• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 436 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Ranger: Ninja Steel - Chacorn

A team of power rangers regain their powers In order to save another world together with...Ponies?

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Chapter 9: A Wild West Ranger

Our heroes were having a quiet day in Ponyville when Applejack received a letter from her cousin Braeburn over in Appleloosa. He told her about the attack and that they was saved by a mysterious cowboy. He tells about every attack the cowboy comes, defeats them and leaves. He thinks it would be a good idea if the Rangers came because these are the robots they usually deal with.

When Applejack revealed the letter to everyone, it didn't take long before they decided to invest. Starlight, Trixie and Spike stayed behind because Twilight wanted someone to keep Ponyville safe while it was gone.

After a quick train journey, they arrived at Appleloosa. "Okay y'all, Welcome to Appleloosa" Said Applejack.

"Wow, it feels like we're in the wild west," Hayley said excitedly. The other agreed until Applejack's cousin Braeburn came up to them.

"cousin AJ, Glad you came" he said walking up to Applejack. "No problem Braeburn. You said you needed help, so we'll help" she said, smiling at her cousin.

"So I take it this is the Power Rangers I've heard of. The name is Braeburn, Nice to meet you" Braeburn said looking at the rangers. "Yep we are" Brody said walking over.

"I'm Brody. And this is Preston, Calvin, Hayley and Sarah. Nice to meet you too" Brody said introducing the other. It nodded and Braeburn raised his hat.

It started going through town and Twilight asked "So what can you tell us about the mysterious cowboy?" Braeburn turned to her and said "Not much, we've had three attacks and each time he's popped up. We've never been able to get a clear glimpse of him. When he's done he just leaves. Even if we try to keep him, he vanishes into thin air". Everyone listened to the story with great interest. "The only thing we know for sure is that he walks on two legs, wears a white cowboy hat and has a strange golden weapon." Braeburn said and it got the rangers thinking.

"White cowboy hat" Brody said and Sarah froze and said "Golden weapon" then Calvin said "Doesn't that sound a little familiar" and the other agreed. Braeburn turned and said "Now that I think about it, he looked a bit like you" and pointed at Brody.

Brody and the other looked at each other and knew who it was. "Have you come up with anything?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, It has to be Levi" Sarah said and the other agreed. "Umm, Levi. Who's that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Levi. You mean as in Brody's older brother and the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger" Twilight said and Brody nodded.

"Wow, Wait a minute" Rainbow said with her hooves up and said "Your brother is a Ranger too?" Brody nodded and said "Yeah. and it seems like he's here somewhere, but how are we going to find him?" and began to think.

"Wait. If he's here maybe we can contact him with our Ninjacoms" Sarah suggested. "Good idea Sarah." Brody said. But before he could reach his Ninjacom, they were hit by a shot that knocked them to the ground.

"It's time for new chew bones" A new voice was heard. When the heroes looked up they saw a werewolf-like monster. It has sharp claws, red eyes and silver armor.

"Dreadwolf!" Brody said, seeing the monster. "How can you be here?" he asked.

"Oh, I came here to take care of a pest. But it seems I have eleven other pests to deal with." Dreadwolf said, walking forward.

"Hey, We're not pests you big meanie" Pinkie said waving her hoof. As everyone stood up, Applejack turned to Braeburn. "Cous, Get everyone to safety. We'll deal with the fluffball" she said and Braeburn nodded and said "Okay Stay safe cous".

"Time to play rough" Dreadwolf said and the rangers got ready. "It's Morphin' Time! Power Star" Brody said and all five held out their stars. "Lock In!" All five said, locking their stars into their Morphers. "Ready! Ninja Spin!" Everyone called out and morphed into their ranger forms.

"Ninja Rangers, Fear No Danger" Said all the rangers and then they and the main 6 rushed towards Dreadwolf. "Time for the pack, Basherbot" He shouted and an army of Basherbots teleported in. "Take them" he said and then he rushed and everyone ran forward.

The ponies took on the Basherbots while the rangers went after Dreadwolf. The rangers attacked hard but Dreadwolf managed to hold them back.

"Whatever, it doesn't even scratch my claws" Dreadwolf said mockingly. The rangers were irritated by what Dreadwolf said and became more serious.

"Enough games. ready guys" Brody said and the other replied "Ready". It brought out its Ninja Battle Morphers. "Ninja Battle Morpher, Bow Mode" Hayley and Sarah said. "Ninja Battle Morpher, Blade Mode" Preston and Calvin said. "Ninja Battle Morpher, Claw Mode" Brody said at last.

