And it'll take years before the completed version is ready to even be constructed."

"What'll you do with the new one once it's finished?"

"That depends on Flash," Azmuth told him. "So long as he keeps on the path he's on, I see no reason for him not to have the new Omnitrix. But like I said, that could take years and a lot can happen in that time." Shining nodded. "Anyway, I should prepare to return to my home planet. I see no other reason to remain. I'll be leaving in a day or two." Shining nodded again as Azmuth prepared to teleport away, whilst Shining got back to trying to find a clue to the tech's source.

All he could do was hope whoever made it, wouldn't be dumb enough to give it to anyone too dangerous.

Across town, a young man and woman were walking through the streets laughing together. The pair were enjoying a day out together, having just had lunch together and were about to go see a movie.

But as they headed down the street, a shadow suddenly blocked out the sun for a moment.

They both looked up, wondering what that had been. But they saw nothing and just kept walking, only for the sun to be blocked out again and stay blocked out. And when the pair looked up, they saw a human sized creature with wings flying down towards them.

They screamed as the creature tackled them both to the ground, the beast revealing itself to be Doddery in her metal flight suit. "Hello there. I hope you don't mind, but I'll be taking your energy now." With that, she slammed her clawed hands down on their backs as a green energy surrounded them.

Both the teens screamed as they suddenly felt themselves growing weaker and weaker. At the same time, Doddery's old body began to rejuvenate. She laughed as she felt herself growing younger, her body becoming stronger and the pain of old age fading.

Eventually, the teens lost consciousness and the de-aged woman pulled her hands off of them. "Well, that was quite the meal. Thank you for your generous donation. I'll be sure to put your energy to good use." With that, she leapt into the air and was flying like it was the easiest thing in the world.

She soared up high before anyone else could tell she wasn't a bird and took off, towards an area of the town with a bunch of abandoned buildings. One building in particular was her target and when she was sure nobody was watching, she dived down into an open window.

Inside, the five other criminals were doing some last minute maintenance on their gear. Dynamo and Dragstar sat back to back, whilst Animac was in the corner typing on his computer. The Hypnotist was practising with his gadget, firing disks at a target and hitting the bullseye every time. And then there was Viral.

The techno-organic being was now dressed in a skin-tight red suit the same colour as he skin. It was covered in blue circuit patterns and she was also wearing red boots, with the same patterns as her suit. She was standing over a car battery and held up her hand, as electrical energy flowed out of the battery and into her. She smirked as she felt the rush of energy flow into her, followed by her launching it at a crate next to Animac and destroying it.

The mad scientist jumped away from this and glared at her. "Do you mind?"

"Sorry," Viral smiled, "just a little excited. Having a body is truly amazing."

"Well just be careful with how much power you use," Dynamo stated. "Remember what the boss said. Use more power than you have stored up and your whole body will shut down."

"I get it," Viral nodded. "I can't wait until I get to see Micro again." She frowned, wishing she could go right now. "When will we finally get to leave this place?"

"When I decide." Everyone jumped at that and rushed over to one corner of the building, where a large computer was sitting. On the computer was a window with a red line running through it, which shook as the voice spoke. "You have all become accustomed to your new abilities and weapons. Now is the time to use them."

"Great," Dragstar smirked. "So, when do we get to wipe Sentry out?"

"Sentry is the least of your concerns right now. You will get your chance at revenge, but only when I say so. For now, we must acquire the needed components to complete my master plan."

"What components?" Doddery asked, only for the computer to change and show some kind of computer chip.

"The ZX Titan Super Processor Chip. These chips are vital to my work. They were too heavily protected before, but today they're being transported on an armored truck. You six will attack that truck and take the chips."

"What about Sentry?" The Hypnotist cried.

"FORGET ABOUT SENTRY!" They all flinched at this. "You will have your chance to take him out, but only when I say so. Until my plans are complete, you will focus on the assignments I've given you."

"Very well," Animac nodded as everyone else looked upset. "But, what should happen if Sentry shows up whilst we're attacking the armored car?" The voice chuckled.

"Then, you can do what you want. If the opportunity arises to destroy him, then do it. But be warned, that if you fail to get me those chips, then I'll disable each of your equipment remotely. And Viral, that includes your body. Do not push my generosity."

The six smiled and nodded, glad that they would have a chance to make Sentry pay if he showed up. "Alright then," Animac turned towards the exit. "Let's get going."

"WOO!" Dragstar cheered as he ran forward before leaping into the air.

As he did, the half-wheels on his legs spun around and came together to form one large wheel. At the same time, the wheel on his back spun up and around until it pointed forwards. He also grabbed a pair of handlebars on the metal, as he fell down and landed on the wheels.

