• Published 28th Nov 2013
  • 7,350 Views, 1,028 Comments

Brushed Away 2: By Hoof and Claw - TheVClaw

A sequel to Brushed Away, Troy is a Gryphon who has to deal with a new obstacle in his life: telling his family he's with a stallion.

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Chapter Forty-Three (Ending): The Train Back Home

Due to how much snow was coming down from the greyed skies, it was almost impossible to believe that winter just started a few days prior. Of course, given the fact that winter clouds are fairly low-maintenance after they had started, Troy had absolutely no complaints as he walked through the snow-capped streets of Ponyville with a carefree smile. After all, since the winter season officially began, it gave the silver Gryphon a lot of free time to spend with his family before they had to leave.

Even though tensions with both his parents were still apparent, Troy was just happy that things were actually improving since they first arrived to Equestria. After modifying the cloud structure above their barn to accommodate Jonas and Angela as well -- since Jonas’s actions got them evicted from the hotel after that night -- both Troy and Canvas were pleasantly surprised at how little conflict there actually was at the house. Even though there were a few stray arguments here and there (especially when Jonas saw how Canvas painted the house Troy was living in), a lot more time was spent with Troy just enjoying the company of his family. In fact, by the time they were all ready to leave, Troy felt more saddened than he expected while walking with them to the train station.

Fortunately, even though the cold weather covered everything in a few inches of snow, magic-infused heaters were stationed around the train station, which gave the Gryphons’ paws some much needed warmth when they stepped into the crowded station. A lot of ponies were either waiting for their rides or savoring the warmth inside of the station, but there was still enough space for the entire Clawston family to wait comfortably while chatting with Troy and Canvas.

“Urgh... “ Blade struggled a bit with his large duffel bag, which looked like it was about to burst open. “I can’t believe Fluttershy made me so much food for the trip!”

“Hey, can you blame her?” asked Blane with a smirk on his beak. “She obviously has the hots for you!”

The skinny Gryphon rolled his eyes and tossed his head to get the braid out of his eyes. “No she’s not! We’re just friends!”

Blaze had an equally skeptical stare to Blane’s when he looked over at the musician. “Uh-huh. Sure…”

“Aw, shuddup!” said Blade with a glare towards the two. “You’re just jealous because I’m the only one that got a gift before leaving!”

“No you’re not,” said Canvas with a raised brow. He pointed a hoof over to Angela. “I saw Twilight give Angela a book this morning.”

“Oh yeah…” Angela looked over to her purse as she recalled what the Princess gave her, and pulled out the light blue-covered book which was titled Understanding The Full Spectrum: Gender, Orientation, and Identity. She made a small huffed breath before stating, “Honestly, I never would’ve thought of reading something like this, but I guess this’ll be good to go over before the wedding.”

“Oh, of course,” said Troy with a smile when he recognized what book that was. “I think Twi recommended that to me when Canvas and I got together.”

Angela seemed a little surprised by that fact, but merely shrugged it off before turning her attention to the stallion beside him. “So, Canvas,” asked Angela while standing next to her obviously tired husband, “have the two of you decided on a wedding date?”

“Well, not yet,” answered the cheerful stallion with a shake of his head as he looked up to his fiancè, “but we have talked about having it in the Spring.”

“Yeah,” added Troy before looking back to his parents. “But don’t worry, we’ll be sure to let you guys know as soon as we have a date set.”

“You better,” piped Blade from Troy’s side as he gave him a warning nudge. “I don’t want to get my tour schedule screwed up because you two waited ‘till the last minute.”

Blaze chimed in while putting a foreleg over Blade’s shoulders. “Damn straight. And I don’t wanna mess up my probation because I couldn’t give my team two weeks notice or anything.”

Jonas rolled his eyes as he tried to speak and get himself out of his groggy tone. “Oh, come on! You don’t have probation, Blaze! That letter said that you were put off the hook, remember? If anything, they should be kissing your ass after that other guy ratted himself off on those drug charges!”

“Yeah, yeah…” Even though he didn’t want to piss off his Dad right before being crammed on a train with him, Blaze couldn’t help narrowing his eyes on him with a smirk. “It’s almost like being honest wasn’t enough to convince them I didn’t do it, right?”