"Hyper Mode" everyone said, placing their power stars in the middle. "Bring it on" said Dreadwolf, ready for the attacks. "Hyper Arrow Blast" Hayley and Sarah shouted and fired two arrows at Preston and Calvin as Brody jumped into the air. "Hyper Blade Slash" Preston and Calvin shouted and slashed the arrows taking in the energy and sending it up with his own energy at Brody. “Hyper Claw Shred, Final attack” He shouted and combined all of the other's ranged attackers with his own and formed a large energy shuriken aimed straight at Dreadwolf.

But Dreadwolf caught the attack with his claws and smashed it. The rangers watched in shock as the attack did nothing. When the main 6 were done with the Basherbots, they rushed to help the rangers.

"Do you need a hoof?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew in. "You could say that. our attack had no effect" Sarah said.

"Time to scratch you all off" Dreadwolf said, getting ready. He raised his arms around his sides and above his head, as he did so a red full moon appeared behind him. "Full Moon Energy Blast" he shouted and howled as he clawed forward and shot red energy waves.

The rangers and the main 6 tried to block the attack but were quickly knocked back. "Ha, time to finish you all off" Dreadwolf said but Applejack stepped forward and got in the way.

"I ain't going to let you harm my friends" Applejack said standing in front of Dreadwolf. Dreadwolf looked at her and grinned.

"Then you'll be the first" he said, raising his claws. "Applejack, get out of there" Brody called and the other tried to get Applejack to move away but she stood her ground.

But just as Dreadwolf was about to strike, he was shot in the back. "Grr, who was that?" He said angrily and turned and then he saw who attacked him. It was a human with a white cowboy hat, a white t-shirt and he was holding some sort of golden blaster.

"You, what are you doing here" Dreadwolf said when he saw who it was. "Sorry Partner. but this town has no place for wolves." said the cowboy. When Brody and the others saw who it was, they were shocked.

"Levi" Brody called out when he saw his brother. "Don't worry Brody, I'll take care of dog breath" Levi said referring to Dreadwolf. "I'm going to make you a chew toy" Dreadwolf said but Levi didn't react.

"Golden Ninja Power Star!" He said and took out his Gold Power Star and his Morpher. "Lock In!" he said, locking his stars into the Morpher. "Ready! Ninja Spin!" he said, spinning the star.

With that he began to morph into his ranger suit. It was a little different from the other rangers suits. Instead of dark gray arms, they were dark blue, he also had armor over his chest and the helmet looked like a cowboy hat.

"Rhythm of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Gold!" He said holding his Rockstorm Guitar. "Yeehaw! Let's get this party started!" he said and used his guitar and played a rock rift.

"I'm going to take you down" said Dreadwolf and roared at Levi and in turn rushed at Dreadwolf. They clashed with slashes and kicks from both sides.

"I will defeat you with my WOLF CLAWS" said Dreadwolf and fired waves of energy with his claws. Levi managed to block all of them and said "Take this, Rockstorm Blast" and fired several bolts from his sword and it managed to knock back Dreadwolf.

"Time for a real shock" Levi said and grabbed his Storm Star. "Storm Star, Lock In!" he said, placing it in the sword. "Storm Star, Lightning Mode" he said and made the star have lightning on it.

"That won't help you," Dreadwolf said, raising his arms above his head. "Full Moon Energy Blast" he shouted and howled. "Ninja Lightning Attack" Levi shouted and spun the star. He shot a bolt of lightning straight at Dreadwolf and Dreadwolf sent out energy waves.

The lightning came between the waves and formed a cloud over Dreadwolf. While Levi was blocking Dreadwolf's attack, Dreadwolf was struck by lightning right on the head.

"Owi, that hurt" Dreadwolf said with his hands on his head. The Main 6 and the other rangers cheered on Levi and Brody said "Finish him Bro". "There you have it, Storm Star, Tornado Mode" Levi said changing the star so it had a tornado.

Levi pressed a button on the sword and held it like a guitar. "Ninja Spin!" he said, twirling the star. "Ninja Tornado Attack" he said and swung the sword and it created a cyclone that swept Levi and Dreadwolf into the air. "Final attack" Levi said and started stabbing Dreadwolf several times until he was about to explode.

But before that Levi took out his Burger Camera and said "Say Hayburger" and when Dreadwolf came into the picture he said "Hayburger?" before Levi took a picture and then Dreadwolf Exploded.

(Author's note: Did I need to mention the Burgar camera, No. Is it silly, Yes. Did I do it for fun, Absolutely)

"Yeehaw, that's how it goes" Levi said, punching the air. With that, the main 6 and the ranger ran towards Levi. "Levi" Brody said as he got close.

