• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 7,418 Views, 173 Comments

Deathstroke, Equestria's Terminator - UltimateGunner

Deathstroke is sent to Equestria, can he escape the colorful world he's trapped in?

  • ...

Chapter 13: Friendship is Overrated

"So where ya going?"

"Dunno. Away from her, obviously."

"But why? You were the one who kicked her flank."

"True. True."

"Anyways, my sister would like to have a word with you." Deathstroke remained silent as he remembered her, and how annoying she and her onslaught of questions was.

"I'll deal with her later."

"Alright. By the way, I have a favor to ask."

"Go ahead."

"You've heard about the royal guard right? Well the thing is, over the past events, we've had our butts kicked hard. We were mostly saved by the Elements." He thought about it for a few seconds. Help improve their military? "And besides, those guys we delt with at the mountain?" Now that was a good point. Although he was strong, he was still only human.

"Guess you're right. But not now. I just battled you're princess."

"Yeah... You caused quite the uproar."

"Don't blame me. She's the one who challenged me in the first place." He only stays mute at his remark. After all, it wasn't something that would happen everyday.

"Sir." They turn to find a guard standing behind them. Note that it was rather obvious how he was anxious around Deathstroke, with his hooves slightly trembling and his face sweating rather vigorously. "The princess would like a word with you."

"Which one?" Shining Armor asked, and the guard gulped with nervousness.

"Princess Luna." he gestured for them to follow, and were led to a specific door in the hallway. He opened the door and they entered to find Twilight Sparkle and Luna standing directly in front of them. Behind them you can see her five other friends.

"Ahem, I've brought you here for some further questioning."

"Really? I thought we were gonna have dinner!" Deathstroke shouts sarcastically, and some of the others couldn't help but snicker. Twilight gives a poker face.

"This is serious! I have a bunch of questions to ask, and we're gonna do in there!" The angered unicorn points behind her and displays what you would call the Equestrian version of an interrogation room. With her mood slightly tempered, she motions for Deathstroke to enter. They walk into the dull room and sit on the opposite ends of a table.

"Alright, before we start, I would like to inform you that those two guards can counter whatever kind of magic you're using."

"Don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about the thing you did to counter Luna's spells!!!" However, this assumption was incorrect. He might as well have assumed that this place had no evidence of nth metal. "Also, Luna is currently using a mind spell that will determine whether you are lying or not." This was a smart tactic, as Deathstroke thought. But like any cunning assassin, he knew how to counter this.

"Alright, for starters we would like to know why you use 'Deathstroke' as your codename."

"Well any good assassin needs a fancy name." The purple unicorn ignores his tone and moves on.

"Tell me, would it be possible for you to take down Celestia and take over?"

"Depends." This answer was not very satisfying.

"What do mean 'depends?' You just took down Luna by yourself!!!"

"And what does that prove?" As much as he disliked interrogations, he really enjoyed aggravating Twilight.

"Fine. Next question. What makes you so powerful?"


"No really. I've seen you take on other foes before."

"So?" Why wouldn't he cooperate? She could just have Luna detain him right now. Unfortunately, there weren't any rules he had broken.

"You know, there were a lot of other questions I wanted to ask. And I mean a LOT."

"Pity." She screamed in frustration. Or rather, she would, if Luna hadn't interrupted. Twilight sighs and leaves, with Luna teleporting inside and taking her place. Deathstroke just sits there in a relaxed position.

"What could it be..."


"What makes you stronger than the might of a minotaur? What makes you agiler than the wind? What is it?" Despite her efforts, she gets a shrug in reply. "I am not in the mood for joking around!"

"For starters, you're not very good in 'hoof-to-hoof' combat."


"Reaction time is slow."


"You're most powerful asset is your magic. It does a bunch of stuff. Without it, you're nothing in combat." She took a few seconds to absorb the information he just stated. "You really wanna know what makes me so powerful?" He reaches in closer, and the others watch in interest.

"Here's the truth. I'm not. I cheat." His statement is simple and quick, and also kind of true. All her magic was countered with his nth metal, mainly on his hands and sword. This is how he was able to break her shield and block her lunar beams.

"Luna, can I resume?" Twilight asks, and Luna leaves with a look of ponder. Twilight sits down in her seat.

"If we want to keep you here, we'll have to examine your belongings. That includes your entire armory."

"Maybe you just want to see what they can do."

"Trust me, I'm fully aware what they're capable of."

"Do you know what I'm capable of?" For five seconds, everything was silent.

"I... I do?"

"Good. 'Cause you're not laying a hoof on my property."