He know looked like a red motorcycle, with a black seat where his butt should be. The soles of his feet had holes in them, like a pair of exhausts. "One of you, hop on."

The Hypnotist smirked before rushing over and getting on the seat. Fire exploded out of the exhaust and the pair raced off, Doddery following behind as she spread her wings. Dynamo did the same and Viral ran outside to leap onto a power-line, which she used to surf down the street.

Animac smirked as he watched them go, whilst typing something into his computer glove. "With those five, I might actually pull this off. And Sentry will feel my wrath." The machine on his back suddenly shot a red ball out the end of it, Animac grabbing hold and throwing it. Canterlot was about to find out, just how much trouble it was in.

In another part of town, Flash was sitting at a cafe on his own.

After splitting off from the others, he had walked around thinking about Ghostfreak and the uncomfortable feeling he got whenever he used him. And though he knew Twilight was probably right, Flash couldn't help but feel like there was more to it than he knew.

A small part of him wondered if his time stuck as a ghost might have left him with a disposition to the sensation. When it had first happened and he thought nobody would have see or hear him again, he had freaked out. For almost a full week, he could do nothing but fear he would spend forever watching the world and never interacting. A few times after Azmuth had fixed him, he had found himself having nightmares about it and reliving everything.

Of course, he hadn't told anyone this. His parents had been worried enough about him after he had seemingly come back from the dead. Who knows what they might do if they knew Flash was having nightmares.

"What do I do?" He asked himself, slurping up the last of his drink as he thought about it. "I just need to buck up and focus. Using Ghostfreak's just gonna take a bit more time." It was in that moment, a nearby explosion caught Flash's attention. He got up and turned in its direction, quickly activating the Omnitrix and transforming. "Firefly!" He leapt into the air and jetted off towards the explosion.

Flying through the city, he swerved around the corner and saw a strange looking woman shooting lightning at an armored car.

"That's new." He watched as the woman lifted her arms, the electric tendrils lifting the truck up before slamming it down on the ground. "Hey, that's my trick!"

The woman heard this and looked around, her expression showing she was not happy to see him. "You!" She raised her hand and pointed it at a nearby lamppost, lightning surging out of the device and into her hand. She then pointed her other hand at Firefly and the lightning shot out of her.

"WOW!" Firefly dodged the lightning and flew down to land opposite her.

"I was hoping you would show up," she stated. "Now I can get some payback."

Firefly looked at her in confusion. "I'm sorry miss, but I don't think we've been introduced. I'm pretty sure I'd remember a lightning shooting woman in skimpy clothing. How are we supposed to know each other?"

The woman smiled. "I guess I am looking a little different from the last time we faced off. You thought you'd seen the last of me. when you almost deleted me out of your computer system." Those words struck a chord with Flash and he suddenly realised who he was facing off against.


"That's right," she smiled. "And not just me!" As soon as she said that, something fast shot past her and rammed into Firefly. The alien insect cried out as he was knocked flying and crashed into the ground, as the blur slowed to a stop to reveal Dragstar in his bike form.

"Hey there, Sentry." Firefly recognised the voice, as the armored figure transformed to his human stated. "Payback time."

Firefly picked himself up, "you two are working together?" But then they both chuckled, as a bunch of people started running at the insect.

"Make that three," the Hypnotised stated as he walked into view. A bunch of his mind slaves charged at Firefly, who was forced on the defensive since he couldn't fight them. He leapt into the air, only to find he wasn't alone.

"Four!" Doddery flew in and slashed at him with her metal wing, knocking him towards the ground. But as he fell, someone else came into view.

Dynamo pointed his waist blasters at the alien hero and fired, the energy blast shooting up and slamming him into the side of a building. "Five." Firefly groan at the impact with the building, the insect pulling himself out only to find a giant bird with crab claws for legs flying at him.

He barely managed to avoid getting cut in half by the pincers, as he fell towards the ground and landed. As he did, the bird flew down and Firefly saw Animac sitting on its back. "Now then, Sentry. Any last words."

Firefly gulped, "humuna humuna humuna comes to mind." He watched as the six moved forward, Firefly taking a step back as he tried to regain his confidence. He then unleashed a blast of fire, hoping to keep them at a distance until he came up with a plan.

But Dragstar transformed into bike form and raced through the flames without a scratch, Firefly leaping into the air to avoid this. But that allowed Doddery to charge in and grabbed him by her taloned feet.

"Get off!" He was about to fry her, but Doddery smirked and spun through the air before letting him go. He flew through the air and before he could regain control, Dynamo fired his blasters at him. "AUGH!" He was blasted into the side of a building before crashing down on a car, Viral rushing forward.

She once again raised her hand and pointed it at a lamppost, summoning electrical energy out of it that she fired at the car.

