• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,433 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter IX

“Are you sure they will like me?” I asked as we pulled onto a suburb road. I looked out the window and admired the decent sized houses. They were a little bit bigger than ours but just as nice.

“For the one hundredth time Sunset, yes they will like you. They already do based on what I told you,” Mom sighed and I detected a bit of frustration in her voice. I may or may not have asked that same question a lot on the trip here. Well, when I wasn’t sleeping of course. Road trips made me sleepy. The movements of the car helped me sleep.

“Sorry for frustrating you. I’m just nervous,” I admitted. Mom gave a short laugh as she pulled into a driveway.

“You don’t say. I’m not frustrated with you, just tired. Been a long drive,” she opened the door and stretched. I quickly followed and yawned, looking around curiously. In front of me was a nice dark purple house with an large tree in the front yard. In the backyard, I could vaguely make out a swing set. It was a fairly decent sized house like all the others on the block. I came from a poor family in Equestria so being in an area like this made me slightly feel out of place. A sign with grapes and a strawberry hung above the door. It slowly opened and a pink women with yellow hair rushed out the door.

“Little sis! It’s been forever!” She squeezed Mom in a hug and Mom grunted as she returned it.

“Hey Cherry. It has been a while,” Mom groaned as her sister let go of her. “Thanks. I was running out of oxygen.” Cherry Berry rolled her eyes with a grin.

“No you weren’t. Did you bring Sunset along? Where is she?” Cherry Berry looked around as I tried to hide behind the wide black Tahoe.

“No I left her at home,” Mom replied dryly with an eye roll. Cherry Berry stopped looking around and paused.

“That sucks. I was hoping to finally meet her,” Cherry sighed. Mom gave a laugh and sighed

“We really need to teach you sarcasm. You’re the oldest of me and Berry but you still don’t get it. She’s hiding behind the car, acting all shy.” Cherry walked around the car and made eye contact with me, her face lighting up.

“Oh my GOSH! Hi!” She hugged me and I let out a startled gasp. She could give strong ass hugs. I’d say she was giving Derpy a run for her money in that department.

“Uhm hi,” I managed to get out despite the effort she giving to kill me via hugs. Not a bad way to go in my opinion. She suddenly squeezed me tighter if that was even possible and I swear I heard a bone crack. I made eye contact with Mom who was laughing and I mouthed the words “save me” to her.

“Alright sis. You’re gonna smother the girl and kill her. I’d rather you not kill my daughter thanks,” Mom walked to us and tried prying her off.

“Alright alright. It’s good to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot of good things,” Cherry let go and gave me a sheepish smile.

“Uhm that’s good,” my eyes flicked around nervously. Sure, I was happy to meet my family but was still a tad nervous.

“We have a lot of catching up to do. And I have a lot to learn about you Sunset. I’ll help carry your guys bags in,” Cherry grinned.

“Where’s Berry?” Mom asked as she looked around. “Thought she would have been out here too.”

“She’s playing with Ruby upstairs at the moment. Ruby really wanted her to play trains with her,” Cherry explained as she opened the trunk. “Wow. You guys pack light. Are you sure you all have enough clothes in there?”

“Yes sister. It’s not hard to shove a week’s worth of clothes into a suitcase,” Mom rolled her eyes. “Ready to meet the others?” I let out a long sigh.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”


I sat in a chair watching quietly as Mom talked to Cherry and Ruby, drinking a hot chocolate Cherry had forced into my hands as soon we stepped inside.

“So you’re the girl who won my sister over.” I flinched and stared at the purple women leaning on the doorway giving me a cold look that made me slightly uncomfortable.

“Uh I guess I am?” I asked hesitantly. She rolled her eyes.

“So what makes you think you deserve to be part of the family?” I flinched again and looked down. I was right that not everyone would like me.

“Berry Punch! Be nice to her,” Mom gave her a dirty look.

“What? I was just playing around with the kid. I wasn’t actually serious. I’m not mean,” she scoffed. She abandoned her cold look and gave me a big grin before sitting next to me. “Scoot over please.”

“Uh okay.”

“Sorry for coming off as serious. I was just fucking around with ya,” Berry gave me another grin.

“Berry Punch! Watch your language,” Mom chided and gave her a dirty look.

“Oh my lord Cheerilee. She’s old enough to be cussed around and cusses herself I bet. Cheerilee always was the serious one,” Berry told me. “Cherry was even worse and is just old.”

“I am not old. I’m only twenty seven!” Cherry gave her a dirty look of her own. Berry gave me a mischievous grin and winked.

“Old. I’m telling ya.”

“Why you brat,” Cherry grumbled before she stood up and walked to the kitchen. “Getting more hot chocolate.” Mom and Berry made eye contact before the two started laughing.

“Am I missing something?” I asked curiously.

“We have our own language in a way. We enjoy teasing each other a lot. Cherry is the oldest, so she gets it the worst,” Mom explained.

“And I’m the youngest so everyone loves me,” Berry smirked. “Because I’m the greatest at everything.”

“Sure you are,” Mom sighed. “Ruby, go say hi to Sunset.” The carnation colored girl gave a nod jumped on the couch before climbing over the end table and sitting between us.

“Hi!” She beamed at the two of us.

“Really, Ruby? Walk over here next time. Don’t climb on our furniture,” Berry chided. I gave her a confused look.

“She’s your daughter? I thought she would have been Aunt Cherry’s daughter.”

“Nah she’s mine. She’s pretty cool. Cherry is too busy with her fruit stand and her balloon ride jobs for meeting people to be honest,” Berry handed Ruby a blue train.

“Train!” She shoved it in my face. “His name is Thomas. Do you want to go play trains upstairs with me?” She gave a hopeful look.

“Uh what does playing trains entail?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Pushing the trains on the track. Using your imagination.” I shrugged and stood up.

“Yeah sure. Let’s go.”

Author's Note:

Been teasing the whole family meet for a bit now. Well, here it is. Originally, I planned on it being earlier but other things took place.