• Published 28th Nov 2013
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Brushed Away 2: By Hoof and Claw - TheVClaw

A sequel to Brushed Away, Troy is a Gryphon who has to deal with a new obstacle in his life: telling his family he's with a stallion.

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Chapter Nineteen: Fluttercore

Rarity, with a chipper smile on her muzzle, trotted happily as she went to find Fluttershy. After Fluttershy agreed to help Rainbow Dash with some of the extra weather touches before the Running of the Leaves, the poor dear looked absolutely exhausted by the time it was all done. Though she knew that Dash wouldn't dare push Fluttershy too far, Rarity couldn't think of any other reason why she looked so tired, especially since she left Canvas's birthday party so early the previous night.

If Rarity had never found Fluttershy's saddlebag lying beside a tree, who knows what might've happened? While theft is a rare occurrence anywhere in Equestria, let alone Ponyville, it still seemed necessary for Rarity to find her friend and make sure her bag was safe.

As she rounded a hillside, the unicorn's ears perked up as she heard several voices, including Fluttershy's. Before she could reach the source of the voices, she overheard the unmistakable voice of Rainbow Dash, who made the oddest statement she had ever heard in her life.

"Fluttershy, you're a metal-head??!

Rarity paused and scrunched her face in confusion. Did… did Rainbow Dash seriously just ask that?

Thinking she just misheard, Rarity scoffed and continued towards them. As soon as she came within sight of the source of the voices, the mare's eyes widened in confusion.

Along with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, Rarity also saw three new Gryphons standing beside Troy, Canvas, and Lyle. Before she could notice anything in regards to the brown-and-tan Gryphons, whom she assumed to be Troy's family, Rarity's attention was brought to the wide-eyed stares everyone held on Fluttershy.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was eagerly shaking the claw of the slimmer brown Gryphon, who wore black eye makeup and a growing smirk on his beak.

"Oh! Ummm…" Upon hearing Rainbow Dash's surprised statement, Fluttershy turned back to her and said bashfully, "Well… I …"

"Fluttershy," Troy said slowly, raising a claw, "do you seriously like my brother's music?!"

"Oi!" Blade glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Well, of course I do!" Fluttershy declared as she looked at Troy. "I've been listening to Talon Ripper for years!"

Rarity's head pulled back in surprise, her eyes widening.

Fluttershy turned back to Blade with an ecstatic smile. "I just can’t believe you're actually Troy's brother! Oh my gosh, I have every single one of your albums! I even have the LPs of your solo work!"

Despite being happy to meet a fan in Equestria, Blade still winced a little at the mention of that last part. He looked away and muttered under his breath, "At least someone bought those."

"In fact, I—oh, hi, Rarity!"

Upon noticing her friend standing nearby with a confused expression, Flluttershy gave a happy smile to her. Her smile then grew when she noticed her own saddlebag on the mare's back. "Oh, perfect! Thank you so much for getting my bag!"

While Rarity stood still, unsure of how to react, Fluttershy took her bag from Rarity's back and began to look around inside while she said to Blade, "It's just so great that you're here! Your newest album just came out today, and I waited out all night last night just to get the first copy of Changeling Slaughterhouse!"

"THAT was why you left so early?!" Rainbow Dash tried to not let her jaw drop again. Of all the excuses Fluttershy may have had, she never would've guessed it would be to get a death metal album.

Fluttershy pulled out the album from her saddlebag. Much to everyone's shock, she wasn't lying. Looking back at Blade with a huge grin, the usually feeble mare held a brand-new copy of Changeling Slaughterhouse in her hooves. She also held a pen in her muzzle as she began to blush slightly.

"Ummm… Blade? Would it be alright if… Well… If I could—”

Blade was already on it, pulling the pen out of Fluttershy's mouth before grabbing the album. As he started to sign Fluttershy's copy of Changeling Slaughterhouse, the mare squealed in glee and tried not to hop around like a jackrabbit.

Rarity just stared at her, jaw agape, unsure whether this was really Fluttershy, or just Pinkie Pie in the Fluttershy outfit again.

Blaze and Blane, who stood in silence with bemused looks on their faces, stared at their brother in awe. "I'm gonna be honest," Blaze finally managed, "I totally thought you were full of it when you said you had ponies as fans."

