• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Talking Sense With a Princess

"Come on, Belle." Rainbow motioned with her windblown mane. "Have a seat."

Bellesmith took a deep breath. Eyes darting left and right, she trotted forward until she was within the penumbra of the moon's glow. As she sat down, her gaze fell on Pilate.

The zebra's ears twitched slightly to her shuffling limbs, but otherwise he gave no indication of having noticed her approach. His head remained bowed towards the top deck, his folded limbs curled tightly under a thick blanket.

"I just got finished telling Princess Celestia about the ponies we've picked up recently," Rainbow Dash said. "Not just Prowse and Elma, but Zaid as well."

"You are surrounded by very intriguing characters," the regal voice said, drifting through the enchanted air. "Not to mention very novel and talented."

"Yes," Belle said, nodding slightly. "We are... a varied bunch."

"And no doubt very cooperative, in spite of those differences."

Belle said nothing. She kneaded the ends of her hooves against the deck below.

"Belle wouldn't be able to tell you much about Prowse and Elma, Your Highness," Rainbow said, staring the mare's way. "Seeing as she hasn't taken the opportunity to talk with them yet."

Belle glanced up and squinted at her.

"All good things come in time," Princess Celestia's voice said. "At least such is my experience."

"Time carries with it many other things," Pilate suddenly droned.

Belle's ears folded upon hearing that.

Rainbow Dash fidgeted in midair, darting her head left and right between her two friends. She eventually cleared her voice and said, "Celestia and Luna happen to know a few things about the creatures we saw over in Seclorum's encampment. Isn't that right, Celestia?"

"Most certainly," Princess Celestia said. "As my sister already conveyed to Rainbow Dash, there's a race of equine beings from ancient Equestrian history that are commonly referred to as 'changelings.' Ever since the old Matriarchs Tchern and Chrysalis corrupted their brood with malevolent energy, these shape-shifting beings fled to the furthest stretches of the physical world, undoubtedly making a home on the dark side where the Sun and Moon fail to reach."

"It must have been difficult maintaining the Sun and Moon for so many years, Your Highness," Belle suddenly said. "I can't imagine the sort of strain that must have put on you."

There was a brief bit of silence, followed by Celestia's voice: "Indeed. But it was a labor I endured for a thousand years, as it was required of me in my sister's absence."

Belle gulped, staring at the deck. "It must be even harder to keep a chaos rift held shut... while also performing a long distance communication spell..."

Rainbow jerked a glance at Belle.

Belle bit her lip before eventually muttering. "Nopony would bl-blame you if you would rather rest and focus on your harmonic task at hoof."

Celestia calmly replied, "There are worse rifts in this world than that which plagues Ponyville, my little pony. As for rest, my soul cannot be at ease while I know that Rainbow and her friends suffer so much anguish."

"We... are n-not suffering, Your Highness," Pilate said. The zebra gulped and murmured, "It is a long and exhausting trip over the Frozen Sea, and it's taxed us greatly—"

"Oh please, Pilate," Belle sighed. "You're never 'suffering,' especially when you are."

Pilate's muzzle stretched tight as he grunted, "It's difficult to tell. I've had nopony around to compare myself too, beloved."

"Darling, if all you needed was somepony to talk to—"

"Don't pretend like it would make a difference!" the zebra snapped. "Most especially not in front of the Princess of Equestria!"


"Even when I'm in the same room with you, it's like you're miles away, Belle!"

"So help me if I'm not the strong mare that I was weeks ago, Pilate!" she snapped back. "I can't be expected to carry you every hour of every day! You're a grown stallion. Surely you're dealing with enough frustration of your own!"

"Mmnnngh..." Pilate rested his chin on his forelimbs. "...I just don't bury them in Kera everyday."

"Excuse me?!" Belle snarled. She blinked, then looked down to realize that she had stood up in a burst of anger. Grunting, she collapsed back on the top deck.

Rainbow bit her lip, then flinched when Celestia's voice broke the silence.

"Rainbow has... also told me of a most unfortunate turn of circumstances as of late."

The ponies atop the Noble Jury clenched their eyes shut at that—including Pilate.

