• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,430 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter II

“Do we really have to do this?” I asked nervously as I stood in front of the school. A hand was placed down on my shoulder and I glanced up at Cheerilee’s smiling face.

“We do yes. You’re in most of my classes so I will be able to watch over you,” Mom reassured me. “And if anyone does anything to you, tell me immediately and I’ll punish them.” I gave an unconvinced nod and with a sigh, I slowly pushed open the doors of the school. Instantly, the hallway got quiet and a bunch of people glared at me. Gulping, I continued walking forward, barely looking up.

“They don’t like me,” I mumbled. “This is pointless.”

“They will turn around. Everything will look up and this weekend, I got a surprise for you,” she winked at me. “Just wait and see.” Mom was probably the most optimistic person I’ve ever met. Well other than my worlds version of Lyra back home. Well she was the time she asked me to have lunch with her and her friends after the blue unicorn said the vine I made was “amazing.” I don’t even know her name but I remember her mane and cutie mark. A hour glass cutie mark must mean she’s either an hour glass maker or really good with time. I’d bet both.

“Can I just go get my schoolwork from my few classes you don’t teach and just stay all day in your classroom working? In fact, can I just do this till we graduate?” I asked hopefully with a smile. I doubted she would say yes but better to try and ask.

“I should say no but yes. I’ll go talk to Cranky and Harshwhinny and tell them you’re going to be in my class working,” Mom sighed. “Can’t do it all year but for a few days is fine with me.”

“Thanks mom,” I felt relieved. Finally I could be somewhat safe from the bullying. Last week, I narrowly avoided a stapler to the head. “I’ll head to your classroom right now.”

“Alrighty. I’ll meet you there dear,” Cheerilee gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and my cheeks burned faintly. Even if it was my mom, I still felt happy to get some form of affection. And let me tell you, Cheerilee showers me in it back home. She gave a wave as she rounded the corner and I stood alone in the hallway. I sighed and started walking before I bumped into a blue girl.

“Oh uhm I’m sorry,” I mumbled. The girl picked her backpack up and glared at me.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie thinks you should watch where you’re going,” she snapped and reached into her pocket, throwing some powder in my face. “Be gone, demon!”

“Gah!” I yelped and tried to wipe the powder off my face. It burned like a motherfucker, sweet christ alive. What the fuck was this powder? I sat down and tried wiping it off again to no avail. I faintly heard a bunch of laughing and I blinked, looking at some pointing students. I shoved myself up and ran to the bathroom crying, the laughter following me. I shoved a stall door open and sat down with my head in my hands, sniffling.

You deserve this,Sunset. It’s only fair they get revenge on me after all I did to them, I told myself. Doesn’t hurt any less though. I finally was able to wipe some of the powder off when a faint knock on the door got my attention.

“Uhm hello?” A voice mumbled outside the stall. “Are you okay in there, Sunset?” I didn’t recognize the voice so I was instantly on alert. Might be someone else interested in hurting me.

“Go away. I don’t know who you are but I’m fine,” I sounded miserable even to me. I shouldn’t even be here in this miserable cruel world. Wish I was back home, even for a second. I miss my tail. I miss my warm coat and most of all, I miss my magic. Stupid portal being closed for another thirty moons. Can’t even go home if I wanted to. Not like Twilight or Celestia would allow me back after what I did. They’d probably have me executed for what I did.

“Open up Sunset,” the voice ordered. Who the hell was this girl thinking she was? When somepony, sorry somebody. When somebody says go away, it typically means GO AWAY. After Twilight came here, I relapsed once again into saying pony. At least Mom found it funny in a good way and didn’t make fun of me like I thought she would when she found out her adopted daughter was a magical pony and not even a human. I sighed and stood up, opening the door. A grey girl with blonde hair and slightly messed up eyes stood outside the door with a nervous expression. Her eyes went wide when she saw my face.

“Oh my gosh,” the grey girl covered her mouth. “Are you okay?”

“Just peachy,” I grumbled and she flinched. I instantly realized I accidentally used my old angry tone. “Sorry about that. Just frustrated is all.”

“It’s okay. Come to the sink and I’ll wash your face,” she instructed. I stared at her as she waited for me at the sink. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to help you.”

“Why? I don’t even know you. Shouldn’t you hate me like everyone else does?” I asked suspiciously and on edge as I stepped forward cautiously to the sink.

“First off, I don’t have the ability to hate anyone. And secondly, my name is Derpy,” she turned the sink on and got a paper towel wet. “Sure, I was a bit mad when you sabotaged my friends and I chances to become Fall Formal Princess that one year but I don’t hate you.” I stood still as she wiped some of the dried powder off my face.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. I didn’t really deserve any form of kindness after everything. “Especially if I sabotaged you. Who are your friends?” Derpy chuckled and held up a hand as she got another paper towel wet.

“I can only answer so many questions at once. One at a time please. First question is easy to answer. I want to help you because you need it obviously. Simple as that. And my friends are Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl and Octavia.” I was a bit nervous now. Me and Octavia didn’t really get along. We had a competitive relationship in school, both trying to be the best.

“Sorry for so many questions,” I shrank down a bit. “It won’t happen again. Just curious is all. Sorry for being annoying.” Derpy rolled her eyes and groaned.

“You’re not being annoying. Just slow down the questions please. Hard for keep up,” Derpy growled in frustration as she wiped my face. I hope she was growling because she was having trouble cleaning my face and not at me. “Who did this to you, anyway?”

“Trixie did after I bumped into her accidently,” I admitted. “It’s fine.”

“Fine? It’s not fine! This is assault. You could press charges. At least tell someone,” Derpy exclaimed.

“No! I’m not pressing charges and I’m not telling a soul. I deserve this treatment,” I grumbled. Hopefully she would leave it at that.

“You don’t deserve this. No one does deserve abuse,” Derpy chided. “It’s wrong.”

“And so is what I did. It doesn’t matter,” I groaned, rubbing my hair.

“It does. What are you gonna say if any teachers or the principals ask you about it?” Derpy pointed out and I froze. I hadn’t thought about that at all. Mom was certainly going to have questions and ask me till I gave her an answer.

“I figure it out,” I stepped out of the bathroom. “Uh thanks Derpy for the help.”

“My pleasure,” We started walking to our classes. “What class are you going to now?”

“Uh Mo- Miss Cheerilee’s,” I admitted with a sheepish smile. Almost let it slip she was my mom. Not that either of us were embarrassed by it. I just didn’t want her getting harassed by the students.

“I have her first hour. I’ll walk with you,” Derpy smiled as she opened the door. At least this was a smallish school and I could get to everything quickly.

“You two are late,” Mom announced. “Where were you?” Me and Derpy looked at each other hesitantly.

“Bathroom,” I whispered. Mom finally looked up from her computer and did a double take when she saw my puffy eyes. Her eyes narrowed and stared at me.

“Sunset, what happened to you face?” She asked with a hint of anger in her voice. A few students laughed and Mom focused her glare on them instead of me and they instantly quieted down and started working.

“Nothing. I uh got soap in them,” I lied. I tried to ignore Derpy’s disapproving look. Based on Mom’s expression, she knew I was lying and didn’t believe me at all. I forced a smile on my face and hoped it seemed genuine. Mom let out a long sigh.

“Fine I won’t push it right now. But you’ll tell me what happened later after school.”

Author's Note:

Fun fact, a character either says the title or the story or thinks it in all my recent stories.