"Oh c'mon! Can't I just-"

"No." Well that was disappointing, she thought she could get the chance to examine the technology from his world. "Let's just continue with the questions. Tell me, what is it that you fear most?" That was an interesting question.

"Why would you want to know that?"


"Oh wait I know. You're afraid of me, so you want to know what I'm afraid of, so you can take advantage of that."

"What!? No! I was just uhhhh...."

"If you really want to find out more about me, try putting more trust into me."

"Well what makes you think we don't trust you?"

"This pathetic security." Twilight was straying off course badly. This was a tough interrogation.

"Can you answer just one question?"

"It better be good."

"Alright. Just what are the limits are your strength?" Describing this to her would be quite complicated.

"Well, there are specific side effects in-"

"Any chance you-"

"Let me finish!" Her friends were hearing the whole thing. It was hard to believe that Twilight was the one being annoyed, it was usually the other way around.

"I'm really not sure about this..." Fluttershy mumbled under her breath.

"Don't worry sugarcube, if anythin' goes wrong, the Elements should do the trick." Applejack replies confidently.

"As I was saying, there are specific side effects in my 'strength.'"

"Would you mind telling me?"


"What!? This is not an argument! We need to keep you in check!"

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much."

"Wha- hey!" Deathstroke left the room, and although there were two guards protecting the doorway, they were wise enough not to mess with the guy who kicked Luna's ass. Twilight was pissed, it was like having to deal with a three year old. He was one tough guy to talk to.

Five minutes later

Deathstroke and Shining Armor were walking alongside each other and were prepared to receive some advice from Deathstroke. Or at least, every guard who would stand up to him.

"So what kind of skills are you teaching us?"

"I wouldn't exactly call it teaching. More like correcting."

"I see."

"By the way, you seem very subtle about me remaining quiet."

"Yeah well, every time I tell myself that I can't blame you, well I mean..."

"At least you trust me better than the others." Shining Armor wasn't sure how he should feel about this.

"I still can't get over how you defeated Luna."

"It's my job to fight. So tell me, where are we headed?"

"We have training grounds this way." The training grounds was similar to the training room, except with more space out in the open, ranged weaponry was practiced more often here.

"Hey I was wondering, what effects did that experiment have on you?"

"Bunch of stuff. My strength and speed dramatically increased, and I could think a lot faster." This caught the interest of Shining Armor. It was possible for the technology n his world to perform those kind of feats?

"Was this formula used again? Ever?"

"I don't like remembering it. Besides, that's how I lost one of my kids."

Wait, what? So not only did he have a wife back then, he even had kids? He hadn't paid much attention to that part back in the forest. But it didn't matter now, did it.

"Hey Shinings."


"Remember that armor you wore a few days ago?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"It's seems different from what your regular weapons are."

"Oh, it's just a new experimental set we're testing." This, of course, was not true. Deathstroke didn't believe him, he knew why they were being made.

"Don't lie to me. I know what they're for." Shining Armor stared at him nervously and gave in.

"Alright. Celestia wants us to test out this newly made arsenal of weapons. She says they're for when the Griffon Kingdom attacks us. They're used to defend Equestria."

"Well over the past few days, I had some strange encounters, and I think Celestia's hiding something." He receives a look of disbelief.

"What makes you think that?"

"I put together some parts of the puzzle after dealing with guards and talking to your princesses."

"Alright. But I can't believe you right off the bat. Maybe we should just keep this between you and me for now."

"That's what I was thinking." After their brief discussion, they entered through a set of double doors and into a grassy area. Immediately, everyone turns and slightly shivers at the sight of Deathstroke. Almost every guard had learned about Luna's defeat right after it happened.

"Attention everypony! I understand that you may not like it, but this person will be training with you today!" Looks of awe and anxiousness could be seen within the crowd of ponies.

"I'm gonna need a volunteer." Deathstroke states, and no one even makes the slightest movement. Almost no one. One cocky guard decided to step up to the plate.

"I'm gonna run you over like a steam train!" This guard was obviously unaware of what Deathstroke was capable of. His punch is immediately countered and is twisted by the hoof. He spins around and hits the floor in defeat.

"Sloppy." That's the only thing he says to his poor fighting skills. "Anyone else?" Again, everyone remains silent. That is, until one guard brings out a bow and arrow. Time slowed as the arrow flew toward him, and by swiftly bringing his hand up, he grabs the arrow just before it hits his face.

"Predictable." Another one word phrase comes from Deathstroke's mouth. "We have a lot of work to do."

Thirty minutes later

"Twilight, was it really necessary to try and look at his personal belongings? Sometimes I think you're just too curious."