Firefly was picking himself up when the lightning struck the vehicle, causing it to explode and send him flying. "WOW!" He quickly realised he was in trouble and struck the Omnitrix, transforming as he fell towards the ground. When the light faded, a gem-covered rabbit fell out of it. "Gemini!"

He quickly formed shield in front of him and used it to bounce off the ground, leaping into the air so he could land atop a traffic light. Once he was use he was still alive, he turned to his opponents.

"So, you're all working together? What happened? Couldn't get enough washed out villains, to make a baseball team?" Dynamo tried blasting him, but Gemini created a barrier to block the blasts.

He then leapt down, as the Hypnotist sent his minions to attack him. But Gemini quickly created a blue and yellow gemed replicant. Those two began deal with the controlled hostages, as the original leapt over them.

"Let's start with you!" He threw a punch, but the Hypnotist jumped to the side in order to avoid him. He then pointed the device on his arm at Gemini and fired a strange red disk, but Gemini had put up a shield to block it.

Seeing the disk, he and his clones realised that was what was controlling the victims, the replicants quickly finding and pulling them off.

The Hypnotist felt the loss of his minions and looked around to see the two other Gemini had freed them all, the pair covering them both with their shields and running them to safety. "No matter," he pointed his weapon at the alien. "All I need to do is hit you once and you're mine."

"And he's the least of your worries," Viral laughed as she and Dynamo fired at Gemini. But his shield was able to hold and protect him. "You can't stay in there forever!"

'She's right,' Gemini realised. 'I'll time out if all I do is defend. I gotta find a way to take these guys out.' But as soon as he dropped his shield, Dragstar shot towards him and he almost found himself roadkill until he leapt up into the air.

But as he did, Doddery attacked and pinned him to the ground as her suit started beeping. "I'm starting to run out of youth energy," she smiled as her talons started glowing. "Mind if I borrow some of yours?" She reached down to steal his energy, but Gemini wasn't gonna let that happen.

From out of his gems, a green, pink, orange and violet light shot out and formed more Gemini. The remaining red one used this distraction to create a shield around him, blocking Doddery's attempts to steal his energy. Gemini Pink then leapt at the winged woman and kicked her away, only to find himself getting attacked by the pincer footed bird mutant.

Viral and Dynamo began firing, Green and Orange using their shields to block as Red picked himself up. Violet kept his eye on Dragstar, who started circling around whilst the Hypnotised pointed his device at them ready to fire. Blue and Yellow ran towards them, having gotten the hostages to safety, but two more weren't going to help.

Animac saw this and chuckled. "This new alien might be able to put the numbers in your favour, but it doesn't have the power to to take us all down. None of your aliens do." All seven aliens frowned, knowing he might be right. But then their large ears caught something.

"Maybe," Red smirked. "But you're not the only ones with friends." Animac wondered what he meant, only for sirens to fill the air and make them turn to see police cars racing towards them. Shining was also there, driving on his bike whilst Lady Masquerade was using her Sky Butterfly form.

He growled before turning to the others. "Grab the chips and let's get out of here!"

"We can take 'em!" Dragstar cried.

"We're here for the chips!" Animac stated. "Don't forget how we've been able to do this in the first place." The others frowned, but nodded and rushed over to the armored car. As they did, Animac started typing away on his wrist computer. A few moments later, he reached back as the end of the device on his waist opened up.

Five small red balls appeared out of it, Animac catching them before turning to Gemini. "Here's your choice, hero. Stop us or stop my little friends." With that, he threw them towards the others and the balls burst open.

Doing so reveal a trio of small creatures Gemini couldn't make out. But then they started growing larger and larger until they were the size of hippos. They were a trio of rottweiler hounds, covered in spines like a porcupine. They looked feral and started running around, shooting their quills at Gemini and those approaching.

The alien carbuncle quickly leapt into action and started protecting the others from these beasts, allowing the criminals to grab the components they needed.

Dragstar transformed back to bike form and the Hypnotist climbed on, the pair racing down the street. At the same time, Doddary and Dynamo flew into the air whilst Viral leapt onto Animac's bird and flew away with him. They all disappeared, whilst Gemini was distracted dealing with the hounds.

"Wow!" Gemini Blue cried, using his shield to block a quill. Yellow them leapt forward and with one powerful kick to the chin, made the beast let out a mighty howl before it fell to the ground.

Green and Pink both blocked the other two hound's attacks, allowing Orange and Violet to charge in and deal another kick to them. But by the time the beasts were subdued, the six criminals had made their escape and had left no trace of themselves.

"Ahh man!" Gemini Red fell onto his butt, as the other replicants reverted back to light and flew into his body. "I can't believe they got me like that."

