• Published 28th Nov 2013
  • 7,349 Views, 1,028 Comments

Brushed Away 2: By Hoof and Claw - TheVClaw

A sequel to Brushed Away, Troy is a Gryphon who has to deal with a new obstacle in his life: telling his family he's with a stallion.

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Chapter Eighteen: Blaze, Blade, and Blane

Due to the Running of the Leaves, Ponyville’s streets were fairly empty. Aside from a few, it seemed that most ponies still around were just manning the shops and stores. Despite the lack of potential customers, many of the stores were still open.

In fact, Bon-Bon left Lyra to tend to their candy shop while she went to the Running of the Leaves, just in case. Of course, as soon as her wife left, Lyra was quick to put up the "Closed" sign to have a little personal fun.

While the shop lay empty of any customers, Lyra sat in the stool behind the counter, giggling as she played with two of Bon-Bon's hoof-made figurines. Despite how much her wife had scolded her, she couldn't just let the dolls stay on the shelves every day.

Especially when she could play out rather questionable shipping scenarios with them.

And right now, Lyra had a particularly large grin as she lit her horn. In her magical aura were two of her wife's figurines. As she bobbed one of the dolls in her magic, which was of a particular orange mare and her trademark Stetson, Lyra kept a dorky smile as she tried to speak with the unmistakable twang of Applejack's accent.

"But, big brother! We shouldn't! Our love is forbidden! No pony'll ever understayand!"

Giggling under her breath, Lyra then began to move around the other figure in her grasp, which was made to look like Big Macintosh.

"Ah don't care, Applejack," Lyra continued, trying to speak in a deep tone of voice. "It doesn't matter that yer ma sister. All Ah know is that Ah love ya! And Ah wanna be wit' ya! Forever an’ ever!"

Lyra cleared her throat before bringing her attention back to the Applejack figurine. "You… Ya really mean that, Big Mac?"


Blushing in guilty pleasure, Lyra spun around on her stool and continued to speak with the figures in her aura. "Oh, kiss me, big brother! Kiss me right on the lips—AAHHHH!!"

Lyra froze in her seat. She immediately extinguished her aura, dropping both of the figures onto the counter. Unable to move an inch from her spot, there was nothing she could do but look across the counter in pure horror.

Lyra may have put up the “Closed” sign, but that didn’t mean the door was locked.

Apple Bloom now stood across the counter from Lyra, staring at her, wide-eyed and jaw agape.

Sweat began to bead on Lyra's forehead, who was completely petrified. Her breath coming in faint, rapid gasps, she slowly opened her muzzle and desperately tried to think of something to say.

"Ahhhh… Uuuhhhh…"

Apple Bloom, still silent, looked between Lyra and the figurines of her two older siblings laying on the counter with a shocked expression.

Not wanting the filly to run out screaming—or run to tell her family of the incestuous debauchery she had just seen playing out—Lyra slowly brushed the two figures aside. She laid her forelegs on the counter and bent in, a worried grin on her face.

"Uhhh… H-hi, Apple Bloom…"

Apple Bloom looked over at the figurines Lyra tried to move out of sight, slowly turning her head back to the mare, blinking repeatedly.

Lyra began tapping her hooves together, hoping to think of something to say. A small, metal trash bin caught her sight, which made her begin to grin.

Lyra looked back at Apple Bloom with a smile as she narrowed her eyes on her, then lit her horn to float the trash bin towards them.

"Say… You know how to keep a secret, Apple Bloom?"


In Ponyville town square, not a single pony could be found. The city remained still as three large figures landed from above.

Of those three, two of them landed rather abruptly on the ground, making it ripple as their paws and claws thunderously struck the Earth. The two held up a large map and began scanning it. After a brief moment, one spoke in a brash tone.

"Dude, this map is retarded!"

The map was quickly crumpled, then tossed aside. Brushing dirt off his brown feathers, a very large and muscular Gryphon looked around with a disgruntled look on his face. Atop his head, most of his feathers had been trimmed down short, making him resemble something close to a Bald Eagle. While his beak was much larger and more jagged, the Gryphon still looked fairly similar to Troy, despite his grander size.

He lifted a claw and used a talon to pick the inside of his ear. "Are you sure this is where Troy is supposed to be?" the Gryphon asked, looking to the near identical one beside him.

While the two looked fairly similar to each other, the second brown-and-tan Gryphon had a slightly slimmer build than the first. Unlike the first, the feathers on his head were grown rather long. Several hung over his face and had been put together into a makeshift braid. A heavy coat of eye shadow was painted underneath his golden eyes and against the brown feathers on his face,

"Oi dunno, man," the second Gryphon said, looking around while speaking in a very poorly imitated Trottingham accent. "That bloke back in Cloudsdale said that he hung out around here."

The first Gryphon groaned under his breath. He glared at his brother. “Blade, are you sure this is the right place?!"

"Oi!" Blade put his claws up in protest before pointing at a billboard nearby. "Don’t lay this on me, man! The sign over there says Ponyville! We're at the right spot!"

Blade looked over and narrowed his eyes on the sign for a moment before adding, "Ya know, you'd think these ponies would come up with a more creative name than that."

"Hey, Blaze! Blade! Check this out!"

The two looked over to the source of the voice to see the third Gryphon perched atop the roof of Sugar Cube Corner. Much like the first two, the third Gryphon had the same brown-and-tan colors adorning his feathers and fur. The feathers on his head were worn similar to Troy's. However, this Gryphon was also much larger than the other two, almost looking like a hulk with his massive size and muscles.

Leaning off the roof, which was made to look like a dollop of whipped cream with a cherry on top, the Gryphon had a huge grin on his face as he pointed to the structure. "Look how big their candy is here!"

