• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,415 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter IV

“Are ya alright sugarcube?” Applejack asked me. I flinched and looked up. I really didn’t feel comfortable around her or her friends. It’s like they view me as a chore and not an actual friend. Hell, they rarely invite me places. I get I was a bitch and all but I don’t know. Shouldn’t they kinda put an effort forth to even get to know me?

“Yeah why?” I forced out as I sipped my water. I’ve been drinking so much water recently than pop, it’s insane. I used to drink at least four or five pops a day. And now I only drink two. One in the morning and one at dinner.

“You’re being kinda quiet,” Rainbow admitted. “It’s weird.” I gave her a subtle glare and rolled my eyes.

“I’m always quiet. I’m fine though dont worry,” I lied. I always lied to them about myself. Not like they cared anyway. Most of the time our interactions are awkward at best. “It’s loud in this lunchroom.”

“It’s always loud in here,” Fluttershy whispered so quiet that I had to lean a bit to her in order to hear what she said. “Hurts my head.”

“It’s awesome!” Pinkie shouted and I cringed a bit. She was the definition of uncontrollable energy. I swear her blood isn’t actually blood, it’s energy drinks and pop along with cupcakes coursing through her veins. A small dark part of me wants to see what she would be like on drugs. I don’t really know what drugs this world has to be honest. I stayed away from all of that thankfully.

“Derpy is waving at you by the way,” Rainbow nodded her head in the direction of where Derpy was sitting. Lyra, Bon Bon. Vinyl and Octavia were sitting with her eating their own lunches. I glanced over and made eye contact with Derpy and Octavia gave me a faint glare. “Why is that?”

“We are friends,” I explained as I waved back eagerly. I was looking forward to the school day ending, she was coming back over to spend the night after we had a good time hanging out last week. I was really grateful she didn’t tell anyone about me and Cheerilee’s relationship. That sounded kinda bad and misleading in my head now that I think about it. If I tell anyone else, I’m definitely not telling the others that way. I’ll have to come up with a way less creepy way of saying she’s my mother. The others at my table looked at each other curiously.

“When did that happen?” Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Last week. Why?” I asked absentmindedly as I went back to my salad.

“Just didn’t think you talked to anyone except us,” Rarity admitted as I made eye contact with Mom sitting at a table. It was her turn for lunch room duty but I overheard she was going to be doing it for the rest of the year. I had a sneaking suspicion I might be the cause of her volunteering for it. I gave a sigh.

“I was awful,” I grumbled.

“You were a bitch,” Rainbow agreed. Fluttershy let out an eep and Rarity glared at her.

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack elbowed her.

“What? She was! The key word is was! Not anymore!” Rainbow explained as she rubbed her side. “I’m getting you back for that.”

“She’s right. I was a bitch to everyone,” I agreed sullenly. I recoiled as a blob of potato salad was launched and landed on my shirt.

“Gawd damn it. Ah worked mah ass off on that to be eaten, not launched like a missile!” Applejack fumed.

“Lovely,” I grumbled and stood up. Hopefully I can get to the bathroom and clean it off. More importantly, hopefully the bathroom is empty. “Take care of my tray please.” At one point in my life, the word please would be completely foreign to me. I started walking away and Micro Chips stuck out his leg. I faceplanted and let out a groan as a bunch of people laughed. I gave another faint groan as I pushed my self up and Mom was speed walking over to us and I gulped. I’ve never seen her with that angry expression before. Kinda scary to be honest. I hope I never have to see it again.

“Get up now and go to the office, Micro Chips. I saw all of that. Don’t make me drag you there,” Mom snapped. For a flicker of a second, I felt bad for him. I would hate to be on the receiving end of Cheerilee’s anger. That quickly went away as I darted to the bathroom. Thankfully it was empty. I've been getting lucky with that surprisingly. I stared into my reflections eyes.

“Fuck that hurt,” I grumbled as I reached for a paper towel.

“Want some help?” Derpy asked and I yelped in surprise, jumping a bit. I didn’t even hear her coming in the bathroom. That girl is scarily stealthy when she wants to be.

“Uh sure,” I admitted as I turned around. I raised an eyebrow when I saw Lyra with her. “What does she want?” I immediately got tense in case I had to fight my way out. Derpy rolled her eyes as she wiped my shirt off with a towel.

“She thinks you still have anger issues so she came with to watch I guess,” Derpy grumbled. “I told her to stay but she can be annoyingly stubborn.”

“Determined not stubborn,” Lyra spoke up as she watched with her arms folded across her chest. Derpy let out a long drawn out sigh.

“Stubborn,” Derpy pointed out. Lyra rolled her own eyes and stuck her tongue out at Derpy. “Alright done.”

“Is she okay?” Mom stepped into the bathroom and gave a nervous cough when she saw Lyra. “Hello Lyra.”

“Miss Cheerilee,” Lyra gave a faint nod her way. “Hello.”

“Is Sunset okay?” Cheerilee focused on Derpy.