Shining stepped over to Gemini, as he hit the Omnitrix and reverted back to human. "Flash, was that who I think it was?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "Animac, Dragstar, The Hypnotist, Dynamo, Viral and Doddery. They've all teamed up and by the looks of things, they levelled up." Flash could hardly believe it. He had been completely humiliated by them. If they attacked again, Flash wasn't sure he had an alien that could take them down on his own. "But where the heck did they get all that gear in the first place?"

Back at their base, the six were all feeling pretty good about themselves.

"Ha!" Dragstar took a drink. "If those cops hadn't shown up, we would have wasted Sentry." The others nodded, "I can't wait until the next time we face off. Maybe we can humiliate him a few more times before finishing him off."

"Don't be stupid," Viral told him. "I want him dead now so he can't get in my way anymore."

"Relax," Doddery smirked. She was still in her youthful form, having drained an unfortunate man she had come across during their escape. "You saw how little Sentry was able to do against us before. If he had an alien that could take us all down, he would have become it."

"Viral is right." Everyone tensed up and jumped into line, rushing towards the computer as the muffled voice called out to them. "You all did well in acquiring the chips and dealing with Sentry, but you must not let your victory go to your head. Remember, Flash Sentry has already defeated you all once. If there is a way to defeat you all, then he will find it in time."

"Then let's stop him before he can find that way," Dynamo smirked. "I say we attack his home. Grab his parents and use them as hostages."

"You idiot!" Animac growled. "If that was a good idea, don't you think I would have done that as soon as I learned who he was."

"Why isn't it a good idea?" Dragstar asked, with their benefactor being the one to explain.

"Flash Sentry, despite all his faults, is the most powerful human on the planet. Had he wanted to, he could end every situation he finds himself in the moment it starts. But he doesn't, because he is bound to a code of honour that all heroes are bound to."

"What?" Doddery asked.

"Flash Sentry holds back," the Hypnotist stated. "Think of what he's capable of. You all heard how he once threw an alien into space."

"Exactly," Animac nodded. "He pulls his punches because if he doesn't, he might end up killing his enemies. And as a hero, killing isn't something he wants to do. However, push him too far and he might decide to forget about keeping his opponents alive."

"Exactly. Attack his parents and Flash will not hold back. Losing to him now might end with you all in prison, but at least you'll be alive. Hurt someone close to him and all the rules go out the window." Those that didn't understand before realised what he was talking about.

None of them wanted to face Flash when he was going all out. They definitely didn't want to be thrown into space.

"Alright," Dynamo nodded, "we don't attack his parents. So what do we do?"

Animac smirked. "That code of heroics he's bound to. We use that against him. We simply have to engineer a situation where only he can show up and fight us. And once he's on his own, we destroy him." The others smiled, liking the sound of that.

At the Plumber Base, Shining, Trixie, Azmuth and the Rainbooms were watching footage of the fight taken from the Omnitrix.

They were amazed by the technology of the villains. Amazed and terrified. "Where the heck did they get that stuff?" Rainbow asked, watching as the Hypnotist sent a bunch of hostages at Flash. "You think Animac made all that?"

"Maybe Dragstar and Dynamo's gear," Shining replied. "And possibly the Hypnotist, since controlling humans can't be that far off from controlling animals. But I doubt he has what it takes to make de-ageing technology or whatever Doddery used to turn herself young again. And Viral...I don't even know where to start."

Azmuth nodded. "I'm sure of it. This technology is far beyond any human. The power sources needed to use them would be huge if it was relying on earth technology."

"So it's alien tech?" Twilight asked, Azmuth nodded.

"Made from Earth components," Shining caught on. "Looks like the mystery tech distributor has struck again. And he brought his A-game this time. The six of them on their own could be tough to beat, but all of them together is gonna be almost impossible to beat."

"Maybe if it was six on one," Sunset watched the criminals leave when backup arrived. "But they're not gonna be able to hold up to all of us. The next time they show up, we take 'em down together."

"If they let that happen," Trixie stated. "They'd have to be idiots to expect Flash not to have help the next time they attack. They're probably gonna wait to catch him off guard when he's alone."

"Where is Flash?" Spike asked, as he sat on Twilight's lap.

Shining frowned. "The kid had a long day, so I thought I'd send him home. He's gonna need all the rest he can get if he wants to be able to take those guys down."

"Are we sure that's a good idea?" Rarity asked, "for him to be on his own. What if they decide to attack him or his parents?"

"I doubt they'd do that," Shining assured her. "But just to be safe, I've given his parents a piece of Plumber tech. It's a panic device. When they activate it, the Plumber computer will teleport them right here." They all sighed at this, many of them wondering if they could get a similar piece of tech for their own families. "Rest up, Flash. You're gonna need all the strength you can find when they show up again."

Flash sighed as he returned home, feeling exhausted after the fight he had been through.