The first Gryphon, Blaze, face-clawed before pointing up at him. "Blane, get off of there! That's not candy!"

"Yeah it is!" Blane said matter-of-factly, glaring down at his brother. He grabbed the giant cherry next to him and broke off a huge chunk, leaving a hollow hole. Unaware that it was just a large piece of fiberglass painted candy-red, Blane tried to take a bite of the shard he held in his claw.

"P'TOO!" Blane immediately spat out the piece, realizing that Blaze was right as he looked at it with disappointment. "Dammit," he muttered, tossing the piece aside, "that would've been cool."

Blane flew back down towards the other two, leaving a very noticeable hole in Sugar Cube Corner's roof.

Blade looked at his brother with a deadpan stare. "Are ya seriously that bloody stupid?! You think ponies actually live in REAL bloomin' cupcakes?!"

Blane glanced at the bakery for a second, staring at it up and down before turning back at him. "Why not?"

Blade groaned and rubbed his temples with two talons. Blaze, now looking at the bakery as well, sighed before growing a furrowed brow.

"Good going, numbnuts. Now I'm hungry, and we can’t go in there because you broke the friggin' place!"

"Hey, don't blame me!" Blane pointed a talon at his slightly smaller brother. "These ponies shouldn't make delicious-looking houses that AREN'T edible!"

Blade, not wanting to hear his two brothers bickering, rolled his eyes and looked around. He flipped the braid off from over his eyes before reluctantly admitting, "Ya know, food does sound pretty good right now."

Blaze asked, "Where should we go?"

At that moment, Apple Bloom happily trotted past them with a huge smile on her face. On her back, a large metal bucket was filled to the brim with candy.

The three stared at the filly for a moment, then turned their heads in the direction she had came from. Noticing the mint-and-pink building in the distance with the sign "Bon-Bon and Lyra's Confectionary" at the top, the triplets looked at each other before nodding in unspoken agreement.

"Yeah," Blade said with a smirk, "candy sounds alright."

The three walked towards the shop, unsure why the town looked so barren today. While the town seemed to be a fairly well-sized place, only a couple ponies could be seen in the distance, who just stared at the three Gryphons with uneasy eyes.

As Blane used a massive claw to grab the doorknob of the shop (which had been locked as soon as Apple Bloom had left), Blaze noticed the sign in the window.

"Oh, come on! Why is this place closed?!"

"Huh?" Blane turned around at Blaze's question, accidentally breaking off the doorknob that was still in his grip. At hearing the distinct snap, the three looked down at Blane's claw.

"How many things are you gonna break today?!" Blade shouted. "Did ya even check to see if the door was locked?!"

Looking between the broken doorknob and the door, Blane simply shrugged before tossing the knob over his shoulder. "Eh, it's not locked anymore!"

Before either of them could say anything, Blane pushed the door open. Due to his huge size, the Gryphon was just barely able to fit in through the door as he shouted out, "Hey, is anyone in here?!"


Lyra, still sitting behind the counter, nearly jolted off her stool at hearing a new voice in the empty shop. She quickly tossed the figures of Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance out of sight with her magic, then used a hoof to swipe the figure of Shining Armor off the counter.

Lyra leaned her hooves onto the counter before putting up a hasty smile and blurting, "Welcome to Bon-Bon and Lyra's Confectionary how can I help you?"

"Oh, cool," Blane said, looking back at his brother, "the shop's open, you guys!"

The three Gryphons immediately made their way into the shop, which made Lyra sigh under her breath. While she was glad these three didn't see what she was doing, she really wanted to have some alone time before putting that sign back to “Open”. Of course, the prospect of making some sales made her smile and speak up in a cheerful tone.

"So, what brings you guys here to Ponyville today?"

While Blaze and Blane looked through the shelves of intricately placed jars of licorice, Blade turned to her. "Oh, we're just looking for our brother Troy—"

Upon seeing the unicorn behind the counter, Blade’s eyes widened a little before he grew a leery smirk. "Why, hello there…"

"Wait, you're Troy's brothers?" Lyra's smile grew as she approached them. "I've heard a lot about you three! It's nice to finally meet you! My name's Lyra."

Lyra put out her hoof to Blade, who shook it graciously and gave her a seductive grin. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lyra. Name's Blade. Blade Clawston."

Noticing Blade's accent, which was suddenly coming out more well-practiced than before, Lyra tried not to giggle at how ridiculous it still sounded. "That's… quite an accent you got there."

Blaze and Blane both groaned. "Don’t encourage him," Blaze grumbled. "He spent two weeks in Trottingham, and he hasn't stopped talking like that since!"

"Oi!" Blade glared back at him. "Can't ya see I'm talkin' wit' the lady here?!"

Blade immediately regrew his flirty smirk before turning back to her. "Now… Where were we, Miss Lyra?"

"Ummm…" After taking a step back, Lyra kept her optimistic (and slightly cautious) smile as she replied, "Well… I believe you guys were looking for your brother Troy, right?"

She then looked over at the other two before adding, "Because I'm pretty sure he's over at Whitetail Woods right now. The Running of the Leaves is today, and I know he's supposed to be working on weather duties there."

"Oh, cool." Blaze looked over at Lyra from one of the shelves. "Hey Lysol, you ponies got toilets around here?"

Lyra, slightly taken aback, blinked a couple times before pointing a hoof to the back room. "Ummm… The restroom is in the back. And it's Lyra, by the wa—"

"Alright, thanks, Lime Drop!"

Blaze then made his way to the back of the show, while Lyra stood in the front with a confused look on her face. As soon as he reached the small hallway in the back, Blaze called out, "No way! There's a friggin taffy room!"

