• Published 20th May 2023
  • 1,915 Views, 33 Comments

Come With Me - TheKing2001

When leaving the school after a long day of teaching and doing paperwork, Cheerilee catches a student sleeping outside in a bush and takes her home. It goes further than either of them thought. Follow this adventure.

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Chapter IV

“What’s first on the list?” Sunset asked as she leaned on the cart, looking around the grocery store with a bored expression. She had told me she didn’t really like shopping because it was boring but surprisingly agreed to come. Apparently she wanted to look at some things in the electronic part of the store.

“Carrots. Produce is in front of the store so that’s our first stop,” I picked up my sheet of paper and overlooked it. Minor things really we needed this week. At least it wasn’t like last week. Sunset is a pretty stealthy girl, I barely know when she’s eating or anything like that. Hell, if I didn’t see the dirty towels and clothes in the laundry basket, I would think she didn’t shower.

“Do you normally eat a lot of vegetables?” Sunset asked me curiously as she stepped back and observed the wall of stacked carrots.

“I mainly just like potatoes, carrots and broccoli. I don’t care for the rest,” I admitted. I absolutely hated stuff like cauliflower and asparagus. The most disgusting was kimchi and guacamole. Kimchi is just rotting cabbage. Who in their right mind would eat rotting cabbage? “What about you?”

“Hay, daisies, carrots, potatoes and broccoli. That’s about it,” Sunset shrugged as she picked up a bag of carrots. I tilted my head to the side curiously.

“Hay and daisies? What do you mean?” Add those to my list of weird things people shouldn’t eat.

“Oh uh nothing. Misspoke is all. Meant to say fries and dandelion greens,” Sunset gave a sheepish smile.

“Do you want me to buy some?” I offered curiously. I wanted to see if she would actually eat them or not.

“Maybe another time,” Sunset shrugged. “Fries aren’t a vegetable, are they?”

“I guess they are. They’re just cut up potatoes cooked and seasoned so,” I gave a shrug of my own. “I don’t see why not.”

“Fascinating,” Sunset mused as she wandered around. I grabbed some random fruits. Strawberries and blueberries are my favorite without a doubt. Nothing can compare to them. Don’t tell Applejack this, but strawberries are better than apples. I remember having to move her and Strawberry Sunrise from sitting next to each other because they constantly argued over it.

“Why are grocery stores this big?” Sunset asked in awe. She said in her town stores were outside and way more smaller than this so I can see why she would be surprised.

“Probably to hold all the stuff people buy,” I answered as we entered the cereal aisle. “Any types of cereal you want?” Sunset eagerly bounded down the aisle. One of her favorite things had been sugary cereals. We both bonded over our love of Sugar Crisp, Captain Crunch and Frosted Flakes. She had been really surprised I liked the sugary breakfast foods over anything. She quickly returned with four boxes of each.

“Got our favorites I see,” I chuckled and she added them to our slowly growing cart.

“Yeah. Is it okay?” Sunset asked cautiously. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I had thought we got over the whole thing about her not wanting to seem too dependent on me but I guess not.

“Don’t worry about it. I can afford it,” I reassured her. She raised an eyebrow and we started walking to electronics. “What do you wanna look at?”

“Laptops and a mouse. Makes my homework easier,” Sunset explained as we kept walking. “Better than the school computers. Saved up for months for one.”

“True. The school computers are pretty slow. How much have you saved up?” I will admit, I was pretty curious how she made money. I rarely saw her leave unless she climbed out the window and climbed back in it at night.

“About six hundred dollars,” Sunset said casually. I stared at her. How she thought that wasn’t a lot was beyond me. I shouldn’t talk considering how much I have.

“How do you get that much?” I asked curiously. “I rarely see you leave the house.”

“I’m quiet like that,” Sunset shrugged and browsed the laptops. I raised an eyebrow and watched amused. “Do you care if Flash comes over?”

“Your boyfriend?” I smirked at Sunset’s startled reaction.

“How do you know about that?” Sunset asked cautiously. “I never told you.”

“I’m a teacher and I hear loud high schoolers. Often talking about their fellow students and who they’re dating. It’s common,” I shrugged. “I’m fine with him coming over. Just keep the bedroom door open, no touching allowed. Please.”

“Okay mom,” Sunset grumbled. I felt oddly warm inside hearing her say that. “I pick this one.” Sunset held up a laptop and mouse. I gave a quick nod.

“Alright. Let’s get out of here.”


“Uh hi Miss Cheerilee,” Flash sat nervously on the other couch drinking some hot chocolate. I sat on the other one watching TV and Sunset. I really didn’t want anything happening in our house. I was a high schooler not too long ago myself after all. I remember getting into all sorts of trouble back then.