Saying good night to his parents, he headed up to his room and took out his phone to check the news. Twilight had made a special app for him and the others, which would alert them whenever a police report was made about whatever subject Twilight set it to alert them about.

Once he was sure nothing was happening, he put it down before falling onto his bed.

He quickly felt himself drifting off and was soon snoring loudly, dreaming about beating the six of them before being offered the world's largest collection of pizza. He slept for hours and as the rest of the city began to go to sleep, evil forces were beginning to get to work.

Eventually, as the clock struck ten, Flash's Phone buzzed before it started playing a police report.

"The criminals have left the bank and have taken hostages into the Canterlot Central Park." As this was going on, Flash began to move. He got up and activated the Omnitrix, dialling up one alien in particular before slapping the dial down.

A flash of green filled the room and when it disappeared, Ghostfreak was floating within it with his eye closed. But then it opened up and got serious, the alien hero ready to do some serious damage against the ones that had beaten him before.

Ten minutes later, the police were surrounding the park and preparing to send in a team to capture the criminals. But they knew there was very little chance of actually beating them.

Luckily, one of the cops saw something flying towards them and pointed it out. They all looked up and saw Ghostfreak, flying over them and into the park. The alien hero looked around, preparing to face off against the villains. But before he could find them, they found him.

Before he could go intangible, something shot down from above and slammed into him.

Ghostfreak was sent flying and crashed into the ground, as Doddery flew back up and smiled down at him. "He's back," she told her radio. "The show can now begin."

Ghostfreak began to pick himself up and as he did, something super fast shot towards him. He once again, didn't have time to make him self intangible and was smashed by the super fast object. This sent him flying and before he could recover, a blast of blue lightning was shot towards him.

It exploded upon contact and he was sent flying in the other direction, where a tentacle armed gorilla was waiting. The gorilla swung its arm around and smashed into him, causing him to go flying until he crashed into a park bench.

As he laid upon it, someone stepped up towards him and the blasters on his waist folded around before firing.

Ghostfreak barely had enough time to leap away from the bench before it exploded, the force sending him flying until he crashed into the ground next to a river running through the park. And as he picked himself up, he sensed a presence and looked up to see five people were standing on a bridge over the river. More specifically, they were standing on the edge of the bridge.

They Hypnotist laughed as he stood on the other side of the bridge, leaning against the barrier. "I'd be careful if I were you. Do something we don't like and I'll have them jump. The river's not very deep and has a lot of jagged rocks, so even if they do survive it'll be a long stay in the hospital."

Ghostfreak glared at him, as Doddery flew down and landed on a lamppost to his right. Dragstar raced up to him and transformed into his human state, whilst Viral walked up with her lightning sparking around her body. Dynamo also flew in and landed, whilst Animac and his gorillapus walked up and completed the surrounding circle.

"Well doc," Dynamo smirked. "You were right. Some people are just too dumb to live." They all prepared to attack, Ghostfreak seeing her was surrounded. There was no way to escape. Or was there?

As Viral and Dynamo prepared to blast him, Ghostfreak phased through the ground and disappeared. "Where'd he go?" Doddery growled, the others frowning.

"You coward," Animac yelled. "You would abandon those poor mindless people? Some hero you are." Nothing happened, as the six grew impatient. "You have five minutes to make yourself visible for your end, or the hostages drop."

Back out in the park, Shining Armor had just driven up on his bike whilst Lady Masquerade flew down and landed using her Sky Butterfly form.

The pair saw the police circling the park and made their way forward, the highest ranking officer rushing up to them. "Shining. Thank god you're here. We've gotta do something?"

"How many hostages are we dealing with?"

"We don't know for sure," he replied. "But Flash Sentry's already flown inside. But if what happened today is any indication, he doesn't stand a chance against them on his own." Shining nodded, but knew he was a problem.

"If they see us go in there, they'll hurt the hostages."

"So we'll just make sure they don't see us go in there," Trixie smiled as she transformed into her Luna Cat form. Shining smirked under his mask and nodded, all the while hoping Flash would be okay until they got there.

Back in the park, the villainous six all continued to search for Ghostfreak. But he was still nowhere in sight.

"I'm losing patience," Animac growled. "This is your fault. Hypnotist. Show him we mean business." The man nodded and turned to the hostages. But just as he was about to give the command, he froze up and said nothing.

This did not go unnoticed, the others giving him a curious look. "Dude," Dragstar spoke up, "you okay?" But then, the Hypnotist reached down and pressed something on his control launcher.

The next thing they knew, the control devices on the hostages deactivated and fell off them. Moments later, they were all coming around. "What's going on?" A woman asked, only to scream when she saw where she was. They all leapt down off the ledge and began to run, five of the six villains staring at this in shock.

"What the heck are you doing?" Dynamo cried, only for The Hypnotist to spin around and point his shooter at them.

