• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 440 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Ranger: Ninja Steel - Chacorn

A team of power rangers regain their powers In order to save another world together with...Ponies?

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Chapter 11: The Power of Fusion and an Unexpected Friend

Ripcon's boss had grown impatient and called Ripcon in to scold him. Ripcon had just arrived and was annoyed at being summoned.

"Ripcon, You have gone behind my back and ordered Dreadwolf to attack without my approval" said Ripcon's boss with a lot of anger in his voice. "And not only that, You unleashed two Skullgators. If I need to remind you, you work for me. So if you don't want to be wiped out, I recommend you don't do it again" he said a Ripcon yelled back.

"I've had enough of you and all your orders" Ripcon said and his boss stood up, not expecting to hear Ripcon yell. "You act so high and mighty but you're weak, You're too scared to face the rangers but I'm not" Ripcon said and snapped his fingers. As he did so a new creature came into the room It had big furry arms, Big horns and dark green legs.

When Ripcon's boss saw it, he cried in shock. "Ripcon, What am I looking at?" He said and Ripcon replied with a grin on his face saying "This is Calmerior. A monster combined from pieces of BashHorn, Magilection and Dreadwolf. With this monster by my side I will defeat the Power Rangers and take all their Ninja Power Stars myself".

But when Ripcon's boss heard it, he smiled evilly. "Ha, Do you think you can defeat the rangers with a monster combined from failed monsters. Pathetic" he said.

"I could unleash Calmerior on you to show his strength. but I want you to see me with the power stars so you can bow before me" Ripcon said, getting ready to teleport himself and his monster away.

"Goodbye, Ex Champ" he said and the two teleported away leaving Ripcon now the Ex boss alone. "You will regret your choice" he said, getting ready for his next move.

Later in Ponyville

Applejack had just taken a break from her chores at her family farm. Although she loves working on the farm, she needs to take a break sometime. "Phew, it's really hot today," she said, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

But when she took a deep breath, she heard something. She listened and heard someone playing the guitar nearby. She decided to look for who was playing.

The closer she got, the more obvious it became. Whoever played the music also sang. After a while she came to a clearing. There was nothing there but a log and Levi sitting on it with a guitar in his hand.

She decided to walk over and greeted with a "Howdy there". When Levi heard that he turned to see Applejack standing there.

"Oh, Hey Applejack, what are you doing here" he asked with a smile. "I could ask you the same thing, sugarcube. You happen to have a concert in the middle of my family's farm" Applejack said.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I was looking for a quiet place to play some guitar." Levi explained, holding up the guitar. "It's okay sugarcube. What are you playing?" she asked, sitting down next to him.

"It's a song my dad wrote for me and Brody." Levi said but looked down at the ground afterwards. "It was after our mother…" he didn't finish the sentence but Applejack understood what he meant.

"Sorry to hear that sugarcube, I understand how you feel" she said and that made Levi look up. "Do you?" He said and Applejack nodded. "I lost both my parents, I miss them so much." she said but lifted her hood.

"But I have my siblings Applebloom and Big Mac, Granny Smith and my friends. As long as I have them, I have a lot of family" she said and that made Levi smile.

"That sounds right, Our dad wrote this song to remind us that even though our mom wasn't with us, we were still family" Levi said and that made Applejack happy. "Do you want to hear it?" Levi asked her and she said "Sure" and then Levi started playing

Brody was on a walk in town. He felt in need of a quiet moment with all that was happening. But when he did, he was attacked and the explosion sent everyone around running away.

When Brody came up, he saw Ripcon a little way from him. "Ripcon" Brody said, glaring at him. "Today is finally the day I will end you Rat Bait" he said, drawing his swords.

Brody raised his com and contacted the other. "Guys, Ripcon is here. I might need some help" he said but Ripcon just laughed. "Sorry but your friends will be out of the battle" he said rushing towards Brody with swords at the ready.

"Ninja Spin!" Brody said, morphing and rushing towards Ripcon. It started to fight but the other rangers, the Main 6 and Starlight quickly arrived to help Brody.

"Don't worry Bro we're here" Levi said running forward. "I won't allow that, Calmerior" He shouted and then the monster and a squad of Basherbots teleported between Brody and the other.

"What in Tarnation" said Applejack as she saw the monster in front of them. "It's like all the monsters you've fought here in Equestria have combined into one monster" Twilight said.

"It's going to take a bigger threat than a stitched up monster" Sarah said and then Levi took a step forward. "It's Morphin' Time! Power Star" Levi said, holding out their Star. "Lock In!" All five said, locking their stars into their Morphers. "Ready! Ninja Spin!" everyone said, morphing into their ranger forms.

"Ninja Rangers, Fear No Danger" shouted all five and then the five rangers, the Main 6 and Starlight rushed and started fighting all the Basherbots and Calmerior.

In the battle between Brody and Ripcon, it was very even. Brody tried to jump out of the way to attack from another angle but Ripcon followed him and prevented Brody from getting a breather.