Blane, who was sticking his talons right in the giant vats of jelly beans, quickly made his way to the back after hearing his brother. As he hurriedly shuffled between the shelves, which made the floors shake slightly and almost caused several items to fall over, Lyra looked on in worry before shouting out to them.

"Hey, the taffy room is for employees only!"

The two were already gone, leaving Lyra to groan before heading back to the register. Blade kept a perky grin on his beak as he followed her.

As soon as Lyra got back behind the counter, Blade leaned across and continued to speak in a flirty tone. "So, Lyra… I couldn’t help but notice your flank…"

Lyra immediately looked up at Blade with a surprised and angry glare.

"It's nice to see a fellow musician," Blade added, pointing a talon down at the golden lyre resting on her side. Before Lyra could realize he wasn't just staring at her like a piece of eye-candy, Blade polished his claws on his feathered chest and spoke in a more cocky tone. "You know, I'm a musician too. Troy may have mentioned my band, Talon Ripper? It's one of the biggest hardcore metal acts in the Gryphon Kingdom, you know."

Lyra, unsure of whether or not this Gryphon was dumb enough to actually be hitting on her, stared at him cautiously. "Uhhh… yeah. He may have mentioned it. Of course, I'm not much of a metal fan myself."

"That's alright.” Blade bent his head in closer, eyeing the mare with an enticing smirk. "So… How do you like your eggs?"

Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Beg pardon?"

"You know," Blade continued, "how do you like them cooked? Scrambled, over-easy, sunny-side up?" The smirk on his beak grew as he added in a playful tone, "Perhaps you like huevos rancheros?"

Blade's eyebrows rose a few times, leaving Lyra even more confused. "Umm… Why are you asking me how I like my eggs?"

Blade chuckled a little before bending in and speaking in a more confident tone.

"Because I'd like to know how to cook them for you in the morning."

Lyra's eyes widened as she started at Blade in frozen silence. After taking a second to process what Blade was trying to imply, Lyra tried to purse her lips shut in an attempt to keep herself from laughing. "Mmf… Gggg…"

Nevertheless, it wasn't enough. Lyra clenched her eyes shut, looking away from Blade to crack up rather loudly. "BWAAA… HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!"

While Blade now looked slightly confused, Lyra was barely able to stand upright as she kept howling in laughter. "HA HA HA HA HA HA… Hehehehe… That… That is the corniest pick-up line I’ve ever heard!!"

"Uhhh…" Blade faltered and looked away for a second. When Lyra began to come down from her laughter, he looked back at her before adding in an optimistic tone, "Well… I made you smile, right?"

Still stifling a few giggles, Lyra put up a hoof as she tried to calm herself down. After a couple deep breaths, she looked back at Blade with a smile. "Alright… Blade, is it? Listen, I appreciate it, but you are barking up the wrooooong tree!"

"Aww, come on!" Blade brought back his sultry grin and tried to continue his pickup routine. "You know what they say… Once you go bird, you can't join the herd."

Lyra clenched her eyes and tried not to laugh again. "Oh, geez," she muttered, "I swear, Bon-Bon would have a field day with you."

"Oh?" Blade asked cheerfully, "Who's Bon-Bon? Friend of yours?"

After reopening her eyes and regaining her composure, Lyra bent in towards him with a smile and said, "Bon-Bon is my wife."

Blade's eyes widened in genuine surprise, which just made Lyra grin wider as she added, "And I really doubt she'd appreciate you hitting on me like that."

Blade blinked a couple times in silence and stared at her in confusion. "You… you’re married to a mare?"

"Yep.” Lyra pointed to the wall behind her. Looking up, Blade noticed a framed photograph of Lyra and Bon-Bon at their wedding, with Bon-Bon in a white wedding dress and Lyra in a black tuxedo.

Blade's head pulled back a little in surprise. After a brief moment of silence to take this new info in, the Gryphon slowly grew a more devious smile as he looked back at her.

"So… Two mares, huh?"

Lyra's smile immediately dropped, quickly turning into a warning scowl.

"Because, if so, I have a question regarding both of you…"

"Okay," Lyra began, her tone dead serious, "I'm only going to say this to you ONCE, Big Bird. If your question is in any way implying the idea of you being with either one of us, let alone both, I'll turn that beak of yours into a suppository."

Seeing the death glare Lyra gave him, Blade's smile faltered a little, his eyes filling with worry. Realizing that she wasn't exaggerating, he took a second before speaking in a more feeble (and much less accented) tone.

"Uhhh… I… have a hypothetical question?"

Before Lyra could smack Blade over the head, the sound of a loud crash jolted both of them out of any altercation. Turning their heads to the source of the loud crash, the two saw Blane slowly walk out from the back of the shop with a worried look on his face.

"Uhhhhhhhhh…" Looking between Lyra and the taffy room, Blane said quietly, "Ummm… I tried to get some taffy, and… I think I broke, like… Everything."

Lyra's eyes widened in horror. "What… What do you mean, 'everyth—’"

"BYE!!!" Blane shot his wings out and rushed out of the shop, throwing a large bag of money on the counter on his way out. Lyra looked down at the large sack of coins, which she recognized as gold Avians.

Before she could process what the buck just happened, the sound of a toilet flushing could be heard from the back of the shop. The sound of flushing immediately turned to a low gurgle, followed by the sounds of water dripping and Blaze's voice.


Blaze, much like his brother earlier, flew out of the shop in an instant, leaving an even larger bag of Avians on the counter.

Lyra slowly looked up at Blade, who had a nervous smile on his beak.

