• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,089 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 18

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 18:

“This will probably hurt. A lot.” The Wonderbolt trainer said to Dash. She lay on the padded trainer table in the compound infirmary, getting her wings looked at. She was handed a small rolled up towel, “put this in your mouth, it’ll keep your teeth from grinding together when the pain hits.” Dash gulped but nodded.

She placed the towel in her mouth as the trainer and his helper stood on opposite sides of her. They gently grabbed her wings, doing their best not to cause her any discomfort as they readied to pop them back into place.

“Ready?” The trainer asked her.

“Mm hm.” Dash signaled, muffled by the towel.

“Okay,” the trainer nodded to his assistant, “One… Two!” They both jerked her wings on two, instead of three. Two loud pops sounded throughout the room followed by a muffled cry from Dash as she bit down hard on the towel. She pushed herself up and thrust her wings out, knocking both of them over and dropping the towel out of her mouth.

“Ahhhhh Ohhhhhh hoooooooooooooo!” Dash panted as the trainer got to his hooves. Laughter came from further to her right.

“I think she’s good to go!” Soarin chuckled as he sat upright on a nearby trainer table, being patched up and checked. Fleetfoot was near him, clutching her stomach.

“That’s a strong wing reflex you’ve got there Dash.” She commented. Dash pouted and glared at the doctor.

“That was not cool! Why did you go on two?! WHO DOES THAT?!” She fumed, still flinching slightly. Her wings were back in place, but they were going to be sore.

“It’s a common practice,” the trainer explained, “you were expecting us to go on three. You’re body would have tensed in anticipation. By going on two, your body is still relaxed, and we can cleanly put your wings back in place.”

“It’s easier to put a nail in a pillow than a rock.” Soarin commented.

“Exactly.” The trainer agreed as he motioned for Dash to sit down so he could check on her other minor injuries, cuts, bruises, and the like. “Your wings’ll be sore for a few days, but as long as you don’t push it too hard you can still fly a little.”

“So how did you find us anyway?” Soarin asked Fleetfoot. She rolled her eyes, but smiled.

“It was interesting,” she began, “we had to get help from Discord of all ponies—er dragon, snake, things,”

“Discord?!” Dash perked up, and then winced in pain.

“Hold still please.” The trainer ordered as he applied disinfectant to a cut on Dash’s shoulder.

“How in Equestria was HE helpful?” Dash questioned. Fleetfoot scoffed.

“Ha! He wasn’t helpful at all!” She shook her head. “He told us what to do and then disappeared.”

“But what did you have to do?” Soarin asked as a medical assistant finished tying off a bandage on his arm. “Thanks.”

“He said the crystal magic worked like his and that it was impossible to trace. Something that doesn’t exist can only be seen by the blind and heard by the deaf. Or something dumb like that.”

“And?” Soarin pushed the question.

“So I took Misty back out there and, like he said, she was able to follow. Don’t ask me how. Her ears perked up after we explained it and she took off. Then we found you guys and—” She put both her hooves on Soarin’s table and looked him straight in the eyes. “MORE IMPORTANTLY. What the hell was all that weird stuff between you and Nightshade?! That was some crazy, glowing, paranormal action movie shit I saw!” She nearly pressed her nose to his and he fell over on his back while trying to recline away from her. “You were like a huge beacon, and what did she pump herself full of?! She looked like her body was going to burst!”

“Fleet! Personal space!” Soarin whined as she questioned him. She pulled back and hopped off his table.

“Okay, lay it on me.” she crossed her hooves.

“Let’s wait until we meet with Luna alright? It’s long, it’s weird, and I almost died. So I’d rather only explain it once and then forget about it.” He said. Fleetfoot was not amused.

“But I wanna know nowwwww.” She tapped her hooves on the floor.

“Fleet, leave him alone.” Dash snickered. Fleet cocked an eyebrow at her in surprise before smirking.

“Fine.” She gave Soarin a sassy look. “But only because your lady said so.” She teased. Soarin looked at Dash and pouted as Fleetfoot giggled to herself. Dash just shrugged while shaking her head.

“That should do it.” The trainer gave Dash a soft pat on the back. “Luckily your wings were the worst of it. You have a couple of small cuts and bruises, but those won’t last very long.”

“Thanks doc.” Dash nodded to him as she carefully slid off the table. Soarin did the same, and then remembered something important.

“Oh!” He turned to Fleetfoot. “Spitfire! What happened to her after the battle here?!” He couldn’t believe he had nearly forgotten. Fleetfoot’s expression and ears turned down a little.

“Well, she’s okay, but she’s been a little… traumatized by it. She’s been resting in her room since.” She explained. Soarin and Dash glanced at each other. A lot had happened over the past days, but in the end the one who probably took the most damage was Spitfire. Soarin and Dash may have been physically wounded, but Spitfire had had one of her own inner depressions amplified and turned to force against her will. What did that even feel like?

“What time is it?” Soarin asked Fleetfoot.

“About three, why?”

“Let’s go see her. Luna is expecting us around four. I want to see Spitfire first.” He looked back at Dash.

“Yeah, I wanna see her too.” She agreed. Fleetfoot motioned towards the stairs and the three made their way down the hall.

As they approached Spitfire’s room on the third floor, Soarin blinked when he noticed her door was slightly ajar. This was typically a universal sign for “don’t worry about knocking” among the Wonderbolts. Fleetfoot was in front and went to push the door open, but froze when she saw a dark blue tail through the small crack in the doorway. Soarin ran into her and Dash bounced off Soarin's flank.

“Fleet? What the h—,” Soarin was hushed as Fleetfoot threw a hoof over his mouth. She smiled giddily and very quietly pushed the door open so they could just see inside.

