• Published 28th Nov 2013
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Brushed Away 2: By Hoof and Claw - TheVClaw

A sequel to Brushed Away, Troy is a Gryphon who has to deal with a new obstacle in his life: telling his family he's with a stallion.

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Chapter Four: Change of Plans

Troy was unable to see a single thing. Even if he didn't have his eyes covered up, he wouldn’t be able to see much in the darkened room he was in right now.

Because of that, the Gryphon could only try to struggle in his restraints as he tried to move as much as he could; however, the chains around his legs and claws were keeping him from moving even the slightest inch. Being held down by all fours, Troy couldn't even raise his back because of the weights placed on his wings.

Hearing the metal wrapped around him clanking with each forced movement, Troy was growing more fearful with every passing second, unable to see a thing with the blindfold over his eyes. And despite wanting to say something, anything to break the dead silence, the gag in his beak only allowed him to breathe in heavy pants.

After what felt like an eternity of forced solitude and restraint, the blindfold was quickly removed from Troy's eyes. A bright light flooded in, almost blinding the Gryphon as he tried to look away and clench his eyes shut.

After attempting to adjust to the light, Troy slowly turned back to the source of the brightness. Seeing what was in front of him, Troy's eyes widened in terror, despite how nearly blinded he already was.

Several large pedestals towered over the chained Gryphon, each made of cold grey stone as they loomed against the darkness. Perched on top of each pedestal were Gryphons in black cloaks, each one looking as old as time itself as they looked down at Troy with cold stares, almost as if they were looking into his very soul.

Even if he wasn't chained to the floor right now, Troy was still frozen in pure fear as he felt the ancient eyes upon him. Before he could try to speak through the gag in his beak, Troy's eardrums almost broke from the thundering voice above him.

"Troius Clawston…"

Shaking heavily in his restraints, Troy could only look up at the pedestal directly above him, where a grey-and-white Gryphon was staring down at him. With eyes as red and macabre as fresh blood, the ancient Gryphon stared at Troy with the coldest form of anger.

This kind of anger wasn't vibrant or energetic, or even fairly noticeable at first. But from the way his red eyes pierced into Troy's fearful golden ones, the burning intensity coming from them were of the purest form of antagonism. One that could only be held from the most stoic of stances in order to act in a calculated manner with the coldest of blood.

"…You are brought here today for your acts against common decency. For you have broken the most sacred ethics of all Gryphon kind…"

Troy began to struggle in an attempt to back away from the Gryphons above him. The chains wouldn't allow him to move a single inch. Trembling within his restraints, Troy was unable to get a single word in as the booming voice from above continued.

"Do have anything to say in your defense, Mister Clawston?"

The gag was removed from his beak. Troy immediately tried to thrash against his restraints violently.

"L-let me go! I… I didn’t do anything wrong! I SHOULDN’T BE HERE!!!"

The stoic stares from the Gryphons didn’t change one bit, despite Troy's attempts to break himself free. Perched above like a vulture awaiting a new corpse, the white Gryphon's eyes narrowed on Troy with cold malice, before he spoke in a brooding tone.

"For bedding outside of your own species, as well as outside mandatory orientation…

"You are ordered to be excommunicated."

Troy clenched his eyes shut as he thrashed harder against the chains binding him. Only with the thoughts of Canvas in his mind, all that Troy wanted to do was fly back home. However, the sound of metal unsheathing made Troy suddenly halt. His eyes shot open in pure, unbridled fear.

"Remove his wings."

Troy felt someone yank his wings down all the way, eliciting a horrified scream from him when he saw the fate before him.

A large Gryphon was now standing in front him in a black cloak and hood that covered his face. Troy wasn't able to move an inch from what he saw.

With a large broadsword in his claws, the hooded Gryphon paid no attention to Troy's cries of terror as he lifted the blade.

As the large sword rose above the Gryphon's head, a flash of light reflected off the polished steel, blinding Troy as he tried to scream.