Blade looked back at him with a skewed brow. "Hey, I showed you all those letters, didn't I? I'm I have tons of fans in Equestria!"

Troy and Lyle glanced at each other, both remembering what that mare at the record store said a few days ago. Despite being told their brother's band had a fanbase here, neither of them would have ever guessed who the first fan they'd meet would actually be.

After finishing his autograph, Blade gave the album back to her, making the mare grin even wider at seeing his signature. "Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!"

Rarity glanced at the album, gasping at the sight of the cover art before holding a hoof over her mouth. "Fluttershy! Why in Equestria do you have that?!"

"Uhhh…" Fluttershy's smile faltered. "Well… I mostly enjoy it for the music…"

Canvas, who had remained silent the entire time, scratched his head and tried to comprehend how somepony like Fluttershy could be a fan of Talon Ripper. Unsure how a mare as timid as she could enjoy a band so loud and hardcore, the stallion couldn't think of anything to say before Rainbow Dash spoke up again.

"You seriously listen to death metal?! I once saw you run away from a falling twig! How the buck can you be a metal-head?!"

"I… Well…" When Fluttershy looked back to Dash, she weakly clarified, "I… don't think I can necessarily call myself a metal-head, but…" Looking down to her hooves, her pink mane fell over her face as she finished, "I… I really do enjoy Gryphon death metal…"

As a pregnant silence fell between the group, Rainbow Dash just stared at Fluttershy like she had just said the most insane thing imaginable. "WHY?! I mean, HOW?! When??!"

Fluttershy noted how everyone was staring at her with the same surprised and curious expressions as Dash. Although she shook a little at being the center of attention, the fact that one of her favorite musicians was also here was enough to help her keep her composure. After swallowing and taking a deep breath, the mare and looked back to Rainbow Dash.

"Ummmm… Do you remember back in Flight Camp, when you were roommates with Gilda?"

Rainbow took a second before nodding, remembering that Gilda had a few metal albums back when they shared a dorm together. "Ummm… yeah?"

"Well," Fluttershy continued, her blush growing, "do you remember that time I asked to borrow your Hinny of the Hills soundtrack?"

"Ahhhh…" Rainbow bit her lip as she looked away. "I… I think I… may have had that… as a gift, of course."

"Well," Fluttershy said, ignoring Rainbow's obvious hesitation, "when I went to get the album, I accidentally took one of Gilda's albums instead." She smiled at Blade and added, "Talon Ripper's first LP."

Turning back to the others, Fluttershy continued, "I didn’t realize I had the wrong one until I started listening to it back in my room. As soon as it started, I was so scared that it took me a moment before I could try to turn it off! But… then I heard Blade's voice…"

Blade stood up straight and puffed his chest out. Blaze and Blane both looked away and tried not to chuckle.

"It sounded just like the territorial call of the Great Marelay Argus, one of the loudest birds in the world! And it was so enchanting that I couldn't stop listening to it!"

While Blade's smile didn't falter, his eyes narrowed slightly at that last comment. Not noticing this, Fluttershy looked back to the others as she went on cheerfully.

"And after listening to the vocals, I started appreciating the other aspects of the music, like the rhythm and acoustics. And, before I knew it, I ended up getting a copy of the album for myself!"

"So…" At hearing the mare's explanation, Lyle raised a talon and smirked. "Are you saying that the only reason you like Blade's music is because he sounds like a bird you like?"

"Dude, shut it!" Blade glared at his little brother. "I won't hesitate doin' the plucker on ya again!"

Lyle took a couple steps back at whatever it was his older brother was referring to.

Fluttershy looked over to Lyle. "Well, maybe at first, but I really do like his music as a whole! His screeching really goes well with the guitar riffs and drum bass, and I think it's really relaxing."

Rarity's eyes widened even more in sudden realization. She covered her mouth with a hoof. "Oh! I can't even…"

Fluttershy looked back at Rarity, who had a mortified look on her face. "Fluttershy, when… when we go to our weekly spa visits, is THAT what you listen to on your headphones?!"

Fluttershy blushed as she looked away from her. "Ummm… yes. I find Peck My Pain Area to be really soothing during aroma therapy."

