• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,089 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 15

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 15:

“Can’t trace it?!” Fleetfoot flared her wings out as Luna sat with her back turned to her.

“We mean exactly what we said before. The Shadowbolts are using some sort of replacement for magic. It has no traceable emission or imprint so we cannot follow it.” She put plainly.

“So we’re just going to abandon them?!" Fleetfoot took a few steps towards Luna. "Aren’t you a goddess or something?! Can’t you do ANYTHING?! Where the hell is Celestia anyway?!” She kept pounding her hooves to the ground. Fire and Lightning Streak were in the royal throne room of the castle with her, both bandaged up from being beaten around severely. Fire tried to reach forward and restrain Fleetfoot slightly, but flinched hard as Luna stomped both her front hooves hard to the floor and turned.

“WE CANNOT! AND OUR SISTER IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN!” Her voice boomed throughout the hall. The royal guards all staggered slightly as well. Fleetfoot didn’t budge an inch. This was Soarin and Rainbow Dash they were talking about. She refused to give way until she got some answers or at least some action. Luna huffed as she observed Fleetfoot’s stonewall demeanor. “We apologize for our sister’s absence,” she turned away again, “but even if she were here, Celestia cannot just make the impossible happen.” As Luna said those words she blinked and her ears shot up straight. It didn't go unnoticed.

“What?” Fleetfoot quickly asked.

“No, it is nothing.” Luna sighed shook her head.

“Bullshit Princess.” Fleetfoot quickly replied, making all the royal guards glance back and forth at each other. Such a brave move. Luna turned and gave Fleetfoot a look of disapproval before rolling her eyes.

“Thou art very persistent,” she looked away again. “Fine. A thought hath crossed our mind. We truly wish not for it, but there may be somepony— er some…thing who can help us find them.”

“Oh? Tell us!” Fleetfoot demanded. Luna held her breath for a moment, squinting and puffing her cheeks out.

“Oh he is most unpleasant, but if we must, we shall—”

“I’ve been here the whole time little Lulu.” A sly, male voice echoed throughout the room. Everypony glanced around in surprise, even Luna was caught off guard by it. When her surprise faded, she growled.

“You! You know thou are NOT permitted in the castle halls!” She barked up to the ceiling.

“Oh hush, I’m always here! What’s the trouble if I don’t cause any?”

Fleetfoot looked up and saw what she could only describe as the most broken mix up of multiple animals she had ever seen. A snake with a head, arms, legs, and antlers all from different creatures. He lacked any sort of symmetry. The newcomer slowly floated down and slithered his body around Luna. She reclined, swiped, and bit at him as he worked around her. He effortlessly avoided all of her attempts to repel him.

“We hate thee.” Luna said with an angry pout as she gave up and let him slither about her. “This,” she motioned to him, “despicable abomination, is Discord.”

“Oh you are too kind.” Discord pinched Luna’s cheek. She looked like she was about to really lose her cool, but she held strong.

“What!?” Fleetfoot and the Streak twins both stepped back in surprise.

“AHAhoho!” Discord laughed as he appeared behind Fleetfoot and ruffled her mane. Fleetfoot yelped and tried to get away, but Discord had a firm grip on her scalp. “Ah, it’s so refreshing to see that reaction. It reminds me of the good old times.” He picked her up by the head and placed her between the Streak twins. When he pulled his hand back, her mane came off with it. “Oops!” He quickly put it back on her before disappearing and reappearing beside Luna.

“Discord…” She gritted her teeth.

“Fine, fine, fine, I have ears Lulu. I already heard everything.” He fully extended his body and reclined on the floor. “You want my help to find something that does not exist?”

“Is he REALLY gonna be any help?” Fleetfoot complained to Luna. Discord appeared between her and the twins, roping them all together with his body and lifted them up.

“Oh I could easily snap my fingers and have the two of them sitting right here, safe and sound!”

