• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 436 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Ranger: Ninja Steel - Chacorn

A team of power rangers regain their powers In order to save another world together with...Ponies?

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Chapter 3: a Morphenomenal guest in town

A bit earlier

Brody has just arrived at the quiet little village and quickly noticed that it was unusually quiet. No one was out in the colorful village although there still seemed to be someone here based on a lighted lantern.

"Where can everyone be?" Brody asked himself and began to think.

"Perhaps someone is in the castle" He said and continued walking into the village.

"BOOM" it sounded and Brody saw a large explosion, while rumbling footsteps came rushing towards him. No, not footsteps. It sounded like a lot of running horses.

But then Brody saw what was coming at him and was instantly shocked. heading towards him several multicolored ponies came running in panic. Some passed him without noticing him, but others saw him and were frightened again.

One of them saw him and couldn't help himself to scream. "AHH, A New Monster". after he yelled that, everyone got scared of Brody and ran away from him.

"Wait, I'm not a monster" Brody said in a futile attempt to calm all the ponies down. "Wait, New Monster?" Brody asked himself when he understood exactly what the pony was yelling.

Then got to see what it was that all the ponies were running away from. It turned out to be a squad of Basherbots and it attacked the village and all the ponies.

Brody saw all the destruction and decided to put a stop to it. He ran towards all the Basherbots and all the ponies that had fled started to turn their heads or hide to see what was going on.

"Hey" Brody yelled out to get the Basherbot's attention. "I will give you one chance to surrender." Brody said forcefully.

All the Basherbots turned towards him with their swords ready to attack.

"Suit yourself" Brody said and took out his Power Star and his Morpher.

"It's Morphin' Time! Power Star" he said as he held out his Star. "Lock In!" he said, placing the Star in the Morpher. "Ready!" he said before reaching up to spin the star. "Ninja Spin!" and then he spun his Star and the Morph sequence began.

After the star came out of the Morpher, it spun around Brody and shaped his suit. The last step was when the star shaped his helmet and the visor slid up.

"Ninja Rangers, Fear No Danger" Brody said, fully dressed in his Ranger Suit.

"Time for some scrapping" Brody said and started running towards all the Basherbots as they rushed towards Brody.

Brody rushed forward and immediately started slashing and kicking all the Basherbots while all the ponies either ran or watched.

A few Basherbots started aiming their blasters at Brody but he blocked them and took out his Morpher which had changed to battle mode and twisted it until two blades came out on each side.

"Ninja Battle Morpher, Bow Mode" he yelled out and placed his star in the center.

"Hyper Arrow Blast" He shouted and fired an energy arrow that then separated into several arrows and knocked down several Basherbots.

"Time for some elemental power" Brody said and took out his Element Star.

"Element Star, Lock in" Brody said and placed the star in his sword and then he turned the star until the red tip was pointing upwards.

"Element Star, Fire Attack. NINJA SPIN" Brody said as he spun the star and slashed at all the Basherbots.

"Final Strike" he yelled and the fire was sent straight at all the Basherbots. When it hit them, they exploded.

All the ponies watching were so surprised and had so many questions about what they had just seen. Who and what was the red warrior, why had he saved them, what were the things attacking Ponyville?

After all the Basherbots have been defeated, Brody heard a familiar voice.

"Double Sword Doom Strike" Said the voice followed by an explosion.

"That Voice, It's not possible" Brody said and looked to where the voice was coming from.

When Brody arrived, he saw Ripcon and several ponies not far from the monster.

"How can Ripcon be here?" Brody asked himself

Just then, Ripcon began charging up another attack. "I have to hurry" Brody said, preparing his own attack and rushing forward.

"Ninja Star Morph, FINAL ATTACK" Brody said, turning into a bigger version of his Power Star and spinning at full speed hitting Ripcon several times, managing to force him back.

Brody landed between Ripcon and the ponies that had been injured. "Your game is over Ripcon"

Back to the present

Twilight and the others were completely confused by what stood before them. They have never seen anything like it and were confused by what he said.

“What in the hay am I looking at?” Applejack asked in confusion

"Don't know, but like the outfit" Said Rainbow

"most fascinating" Rarity said admiring the outfit

"But what is he?" Fluttershy asked a little scared

"I have no idea. But he seems to be on our side" Twilight replied

Back to Brody and Ripcon who were staring intently at each other.

