• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 7,413 Views, 173 Comments

Deathstroke, Equestria's Terminator - UltimateGunner

Deathstroke is sent to Equestria, can he escape the colorful world he's trapped in?

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Chapter 1: This isn't Gotham.

Soon, after the incident with Twilight

Twilight felt the coldness of the hard wooden floor on her back. She slowly got up and groggily opened her eyes, and sees five colored ponies looking around in her house in awe and disgust. An orange pony with a stetson hat was the first to see that she was awake.

"Oh sugar cube your awake!" says Applejack happily. "What in tarnation happened 'ere?" Twilight was still having mental issues from her failures.

"Oh just great! Everything is going just as planned! You guys wouldn't mind if you left. I'M HA-" Rainbow Dash shoved her hoof into her mouth.

"Twilight, this happened before and we won't let it happen again. Just stop whatever you're doing and let us help!" says Rainbow Dash, almost screaming at Twilight. Twilight was about to shout in protest, but then paused and thought about what happened the last time she went insane. She then sighed in defeat and agreed to what Rainbow proposed.

"Okay... let's clean this all up."

"My goodness, darling, whatever did you do to make this place into a dump?" asked Rarity, disgusted with the damage done to her usually very organized house.

"Well, duh Rarity! That's why were here isn't it? replies Pinkie Pie, who was in a good mood as always. "I knew this might happen again, so I prepared for a Twilight-goes-insane-again-emergency!"

"Well, what do you have in store this time Pinkie?" asks Twilight, who was in a better mood.

"What do you think silly? A broom!" Twilight laughed at Pinkie's humor, as the others get started on cleaning up. Everyone was making good effort, Pinkie was cleaning up with the broom she brought, Rarity and Rainbow placed the books back on their proper shelves,and Applejack Fluttershy helped fix the floor. Even Spike brought back drinks for everyone once they were finished.

"Hey um, thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it." says a very thankful Twilight.

"Oh Twilight, you're very welcome." replies Fluttershy who continued drinking. "But next time, remember that were always here to help."

"I'll try Fluttershy, don't worry." Soon, they finished their drinks and headed back to their homes.

"Well, I'm going upstairs to take a nap. Spike, you can head out if you want." Spike gleamed.

"Really!? Well I'm going out then. See you later Twi!" says Spike happily as he left the house quickly. Twilight goes upstairs to nap in her bed. As she gets under her sheets, she smiles at the thought of how the day went so far.

"Well that thankfully worked out." she says, thinking out loud. But as she starts to sleep, she wonders: "But why do I feel the need to worry?"

Whitetail Woods, 11:10 AM

Deathstroke had just jumped through a portal without knowing where it led. As he continued through the swirling vortex, he thought about what he did.

"I don't know if this was a good idea. It may have been better to get arrested, I'm already having a headache." Deathstroke was spinning in all directions, not knowing which way was down. He saw the end of the portal and prepared to land. As he leaves the vortex, he sees the ground headfirst. He does a ground roll to break his fall. He slowly gets up and observes his surroundings.

"A forest?" asks Deathstroke with confusion in his voice. "I don't recall any forests in Gotham, nor the season being fall. I'm definitely not in Gotham anymore." Then again, he didn't expect the portal to take him anywhere near. He continued to ponder these thoughts, when suddenly he heard a loud crackling sound behind him. He quickly turned to see that the portal had collapsed on itself, forming a ball full of purple energy. As the crackling gets louder and louder, Deathstroke quotes:

"That's not good." He quickly ran a few feet to a nearby tree and takes cover behind it. After a few seconds the ball of energy shrinks. A few moments of silence pass, and then:

"BOOM!!!" The ball erupts, sending large amounts of energy everywhere. Deathstroke could feel the wind rushing around him, leaves were flying everywhere. He continued to hide from the impact and thinks out loud.

"Well at least the others won't follow me here..."

Cloudsdale, 11:11 AM

Rainbow Dash had just returned to her home in the sky after helping Twilight clean up. She thought the day would continue as planned, she would perform some awesome stunts, hang with Scootaloo, then take a nap. But the day would not go as planned, because she heard an explosion coming from Whitetail Woods.

"What the hay was that!?" shouted Rainbow Dash in awe, seeing the explosion from her house in the sky. "I better go check that out!" Rainbow flies out her window, speeding toward the source of the explosion.

Canterlot, same time

Princess Celestia ran down the hallway to her sister's room. She had just sensed an magical energy unknown to her, which spiked up dramatically after shrinking. The effect had hurt her, making her drop onto the floor. But she needed to tell her sister. As she reached her sister's room, she quickly opened the door and saw her sister on the ground trembling.

