• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 7,418 Views, 173 Comments

Deathstroke, Equestria's Terminator - UltimateGunner

Deathstroke is sent to Equestria, can he escape the colorful world he's trapped in?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Rescue Mission

Thirty minutes later

"Let's get moving." Deathstroke orders the night guards. "We're scaling that mountain, so we'll have to figure something out if you unicorns don't have magic. Try tying yourselves to the pegasi." With the help of the pegasi, ropes are tied to both them and the unicorns.

"I hope you know how to climb." Deathstroke tells one of the unicorns. He then turns to Shining Armor, who is sitting at a tree looking rather depressed. He walks over to him and he looks up.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just-"

"Well get moving." Deathstroke replies dryly. Shining slowly gets up and walks toward the preparing night guards.

"Shining Armor sir."

"What is it soldier?"

"Without our magic, these swords and spears are of no use." They turn to Deathstroke with a worried look.

"Guess we'll just hafta improvise. You'll have to hit them with your hooves, either that or you can bash them with your helmets." The guard gives him a poker face. "Just a thought. Same goes for you Shiny." He then heads toward the bottom of the mountain with the others.

"They're hiding up these mountains. Let's go." They all start to climb the tall mountain, with the pegasi having more difficulty since they had to pull up the unicorns. One of them speak.

"Sir, it may be some time before we actually reach the top."

"I know. Kind of embarrassing to say, but I didn't really succeed in wall climbing back in training. I usually used my magic to do that."

"Honestly sir, you probably should have tied yourself to one of the other pegasi."

"Nah, I'll manage. By the way, where is..." He looks up to see that Deathstroke is already more than ten feet ahead of them. He stops climbing and looks down at them.

"Enjoying the view? 'Cause I am."

"You're not helping!" Shining shouts back as he attempts to reach another ledge.

"Well hurry up! Applebloom won't save herself!" Hearing the filly's name gave Shining a small boost of confidence.

"Can't... give up... now!" He desperately reaches the ledge and makes it, though it doesn't make up for the distance between him and Deathstroke.

"So how exactly are we going to sneak past these guys!?" Shining Armor has to shout to him to get his question clear.

"Simple! We improvise!" he shouts back. He decreases in size as he gains more distance from them. The overwhelmed captain only sighs.

Zod's hideout, same time

"BZZZZZRRRRRRTTTT!!!!!!" The sound of electricity coursing into blood surrounded the room.

"Tell me EVERYTHING about these, Elements of Harmony you mention." Count Vertigo's voice was aimed at their small yellow filly whom they held hostage. She was currently in a machine in which The Brain designed, to electrify Applebloom if she didn't cooperate. The voltage was set to a certain level where it wouldn't kill her, but would still effectively hurt her, especially since she was only a filly.

"A-Ah c-c-can't, Equestria..."

"BZZZZZZRRRRRRTTT!!!!!!" Once again the machine was turned on, and electricity coursed through her body. Although the pain was unbearable, Applebloom was doing her best to keep Equestria safe from these tyrants, despite the fact that it was so painful she couldn't even shriek.

"How is the interrogation?" Vertigo turns to see Zod.

"It's going well Zod. We have a lot of information sucked out of her. But she refuses to tell me about these 'Elements of Harmony.'"

"Then proceed." Vertigo continues to suck out information like some kind of leech, while Zod walks elsewhere.

"Zod." The Brain approaches him from the side with the book. "It vas a long process, but ze translation is finished. Also, there's something here I believe you might take interest in." he opens the book to a certain page and shows it to him. Zod examines the pages, then widens his eyes.

"Hmmmm, fascinating indeed. As he finishes examining it, he returns to Applebloom, with Vertigo turning around again.

"I will proceed with this interrogation. I have some questions of my own I'd like to ask." Vertigo shows no retaliation and obeys, leaving them to talk. "Now, why don't you stop struggling? You know it's hopeless, you're feeble, weak, just like every other pathetic pony that lives in this land."

"Ah-Ah won't talk to a monster like you! Ah can't!"

"Still struggling? How incompetent. Fine. If you have a death wish, I have no objection against that." For a second, Applebloom was both relieved and afraid.

