• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Something of a Fool's Errand

Eagle Eye finished fastening the saddlebag to Rainbow's flank while the two stood along the floating temple's edge. Tightening it shut, he looked over her shoulder with a compassionate expression. "You sure you don't want to be wearing that leather coat for this flight?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "It's not even remotely cold out there..." She bit her lip. "Er... in here, I guess."

"It could have something to do with rapid convection within the clouds surrounding us!" Elma Boreal said.

"Or maybe it's linked to the fact that we're stuck in the heart of a Spark-forsaken flying city from Hell!" Josho grunted. "Rainbow, wherever you go and whatever you do, could you go about it quickly? I wanna get off this flying vomit stain in the sky."

"What's th' matter, ye ben grease tyke?" Prowse stepped up with a bearded smirk, slapping the unicorn's shoulder with his biological hoof. "Dornt want tae check it th' sights fur fear 'at they micht be checkin' it ye?"

"A unicorn doesn't belong in the air."

Eagle Eye blinked. "But you've been riding with the Jury for months!"

"Yeah, well, the Jury feeds me!" Josho grumbled, leaning back and folding his forelimbs. "I don't see this flying sewer hole shoveling me fresh daisy sandwiches!"

"Hrmmf..." Ebon rolled his eyes as he trotted by. "You're welcome..."

"If ye ask me, lassie, tak' aw th' time 'at ye want!" Prowse pivoted to face Rainbow. "Somewhaur in thes place is likely th' key tae hoo we can gie it ay haur, but there're bigger an' brighter keys tae far mair sparkly opportunities, by aw!"

"What I'm concerned about is the whole group, Prowse," Rainbow Dash said, sliding a pair of goggles down over her eyes. "We've been through a lot, and I owe it to them to get us all out of here."

"Not like you made this city ensnare us to begin with, Rainbow," Eagle Eye said.

"No. But I feel a responsibility, Double-E."

"What for?"

Rainbow sighed. "There're so many nasty things in this world, and all of them felt foreign to me. But this place?" She tilted her head up into a gust of moist wind, squinting against the rain and drizzle. "It's been through Equestria before. And if the images of Commander Hurricane are any indication, then it's carried a piece of who and what my kind are out into the far reaches of the world." She gazed sadly at the unicorn. "It'd be really, really uncool to find out that something pegasi did is responsible for a lot of nasty crap out here in the Frozen Wastes, ya dig?"

"You're doing good stuff with each passing day, Rainbow," Eagle Eye said. "Fly safely, and know that we believe in you."

"Yeah, that's awesome enough." Rainbow flapped her wings and hovered up by a few feet. "For now. Soundstone?"

Josho tossed her one.

She gripped it in the crook of her hoof, slid it between her pendant and her neck, and nodded. "Well, here goes a super wet won." Holding her breath, she valiantly turned tail and soared off into the water-drenched hurricane force winds.

Eagle Eye sat back, shivering slightly. Ebon trotted up and rested a hoof on the young stallion's shoulder.

"She knows what she's doing." Ebon smiled nervously. "She's done the solo thing before."

"Yeah, but still..." Eagle sighed. "It's gotta be lonelier knowing your friends are just a sneeze away..."

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