• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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The Matter of Our Discussion

"The elders are willing to talk to Celestia," Rainbow Dash said. "Through... erm... the sword."

"Truly?" Pilate remarked. He and Bellesmith looked up from where they sat on a couch inside the Noble Jury's Lounge. Kera was curled up beside Bellesmith, a contented smile plastered on her slumbering face as the mare stroked her mane. "That was rather quick."

"Er... they want some time to prepare, though," Rainbow said. "So... erm... w-we're gonna be here at least two more days." She winced from where she hovered over the mess hall's table. "You think that's doable?"

"Rainbow, this is major development that could very well determine the future of these remarkable ponies," Pilate said. "I'm sure the crew will let you take as much time as you need."

"Mmmm..." Belle chewed on the edge of her lip.

The zebra tilted his head towards her. "Or... erm... am I-I wrong?"

"I'm all for staying here personally," Belle said. "But what about Val Roa? Certainly we plan to get there sooner than later."

"We'll still be making it there faster than Chrysalis could ever have expected us!" Rainbow said with a smirk. "Going around the Sky Stabs would have taken ten times as long!"

"Yes, but still..." Belle took a deep breath, glancing across the mess hall. "There is no telling how swiftly she might regain her strength."

"Pffft. Without her brood? She's chump change!"

"And I appreciate your optimism there, Rainbow," Belle said with a smile. "But, logically speaking, there is no real way to tell just how powerful she might become."

"There is no real reason to tell anything," Pilate remarked. "All things considered—we really don't know all that much about what Chrysalis is up to in Val Roa, aside from what she's capable of."

Rainbow rubbed her chin in thought. "Hmmmm..." Her eyes darted up. "Has Props been able to make contact with her Uncle Prowse?"

Pilate shook his head. "Not sense we've entered this crater."

"Though I doubt she's put much effort into contacting him as of late," Belle said. "She's been distracted as of late."

"Distracted?" Rainbow blinked. "How?"

"Oh... well... er..." Belle gulped and smiled nervously. "You know Props!"

"Heh. Yeah, sure."

"I must say, Rainbow," Pilate spoke up. "These Durandanans seem to be taking all of this rather nicely."

"Ehhhhhh..." Rainbow winced.

Pilate's ears twitched. "...No?"

"Things could have gone down a lot smoother," Rainbow said. "I only have myself to blame for a lot of that."

"But apparently they're willing to communicate with the Princess directly."

"Yeah. But who the hay knows where that could go," Rainbow muttered in mid-hover. "I did get them to agree with one thing, though."

"Hmmm? What's that?"

"I still can't make heads or tails out of how Duranda and the rest of the ponies got here in the first place," Rainbow said. "I mean, that inner sanctum thingy of theirs is sooooooooooooo a piece of the Machine World. And the structure above it is a piece of Stratopolis."

"You're certain of that, Rainbow?" Belle asked.

"Sure as I am awesome!"

"Well, no arguing that," Belle said with a smile.

"But I don't buy that the piece of Stratopolis smashed into this place and caused the crater! I mean... the structure is just too dang small! Those buildings aren't exactly indestructable. Like, we all saw how Stratopolis crumbled once it hit the skystone fields." She winced, then smiled nervously in Pilate's direction. "Erm... most of us saw it. Sorry."

"That's quite alright," Pilate said with a nod and a smile. "I got a front row seat. I'm not complaining."

"Then what do you think caused the crater?" Belle asked. "Or exposed the machine world?"

"That's what I wanna find out," Rainbow said. She tilted about. "So, I got the elders' permission to bring somepony to the sanctum so that we could study the place together and hopefully come up with some answers."

"Hmmm?" Pilate tilted his head aside. "Like who?"

Rainbow was silent.

Pilate gulped. "Me?"

"You and Belle got the O.A.S.I.S. thingy working again, right?"

"Well, yes, but—"

"Pilate, you've always been my go-to zebra for figuring all this Austraeoh crap out," Rainbow said. "Granted, you've been my only zebra—but you catch my drift. With your brains and that scanning orb thingy, maybe the two of us can come together and figure out from the site just what happened."

"But—Rainbow—it's been several thousand years!" He chuckled helplessly. "I mean... I'm flattered! But just what could we possibly find?"

"Isn't it a smart thing to have a naked hypotenuse?"

"Null hypothesis," Belle corrected.

"Yeah. What she said."

"To be perfectly honest, Rainbow, I'm not sure how much I can even scrounge up in just two days!" Pilate remarked. "Even with O.A.S.I.S. at full capacity."