"But not only will I finish you off..." his maniacal voice trails off for a few moments. "I will continue onto your family. I will strangle your brother to death, slowly. Then your grandmother. Then your precious sister." True evil was coursing through Zod's mind and even through his eyes, that glow a bright red. Applebloom could only shiver at the sight of losing her entire family, she already knew what these monsters were capable of. She just couldn't take it.

"Fine...... I'll talk."

"Good. Good." Zod wore an evil smile on his face. "Now tell me, what do you know of the Griffons?"

"Not much, they live in another land or somethin'. But I did hear somethin' about Equestria being in conflict with them, but that's all I know." Meanwhile, Zod was taking in the information she just said. He then motioned to move away.

"Done already?" Vertigo asks.

"I was hoping to get out more, but I think I already have the information I need to place my next move. She is of no more use." he replies thoroughly as he continues to walk away.

"So what shall we do with her now?" Zod stopped for a few long seconds, then turned and said:

"Kill her." Applebloom gasps as Vertigo approaches her with an evil grin. She saw him pull out a sword from his sheath. Her fear is so intense that no sounds could leave her tongue. The sharp sword is held against her chin.

"Don't worry, little one. We'll make sure your family is notified. About the corpse hanging on my wall!" Applebloom swore she saw her life flash before her eyes as she closes them and hears the sword lunging through the air and into her skull. Her adventures with the CMC, applebucking with the Apple family, and the times she had with her sister. Then she remembered how it all even happened in the first place. If she just wasn't stupid enough to head out into Ponyville while that menace was on a rampage, she wouldn't have to deal with all of this.

More importantly, her sister having to deal with the death of her beloved sister. Guilt washes over her as she fully understands that this was all her fault.

"Applejack... Ahm so sorry..."

"BANG!!!" Applebloom opens her eyelids to see that the sword was no longer in his hand.

"What is this!?" He and the others turn to see a person with a pistol held in his hand, smoke rising from the end.

"Sorry to crash the party, but we have business with the little one." A tall guard along with a group of other night guards come in from behind.

"Deathstroke." Vertigo recalls his name. They all ready themselves in a fighting stance, no doubt a standoff with in progress. Applebloom only watched in interest, despite that she was still very hurt from the electricity coursing through her.

"So you sided with these weaklings." Zod claims, now knowing who his enemy was. "Why do you side with them? You show weakness, Deathstroke."

"Maybe. But I'm just a hired gun. You're a psychopath who always tries to rule Earth. I'm just fulfilling a deal I struck with these guys. Don't get used to it."

"Fine. But don't expect any patronage from us."

"SHUNK!!!" Deathstroke and the others turn to see a wide array of spikes engulfing a night guard, blood was spilling from his messed up corpse.

"What in Celestia!?" A night guard exclaims, before collapsing at a loud screech coming from Count Vertigo. "Augggghhh! Wh-"

"Little man, you know nothing of strength." Bane charges Deathstroke, who front flips and lands on his back. Bane brings his arms over his head and attempts to grab him, but no luck. The Terminator cuts the venom tubes, which resulted in venom spilling all over his body.

"Fool!" he exclaims to Deathstroke. "What have you done!?"

"I'm not done yet." Still on his back, he grabs his staff and jabs it into the venom, and uses the electric function to send electricity through his body.


"AAAAUGUGHAUGHGUHG!!!" Bane shouts as he falls unconscious. He had already taken down one of them, but the others weren't doing so well. A night guard falls dead to one of the Brain's plasma beams, and another is smashed into the wall by Black Adam's Lightning. Shining Armor was lucky to be alive.

"THOOOOOM!!!" A beam shining bright pink is sent from Star Sapphire's hand, and darts toward Shining Armor fast.

"Oh Celestia..."

"SHOVE!!!" Deathstroke shoves him out of the way just in time, and recover after a few moments.

"Thanks... I guess?"

"Do me a favor. Hold on tight." He grabs Shining's rear hoof and starts to swing him around.

"What... Are.... You... Doing!?"

"Hit her as hard as you can!!!" He finally releases him and sends flying straight into Star Sapphire, his rear hooves smashing into her face. The momentum was so high that she was sent into the wall unconscious.

"Hey!" he recovers and returns to him. "Nice move!"

"Thanks. But we have an objective to complete. I'll hold them off along with the other guards. You get Applebloom."

