• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,415 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter XVII

“I still can’t believe Bon Bon said fuck you,” I muttered in awe. The cream girl didn’t seem like the cussing type. I’ve only been talking to her for a few hours and she just didn’t give off those vibes. Lyra gave me a chuckle.

“She only cusses when mad enough or during Uno. Uno is a friendship ender that’s for sure.”

“Damn right,” I chuckled. “I never knew Derpy could get so competitive.” I glanced over at the sleeping grey girl, snoring quietly. Bon Bon was laying next to her wearing candy decorated pajamas. She let out a yawn in her sleep as she rolled onto her side.

“Trust me. Derpy loves to win. She just hides it well,” Lyra snickered as she balanced an eraser on Bon Bons head.

“I can tell. I used to like winning,” I admitted. Winning was the most important thing to. Well that and being better than everyone else. Didn’t matter what it was.

“It’s a good feeling but too much can be bad,” Lyra agreed as she grabbed a pen and placed it on Derpys ear.

“You know that could hurt her if she rolled over on it right?” I asked.

“Oh.” Lyra quickly tossed the pen on my desk. I let out a sigh of relief. Last thing I wanted was to have a dead or injured person on my floor. That would be pretty bad. Plus, it would be messy and I hate cleaning up messes. Especially blood. I’ve heard it’s a pain in the ass to clean up and get out of carpet. Practically everything is hard to get put of carpet here and it’s stupidly annoying. At least back home I could just use my magic and boom, clean.

“What was Bon Bon talking about your room being full of?” I asked curiously. It had been on my mind for a bit, especially after Lyra covered her mouth with her hand. Must be something important and secret but blame my curiosity. Lyra rolled her eyes and gave a sigh.

“Really didn’t want you to find out this way but fine. I’m obsessed with mythological creatures. Unicorns, minotaurs, pegasus and stuff. Started from reading Greek mythology.” I raised an eyebrow. Now that wasn’t what I was expecting. I was expecting Lyra’s room to secretly be a sex dungeon with how dirty her mind was. She was probably the most dirty, horniest person I’ve ever met. Sex jokes was what came out of her mouth any opportunity she got. And I mean any. It doesn’t matter where she is or who she’s with. If she sees an opening, she’s going to take it.

“That’s cool. Why did you react so calmly when I said I was a unicorn?” I asked.

“I was faking it. Didn’t want you to think of me as a weirdo. Deep down, I was fucking ecstatic and happy. All my life I believed unicorns were real and told Bon Bon it ever since we met in freshman year. No one believed me and even Bon Bon thought I was crazy. Now I have evidence in the form of you I’m not.”

“As long as I don’t become a science experiment in your basement, I’m happy. And Lyra?” She glanced over at me.

“Yeah Sunset?”

“Don’t ever fake something around me again. That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say. I’ll try to get a picture of me as a filly and bring it here for proof. People still probably won’t believe you but the school will. If not, fuck em. You know you were right and that’s what matters,” I chided. Lyra gave me a big grin.

“Hey Sunset?” Lyra suddenly asked with a mischievous grin that I did not like the implications of.

“Yes Lyra?” I asked cautiously. With her, she could be about to say anything.

“Can you get me a bowl of hot water?” I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

“Uh why?” I asked hesitantly. Lyra nodded at Bon Bon.

“For her. I wanna see if I put her hand in hot water if she will pee herself like the stories online say will happen,” Lyra explained with a snicker.

“She is so going to kill you if she does. You know that right?”

“Worth it.” I looked between Bon Bon and Lyra’s pleading face.

“Okay. Why not,” I stood up and headed for the kitchen.

“Not too hot or else it will burn her!” Lyra called out as I opened the door. I gave her a quick thumbs up as I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened a cupboard and started rummaging for a decent sized bowl.

“This will do,” I mused to myself as I shut the cupboard and carried it to the bathroom upstairs. I turned the faucet on and continuously checked how hot it was. I didn’t want to hurt Bon Bon either. Once I was satisfied, I filled the bowl and shut the faucet off and worked my way to the room. “Got the water.”

“Excellent,” Lyra beamed. “Set it down right there please.” She pointed to an open area of the floor and I complied, stepping back. Lyra gently rolled Bon Bon over and froze when Bon Bon made a noise in her sleep.

“That was close,” I whispered. Lyra nodded before gently picking up Bon Bons hand and sliding it into the water.

“Now we wait,” Lyra announced as we watched. At least they were on an air mattress mom had in the closet. Easily can be cleaned. If piss got on my floor, I’d be mad as hell.

“Derpy is so going to be mad if any piss gets on her,” I muttered. Lyra’s eyes widened.

“Shit. I completely forgot Derpy was asleep next to her,” Lyra realized. Lyra grabbed Bon Bons hand as her eyes slowly opened.

“What in God’s good name are you two doing?” Bon Bon muttered. “What time is it, Lyra?” We shared a nervous look.

“Uh two am?” I offered weakly. Bon Bon glared at us.

“You’re waking me up at two am. And why is my hand wet?” Bon Bon shook the water off and stared at the bowl.

“Is anything else wet?” Lyra asked with a grin. I gave a snort.

“Someone could take that the wrong way and thing you meant something dirty,” I smiled.

“No just my hand,” Bon Bon grunted. “Though I really need to use the bathroom now,” her eyes widened and she glared at us again. “I know what you were up to. I’ll so get revenge!” Bon Bon shot out of the bed and out the room before sticking her head back in. “Uh where’s your bathroom?”

“Third door on the left,” I told her.

“Thanks. I’m still getting revenge on you both!” Bon Bon growled as she disappeared. I gave Lyra a concerned look.

“What did she mean by that?” Lyra waved a hand nonchalantly.

“Revenge prank. You get used to it. Wanna know something though?” Lyra grinned.

“What?” I raised an eyebrow. Lyra maintained her mischievous grin.

“Worth it.”