Troy gasped as he shot up from his nest, sweat beading from his feathers as he sat up, his heart thundering in his chest. Breathing heavily, Troy shot his claws up and felt around his body frantically. Slowly, the Gryphon's terrified panic began to subside as he closed his eyes, sighing in relief as he felt his wings still on his back, and no chains on any of his limbs.

Looking around his surroundings, Troy was happy to see he was still in his home in Equestria, where the morning light was beginning to shine in through the bedroom window.

As he breathed out deeply in relief, Troy felt the nest begin to move a little as Canvas started to stir himself awake.

"T-Troy?" asked the stallion in a worried (albeit still groggy) tone as he tried to lift himself from his pillows. "Wha… What's wrong, honey?"

Keeping his eyes closed, Troy breathed out heavily again before he tried to speak in a less flustered tone of voice. "N-nothing, Canvas. I… I'm fine."

Even though he just woke up, Canvas was able to see from the worried look on Troy's face that he wasn't being entirely truthful. Knowing what had happened again, Canvas lifted himself up before wrapping his hooves around the Gryphon. Nuzzling his fiancé's silver feathers, Canvas held him tightly as he spoke in a faint and warm tone.

"Did you have another bad dream?"

Opening his eyes to look down at the stallion, Troy could only sigh before nodding. "Ye… yeah. The same one as last night."

Canvas sat up and pulled Troy in for a tight hug. The week since the two of them returned home, Troy had experienced bad dreams about returning to his family almost every night. While the dreams may have varied in description or detail, all of them dealt with the same sort of scenario for Troy: he would lose everything as soon as he admitted to being with Canvas.

Clenching his eyes shut, Troy hugged the stallion back as tightly as he could. "I… I'm sorry for being this freaked-out about it."

"Troy, it's alright. Don't feel bad about it." Canvas pulled his head back before he spoke in a more insistent tone to the Gryphon. "I told you, I understand completely. You have no reason to feel guilty about being worried."

"I know," began Troy as he looked away from his fiancé for a moment, "it's just…" Looking more worried about his recent nightmares, Troy sighed again before he reopened his beak. "I… I think the dreams are getting worse."

Canvas pulled him in for another hug before kissing him gently on the cheek. "It's okay. It was just a dream, just like all the others."

Even though it took a moment for him to let that statement sink in, Troy slowly began to nod before looking back at Canvas. Keeping a warm smile on his tired face, the stallion kept his blue eyes on the Gryphon's before kissing him on the beak. Slowly, Troy began to feel slightly better with Canvas in his grasp, despite how increasingly bad his dreams were becoming recently.

After letting his lips linger for another moment as they pressed against Troy's beak, Canvas slowly pulled back. Knowing how badly his fiancé's recent nightmares had been getting to him, Canvas put a hoof up to his cheek before speaking in a caring tone.

"Troy, remember… You don't have to go back for another couple of weeks. There's no reason for you to worry about it right now."

"Yeah, I know…" Even though he tried to keep a smile on his beak, a worried look still crept up on Troy's face as he looked away. "It's just… I haven't been back there in almost a year…"

Canvas merely sighed with a smile on his muzzle before he replied, "Well, at least it would be nice to see your old home again. And I'm sure your family will be glad to see you."

Canvas then lowered himself back onto the pillows, resting within the nest as he continued, "But there's no reason to get worked up about it now. This is the first time since we got home that we actually have a day off, and I want you to relax for once."

Looking down at the stallion resting beside him, Troy finally managed to smile again as he realized that he had a point. As soon as the two got back from Canterlot, both of them had been rather busy with other plans.

Aside from Rarity taking control as their wedding planner and asking them every mundane question imaginable, Troy and Canvas were occupied with other tasks. While Troy was busy assisting the Weather Team on upcoming winter duties, Canvas was insistent on finishing the murals along their barn before the cold weather settled in. Now, with most of their other tasks either finished or close to completion, the couple knew that they finally had a peaceful day to themselves.

Lowering himself on top of Canvas, Troy nestled in the nest, purposely burrowing the stallion underneath his massive body. Feeling the Gryphon's warm fur and feathers completely envelop him, Canvas sighed in pleasure as he began to settle between the nest and his fiancé. Closing their eyes, the two sighed in bliss as they began to rest again in the early morning light.

