• Published 20th May 2023
  • 1,931 Views, 33 Comments

Come With Me - TheKing2001

When leaving the school after a long day of teaching and doing paperwork, Cheerilee catches a student sleeping outside in a bush and takes her home. It goes further than either of them thought. Follow this adventure.

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Chapter VI

“It’s been a few days we’ve been searching Cheerilee,” Celestia sighed as we sat in her car in the school parking lot. “And we haven’t found her. We will see her at the Fall Formal tonight, don’t worry.”

“That doesn’t help me at all. I’m going to worry regardless. I’ve checked everywhere. Every bridge, tunnel, homeless shelter. Nothing. No one’s seen her,” I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. “I just hope she’s here tonight.”

“She will be. She wants to see if she won right?” Celestia inquired. I gave a quick nod and rubbed my chin in thought. “Then she will be there. And you can talk to her then.” I gave a sigh and stepped out of the car.

“I hope so. It’s scary how quick and quiet she is. It only took me about five seconds or so to grab my coat. When I went outside, she was gone. I don’t know where she went so fast. She should honestly join the track or soccer team,” I grumbled as I lifted my computer bag. “She still left the laptop and such at my house. Might be a good sign she will be back.” She left more than that behind too. I found a bunch of her clothes and a camera in the desk drawer. I still had to talk to her about the pictures on the camera. Mainly why it was full of blackmail pictures.

“I tried to recruit her. Apparently she doesn’t get along with Rainbow Dash,” Celestia shrugged as she stepped out too. “I’ll take you home too after work since you accidentally crashed on me and Luna’s couch.” I felt a faint warmth on my cheeks.

“Sorry about that. It was a busy night last night,” I admitted sheepishly. Celestia sighed and came to the other side of the car, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t worry. You’re panicking and you have every right to. Your daughter is missing,” Celestia smirked at me.

“She’s not my daughter. She doesn’t want to be adopted,” I muttered. “I won’t push it.” I don’t know why I wanted to. Ever since she started living with me, I felt happier I guess. Well, I’m always happy I suppose. My name is Cheerilee after all. Anyway, I don’t know. The house seems kind of quiet without Sunset around now. I hope she comes back.

“Makes sense. She is a very hard to understand girl somedays,” Celestia agreed as we started walking into the school.

“Oh trust me. You have absolutely no idea,” I chuckled. “And I thought Fluttershy was a hard girl to understand.”

“I don’t think Sunset likes me much,” Celestia held open the door and I gave a grateful nod as I stepped inside.

“I noticed that,” I admitted. “She seems uncomfortable whenever you’re around. Almost afraid in a way.” Any time Celestia had come around in the school, Sunset suddenly wanted to disappear. Whenever I found her, I was going to get an answer about it. “Hey there’s the new girl. What’s her name?” A purple girl came walking past us with Rainbow and Applejack. I didn’t know they had become friends again. Pinkie came running around the corner.

“Walk don’t run Pinkie,” Celestia chided. “Please and thank you.”

“Yes Principal Celestia,” Pinkie giggled as Fluttershy and Rarity rounded the corner.

“Her name is Twilight Sparkle. She’s running for Fall Formal Princess,” Celestia smiled. “Sunset might have some competition this year.” I had known her name of course but I don’t know why I acted like I didn’t.

“Interesting,” I mused as I approached my classroom. I stuck the key inside and turned it, opening the door.

“Have a good day. See you at the Fall Formal,” Celestia waved as she stepped away.

“Likewise,” I stepped inside and flicked the light on. I jumped slightly and stared at the girl curled into a ball sleeping on the floor. Sunset let out a mumble as she rolled over. I gave a faint smile as I knelt down and stroked her hair. How did she even get in here? Better yet, how didn’t I think to look in here first of all?

“Miss Cheerilee?” Lyra said hesitantly from behind me. I pressed a finger to my lips and shushed her quietly, nodding to Sunset. Lyra groaned and rolled her eyes but complied.