“He’s here again!” She whispered while silently bouncing.

“He?” Soarin lifted an eyebrow as he peered into the room. Dash looked over his shoulder and as with Soarin, she wasn’t expecting what she saw. Spitfire was asleep on her bed, curled up with the sheets clutched tightly to her body. This however was not the surprise.

“Isn’t that—, Wave Chill?” Dash whispered. Soarin only nodded, not sure how to take what he was seeing. Fleetfoot looked like she was trying her hardest not to swoon and d’aww. Wave Chill was sitting beside Spitfire’s bed, looking over her with concern. She stirred slightly, a part of her mane falling down over her eyes. Wave Chill quickly reached forward and brushed it out of her face, gently stroking a hoof over her cheek as he did. This seemed to calm her, and she slept peacefully once more.

“Wait, did you say… again?” Soarin asked as he watched Wave Chill’s little display of intimacy. Fleetfoot was holding back so hard that she almost turned completely red.

“OH I CAN’T TAKE IT!” She blurted out and shoved the door open. Wave Chill yelped, fired straight up off his chair, and smacked his head against the ceiling before landing with a loud THUMP that made Soarin and Dash wince. The noise obviously woke Spitfire. Her eyes squeaked open and she glanced around. She saw Fleetfoot first. Fleetfoot had barged into the room and was giddily light stepping towards the left side of her bed. Then she glanced back at the door and saw Soarin and Dash enter. Her eyes widened when she saw Soarin.

“Soarin!” She cried out, instantly picking herself up and scampering towards the foot of the bed as he drew near. He realized at the last moment that she was about to throw herself at him, so he quickened his last two steps to prevent her from falling off the bed.

“HRK!” He grunted as she grabbed him around the neck and squeezed tightly. “Spitfire, can’t breathe.” He sputtered. Dash smiled and trotted up beside them. Fleetfoot came over to them as well while holding a frantic Wave Chill in a headlock.

“She’s been worried sick since you and Dash disappeared.” Fleetfoot started, not even paying attention to Wave Chill as he struggled to free himself from her grip.

“I can see that.” Soarin’s ears drooped as Spitfire began sniffle to shed small tears.

Spitfire’s worry was understandable, even from an iron heart like her, always keeping emotions out of things. There was more to it from Soarin’s perspective though. Spitfire had a negative emotion within her amplified to the breaking point, then had it manipulated, turning her against him. Soarin had not escaped the encounter unscathed. Hell, half the small cuts and injuries he just had looked at and tended to were from when she put him through two windows. It was clear during the whole episode that Spitfire was aware of her actions, but could do nothing to stop it. How would you feel if the last thing you did to your best friend before they possibly disappeared forever was beat the crap out of them?

“Hey, hey, it’s alright.” Soarin patted her on the back as her grip finally loosened.

“I’m so sorry.” She choked out between sniffles.

“Hey!” Soarin held her at arm’s length and looked at her sternly. “Spitfire, it wasn’t your fault.”


“Ah, ah, ah!” He held a hoof over her mouth. “No more of that!” He shook his head. “You were controlled, and Dash and I are okay. Everything is fine. So I better see you out of bed and back in your office soon, okay?” He turned his head to the side to give her a comical one eye glare. She sniffled and nodded. “Good.”

“Now then,” Fleetfoot suddenly nudged Soarin aside with her flank and stood in front of Spitfire, she was still holding Wave Chill beneath her arm and he had given up trying to escape. “Did you know you’ve had a big, strong guardian angel watching over you?” She joked with a large beaming smile. Spitfire looked at Wave and gave him a weak, but warm smile. Wave looked away while scrunching his mouth.

“Yeah, what is this about?” Soarin gave Wave a curious look. Dash would be lying if she said she wasn’t interested either.

“I, uh, was just, uh—,” Wave faltered. Soarin was surprised. Wave was usually very straight forward and dutiful. He accepted most orders before they were done being given to him, and always was quick with the “YES SIR’s.”

“He’s been taking care of her since you handed her over to him.” Fleetfoot rubbed her hoof roughly into his mane.

“Ow! Ow! Argh!” He whined as she did.

“Fleet, let him go.” Soarin chuckled. Fleetfoot finally let go of him and he shook his head out quickly, then stood attention.

“S—Sir!” He struggled to get back in character. “I—uh, I watched over her like you ordered me to!” He saluted. Fleetfoot completely lost it and was quickly rolling on her side laughing.

“Wave,” Soarin chuckled, reached up, and forced Wave’s arm out of the salute, “I asked you to keep her safe. It was a request, not an order. I figured she would be fine once we got her back, but you kept checking her and taking care of her,” he smiled, “it’s okay if you did it because you wanted to, in fact I think I prefer that.”

“Uh—I, yes, I did.” He confessed, glancing at Spitfire, who was still looking at him and smiling. Soarin leaned forward and whispered to him,

“You’re doing more for her than you’d think. Please keep it up.” He patted Wave on the shoulder. Wave remained silent, completely at a loss at what to say. Dash chuckled, walked up, and nudged Wave in the side as Soarin looked back to Spitfire.

“Hey, buddy, why the embarrassment?” She smirked at him. Wave looked away, finally a small blush creeping onto his face. “A good stallion looks after a mare he cares about! Be proud of it! Guard her with pride!” As she finished, Fleetfoot zipped over to Soarin and pressed her side against his,

“I think it’s the other way around with you two,” she teased him, “Hehehe!” She giggled as Soarin rolled his eyes, lifted a wing up, and shoved her head down with it.