"On it." he rushes to find Applebloom while Deathstroke goes face to face with Vertigo.

"Fool! I'm going to wipe that grin off your face!" he activated his Vertigo effect, and already Deathstroke was fazing away.

"Rrrggggh! I won't... be defeated... that easily!" he manages to bring out his staff and fires an energy blast straight into him, and the effect ceases, but he still stands nonetheless.

"Impressive. But let's not get too hasty." he says as he positions his hands in a fighting motion. To make things fair, Deathstroke puts away his staff and uses his hands only.

"Raaaahhhhhh!" he rushes the still mercenary, and tries to jab his fists into his gut. Deathstroke parries and blocks the attacks.

"Not very impressive for the king of whatever country he rules. Oh wait, you're not. No wonder."

"I have many tricks up my sleeve, Deathstroke!!!" he throws more punches at him, but his hook was blocked, his uppercut was parried, and when he threw one more punch, it was grabbed by him. He then starts to twist his arm.

"Ack! Gah!" Vertigo could feel his bone almost cracking.

"CRACK!!!" Deathstroke's kneecap is brought up and smashes his face.

"CRACK CRACK!!!!" This is repeated two more times, and Vertigo stumbles back with blood trickling from his nose. He even coughs up some blood from his mouth. Deathstroke runs over to him and grabs him.

"CRACK!!!" He smashed his face once more with his head, then grabs him by his feet and starts swinging him. He throws him directly into Black Adam, who is currently handling the other night guards. Black Adam is hurled onto the hard stone floor.

"Get him!!!" The night guards who still are untouched charge him, and soon they overwhelm him greatly.

"Well that's taken care of." Zod turns to face Deathstroke and walks toward him. They look at each other face to face, and Zod's eyes showed that he was not pleasant.

"A shame you sided with them. You would have made a marvelous addition to our Secret Society."

"Sorry. But they signed the contract first."

"Hmmmph. Tell me Deathstroke, how exactly are you going to stop me?"

"I have something special for you." Moving fast, he grabbed something from one of his compartments. But before he could use it, Zod sped to him with speed matching Superman. With a whack, he knocked the strange object out of his hand. Still in hyper speed, Zod hastily turns to see what he knocked out of his palm. His eyes instantly widen as he sees what it is.

A small vial containing a glowing greenish stone was falling to the floor in what seemed to be longer than just seconds.

"CRACK!!!" The sound of the vial breaking open echoes through Zod's super hearing. In a few moments, he slightly stumbles being weakened by the tiny rock of green.

"Kryptonite." He recognizes them from previous encounters with his enemies. "How did you... come by it?"

"I'm always prepared for the worst. You should understand that."

"Not so fast." Swinging his fist upward, he hits Deathstroke on the chin as hard as possible. The masked assassin is sent a few feet back by the hard impact. Not lethal, and certainly not the worst he took, but still a bit painful. Although Zod is still at fair strength, he still remains prone to the kryptonite.

"Here. Maybe this will enlighten you." Deathstroke sarcastically tells Zod as he pulls his rifle out.

"RATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATAT!!!" Weakened by the kryptonite, Zod is pushed back by the swarm of bullets hitting him. They don't pierce him directly, but the kryptonite disables some of his invulnerability.

"Oof!" Deathstroke is caught off guard by a punch to the side by Black Adam, who recovered from the pile of night guards, which were now laying dead with limbs everywhere and blood painting the floor red.

"Didn't think those guys would hold you for long." he replies with a beam of lightning, which is blocked by his nth sword. The lightning crackles everywhere and sizzles loudly as Deathstroke pushes back.

"Whatever Applesmack's up to right now, she owes me big time."

Canterlot Throne, same time

"Applejack, you alright?" Pinkie, even though she was in a happy mood as usual, was concerned about her friend.

"Ah am Pinkie. Ah'm jes' not sure that everything'll turn out fine. Ah mean we're trustin' a masked killer, t'save mah sister!" Her tone not only implied worry and doubt, but also anger.

"Awww cheer up AJ! Everything WILL turn out fine! I mean, I can already hear them saving the day!"

"And how exactly do ya know that?"

"It's in the script silly!"