"My little ponies, please settle. There is something I must ask of you Twilight." The six ponies along with Celestia and Luna were sitting at a table discussing about him.

"What is it Celestia?"

"Since he will not cooperate, it is required that I specifically need you six to try and gain his trust."

"Why should we trust him?" Rainbow Dash asks in an angered tone. Her friends glare at her in disapproval of her disrespectful attitude, especially in the presence of their two rulers.

"Rainbow Dash, I understand that this is a task that you dislike, but he mentioned that other creatures similar to him roam Equestria as well."

"Alright, alright. At least I'll be able to settle a score with him!" Once again, the others disapprove.

"My subjects, you do not understand the importance of this mission I have assigned. If he alone can defeat the magic of an alicorn, what do you think the others could do?" They hadn't pondered this until now. Fluttershy, who had talked to Deathstroke before, had learned about some of the terrible things the villains in his world could perform. However, being the shy pony she was, she dared not to share what she learned.

"Well I think it'll be fun! I mean, don't you think his mask looks cool? Well, maybe without the darkish part, but full orange doesn't seem very interesting. Does it? Maybe the other half should be blue! Or maybe green, no! Purple!" Pinkie was oblivious to the current troubles that were in their homeland. It was probably better if they didn't stray from their real objective. And that was keeping an eye on the assassin.

"We will send you back to Ponyville with a chariot." Celestia states. "Where is Shining Armor? I need him here."

"I will find him Tia."

"Thanks Luna." Celestia smiles to her sister as she leaves the room in search of their captain.

"Now where could he be?" There were many places he could've gone. He could be in the training room, but after what happened today, she didn't think he would head back there. Perhaps the armory? Probably not, this was not really a good time to stock up on weapons. Besides, why would he even want to do that right now? The training grounds? She wasn't sure, but that was probably her best bet. And so she headed in the direction of the training grounds. She would have to make a subtle appearance after he defeat with Deathstroke. The balcony would be a good place to do just that. It took her ten minutes or so to reach the door to the balcony of the training grounds, with ponies bowing to her as she passed by.

The doors slightly squeaked as they flipped open, so she made a mental reminder to have them oiled later on. She only wished her mental noting was as good as Twilight's. But she had a task to complete, so mental noting and squeaky doors were not the case right now. She stepped onto the balcony floor and looked down to see guards practicing their fighting techniques with Deathstroke.

...Hold on a minute. That's not supposed to be there. Why were they... Shining Armor? Apparently he was watching the whole thing from a good distance. His expression was different from the other guards, was he a part of this? She watched in interest as Deathstroke fought the guards with only his hands. But even so, those who challenged him only succeeded in hitting their face on the ground painfully. That's it, time to have a talk with their captain. Spreading her wings out, she glided down to Shining Armor, even though she was bent on having a subtle entrance. Some guards turned their heads, and as she expected, she received some awkward looks. She did her best to ignore them.

"Shining Armor, my sister requests your presence in the meeting room. It would also be wise if you brought him." Luna motions her hoof to the mercenary. Without responding, he calls out to Deathstroke, who had just taken down a group of guards and correcting their mistakes. He receives the message and walks over as the guards behind him crouch up and scrunch their manes.

"Hey Deathstroke. Celestia wants us in the meeting room." They weren't too thrilled about this.

"Well, let's get this over with. Luna guides the two of them to the meeting room. She was planning to ask Shining Armor what was going on, but she had remembered how important her task was. At least another dull ten minutes pass as they head toward the meeting room.

"Celestia, are you sure about this?"

"You had experience working with him, correct? I assumed that it would be wise to have you come along." Shining Armor was just told to follow the six to Ponyville to keep watch on the mercenary. Although he trusted him, he was fully aware that Celestia was making Twilight bite off more than she can chew. But nevertheless, he didn't argue any further, as it would only lead nowhere.

"I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time." Deathstroke's sarcasm takes over yet again. If anyone was counting how many time he'd done so, they would've lost count a long time ago.

"You're the one who's unhappy about this? I'M the one who has to deal with a notorious brute like you!" Rarity complained, despite that she was still in the presence of Celestia and Luna.

"My little ponies, please, this is not something to argue about. I require you to meet your full expectations. And that means getting to know Deathstroke." The six look at each other with uneasiness. Deathstroke only smirks evilly, but only because he looked forward to pissing them off. "Your departure is already prepared. All of you should head back, and remember to bring the Apples and the fillies with you.

"I'll have them ready." Twilight tells Celestia, who smiles at her attitude.