“What? Then do it!” Fleetfoot quickly requested. Luna stomped her hooves again.

“NEIGH WE SAY! IT SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED!” The ponies looked at her in confusion as Discord released them and they dropped to the floor.

“As you heard from the sweet, soft, and gentle voice of Lulu, there are certain things I’m not allowed to do. I am reformed after all, I must abide by some rules...” He shrugged.

“No shifting of reality! That is the number one rule of your freedom!” Luna made loud and clear for everypony. Discord appeared beside Luna and held his cheek against hers.

“Keep interrupting me and I’ll scramble your brain to make you believe you're a little school filly that loves frilly pink dresses and has mommy issues.” He said monotonously into her ear. Luna’s horn glowed to life. Discord nonchalantly reached up and put a clothespin on it, which somehow blocked her magic. He turned back to them as Luna eyed the clothespin on her horn with a mix of confusion and annoyance.

“ANYWAY,” he continued as he floated back over to Fleetfoot. “I have the ability to bend reality and make the impossible possible. However this has been known to cause major problems for Sun and Moon Bottom.” He motioned to Luna as she struggled to try and get the clothes pin off her horn. “If I’m extra careful, or I don’t change too much it doesn’t cause any trouble really, but it’s a risk I’m not permitted to take, unless I want to be stuck in a statue for centuries again. If you don’t like that rule you can take it up with the 'authority.'” He motioned to Luna again, who was now rolling on her back while trying to pry the clothespin off with her hooves. “They seem to be occupied though.” Fleetfoot scowled at him.

“This is all fine and dandy. CAN YOU HELP US OR NOT!?” She yelled right in his face. Small wipers appeared on Discord's eyes and whisked back and forth to remove Fleetfoot’s spit.

“I swear, it is hard to find anypony who really knows how to have fun around he-URK!” He was cut off as Fleetfoot grabbed him by his curly white beard and yanked him down.

ANSWER THE QUESTION.” She growled as the Streak twins slowly backed away from her. Discord sighed.

“What a grouch.” He disappeared and reappeared standing in front of them with his arms crossed. “The magic has no trail you say? No trace or hoof-print? Well neither does my magic, but you may be surprised at how easy it is to follow. Something that isn’t there can only be seen by the blind and heard by the deaf.” He nodded. Fleetfoot tipped her head to the side.

“How the hell is that supposed to—” her eyes widened, “oh…”

“Uuhhhhh…” Soarin groaned. He winced as a sharp headache quickly made itself known. He grunted and put a hoof to his head. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was the power emerging from him, beating the crap out of Descent, then everything going blurry. He opened his eyes slowly, realizing there wasn’t much light, wherever he was. After rubbing his eyes a few times he got them to focus mostly, but there was nothing he could do about the splitting headache.

“Shit.” Was the only word he could think of when he became aware of his surroundings. He didn’t know where he was, but wherever it was, he was being held prisoner. He was encased in a small holding cell made of iron bars that had nothing more than a crappy bed and a toilet that looked like it had never been cleaned. His head hurt too much to freak out or demand answers. He was sure he’d find out soon anyway.

He was confused for another reason though. Last time he passed out from the power, he had a terrible nightmare followed by waking very suddenly. That didn’t happen this time. He also, despite having a headache, felt unusually well rested. Then it hit him.

“Oh no.” He slowly turned his head to the cell on his right. The only time he had been well rested in the recent past was because, “Rainbow Dash!” She was curled up in the bed in the cell beside him. Her arms had been bandaged up. Her ears twitched as he called her name. Her head quickly shot up and she turned and looked at him. Her eyes lit up and she hopped off the bed, rushing up to the bars between them as he did the same. Their heads didn’t fit through the bars, but their arms fit just fine as they reached through and gave each other the tightest embrace they could.

“Omigosh, you were out for so long!” Dash quivered as he reached up and stroked a hoof through her mane. It was hard because of the bars, but he didn’t give a damn. It was Rainbow Dash.