"Soooo… WhitetailWoods?Alright,thanksbye!"

Blade shot out of the shop, not wanting to be caught in any of the fallout his brothers may have caused. Lyra stood behind the counter with a flustered expression as she looked between the front door and the money in front of her.

"What… What the…"

Lyra glanced down at the two bags of Avians in front of her, looking closer as she poked through it with a hoof.

"Wow… This might be enough to cover what Apple Bloom took…"

Before she could say anything else, the sight of murky water pooling out from the back room caught her eye.

"Or not!" Lyra shouted, running to the back of the shop.

There was only a second of silence after Lyra went to see the bathroom and taffy room before the shop erupted with a blood-curdling scream.


"Alright! The last cloud is set up!" Wiping sweat off his brow in satisfaction, Troy looked at the large cloud in front of him as it floated directly over the last checkpoint of the track.

In recent years, the Running of the Leaves incorporated new features to make the run more enjoyable for everypony participating. Since leaving out tables of water cups proved to be slightly ineffective, Princess Twilight suggested the idea to place rain clouds at various points to refresh the runners and prevent over-exhaustion.

With all the clouds in place for the runners, there was nothing left for Troy to do but wait. A smile on his beak, Troy looked over to the massively muscled Pegasus he was paired to work with today.

"So, Snowfla—er, I mean, Bulk…" Troy tried to hide his cringe at almost calling Bulk Biceps by his old name. Although the last time he worked with Bulk was back when he was still called Snowflake, Troy didn't want to accidentally call him that and risk any offense. "Have you heard from the other crew members yet?"

Bulk rested on top of the cloud as he stretched his biceps, making them bulge even more before he grunted in reply. "Yeah," he said, stretching his tiny wings and making them buzz as they fluttered like a bumblebee’s. "They said that everything's done for the race. All we have to do is set the rain off when they arrive."

Troy rested on the cloud beside Bulk and stretched out as well. "Good. I've been meaning to get off my paws for a moment."

Before either of them could finally rest their wings, Rainbow Dash flew towards them with an agitated look on her face.

"Hey, big guys! You better not be sleeping on the job!"

Troy groaned as he slowly reopened his eyes to glare at the Pegasus. "We're not sleeping, Dash. We were just resting after finishing our job."

"I'm just checking, okay?" Huffing, Dash looked back behind her before adding, "I found Fluttershy sleeping underneath a couple trees, and she almost got a couple stray clouds near the concession stands!"

"Seriously?" Troy looked at her in confusion. "What happened to her, by the way? I remember she left the party last night pretty early."

"Beats me," Dash said, looking back at him. "Probably just had to tend to some nocturnal animals or something."

"Huh…" Hearing Bulk Biceps's voice, the two looked over at him. Bulk Biceps carried a puzzled look on his face. "That doesn't make sense. She takes care of the nocturnal animals on Tuesday nights."

Dash and Troy stared at Bulk in slight surprise. "Ummm… Bulk?" Dash narrowed her eyes on him. "How do you know that?"

Bulk stared back at her in confusion. "What?" he asked innocently. "I helped her out a couple times. Of course, I had to stop when that Discord guy kept showing up and interrupting us."

After shuddering at the mention of Discord's name, Dash rolled her eyes before looking back at Troy. "Alright, the race is gonna start soon. You sure you're good?"

"Yeah, yeah," Troy replied with a wave of his claw. "I just tap the cloud when the runners come. No problem."

"Good." Dash turned to the stallion. "C'mon, Bulk. I think we should double-check everything before the race. Some jerk blew a bunch of trees clear in the D section before any of the runners could do it!"

The stallion groaned before hopping off the cloud, hovering like an imbalanced balloon as he tried to stay afloat. "Alright, let's go."

As he watched the two fly off along the track, Troy readjusted himself on the cloud and sighed in relief. "Well," he muttered as he lay there in silence, "at least I can get some peace."


"This is baaaaad…"

Though he was beyond worried about what might happen with the triplets being in Ponyville, Lyle tried to keep it to himself as he helped Bon-Bon pass out candy to the crowds waiting at the finish line.

As soon as all their sample candies had been handed out, Lyle looked up at the skies, his face scrunched in worry. “This is really, really bad…"

"Lyle, c'mon." Bon-Bon paused as she tried to put up her concession stand for after the race. Though she wanted to make a lot of sales today, she also wanted to calm Lyle down. "This isn't the end of the world. I really doubt your brothers being here will be that bad."

"Ohhhhh, you underestimate them…" Looking back at the mare apprehensively, Lyle explained, "You don't know these guys! As soon as they go anywhere social, they end up either breaking something, pissing off someone, or setting something on fire!"

After taking another glance up at the skies, Lyle looked back at Bon-Bon and added, "Plus, I gotta find Troy before they do! I really don't wanna think what'll happen if they come by and find him making out with Canvas or something."

Bon-Bon wanted to retort, but paused and decided against it. Instead, the mare sighed before nodding. "Yeah, I can see that being a bad way to come out to family."

"Exactly!" Before Lyle could say anything else, he noticed Rainbow Dash’s technicolor trail above them. He put up a claw to wave her down. “Hey, Dash! Where's Troy?"

"Over at the last checkpoint!" Dash yelled down at him. "Why?"

"Alright, thanks!" After taking off his saddlebag and handing it to Bon-Bon, Lyle shot off to the skies to find his brother.

Confused, Rainbow Dash flew down towards Bon-Bon for a possible answer. "Okay, what was that all about?"

"Well…" After putting Lyle's saddlebag next to hers behind the stand, Bon-Bon continued to set everything up as she explained, "Apparently, Troy's bro—"

Before Bon-Bon could finish, the sound of bells ringing nearby signified that the race had begun.