"Alright everypony, you are all heading back to Ponyville. I suggest you get your things ready." On cue, they all exit the meeting room to prepare for their departure back to Ponyville. They partly looked forward to it, but with Deathstroke in the equation, it seemed as if things would be messy.

"And you." He turns to Celestia, who was wearing a look of concern and strictness. "Do not try us, creature. We will intervene if we must."

"Good luck with that." Deathstroke replies nonchalantly. With their plans set in motion, it was time to get some things ready too.

Half an hour later, everyone was outside and ready to leave. Celestia and Luna were there to say their goodbyes. They needed a large chariot since the group of ponies, and human, was rather large. They gathered into the large chariot, but Twilight is stopped by Celestia's hoof.

"My faithful student, before you go, you need to have these with you." A deluxe box is levitated over to her, and instantly she realizes what they are. But why did she need them? True, he is powerful, but he proved to be more of a jerk than an assassin. To her, at least.

"But Celestia, why would I-"

"I must make sure that nothing goes wrong. That means you must do what you deem necessary, Twilight." Although her explanation was reasonable, having a gun behind your back while shaking his hand just seemed wrong. However, she also determined that arguing with her wouldn't get her anywhere, so she just took the box quietly. She steps into the van, and is surprised what seat she gets.

Beside the terminator. Great. Just great. For one whole trip, she had to sit beside this bastard. Deathstroke was sitting down beside Shining Armor and his frustrated sister with his legs crossed. There was also Rainbow Dash, who was sitting beside Twilight, wings still injured. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were sitting in front of them with Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo, while the Apple family sat in the back. With everything set to go, they took off for Ponyville. Behind them they could see Celestia and Luna waving at them.

"Goodbye, my little ponies!" Celestia and Luna yelled to get their message straight. Twilight saw them and smiled. It was great to have a princess as your mentor. Unfortunately, even the sight of those close to her couldn't stop her from ignoring Deathstroke, who was staring blankly into space. Somehow she found that irritating, but a look from her brother shut her up before she said anything stupid. She knew this was going to be a long way back to Ponyville.

Comments ( 34 )

Gee celly you have no idea what your up against.

I love it when celestia is an idiot

Celestia? More like CelesDEADtia when she has to fight not only Deathstroke, but also some of the Leauge. And a taco.

Someone is gonna get there ass kicked.:facehoof:

Okay, I made this account just for this story and to comment and fav and like and whatever :)

I'll be honest, I'm not a My Little Pony fan. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate MLP. I'm just not a fan. I really don't know much about the show or fandom and I never read any of the fanfiction. However, I am a Deathstroke fan and when I came across this story I just had to read it after going through the stages of "WTF?!" "OMG NO!" and "ROFLMFAO!!" and as far as I know this is the only MLP/DS crossover fic ever.

And I like it. God help me, I like it.

Your grammar, story flow and over all writing is pretty good. You actually make me want to read what happens instead of cringing at how terribly wrong this crossover can be. Your DS is, imo, slighty OOC. Then again, I mainly read the comic versions of him compared to the VERY toned down cartoon versions. Then again, he's in Pony Land so, ya... I figured he's probably going to be slightly OOC I guess :)

Side Notes:
1. Someone commented about DS not ever giving anyone his real name. I don't where that person got that idea from, but practically everyone in the DC Universe knows Deathstroke is Slade Wilson and know some of his back story. Only in the very beginning (1980s comics) did he try to do the "secret Identity" thing due to trying to protect his family (wife and 2 sons), but since his wife discovered his "side job" and divorced him, not too mention the past couple of reboots of the character, Slade pretty much doesn't care if people now know who he is. He kinda takes it as a badge of honor of being who he is and doing what he does.
2. Also, the same person commented about DS not being an assassin. WTF?! Any DS fan will tell you that's not true. DS is very much an assassin. In fact he is known as being DC's greatest assassin. His main income is all about contract killing.
3. Someone else commented on Slade losing his right eye to Green Arrow while playing bodyguard to Dr. Light. No. GA stabbed DS in his already vacant eye to hurt him. In DS fandom he lost his right eye to his wife who shot it out after he almost got their son, Joesph killed. However in The New 52: Deathstroke #0 (reboot), he supposedly lost it to a Korean soldier. Most DS fans disregard the Korean soldier storyline for 2 reasons; one, it never came up again as a back story in any issue and two, that issue was poorly written and poorly drawn by Rob Liefeld, the creator of Deadpool. Not many DS fans like Rob Liefeld. I personally like Deadpool, but I do not like Mr. Liefeld.