"Yeah, but think of it!" Rainbow hovered down until she was directly in front of where the stallion sat. "This is the one opportunity in thousands of years that anypony with science has been allowed to study this site! And what we discover could possibly provide answers to these ponies that they've been missing out on for eons!"

"Well... yes..." Pilate fidgeted. "I do suppose that does carry an air of excitement to it."

"Rainbow, how do we know that the Durandanans truly desire to have these answers?"

"Huh?" Rainbow turned towards her, muzzle scrunched. "Well... b-because it's the truth, Ding-Dong! I can't be leaving these ponies in the dark!"

"They seem to be doing quite well for themselves, Rainbow," Belle said with a gentle smile. "Why, they even have a way of harnessing the light on their own."

Rainbow squinted at her. "Are... you suggesting that we just leave them the way they are?" Rainbow gestured blindly with a hoof. "That we just let them keep believing that they're the only ponies who've ever existed? That Commander Hurricane is some Goddess Valkyrie Mare Thingy and that there're no Alicorn Princesses?"

"It's worked for them for so long, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, but it's not..." Rainbow sighed. "Belle, it's not true."

"Isn't it more appropriate to say that it's simply what you don't believe?"

"What?!" Rainbow frowned. "No! No, it's not. This is completely different!"

"How so?"

"B-because I know who raises and lowers the sun!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "I know who the true source of Harmony is! I've seen it with my own eyes! I've lived it!"

"Then how come you didn't stop to preach to the ponies in Darkstine?" Belle asked. "Or Silvadel? Or—heh—how come you've never once taken a swipe at me and Pilate for adhering to the Spark?"

"Because... b-because...!" Rainbow clammed up, fidgeting.

Belle and Pilate gazed up at her.

With a sigh, Rainbow's wings went slack. She plopped down on the edge of the mess hall, balancing her chin on a forelimb. "Hrmmmmfff... it's because I'm related to them. Or at least I feel that way."

"We're all related in some fashion or another, Rainbow," Pilate said.

"Yeah, well, you don't have wings." Rainbow blinked, then winced. "Erm... no offense."

"I think we understand, Rainbow," Belle said with a smile. "You have every reason to believe that these Durandanans are direct descendants from proto-Equestrians. I think it's very noble that you want to illuminate these pegasi to the best of your ability."

"Yeah... but?" Rainbow looked up with bored eyes. "You're dying to tell me otherwise, aren't ya, Belle?"

"Truthfully, Rainbow?" The mare paused in stroking Kera's mane to shrug. "I think we should keep in mind what's best for the Durandanans. Evidently they express a legitimate curiosity in what you have to share with them."

"And it's a good sign that they're willing to let another outsider help you in conducting a study on the area," Pilate added.

"But... there are so many possible ramifications to what's being unveiled here," Belle said. "For better or for worse, it could deconstruct the entire system that they've established after all these years. Why... just the act of acclimating to even a sliver of modern Equestrian societal values could shock them to the core!"

"I... that..." Rainbow gulped. "Nopony ever said that they'd have to change who they are!"

Belle raised an eyebrow. "Really? You think Princess Celestia and Luna would be accepting of the Durandanan 'family' structure?"

"Or more appropriately, the lack of one?" Pilate remarked.

Rainbow squirmed on the edge of the table. She squeaked forth, "M-maybe? I mean... Celestia's used to this sort of diplomat stuff! It's her bread and butter! And... and it's not like the Equestrian idea of Harmony can be forced—" She stopped dead in her speech, blinking.

Pilate and Belle were silent.

Rainbow sighed heavily, running a hoof through her mane. "I guess I haven't put a lot of thought into this." She gulped. "Not like I should have."

"Nopony can blame you for being enthusiastic, Rainbow Dash," Belle said. She then smiled. "Did you enjoy your day spent in Central D?"

"Oh girl... lemme tell ya!" Rainbow grinned, her wings fluttering and carrying her back into the air. "First, we showed these leatherbacks who's the boss. Vrmmm-nyeeeeuuuur! Heh! Felt just like cloud kicking back home! Erm... with less kicking. They wouldn't make nice milk that way."

"Heehee... I imagine not..."

"And then I raced Sivrem and Kitsune and the rest!" Rainbow grinned, gesturing with her hoof. "Fwoooooosh! We soared on through this bigflank Ravine like it was nopony's business! I mean... pffft... it ain't got nothin' on the Ghastly Gorge back in Equestria, but I totally schooled them! Even made a sonic rainboom out of it!"