"Mmmmmm…" Canvas could barely give off more than a mere moan at first, but eventually managed to say in a drifting voice, "…This… is much better…"

"I agree," murmured Troy as he began to grow tired again. "Maybe we should just stay like this all day… We don't even need to leave the nest…"

Canvas smiled through his tired state as he nuzzled the Gryphon on top of him. "That… sounds perfect…"

For a while, silence began to fill the bedroom again as the stallion and Gryphon rested in each other's comfort. Feeling the emanating warmth from Canvas underneath him like this, all of Troy's worries began to go away again. Sighing in bliss, Troy nuzzled the pony with loving care, knowing that he was right about needing to relax.

Even though he was still worried about going back to the Gryphon Kingdom and facing his family, it was no reason to let his nightmares get to him. Settling in the nest, Troy slowly began to rest with his love.

After a quick fidget, Canvas's eyes reopened. He started to look more annoyed than before. After trying to get comfortable for another moment, Canvas groaned under his breath before he spoke up to his fiancé.

"Hey, Troy?"

Troy moaned a little before he slowly reopened his eyes. "Yeah… What is it?"


"I have to pee."

Troy looked down at the stallion, seeing how Canvas was looking back up at him with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. Even though he didn’t want either of them to get up from this comfortable position right now, Troy knew he didn’t have much of a choice. Groaning in slight disappointment, Troy lifted himself up, letting Canvas scramble out of the nest.

"Sorry, I'll be right back!"

Canvas rushed down the stairs from their loft area, leaving Troy to slump back in the nest. Laying on his back, Troy sighed again as he looked up to the ceiling, still feeling glad about how peaceful this morning felt. However, before Troy could attempt to rest in the bedding without his stallion, Troy became more irritated as he realized what else he was feeling.

"Dammit," muttered the Gryphon under his breath, "now I have to pee."


Even though the Autumn skies above Equestria had been growing greyer with each passing day, it only helped to make Canvas and Troy's home stand out even more than before. Formally boasting a bright coat of white, Canvas's talents with a paintbrush certainly didn’t go to waste. Every color imaginable graced along the outside of their home, now covering almost every square foot of the barn's massive walls.

With different tones and shades of paint blending together in unique swirls and splashes, the barn certainly looked a lot more like a home fit for an artist. While the top half was painted with more simplistic patterns—mostly since Troy's painting skills weren't as well-honed as his fiancé's—it still blended surprisingly well with Canvas's contributions along the bottom half of the barn, which were more complex and detailed.

The only space that wasn't fully painted was the back end of the barn, and the only reason for that was because Troy's shower was there. Shortly after moving in with the stallion, Troy had to get a shower he could actually use, since Canvas's bathroom was too small for him to properly bathe himself. Because of that, the Apple Family was gracious enough to help install an outside shower at the rear of their home, which was good enough to satisfy the Gryphon.

While Troy took a warm shower under the cool morning air, Canvas was busy in the kitchen making breakfast for the both of them.

By the time Troy finished his shower and dried himself off, the smell of frying batter was enough to make Troy smile widely as he walked into the kitchen. Canvas, a determined grin on his muzzle and a blue apron over his chest, was focused on getting his newest culinary attempt ready for them.

Troy looked over Canvas's shoulder, his eyes widening as he realized what was being fried in oil on the pan. With small bits of dough sticking on Canvas's aqua fur, Troy was able to see from the rings of frying dough what Canvas was trying to make today.

"Whoa!" Troy exclaimed with surprise. "You're making doughnuts?!"

"Yep!" said Canvas in a chipper tone before grabbing the tongs in his teeth and flipping the frying dough over in the pan. "I wanted to try this for a while, but I never had the chance. I gotta say, though, this took a lot more preparation than I thought."

Noticing all the dirtied bowls and cooking tools in the sink nearby, Troy could only nod. Even though he wanted to say something about Canvas doing something so tricky on their day off, Troy decided not to mess up how cheerful the stallion looked right now.