“How long was I out?” He asked while holding her as close as he could.

“I don’t know. I waited and watched you for an hour before I fell asleep.” She sniffled. “Why do you always scare me like that?!” She jabbed him in the chest through the bars.

“OOF! Rgh…” Soarin groaned. His body was still a bit scratched up from the battle. Dash instantly freaked out.

“Oh! Sorry! Sorry!” She apologized frantically. Soarin chuckled.

“It’s okay. I’d rather take a few hits than have you stop being you.” He smiled at her. She smiled weakly in return. He glanced around at their surroundings without letting go of Dash. “So where are we?” Dash shook her head.

“The Shadowbolts grabbed you and did their little getaway tornado thingy. I guess I got in before it took off, we must be at their base or something. I dunno I was punched in the face and knocked out as soon as I got to them.” She explained. Soarin pulled back and looked sternly at her. He was convinced they had nabbed her too. She was here because she chased them?!

“You tried to follow!? Dash! That’s reckless!” He scolded her. She pouted and glared back at him.

“What? I was just supposed to let them take you? What would you have done if they were taking me?” She quickly fired back. He blinked, then sighed.

“I would have gone—”

“—after them no matter what the cost.” She finished for him and poked him in the nose. “So don’t give me that crap.”

“Fine.” He chuckled. “I forgot who I was talking to.”

“But I wonder what they want you for.” Dash tried to pull him closer.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad they didn’t hurt you.” He said while brushing a hoof against her face.

They were both startled by the sound of a metal door opening. They both turned as the sound of hooves came around the corner of the room. However, it was not what they expected.

Rapidfire, minus the Shadowbolt uniform, approached them carrying two trays of food, one balanced on each wing. The trays had nothing more than some bread, some kind of leafy greens, and a mug of water. Soarin and Dash let go of one another and glared as he approached. Rapidfire looked at both of them once before avoiding eye contact, a permanent scowl plastered to his face. He didn’t look like he was in good shape. Obviously he had abused the crystal, but it also looked like he had been beaten. He had bruises everywhere and a black eye. Dash stayed put, but Soarin approached the bars as Rapidfire came close. The two stared harshly at one another for a few moments. Rapidfire snorted, set the trays down, and turned to leave.

“What, nothing witty to say?” Soarin leaned on the bars. Rapidfire froze mid-step. “C’mon hot shot, tell me. How does it feel to throw your life away?” Soarin taunted. Rapidfire sharply turned to him.

“What I do is my business.” He spat back as he approached the bars again.

“Then you aren’t very smart,” Soarin scoffed. “A lead squad Wonderbolt to a Shadowbolt errand boy?”

“At least I’m not stuck behind bars.” Rapidfire snarled. Soarin shrugged.

“Whoop-dee-SHIT Rapidfire. Or should I call you, Rookiefire now?” He taunted. Rapidfire shook while grinding his teeth together. He reached forward and kicked at the contents of the trays, sending the bread and vegetables sliding across the dirty floor and spilling the water.

“Enjoy, ass wipe!” Rapidfire turned and stomped towards the door. Soarin glanced back at Dash who shook her head in dismay. “AH!” Rapidfire suddenly yelped when he turned the corner. Soarin and Dash both looked and saw him back up. As he moved, a lavender pegasus mare pushed him back and up against the wall. It was Starry Skies out of uniform. She was glaring at Rapidfire very sternly and he was clearly very afraid of her.

“Pick up those trays, and go get them a fresh meal.” She said, emphasizing each word. “Or do you want me to tell the captain you’re being a shit again?” She threatened. Those words seemed to scare Rapidfire more than anything. His orange color nearly turned yellow. He shook his head vigorously. “Then GO!” She snapped, releasing him from the wall. He slowly shuffled past her. “And be QUICK about it!” She gave him a kick and he scampered away. “Hmph.” She grunted before turning towards Soarin and Dash.