The control disks went flying and the lot leapt away to avoid getting caught. But something did get hit. "What?" Animac cried as his mutant started moving without his command, "what are you doing?" He then noticed a control device on the creature's chest. "Doddery!" He cried, as a tentacle began to move towards him.

The woman flew down and grabbed him, pulling him away from the mutant gorilla as the Hypnotist continued to fire at them. "He's nuts!"

"He's being controlled!" Animac realised, as Viral began to build up power. "Wait!" But she launched a blast of lightning towards the Hypnotist.

Just as it was about to hit him, Ghostfreak phased out of his body and he came to his senses just in time to get zapped. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Periwinkle Primrose screamed, as the lightning surged throughout his body and eventually faded away. He swayed back and forth, moaning in pain before finally falling on his face.

The remaining five villains were shocked by this, whilst Ghostfreak floated above them. "What the heck just happened?" Dynamo cried.

"No one told us this guy can possess people," Dragstar yelled. Ghostfreak flew down and then shot towards the large gorillapus. "What's he doing?"

Now that The Hypnotist was out of action, Animac could once again control the beast. "Crush him!" The mutant swung its arms around and quickly wrapped them around Ghostfreak, but the alien simply phased through the arms before entering the beast's body.

Animac suddenly found his control on the monster was gone and the gorillapus started fighting more humanoid, instead of attacking wildly. It swung its tentacles at Dynamo, who leapt into the air and activated his jetpack to fly. He then attacked Dragstar and the speedster turned back to bike mode to escape.

Viral quickly summoned some lightning from a nearby lamp and blasted at the mutant, but it raised its arm to block and then tried to stand on her. She leapt back, as Doddery dropped Animac off and flew at the beast.

The creature spun around and swung its tentacles at her, the de-aged woman attempting to fly away but getting caught by the foot. The next thing she knew, she was getting slammed into the ground. "Augh!"

Dynamo quickly ran forward and extended the blade on his arm, using it to cut through the tentacle before it could lift Doddery up again. He then grabbed his waist cannons and fired, the impact of the lasers causing the beast to be riddled with blaster holes.

Ghostfreak left the gorillapus, as the beast fell to the ground dead. He then flew down and phased through Dynamo and Viral's attacks until he reached Doddery.

The woman picked herself up and checked her wings, finding the impact had bent several of them and made flying impossible. This allowed Ghostfreak the grab her and lift the woman into the air. "Hey, let me down!" As this was happening, her armor started beeping to warn her the effects of her youth reversal were beginning to run out. "In fact, hold on to me. I need a recharge." She grabbed his arms and started trying to drain away his life force. But to her shock, she got nothing. "What?"

Ghostfreak said nothing and dived down towards the river, flying over it as he dropped the woman into the water.

"AUGH!" She cried, as the tech began to short circuit. "No!" Ghostfreak flew back up, as she staggered through the water and started ripping off her equipment. She eventually made it to the bank and as she did, he body started growing older. "No! Not again. My youth. My beauty!"

Ghostfreak flew back towards the others, Animac having finished his latest concoction and taking out a pair of monster balls.

He threw them into the air and they exploded to reveal a pair of wasps with scorpion tails in place of stingers and arms with scorpion claws. They flew up and grew to the size of a car, the pair attacking the alien as he once again turned invisible.

"Where is he?" Viral cried, turning to Dynamo. "You're supposed to be able to track anything down, don't you have any way to find him." Dynamo frowned at her and his visor changed colour.

"Scanning for body heat." He looked around, but found now heat signatures aside from those of his team. "Scanning for energy sources." Again, he found nothing that might show Ghostfreak's whereabouts. "Scanning for...anything!" The others were getting annoyed by this, wanting to know where Ghostfreak was.

But then Viral saw the alien appear right behind Dynamo. "LOOK OUT!" But it was too late and Ghostfreak reached into his jetpack, phasing through it and grabbing several wires on the other side. He gave them a quick yank and they came undone, causing the jetpack to suddenly fire as Ghostfreak vanished.

"What the heck!?" He cried, as he was pulled into the air with no way of stopping. "What's happening!?" He tried everything to regain control, but nothing was working. "GYAH!" He started spinning around and around as he flew up and down, left and right.

He was starting to get dizzy when the jetpack started to conk out, resulting in him falling towards the earth.

He smashed head first into the ground and slid along it at high speed, his helmet visor cracking as it scrapped against the dirt. Eventually, he smashed right into the side of a tree as his jetpack gave out and he fell towards the ground.

As this had been happening, Viral was launching lightning at Ghostfreak whilst the wasps were trying to stab him with their stinger tails. But the ghost alien danced around the lightning and went intangible whenever one of the wasps got too close.