"The what now? Ah forget it." She lowers her head in despair. Her other friends approach her, with Twilight laying her hoof on her shoulder.

"Applejack, I know you have doubts about that it won't turn out fine. But we need to hope! I bet your sister's worried abut you too!" She imagines that in her head.

"Ah guess so Twi. And I ain't leaving this room until they return. Could be any second now, could be another hour. But either way, I'm waitin' fer her t'return." Applejack manages to smiles sheepishly. Soon, her friends smile at her as well. "Thank y'all. It's good t'have friends like you there to help me."

"I know how you feel Applejack." Cadence speaks up. "I really do hope he will keep his promise." At this point, Twilight stops smiling and wears a worried look as well.

"Well, Katins, I suppose the only thing we can do is hope for the best." Everyone agrees in their thoughts as their mixed feelings of confidence and doubt collide in their heads. In the distance are Celestia and Luna, who are overlooking the the upper area of the forest Shining Armor, Deathstroke, and the night guards entered. They wore looks of worry on their faces. Earlier, Celestia lost the signal of the homing device, but they dared not to mention this to the seven ponies in the throne room with them.

"Sister, we cannot continue to stall. We must tell this to them sooner or later."

"I understand Luna, but we have not confirmed that they are finished. We must remain confident that they will return."

"Very well then. We will give them more time."

Suddenly, the throne room doors suddenly open. They all turn to see some familiar ponies enter with two royal guards behind them.

"Granny Smith!? Big Mac!?" Applejack exclaims.


"Sweetiebelle!?" Rarity finishes off.

"Granny, Big Mac, What are you two doin' 'ere?"

"Ah'm sorry Applejack, Ah just had to come along and see how you were doing."

"Yup." Big Mac finishes with yet another one of his simple quotes.

"Sweetiebelle! What in Equestria are you doing here with Scootaloo!?"

"Well, we felt really guilty about what happened, so when Granny Smith and Big Mac were about to leave for you guys, we asked if we could follow. Besides, we're her friend too..." her voice showed that she really was guilty.

"Yeah, it was our fault she was abducted." The two fillies lowered their heads in guilt, along with the nine other ponies. Applejack decides to speak up.

"Listen ya two, ah know ya got ahead a'yourselves, but we can't sit 'ere pointin' fingers. Applebloom will be fine, and that's all that matters." The others do their best to stay confident, while Celestia and Luna remain focused on the task at hand.

"They will come back Luna. They must." However, elsewhere in Celestia's head, a different topic was being pondered.

"I do not know if it knows about the top secret armory I plan to unfold. If it shows even the slightest bit that it does, then I must remove him from the equation." No one suspected Celestia's true intentions, not even her sister.

Zod's hideout, ten minutes later

"Ah c'mon!" How do you do this!?" Shining Armor was desperately trying to break Applebloom free, who was currently too weak to even talk at the moment. It would be accurate to say that she was near unconscious. The machinery was unknown to him, so he had no idea how to release the lock holding the weary hostage. Behind him the heat of battle was echoing through his ears, and he knew he had to act fast since the night guards wouldn't last very long if he didn't hasten up.

"Alright, let's try this, and perhaps this one." he says to himself as he presses a few more buttons.

"BEEEEEP!!!" The machine beeps angrily as it refuses to cooperate. Shining Armor is pissed off.

"Why won't you WORK!?"

"You ridiculous four-legged fiends can't even use your brain correctly!!!" The angry captain turns to see the Brain staring directly at him.

"Pretty ironic coming from you!!!"

"Oh believe me, zis is more than just a jar for my fragile brain." Out from the 'jar' came multiple plasma cannons armed and ready to fire. Shining Armor was baffled at the massive armory built into his chamber. "Don't be surprised. Zere's a reason why zey call me 'The Brain.'"

"Ohhhh horse feathers!!!" Just before the plasma cannons fired, something hit him directly on his fake face, making him fly backwards. Deathstroke just fired a grenade from his rifle.


"Don't mention it." Deathstroke replies.

"By the way I can't get this cursed machine working!" Shining Armor shouts back so he could get his voice through the ongoing battle.

"Remember what I told you earlier!?" Another shout came from Deathstroke.

"What's that!?"