"Well…" Troy looked over at the plate of already-cooked doughnuts cooling on a plate near the stove. Smelling the freshly fried batter, Troy grew a smirk on his beak before saying, "I have to admit… that smells delicious already."

"Really?" said Canvas with a skeptical brow as he looked back at Troy. "I didn’t even put on the sugar yet."

Troy's grin became more sensual as he moved in closer to the stallion. "Oh, don't worry about that…" Troy then grabbed Canvas's flank with a claw, making the stallion gasp in surprise before he added, "I know you have plenty of sugar for me…"

Blushing heavily against his aqua fur, Canvas gave a cheeky grin back to his fiancé while the last of the doughnuts continued to fry. Holding the stallion in his claws, Troy pushed him against the fridge before he bent into his muzzle. Closing his eyes, Canvas no longer thought about anything except the Gryphon in front of him as they began to make out in their kitchen.

As their tongues worked into each other's mouths with passionate intensity, neither of them noticed how much Troy's long tail was wagging in excitement behind him. Flicking back and forth like a snake under a charmer's spell, the Gryphon's grey tail flailed around the kitchen, the patch of tan fur at the end brushing against every surface it was able to reach.

Suddenly, a loud "clang" could be heard after one particularly hard flick of the Gryphon's tail, which happened to hit the plate of finished doughnuts.

"Oh crap!" shouted Canvas as he quickly released his mouth from Troy's beak.

Despite his heavy blush, Canvas still looked upset as he saw his cooked pastries get flung off the counter and fall onto the floor. "Oh man!" He moaned in a disheartened tone. "I worked really hard on those!"

"I'm sorry!" Troy let go of Canvas and picked up the plate from the floor. Glad that the impact didn't break the plate, Troy began to pick up the doughnuts, which were scattered on the linoleum floor. "Don't worry, the floor is clean. I'll still eat them."

Canvas sighed a little as he looked away. "Yeah, but still…"

Clearly looking disappointed about their breakfast being messed up like that, Canvas huffed a little as he walked back to the finished doughnuts in the pan. By the time he got out the last of the fried rings and placed them on the plate with the others, Canvas looked back to see Troy with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm really sorry, Canvas," said Troy, ashamed. "I… probably shouldn’t have done that while you were cooking."

"Well…" Canvas looked back to the stove, making sure the burner was off before he turned back to the Gryphon. "It probably wasn't a great idea to do that while I was working with boiling oil."

Troy cringed a little as he looked away. A more forgiving smile came up on Canvas’s muzzle as he continued, "But it's fine, Troy. I'm not mad, I swear."

Surprised to hear that, Troy looked back at Canvas with raised eyebrows. "Really?"

Canvas kept his smile as he walked back over to him. "Really. I know you were just wanting to have a little fun…"

To show that he really wasn't upset, Canvas gave Troy a quick peck on the beak, making the Gryphon blush a little as he smiled. Keeping close to him, Canvas's grin became more sultry as he narrowed his eyes on his Gryphon. "Besides… It's not like we have to stop…"

Troy's eyes narrowed back at Canvas as he grew a smirk of his own. However, before the two could commence anything this early in the morning, Derpy's voice called out from outside.

"Mail call!"

Taking a second to process the fact that they weren't alone anymore, Canvas and Troy both laughed a little before the stallion let go.

"Come on in!" shouted Canvas as he looked around the kitchen, making sure nothing was out of place or evident that they were about to have a morning quickie.

With a smile on her face, Derpy walked in from the side door into Canvas and Troy's living space. Despite the fact that she wasn't wearing an official mailmare cap like the other postal workers, the large saddlebag propped on her back was enough to indicate she was part of the Ponyville's mail delivery service.

"Hey guys!" said Derpy in a chipper tone as she trotted over to them outside the kitchen. "How's engaged life treating you?"

Troy chuckled a little as he pulled Canvas in closer with his wing. "No complaints so far."

Leaning against the Gryphon, Canvas kept a bright smile on his face as he looked over at Derpy. "Also, thanks for that waffle maker! That was a great gift."

Derpy blushed a little as she looked away from the two. "Oh, that was just a little something I thought would be nice for you guys."