Jonas groaned and shook his head in annoyance. “Yes, you’ve rubbed that in my face quite enough!” Before his son could say anything else, he pointed a talon at him disapprovingly, “But carrying nip on yourself for a friend was still stupid!”

“I’m aware of that, but I never lied about what happened.” Making a small huff, Blaze turned his head back to Troy. “You gotta get me that Derpy friend’s address some time. I might mail her a gift something for sending me that letter personally.”

“Will do,” said Troy enthusiastically. After looking around the station briefly, the silver Gryphon sighed when he heard the train engines from far off in the distance. “Oh man… I can’t believe I’m being this sad about you guys leaving now. I barely even thought about it back when I left the Gryphon Kingdom.”

“Hey, don’t sweat it,” said Blane with a smile as he gave Troy’s shoulder a light punch. “Things were kinda awkward back then. But at least we’re all on good terms now, right?”

When Troy looked back at his massive brother, he couldn’t help smiling bigger as he answered, “Yeah. Definitely.”

While Troy went over to give Blane a hug, which was quickly followed by the other two triplets joining in as well, Canvas looked over at Lyle with a smile. “So, Lyle. You have any plans when you go back home?”

Lyle shrugged as he looked outward from the platform, seeing the train just begin to appear over the horizon. “Ehh… I was thinking maybe doing one of those portfolio things. You know, like the one that you have.”

“Really?” asked Canvas in pleasant surprise.

“Yeah.” Lyle pulled his head back before turning to the stallion. “There’s actually a comic publisher not too far from my school. I figure that I make a good enough portfolio, I could probably use that and my recommendation letter to get an internship there or something.”

“Oh, wow! That’s a great idea!” Canvas kept his smile as he looked up at Lyle’s parents. “You think maybe that could get him a scholarship?”

Angela opened her beak to say something, but paused when she actually thought Lyle’s plan over for a second. After a few seconds of silence, her brows raised as she looked down to Lyle. “I… I might have to look into that and see if he could.”

Canvas kept his smirk up towards Jonas, who sighed reluctantly in agreement to his wife. “Well… it would be good he could get a scholarship that way. Then I wouldn’t have to pay for an art school out-of-pocket.”

“Dad!” Lyle rolled his eyes at Jonas’s remark. “I never said I wanted to go to an art school!”

Canvas was quick to add towards the young Gryphon, “And there’s nothing wrong with that. You still have plenty of time to think things over.”

When Lyle looked back at the stallion, his beak held that same kind of gracious smile that Canvas recognized from Troy. Even though he was sad that Lyle had to leave, Canvas couldn’t have been happier for how much he managed to help the Gryphon in the short time he was in Equestria. But before Canvas could say much else, the sound of the train whistle blowing made everyone look in wait as the train began its descent.

“Come’on!” Blade went over to Canvas, throwing the pony off guard by picking him up for a hug. “We’re not leavin’ without a hug from ya!”

A brief shriek escaped Canvas as he was squeezed, but quickly turned to an involuntary giggle before hugging him back. Blaze and Blane joined in as well, each getting a hug in as the train made its way into the station. By the time the stallion was back on the ground, steam was already coming from the engine to add even more welcomed heat to the platform as ponies began to line for the doors. Despite how much his mane and fur were ruffled from the triplets’ hugs on him, Canvas still decided to give one more to the last brother. “Lyle, come here…”

Lyle was quick to accept the gesture, and hugged the stallion tightly with his eyes shut. Even with the smile on his beak, it was hard for Lyle’s voice to not start cracking as he said, “I’m… I’m really gonna miss you, dude.”

“It’s okay,” said Canvas in an equally emotional tone of voice. “We’ll see each other in the spring, no doubt.”

“Y-yeah…” After pulling back, Lyle gave the same strong hug to Troy. “S-see ya, bro…”

“See ya, Lyle…” After returning the hug as strongly as he could, Troy pulled back to look Lyle in the eyes with a warm smile. “You better get that best man speech planned out when you get the time.”