"Improvise!?" He then returns to the heat of battle, while Shining Armor thinks about what he said.

"Improvise, yeah right. What do I even have to use right now- I got it!" Bringing his hoof up, he smashes the control board on the machine. The locks holding Applebloom by the hooves unlocked. "Yes! Hey Deathstroke!" He turns, surprised that his name was called by him.

"I got Applebloom!" Applebloom only groans as she is placed and tied over his back.

"Good! Then let's get the hell outta here!"

"On it! Guards! Let's get out of here! Our objective is complete!"

"Yes sir!" the remaining guards reply, which is not that many in fact. They all rush toward the exit, with Zod and his allies chase after them. They stop at the exit, which is a mountain cliff. Behind them are Zod's allies who still remain standing.

"Give up. There is nowhere for you to run."

"I disagree." Deathstroke replies. Thinking quick, he pulls out his rifle and fires a grenade at the cave ceiling.

"CRUMBLE!!!" The ceiling ceases to hold and collapses directly on top of Zod and his allies.

"What now!?" Shining Armor asks.

"We jump."

"What!? No wa-" He is interrupted as Deathstroke pushes him off the cliff. "AHHHHHHHH!!!" They could hear him screaming in the face of danger as he continues to fall.

"Bon Voyage!" He and the remaining guards jump off after him. Deathstroke positions himself so he could fall faster and catch up to the screaming captain.

"Having fun?"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M HAVING FUN!?" he shouts loudly with both anger and fear. "DID YOU EVEN THINK THIS THROUGH!?"

"I think through everything son." he replies nonchalantly despite that they were falling faster and faster. Before Shining Armor thought they were dead meat, something grabbed them by the shoulders. He looks up to see a pegasus night guard carrying them and lowering to the ground.

"Alright... we're not dead meat." He heavily breathes a sigh of relief. They reach the ground fast and their feet reach ground level.

"Told you I think everything through." Deathstroke brags.

"Ah don't feel so good... URK!!!" Applebloom, still tied to Shining Armor's back, turned green and covered her mouth. She hurls her last dinner onto the grass, and Shining Armor gives the masked ally a poker face.

"Didn't think through that one, did ya." he declares. Deathstroke couldn't argue with him. They look to see the other night guards approach the ground wearing parachutes.

"CRACKLE!!!" A bolt of lightning strikes down one of guards before he landed, frying him. The other guards are lucky to be alive, and everyone looks up to see Black Adam's hand sizzling with lightning.

"Let's move!!!" Deathstroke, Shining Armor, and the remaining night guards dart out of there, with lightning bolts and laser beams following them.

"We have to get out of the dampening field fast! Get the flare out will ya?" Deathstroke shouts to Shining.

"I got it."

"Good! Keep it ready until it's time!" It was getting getting harder to talk since they were sprinting away from their pursuers.

"So these are supposed to be your colleagues!?"

"Actually that's a lie! Just the brain in a jar!"

"Are you kidding m-"

"SHINK!!!" A large pink needle pierces the body of one of the running night guards. He remains stuck there with blood leaving his body, then falls dead as the spike fades away.

"That's not good!"

"Shut up and keep running! Don't drop her!" Deathstroke shouts back as the sprinting intensifies.

"SSSSSSSSSSIZZLE!!!!" A pair of laser beams strike down another guard.

"How close are we!?"

"Close. Give me the flare." Without question, Shining Armor tosses him the flare, and he nabs it in his palm.

"I'll give her a head start." he states as he pulls the trigger, sending a red spark flying into the night sky.

"KABOOM!!" The flare bursts into multiple colors, showering an array of sparkling light everywhere.

"You ponies like to have everything colorful don't you?"

"Long story! Good thinking by the way!"

"BOOM!!! SIZZLE!!!" They hear more guards scream as they are killed, and even the spilling of blood. Turning, they see Black Adam, Star Sapphire, and Zod flying straight toward them.

"Keep running!"

"I know that!!!" The three opponents fly closer and closer to them, making it all more intense.

"This is gonna be close!!!" Right before they were hit by them:

"ZAP!!!" A golden light flashed with Deathstroke, Shining Armor, Applebloom, and the remaining guards gone afterward. The three of them halt to a stop.

"We should go after them." Black Adam suggests.