"Brody, It's nice to see some familiar faces" Levi said and high-fived Brody. "So you're Levi Weston. Brody's been telling me so much about you. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you." Twilight said, holding out her hoof.

Levi took the hoof and said "Nice to meet you" with some confusion. When Levi stood up Sarah said "Good to see you're okay. But when did you get here?"

But before Levi could answer, Ripcon had landed on a rock nearby. "Time for a bigger rodeo" he said, aiming the Gigantifier. "Giantify" he said and fired. When it hit, Dreadwolf grew into a giant. "I'M BACK AGAIN" said Dreadwolf as he grew.

"Wow, Looks like it's not over yet" Levi said as he watched the Dreadwolf grow. "We need the Zords" Brody said.

But before they could summon them, the Ninja Nexus Prism flew forward and landed in front of them. "The Prism? Why is it here again" Twilight asked.

Before anyone could answer, Prisman began to spin faster and then it sent out the Bull Rider Zord Star and flew away.

"Yeehaw, My Zord Star" Levi said, looking at his Zord Star. "Guys, let me handle the big bad wolf." he said and the other Rangers nodded. "Get him Bro" Brody said and then strung Levi forward.

"Zord Stars, Lock In!" he said, placing the star in the sword. "Activate" he said, pressing the button on the sword. "Ninja Spin!" he said, spinning the star saying "Bull Rider Zords, out of the shadows!".

As he did so the ground shook again and in the distance came two Zords. One of them looked like the Robo Red Zord but was light blue and the other looked like a bull with wheels.

"Wow, You have two Zords, Awesome" Rainbow said when she saw Levi's Zords. "You're right there. The Robo Rider Zord and the Ninja Bull Zord are Awesome" Levi said to Rainbow and turned back to his Zords.

"Time for the big ride" he said and got ready. "Bull Rider Megazord, combine! Ninja Spin!" He said spinning the star again and the Megazord transformation began.

It started with the Robo Rider Zord jumping off and the Ninja Bull Zord Detached the head and then the body twisted and formed the Megazords main body. After that the bull landed his head on his chest and eventually the Robo Rider Zord jumped and sat on top and then a large version of the Bull Rider Zord Star landed on top of everything. And with that the Megazord was complete and then Levi said "Bull Rider Megazord, ready!"

When he landed in the cockpit he saw his Super Ninja Steel Mode Star and picked it up. "Super Ninja Steel Mode Star, Lock In!" He said and placed it in the Rockstorm Guitar. "Ninja Spin!" he said, spinning the star and activating his Super Ninja Steel Mode.

"Like a cowboy robot is going to get me" Dreadwolf said and then they started fighting. Levi managed to spear Dreadwolf and gain the upper hand early. But when Ripcon saw it, he was furious.

"I won't let them win so easily." He said and pressed a red button on the Gigantifier. "Time for some Skullgators" he said, firing the laser at the ground twice.

Where it hit, dark smoke appeared and bones formed into two giant bone monsters.

The two Skullgators appeared behind Levi and attacked him with his back turned. "Hey, Who invited these guys" he said when he saw the Skullgators.

"What in Tarnation is that?" Applejack said as she saw the Skullgators. "Skullgators, that's trouble," Preston said. "Levi needs our help, Come on team" Brody said rushing forward with their Zors stars at the ready.

"Ninja Spin!" they shouted, summoning their Zords. The five Zords came together and combined into the Ninja Steel Megazord.

When it came to the Skullgators Brody said "Hey, Leave my Brother alone" and then the Ninja Steel Megazord attacked the two Skullgators. "Levi, Take care of Dreadwolf. We'll take care of these" Brody said and then Levi walked towards Dreadwolf again.

The Ninja Steel Megazord managed to fight back the two Skullgators so they collided with each other. "Ninja Steel Megazord, Master Slash" Brody said and then the Megazord slashed both Skullgators.

"Levi, That's all you" Brody said turning to Levi. Bull Rider Megazord and Dreadwolf had gotten some distance between them. "Time to end this" Levi said, pointing the Rockstorm Guitar forward and the Bull Rider Megazord pointing the Bull Rifle at Dreadwolf.

"Bull Rider Megazord, Rodeo Rapid Fire, Final Attack" he said holding the trigger and the Megazord fired several shots hitting Dreadwolf head on. "You scratched me out again!" shouted Dreadwolf before exploding. "Yeehaw, Show over, Ninjas win" Said Levi cheering.