Rarity blinked, unable to pick up her gaping jaw. "Bu-but… I… I thought you liked the Pony Tones!"

"I do!" Fluttershy insisted. "But… I also like Gryphon death metal."

Rarity turned away from the mare. Although she knew that Fluttershy had a pair of rather expensive noise-cancelling headphones, she would've never thought it was to listen music like that. "I… I… I don't know what to say!"

"I do!" Dash blurted, rounding on Fluttershy. "How come you never brought this up before?!"

"Well… You never asked."

"Ugh!" Rainbow Dash face-hoofed and groaned in frustration. "Are you kidding me?! We've been friends for years, and I find out you like metal music NOW?!"

"Well…" Biting her lip, Fluttershy looked down to her hooves and answered meekly, "I don't really listen to much metal music. And the reason I like Talon Ripper was because… well... it helped give me the confidence to be more assertive around animals."

"Wait a minute!"

Fluttershy and the others looked back at Blade, who was staring at her in wide-eyed revelation. Pointing a talon at her, he blinked a couple times before saying faintly, "Fluttershy, did you write me a letter several years ago from Flight Camp?"

Fluttershy gasped and put a hoof over her mouth. "Ye… Yes I did!"

Blade stepped forward with a growing smile on his beak. "I remembered getting a letter from a Pegasus who told me that she fought off a bear because of my music!"

Now both hooves were over Fluttershy's mouth, as she stood in front of Blade in utter awe. "Oh my gosh! I… I can’t believe you remember that!"

"Wait a minute," Rainbow Dash said with surprise, "wasn't that when you found your pet bunny Angel?"

"Yes it was!" Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically and smiled. She then turned back to Blade and added, "When I was tending to some animals, I found a baby bunny about to get mauled by a starving bear! Even though I was scared about what might happen to me, I still managed to subdue the bear before the bunny could get hurt!"

The mare then looked down to the ground with a content smile. "Finding that little guy was one of the greatest things to ever happen to me, and I know I wouldn't have been able to do it if I didn’t get the confidence from your band's latest album at the time…"

Fluttershy glanced up at him with a blushing smile. "Angel of Mutilation."

Rainbow Dash's mouth fell agape quick enough to risk breaking her jaw. "THAT'S WHAT YOU NAMED ANGEL AFTER?!?"

"Fluttershy, dearie," Rarity said in a frantic tone, "please don't tell me that you named your pet Angel after a… rock-and-roll album!"

Fluttershy looked back at Rarity in confusion. "But… I didn't name him after a rock-and-roll album."

Rarity sighed in relief. "Oh, thank goodne—"

"I named him after a metal album."

Rarity paused, looking like she had been frozen in place. After staring at her friend in stunned silence, she began to walk away while muttering to herself, "Sweet Mother of Celestia…"

"Fluttershy…" Blade, who was looking at the Pegasus with pure admiration, walked up to her as he looked into her eyes. "That was one of the most hardcore letters I ever received…"

Blade lifted one of Fluttershy's hooves up with a claw, surprising everypony as he declared in an awestruck tone, "You… were the inspiration for Pink-Haired Banshee!"

Rarity stopped in her tracks and looked back at the two with a mix of disgust and puzzlement.

Fluttershy gasped, covering her smiling muzzle with her other hoof. "That's… That's one of my favorite songs!

Noting how the two were beginning to blush deeply as they looked at one another, Rainbow Dash quickly stepped between them.

"Okay, okay!" Rainbow Dash put her hooves between Fluttershy and Blade. "Hey, Fluttershy, can I speak with you for a moment? Away from these guys?

"Why?" Fluttershy asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Ummm… yeah." Rainbow looked over at her and tried to come up with an excuse to keep the Gryphon with the bad accent away from them. "I, uh… needed to talk to you, ummm… about my cloud."


The two turned to the source of the random shout, seeing Troy with wide-eyed, horrified realization. Troy glanced at his brothers before walking over to the two mares. "Uhhh… Dash? Can I speak with you? Like, right now?"

Dash looked between him and Fluttershy before nodding. "Ummm… okay, I gue—"

Troy quickly grabbed her with a wing before pulling her out of earshot from the others. After a moment of silence, Fluttershy turned back towards Blade.