"Ugh!" Dash groaned. “Great! Now I gotta make sure everything is in check before the runners get here! Sorry, I gotta go!"

Dash immediately shot back up into the skies, leaving Bon-Bon slightly perplexed about what to do.

"Oh man…" While she wanted to stay positive, Lyle's worries were starting to make her think twice about this as well. Hoping that Lyle could get to his brother before the triplets did, the mare looked up at the skies over Whitetail Woods. "I hope things don't go bad because of this…"


Canvas took a deep breath of the brisk autumn air as he jogged along at a steady pace with the other racers. Keeping a smile on his face, the stallion could barely focus on the path while he took in the sights. Above the racers, all the leaves from the trees they moved past began to break off and flow against the final winds of fall. Every refreshing breeze that brushed past Canvas and the others was complemented with a large array of leaves of every vibrant color imaginable.

Looking around, Canvas couldn't imagine how today could look any better than this. Due to how beautifully the leaves unveiled themselves around him, the stallion almost didn’t realize he was beginning to sweat again since the previous checkpoint.

As soon as he reached the next large cloud hanging over the woods, he was immediately hit with a cold and overwhelmingly gratifying blast of rain water from above, courtesy of Thunderlane. Canvas, along with the other ponies, shook any excess moisture off their fur while running, ready to hit the next checkpoint newly refreshed.

A little further down the path, Lyle was able to reach Troy before the runners could arrive. Panting heavily, the younger Gryphon tried to take a breather as he stood on the cloud in front of his brother.

"Lyle, what's going on?" Troy asked with concern, knowing that his brother usually didn’t fly around this quickly unless it was for something important.

"I… I saw…" After making a final, deep exhale to clear his lungs, Lyle looked up at his brother and said fretfully, "I'm pretty sure I saw the triplets fly past on the way here."

"WHAT?!" Troy's eyes shot wide open in panic. "What do you mean they're here?! Where are they?!"

"I saw them flying towards Ponyville when Bon-Bon and I were coming here. I wanted you to know before they find you."

Looking down at his claws in dread, all that Troy could do was stand on top of the cloud with a terrified look on his face. "Ohhhhhh, crap…"

Before he could turn into a nervous wreck at the idea of his older brothers doing Celestia-knows-what in Ponyville, the sound of dozens of thundering hooves managed to bring Troy back into reality.

Troy and Lyle both looked down from the cloud to see the first of the runners galloping in from the distance. Troy quickly sprung into action before the ponies could arrive. He hopped off the top of the cloud and flew over to the side, waiting until the ponies were within twenty feet before giving it a swift kick with his paws.

A strong torrent of fresh rainwater began to pour down from the cloud, which hit the first of the ponies below just as they made their way underneath. Happy that he got his timing right, Troy made his way back on top of the cloud as he heard the grateful sighs of the exhausted runners below. Hoping that this would be a good enough distraction, Troy sat at the edge of the cloud and watched the racers trot off with smiles on their faces.

Hanging around the middle of the pack, Canvas made sure to slow his pace as he went underneath the last rain cloud, giving off a particularly happy sigh as he felt the brisk water hit his sweating fur.

Hearing his fiancé below him, Troy looked down with a smile and decided to try something extra. Waiting until he was out from underneath the cloud, Troy swished his wing downward, making a strong gust of wind hit Canvas while his fur was still wet.

Shuddering in delight, the stallion looked up at the culprit before growing a particularly big grin. Canvas noticed Lyle sitting beside him. "Hey, Lyle! I think you might be spending another night at Lyra and Bon-Bon's!"

With that, Canvas regained his pace and headed off with a smile. While Lyle stared down at him with narrowed eyes, Troy now had a grin as he turned to his brother.

"Well," Troy said in a cocky tone, "you heard the stallion."

Lyle slowly turned to Troy with a deadpan stare. "Dude. I just told you that the triplets are around. Do you really think you're getting any tonight?"

Despite his grin, Troy glared at his brother. "You really know how to kill the mood, don't you?"


Canvas barely remembered passing the finish line at ninth place, or taking off his numbered sash before collapsing on the ground. Though the rainclouds along the track certainly helped to make the run more enjoyable, running that many miles made his hooves feel like they were on fire when he finally stopped to rest.

Feeling nearly comatose as he laid underneath a large tree, the stallion breathed heavily and savored the feeling of the shade cooling down his fur. While the other runners either laid under other shades or helped themselves to some much needed water, Canvas felt content as he began to drift off.

"Ummm… Canvas?"

Canvas's ears perked at hearing the feeble voice above him. After making a slight groan, the stallion tilted his neck to see Fluttershy staring at him with slight worry in her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Canvas gave her a reassuring smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, Fluttershy. I was just resting, that's all."

"Oh, alright." Fluttershy nodded happily. Looking up at her, Canvas noticed that she had some slightly darkened bags underneath her eyes. Before he could ask about it, she added in a hopeful tone, "Do you want some water or anything?"

"Ummm… sure,” Canvas replied, despite feeling tired enough to pass out at any second. "That sounds pretty good, actually."

"Okay. I'll get you some." With a chipper, but still tired-looking smile on her muzzle, Fluttershy began to head off.

Before he could forget, Canvas called out, "Thank you for the lamp!"

"No problem," Fluttershy said with a smile. "It was Discord's idea."

With that, Fluttershy headed off, leaving Canvas to slump his head back down against the soft, cool grass underneath him. Savoring the serenity of the moment, he once again began to close his eyes, hoping to—


The sound of what seemed to be two hooves slapping in unison made Canvas prick his ears. Reopening his eyes, he saw Flitter and Cloudchaser storming off from a nearby tent with angry looks on their faces. The two paused before turning around, then yelled at someone who was still behind the tent.


