• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 7,418 Views, 173 Comments

Deathstroke, Equestria's Terminator - UltimateGunner

Deathstroke is sent to Equestria, can he escape the colorful world he's trapped in?

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Chapter 7: What Friends are for

Canterlot, 10:30 AM

The train came to a slow stop as it arrived at the city of Canterlot. Deathstroke was hiding in a bush just outside of the city gates. Earlier he jumped off and landed outside the city, like how he did taking the train to Ponyville.

"Would ya look at that. The view's greater up close." he complimented to no one in particular. "No wonder this is the capital of Equestria." He stood up and stared at the city gates and the walls. Ponies were walking on the bridge that were headed inside the fancy-looking city. He quickly runs to the tall wall and starts to climb it, and remembers something on way up.

"If Celestia is that desperate to kill me, there any particular reason why?" He thinks back to what he did yesterday, the portal, the train, the weapons. "She must think I have something to do with the fiddling of her toys, if she even knows about them." It was still a good theory however, especially since his existence was discovered already. Keeping steady, he holds onto the wall with one hand and pulls out the hookshot.

"As much as I like this, I probably don't want to keep it on me when I have my pep talk with her." He was about to toss it, then realized how stupid that would be. "Can't leave this just lyin' there, that would end badly." He continues to hold onto it and reaches the top of the wall. He then carefully drops and finds a bush nearby. With the hookshot in hand, he lodges it into the bush.

"Not exactly a good hiding place, but it'll do for now." says Deathstroke. Nearby he sees the shadows of two ponies approach him. Quickly but silently, he climbs up the windows of a nearby building and onto the roof. Looking down he sees two ponies dressed in very formal and fancy clothing.

"The fall weather is just wonderful, don't you think?"

"Quite so, miss. Though it is rather exasperating to stand out in this warm weather."

They laughed in a very exquisite tone, similar to that of a gentleman and a lady. Deathstroke hated these types of people.

"Posh bastards. Always think their so much higher than others." he wore a frown under his mask. Trying to forget what he saw, he turns and sees in the distance a large building that was significantly taller than all the other structures.

"Must be the palace." He determines to himself, as he examines the roofs of the regular buildings. "No guards. Doesn't seem like anyone reported to her yet." He thankfully didn't have to stay alert on any guards, but there was the problem of the buildings being very spaced from each other. He would have to carefully get on the ground to get to the next building.

"Probably would have been easier if I kept the hookshot." He could quickly retrieve it, but then he thought how easily using it would give him away. Crouching, he scans the streets for any open eyes and drops down. Without haste, he ran to the next building and grabbed onto the window frame, pulling his body weight upward onto the roof. It took him thirty seconds. He repeated this process for the second building.

"Only two buildings. Still a long way to go." he said looking at the floor of the roof. Looking up, he sees the palace still a long way to go. He sighs at the massive distance he had to cover, which seemed like miles and miles away. Then something else gets his attention. He turns to the sound of the rolling and stepping of a carriage being pulled by four royal guards. The cart was rather big and had a bunch of crates in it.

"Let's get moving. Don't want anypony to see what's in this."

"Roger that. We should get to the palace as soon as possible."

Deathstroke was close enough to eavesdrop on their conversation. The cart was heading toward him, and immediately he knew what to do.

"Looks like I just found an easy way to the palace." he thought to himself as he prepared to jumped. When the time was right, he hastily landed behind the cart and into the stack of boxes that were loaded inside.

"Let's move quick. This cart seems to be getting heavier by the moment."

"Worry all you want, soldier. What I'm worried about is keeping this a secret from everypony." another guard spoke, gesturing to the boxes Deathstroke was hiding behind.

"He has a good point. I know she's our ruler, but is it really necessary to hide what they should know? And if they find out, what would happen?"

"I don't know. What's even worse is that she wants these to care of them."

"Well if we don't want to do what she deems is necessary, shouldn't we talk to her about it?"

"Maybe, but if I were you, I wouldn't mess with the sun goddess."

They continued to chat with each other as Deathstroke got the curiosity of the box contents.

"More prototypes?" he asked himself in his head, looking at all the boxes that were surrounding him. "I should take another look at this." He quietly pulls off the lid from one of the boxes and looks inside. He recognizes some of the contents, but a few were new to him.