“Well, uh—, I’ll just be going then!” Wave turned and took one step towards the door before,

“Wait!” They all jumped as Spitfire called out to him. He stopped stiffly before turning back to her. “Stay, just a little longer, please?” She asked. Wave blinked as she asked, finding it hard to resist the sad look she was giving him. Sensing the situation Soarin quickly extended his wings and used them to scoop up both Fleetfoot and Dash. They both yelped as he suddenly hoisted them up, but he gave a small wave to Spitfire and turned to the door.

“Stay here Wave, she wants to be with you,” he gave him a wink, “we have to go meet with Luna anyway. Keep her company.” He quickly turned towards the exit. Fleetfoot kicked and struggled while whining about not wanting to leave, but Dash let him carry her with no resistance. She knew what he was doing. Soarin jumped at an opportunity to make Spitfire feel not-so lonely anymore. Who knew if anything would happen between Wave Chill and Spitfire? The important thing was that this was the kind of interaction missing from Spitfire’s life. Soarin wasn’t about to let them stick around and ruin a moment for her.

“You suck Soarin.” Fleetfoot pouted as Soarin closed the door to Spitfire’s room behind them.

“I think you need to buy a dictionary and look up the word ‘privacy.’” He chuckled as he released Fleetfoot and she dropped to her hooves. They began walking towards the stairs again, but Dash looked down. Soarin was still holding her up, tucked beneath his left wing.

“You can put me down too y’know.” Dash smirked.

“Who said that?” Soarin turned sharply to his left while failing to hide a smile. Dash giggled as he swung her around in his wing grip.

“My wings are hurt Soarin, not my legs.” She crossed her hooves and huffed, but couldn’t stop a smile from forming either.

“Don’t care, I feel like carrying you.” He held his head high.

“But Sooooaaarrrrinnnnn,” She reached her head forward so he could see her. She gave him a puppy dog stare and pouted.

“And if you think I’m gonna fall for that, think again, Little Miss Badass.” Soarin chuckled at her attempt to look cute and helpless.

“Dammit.” She chuckled along with him. “Although…” She paused and smirked.

“What? WAIT!” Soarin realized too late. Dash brushed her wing against his side. “AH! Ahah! NO! HAHA!” His wing quickly flared out and Dash landed on the ground with a soft plop.

“You left yourself so wide open. I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner.” Dash winked at him as Soarin caught his breath. Despite being free she walked right up against him anyway. “I didn’t mind the spot though.” She said while nuzzling his neck.

“Fair enough.” Soarin said with one last exhale from the tickling.

“You two are so damn adorable I think I’m gonna hurl.” Fleetfoot commented as they made their way down the stairs to the first floor. Soarin tipped his head and cocked an eyebrow.

“Says the mare who was just swarming around Wave Chill and Spitfire.”

“Hey!” She stuck her tongue out at him. “I love the development! The post get-together PDA is meh.” She waved a hoof at them as they reached the tunnel entrance leading towards the castle. They entered the tunnel and a few steps after the door closed behind them, Soarin picked up on some whispering and giggling. He turned his head to see Fleetfoot and Dash snickering. That wasn’t a good sign.

“Do I wanna know what you two are talking about?” He asked. Fleetfoot smirked at him.

“You’re ticklish?” She sneered. Soarin’s eyes widened as both Fleetfoot and Dash set their hooves, ready to pounce.


“THOU DID WHAT?!?!?!” Luna shouted right into the face of Discord. All the royal guards in the throne room instinctively shielded their ears from the royal Canterlot voice.

“Oh like you wouldn’t have done the same thing.” He blew raspberries at her as she glared.

“We would not! We do NOT interfere with the lives of ponies! It is forbidden!” She swiped her hoof across her body. Discord sneered and slithered around her.

“Oh Lulu, so precious and dutiful. If it’s so wrong, then why did your sister do it?” His words slithered in and out of her ears. She opened her mouth to argue, but Discord was right, Celestia had violated that rule. He straightened up and placed himself right in front of Luna, “If Celestia broke the rules, then what’s to stop me from thinking it’s okay from time to time? Really, she’s an enabler, you should be mad at her not moi.” He pressed his fingers to his chest and looked at her with innocent wide eyes.

“It doesn’t change the fact… we still do not agree…” She struggled to answer.

“Do not deny it little Lulu, you would rush to save the life of a pony. In fact I’m hurt you don’t think higher of me for performing such a selfless deed.” He sneered at her. She glared right back.

“Deeds such as this are not without risk. My sister is paying dearly for changing a pony’s fate. How do you expect me to think any good can come from it? Have you seen her lately?!” She stomped and pouted at him. Discord stared at her pouty face, snickered, and flipped his fingers over her lips to make a Blblblblblb noise on them. She swiped his hand away in frustration and her magic came to life through her horn. He reached up with the clothespin again. She quickly covered her horn with her hooves, but he put in on her lips instead to hold her mouth shut.

“You really need to relax and stop worrying about such trivial things.” He wagged a claw back and forth as she desperately tried to pull the clothespin of her lips while making muffled yelling noises. “Celestia will be fine. After all, she has me! She doesn’t need to rely on you for solutions when I can make one up as I go along.” He bowed as Luna gave up and glared at him with her lips clamped shut. “Now I believe the two I so selflessly saved are on their way. I really don’t want to ruin your professional meeting, so I’ll be off.” He disappeared, but the clothespin stayed. Luna began freaking out with muffled screams. “Oh, silly me,” Discord’s right arm reappeared and pulled the pin off.

“GAH! Ha…” Luna gasped with her tongue hanging out. “Grrr…” She grumbled as the sound of hysterical laughing came from behind the throne. The door behind the throne burst open and Soarin dove through, tumbling into the back of the throne.