"Leave them, Adam. We already have everything we need from her, enough for me to plan our next move." he starts in a very stern tone. "After all, they have merely prolonged the inevitable."

Canterlot Throne, a few minutes back

"The flare has been shot up Luna! But I still can't sense the signal." The other ponies were waiting behind them eagerly with the two princesses knowing about it. "Everypony, I must stay focused." Applejack was biting her tongue very nervously as Celestia was doing her best to sense the signal.

"Agggghhh! The pressure is so intense! I can't take it!" Rainbow Dash complains, putting her hoof to her ears.

"Rainbow! Be quiet! They have to focus!" Rainbow remains silent, although she glares at Rarity who just shut her up. A minute of awkward silence passes, and then:

"I feel the signal! Now to lock on it. Everypony, step back!" They hastily step back, and a golden aura of light surrounds Celestia's horn as she channels her magic.

"POOF!!!" A flash of golden light blinded everyone, and when they managed to open their eyes, what they saw relieved them.

"Hey guess what? We're not dead. And we have your precious sister here as well." Deathstroke states in his usual tone of optimism. He unties Applebloom, who is practically unconscious.

"Applebloom!!!" Applejack rushes to her, while Granny Smith, Big Mac, and the fillies stare at Deathstroke awkwardly, but they're too focused on Applebloom to worry about that now.

"You should get her to a hospital." Applejack stares at him for a few seconds.

"Alright... Everypony, ah gotta get her to hospitality. C'mon Granny Smith, Big Mac. You young'uns can come too if you like." she gestures to Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle.

"Y-you really mean it?" Sweetiebelle stutters at first.

"Ah mean it! C'mon, she won't take care'a herself you know." Wasting no time, everyone except three ponies left the room. Cadence and Twilight embrace Shining Armor in a hug.

"You came back Shiny!" The two relieved ponies exclaim.

"I promised didn't I?" he replies happily. Even the remaining night guards show a hint of smile, but Shining Armor wears a slight look of worry on his face as he continues to embrace Cadence. The two princesses approach them.

"I see you stayed true to your word." Luna states to Deathstroke sternly. "Are these all that's left of the night guards? What happened to the rest?"

"Dead." Luna and some of the other ponies widened their eyes.

"But how? The night guards are expertly trained! I would expect more have survived."

"Well we had a change of plans in between. We ran into a bunch of problems, alright? I'm heading back to my room." He leaves the room along with Shining Armor and his family.

Deathstroke's Room, 10:30 PM

Deathstroke was sitting on the couch, as he decided to sleep sit again. He hears someone enter. Opening his eye, Shining Armor enters.

"What are you doing here..." asks a not amused Deathstroke.

"You didn't think I forgot about our little conversation did you?" Shining Armor sits down on the couch.


"Well, honestly, after everything you've been through during your life, I know there's been many-"

"State your business." Deathstroke interrupts sternly. Shining Armor thinks about what to say next.

"Well, my point is, maybe Fluttershy was right. Maybe you're not such a bad person. But there's something else I want to get to here."

"And what's that?"

"I've been thinking about you and how similar you were to me, with your soldier training and all that. And the more I think about it..." he pauses in between, implying the nervousness for his next line. "The more I realize that I could have ended up like you." A few minutes of silence pass, and during that time Deathstroke imagines what he just said.

"You really believe that huh."

"Yeah. If things had gone differently between me and my wife, then maybe..." he doesn't need to finish the rest of his sentence.

"You very well could have." Deathstroke declares, now agreeing with his statement. Without saying, Shining Armor gets up and leaves the room, but stops in between.

"Tell me, Deathstroke. Have you ever imagined what it would be like if you never put that mask on? If you never decided to make that decision that turned you into Deathstroke?"

"Never." he replies dryly, and Shining Armor only turns away with a feeling of sadness and guilt. When he first met him, he was angry and hateful toward him. But as he learned more and more about him, he began to feel sad and guilty toward him. What if things never worked out for him? What if this is who he would be for the rest of his life? He felt the pain of it all, knowing that he could have been him, and he could have been in his situation. A voice in his head loomed around and refused to exit, repeating over and over again.

"If things were different..."

Author's Note:

Well here's another chapter! Hope you like how the storyline begins to heat up!