"What are you doing here Ripcon?, how are you even alive? Me and the others have already defeated you" Brody Said

"Ha, As if I'd ever tell you anything Rat Bait, But now that you're here I can finally destroy you along with the rest of this world" Ripcon Said

"That will never happen, Horn Face" Brody said and they both rushed at each other and raised their swords.

"Girls, now that the monster is distracted let's help Starlight and Trixie out of here" Twilight said

Everyone agreed with Twilight helping her injured friends to safety while Brody and Ripcon were busy fighting.

After both had been taken to Ponyville Hospital, The Main 6 rushed back to the Battle to help the Red Warrior. When they arrived, the monster had been forced back.

"Give it up Ripcon. You'll never win" Brody said, But Ripcon pushed the comment away and stood up.

"That's what you think Rat Bait" Ripcon said, placing his katanas on top of each other.

"If that's how you want it" Brody said, taking out the Element Star. "Element Star, Lock in" he said, placing the Star in the sword and turning it until the brown tip was pointing upwards.

"Double Sword Doom Strike" Ripcon yelled out and did his signature move.

"NINJA SPIN, Ninja Earth Attack" Brody said, driving the sword into the ground seconds before the attack hit, creating an explosion.

when it clanged up, there was no sign of Brody anywhere.

Ripcon laughed in triumph. "This was too easy. I thought you'd have more surprises Rat Bait" he said with a smirk.

But then the ground opened up behind him and Brody jumped out with his sword held high. "surprise" Brody said, slashing Ripcon in the back and jumping back to get distance.

The Main 6 were so surprised that they just stood there confused.

"How did he do that" Rainbow asked.

"I saw what happened, but only a little" Twilight said and everyone looked at her.

"Somehow the Red one got the ground to rise in front of him and create a tunnel so fast you didn't notice it was a rock that was hit." Twilight explained while the others were confused by the whole thing.

Ripcon glared at his enemy and stood up. "Now that's enough games. Time to end this" he said but then Ripcon got a call on his communicator.

"Ripcon, come back here now" Said the voice on the other side.

"Not now. I'm just going to finish the Red Ranger" Ripcon protested.

"IT'S AN ORDER, GET BACK HERE NOW" Said the voice angrily

"GRRR, FINE" Ripcon said angrily and turned to Brody. "You are lucky today Rat Bait, but next time you will be destroyed" he said and teleported away.

Brody just stood there and let out a sigh of relief. "I wasn't prepared for that," he said.

The Main 6 approached Bordy to ask about what happened

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked

Brody was a bit confused by a bunch of talking ponies in front of him but he tried to keep his cool. "Um, yeah. I'm fine. How about all of you?" He asked back.

"Oh, we're fine darling, thanks to you" Rarity replied

"It's fine, that's what I do" Brody replied. But then Rainbow Dash flew forward.

"Okay, listen up. You're going to tell us who you are and what you are, now!" She demanded.

"Simmer down, Dash. he just saved our flank" Applejack said, trying to calm her friend down.

"Actually, I would also like to know who you are." Twilight said, turning to Brody. "You can trust us, we just want to help you" she told Brody.

Brody glanced at Twilight and her friends. He knows he can trust them, he could see the honesty in their eyes. "Okay, Power Down'' Brody said, turning back into his normal self. "Hi, My name is Brody Romero'' Brody told me. But The Main 6 were all surprised. Pinkie's mouth was hanging, Fluttershy and Rarity were shocked, Rainbow and Applejack were stunned and Twilight was mostly puzzled.

"You're a human?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Yes, I'm human" Brody replied in a bit of confusion.

"Now wait, Human?" Applejack asked glaring at Twilight. "Do you mean that you became on the other side of the crystal mirror?" She asked.

"Yes but how did you get here?" Twilight asked Brody.

"I'm not entirely sure myself," Brody answered honestly

"Maybe we should take the questions where it's safer," Fluttershy suggested.

"Good idea, we'll go to my home" Twilight said and the other agreed and turned towards the castle and started walking. Brody followed them, deciding that questions about why one of them lives in a castle can wait until later.

Meanwhile in evil lair

Ripcon had just arrived and was walking towards his boss. He was still angry but bowed anyway. His boss checked Ripcon and got up.

"So, the Red Ranger has come to Equestria" he said with irritation.

"What am I going to do about it Boss" Ripcon asked.

"If he's here, the others aren't too far away, We have to Defeat him before the other pests get here and destroy our plans" Said Ripcon's boss with a firm tone.

"Red Ranger, You will be eliminated. I will see to that personally" he said with pure anger.