“OKAY! OKAY! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!” He yelled while wrapping both his wings and arms around his body. Fleetfoot and Rainbow Dash followed shortly after, giggling to themselves and bumping hooves. “Sheesh, I’m always being ganged up on.” He complained while standing up and walking around the throne with them. They flinched when they saw Luna looking distraught, but she shook her head and beckoned them in.

“Please, come in. We are merely dealing with many issues.” She explained as they all faced her. “We are pleased to see you unharmed.” She directed at Soarin and Dash, “We thought there little to be done, but it seems it… all worked out in the end.” Her pause went unnoticed, but she was referring to a certain intervention.

“We’re just happy to be alive ourselves.” Soarin commented while putting an arm over Dash. “I’m not gonna lie, after today, I definitely believe in miracles.” The two smiled at each other.

“There is no such thing…” Luna mumbled to herself quietly. She quickly shook her head again as they looked at her confused. “We apologize,” she tapped her head with a hoof, “many issues, like we said. Anyway, please tell us all that happened.”

“Where to start…” Soarin began.

Soarin relayed everything to Luna about the crazy two days. Everything about the Shadowbolts, about Nightshade, about the crystals, and about some suspicious faceless adversary in the background: Kayn Ost. Luna did not interrupt throughout the entire explanation, curious to hear everything before giving her opinion.

“We see.” She said as Soarin finished. She sat for a moment, contemplating everything, but even she was at a loss about the crystals and Kayn Ost. In her long life, she could recall nothing that connected.

“Actually, I have a quick question.” Fleetfoot raised her hoof. “Why didn’t you come with us to locate them? I mean, Nightshade was pumped up on power and all, but I’m sure you could have smacked her down and the rest of them easily!” She ended, crossing her hooves. Luna blinked and shook her head.

“We cannot leave Canterlot. Not when our sister is—” Luna quickly stopped.

“What about Celestia?!” Fleetfoot was hovering in place. “Can we finally get some insight into why she’s nowhere to be found these days?!” She pried. Luna bit her lip and looked away.

“We—, it is not our place to say. Our sister wishes for it to be so.” She stammered.

“So she isn't actually busy?” Fleetfoot extended both her hooves, “Then what—”

“Fleet, stop.” Soarin hovered up next to her and pulled her back down to the ground. “If Celestia is busy, she’s busy. If she’s not, she’s not. But Luna clearly does not want to speak about it. Leave it be. It all worked out fine in the end.” He looked at her sternly.

“Fiiiiinnnneeeee.” Fleetfoot said in dissatisfaction. Luna turned back to them, smiling at Soarin.

“We thank thee for understanding.” Her expression turned serious, “as for these crystals and this mystery fellow, we’re afraid we know nothing. It is, however, good to know we have something to be watchful for.” She nodded. “We are surprised to hear about the true nature of the Shadowbolts. They’re work may be, unsavory, but at least they seem honest. It’s a shame such a powerful group can be swayed by fake power.” They all agreed. “Oh, how is Captain Spitfire? We understand she went through a terrible experience.”

“She’s holding up,” Soarin quickly answered. “A little shaken, but she’ll be fine, she always is.”

“Good.” Luna smiled, “we wish not to rush her, but we feel more comfortable when she is in command. We hope she’s is back up and running in a week or two.”

“I’ll be surprised if they can keep her down for two more days.” Fleetfoot chuckled. Luna looked to Rainbow Dash.

“Ah, Loyalty,” she referred to her by her element, “We deeply apologize for you being dragged into all of this. We’re sure thou can imagine our worry when we thought an element of harmony was lost.”

“Aw it was nuthin’” Dash smirked. “I ain’t tappin’ out anytime soon. I don’t care what they throw at me.” She said while thrusting her wings out and swinging a hoof. Luna chuckled at her.

“Most excellent.” She agreed. “We thank thee for your report and time.” She bowed her head to them. “Oh, we nearly forgot!” She looked back up. “We spoke to Blaze Tail and Flash Wind.”

“Oh.” Soarin grimaced, remembering that whole thing with Rapidfire they had to sort out. “How did that go?”

“They were most displeased with the course of action chosen by their son. They offer their deepest apologies and plan to continue their donations regardless.” Luna explained. Fleetfoot released a loud sigh of relief.

“Sheesh, too bad he doesn’t take after his parents, huh?” She whispered to Soarin who wanted to agree, but politely kept his attention on Luna.

“Now then, there are many things we must attend to, farewell.” Luna turned without another word and began walking towards the main hall. With that out of the way, Soarin, Dash, and Fleetfoot made their way back to the compound.

The time Rainbow Dash was dreading finally came. She had to go home. It was sad, but she knew for a fact that her friends were probably worried sick about her by now. And since Celestia was apparently unavailable, Twilight couldn’t send any letters to her asking about Dash. She had to go home. She didn’t want to leave Soarin, but she had to.

Despite Soarin telling her to leave them alone, after saying her goodbye’s to Dash, Fleetfoot went to go bother Spitfire and Wave Chill. Dash didn’t want to disturb them again, so she asked Fleetfoot to say goodbye to Spitfire for her. If things were different, Dash would have made a bigger effort to do so, but she had a feeling she’d be seeing all the Wonderbolts a lot in the near future.

Remembering that they had to get Dash’s dress from Soarin’s room, they made one last stop.

“Well! It’s definitely been a wild few days.” Soarin commented as they entered his room. He looked happily back at Dash, but she was clearly sad. Soarin frowned, “hey now…” He trotted over to her and draped a wing over her. "I know we’re going separate ways, but it’s not like we’re not gonna see each other as much as possible.” She shook her head.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m still gonna miss you every day.” She looked up at him with sad eyes. He inhaled sharply and puffed his cheeks out.