She approached and gathered up the spilled food trays. Soarin and Dash watched her carefully as she moved, but she only stole two quick glances at them. She continued to ignore them as she stacked the trays. After glancing at the two one more time, Starry rolled her eyes and faced them.

“What?” She asked with slight annoyance. Soarin and Dash looked at each other, then back at her.

“What the hell is going on?!” Dash stomped and flapped her wings down once.

“Supposed to be lunch, but our dumbass recruit seems to forget our captive policies.” She went right back to the trays, ignoring their questions real intention. Dash glanced to Soarin in confusion.

“Starry,” Soarin began, “why are we here?” He asked calmly. Starry gave them both a long, silent look.

“We have a contract to capture you.” She referred to Soarin, and then she looked at Dash. “You were an accident. Normally we’d let you go, but the captain decided to keep you.” She answered, again without showing much emotion or care. Dash visibly flinched upon the mention of Nightshade.

“Keep… me…?” Dash shuddered. Soarin reached a hoof through the bars and rubbed Dash's shoulder.

“So I was right,” Soarin nodded, “You guys are mercenaries.”

“That’s right.” Starry confirmed casually.

“So why did you try to kill us all back in Ponyville?” He continued. Dash had moved as close to Soarin as she could with the bars between them. He moved his hoof from her shoulder to hold her hoof.

“Our contract was to destroy Ponyville and scatter the Elements of Harmony. If anypony got in our way, kill them.” She answered. Dash perked up.

“How do you know about the Elements of Harmony?!” She questioned. Starry shook her head.

“I don’t know what the hell they are and I don’t care. It was in the contract.” She continued to show little emotion. Her personality was clear.

“So who keeps hiring you?” Soarin quickly continued.

“Confidential.” She instantly replied. “Our tasks are no secret, but we do not reveal who hires us. That is our way.”

That sealed it for Soarin. It was all becoming clear. After Descent’s different approach to battle, after seeing Rainbow Dash’s wounds tended to, and after seeing Rapidfire being forced to treat them better, he concluded something he never thought he’d say or think.

“So you guys are just an honest organization?” His questioned startled Dash.

“Soarin are you kidding me? They almost killed us twice now! And Nightshade’s an evil bitch!” She gripped his hoof tighter, but Soarin shook his head.

“If they’re so evil, we wouldn’t be getting proper treatment.” He pulled her hoof up and motioned to her bandages. She blinked and thought about it as Soarin looked back to Starry. “I said it to Descent and I’ll say it to you. You guys really get a bad image from your captain.”

“The captain is the strongest among us.” Starry answered plainly. “It is in our code that the strongest shall lead us and chose which contracts to accept. Within such a code, one must intimidate to keep power.”

“That explains a lot.” Dash commented while shivering. Nightshade was just a different breed of pony. Everything about her felt wrong about her. The way she approached things, the way she conversed, and the way she seemed to enjoy the suffering of others in a sexual way. Dash wasn't so much afraid of Nightshade physically. It was more what Nightshade stood for and the way she got into the heads of others. Nightshade was like a nightmare given form.

“Although…” Starry began but stopped, catching both their attention. She shook her head. “Nothing. Captain Nightshade has her own way of doing things, but we’ve been prosperous under her command.” She had dropped her guard only for a moment, but Soarin took note.

Rapidfire finally returned carrying two new trays. Starry glared at him as he quickly hurried over and placed them beside the cells.

“Rookie.” Starry froze him in place. “Take these.” She handed him the dirty trays. Without a word he balanced them on his wings and left. She turned back to them briefly, opened her mouth to say something, but stopped before moving towards the exit herself. She stopped suddenly right before leaving their view. “Yes?” She said to somepony else.