"Dragstar!" Animac cried, "go check on Dynamo!" The speedster nodded before running over to the downed monster hunter, who was beginning to move.

"You okay man?" Dynamo picked himself up and started swaying as he turned to look through his broken visor.

"Why thank you Andry," he said in a dizzy manor. "I'll have the veal piccata." He fell forward and crashed into the ground, clearly in a bad way. Dragstar frowned at this and ran back into the fight, seeing Ghostfreak flying back towards the ground as Viral stopped blasting to recharge.

"I got you now!" He transformed into his bike form and revved up, fire shooting out of his feet to propel him forwards.

"Wait!" Animac yelled, as Dragstar rushed passed without a plan. "Don't be a fool." Dragstar tried to run the alien ghost down, but the spectre once again phased into the ground.

"Hey! Get back here you coward!" He rushed passed where he had been and swerved back around, racing back over the bridge. But as he did, Ghostfreak's hand reached out of the bridge and the wheel rolled right into it.

Grabbing the wheel, Ghostfreak stopped it cold and caused Dragstar's back end to suddenly go flying upwards until it crashed down on the ground.

"Augh!" He cried, slamming into his back. And before he could respond, the arm started dragging him along the ground. This caused sparks to go flying, as his metal suit ground against the concrete. Ghostfreak eventually let him go and he started rolling along the ground until he crashed, his stomach taking the force of the impact, right into a lamppost before falling to the ground.

He groaned as he lay there, his head spinning from what had happened. And as he sat himself up, he felt he was going to throw up and was forced to remove his helmet.

He ran over to a nearby garbage can and heaved into it, his last meal not tasting so great coming up as it did going back down. He retched a few times and finally emptied his guts, groaning as he tried to stand up. But as he did, something shot out of the ground and punched him in the face before he could get his helmet back on.

All he could do was let out a mighty cry, as he fell towards the ground unconscious.

Ghostfreak looked down at him, only to have to float away as another blast of lightning almost struck him. He looked over at Viral, the bio-organic robot glaring at him as she charged herself up with more energy. At the same time, the mutant wasps charged towards him and tried to cut him in half with their claws, but the ghost simply phased right through them.

He then flew up and grabbed one of the wasp's wings, ripping it off and causing it to scream in pain. The beast fell towards the river and went splash in the water, whilst Ghostfreak focused on the other wasp.

Animac managed to direct the mutant to keep him away from its wings, causing it to start flying in a zigzag pattern whilst Ghostfreak couldn't keep up. The electrical blasts from Viral also didn't help, Ghostfreak finding himself getting zapped when he tried to punch out the wasp.

He didn't make a sound, as he fell towards the ground and crashed into the bridge.

Viral summoned as much energy as she could, wanting to completely roast Ghostfreak. And at the same time, the wasp flew down ready to stab him whilst he appeared unconscious. But before it could, Ghostfreak went intangible and the stinger flew right through him.

The wasp roared as its stinger broke against the ground, Ghostfreak quickly phasing through its tail and grabbing the end of it. Viral was about to launch her lightning blast, but Ghostfreak swung the insect around and threw it at her.

The lightning flew out of her hands and struck the wasp, frying it alive but not stopping it. As such, she quickly found herself getting tackled and pinned beneath the monster. "AUGH!" She cried, trapped under the creature's large weight. "Get it off! GET IT OFF!" She unleashed a powerful blast of lightning, hoping to blow the wasp off of her. But the energy did nothing to the creature and she soon felt herself running low on energy.

Ghostfreak saw this and quickly flew towards the lampposts around her, phasing through them and causing them all to short circuit and explode. With no energy to draw upon, Viral felt herself beginning to shut down. To make sure her core consciousness wasn't lost, she went into stasis as the last of her energy was saved.

Ghostfreak floated out of the ground and looked around, seeing he had dispatched five of the six villains. That only left one, but he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, a loud roar made him spin around and see a rhino with bull horns, frogs legs and an alligator tail charging at him. The attack came so fast, he didn't have time to make himself phase and he was rammed by the behemoth.

Atop the mutant monster, Animac laughed seeing Ghostfreak go flying into the side of the wall blocking the part from the river. The spectre fell to the ground and looked rather weak, clearly exhausted after facing off against the rest of his opponents.

"I knew you were finally getting serious when you stopped cracking your pathetic little jokes," he told the alien hero. "Just as I knew you would expend your energies fighting my allies, leaving you open for Doctor Animac to deliver the cudegra." He pointed at Ghostfreak and the mutant rhino charged, planning to impale Ghostfreak on its horn.

But the alien quickly dived down into the ground and the beast slammed into and three the wall, causing it to lose its footing on the sloped ground and fall towards the river.

Animac gasped at this and quickly leapt off the back of the beast, landing as it creature went splash.

