• Published 20th May 2023
  • 1,913 Views, 33 Comments

Come With Me - TheKing2001

When leaving the school after a long day of teaching and doing paperwork, Cheerilee catches a student sleeping outside in a bush and takes her home. It goes further than either of them thought. Follow this adventure.

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Chapter III

“Rainbow Dash! Please wake up,” I stopped at her desk and stared down at the snoring girl. She jumped and looked around.

“What’s happening?” She mumbled and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before settling on me and her eyes widened. “H-hey Miss Cheerilee! What’s up?”

“Is there any reason you’re sleeping in my class, Rainbow?” I crossed my arms sternly. She typically doesn’t sleep in my class. She just cheats off Fluttershy or Vinyl. Most of the time at least.

“Sorry Miss Cheerilee. I didn’t get much sleep last night after the soccer game and gym class was pretty wild today,” Rainbow mumbled sheepishly.

“I understand just try to stay awake. These notes are very important for the upcoming exam,” I chided. I stepped back to the front of the class. “Alright, who can tell me what two countries were already involved in a military conflict before the start of World War Two?” I looked around at the raised hands and I pointed at Bon Bon.

“Uhhh Japan and India?” She asked hopefully.

“Sorry Bon Bon but that’s incorrect. Go ahead Sunset.” Bon Bon faceplanted into her desk.

“Don’t worry Bonnie. You’ll get the next one right,” I faintly heard Lyra whisper to Bon Bon.

“Japan and China Miss Cheerilee,” Sunset gave a smug confident grin and relaxed in her chair. I gave her a big grin of my own.

“Correct Sunset. Great job!” I placed a golden star on the board next to her name. The star system was something I invented to encourage students to focus on their work. If they get twenty stars at the end of each month, I let them pick a movie we watch at the end of each month. As long as it’s school appropriate of course. I don’t need another student requesting fifty shades of grey.

“Thanks Miss Cheerilee,” Sunset smirked. Bon Bon lifted her head and sighed.

“What was the first action the Nazis took against the Jews?” I asked once I turned around. “Go ahead Rainbow.”

“Uh gas em?” She shrugged. “Isn’t that what they did to everyone?” I resisted the urge to facepalm.

“They did gas the Jews but that wasn’t the first thing they did. Go ahead Sunset.”

“Boycott Jewish businesses,” Sunset maintained her smug grin as she shot a look to Rainbow. “Everyone knows that. Except athletes of course.” Rainbow glared at her and turned red.

“Let’s not start any arguments please. Who can tell me what German battleship sunk the British HMS Hood and what was the sister ship of the German ship?”

“The Tirpitz?” Octavia asked. I gave her a warm smile.

“You got part of the question right Octavia. That’s the name of the sister ship. Who can answer the first part of the question? Go ahead Sunset.”

“The name of the ship is the Bismarck. It sunk the HMS Hood in the Battle of the Denmark Strait in nineteen forty one, killing one thousand, four hundred and fifteen of it’s sailors.” I gave a few quick excited claps. I loved when my students gave extra knowledge like she and Octavia did. I was honestly surprised Octavia talked. She was a very shy quiet girl who brought her cello everywhere. She reminded me more of Fluttershy to be honest.

“Correct. And since you both helped answer the question, you both get to pick a movie for us to watch this month. Stop by after class and I’ll look for your suggestion,” I announced as the bell rang. “That’s all the time we have together today. Enjoy the weekend!” Octavia and Sunset glared at each other before standing up. Those two had a very weird relationship going on. Very competitive with each other about answering all the questions in class and making sure they’re right. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that the two had something going on but I think Octavia was with Vinyl. At least that’s what I overheard from Daisy and Lily gossiping about it.

“So Miss Cheerilee,” Sunset glanced over her shoulder and gave Octavia a pointed look as she exited the class room. “How long do you want me to stay at your house?”

“Well considering it’s either you stay with me until you’re eighteen or I notify child protective services and they take matters from there and put you in a home. Up to you,” I shrugged as I started typing on my computer. I saw Sunset flinch out of the corner of my eye and I gave a hidden smile. She mainly stayed in the spare room, only coming out for food, bathroom and the shower.

“I’d rather avoid PPS if I could. I guess I can for a bit longer until I’m eighteen and then I’ll be gone. Besides I’m just being a chore,” Sunset scoffed. I cocked my head slightly and frowned at her.