“Nightshade wants to see them.” Descent’s voice came from around the corner. Starry nodded and Descent entered. He was without his uniform as well, but the sight made both Soarin and Dash wince heavily. Soarin had seen them outside his uniform during the battle, but without the uniform? Descent's body was covered all over with lightning burn scars. Taking the full force of multiple thunderclouds during their battle in Ponyville definitely came at a painful price. Soarin was surprised he was still alive after such a fatal incident. It was one hell of a way to prove his toughness.

Descent was followed in by four other pegasi, all rather gruff looking individuals. Three stallions and one mare, each with a crystal hovering beside them. Descent locked eyes with Soarin as they approached, but neither said a word. “Bind them.” He ordered.

Before they came near the cell doors, the four ponies raised their crystal. They gleamed slightly and a pink aura surrounded Soarin’s and Dash’s wings and hooves.

“What the!?” Dash tried to move her wings, but they were stuck in place. She found that she could move her hooves, but they felt heavier. She quickly looked at Soarin. “I dunno they seem pretty evil to me!” She slightly freaked out. She flinched as Descent let out a loud scoff.

“Would you let prisoners go unchecked?” He chuckled. Dash backed away, but Soarin forced his heavy hoof up and softly tapped her on the back.

“Don’t worry.” He assured her. “I trust Descent.”

“WHAT?!” Dash couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Soarin, seriously, did you take a hard hit to the head?! You keep talking like they're some happy friendly bunch! They've tried to kill us TWICE!” Soarin let her yell before rubbing his hoof up and down her back.

“They are following orders, just like we do.” He explained as the doors to their cells were opened. "They're a different manner of orders, but it's the same principle." He looked towards Descent.

“He’s right you know.” Descent said to Dash. “I’d be more worried about why Nightshade wants you.” He motioned for them to follow. Dash flinched again. The mere mention of Nightshade made her body tingle uncomfortably, but maybe Soarin was onto something. It seemed there was much more to the Shadowbolts than what appeared on the surface. Maybe they would find out more, and hopefully they’d live to tell it. The two followed Descent and Starry with the four other ponies keeping a close eye on them.

Soarin and Rainbow Dash were led around the corner and up a flight of stairs. They emerged in a hallway that appeared to be similar to those of the Wonderbolt compound. Only the walls weren’t painted at all. Everything had a grey metallic look to it. There was no ceiling, exposing all the pipes of their plumbing and heating. Despite the dank look to it, Soarin found it still looked better than all blue.

While in appearance it was similar to the Wonderbolt compound, the demeanor was completely different. There seemed to be no authority or order present. Shadowbolts walked up and down the halls, some looked, and some paid no mind. There was no direction or guidance. Everypony seemed to being doing whatever they wanted. They even passed a small group that had formed around two Shadowbolts that were fighting in the middle of the hallway. Starry Skies pushed her way through the mob, and separated the two roughly before berating them and sending them on their way.

The place was very mercenary like. While the Wonderbolts were collected and trained to be like soldiers, the Shadowbolts were more everypony for themselves, but if you want to eat and get paid, better play your part.

More than once as they walked the halls Dash felt slightly disoriented, as if the floor beneath them was moving. She didn’t know if the floor was actually moving or if the crystal magic surrounding her was just making it that hard to walk.

The extra thought quickly took a back seat as they stopped in front of a metal door. The sound of punching came from inside. Starry turned to the two of them.

“This is the captain’s room. All I can say is pray that she’s not ‘in the mood.’” Her words created a considerable amount of anxiety between Soarin and Dash as Descent pounded a hoof on the door.

“Door’s open.” Nightshade called from within, the sound of punching stopping for a moment. Descent pushed the door open and the four ponies nudged Soarin and Dash inside.

The room was dimly lit by old, hanging lights, but it was spacious. Dash gulped when she saw Nightshade in the center of the room, striking a large punching bag that hung from the ceiling. Just like with Descent and Starry Skies, Nightshade was without her Shadowbolt uniform. Her body was covered in scars that looked like they had been caused by claws or other manners of sharp objects. Now that they got to see her in a non-battle scenario, they also weren’t really surprised to see she was quite well built, more muscular than Dash at least. It explained how she seemed to be so sturdy. Starry had also mentioned she was the strongest of them, and one did not have a title like that with a frail body. Soarin wondered if that meant she was stronger than Descent as well? Was such a thing possible?