"Such senselessly violent events are terribly tragic. But the greatest tragedy is the poison that is left over, that which leeches otherwise innocent ponies of their strength and vigor to live harmonically."

"Heh... 'innocent ponies...'" Rainbow Dash muttered. She tilted her head up. "Princess Celestia, it was my job to look out for the safety of the Noble Jury. By extension, that includes Kera and the ponies who care for her. What happened in Lerris..." She sighed heavily. "I could have prevented. I should have... h-had the foresight..."

"To do what, Rainbow?" Belle gazed sadly at her. "To have foreseen the future? To have killed Shell before he ever got to that village?"

"I had plenty of opportunities—"

"Not like I did." Belle gulped, her ears drooping. "I had him in my grasp, Rainbow. I... I-I know I should have told you sooner, but I didn't. I..." She grimaced. "I was too cowardly. In my heart, I knew that what I did to Shell was wrong. Not because he had any reason to be respected as a living being, but because I used him to destructive means... wh-when I could have used him for self-destructive."

"It was the most reasonable solution at the time, Belle," Pilate spoke up. "You wanted to get back to the Jury. And if you hadn't controlled Shell the way you did, who knows how many more ponies would have died in at—"

"At Seclorum's?!" Belle exclaimed, eyes hard-set. "A place that was already a blood bath?! Where ponies went to die and they knew it?!"

"There was so much at stake, Belle," Pilate said. "The world as we know it and don't know it. The path of Austraeoh and Nevlamas' reign of chaos—"


"If you hadn't forced Shell to intervene, there's no telling if Rainbow Dash or the rest of the Jury would still be alive—"

"None of that matters to me! Don't you get it?!" Belle stammered, sniffling. "In the end, it bit all of us in the flank! And it cost us Kera! All because of my selfish stupidity—"

"Dammit, Belle!" Pilate slapped his hooves against the top deck. "Will you drop it about Kera?! Everything doesn't revolve around Kera!!" He frowned. "What happened to her is terrible! Absolutely terrible! But you need to stop counting all of the mistakes that you've made and start to weigh in all of the good, courageous things that you've—"

"Because it's so easy for a blind zebra with a focus on the 'big picture' to justify the consequences of—"

"And you need to stop blaming me for Lerris!" Pilate practically hissed. "I made a judgment call. It was a bad call—I admit that. But I did not slay those ponies, Belle. I did not traumatize our surrogate daughter. And I sure as the Spark shimmers on..."

"Pilate, please—"

"...mm not the one burning this relationship to the ground!" he hollered.

Belle flinched away from him, shivering.

Pilate panted and panted, his tense facial muscles loosening gradually.

"It's neither of your guys' fault..."

Belle looked up. Pilate tilted his head skyward.

Rainbow Dash hugged herself in midair, her eyes wet. "I... I should have stayed in Lerris. I should have stuck with you guys all the way through to the end. I dunno if I could have stopped Shell but..." She sniffled and sighed. "At least it would have been something. Even if we all died that night." She looked away, her eyelashes beading with moisture. "Anything would be b-better than this..."

The other two ponies hung their heads.

At last, Celestia spoke.

"I have not felt this sad since I lost my apprentice."

Rainbow inhaled sharply. She stared up at the wavering moonlight. "Your H-Highness...?"

"This monster that you speak of—this Shell—needs to die. And he needs to die tonight."

Rainbow's brow furrowed. "But... but Princess Celestia..." She wiped her cheek dry with a forelimb and murmured. "I already told you. Back in Lerris. I—"

"Until you three stop blaming yourselves, he will continue to haunt you. He will continue to tear apart that which is magnificent. In the last three months since I first heard from my sister that Rainbow Dash had found herself some new companions, my heart has been filled with joy. For the first time, I could solace myself with the thought that the last of the Elements of Harmony had found a reason to be loyal yet again... and to be joyful. This is a blessed thing... or at least it was. It burdens my heart to witness how frayed everything has become. Even from miles away, I can feel the fibrous ends unraveling, and I'm telling each and every one of you that you must sort out these demons before they burn your love and trust into inert dust."

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