The two Pegasus mares flew off. Coming out from behind the tent was a large and slim Gryphon with brown feathers and a tan body, who winced as he rubbed his face with a claw.

"Cripes," Blade muttered, his face stinging from the slaps he had received on both cheeks, "what was their problem? You'd think twins would be more open to tryin' that sort of thing."

Canvas saw another claw smack the Gryphon over the back of the head. A similar-looking, but much buffer Gryphon came out from behind him. "Dude, we're trying to find Troy! Quit acting like a horndog for, like, five minutes, at least!"

"Geez, Blaze! You didn't have to hit me over the bloody head!"

"Hey, if you don't stop hitting on every mare we pass, you really are going to have a 'bloody' head!"

Canvas's eyes widened. After catching Blaze's name, the stallion could see that they certainly looked to be two of Troy's brothers. Judging by the makeup the other Gryphon had on, it seemed that the other one was the metal singer Blade.

Before the argument between the two could escalate any further, Canvas saw an even larger Gryphon come out of the tent with one of the water cooler jugs in his claw. "Hey guys! Ponies have the largest water bottles I've ever seen!"

Blade face-clawed while Blane lifted up the jug to take a swig. "That's a water cooler, you dolt!"

Blane stared at Blade with a confused brow. "So… what's the difference?"

"Hey!” shouted out a voice from inside the tent. "Where did the water go?!"

Blane dropped the jug he stole and quickly scurried away from the tent. The other two soon followed, surprising Canvas when he saw they were walking in his direction.

Despite his legs feeling nearly useless, the stallion tried to lift himself up before they could get any closer. While he tried to sit upright underneath the tree, he could overhear the three Gryphons talking amongst themselves.

"Dude! Blade, what happened to your face?"

"He got bitch-slapped by two fillies."

"Shut up, Blaze! I was just tryin' to talk wit’ them! It's called being social!"

"You tried asking two twins if they would make out in front of you!"

"It was just a suggestion! I didn't think they would overreact like that!"

"Just how high ARE you right now?"

"OI! I wasn't the one who got caught with nip!"

Blaze turned toward Blade with a bloodthirsty glare. Blane was quick enough to stand between them before either one could get their neck wrung.

Canvas, who was watching all of this from under the tree, lifted his left hoof to wipe some sweat off his brow. As he put the hoof over his forehead, a ray of sunlight bounced off Canvas's engagement ring, which happened to aim directly at Blaze's eyes.

"GAH!" Blaze put up a claw to cover his eyes as he winced. While Blane and Blade stared at their brother in confusion, Blaze put down his claw and looked around with narrowed eyes. "What the buck was THAT?!"

Canvas blinked a couple times in confusion, trying to figure out what happened before looking down to his hoof. Staring at the ring, the stallion turned his wrist slightly, noticing how it made a quick flash of light against the surface of the band when he moved it.


Canvas immediately shot his head up, seeing Blaze staring at him with an angry glare. He pointed a talon at him. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh! Uhhh…" After looking down at his ring again, Canvas put up both hooves and looked back with a worried expression. "It was an accident!"

"Oh, really?" Blaze stormed towards the stallion. Canvas began to grow increasingly scared as he sat there, petrified in a mix of fear and exhaustion.

"Just what makes you think you can—UMF!"

Blaze was tugged back by his tail "Chill it, dude," Blane said, holding Blaze's tail with a claw. "You don't even know that guy."

Blaze kept staring at Canvas, which just made him more nervous as he tried to scoot back. At seeing the stallion under the tree, Blade narrowed his eyes on him as well. "Wait a minute…"

Blade took a couple steps towards Canvas, his eyes locked on him in a curious stare. "I swear… I think I saw you before…"

Canvas blinked as he tried to think of how any of these Gryphons would recognize him. In an instant, Blade's eyes widened and he snapped his talons as he grew a smile on his beak.

"Oh, yeah! You're that painter bloke from the Celestia photo, right? Troy's friend?"

"Um, y-yes!" Canvas smiled in relief and began to stand up. Remembering that Troy sent a copy of the newspaper headline of them with Celestia to his family, the stallion was happy that one of them was able to recognize him.

After getting back on his hooves (and wincing a little from his aching joints), Canvas put out a hoof towards Blade with a smile. "It's nice to meet you guys. My name is Canvas."

"Charmed." Blade put out a claw and shook the stallion's hoof, smiling. "Name's Blade. Perhaps you've heard of me?"

"A little bit," Canvas said, embarrassed as he let go of Blade’s claw. "I've listened to a couple of your albums before. I'm not much of a metal fan, but I really liked Dead Shopping Day."

"Aha!" Blade's smile grew wider as he looked over to his brothers and pointed at Canvas. "I like him already!"

Canvas smiled at hearing that, and turned over to shake the claws of the other two. Blade pointed at them as he said to the stallion, "The big one is Blane, and the one still looking all pissy is Blaze."

After shaking Blane's claw , Canvas saw that Blaze still did look a bit irked about being blinded by the stallion's ring. However, he still shook Canvas's other hoof while keeping a suspicious look on his face.

"So…" Blaze narrowed his eyes on Canvas. "You know where our brothers are?"

"Um, actually…" After putting down his hoof, Canvas used his other one to rub the back of his head. "I saw both of them by one of the clouds during the race. I'm pretty sure Troy has to clean up before doing anything else."

Canvas then noticed Blane seeming confused as he looked around, noticing all the ponies getting refreshments or just lying about the woods. "What's happening, by the way? Some chick back in Ponyville said something about some leaf festival or whatever."