“Don’t you look at me like that, I might actually have a heart attack.” He bopped her nose with a hoof. She looked at him weirdly, and then smiled.

“Is this better?” She puffed her lips out and squished her cheeks up with her hooves.

“PFFFFFFFF” Soarin held in the laughter as his body shook. He swallowed and exhaled. “Haaaaaaa, you're the best.” He hugged her, which she, of course, returned. “How are your wings doing by the way?” he asked. She looked back, stretched her wings out and flapped them twice.

“Hmmm, still sore, but flying shouldn’t be a problem, why?”

“Cause my offer from before still stands.” He puffed out his chest happily.

“Wha? OH!” She remembered his offer to fly her home. “But I thought your day off was yesterday?”

“You really think we’re gonna keep schedule after what happened? I probably have a good week or so off now.” He chuckled.

“Good point,” she thought, followed by her giddiness slowly building, “Ah! That means I get another night with you!” She was smiling brightly and flapping her wings in excitement.

“Mm hm…” Soarin slid over to her while bouncing his eyebrows up and down. Dash picked up on his tone quickly.

“Ooo, I like that look,” she said seductively while making scratch motions with her hoof. Soarin reached up, running a hoof through her mane, down the back of her neck and over part of her body.

“I would never pass up the chance,” he said smoothly into her ear, his warm breath making her tingle. Soarin moved his hoof back up her neck to the back of her head and slowly pushed her towards him. The two brushed their lips together once before softly kissing. Dash wrapped her hooves around his neck, to pull herself in and press her lips harder to his. They broke apart briefly, Dash licking her lips.

“Why do you always taste so perfect?” She said while pressing her body closer to his. He looked down at her with desire in his eyes.

“You push me to be my best.” He grinned. She giggled and drew him in, placing her lips by his ear and whispering.

“I love the libido, but we should get me home first. Once we get settled in my house, maybe I’ll let you push me.” Her words teased him immensely. He blew two puffs of smoke out of his nose while cocking a large smirk. His wings extended and gave a single hard flap down.

“Then what are we waiting for?” He asked eagerly. Dash giggled and slowly pushed off of him, never taking her bedroom stare away from his eyes.

“Where’s my dress? Rarity will kill me if I don’t bring it back.” She began looking around the floor. Soarin kept his eyes on her, especially as she began to bend down and look around. She glanced back at him.

“I know you like what you see, but pay attention naughty colt.” She wiggled her tail at him.

“Dur who yarp what?” His speech garbled and he shook his head. She couldn’t hold back her laughter.

“Come on, help me find the dress.” She repeated while giggling at the funny look on his face.

“Right, the dress. Ha. Haha.” Soarin said with his eyes nearly rolling back into his head as he thought about what would happen in Ponyville that night.

“Ah! Found it, but how are we gonna carry it?” Dash wondered as she held the dress up. Soarin finally broke from his daydream and looked around.

“Here,” he picked up a small backpack and held it over to her, “I can carry it in this, I guess we can fold it up and—,” he was cut off as Dash just stuffed her dress into the pack in a messy ball.

“Rarity’s problem,” she winked at him. “Let’s get going. Follow the Rainbow.” She teased while flipping her tail at him again. He strapped the backpack on and grabbed her tail in his mouth as she began walking. He followed her as she laughed at him for being an adorable goofball.

Rainbow Dash did her best to take in the whole compound one more time as they made their way down the stairs and through the lobby. It was just a simple trip to see a stallion she loved, and it turned into one hell of an adventure. It would be quite a story to tell her friends and Scootaloo upon returning.

As they approached the main entrance of the compound, Dash stopped and glanced back.

“What’s up?” Soarin asked.

“I can’t help but feel like I’m forgetting something…” She contemplated. As if on cue, Misty Fly flew in from the right and tackle hugged Dash. “I knew it!” She cried out happily and hugged Misty Fly back. The rest of squad three was close behind her. How could she leave without saying goodbye to them? They had made the trip extra special for her. Squad three was there when they found Soarin and Dash after the battle with Nightshade, but they were rushed off by the medical teams so quickly she didn’t have a chance to thank them. Especially after they found out one of their miracles wouldn’t have happened if Misty Fly had been unable to “hear” the trace of the crystal magic.

“We made it just in time.” Fire Streak smiled as Misty Fly continued to nuzzle Dash. He tried to continue, but Surprise rushed up to Soarin.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! HEY!!!!!” She grabbed his face. “That was some crazy anime stuff you did in that fight! I mean, come on it would have been PERFECT if both of you screamed for three episodes plus twenty minutes and your manes changed color!” They all just stared at her in confusion.

“Dude, what?” Lightning Streak said nonchalantly. Surprise was suddenly beside him and pointed at his blonde mane while looking at Soarin.

“If you can make your mane look like this, you’ve officially become a parody!”

“Surprise, reign it in please.” Fire Streak chuckled while pulling Surprise off of his brother. Dash smiled as Misty released the hug, small tears in her eyes. Misty had made such an impact on Dash during her time at the compound. Dash made the wing motion for thank you, remembering how much it meant to Misty when a pony tried to speak with her.

“I don’t know how to say all of this, so could you translate for me?” Dash asked Fire Streak.

“Certainly.” He smiled, readying his hooves and wings.

“Please tell her I will never forget her, and that she is a very special pony. She deserves a hell of a lot more in life than most ponies I know. I promise to spend lots of time with her when I become a Wonderbolt myself someday, hopefully soon.” Dash said. Fire relayed the whole message to Misty, who smiled so wide her face hurt. She hopped up and down before giving Dash one more big hug.

“You won’t forget me either, will you?” Surprise slid underneath Dash’s legs and suddenly had small streams of tears running from her eyes.”