“Princess Celestia?” Sunset mumbled in her sleep. Me and Lyra looked at each in confusion.

“She knows her title is principal, right?” Lyra asked quietly as she kept a wary look on Sunset. I smiled faintly at Sunset. “I don’t think our country has ever had a Princess.” I stood up and sat down at my desk.

“I’m not sure. I’ll ask her about it when she wakes up. What can I do for you, Lyra?” I turned my computer on. Lyra nervously drummed her fingers on my desk.

“Do you have any clue why Sunset is so mad all the time?” Lyra finally asked, keeping her cautious gaze on Sunset’s sleeping form. She carefully sat down across from me at the desk.

“What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow curiously.

“Like she has anger issues and is mean to a lot of the students,” Lyra admitted. “She ignores me and Bon Bon most of the time. She’s only yelled at us a few times but mostly ignored us.”

“I have no idea. I haven’t heard anything about that,” I admitted. “Why would I know?” Lyra finally took her gaze off Sunset and shrugged.

“Probably because she lives with you? And probably tells you everything?” Lyra said. I gave her a glare and rolled over to the door, shutting it quietly.

“How do you even know about that?” I demanded. “I told no one.”

“Uh Flash Sentry accidentally told me,” Lyra rubbed the back of her head. “Don’t worry, I haven’t told anyone and I won’t be.” I rolled back to my desk and gave a sigh of relief.

“Thanks for that. She hasn’t been sleeping at our house in a few days,” I sighed. “There was.....complications and that’s all I’ll say.” I really wasn’t in the mood to relieve the argument we had. I don’t even know how she got into the school and my classroom.

“She really needs to get a handle on her anger. It’s scary how mad she gets. It’s just as bad as Gilda was before she got expelled,” Lyra sighed. I gave a faint shudder at that.

“If we work things out, I’ll talk to her about it. She’s.....special to me,” I admitted with a smile. “I can’t explain it but she is. She makes my life complete I guess.”

“I can’t relate to that. I mean, maybe with Bon Bon but that’s it,” Lyra shrugged.

“You’re such a hypocrite. Tell me to make friends when you have none of you own.” We both glanced over at Sunset talking in her sleep again and we both raised an eyebrow. “I hate you.”

“What do you think she’s dreaming about?” Lyra asked curiously.

“I don’t know but it doesn’t sound good,” I admitted before standing up and walking over to her and knelt down, starting to shake her gently. “Hey Sunset. Wake up Sunset.” She slowly opened her eyes and jumped up.

“What the hell is going on here?” She stared nervously at me and Lyra. “What did you two do to me?”

“Nothing. I was helping Lyra figure out how to get extra credit,” I lied. I hated doing it but I didn’t want to admit Lyra was talking about her.

“Don’t talk to me. Either of you,” Sunset snapped as she stormed out of the room. With a groan, my head fell into my hands. Lyra hesitantly put a hand on my shoulder.

“It’ll work it’s self out.”


“What is that?” Watermelody screamed as I stared in confusion at this flying winged thing that vaguely resembled and sounded like Sunset.

“S-sunset?” I mumbled quietly to myself. I stepped forward hesitantly as the front of the school got ripped away and thrown aside. She flew inside the school and some people ran away. Whatever happened next I don’t remember. All I remember is standing at the edge of a crater looking down at a crying Sunset.

“Any power you once had in this world is gone. Tonight, you’ve shown everyone your true colors,” Twilight glared down at her with wings folded against her back. If I didn’t see it myself, I wouldn’t believe it. Sunset pulled herself up and I sighed at her expression.

“B-but I don’t know the first thing about friendship or where to even begin,” Sunset sobbed. Twilight surprised me by holding out her hand for Sunset to grab.

“I think they can help you,” Twilight nodded behind her to Rainbow Dash and the other girls. Sunset hesitated before accepting the hand and Twilight pulled her up. I pushed Twilight aside, startling her. Sunset stared into my neck in shock as I hugged her.

“It’s going to be okay now.”