"Oh, it's the Running of the Leaves." While Canvas began to explain, he barely noticed that Blaze began to slowly walk around him. "It's an event held every year where all the leaves are removed from the trees to make way for winter. Since that was how the founders of Ponyville used to do it, it sort of became a tradi—WHOA!"

Canvas quickly hopped away from Blaze and took several steps back. He pointed at the Gryphon with a sly smirk on his muzzle. "I know what you're doing, and you're not gonna get me that easily!"

"Huh? Wha…" Blaze stopped walking before he was able to do a full circle around him. After realizing that Canvas knew what he was trying to do, he groaned and gritted his teeth. "Dammit!"

"That's right!" With a grin, Canvas kept his left hoof pointed at Blaze. "Lyle told me about you guys' little 'fart ring' thing, so—"

Canvas felt his entire body get lifted up by his hoof, making him cry out in the sudden bout of pain from his still-aching joint. Lifting him a couple feet off the ground, Blane held the stallion by the hoof and peered closer at the band wrapped around it.

"Dude!" Blane exclaimed, glancing at Blade. "Check out the ring on this guy!"

Canvas's eyes widened as he looked up, seeing Blade staring at his engagement ring as well.

"Damn!" Blade narrowed his golden eyes on the hoofband before looking down at Canvas. "Is that white gold, mate?"

"Uhhh…" Since he realized that none of Troy's older brothers knew about his engagement yet, let alone anything about a possible relationship, Canvas glanced down at them with a fretful look as he desperately tried to think of something to say. "Y-yeah… It… it is…Can you put me down, please?"

"Oh, sorry," Blane let go of Canvas's hoof, making the stallion drop to the ground with an ungraceful “umf”. When Canvas got back up and began to rub his backside, wincing, Blane looked down at him. "Where'd you get that thing? Can you seriously afford something like that?"

"Oh, um… Well…" Afraid of what he could say to them without giving anything away or downright lying, the stallion looked away and bit his lip. "Well, I'm… sort of engaged, actually…"

Noticing how the stallion was blushing at saying that, Blaze was the first one to speak up. "Oh, uhh… Congrats, I guess." Before Canvas could look back at him, his eyes narrowed in confusion. "Wait… Isn’t it usually the girl who wears the ring?"

Canvas's eyes widened in an instant. “Oh! Umm… Well…"


The triplets all turned around to see Troy hovering in the air with a shocked look on his face. Seeing his older brothers standing around his fiancé, there wasn't a single thing Troy could think of to say before the three shouted out cheerfully:


The three Gryphons immediately shot upward and tackled Troy before pulling him back to the ground. While Blane gripped his forelegs from behind and held him in a sleeper-hold, Troy struggled to breathe in gasping wheezes.

Blaze wrapped a claw around him and pulled him in by his neck. "How've you been, Runty?" He then noticed Troy's forelegs, lifting one up with a claw and looking at it disapprovingly. "Dude, you're like a friggin twig! Bro, do you even lift?"

"OI!" Blade, grinning with excitement, looked over at Blane while Troy was immobilized. "Blane! Do the screecher!"

Wide-eyed, Troy tried to writhe his body out of his older brother's grasp. Before he could get a chance to break free, Blane quickly wrapped his forelegs so his claws met around Troy’s chest. Troy desperately tried to speak out in a desperate rasp.

"Blane, you better no—BRAAAAWK!!!"

As soon as Blane gave his chest a tight squeeze, Troy's eyes bulged and he squawked loudly. All the triplets immediately burst into laughter.

"He still does it!" Blaze cackled like a hyena. "Do it again!"


Once again, another squeeze was enough to make Troy caw out like a dying parakeet, which caused the triplets to crack up once more. Even Canvas had to look away and struggle not to laugh at the sounds Troy was making with each squeeze.


Blade fell backward on the grass, cackling incessantly. "Oh man! I think I'm gonna pee!"

Before Blane could squeeze any more noises out of his brother, Troy managed to break himself free in a fit of rekindled rage. "STOP IT!!!"

"Stawp it!" Blaze had his claws up as he mocked Troy's tone and said in an overly feminine manner, "Ooh, I'm too sensitive! I might worry my pony friends!"

Troy tried to lunge towards Blaze, but was stopped by Blane grabbing him by the shoulders. However, Blaze was still surprised enough to flinch at his younger brother's sudden burst of anger. "Yeesh! Kill the motor, dude! Who lit the fuse on your tampon?"

Troy growled under his breath and tried to breathe after closing his eyes. Taking a second to calm himself down and avoid mutilating anyone in front of his future husband, Troy sighed heavily before reopening his eyes to glare to Blaze. "Why… are you guys here?"

"Whaddya mean?" Blade lifted himself off the ground. "We went to your place, but it was empty, so we went to look for ya in Ponyville. Lyra told us you were here, and we was chattin' with your buddy Canvas before ya showed up."

"Wait, what do yo…"

When Troy turned to look at Blade, he had a lot of different questions to ask, starting with which house the three showed up to. Despite wanting to know whether or not they broke into Rainbow Dash's second home—as well as what exactly the three talked with Canvas about—Troy paused before looking at Blade in confusion. "Why the buck are you talking like that?"

"Ugh…" Blane let go of Troy and groaned under his breath. "Some stupid thing he picked up in Trottingham."

"Yeah," Blaze added in an equally annoyed tone, “he went there for a couple weeks, and he still hasn’t stopped talking in that stupid accent!"

"Oi! This is me natural voice!" Blade protested, his accent suddenly growing thicker. He added with a haughty grin, "Besides, it makes me sound sophisticated."