“Of course not Surprise, it’s impossible to forget you.” Dash chuckled. Surprise’s expression instantly turned 180 degrees and the tears were gone like they never existed.

“YAY!” She slid back between Dash’s legs somehow without anypony pulling her.

“Call me, babe.” Lightning said simply with a single wave. Dash rolled her eyes.

Not likely.” She said with a snicker as Fire smacked his brother upside the head. Fire approached her and held out a hoof.

“As I said before, it’s been an honor and a pleasure. I’m sure we will meet again soon m’lady.” He bowed and kissed her hoof. She was used to his behavior now, but she still wiped her hoof off on her arm right after.

“Count on it.” She looked at all of them. “You’ve all been awesome.” She looked at Misty Fly and made the goodbye signal. “Seeya!” She waved to the rest and they all waved. Dash quickly turned to hide a few happy tears that squeaked out.

“You’re a great pony, Rainbow Dash.” Soarin complimented while draping his wing over her as they walked out the door.

“Pff, what tipped you off?” She said smugly.

“Your sassy attitude.” He grinned right back as they took off.

They picked a perfect time to make the long flight back to Ponyville. The sun was beginning to set, so the sky was painted full of beautiful orange, red, and pink colors, with a little dab of yellow here and there. The sky was mostly free of clouds, so their flight was easy and open.

For a while they both just enjoyed the silence. Flying was the life of a pegasus. Sharing a long, calm flight with another was a common sign of friendship between two pegasi. However if it was with a special somepony, it meant something much, much more.

The peaceful air, the ground and trees passing below them, the wind blowing gently in their manes, and the company of love. It all made both Soarin and Rainbow Dash feel very alive and very happy. They didn’t need words to express their love. They exchanged many smiles and made many soft maneuvers by each other.

To Dash, everything about Soarin was worth smiling about.

And to Soarin, everything about Dash was worth dreaming about.

Dash flew in close to Soarin. He followed her with his eyes, smiling wider as she drew near and turned upside down. She kept on flying while directly below him, staring up at him with eyes mixed with love, happiness, and satisfaction. He would never get tired of those eyes, her bright purple irises that shone just as much as her unique rainbow mane. The way she looked at him with those eyes would always have an unseen power over his body, drawing him in without giving it a thought.

Her eyes completed that pretty face, always full of sleek, sly, and sassy expressions that made her personality so perfect. Everything with her would be a competition, and he loved that. Worried about losing the excitement? Never with Rainbow Dash. He would always be wondering what new excitement was waiting patiently around the corner.

And then there was her ambition, her drive. Nopony would ever best her. Even if they did, she would try and try and try until she was on top. Nothing motivates like a lover who pushes themselves in every aspect of life.

Soarin loved her so much. How in Equestria was he lucky enough to find a mare that just plain completed him in every aspect of himself? Like he said to Luna earlier, he was now a believer in miracles.

Dash giggled as Soarin reached out and gently grabbed her left hoof with his right.

“Shall we dance?” He smiled at her with that irresistibly handsome face of his.

“I guess I’ll allow it.” Dash winked at him as she placed his free hoof on his shoulder.

Soarin did nothing much at first. They simply slowly twisted as they flew, as if the quiet and tame nature of their surroundings orchestrated a slow dance. Dash couldn’t take her eyes off of Soarin.

Who would have thought she would ever get caught by this silly love thing that Rarity always over swooned about? Nopony is the answer to that question. Rainbow Dash, the speedy, tough talking, action pony of Ponyville, unable to resist the way Soarin tugged on her heartstrings.

They say there is a special somepony out there for everypony. Dash always said, “pff not me”. Too bad Soarin existed to curb stomp her attitude and send a cloud of cupid arrows for direct hits. She just couldn't get enough of him. His deep green eyes, his chiseled jaw line, his handsome face, his muscular body and wings. He was the perfect ascetic stallion, and she wasn’t being biased about it. But that personality… he was so silly and goofy, but so strong willed and determined. He would crack a joke one minute and have her pressed against a wall the next…

Dash bit her lip and blushed as Soarin kept gently guiding their flight.

Damn she found him sexy, and damn did she love him to death. Talk about the finest catch in the sea, she would never go fishing again.

Soarin finally changed it up, gently twirling her so she was at arm’s length beside him, their hooves still locked. Instead of pulling her in, he spun himself in so he was below her now.

“You know what I love most about flying with you?” He said as he twisted them around and he was above her.

“What’s that?” She tilted her head to the side slightly and batted her eyelashes at him. He spun them back around so he was on the bottom.

“There’s no on top.” He winked. “So I don’t have to fight you for it.” He bounced his eyebrows.

“Oh, I don’t know about that…” Dash pressed herself to him before he could turn them back around. “I hate to break it to you Soarin, but I was born to be on top.” She slightly stuck her tongue out between her teeth.

“I shoulda seen that one coming.” He chuckled. He clutched her tightly and spun them around, pumping his wings so they picked up speed.

“Whoa!” Dash held on and folded her wings in as they climbed higher and higher. Soarin eventually tipped back down and looked into Dash’s eyes with that competitive gaze she adored.

“You like things fast huh? How about I express my love to you at the speed of sound?” He smirked.

“Ohmygosh.” Dash blushed heavily and bit her lip. “DO IT!” She encouraged while wiggling with excitement. She held on tight as Soarin went into a dive, pumping his wings to build up more speed before folding them down and letting gravity do the rest. The aircone formed around both of them. Dash found herself breathing a little faster. Good lord Soarin was unbelievable. He was really gonna do it. Her heart was pounding in anticipation. Soarin’s speed hit the aircone break point and he whispered into her ear,

“I love you Rainbow Dash.”

