• Published 20th May 2023
  • 1,913 Views, 33 Comments

Come With Me - TheKing2001

When leaving the school after a long day of teaching and doing paperwork, Cheerilee catches a student sleeping outside in a bush and takes her home. It goes further than either of them thought. Follow this adventure.

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Chapter I

I gave a groan as I stretched my legs out and spun around my chair. To say today was exhausting would be an understatement. Dealing with rowdy kids and such can do that to a person. With that being said though, I wouldn’t have any other job. Teaching is so fulfilling for me. I can help shape young minds. Encourage them to follow a creative path. And to follow their dreams. I know there’s a lot of dislike towards teachers right now because most don’t encourage creativity in their students, but that’s because the teachers don’t understand their students needs like I do. Each and everyone learns different and I make it my job each year to learn how my new students learn. I learned best hands on so classes like art was my favorite. I quit spinning around and stared at my computer. The grades of my students was brought up and I smiled. My best student was Sunset Shimmer. She’s focused, answers all my questions and gets her homework done on time. For the past two years, she’s been in the top of my classes. Not even Octavia had better grades than her and Octavia came from a very strict women.

That women was so boring in my personal opinion. I wouldn’t ever say that to her face or outside the teachers lounge but it was the honest truth. I bet even Harshwhinny would get bored of her and that is the most boring teacher we have. She’s one of the bad teachers I referenced earlier. She just doesn’t connect with her students and does all her classes as hour long lectures till next hour. And she wonders why people fall asleep in her class all the time. I overheard Mr. Whooves and Granny Smith talking about her the other day. I know you’re probably thinking it’s unprofessional for two staff to talk bad about a colleague but this is like any other job. People are gonna talk. I’m sometimes talked about myself but it’s never negative. I’m only twenty three and graduated college a few years ago. I’m already on the fast track for receiving an award the state gives teachers for their teaching skills. I’m the youngest staff member here and that does get some of the older staff complaining. I mainly mean Mr. Cranky. Excuse my language, but he is a major bitch. Anyway, back to the topic of Sunset Shimmer.

I think there’s something going on with her. I always see her wearing the same clothes, the same socks and her hair is almost always a mess. I’ve caught her countless times washing up in the women’s locker room when she thinks no one is going to come in. I try to stay on top of students skipping class and the women’s locker room is usually the first place I check. I don’t know what it is, but something feels off about this whole situation. I trust my gut instincts. I’ve also heard a few rumors from students that Sunset bullies them constantly and such. I know I speak very highly of the girl, but if those rumors got confirmed, I would punish her the same as I would any other student. I believe in equality and punishing students the same with detention and suspensions is the most way to be equal. Despite my views of that, I’m still the most loved teacher in the building. I work after school individually with students after school and sometimes before and I host the games club on Wednesday, photography on Friday. The only person here more loved than me was Celestia. She just had a way about her made almost everyone open up to her about anything on their mind.

She’s just got such a warm and welcoming personality that you can’t help but like her. Unfortunately, her sister Luna isn’t so much liked. Luna is the disciplinarian of the two and takes that role very seriously. She’s a nice women when you get to know her but most don’t give her that chance. I glanced at the clock and jumped. I didn’t even know I had been musing to myself for so long. I looked out the window and let out a long, drawn out sigh. The snow was starting to fall slowly and while it was very beautiful it also meant tonight would be very cold. If you hadn’t seen a Canterlot winter, you don’t know the definition of cold. And tonight was meant to be the coldest day in Canterlot history. I don’t know about you but I was certainly looking forward to getting cozy under a blanket in front of the TV with a nice cup of hot chocolate. I pushed my chair back and stood up, stretching. I reached to the coat rack and slipped my coat off. I shrugged it on and smiled at the instant warmth, putting my hat on next.

I logged out of my computer and shut it off, picking up my bag and lesson plans. I stepped to the door and only paused to shut the light off and double check I had my keys. Wouldn’t want to be stuck outside and I gave a reassured smile at the feeling of them in my coat pocket. I shut the door and locked it, counting my steps in my head before I reached the door and braced myself for the cold wind. I pushed the door open and immediately shivered from the cold. Thank God I had my coat. My thoughts immediately went out to the poor homeless people out there in this weather and hopefully they have a place to go. Maybe one of the many homeless shelters we have in Canterlot. I brushed a strand of my dark purple hair out of my eyes the wind had pushed. With a sigh, I fumbled for my keys and froze when I heard a cough. I glanced around and heard the cough again. It appeared to be coming from a large bush in front of the school. I hesitantly took a step to it.

“Hello?” I called out. The movement in the bush froze but I was certain there was a person inside. And they needed my help if they were going to survive tonight. “I’m coming in.” I spread the bush open a bit and crawled inside. If only mom and dad were here to see me now, they’d be laughing their asses off the sight of me crawling into a bush outside my job in the falling snow. My jaw dropped at what I saw. Sunset was curled up into a ball, shaking using her backpack as a pillow.

“S-sunset?” I stammered out. I didn’t know what to think. Maybe it’s the cold, maybe it’s the shock.

“H-hey Miss Cheerilee!” Sunset coughed out and forced a grin on her face. “How can I help you?”

“I think the better question is how can I help you? Why are you sleeping in a bush?” I wanted to know.

“Uh I wanted to go camping!” Sunset smiled. “I enjoy nature!” I sighed and raised an eyebrow and she groaned. “Fine. I live here.”

“What on earth do you mean you live in a bush?” I demanded.

“I mean I have no where to go so I’m making the best out of a bad situation. The bush protects me from the cold and wind and snow. I can keep my food cold in the snow. I survive,” Sunset explained with chattering teeth.

“Where are you parents? Don’t you live with them?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t have any parents. I have me,” Sunset grumbled. This wasn’t going to stand. I had to do something. I’ll be damned if I leave her here to freeze to death.

“Then you’re coming with me home,” I decided. I wasn’t technically supposed to do this but I had no other alternative at the moment.

“I’m good,” Sunset shook her head. “I like being independent.”

“Sunset dear. It’s going to be negative thirty degrees tonight. The coldest night in history. You’ll freeze to death,” I pleaded. “Please just come home with me. It’s warm, I have hot chocolate, movies, a spare bed, warm clothes and blankets. And warm food.” Sunset sighed and looked around and I knew I was getting somewhere.

“Okay,” Sunset announced. “I’ll go.” I gave a satisfied smile and crawled out of the bush. Sunset hesitated before following me out and I held my hand out.

“Come with me.”

Author's Note:

So this is going to have a sequel as well I already have wrote up. I figured it wouldn't make sense if I just suddenly had Cheerilee with Sunset. Enjoy and no dislikes. We only do likes here. Enjoy😀