"S-so, Fluttershy," Blade began, his Trottingham accent coming out much weaker than before, "I was wondering, umm… Would… would you—"

"WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash shouted in the distance, making Blade stop and peer his head up in confusion.

Fluttershy looked back before excusing herself. "Umm… I… I should see what's going on…"

Fluttershy then galloped off before Blade could make a reply, making him slump in disappointment. "Aw, c'mon," he grumbled, "that's not fair."

Blaze and Blade both rolled their eyes. "Dude, are you serious?" Blaze said, a skeptical expression on his frowning beak. "We didn't come out here so you can get laid!"

"Yeah!" Blane added, "We're ALL supposed to get laid!"

Blaze smacked his brother over the head, making the larger Gryphon wince before snapping at him. "Dude! What the buck was THAT for?!"

Rarity, not wanting to get involved with the three, carefully made her way over to Canvas and Lyle. Meanwhile, Lyle looked over at Canvas, seeing that the stallion was still in a slightly dazed state. "Uhhh… Canvas?"

"Hm?" Canvas quickly brought himself back to reality. "What?"

"Are you okay, dude?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Canvas assured as he waved a hoof. "It's just…"

Canvas looked back at the triplets as they began to bicker amongst one another. Staring at the three, Canvas bit his lip and sighed. "I really didn’t expect this much to happen today."


Fluttershy managed to reach the secluded spot in the field where Troy and Rainbow Dash were. Of course, she was able to hear Dash’s angered voice before they even came into view.

"NO!" Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof at Troy. "NO! No, no, no, no! No bucking way, Troy!"

"Oh, come on!" Troy looked at her with a desperate expression. "It'll only be for, like, a day! Two, tops!"

"I said no, dude! You are NOT putting your brothers in my cloud!"

Troy cringed a little at Dash's insistence, but tried to stand his ground as he made his plea. "C'mon, Dash! Please?! I haven't told them about me and Canvas yet! I need a little bit of time before coming out to them!"

Dash just looked at him with a bemused stare. "Why don't you just tell them now?! They're already here!"

"Yeah! They JUST got here! I'd rather not drop a bomb like that on them when they just got off the damn train! And I know they'll be weirded-out if they see I'm living on the ground with a stallion!"

Rainbow Dash groaned and rubbed her temples with a hoof. "Didn't I talk with you about this after Lyle showed up at my place!?"

"Dash, come ooooooonnnnn!!!" Troy moaned. "I haven't told them about my new place, and I need some time before I tell them about Canvas! Pleeeeaseee?"

Dash dropped her hoof, staring at Troy with a befuddled expression. "Geez, Troy. You want some cheese to go with that whine?"

"Ummm…" Fluttershy's voice came out feebly as she tried to speak between the two. "Rainbow Dash?"

Dash and Troy both looked over at her, surprised that she was eavesdropping on them.

"Ummm… If you don't mind me saying, well… I think Troy should have the chance to tell them when he's comfortable."

Rolling her eyes with a heavy sigh, Rainbow looked over at her friend and continued to gripe. "But Fluttershy, it's my house!"

"It's only your vacation home!" Troy added in an annoyed tone. "And you barely use it anyway! I just need it for, like, one night, and I'll tell them about me and Canvas tomorrow. I promise."

Dash looked back at him for a second, seeing the insistence in his eyes before softening her expression a little. When she looked back at Fluttershy, the yellow mare smiled faintly and said, "I don't think doing that will be that bad. Don’t you agree?"

Dash looked between the two of them, pursing her lips shut as she tried not to show any sign of defeat. After a moment of silence, she closed her eyes and huffed loudly. "Oh… fine!"

Before Troy could sigh in relief, Dash pushed her face up against his and quickly added, "BUT! Those guys better not trash my place! You got that?"

"Uhhh…" Though he wanted to just nod, Troy knew his brothers well enough to know that kind of promise is easier said than done. "I'll pay for any damages those guys might cause."

Dash wanted to retort, but stopped herself before just sighing in defeat. "Just… Don’t make me regret this, alright?"

"Of course," Troy said, both claws raised in sincerity. "I'll take care of it."


