• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 436 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Ranger: Ninja Steel - Chacorn

A team of power rangers regain their powers In order to save another world together with...Ponies?

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Chapter 4: New friendship between worlds

Ponyville was badly in need of repairs after Ripcon's little visit. Most had already started to build up the town, but in the meantime a lot of rumors about everything jumped out. What kind of monsters attacked, but what they wanted and most of all, who was the red creature?

"I heard he can shoot fire out of his mouth" said a pony. "No, I saw him use a bow and a fire sword," said another.

"I saw when he put on the red suit, it looked so cool" said a foal. "Yeah, it was incredible. I've never seen magic like that" said his friend

While the town was being fixed, Brody had come to Twilight's castle on the outskirts of town. When they had opened the door, there came a little dragon with green spikes on its back. It was Twilight's most faithful assistant and friend Spike.

"Twilight, is everything fine? I saw the explosions in town from here and." Spike stopped when he saw Brody. "Umm Twilight, who is that?" Asked Spike.

Brody looked at Spike and was surprised. "Wow, A dragon. Epic" Brody said in a cheery tone

Twilight looked at Brody and understood what Spike was referring to. "Spike, this is Brody and he's the one who saved us." Twilight explained turning to Brody. "Brody, This is my assistant Spike" Twilight said.

Brody walked over to the dragon and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you Spike." Spike looked at Brody's hand, then at his eyes, then back at his hand. "Nice to meet you too Brody". Spike said taking Brody's hand and shaking it.

When Brody let go, he looked around the castle. "Wow, this castle is incredible. I've never seen anything like it before" Brody said looking at Twilight.

"Thanks. Sometimes I find new rooms I haven't seen before." Twilight said giggling a little. "Let's go to the library and we can answer your questions Brody." Twilight said, starting to head towards the library.

After a quick walk, they arrived at the library. It was really big with bookshelves that rose all the way to the high ceiling. Everyone took a seat and waited for someone to ask something.

"Brody, you can start if you want" Twilight said to get the discussion going.

"Alright, I can start" Brody said a little sheepishly. "Okay, we can start with, where are we?" Brody asked.

"Well, You are in a land called Equestria, it is a land of magic, ponies and many creatures that seem impossible to you, but they are real" Twilight explained.

"Now it's my turn to ask. Who are you and where do you come from?" Rainbow asked.

"Rainbow, take it easy" Applejack told Rainbow

"It's okay" Brody said. "As I said before, my name is Brody Romero and I come from a city called Summer Cove on Earth" Brody explained.

Everyone but Twilight and Spike looked at Brody in confusion

"By the way, I don't think I got your names," Brody said,

"Oops, I almost forgot" Twilight said. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends." she said

"Howdy, my name is Applejack" she said raising her hat

"Hello Darling, the name is Rarity" she said politely

"Names Rainbow Dash, Best flyer around" she said a little cockily

"um, hi. my name is Fluttershy" she said shyly

"And I'm Pinkie Pie! It's so, so, so good to meet you" she said very excitedly.

Brody nodded but then he came up with one more thing he's been wondering about

"By the way, who were those two you were with before? The ones you helped away from Ripcon." Brody asked as he remembered there were two more ponies.

"Oh, it was our friends Starlight and Trixie. They were injured while the monster was distracted so we could get the Element of Harmony" Twilight explained.

Brody thought for a moment but still didn't know what Twilight meant. "Element of Harmony? what is that?" He asked, confused.

Pinkie jumped forward before Twilight answered. "Oh, it's these crystals that represent us." she said quickly before jumping into the air. "Laughter" she said and confetti came out behind her. "Kindness" she said, pointing at Fluttershy. "Honesty" jumps forward towards Applejack. "Generosity" She stood next to Rarity. "Loyalty" Turned on Rainbow Dash. "Magic" and jumped up behind Twilight.

Brody looked at the crystals Pinkie had meant. Twilight had hers in a crown shape while the other had theirs in gold necklaces. But just then, Brody remembers that it was the same crystals that he had seen in the prism.

"Wait, I've seen them before ." Said Brody and it made everyone turn their heads and with surprising expression.

"y-you've seen them before?" Twilight asked

"Yes, I saw them in a vision in the prism" Brody said. Though the other looked at him confused.

"Um, excuse me sugar cube. but what are you talking about?" Applejack asked.

"Okay, this is going to get a little confusing." Brody said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, you see I'm not like every other humans on Earth. I'm actually a warrior called the Power Rangers on Earth, so I'm basically a superhero." Brody explained as everyone else looked at him in more confusion than before. They remained silent until Twilight broke the silence.