“First off, you’re not being a chore. I care about my students and you are one of those. And secondly, what is PPS?” I asked curiously. She did sometimes speak using weird words. Words like everypony and such. Why, I’m not sure.

“Uhh I meant CPS. Definitely that,” Sunset said nervously. I raised my eyebrow but decided to not press it.

“Why don’t you bring some friends over Sunset? I wouldn’t object at all,” I decided to change the topic.

“I have no friends. Friend is another word for fool,” Sunset announced and I narrowed my eyes slightly.

“That’s not true at all Sunset. I have friends and I’m not a fool, am I?” I questioned sternly. A moment of silence passed.

“No you’re not,” Sunset admitted. “I still don’t need friends. I like being on my own.”

“Okay okay,” I held up a hand placatingly. “I won’t push it. Just think about it okay?” I really wanted her to get some friends. Maybe would get her out of the room sometime.

“I’ll think about it,” Sunset groaned. “No promises.”

“That’s all I ask for Sunset. I want you to have a decent highschool life. Mine was pretty decent but it could always have been better,” I sighed.

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked as she lazily sat across from me in a chair.

“Nothing,” I sighed. “It doesn’t mean anything don’t worry. We can head home after this. Got some grades to update and emails to send to some parents.”

“Sounds good,” Sunset shrugged and pulled her phone out and started to play on it. A knocking on the door frame made us both look up.

“Principal Celestia,” I stood up. “How may I help you?” Sunset watched us curiously with a smile that seemed off in a way.

“Can we talk, Miss Cheerilee?” Celestia stepped inside the room. She locked eyes with Sunset and cleared her throat. “Alone please.”

“Oh but of course Principal Celestia,” Sunset said in a sweet voice and stood up, stepping out of the room. Principal Celestia shut the door and sighed, sitting down across from me. I sat down in my chair and smoothed down my skirt.

“I’ll cut to the chase. Why is Sunset staying at your house?” Celestia asked. My eyes slightly widened and I sighed.

“I found her sleeping outside in a bush awhile ago. It was snowing and really cold that night. I couldn’t really just leave her to die so I took her in,” I admitted.

“You know it’s against the rules right. It’s unprofessional as a teacher to take a student home. If anyone found out, that would raise a lot of questions about what you two got up to in there,” Celestia chided. My eyes narrowed again and I glared at her.

“I am not having sex with my student! I am simply giving her a place to live for the time being. I do not like being accused of such a disgusting thing,” I folded my arms angrily.

“I didn’t mean to imply that. I know you aren’t having intercourse with Sunset but still. Just her being there could get you in trouble,” Celestia sighed.

“It still was implied. And if me doing what’s right is going to get me in trouble then so be it,” I scoffed. “I don’t regret my actions for a second.”

“I’m not saying you should. I’m just saying be careful okay? If you’re doing this because of-” I slammed my hand down on the desk angrily and she froze. I took a deep breath to calm down.

“This has nothing to do with her. Don’t you dare bring it up,” I warned quietly.

“Okay I won’t, I’m sorry. All I’ll say is it seems like you’re acting like a mom to her and going to adopt her. That’s all I have to say,” Celestia said hesitantly. I paused as the anger slowly left me.

“I’m not adopting her. I can’t even if I wanted to because she isn’t even in the system,” I pointed out. I never even really thought about that. She’s been around for three or four weeks already. Granted she mainly stayed hidden in her room but everytime I left, the dishes were always cleaned and the house swept.

“Okay. Just be careful and remember I’m a phone call away,” Celestia stood up. “I’m going to get out of your hair now.”

“Have a goodnight Principal,” I grumbled. She nodded as she opened the door snd stepped out. Sunset stepped inside and sat down again across from me.

“What was that about?” She asked me curiously as I went back to editing my grades. I was still going over what Celestia said and it left an imprint in my mind I was shocked to be mulling over. I gave Sunset a weak, forced smile.

“Nothing. Everything is all good.”

Author's Note:

Three chapters in one day. WOW! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I really enjoyed this one. I wanted to explore Sunset's academic abilities. I also wanted to give her a rival and I chose Octavia because I love her a lot. If I wasn't ugly as fuck and Octavia really existed, I'd date that. Well as long as she's legal age of course.