"Hey, that gift was awesome!" added Troy with a smile on his beak. "Don't feel bashful about it."

"Well, thanks," said the Pegasus as she looked back them with a grateful smile. Derpy then opened her saddlebag with a wing before she peered into it to get their mail. Carrying a smile on her face, Derpy quickly pulled out the mail for both of them, which included several envelopes, and a thin, brown box for Troy.

"This was sent to your old address, Troy," said Derpy as she handed the package to the Gryphon. "You might need to let whoever sent that know you live here now."

While Derpy was busy closing her saddlebag back up, Canvas shuffled through the envelopes with his hooves, not noticing how Troy was looking slightly more worried about the package in his claws. "Oh nice!" said the stallion in a happy tone as he opened one of the envelopes. "I'm approved for the Running of the Leaves this year!"

"Cool!" said Derpy before she looked over at Troy. "Are you running in that, too?"

Troy almost didn’t hear Derpy's question, focused mostly on the box in his claws. However, before Derpy could say anything, the Gryphon quickly shook himself back into reality before he looked back at her. "Oh! Um… no. I have to assist in weather conditions during that." Troy then looked over at his fiancé before adding, "But I'm kinda surprised that Canvas wants to do that, considering it's so close to his birthday."

"Troy, I already told you," began the stallion as he looked up from his officiating letter, "I wanted to do something like this for a while. Just because it's on the day after my birthday doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it."

"Well…" Derpy decided to add her own input as she said with a smile, "It might not be a bad idea. I mean, it would be a good way to burn off all that birthday cake."

"Exactly," said Canvas with a confident smirk as he looked back at his fiancé.

The stallion noticed that Troy was looking at his package again with worry in his eyes. Before he could ask what was up, Canvas didn't notice Derpy looking into their kitchen with curious, derped eyes.

"Hey, guys… Why are there doughnuts on the floor?"

Canvas and Troy both looked back at their kitchen, noticing that a couple doughnuts that hadn’t been picked up yet were still on the floor.

"You know that's how you get ants, right?"

"Oh, ummm…" Canvas looked back to Derpy with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, trying to think of a way to explain how their makeout session caused the mess. "Well, Troy was getting a little frisky… and…"

Derpy's eyes narrowed on the two for a second, before her eyebrows raised in understanding. "Ohhhhh…" A sly smirk came up on the Pegasus's muzzle as she eyed the couple. "I get it…."

Derpy raised a hoof and pointed at the two, keeping a cheeky grin as she asked, "You two guys were playing a dirty version of ring-toss with doughnuts?"

"What?!" said Canvas and Troy in unison as they looked at Derpy with confused looks on their faces.

"Don't worry," began the Pegasus as she started to head off, "I won't say anything. Have fun, you two!"

Before either of them could say anything in protest, Derpy already left their home, giggling to herself. Blinking a few times, Canvas looked down to the ground as he tried to contemplate Derpy's assumption.

"Ring toss? What did she mean by that? Like, what did she think we were tossing the doughnuts on? There aren't any poles to throw…. OH!"

Canvas looked back to the doughnuts on the floor with wide-open eyes, realizing what Derpy had assumed they were doing.

"Ugh, Derpy's a weirdo! That…" Canvas's disgusted tone slowly began to change. He raised eyebrows raised a little in contemplation. "…That's actually an interesting idea."

Not really listening to his fiancé, Troy used a talon to open the box in his claws. Cutting the packaging tape open, the Gryphon opened the box before he pulled out a letter from inside.

Looking up at him, Canvas noticed Troy's eyes darting over the letter, reading it rapidly. With a wary tone in his voice, Canvas tried to get his fiancé's attention. "Troy? Is… is it a letter from your folks?"

"Yeah…" Reading the letter, Troy's response came out in almost a murmur as he scanned the page. As he neared the end of the letter, Troy's talons gripped the paper tightly and his eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, crap…"


"They… They're…"

Troy's claws shook a little as he clutched into the letter. Looking back at Canvas, the Gryphon's face looked much more grave as he tried to finish.

"They're… they're coming here."

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