Lyle only nodded before responding. “Yeah. Sure thing.”

“Wait,” asked Angela with a surprised look on her face. “HE’S the best man?!”

“Uh-huh,” said Troy in a more chipper tone while Canvas helped Lyle with his luggage. “When I heard how he stood up for me, he seemed like the best choice.”

Angela looked over at her husband, who seemed less than enthusiastic about hearing that detail. But still, Jonas just sighed with a shrug. “Well, I suppose I can understand that.”

“Yeah…” Troy then went over and gave his Mom a tight hug while the triplets made their way onto the train. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too,” said Angela sincerely as she hugged him back. When she let go, she kept her warm smile as she added, “And I couldn’t be happier that you found someone else to love you as well.”

Troy chuckled a little as he looked back at Canvas. “Believe me, I couldn’t be happier either…”

While Canvas smiled back at him, Troy was sure to hug Lyle before he could hop into train as well. When he was finally let go from his brother, Lyle waved with a trembling smile as he stood at the doorway of the train. After the couple returned the gesture, Troy looked back to his Dad. “Well… I guess this is it…”

“Yep…” Despite how much he was able to regain his relationship with his family, Jonas still seemed a bit uncomfortable when it came to saying goodbye to Troy once more. The last time when Troy left the Gryphon Kingdom, all that Jonas gave him was a firm clawshake while telling him to stay out of trouble. But right now, before he could leave back for his home, all that Jonas could think to do was one thing…

Troy was surprised when Jonas bent in and gave his son a strong hug, but didn’t falter when he heard him say, “Goodbye, Troy… I’ll see you in the spring…”

Feeling like he was going to tear up, Troy quickly hugged him back as he clenched his eyes shut. “Y-yeah… see you soon, Dad…”

Even though the hug only lasted a few seconds, the moment felt much longer for both of them by the time they finally came apart. After grabbing his luggage, Jonas headed to the train while muttering under his breath, “I swear. Next time we’re getting an airship flight to Equestria…”

Angela looked over at Canvas before following Jonas onto the train. “You better be good to my son, you hear me?”

Despite the faux-threatening tone that the Gryphoness had, Canvas kept his smile while nodding firmly. “Of course, Missus Clawston. I promise.”

Angela gave Canvas a more chipper smile in response, and then waved to her son while going to the train. “Have a good winter!”

While the last of the passengers got onto the train, Troy stood beside his stallion as they both waved and waited for the train to depart. In less than a minute, the steam from the engines came forth once more, giving another blast of heat to the now emptier space while the Clawstons waved from inside the train.

A few other ponies were standing at the platform and waving by the train by the time it began to leave, but Troy and Canvas were the only ones to not move along the platform while it chugged out of the station. Instead, the two stayed in place while waving, slowly watching the train make their leave off into snow-capped hills leaving Ponyville.

Canvas only put his hoof down when he was no longer able to see the train. However, as soon as he looked up at his fiancè, the pony was surprised when he saw how Troy looked. Putting his claw down as well, Troy’s smile was accompanied by some stray tears coming down his feathered cheeks. “Troy?” asked Canvas worriedly. “Troy, what’s wrong?”

“N-nothing…” Troy quickly turned away from the stallion to wipe his cheeks dry with a claw, and sniffed as he tried to speak. “I’m just… I’m already sad that they left…”

Canvas grew a sympathetic pout to the Gryphon’s statement, and got on his hind legs to give him a hug while other ponies began to leave the station. “Oh, Troy… It’s okay…”

“I know, I know…” Another sniff came after that statement, and Troy looked down to his pony with a smile to show his honesty. “I… I honestly never felt this happy about my family before…”

When Canvas strengthened his hug around the Gryphon, Troy quickly hugged back just as tightly. Savoring his warmth, even in this heated station, Canvas looked up at him while in his embrace to say, “Well, at least you know that you have your family to look forward to when we actually prepare our wedding.”