TL;DR: I'm not sure which version of Deathstroke you're using in your fic or if you're using a combination, but if you want a better background of old man Slade then I suggest the following sites:


I don't agree. The comic versions of Slade tend to fight according to how he rates his opponent. If he knows the opponent is "easy" then he tends to get more cocky and well, play with them more. In fact, he tends to do the cocky thing with most of his opponents whether or not they're easy or hard. Look back at all the sarcastic remarks he makes during combat. He's like an internet troll trying to get a rise out of you.

As for the Identity Crisis issue, he DID lose and he only went up against Elongated Man, Flash, Zatanna, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Atom and Green Lantern. None of the big 3 (Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman) were there even though he beat Batman more than a few times before.

You have to remember, with Deathstroke it's all about strategy. He's considered one of the greatest strategist and battle tacticians in the DC Universe. I mean the guy uses 90% of his brain ALL the time. Coupled with all his enhanced abilities and past combat experiences (he's fought in the Korean War and the Vietnam War) he was able to systematically take out every member except for GL and only because GA stabbed him in his vacant eye and for some reason that was DS's Achilles Heel. It made him do what he never done before, let his anger (emotions) get in the way of his fighting.

The only reason Deathstroke doesn't pick off every superhero in the world is because even he knows the world needs them and that if he started a superhero hit list they ALL come after him at once. That and probably because no one has enough money to pay him to do it. It's all about the money.


Nope. He can kill Batman. He's beaten the Bat on a few occasions but never finished him off. When it comes to Batman, Deathstroke much prefers to humiliate or at least prove him wrong than just out right kill him.


1. I would really love to know where you got the idea that Deathstroke doesn't like having his real identity known. As I said in a previous post, Slade only had concerns about his secret identity back when he first started as Deathstroke and that was for the safety of his family (wife and 2 sons). After the divorce and being estranged from his kids (including after finding out about his daughter Rose) and not to mention being on international TV for assassinating a US Senator (he was framed btw) he pretty much said, "fuck it" and never really hid who he was. He's mostly a loner now since Roses mother (Lillian Worth) and Wintergreen are dead plus his surviving kids still hate him but believe it or not, he planned it that way for their own protection. Anyways, even in The New 52 reboot there's a couple of panels where he's being filmed by the news after a fight, advertising himself as a gun for hire after coming back from semi-retirement. So ya, I believe almost everyone in the DC Universe knows Slade Wilson is Deathstroke and he doesn't give a fuck.

2. You're joking right? He's known as DC's greatest assassin. Seriously, where did you get your info from?

Here, go read a bit about Slade before posting something else embarrassing:

Okay! That's it for me! I think I commented on all I wanted to comment about. I'm actually waiting for you to turn poor Slade into a pony for a time just for laughs or bring Shutterfly (sp?) into the DC Universe with Slade for a spell while in the presence of the Teen Titans or JL and have her glomp him in the name of friendship or whatever ponies do :)) I'm at the airport and my connecting flight should be here soon so BYE!

My Little Deathstroke by Kuddlyfatality (not me)

Can't wait for the next update!:pinkiehappy:

I love your story! please continue. and make sure not to turn deathstroke into a pony that ruins most good crossovers :moustache:

Quick question What suit is death stroke wearing in this?:twilightblush:

3146408 Never play chess with Deathstroke.

I must say this story is truly entertaining. Where did you get this marvelous idea? As a deathstroke and mlp fan, I just had to read this! I have been looking for a fic like this for a while and am very pleased to have found one. I am waiting for this to resume but in the mean time, I think you deserve a like and a favorite for your spectacular work! You certainly have my attention!

This story is friggin brilliant!:pinkiehappy:

5179718 I know that. Dont have to tell me tell Bronykiller1

Hey, this is a great crossover fanfic, I'm really liking where this is going and that battle between Deathstroke and Luna was just epic, man. I can't wait to read the next chapter. If this story is still alive that is, it is still alive, Yes-No? :twilightsheepish:

5384680 we're all hoping its still alive....


3260546 "click and discover imageshack"

Whatever Twilight was given, I think Deathstroke is already suspicious of. She's not exactly good at keeping secrets, at least not without making constipated faces.
Too bad I can't continue to read this now. I'll be waiting for the Hiatus to end.

Aaaaaaaand it's dead.

I hate it when I find out a good story is dead

I hope the author continues this Deathstroke story some day. I really enjoyed reading it. I think its the only Deathstroke story on Fimfiction!:fluttercry:

Not the only one but a LOT of them are on haitus which is STUPID...

Hmm i may have an idea....seeing as how the author has been gone for.....goin on three years now. i will update this when i get to the end of the story.

Author is dead :\

I would like to see more of this if you write it

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