"Sonic... rainboom...?" Pilate remarked.

"Hah! Yeah! Boy, you shoulda heard them gasp! And then they applauded and cheered! It was like being at a Wonderbolts Airshow!" Rainbow grinned wide. "And don't get me started on their campfire stories!"

"Their stories or yours?" Belle remarked with a cool grin.

"Pffft! Mine, of course! I told them about kicking Nevlamas' tail and I had every single one of them instantly floored! Not a single lowered wing in the crowd... heh... if you catch my drift..."

"Loud and clear, Rainbow," Pilate said. "We're quite happy you hit it off so well."

"Yeah—and... y'know... it got rough there for a second—but only a brief second, ya feel me?!" Rainbow said, smiling. "Fawful—the Gray Feather I'm communicating with—she's a lot cooler than I expected. Hell, all of them are super cool! Even the elders who sometimes lose their cool!" She giggled, hugging herself in mid-air. "And Sivrem's so badass and Kitsune's so confident and Rayvinne..." She rolled her eyes, cheeks blushing. "Don't get me started. Ahem. But... everypony's so chillaxed and they've got everything so together! There's no bullying, no wars, no enslavement—it's just a perfect flock, y'know!"

"Wow, Rainbow Dash," Belle uttered, smiling warmly. "It's been a while since I've seen you this... this..."

Pilate interjected, "Toasty?"

"Hah! Yeah, sure!" Rainbow giggled again. "Heeheehee! Whew... boy would it suck to leave a place like this—" Her muzzle froze in place, and her ears folded slightly. She added with a squeak: "So soon, I mean. But... I-I've got things to talk out with Celestia, to get her prepared and all." She cleared her throat. "And... of c-course, there's the sanctum that deserves studying... and... uhmmm..."


Pilate tilted his head towards Belle. Belle glanced at him, then up at Rainbow. "You say there's an exposed piece of the machine world down below?"

Rainbow gulped and nodded. "Yeah. Just a patch. It responds to an artifact of Commander Hurricane's—like... a piece of her mane hair attached to a helmet."

"Just like the metal responds to you?" Pilate asked.


"And..." Belle squinted. "...is there a door in there?"

Rainbow shook her head. "If there was, I would have noticed right away. Heck... I'm sure the Durandanans would have opened it centuries ago with that helmet of theirs."

"So... there's no way of getting close to the ruby flame?"

"Er... I don't think so, Belle," Rainbow said in a low tone. "Besides, I... uh..."


Rainbow shrugged. "I'm not sensing any nearby. The last few times I've come close to the stuff, I could sense where it was at all times. That's not the case here. Beats me where the heck the next flame is—but I'm guessing between here and Val Roa."

"Or beyond?" Pilate asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

More silence.

"I... uh... I guess I should get some rest... heh..." Rainbow scratched the back of her neck. "I need to talk to Celestia in the morning. Lonnnnng talk."

"I can only imagine," Belle said.

"Pilate, you on board or not?" Rainbow asked. "Sorry to put you on the spot, dude, but I need your talents here. Can't do squat without 'em."

"Heh..." Pilate sat up straight. "I am as willing as I am intrigued. I'll do the best I can. Besides..." He smirked. "I doubt these pegasi will feel threatened by a blind zebra with a metal plate wandering around their sacred hovels."

"Now that's the spirit!" Rainbow smirked, patting Pilate's shoulder as he flapped past the pair. "I gotta hit the hay. Wish I could say goodnight to all the Jurists, but—not much time."


"Say, where's Roarke? Any of you seen her?"

"Errrrr..." Pilate pivoted his head towards Belle.

"She was... with Kera all day," Belle said. "But, otherwise, she's made her scarce."

Rainbow nodded quietly. Eventually, she said, "Well, the hammock calls. Thanks for hearing me out, guys." She smiled, waving as she hovered away. "You're swell... as always!"

"What are best friends for?"

"Heh... I know, right?" And Rainbow was gone.

Slowly, Pilate and Belle leaned against each other. A quiet breath was shared between them as they lingered beside Kera's slumbering form.

"What... what do you think, beloved?" Pilate said quietly.

"I was going to ask the same of you," Belle muttered.

A collective sigh. They nuzzled each other.

"Just... give it time," Pilate said quietly. "Whatever happens... it will be for the best."

"Can we honestly believe so?"

"Do we have a choice? Should we?"

Belle bit her lip. Her eyes grew misty as she closed them. Pilate rested his chin atop her head, holding her close as the seconds drifted by.

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