“Yeah, definitely…” With his forelegs still wrapped around the stallion lovingly, Troy looked down at him with a smile. “You know… I shouldn’t be the only one looking forward to when they come back…”

Canvas’s head tilted a little with a confused look on his face. Seeing that, Troy chuckled before adding in a sweeter tone, “Because after all… by the time the wedding happens, they won’t just be my family, now will they?”

The stallion’s eyes shot open for a split-second, and immediately smiled wide before hugging him again. Troy hugged him back, and nuzzled Canvas’s mane with his beak as he asked, “So… how do you feel about that?”

Canvas giggled a little as he pulled his head up to look the Gryphon in the eyes with the purest love in his gaze. “Well… to be honest, it…

“It makes me feel like a Clawston.”

Troy instantly bent his head in, and kissed the stallion deeply while holding him tightly in his chest. While the Gryphon lifted himself up, pulling the stallion’s hind legs off of the ground, Canvas didn’t care one bit as he kissed him back. And as the two stood within the now empty train station in passionate embrace, the snow outside continued to fall down across most of Equestria, blanketing the land in a blank white slate like the finest canvas.

Of course, as soon as spring was set to arrive, that canvas would be brushed away, just in time for the wedding to begin.

Author's Note:

FINALLY! It's complete! I just want to give my deepest thanks to my followers, my proofreaders, and all the patient readers that followed me for the past two years. You guys all made this possible, and you can guarantee that there's more to come soon.

Comments ( 55 )

Wow. This has been a wild ride. I hope you will continue with these characters soon. Good job and thank you for the amazing read.

It all comes together! The end!

Until next time, awesome story.

Damn, man. You can't just drop three chapters like that with no warning!

But seriously, I've loved this journey. I had the first story on my Read Later list for wayyy too long, but it was definitely worth it to finally get caught up near the beginning of this one. I absolutely love the characters and their personalities, their problems and their solutions, and everything in-between.

I think the greatest strength this story has is its tolerance. How Canvas is willing to make up with his father but can't completely forgive him for what he's done. How Jonas, through several stern talks, is able to come to terms with the fact that he's willing to put aside his disagreements and confusions to reconcile with his family. This was one of the few stories that actually got me emotional (and tearful) at certain parts and I've definitely gotta give you credit for that.

Honestly, when these kinds of stories come around, I still find it weird that I'm talking about fanfiction for My Little Pony.

Anyways, another great ending to the series. I hope you can keep it going for as long as you can.


Troy and Canvas are so cute together. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Very awesome emotional story, especially concerning family relationships. Good job, ya really made me feel, and I'm happy they made up.

Wow I woke up today to this being update, so now I need to ready be done in a while thanks again bro!


You did an excellent job writing and I can't wait to see where the story goes. On another note, I somewhat expected Lyle to stay in ponyville with Troy and Canvas for a bit.

wonderful wonderful WONDERFUL job

Ah, such a wonderful tale, especially that sweet ending...So curious question...are we going to see the whole wedding?

Damn, it's over?

Great job, man. This was a fantastic ride, and if there is another sequel in the works, you should expect to see me there.

will be there at your next story as always loved it.

6469855 But he did gives us a warning. He mention it in his blog.

Anyway, I'm glad this story ended on a high note and looking forward to the wedding.

This was a freaking awesome story and a fantastic read, you will always have a loyal reader in me.

that canvas would be brushed away

brushed away

welp...roll credits

but honestly nice job m8

I'm confused. I don't know if I should be happy that 3 chapters got out, or sad that the story is now complete. Glad to know that there is more to come anyway.

Congratulations VClaw! You did it! Absolutely love Brushed Away and now I think I might need to reread it again. ^,^

There isn't any other story on here that has made me smile as widely, or tear up as much as this has. Thank you for the beautiful read and I look forward to the threequel. :heart:

have all of my likes , this has been my favorit story for a long time now and it alwayse made my day whenever there was a new chapter out .
thank you for creating this story and i look forward to reading your other work .

10/10, It's good- One Lucky Gamer

Corrections offered without malice.

duffle bag


the tripets


a trembled smile

trembling. Or tremulous.

Bravo. Bravo. Encore! Encore!


Crap. I missed them. :facehoof:

“She obviously has the hots for you!”