The whole room was littered with training equipment. The punching bag hung over a large, thin wrestling mat that didn’t quite extend all the way to the walls. On one side of the room was a rack filled with dumbbells with a couple of gym benches nearby, on the other end was a large wall length mirror that had multiple broken spots with cracks trailing from them. The manner of the cracks and shattered areas suggested the mirror had either been punched or had somepony thrown into it. In the back, in one corner was a cleared area that had a desk, a large bed, and a large locker. The desk had a pile of the pink crystals stacked high on it. In the other corner was… something. It looked like some sort of contraption. Dash hadn’t taken her eyes off of it since they entered. Neither she nor Soarin could make out what it was, but there were shackles on it. That was more than enough to let them know it served some twisted purpose.

Nightshade continued to throw punches at the bag as they were pushed in, eventually throwing one harder one before stopping. She sighed and shook her head out, grabbing a towel and slinging it over her neck.

“Well, well, well. Good to finally see you two when we’re not fighting,” she sneered while grabbing a water bottle and taking a swig. Neither Dash nor Soarin said anything. “I hope you understand me when I say there are no hard feelings,” she said with clear snicker between some of her words. “We were, after all, hired to capture you.” They still said nothing. Nightshade laughed heartily. “You know, you’re smarter than most of my underlings. A lot of them come to me and for a while act like they own the place. They think they can say or do anything.” She kept pacing around and started swinging the towel as she approached the punching bag again. “More often than not... they have to learn who’s in charge the hard way.”

She grabbed a zipper on the bottom of the bag and quickly yanked it. The punching bag opened and Lightning Dust fell out of it into a broken heap on the mat. Dash yelped and moved closer to Soarin. Soarin stared in disbelief at the display of brutality. He glanced at the other Shadowbolts. The four ponies who led them in all looked very uncomfortable. Starry did nothing, but Descent looked a little displeased.

Dash stared wide eyed at Lightning Dust. She was curled completely in the fetal position, tears streaming down her eyes, and covered head to tail in very painful looking bruises. She cringed and whimpered slightly on the floor as Nightshade crouched down over her.

“So, from now on will you listen to me?” She said while getting real close to Lightning Dust’s ear. She held a crystal down by Dust’s face. “When I give these to a Shadowbolt, it’s because I trust them to use it properly and not waste it.” She grabbed Dust by the mane and yanked her head up. Dust wailed in pain. “LOOK AT ME.” Nightshade ordered. Dust’s eyes squeaked open, bloodshot from crying and filled with a mix of fear and pain. “You are given crystals because I allow it. Mess up again and I’ll do more than use you for my afternoon workout." She forced Dust's head to look at the device in the corner of the room. "Is that clear, Rookie?”

“Y—yes…” Dust squeaked out while eyeing the contraption in horror. Nightshade yanked her mane harder, forcing her neck to bend all the way back so she could see Nightshade's eyes.

“Excuse me?”

“AH! Yes! Captain— Nightshade—!” She yelled in pain. Nightshade tossed Dust towards the others by her mane. She landed in front of them with a yelp before curling back up. Nightshade brushed orange strands of hair off her hooves.

“Throw her in a cell for the night.” Nightshade waved a hoof at one of the four ponies that had brought them in. Starry perked up and looked between Dust and Nightshade.

“Take her to the infirmary first.” Starry ordered the pegasus that picked her up. Nightshade turned and glared at Starry.

NO. Take her to a cell and LET IT SINK IN.” She snapped while staring daggers at Starry. Starry readied to argue, but Descent put a hoof on her back and shook his head. Starry silently grunted and looked away. Dash clung tightly to Soarin as she watched Dust get dragged out of the room.