“You can call me Cheerilee, Flash. I’m outside of school and it’s perfectly fine,” I chided with a smile.

“Uhm okay. Why does Sunset live with you?” He asked nervously looking at us both. I had kind of assumed he would be uncomfortable with me here. Me and Sunset looked at each other and she was slightly shaking her head. Good thing I hadn’t planned on telling him she had been homeless sleeping outdoors.

“She’s my daughter,” I said immediately without thinking. Sunset raised an eyebrow and stared at me.

“When did that happen?” He looked once again at us, this time in shock.

“Uh awhile ago,” Sunset lied as she still stared at me. “It’s been great.”

“Yes it has,” I agreed. “How are you, Flash?”

“Pretty good. Ready for December to be here so it can be over. I hate Christmas,” he sighed and stirred his hot chocolate with a candy cane. If you haven’t tried that, try it. It’s amazing.

“Why?” I asked curiously. He never really talked about his home life before. Well, not to me at least.

“Dad is always at work for the police department and mom left years ago so it’s just me,” he sipped his hot chocolate. “Kinda boring but I got used to it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure Sunset wouldn’t mind you stopping by sometime during December,” I smirked at Sunset. She had a frustrated expression and I wasn’t sure why.

“Yeah sure,” Sunset gritted her teeth. “I’m going to bed.”

“Oh uh okay. Bye Sunset,” Flash muttered as he stood up to leave. I quickly stood up myself.

“I’ll walk you to the door,” I smiled as we started walking. “I’ll talk to her after you leave and see what’s up with her.”

“Thanks Cheerilee,” Flash frowned. “That’s so weird to say without Miss in front of it.”

“I can understand that. I’ll see you Friday for the Fall Formal,” I held the door open and smiled at him before he nodded and walked out. I shut the door and locked it behind him, sighing.

“What was with you calling me your daughter?” Sunset demanded and I spun to face her. I hadn’t even heard her walking up, she was quiet.

“Can we sit down and talk?” I asked and she gave a curt nod. I led her to the living room and we sat down. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Sunset. A lot.”

“I’m listening,” Sunset leaned back and stared at me. “Go on.”

“You see, I had a daughter once,” I admitted grudgingly. I really didn’t want to bring this up but here we go. Sunset looked around curiously.

“Well where is she? I don’t see her.” I sighed and inhaled.

“There was some complications with the pregnancy and she died before she could be born,” I admitted hesitantly. I really didn’t know if I should be telling her this but too late now. Sunset’s face slightly relaxed as she stared at me.

“I’m sorry to hear that. How does this relate to me though and you saying I was your daughter?” Sunset let her arms relax a bit on the couch.

“What do you think of me?” I asked her suddenly. “How do you view me?” Sunset shrugged and sighed.

“Caretaker I guess. I live here. You give me a house, bed, shower and food. I don’t know what else to say.”

“And what does a parent do?” I pressed.

“Give shelter?” Sunset guessed before her eyes slightly widened. “Are you seriously using me to replace your kid?”

“No! Nothing could ever replace Lilac Hearts. Nothing in the world,” I sighed.

“Where’s the father then?” Sunset asked.

“It’s uh complicated and embarrassing,” I blushed. “It was in college and I got drunk at a party. I don’t even really remember who it was. Only Celestia knows this story. Anyway, we came home and the rest is history.”

“I hate when that happens,” Sunset admitted.

“What does that mean?” I raised an eyebrow and stared at her sternly. She better not be getting drunk behind my back.

“I see a lot of stories online similar is all. What I didn’t expect was you getting drunk.” I turned red again at that comment.

“I’m still pretty young Sunset. I was your age once too. I’m only a few years older after all.” We got quiet for a bit and watched the tv.

“I’m still sorry about your daughter. If most people told me that story, I’d ignore them. But for some reason I feel bad,” Sunset admitted.

“Why is that?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t really care about other people. But for some reason, you’re different. You’re....important,” Sunset struggled with her words before settling on one.

“Everybody is important Sunset. No matter who they are,” I chided. We fell silent again and watched the snow outside. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Go for it.” I sighed and collected my thoughts. Celestia’s conversation came to mind and I took a deep breath.

“What’s your thoughts on adoption?” Sunset recoiled slightly and stared at me.

“Like you adopting me?” She asked incredulously and in a suspicious tone of voice. I gave a faint, nervous nod. Sunset stared at me and stood up. I watched her as she headed upstairs to I assume bed. I figured I wasn’t going to get an answer ever and sighed. Sunset spoke and startled me.

“I’ll think about it.”

Author's Note:

Hello, another chapter and giving Cheerilee a little bit of backstory. Hey, we got our first Flash appearance. What do you think Sunset does for work? Thanks for reading, hopefully you enjoy.