With that, Dash followed Troy as they made their way back to his brothers and Canvas. Along the way, she couldn't help looking over at Fluttershy with a wary stare. Even though she already knew her delicate friend could be a bit of a wildcard (especially after befriending Discord), she was still pretty surprised to learn that new fact about her today.

Before she could ask her any questions about her music tastes, Dash's attention was diverted along with the other two as they heard Lyle yell, "Dude, I'm being serious! GIVE IT BACK!"

When Troy flew back to the tree, he saw the triplets up in the air, tossing Lyle's sketchbook around (luckily free of any risqué drawings) while Lyle kept zipping between them. "Guys, this isn’t funny! Give my sketches back!"

Rarity tried to grab the sketchbook from the ground, but her magic couldn't focus on it from this distance as it was tossed between the three cackling Gryphons.

"Oh, quit whining!" Blaze grabbed the notebook, skimming the pages for a couple seconds before tossing it over to Blade. "We're just making sure you're not drawing porn again!"

"Yeah!" Blade added as he skimmed through it well. Lyle tried shooting toward him in a fit of rage, but he threw it to Blane before he could reach it. "You can at least draw normal porn! Not that weird-ass thing you made with Ms. Beakman!"

Lyle growled as he clenched his teeth in anger. Rarity, who was overhearing all this from the ground beside Canvas, paused and looked over at Canvas. "Ms. Who?"

Before Lyle's sketchbook could be caught by Blane, Troy shot up from underneath the three and grabbed the book. When he landed back on the ground, he could hear the triplets all groan in disappointment when he gave it to Canvas.

"Troy, why are you already being a killjoy?!" Blane shouted down at him.

Troy replied, "Why are you guys already annoying the crap out of us?!"

Blane looked at his brothers for a second, then stared back at Troy like the answer was obvious. "Uhhh… Because it's fun?"

Troy covered his face with a claw and tried to breathe as calmly as he could. While he already wanted to take the three down, he desperately tried to calm himself in an effort to be the mature one.

Luckily, Blaze spoke up before any Gryphons could get strangled or punched in the groin. "Alright, alright! We'll stop. That's not why we're here anyway…"

Blade, along with the others, landed beside Troy. He wrapped his foreleg around Troy's neck, making him struggle. "We're here to spend some quality time with our little runt boy! Ain't that right, Fluffball?"

"Errrrgh!" Troy tried to pull himself free and growled at his brother's nickname for him. "I told you to stop calling me that!"

Blaze rolled his eyes and secured his grip. "Oh, whatever, Fluffy! Stop being a little bitch and have some fun!"

"WWWOOOOOOO!!!" shouted Blane and Blade in unison, anxious to get back to the skies with their younger brothers again.

"Hey Lyle, c'mon," Blane said, pulling him in with a wing, "let's see if any of the pony bars here'll believe you're drinking age!"

"What?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Just what do you guys think you're going to do?!"

Blade looked over at the his brothers for a second, then turned to Dash with a deadpanned reply. "We're gonna hang out, catch up, eat some burritos, and get so blitzed that one of us looks pretty."

"LET'S GO!" Blaze shouted before anyone else could speak up.

Without even getting a chance to say anything to Canvas, Troy was pulled away with Lyle by the triplets as they shot up into the skies.

Blade paused in midair and looked back at Fluttershy. He grinned and stared at her with a blush, mouthing the words "call me" before flying off.

While Fluttershy giggled a little with her own blush (much to the dismay of Rainbow Dash and Rarity), Canvas's eyes widened at seeing Troy get dragged out of sight. Looking fairly worried, Canvas tried to shout up to him before he could get out of earshot. "Stay safe, Troy!"

Nevertheless, Troy and the others were out of sight in a matter of seconds, making the stallion sigh and slump down a little. Rarity walked up to him, laying a hoof on his shoulder. "Don’t worry, Canvas. I'm sure he'll be alright."

"I know," Canvas said in a defeated tone, sighing. "It's just…"

"Just what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well…" Canvas looked down to his tired hooves for a second and winced. "It's just that my hooves are really tired after doing that Running of the Leaves…"

Canvas looked up to the skies and sighed. "And Troy was my ride home."

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