“Yeah. Just got done cleaning up her shirt and she has no injuries from her fall,” Derpy said distastefully. “Still mad at him for tripping her by the way.”

“Yeah that was a tad uncalled for,” Lyra admitted. I stared at her in shock. “What?”

“Nothing. Just never expected you to come to my defense.” Lyra rolled her eyes once again. I thought only Mom and I rolled our eyes more than once in a row. Apparently not.

“I’m a walking surprise,” Lyra smirked.

“You’re a walking something,” Derpy grumbled with a grin. “Is it still okay for me to sleep over tonight?”

“What sleepover?” Lyra asked curiously as she looked between the three of us. I had kinda forgotten she knew I lived with Cheerilee but she didn’t know the rest. Thankfully she kept it quiet. I was a bit hesitant when I found out she knew where I lived, Lyra was a bit of a loud mouth sometimes.

“Me and Sunset are having a sleep over at her house,” Derpy said. “Uh did you want her to know that?” I gave a shrug.

“I don’t care if she knows.”

“Can I come too?” Lyra asked hopefully, looking at me and Cheerilee. Now that I wasn’t expecting.

“Uh I’m not sure. This was supposed to be between just me and Sunset,” Derpy said. Lyra’s face fell slightly to my confusion. Why the hell would she be sad about this? Doesn’t she hate me like the rest of the school? Hell, I hate me. “But if she and Miss Cheerilee says it’s fine, then I’m okay with it.” Derpy smiled at me. I didn’t want to risk hurting Derpy’s feelings. And I could at least have something to do. It would give me something to talk about if the Rainbooms asked me about it at next Friday’s meet up at Sugarcube Corner. If I got lucky, I could convince Derpy to come with so I could have at least one person who wanted me there I could talk to.

“Yeah it’s fine with me.”


“Wow this is a nice house,” Lyra said after she sat down on my floor. She had spent about a half hour exploring. It wasn’t that big, I don’t know what she had been doing that took thirty minutes. I’ve been around Rainbow Dash too much, I could make a dirty joke out of that.

“It’s pretty nice,” Derpy agreed. “I was very surprised when I came here last week.”

“This isn’t the first sleepover?” Lyra asked curiously. We both shook our heads smirking.

“Nah. Last week was our first one. I’m surprised it went well,” I admitted. I had expected it to go way worse in all honesty. I half expected Derpy to change her mind about being friends and leave in the middle. That never happened. She stayed the whole time and even a little into the next day. Why, I don’t know. I’m not that good of company.

“Why do you think that?” Derpy stared at me while Lyra’s eyes scanned the room. I don’t even know what she was looking for to be honest. Maybe something to use against me in school to make me look even worse.

“I’m honestly not sure. Just how I feel,” I admitted. “I’m not that good of company.”

“Better than Lyra,” Derpy grinned. My jaw slightly dropped. I wasn’t expecting her to be mean randomly like that.

“I’m right here ya idiot,” Lyra grumbled and I stared at her with wide eyes.


“Obsessed muffin freak.”

“Obsessed freak with a harp on a necklace.”

“It’s a lyre!” I quickly clapped my hands together and the two stared at me.

“Why are you arguing?” I questioned. Lyra and Derpy looked at each other and burst out laughing much to my confusion.

“We’re not actually arguing,” Derpy admitted with a smile.

“It’s how we play around somedays. We both know we’re joking and don’t take any offense. Sometimes friends playfully insult each other,” Lyra agreed. “Me and Bon Bon do it all the time.”

“Friends really do all that?” I’ve seen Applejack and Rainbow go back and forth sometimes. Same with Rarity and Applejack but it seemed real. Maybe I was missing something.

“Of course. Try it!” Derpy encouraged. I looked between them unconvinced before sighing. Might as well give it a try.

“Hey Derpy. Your uh skirt is messed up,” I said and smiled. “How was that? Was that good?” Lyra and Derpy looked at each before Lyra gave a chuckle.

“Not quite. It was a good attempt though.” I gave a sigh and flopped backwards.

“Sorry for messing up your guys fun,” I mumbled. “Carry on.” Derpy gave a long groan that I was honestly surprised she could keep up.

“You didn’t interrupt or mess anything up. Sit up and let’s talk for a bit,” Derpy chided. “Also we can see up your skirt.” I hastily smoothed my skirt and shot up, blushing. Lyra gave a snort of laughter.

“Got ya. Prwank!” Lyra snickered and I rolled my eyes.

“Prwank?” I raised an eyebrow and Derpy gave a frustrated sigh.

“Lyra heard it on YouTube and it’s how she’s been saying prank recently. She’s been doing this for about four or five months now,” Derpy explained. “It’s very..... Interesting to say the least.”

“It’s my new favorite word!” Lyra exclaimed as she stood up and stepped to a poster. “You like Aerosmith?” She sounded surprised at that.

“Uhm yes,” I admitted. “Yes I do. Why?” Lyra turned around and stared at me intensely.

“Favorite song?”