"Well, we've made contact with Earth, and me and Spike have been there ourselves, but we haven't heard anything of Power Rangers" she explained and Spike nodded.

"Well, me and my team have been out of action for a couple of months. You see, a couple of months ago, me and my friends defeated an evil sorceress named Odius. She tried to hypnotize all humans into her personal army. But me and my friends used the power of our Power Stars to defeat her. And after we defeated her, we returned our powers to The Nexus Prism before it flew away," Brody explained

"Oh please excuse my intrusion, but what is this Power Star and Prism you keep mentioning?" Rarity asked.

"You see, The Ninja Nexus Prism is a powerful object with mythical powers. Ten years ago, it crashed on Earth and in it was the Ninja Nexus Star. When monsters tried to take it, my father tried to stop them and during the battle, he slashed the Nexus Star to prevent the monsters from getting hold of it and it then turned into six Power Stars, like this one." Brody said, showing his Star.

"Wow, that sounds amazing" Twilight said with great interest.

"Yeah, That sounds awesome" Rainbow Said

"Your father must be a good fighter if he can fight monsters" Appeljack said

"back home he is a skilled Ninja and he taught me and my brother Levi everything we know." Brody said thinking of his family. Everyone smiled but then brody remembers what happened earlier before he disappeared here.

"Anyway, it's been a couple of months since we defeated Odius and I had planned to go on a camping trip with my dad and older brother. But as I was on my way, The Nexus Prism came in front of me and gave me my powers back and my Star. And afterwards the prism showed me a vision and it showed the six Power Stars and these Elements of Harmony." Brody explained as The Main Six looked at him in disbelief.

"Why do you think that happened?" Spike asked with his claw in the air.

"I don't know, but when the prism flew away I was attacked by a bunch of Kudabots. I managed to knock them back but then they disappeared as quickly as they disappeared. And before I knew it I was sent here to Equestria. I saw this town nearby so I thought maybe there was someone here who could help me so I went this way." Brody said.

"Wow, That was a crazy story" Said Pinkie. After a second, Fluttershy raised her hooves

"Um, I have a question. If it's not too much" Fluttershy said with her hood down.

"Not at all, Ask" Brody said with a smile.

"Oh, okay. Who was the scary guy that attacked us?" She asked

"That was Ripcon, a monster me and my team fought a couple of times, But I thought he was gone." Brody explained, scratching his chin. "How can he be here?" He asked himself.

"I don't know how it happened, but I think you're meant to be here." Twilight said to her friend's confusion.

"You said the prism showed a vision with the elements of Harmony and those Power Stars. Right?" She asked Brody. and Brody nodded in response. "Maybe you were sent here because Ripcon had come here." She said and that got Brody thinking. She was right, it seemed like the only logical reason. But it was more than that.

"You're right Twilight, but it's not just me." he said, making everyone look at him. "Prisman showed all the power stars and the Elements of Harmony. That means whatever evil comes, we will fight it together." He said and stood up.

"You're right, We're going to do this together" Twilight said

"Yeah, I'm so on" Rainbow said

"It's going to be so much fun," Pinkie Pie said happily

"Well, I'm in. No monster will destroy my home" Applejack said

"I'm ready to help darling" Rarity said

"Oh, if you're in then I'm in too I guess" Fluttershy said shyly

"I want to help too if I can" Spike said

Brody smiled and looked at his new friends. "This is going to be Epic" he told himself.

Meanwhile on Earth

By this time, all the other rangers except Levi had returned to base. Redbot had told them that Brody had been attacked by the Kudabots and would be coming with Levi soon.

"I thought all the Kudabots were gone. what could this mean?" Sarah asked.

"Don't know. but we have to find out." Hayley said. but before anyone could say anything more the sensors went off.

"What is it?" Calvin asked, turning to Redbot.

"Something or someone has landed outside." Said Redbot at the computer.

"We need to check it out" Sarah said and everyone rushed out to see what it was. When they came out, they saw The Nexus Prism.

"The Nexus Prism? What is it doing here" Preston asked. But before he could get an answer the prism began to spin and then the Blue, Yellow, White and Pink Power Stars flew out and came to their respective rangers. Before it flew away again, it shows the same vision that Brody saw.

"Our Power Stars?, why would Prism return them" Calvin asked.

But before anyone could say anything more, a light came from the sky and swallowed everyone except Redbot. When the light faded, the rangers were gone.

"Oh Suffering Circuits, This Is Not Good" Said Redbot in worry