"This doesn't look like something you would use to attack people with." he states to himself in his thoughts as he picks up the odd looking prototype. "Must be a component or something." placing it back and sliding the lid back on, he pulls the lid from another box. More strange-looking devices were inside.

"Yup, they're definitely components. Hmmm, what do we have here?" beside the components was a folded paper. Opening it up, a diagram of what seemed to be the constructs of the prototypes. Though he wasn't an engineer, it didn't take those brains to understand the parts needed to create this type of weaponry and armory.

"Let's see here, iron, gold, ancient crystal? Never heard of that." looking around the diagram more, he finds the source of the materials in the bottom right corner. "Ancient Crystals harvested from Crystal Empire. Crystal Empire? I'll have to look into that later." Deathstroke looked at the diagram more, and saw how the crystals were the conductors for the magical amplifications and power sources for the prototypes.

Unfortunately, the diagram only displayed blueprints of them, not specific info in particular. Slowly, he placed back the diagram inside, lifted the lid back onto the box and pushed it back into its original position.

"Something tells me the Crystal Empire doesn't exactly know what these crystals are being used for."

Thirty minutes later

The cart arrived at the front door of the palace. Deathstroke peeked from his hiding place and got a good view of the front doors. They were extremely large and were decorated with golden pictures.

"Everything in this city seems to be fancy-shmancy." he said to himself in his thoughts. "I can only imagine what the inside's like."

"Has the order arrived?" Another royal guard that was patrolling the front door said as he approached them.

"Correct. This is it."

While the guards were talking, Deathstroke quietly crawled out of the cart and ran behind a statue of a pony in a strange pose. Peeking, he sees the guards using their magic to unload the contents. The palace guard opened up the large doors, and the boxes were hauled inside.

"This is taking too long. I need a distraction." he thought as he pulled out his rifle and aimed for a pony-shaped head on top of the palace doors. "Besides, I personally think those decorations are hideous."

"BLAM!!! SNAP!!!"

"LOOKOUT!!!" One guard shouted to the others as the head of Princess Celestia made a thud as it partly buried itself into the ground. "What the hay?"

"Another one of those stupid pranksters!" The palace guard shouted. "Spread out and find him!" The guards ran in all directions, leaving the crates completely unguarded.

"Not exactly how I planned it..." Deathstroke thinks out loud, as his original plan was to draw their attention to him, not some guy who wasn't there. Not that he was complaining of course. "It'll do." He casually walked past the cart and stepped over the golden head into the palace. He wasn't surprised at what was inside.

The walls and columns were of exquisite design, like Greek architecture. The windows were tinted with multiple shades of blue, yellow, red, and some other colors. A large carpet covered a path from the entrance to the upstairs, which he presumed was also filled with such decoration. Though, he wasn't really surprised, it was more of a fact than a theory that everything would be so decorative. What was surprising is that it was empty.

"No residents in the palace. That's fortunate for me." Though he did expect some residence, like some royal guards, or family of the princesses. He stepped up the stairs slowly, staying cautious about any guards that could be nearby. A hallway was waiting for him at the top of the stairway. Three hallways, to be specific.

"Hmmmmmm..." To the left is a set of doors with room numbers above. To the right is a pathway heading to another hallway. Straight through is a large doorway.

"That must be the throne room." he determines, seeing a few royal guards in the distance. He didn't want to approach it quite yet, barging into the throne room with two powerful princesses was not a plan. He would have to figure out something first.

"Time for some recon." Pulling out his staff, he heads to the hallway to the right. Increasing his pace, he arrives at the start of another hallway. Placing himself on the wall, he peeks from behind. Not too far off are four guards.

"Search everywhere! I want him dead!" Deathstroke heard the voices of guards behind him.

"Damn." he exclaimed quietly, practically trapped, with guards coming from both sides. "Those guards came back sooner than I expected." He would have to stay away from the throne room, so he ran down the hallway to where the four guards were standing.


"So much for recon." he humorously thought out loud.

The four guards charged him, but he extended his staff and with four repetitive whacks, they were taken out. Deathstroke made no haste and dashed to the next hallway.

