• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Royal to the Bloody End

"We're not even remotely safe yet!" Seclorum shouted as he urged the stampeding group of survivors along. The frenzied ponies galloped their way down the twisting granite corridors of the building, making their way outward from the heart of the place. They ascended steep stone stairs and approached the distant light of day ahead. "They're four times as fast as all of us combined! Don't even think about stopping!"

"Secchy!" Josho shouted from where he stood up ahead, covering a junction of hallways with his levitating weapon while he urged equines along. "Prowse and his niece are taking point with that boomstick of his! How's the rear?!"

"I'm the rear!" Seclorum growled, galloping closer within earshot. "Where's Arcshod?"

"Covering the middle along with Aatxe!" Josho said. "How many did we lose back there?"

"About five since the monsters burst through," Seclorum panted as he reached Josho's side. "Josho, old friend, I've never run into anything that's moved so fast—" As he said this, there was a disturbingly loud noise from far down the corridor. Seclorum flashed a terrified look behind. "They broke through the last barrier!"

"Damn!" Josho grumbled. "Where're Prowse's explosives?"

Bellesmith skidded to a stop and looked back, panting. "Th-the large Xonan has them!" She shifted the weight of "Eagle Eye" on her back. "Up ahead!"

"Dammit—Arcshod!" Seclorum hollered down the tunnel. "Get your tattooed flank here and bring the grenades! We gotta close up another corridor or something because—"

"They're already here!" Josho hollered, discharging his shotgun as punctuation to his shout.

"Ledo's sponge!" Seclorum twirled and fired two crossbolts at the rampaging wall of pegasi and purple. The undead mass of limbs, hooves, and teeth gnashed their way towards the helpless group. "We gotta hold 'em off so that the rest of the group can get out to safety!"

"Wait!" Belle exclaimed. "Then that means—"

"My life's been full of last stands, lady!" Josho snarled, firing constantly at the unstoppable wave. "I'm good and prepared."


"Tell that lump of princess fluff on your back that he's alright." Josho gnashed his teeth, sweating. "I never had myself a kid... that I know of. But if one exists somewhere, I hope he's half as good as Eagle..."

"Josho..." Elma wheezed, his coat flashing stripes briefly. "Beloved. I-I feel..."

"Shhhh..." Belle backtrotted, misty-eyed. "It can't... it can't end like this—"

"Just take off, already!" Seclorum shouted, forcing the mare back with a blast of telekinesis. "Changeling or not, you don't wanna be at the biting end of these things!"

"Spark dammit!" Josho hollered, his eyes reflecting a sea of undead faces. "So dayum fast—"

Seclorum spun around. He flinched, for the shadows of the leaping pegasi were already upon him.

And just when they were within inches of snapping into the stallions' throats, they were viciously thrown back. The entire corridor lit up with manasparks. Even the ragged flesh covering the creatures' limbs caught fire as they rolled backwards with pained shrieks. The entire flock of undead was held back, at least for the moment.

Breathless, Seclorum and Josho turned—along with Belle—to see who or what was responsible. That's when they saw Lasairfion standing dead-center in the junction of corridors, channeling all of her masterful energy into the buckling wave of death. The regal unicorn gritted her teeth while her elaborate tattoos shimmered in a majestic pattern. Despite the strain of her exercise, she managed to speak succinctly out the corner of her muzzle: "S'lanna mela'thulien s'renna norrem hala'thrasta rekkhar hem'iliel threen." Her glowing eyes darted aside. "Arcshod, Xon-Nagu'n?"

Instantly, the stallion thundered over and bowed low. "Dreit, Lasairfion, Xon-Nagu'n?"

"Me'lasimnelien siul hasta k'raan."

"Dreit." Arcshod trotted forward and urged Belle towards the front of the group.

"I... uh..." Belle called back in mid-gallop. "I think she's providing us the window of opportunity to make our exit, gentlecolts!"

"But it's too risky!" Seclorum stammered, staring at the quivering manafield. "Prowse's ordinance should do the trick! Just hoof us over a grenade or two, big buddy, and we'll—"

Two enormous forelimbs gripped Seclorum and Josho. Arcshod's scowling face leaned in.

The massive stallion hissed: "The asses. It moves them. Yes?"

Josho and Seclorum only had to exchange glances once. "Dr-dreit." Kicking up dust, they galloped briskly after Bellesmith.

Lasairfion watched carefully amidst her mana-discharge. Once the ponies had galloped by—including Arcshod—she let loose a glorious shout. Her tattoos pulsed from flank to spine, and she fired her last reserve of energy into the corridor ceiling. A chunk of granite fell just in time to block the secondary charge of the purple oozing pegasi. The undead dealt with the latest blockade while the Xonan Princess turned tail and ran to join her royal subjects.

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