“Now.” Nightshade turned to them, Soarin felt Dash’s grip on him tighten further. “Let me tell you how this is going to work.” She trotted over to her desk. “Unfortunately, I have to hand handsome here over to a client soon.” She pointed at Soarin. “I wish I could play with you more, I really do,” she set down the towel and the crystal before moving back over to them, “but I wasn’t expecting a little extra gift.” She reached towards Dash. Dash shied away and Soarin moved in front of her. Dash felt broken. Nightshade had become a fear. nopony had ever terrified her on an emotional level before. It was new and it was mortifying. Just the sheer amount of things Nightshade was capable of sent shivers down her spine. Soarin could feel Dash shake against him. Dash was the bravest mare he had ever known, but not even she could withstand the presence of Nightshade. He'd be lying if he said she didn't frighten him too, but after what he saw Nightshade to to Dust, he refused to simply hand Dash over. He growled at Nightshade.

“You lay one hoof on her, I swear I will—”

“Will what?” She cut him off. “Hate to break it to you sexy,” she reached for his chin and pushed it up with a hoof, “but now you’re on my turf, and here I always get what I want!” She yanked Soarin away from Dash and he tumbled to the mat. Dash fell to the floor as Nightshade stood over her. “Oh, poor thing. You look nervous! You didn’t seem so scared when you leapt at us to save your stallion.” She crouched down close to Dash. “Or are you the type that flies before thinking? Trust me I love that kind of pony.”

“Get away from her!” Soarin tried to get up, but the magic bonds were too heavy for him to stand.

“He sure is protective of you.” Nightshade bit her lip. Dash shut her eyes tight and shook her head, hoping, wishing, and pleading for it to just be a very bad dream. “The most valuable treasures are always the most coveted.”

Soarin kept struggling. He looked to Descent and Starry Skies. Neither of them looked very amused at the situation. They had showed enough discomfort throughout to make Soarin believe they disapproved. Why wouldn’t they speak out? Did Nightshade really have that much influence over them?

The door to Nightshade's room suddenly swung open and a Shadowbolt stallion rushed in.

“Captain Nightshade!” He yelled as he pushed his way in. Nightshade flinched, her face scrunching into an intense look of anger. She stood up from Dash, stomped over to the pony, grabbed him around the neck, and hoisted him into the air.

WHAT HAVE I TOLD EVERY ONE OF YOU SHITS ABOUT MY QUARTERS!?” She snarled into his face. The stallion looked absolutely horrified, but he kept talking.

“Your policy is that no pony can enter and leave until you say so and you enforce that policy strictly, but recently you said to disregard the policy and come as quickly as possible if Mr. Kayn Ost wants to speak with you…” He spoke very quickly, and as soon as he said the strange name, Nightshade immediately let go of him and he fell to his hooves, “…and Mr. Kayn Ost… wants to speak with you.” He finished. Nightshade’s expression changed back to normal.

“Argh!” She suddenly put a hoof to her head and shuddered. She stumbled away from them and over to her desk. She quickly snatched one of the crystals and pressed it to herself, the crystal shined brightly before disappearing and surrounding her in its pink light. “Ooooonnnnfffff.” She moaned and inhaled as her body tensed and her muscles all flexed and relaxed sporadically. The glow faded, her body relaxed, and she shook her head. “I’ll see him immediately.” She pointed at Soarin and Dash. “I’ll have some fun with you two later. I have important business to attend to.” The Shadowbolts in the room all just stared, confused about what they just witnessed. “THAT MEANS NOW!” She growled, her eyes glowing pink slightly.

Soarin and Dash were quickly hoisted to their feet and pushed out of her room. As they started back down the hall, Dash immediately pressed herself into Soarin. He nuzzled the top of her head, offering any comfort he could give. What the hell was going on? Nothing made any sense.

---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

Confused? Good. It was intentional. >:D