"Like I said Rat Bait. it's over for you" Ripcon said but Brody pushed back saying "Your mine doesn't seem that sharp because you must have forgotten that you've already lost several times".

"Today will be different" said Ripcon and continued to attack. At the same time with the other they managed to defeat the Basherbots but when it came to Calmerior it was a different story.

The Rangers tried to attack him but he punched the ground and created a shock wave that knocked them back. Starlight and Twilight tried to use their magic but he created a mirror shield.

Ripcon looked at how the rangers and ponies struggled and said "Calmerior, enough games. Some of them all of your power". Calmerior turned to Ripcon and said "Yes Master" and turned back.

Calmerior charged up an attack and created a dark red, a dark blue and a dark green sphere and combined them. "Bye bye. Fusion Beam" he shouted and fired a strong beam. Preston took out his Element Star and placed it in his sword, twisting it so the blue tip was sticking up.

"Element Star: Ninja Water Attack" he shouted creating a watery shield but the attacks still came through and knocked them all down and made Preston drop his sword.

When Brody saw his friends down, he got scared. "GUYS" he yelled. "It's over Rat Bait" Ripcon said, walking towards Brody. Brody didn't know how it was going to win. It seemed hopeless.

But then Brody heard something that sounded like a motorcycle. It came closer and he also heard screams. As Ripcon got close, Brody saw what it was. It was a Mega Morph Cycle and the driver was "Mick?" he said as Mick approached.

"AAh, This is the scariest thing I've ever done" Mick screamed in panic. When he was near Ripcon he shouted "Mega Morph Cycle, Plasma Blast" And then a plasma shot was fired from the cycle.

"What" Ripcon said before he was hit and then Mick flew past him and stopped by Brody. "I never want to do that again" he said and stepped off. Brody rushed up to Mick and asked "Mick, How did you get here?".

"Don't have time, you have to help the others. here, take this" he said handing Brody the Ninja Fusion Star.

Brody looked at the star and then at Mick. "Thanks Mick, get to safety" he said and ran to the other.

When he reached the second, he stood between his friends and Calmerior. "Stop, I won't let you hurt my friends" he said strongly.

But Calmerior just looked at him and said "What do you think you can do about it. You're only a Ranger and I have the power of three monsters." Brody didn't react saying "The power of three monsters is no match for the power of six rangers" and held out the fusion star.

When the other looked up and saw the star, the rangers were surprised. Brody then picked up Preston's sword from the ground and said "Time for you to face all our powers in one".

Calmerior started charging up his attack again while Brody placed the Fusion Star in his sword and pressed the blue button on his own sword so it started to glow red and blue respectively.

"Ninja Fusion Fury, Final attack" Brody said, spinning the star. "Fusion Beam" Calmerior called out and fired the beam. But when he did, three more swords appeared that glowed yellow, white, and pink. As the beam got closer, the three swords blocked the attack and Brody sent them straight at Calmerior. The swords landed on the ground like a triangle around him and they trapped him so he couldn't get away. Once he was pinned, Brody ran forward and began stabbing him multiple times with all five swords. Holding only one sword, he raised it above his head and shouted "Fusion Blades, Combine" and then all five swords combined and then Brody delivered the final cut and then Calmerior exploded.

"Wooho, that was epic" Brody shouted and the other walked up to him. "That Was so Awesome" Rainbow Dash shouted and the other agreed. "Nice there bro." Levi said, patting Brody on the back. After a while Mick rushed to the other and said "That was fantastic".

With that, everyone turned and everyone but Brody was shocked. The ponies to see a new human and the rangers to see Mick. "Mick?" Calvin said and then the rangers walked up to their friend who said "Hi everyone".

"Mick, how can you be here" Sarah asked and Mick took out something more. "Ah, it was thanks to this," he said, showing off a dimensional transporter. The rangers were impressed that Mick had one but the ponies were very confused. Finally Twilight asked "Um, what's that?"

But before anyone could answer, Ripcon stepped forward. "You're going to regret that shape shifter" he said and Mick yelled back and backed away. Ripcon took out his Gigantifier and pressed the blue button. "GIANTIFY" he shouted, magnifying Calmerior.

"Calmerior, level the whole town" Ripcon shouted and teleported away. "Time to demolish everything" Calmerior growled.

When the rangers saw it, it brought out their Zord Stars. "Zord Stars, Lock In!" All the rangers said placing their stars in their swords. "Activate" everyone said and activated them. "Ninja Spin!" shouted everyone, spinning the stars.

With that came the seven Zrods and then they combined the two Megazords and then they activated their Ninja Super Steel Mode.

"Come on, show me what you got," Calmerior said mockingly. With that the Megazords came forward and attacked but Calmerior blocked everything and attacked with his sharp claws.

The Megazords were pushed back and Calmerior laughed. "HA this is too easy, it seems it was just a fluke before" Calmerior said.