He kissed her right as the aircone shattered and the sonic boom echoed throughout. She clutched him tighter and kissed him back hard as they sped fiercely over the ground. She moaned as she kissed him, wrapping her legs around his body too. She began to feel very, very warm, the harsh blasts of wind surging against them as they kissed.

Soarin eventually stretched out his wings and they slowed down as Ponyville began approaching in the distance. As they reached their slow speed again, Dash finally loosened her grip on him and stared up into his eyes. She was blushing like crazy, panting, and her wings had flared outward.

“That,” she shivered, “was the sexiest thing…” she commented while trying to catch her breath. He smiled and chuckled.

“You liked?”

“I LOVED IT!” She instantly answered while pressing her nose to his. “Like, ohmygosh Soarin, that… you are getting rewarded for that tonight…” She went limp in his arms and sighed heavily while laughing contently.

“I like the sound of that,” He said with a sly grin. She turned her head up to look at him as she remained limp.

“God, now I’m like, more than an infinity % in love you ahhhhhhh.” She squeaked and went back to being fully limp.

“I’m glad you were still keeping score.” He winked, “I like to break records.”Dash giggled, reached back up, and hugged him tightly as they went in for a landing.

The sun had almost completely set as the two flew low over Ponyville, Dash pointing out to land by Twilight’s library. She figured it would be a good idea to let Twilight know she was back and not gone forever. Twilight was the best at general communication between all of them, so she’d get the word out to the rest easily.

Soarin touched down, gently setting Dash back on her hooves as he did. She was still looking at him dreamily and planted a kiss on his cheek as they moved towards the front door.

“Seriously Soarin, that was incredible. You really know how to drive me wild.” She said while making a pass in front of him and caressing his chin with her tail.

“Takes about an eighth of the effort for you to do the same to me.” He said, his eyes locked on her plot as she flipped her tail off the end of his chin. She caught him looking and swished her tail back and forth.

“Not everypony can be this awesome.” She smirked while putting a hoof to her chest. Soarin came up beside her and brushed his wing over her back.

“That’s for damn sure.” He said with a wink.

They stopped briefly in front of the library door as they heard talking from inside. Dash put her ear to the door and could hear all of her friends inside. Well, she could hear four of them. She just assumed Fluttershy was in there as well. She was relieved. This would save her the trouble of letting each one know. She also now only had to explain everything once. She smiled and raised her hoof to the door.

“Yo! Rainbow Dash is in the house!” She yelled while banging her hoof against the door loudly. The talking inside all stopped and the sound of galloping came towards the door. Dash took note that the galloping sounded almost… dainty. “Not this time.” Dash smirked. She ducked as the door swung open. And Rarity came flying out.

“DETAIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!” She shrieked as she flew right over Rainbow Dash and collided with Soarin.

“URF!” Soarin barely budged as Rarity flew face first into his chest. Her make-up and lipstick left a faint outline of her eyes and lips on him as she fell off.

“Good to see you too Rarity.” Dash chuckled, trying not to burst out laughing at the makeup face on Soarin’s chest.

“Oh my…” Rarity stared wide eyed up at Soarin as he smiled down at her and tried to rub her makeup off. Applejack and Twilight came running.

“Well look what the cat—” Applejack paused and her eyes widened when she saw Soarin. She quickly gave Dash a smug smirk “—or should I say, the stallion finally dragged back to Ponyville.” She poked Dash in the shoulder. Dash tried to look away, but she couldn’t hold back a blushing grin.

“We were so worried about you!” Twilight came up beside Applejack. “Why were you—” Pinkie Pie suddenly leapt up behind Twilight and Applejack with a look of terror on her face.

SHE’S ON A WARPATH!!! Oh hey Rainbow Dash! HIT THE DIRT!!!!!” Pinkie put her hooves on Twilight’s and Applejack’s heads and shoved them down to the ground with her. Dash looked at the sudden pony pile with confusion, but then looked back up and yelped. Fluttershy fired out of the library with an intense gaze fixed right on Dash. She tackled Dash and pinned her roughly to the ground.

WHERE. THE HELL. HAVE YOU BEEN?” She asked while glaring right into Dash’s eyes. Dash just stared with a mixture of disbelief and fear. “IF. YOU. DON’T. MIND. ME. ASKING.” Fluttershy said while tipping her head back then forth and getting closer with each word, pressing her nose against Dash’s as she finished.

“Uh…” Dash just blinked. Fluttershy glanced up and saw Soarin right behind Dash. Her pupils quickly shrank, her grip on Dash faded, and her mane seemed to overtake her face.

“Oh! Hello there Soarin. I was, um, just a little worried about Rainbow Dash. I’ll, uh, get off of her now. Sorry…” She fluttered slightly into the air and set down beside Pinkie’s pile.

“Heh,” Dash chuckled as she got back up and smiled at Soarin. Rarity was still staring wide eyed at him. “Rarity,” Dash clapped her hooves in front of her face. Rarity blinked and shook her head before looking at Dash. Dash stood directly in front of Rarity, between her and Soarin. “MINE.” She smirked. Rarity rolled her eyes.

“He’s handsome do you blame me for looking?” She tried to defend herself as Soarin and Dash shared a good laugh.

“Well I’m sure y’all have a lot t’tell us.” Applejack began as she finally managed to get Pinkie off of her. “Yer just in time too, we were all about t’sit down for dinner!” She motioned into the library.

“Come on in and join us Soarin, we want to hear everything.” Twilight offered.

“YES! EVERYTHING!” Rarity rushed in front. Twilight used her magic to push Rarity inside.

“Come on.” Twilight chuckled and invited them in. Dash looked to Soarin and he licked his lips.