"Luna!" Celestia shouted, quickly getting to her sister's side. "Sister, are you all right?"

"I am fine Tia. But I felt a magical surge rise to high levels. Did you..."

"I felt it too Luna." stated Celestia. "Let's send the Royal Guard to investigate."

"Agreed." replies Luna, slowly getting up. "I also think this is a good time to test it." Celestia nods in agreement.

"Send Shining Armor. He will be the one to use it."

Back to Deathstroke, 11:12 AM

Deathstroke peeked to see the results of the explosion. He saw a fairly large crater and some trees that had all of their leaves blown off, including his own.

"Someone definitely saw that." began Deathstroke, who was no longer hiding. "I better get moving." He started walking down the path, looking in all directions as he headed toward wherever he was going. As he walked, he saw buckets that were collecting tree sap, a small bridge, and a river. He continued pondering the question of where he was, definitely not Gotham, not Star City, and probably not Jump City. The fact that it was fall narrowed down his choices, but not narrow enough, and he was an assasin, not a geographer. Deathstroke crossed the bridge and headed toward more trees.

"This is getting nowhere." says Deathstroke, who was sure that he was lost. "I need answers, now." He continued walking, which seemed like forever. The path seemed to never end. Then before he gave up, he saw a sign in front of some bushes.

Train Station <------
Finish Line ------>

Deathstroke didn't even bother questioning what Finish Line meant, all he cared about was the train station.

"Now were talkin." says Deathstroke, heading to where the train station was. He increased his pace, when he suddenly heard a whistling sound behind him.

"Someone's trying to sneak up on me." Deathstroke thought. He decided to counter the sneak attack with his own. He continued walking and pretended to not see whoever's coming. He got his fist ready to swing. The whistling got louder and louder, and before he was hit...

"BIFF!" Deathstroke quickly turned around and swung his fist into his attacker's face.

"Agh!!!" Whoever attacked him was a she determined by her tone, and she flew back five feet. Deathstroke saw who attempted to attack him: A cyan colored horse with a rainbow colored mane and tail, and wings too.

"A colored horse? No, a pony. A pegasus, more specifically." Deathstroke said in his head, now knowing what his attacker was. "If she's a pony, then, I'm definitely not on Earth anymore." Him literally being on a different planet explained the portal, why it was fall, and the poorly made sign he saw earlier. But he could answer his forming questions later, right now he was in combat.

"What in the hay are you?" Asks Rainbow Dash, who was wincing in pain at the bruise on her face.

"I honestly should've asked you that, well, except for the part where you said hay." replies Deathstroke, who got into a fighting position. Rainbow Dash was shocked that it spoke Equestrian, but she saved her confusion for later and flew straight at Deathstroke, intending to hit him with her front hooves. She may have flown extremely fast, but Deathstroke reacted faster, grabbing her hooves and throwing her straight into a tree.

"Why you! I'm going to smash that mask of your face!" Rainbow was furious. She thought she had it when she flew behind it earlier, but everything changed, as her opponent didn't even break a sweat, she knew he didn't. Rainbow Dash was losing.

And she hated losing

She tried one last time to attack, this time she flew into the air and swooped into his opponent. But Deathstroke was just too hard to hit. Deathstroke side stepped the reckless attack, making Rainbow fly straight into another tree and breaking her wing. She had now hurt her head three times in a row, one time on her own, and now she couldn't fly anymore. Deathstroke went to a bucket full of tree sap, headed toward Rainbow, then held her up against the tree.

"Too easy." started Deathstroke. "And I didn't even use any weapons."

Right after he finished his victory speech, he splashed all of the sap in the bucket all over Rainbow Dash, leaving her head and one of her hooves.

"L-lemme go!" Rainbow Dash desperately tried to escape, but to no avail. She then saw that Deathstroke injected her hoof. Rainbow Dash winced a little at the pain, but she was more worried about what was in the needle.

"Wh-what did you do to me!?" Rainbow Dash asked dumbly. Deathstroke answered in a voice with little humor in it.

"The liquid I injected you with will make you forget the last hour of your life. Soon you'll go into a deep sleep, and when you wake up, you won't know I was even here.

"What? NOOOOOOO! SOMEPONY HEL-" Deathstroke covered her mouth.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, but I can't have you go telling everyone about their uninvited guest." Deathstroke put his face to Rainbow's ear.

"Sweet dreams." whispered Deathstroke as the multi colored pony slowly closed her eyes.

Author's Note:

I'm pretty satisfied with this chapter, remember to point out any mistakes I made, like double periods or misspells. Thanks for reading!