The rangers came up again and then the Ninja Steel Megazord rushed forward with the sword held high. "Ninja Steel Megazord, Master Slash" the five rangers shouted and launched an attack but Calmerior put up a guard and blocked the attack.

"Huh, our attack didn't do anything, Levi you try" Preston said and the Bull Rider Megazord got ready for an attack. "Bull Rider Megazord, Rodeo Rapid Fire" he said and fired a flurry of shots but the shield blocked it as well. "What, Nothing works" Levi said in disbelief.

"Time to finish you off, Fusion Wave" Calmerior said, sweeping his arms and unleashing an energy wave that knocked both Megazords down. "Time to demolish all of you" Calmerior said, moving closer.

At the same time, the Main 6, Starlight and Mick looked on with worried looks. "The Rangers are in trouble" Starlight said. "We have to do something" Rainbow said but no one showed what it could do. "If only it could use that fusion star but big" Pinkie said and that made Mick light up.

"Yeah, That's it," Mick said, catching the ponies' attention. Mick then contacted the rangers via his Ninjacom. "Guys, you have to combine your Megazords" he said, getting more of the ponies' attention.

“Oh of course, good idea Mick" Brody said and took out the fusion star.

"Um, Pardon me, but what do you mean by combining the Megazords?" Applejack asked, confused. "Oh trust me, you will love it." Mich said, looking expectantly at the Megazords.

Brody held out the fusion star and said "Ninja Fusion Zord, combine!" and so he placed the star in the Master Blade. "Ninja Spin!" he said, spinning the star. When he did, both Megazords glowed and it blinded Mick, The Main 6, Starlight, and Calmerior. With the light, the two Megazords combined into one large Megazord.

"Ninja Fusion Zord, ready!" Brody said once the combination was complete. When the others saw the Ninja Fusion Zord, they were shocked. "Okay, You were right. I love it" Rainbow said to Mick in a squeal of excitement.

"It doesn't matter if you combine, you are doomed" said Calmerior and started rushing forward clawing at them but it had no effect. "Huh, did I forget to sharpen them or something" he said as the Fusion Zord raised his sword and slashed at him.

The Fusion Zord continued to attack as Calmerior tried to block but the attack was too fast. When he managed to get distance, he tried to set up a cover. But when the rangers attacked it, it shattered.

As it happened, the rangers' friends cheered them on. "Alright team, Time to wrap it up" Brody said and then everyone got ready. "Begin Final Attack, Ninja Spin!" Brody said and spun the star and got the Ninja Super Steel Blaster. "Ninja Super Steel Blaster, Energize!" he shouted, pointing it forward.

While that was happening, the Fusion Zord charged up a huge amount of energy into the sword. "Ninja Fusion Zord Master Slash, Final Attack" all the rangers shouted and while Brody fired the blaster, the other rangers slashed first straight down and then from left to right. As they did so, the Fusion Zord slashed first straight down and sent out a gold energy slash and then from left to right with a blue energy slash.

Calmerior tried to block but it was too powerful and so Calmerior began to explode. "AAH, I'M SPLIT FOREVER" He screamed before exploding. Everyone started cheering and Brody said "Show over, Ninjas win".

When the rangers had defeated Calmerior, it ran to its friends and powered down. "Alright let's try the introduction again" Brody said and everyone held their nerve and Brody turned to the ponies.

"Girls meet our good friend Mick" Brody said, holding his hand out to Mick. Then he turned to Mick and said "Mick, this is Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer."

"Nice to meet you" Mick said with a wave. "It's nice to meet you Mick" Twilight said and then the others greeted as well. "If it's not a problem. How could you get here?" Twilight asked but Mick waved his hand and said "It's no problem Miss Sparkle".

"Please call me Twilight" Twilight said and then Mick nodded. "Well, after Levi was sent here we were trying to figure out a way to get you guys home. So me, Redbot and Dane went to get Billy's help" Mick explained and all the rangers were stunned at the name.

"Billy, as in Billy Cranston, the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger" Sarah called out and Mick nodded. When Twilight heard about a new ranger she knew she would ask about it. "Anyway, When we told us what happened he pulled out a Transportal Device and managed to lock in the coordinates to Equestria" Mick explained and everyone was impressed.

"That's awesome" Twilight said happily but Mick said "Well, Not so awesome. When using the Transportal Device to travel between Ranger dimensions it destabilizes the Morphin' Grid a bit. But since Equestria's energy fields are different compared to the Morphin' Grids, it takes more energy to open a portal" Mick explained and Rainbow raised her hoof.

"And that means?" she asked and Twilight said "That means using that device to travel between Earth and Equestria can't be done multiple times" and Mick nodded at what Twilight said.

"Since the device can't be used multiple times, we'll have to wait until your mission here is done before we go home," Mick said, turning to the rangers.

"It's okay" Brody said, stepping forward. "We had already decided to stay here until we defeat Ripcon and that's what we're going to do" he said and the other rangers agreed.

While the heroes were talking, Ripcon had prepared a new weapon that would finish off the rangers.