"Urggggghhhh..." Somehow he heard one of the guards make a moaning noise, which was quickly replaced by the shout of another guard.

"HALT IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA!!!" More guards were present, and he couldn't risk killing them. Up above he sees a chandelier.

"Sorry, but I'm not wasting my time with you knuckleheads."

"BANG!!! CRASH!!!"

"AUGGGGHH!" The guards scream in pain as the chandelier probably broke every bone in their body, which hurts even more as Deathstroke steps on them.

"If this keeps up, they'll eventually run out of royal guards." he was keeping himself entertained by the number of jokes he was making, even though it wouldn't be to those whom he was hurting. Up next was a set of stairs leading downwards.

"HALSTERIGTTHERE!!!!" Three guards shout at him at the same time. "DAMMIT JENKINS!!!"

"I'm starting to see why you fight like minimum wage mall cops." Chuckling to himself, he leaps a mighty height into the air, stomping hard on one of the guards, making a disturbing cracking sound as he landed. With his staff still in hand, he grabs the edge and spins it around it a circle, clearing the rest of the guards.

"Tell your princess that your 'Royal Guard' is a huge disappointment." Not just because they stood no chance against him, but because of the time Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot with no effort. But nevertheless, he continued to run down the stairs and into a large room. He continues to run through the wide room and stops near the center.

Guards were in the room as well, too many to count. The second they laid their eyes on him, they formed a circle around him, blocking any means of escape.

"Surrender! And we will show mercy." a female guard spoke. "You are outnumbered. You can come quietly if you cooperate." Their horns glowed as bright as Green Lantern's light.

"I've faced many of you pathetic guards." They slightly twitched at his insult. "You'd need at least five hundred of you to stand a chance against me."

That did it. One of the guards got pissed and fired without orders. Deathstroke back flipped just in time to dodge it. The blast took out another guard in the face. The guards make a gasp at this.

"FWOOM!!!!" He launches an energy blast at the top of a guard's head while he was still airborne. They were set to non-lethal, so they wouldn't kill the victim. The rest of the guards hastily charge him without notice.

"WHACK!!! SHOOM!!! CRACK!!! SIZZLE!!!" One by one the guards fell like dominoes. He made use of his energy properties within his staff to defeat the guards. Thankfully, none of the guards were testing the prototypes. In a few moments, the floor was covered with injured guards, many were moaning in pain, some were even crying, having their pride scarred by just one person.

"THERE HE IS!!!" More guards were approaching. "SEIZE HIM!!!" These guards were quite angry at the mess he made.

"What, you need your asses kicked too?" This only made them angrier. They charged at each other, with no intent of holding back.

"STOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!" Everyone halted to a stop and turns to see a familiar butter creamed pony.

"Fluttershy?" Deathstroke thought to himself, very confused.

"Everypony please! Let me handle this!" They were going to protest, but a guard standing beside Fluttershy made things clear.

"Fall back. She will handle it." His voice was extremely dry. The guards retreated a good distance, making lots of space for Fluttershy and Deathstroke. She approached him slowly.

"You followed me."

"I did. I convinced some guards back at Ponyville to take me in a chariot."

"Well why?"

"I couldn't just sit there while you, you-"

"That's why I said I would do this alone."

Silence surrounded them for at least a minute. The guards were watching in interest, though they didn't necessarily hear what they were saying. Deathstroke finally broke the silence.

"What do you want Fluttershy?"

"I want you to remain in the dungeons, I'd like you to have a proper meeting with my friends, and I don't want you to run around Equestria as a masked menace, wreaking havoc all over, if umm, I mean, well," As much as Deathstroke hated staying in a prison, let alone a dungeon, this was probably the easiest way to get the elements here.

"Will those guards cause trouble?"

"I'm not really sure, I-"

"Promise me this. If I don't get hurt by those guards or your princesses, or by your friends, then I will." It was a tough choice for her to make, but eventually, she decided.

"I promise. Guards, you can do your thing. But don't hurt him." Carefully, the guards approach him and form a magical hold on his hands, and they slowly headed off to the dungeon. Deathstroke made one last thought to himself before he headed there.

"And here comes the mountains of explaining to do."