He then looked up and saw the alien rise out from the ground, glaring at him with its one single eye. "Your new alien interests me, Sentry. I look forward to examining it and the rest of your aliens, once I've taken that watch off of you." He typed away at his glove and the device unleashed a monster ball, which he threw at the ground.

From out of it, a snake with cheetah legs appeared and grew to the size of a lion. It charged at Ghostfreak, but the alien simply let it pass right through him as he floated towards Animac.

At the same time, Shining and Trixie were carefully making their way through the park under the girl's illusion power. The sound of fighting had directed them to this location and sure enough, they found five of the six villains laid out whilst Animac was all that was left.

They watched, as the ghostly alien made his way towards the mad scientist. As he did, Animac started getting creeped out. "Stay back!" The cheetah snake tried another attack, leaping at the ghost only for the alien to punch it in the face without even looking. "What are you doing?" Ghostfreak didn't reply and kept moving forward, Animac stepping backwards. "Are you going to make a joke or mock how pathetic you think we are?"

Ghostfreak continued to remain silent, Shining and Trixie looking confused by this.

Animac was silently bricking himself, the silence of his foe too much for him to handle. "SAY SOMETHING!" Ghostfreak grabbed the black gap in his white skin and pulled it apart, opening himself up so that Animac could see inside of him. And what Animac saw was enough to make him scream in absolute terror.

Ghostfreak used this fear paralysis to grab the stinger that had broken off the scorpion wasp along with grasping Animac's shirt, lifting him up and raising the stinger like a dagger.

Shining and Trixie gasped as the girl dropped the illusion around them. "He's gonna-"

"FLASH!" Shining yelled, getting Ghostfreak's attention. "Stop, you won!" Ghostfreak's eye had moved around to his back to stare at them, the pair wondering what the heck was wrong with him. He then returned his eye to normal and dropped Animac before taking to the air, Shining and Trixie completely lost about what was up with him.

They would deal with Flash in the morning. Right now, they had criminals to arrest.

The next morning.

Flash's head was pounding as he woke up. He opened his eyes and saw he had slept a good thirteen hours, but despite that he felt like he hadn't slept a wink.

"Uhhhh." He sat up and realised he was likely gonna have to fight those villains today, something he wasn't looking forward to in his current state. "Maybe Animac and the others will let me take a personal day." He tried to stand up, only for his body to scream at him. "Augh!" He fell to his knees, "I don't remember having this many bruises when I went to bed."

It took him a while, but he finally managed to get up and make his way downstairs.

When he did, he found his parents having breakfast in the kitchen. Trail was reading the newspaper and when he stepped inside, they smiled at him. "Hey kid," Trail told him. "Sounds like you cleaned house last night."

Flash gave him a confused look, "what are you talking about?"

"Your fight last night," Misty spoke up. "Against those six criminals you defeated." Flash still looked confused, his parents sharing the look as Trail turned the paper around to show him the front page.

Flash's eyes went wide as he took it. "Flash Sentry defeats criminals six on one." He read the article and was shocked to see images of himself in Ghostfreak form, the alien flying into the park. "This doesn't make any sense." He tried to remember, but had no memory of going alien last night.

"By the way," Misty continued. "Shining Armor called earlier. Told us to wake you as soon as possible." Flash frowned, but grabbed his phone and stepped out of the room.

He was still confused about what had happened, but called the man anyway. "Hey Shining, you'll never-"

"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Flash had to pull his ear away from the phone, wondering why Shining was yelling at him.

"Wow," he told him, "what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You tried to kill Animac last night, and you ask me what's wrong?"

"What?" Flash could hadn't believe it, "I would never do something like that."

"I was there, Flash. I saw you trying to kill him. If Trixie and I hadn't called out to you, you would have stabbed him in the chest. What were you thinking?"

"Shining," Flash was really scared now, "I don't remember doing any of that. I don't remember fighting against those guys last night." Flash's words made Shining pause, "the last thing I remember is going to sleep. Then I woke up this morning and found myself covered in bruises I don't remember getting. Shining, what is going on?"

Shining continued to remain silent, but eventually spoke. "It was definitely you last night. You responded to us when we called your name."

"So what are you saying? I...beat a bunch of crooks in my sleep?" Flash could hardly believe this was being contemplated.

"Unless you can come up with another explanation for everything. Flash, this is serious." Flash knew Shining was right. Him becoming an alien in his sleep and snoozing through an entire battle was not normal, even for him. Something was wrong with him. Or wrong with the Omnitrix. Either way, something was wrong. And Flash needed to figure out what it was.

Author's Note:

Last week, someone said this was Flash's Venom Arc. They had no idea how right they were. Will Flash be able to overcome what's happening? Or are things just going to get worse.

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