“Now you’ve gone and done it,” Derpy whispered and dodged a pillow with surprising agility that I didn’t expect from her.

“Uh rag doll, love in an elevator, dream on, livin on the edge, janies got a gun and I don’t wanna miss a thing. Why?” I asked again. Lyra beamed at me and I raised an eyebrow.

“I love Aerosmith! Janies got a gun is the best one,” Lyra grinned. I didn’t expect this from the girl who played the lyre and liked classical music. I suppose Aerosmith could be considered classic rock but still. Not something I’d see her listening to.

“Uh don’t you play the lyre?” I pointed out.

“Yeah, and?” Lyra raised her own eyebrow.

“Didn’t think rock was something you liked,” I answered. “Doesn’t seem like it would go with your personality.”

“I didn’t think you would like Metallica but you do,” Lyra pointed at my Metallica poster.

“Point taken.” Lyra sat back down.

“So. What’s your world like?” She suddenly asked eagerly.

“Uh good? Pretty cool. I haven’t been there in years,” I admitted.

“Ever miss home?” Derpy asked quietly. I gave a quick nod.

“I really miss my tail. And my magic. My warm coat was amazing. And don’t get me started on the hayburgers and hayfries,” I grinned at the memory.

“Uhm what?” Lyra raised an eyebrow. “The hell is a hayburger?”

“In Equestria, I’m a unicorn pony. We don’t eat meat so we make our food from hay. I also like flowers. Daisies are my favorite,” I explained. The two looked confused.

“Interesting,” Derpy mused. “I’m friends with a horse.” I gave her a dirty look and narrowed my eyes.

“Excuse me? What did you just call me?” I demanded.

“Uh a horse?” Derpy edged away closer to Lyra.

“Don’t call me that. It’s Equestria’s equivalent of whore. I’m a pony.” Derpy and Lyra’s eyes went wide.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call you a whore,” Derpy mumbled. I sighed and took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry for scaring you. It’s okay. Just uh please don’t call me it again.”

“So uh what do you do in your free time?” Lyra asked quickly in an attempt to change the topic. I gave a shrug.

“I read. I draw. I sleep. Watch TV. Eat. Do homework,” I answered quickly. I had already recited my answers.

“Ooh. What do you read?” Derpy eagerly asked and I pointed to my math and history book. “You read our school books?”

“Mhm. I read actual books too. Mainly fiction and science. Action is good too,” I replied.

“How do you even read a math book?” Lyra demanded. I opened the book and a bunch of sheets of paper with numbers and solved problems tumbled out.

“I read the questions and answer them. That way when we get to the page in class, I’m already ahead. And my weekend is free to do nothing,” I sighed. “Why are you even talking to me? Don’t you hate me like everyone else?” Lyra gave a sigh and a serious expression formed on her face.

“I saw this coming. To be honest, I don’t know. I’m mainly looking out for Derpy in case you get angry with her but she wants us to get to know you. You never really did anything to me or Bonnie except sabotaging me at the Fall Formal once. Granted there was the time you sabotaged the bake sale Bon Bon and Pinkie had going on but meh. Mainly I want to see if you truly changed as well,” Lyra focused on me intensely. “So far, I like what I see and believe you regret what happened. Me and Derpy are the easiest to convince. Octavia won’t be the same. She’s annoyingly stubborn in her ways. I also know you’re depressed because of the medicine bottles on your nightstand. Depression is a bitch, I know.”

“I’m trying but everyone hates me. I hate me. I don’t deserve friends or forgiveness,” I sighed. “I was a cruel bitch to all of you.” Derpy gave me a disapproving frown.

“You shouldn’t call yourself that,” she chided. “You’re a better person now. If the others can’t see it, screw them.” Lyra slowly nodded in agreement.

“I’m with Derps on this one. Fuck the others opinions. If Derpy says you’re okay, the whole school should believe her. She’s practically the definition of wholesomeness. I trust her. It’s gonna be a bit weird for a bit saying I trust Sunset Shimmer but I do,” Lyra abandoned her serious expression and gave me a warm smile.

“Pizzas here girls! Come and get it!” Mom shouted up the stairs.

“I’ll meet you two downstairs if you want to keep talking,” Derpy announced and stood up. She had been quietly watching and listening to our interaction this whole time. Lyra gave a nod as our blonde haired friend stepped out of the room. We sat quietly in the room for a few moments.

“Anything else you want to know? I’m kinda starving,” Lyra admitted.

“What does this make us? I’m not the greatest at reading people.” Lyra rubbed her chin and stared at my Hollywood Undead poster.

“We can be whatever you want us to be.”

“That could be taken in a very confusing way if anyone overheard it,” I gave one of my rare smiles. Lyra gave a chuckle and patted my shoulder. I relaxed after I was certain she wasn’t going to hit me.

“Me and you are going to get along great.”

Author's Note:

Got some Rainbooms in this chapter since people asked about them. And we got some Lyra :pinkiehappy: everyone loves some Lyra. Also, longest chapter yet! Enjoy and have a good night!