"More like retardicated," Blaze replied.

"Aw, shuddup, ya tosser! At least I'm able to get myself some decent tail wit—"


Hearing the voice of a mare calling out towards them, the triplets, as well as Troy and Canvas, turned to see Rainbow Dash flying in with an aggravated expression. Lyle was flying in from behind her with a worried look on his face.

"I don't know what the hay is going on, but I just heard a lot of screeching and…"

As soon as she saw the three new Gryphons standing alongside Troy, Rainbow Dash’s expression began to soften while she landed. Her eyes widened as she looked at the triplets in realization. "Wait a minute… Are you guys Troy's family?"

"Yep!" Blane pulled Troy in by the neck and squeezed him against his chest. "Just having a little fun, that's all."

As soon as Lyle landed alongside Rainbow Dash, Blaze grinned and pointed a talon at him. "Awesome! You found the Porn-Hoarder!"

Lyle's expression immediately turned to an enraged scowl. "DUDE! I told you not to call me that!"

"Then maybe you shouldn't be drawing porn like a creeper!"

Rainbow Dash looked over at Lyle in confusion as she tried not to laugh. "Wait, what?"

"I already told you!" Lyle shouted at Blaze. "I was drawing it for someone else! It was a commission!"

"Dude, I don't care WHAT condition you have! You shouldn't be drawing old-lady porn!"


Rainbow Dash turned away from Lyle and covered her muzzle with a hoof. While she struggled not to crack up, she didn’t seem to notice that Blade was right beside her now.

"Why, hello there…" Blade raised his eyebrows up a couple times and gave her a cocky smirk. "Who might you be, m'lady?"

As soon as she noticed the flirty Gryphon standing beside her, Rainbow Dash's smile turned to worry as she took a couple steps back. "Uhhh… I'm Rainbow Dash… I work with your brother Troy."

"Hey, Troy," Blane said, keeping Troy’s neck wrapped around his foreleg, "you hittin' that?"

"WHAT?" Dash glared over at them.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?!" Troy wriggled himself out of Blane's grip and tried to regain his footing. "She's my boss, you idiot!"

"…So… You're not hitting that?"

Troy and Dash both gave strong glares towards Blane. Blaze grew a sly grin.

"Oh, c'mon, Blane! You know Troy! The only girl he's ever been with was the vacuum cleaner!"

"BLAZE!" Troy glared at his brother like he was about to maul him.

Rainbow Dash and Canvas were both looking at Troy with disbelieving smirks on their faces. Catching this, Troy looked between both of them while putting up his claws in defense. "He's lying! That's what he does! He lies!"

"No he's not!" Blade tried not to laugh. "Mum had to start hiding the vacuum cleaner after the third time she caught you!"

"PBBBBTTT!!!" Rainbow Dash immediately looked away from Troy, closing her eyes as she began to crack up loudly.

Canvas looked down to the ground and muttered to himself in contemplation, "Huh… that explains a lot…"

Troy put both claws over his head and groaned once more. It hadn't even been five minutes, and his brothers were already causing him enough trouble to warrant not seeing them for almost a year.

Among the cackling of his brothers, as well as the stifled laughter of his boss and fiancé, Troy managed to hear the feeble voice of another mare gasping nearby.

Troy turned to see Fluttershy standing nearby the tree, wide-eyed. Seeing the three large Gryphons, Fluttershy looked like she was about to pass out. "Oh… my gosh…"

Troy quickly made his way towards her, putting a smile on his beak to ensure that she wouldn’t freak out. "Heeeeyyyyy, Fluttershy…"

"It… it… it's…"

The other three looked towards her as well. Afraid of what so many new eyes would do to a mare as timid as Fluttershy, Troy put up a claw.

"Fluttershy, I… I told you about my brothers, right? Well, here they are…" Troy pointed a claw at the three as he continued. "The big one is Blane, the one with the shaved head is Blaze, and the skinny one is—"


Troy jolted back in surprise, not expecting to hear Fluttershy say anything more than a meager squeak. When he looked back to her, he saw that Fluttershy's wide-eyed stare was now accompanied by a huge, awestruck smile at the sight of his brother Blade.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!!!"

To the shock of everyone else, Fluttershy ran up to Blade with a giddy spring in her step, practically bouncing off the ground as she tried to stand still. "Oh my gosh, it's you! It's you, it's you, it's really, REALLY you!!!"

Troy, now staring at the Pegasus like she had just turned into a vampire bat, felt his beak hang open as he blinked repeatedly. "Uhhh… what?"

Fluttershy gasped as soon as she heard Troy, making her remember something when she looked back to him. "Oh my gosh! When I was at your party and saw all the albums, I thought that you were a fan too! But then you said they were your brother's, and I thought you just meant that they belonged to your brother! I didn't… I didn't think your brother was the actual lead singer!!!"

Fluttershy squealed in delight before looking back at Blade, who now had a surprised grin as he stared back at her.

Rainbow Dash, who was looking just as shocked as the others, had her mouth hung open slightly as she tried to contemplate what the buck was going on. "Wait a minute… Did you just say a fan, too?!"

Canvas could only blink as he tried to think this over. "I am so confused right now."

Blade put out a claw towards Fluttershy, keeping a sensual smirk before speaking in a more eloquent tone. "Why, I don’t believe we've met… Just who might you be?"

After another giddy squeal, Fluttershy had the biggest smile on her face as she looked up to him.

"My name is Fluttershy, and I'm one of your biggest fans!!!"

Author's Note:

Now if you all excuse me, I'm going to hide in my bunker while you all rage over my headcanon.

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