The skinny Gryphon rolled his eyes and tossed his head to get the braid out of his eyes. “No she’s not! We’re just friends!”

His response seems a little off.

“Damn straight. And I don’t wanna mess up my probation because I couldn’t my team give two weeks notice or anything.”

I think some words are out of order here bro.
Exquisite ending good sir. I am on pins and needles waiting for the next one.

11 out of 10, and more! This one had just as many hard-hitting feels as the first one, with an absolutely heartwarming ending. I loved it, start to finish.

Dos side romances tho. With these the show must go on although for this to occur the main event must continue in all its romantic paragon and empathetic sequence. Tis a beautifully written story with the correct focus on main plot and minor plot. Well written and lovely. 10 outa 10 ign.

Amazing as always.

Good ending! Jonas finally makes peace with his family and all is well. Can't wait for the sequel. I give this 10/10!

Truly marvelous. I look forward to seeing what's next, soon!

So romantic! *sigh*
This story was filled to the brim with drama! I can't wait for the next one. Well done! :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

Congratulations on finishing the story. It was a great read.

I really thought this would be the last chapter for the brushed awY series. Im happy there will be more. Congratulations on n amazing job well done.

Huzzah!! congratz of finishing a great wonderful story. Can't wait too see what you have in-stored for us in the wedding, maybe an alien invansion, or maybe adolf hitler gets transported there..who knows!!! Anyways mate, love the story and take care. Cheers mate.

Well.... Brushed Away 3 anyone? :pinkiehappy:

fingers crossed for a sequel :)

or another angle... the ponies, being prey, have developed a imperialistic mentality and invest heavily in the martial aspects.


>favotites your page on my comp so i remember to check back every day for start of sequel.

I'm really excited for the sequel that will come... Eventually.

7045612 I'm trying to figure out the rhythm to this so I can sing it with my head-voice...

This story has everything! Adventure, romance, comedy, action, happiness, sadness, epic stories, lots of details, sex, humor, progress, victories and, of course, lots and lots of emotions. The dialogues are remarkably strong, making up most of the amazing storytelling and pacing. And the story stays so incredibly consistent, so true to itself all throughout, it creates a very dense atmosphere.

To be fair, it has to be said the writing can be pretty weak outside of dialogues. Also, there are some grossly conflicting anachronisms strewn all over the story.

But those are hardly a blemish on the magnificence of this series. Excellent work. I would recommend everyone to read these radiant tales and appreciate them in all their glory.

7793477 Yeah you're probably right. Canon pinkie pie is very much random and would do such a thing.

Don't get me wrong though. It's not a criticism on the story as a whole, just a pet peeve regarding this kind of pinkie. I loved the first, and am enjoying reading this as well. ^^

And another great story comes to a close. It's been a great read, and I'm very glad I found it. ^^

I'm both happy and sad that I finished this story. Oh well. Onto the next one.

I enjoyed this just as much as the first, but in slightly different ways. The first book was much more dramatic, while book 2 was much more geared twords a lighter, almost comedic, flavor. But they both were delicious. :rainbowwild:

Just finished reading this one.
That was great.
I couldn't be happier that I found this series of stories when I did, cuz now I have had something to binge read over the week.
And what a binge read it has been so far!
Really looking forward to what the next couple stories hold for Troy and Canvas, time to start reading those!
Thank you for writing this, my opinion of it has not changed since book one.
Absolutely amazing stuff mate.

I was like 13 calm your tits you fucking retard
The concept was foreign and I didn't like it
As for calling me alt-right well no and no I'm also not a christian.

I am happy to find this series, my binge reading is out of control and I am enjoying it to much. I love the characters in this their chemistry works so well for me. I am looking forward to what the next chapter holds in this story and getting to read more about these characters and what they will get themselves into .

Why, Stargate SG1 of course ;P

Please tell me wasn't deliberate. If it was,,,then DETAILS PLEASE.:rainbowlaugh:

I sat on one of my three year old cousins shoes by accident and had to pull it out I gave it back and they still don't know luckily she's eight now and no longer wears it

HAAAAAAAAAAAA! :rainbowlaugh:

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