“I’ll never say no to Ponyville food!” He exclaimed and the two went inside.

“Wow.” Said Twilight as they sat around the table. It literally took all dinner for Soarin and Dash to recount the entire story to them.

“My goodness, I’m glad your both okay,” Fluttershy quietly commented, “It sounds like something awful could have happened to—”

“I LOVED THE PARTS WHEN EVEYRHINTG BLEW UP!” Pinkie cut her off and a small explosion of confetti erupted behind her.

“Does it make me a bad pony if I say I don’t really feel sorry for Rapidfire? At all?” Applejack asked. Both Soarin and Dash shook their heads.

“Absolutely not.” Soarin agreed while subtly reaching his wing around Dash.

“He was rather… impolite.” Rarity recalled when the Wonderbolts last visited.

“Why hold back Rarity? He was a dick! Eep!” Dash explained, squeaking at the end as Soarin’s wing suddenly pulled her closer to him. She smirked at him as he looked away and tried to make it look like an accident.

“What? They have a mind of their own.” He joked as he flapped his free wing slightly.

“Sure they do.” Dash rolled her eyes, chuckling. Twilight looked between the two of them, catching the vibe. She stood up,

“Well I’m sure you want to spend some time with Soarin, we’ll let you two go.” She began gathering the dishes.

“Wait! We should have a welcome home party!” Pinkie suddenly bounced up, overly excited. “Doesn’t that sound great?!” She popped up in front of Dash. Applejack chuckled and pulled Pinkie away by the tail.

“Sorry Pinkie, but I’m lettin’ them go.”

“Awww.” Pinkie looked crushed, but Applejack gave Soarin and Dash a wink as they got up and got ready to leave.

“I reckon these two have their own party planned for the night.” She said with a smirk.

“Oh my…” Rarity’s face flushed completely as Dash began pushing Soarin out faster.

“Before this gets worse, come on come on come on!” She whispered to him.

“Trust me. I’m plenty eager to get you alone.” He teased, making her blush harder as they quickly left.

“I’m not gonna lie, I was hungry, but this is where I really wanted to go right after landing.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she and Soarin landed by the door of her cloud house. Soarin glanced to her upstairs window and smiled.

“This brings back fun memories.” He chuckled. Dash paused and looked at him.

“Good ones I hope.”

“Of course!” He smiled. “That’s the window I snuck into your house from the first day we hung out!” He pointed to the window. “Then you took forever to follow me and ran face first into me when I checked!” He casually kept going. Dash blushed, recalling the embarrassing moment.

“Okay! Okay!” She shoved him lightly with her wing. “Don’t push it jerk, you’re not even in my house yet.” She secretly loved that memory. She was so embarrassed when it happened, but Soarin sat beside her laughing after she ran square into his face. It was the day she discovered what a fun pony he was beneath the Wonderbolt uniform. A defining moment that led to her falling for him.

Dash opened the door and they both walked in, neither taking their eyes off the other as they entered. They didn’t have to say what was on their mind, because they both wanted only one thing. Each other. As soon as Soarin was in the door, he slung the backpack off his shoulders and turned to Dash.

She slowly closed the door behind her while keeping her eyes on his, her smile growing wider and eyes filling with desire as the door moved. When the door clicked, she fired herself at him and pressed her lips to his. She knocked him over onto the couch he purposely stood in front of. They landed with a soft plop and Soarin quickly kissed her right back. The first kiss was soft, long, and loving, breaking apart only once they had shared a long tender moment with their lips together. Dash pushed herself up a little to look down into his eyes. He stared back up at her, not even an inch between their noses. Dash slid her legs back so her body rested on top of his, crossed her hooves on his chest and placed her chin on top of them, content just to look at his handsome face for a while as he ran his hooves up and down her neck and through her mane softly.

“You’re hot.” She randomly said without breaking eye contact.

“I know.” He said with a smug expression. She giggled, grabbed a small pillow from the couch, and pushed it over his face. He retaliated by quickly moving his hooves to her back and pressing on her sweet spot below her wing joints, which were extra sensitive because of how sore they were.

“EEEEEEEEYIKES!” She pushed off of him so hard that she lifted off slightly into the air. Soarin thrust his wings back, propelling him off the couch. He grabbed her arms, spun them around in mid air, and they fell back down, now with him on top of her.

“I think this is going to be a recurring theme with us.” Soarin chuckled as she pouted at him. “I feel like we’re two roommates fighting for the top bunk.”

“You know too many of my weaknesses.” She crossed her hooves and made a cute huffy face, “I might have to kill you.”

“You won’t kill me,” he said as he tried to kiss her. She giggled and playfully turned her head to the side to avoid.

“What makes you think I won’t?” She challenged while continuing to avoid.

“Because you think I’m hot.” He finally gave up and kissed her exposed neck instead. Her eyes widened, and then narrowed to a dreamy gaze. She moaned softly as he brushed his lips against her neck and slowly made his way slowly towards her ear. She knew it was coming, but she let him do it anyway.

“Ooooohhh.” She let out as he softly nibbled on her ear. Her face turned very bright red and her wings unfolded from beneath her. He brushed his nose through her mane as he made his way over to the other one. “Yesssss, get them both…” She demanded seductively. Soarin snickered and gave her other ear the same treatment. Her hooves slid around his neck and she pulled herself into his body as the tingles ran through her from head to tail.

“You like?” He whispered as he began moving down the other side of her neck. She quickly pushed him up.

“Yes. And we need more space.” She demanded. She slipped out from beneath him very suddenly and his head fell face first into the couch cushion. She yanked him out, and then pulled him off the couch and towards the stairs. Soarin let her drag him. She was getting feisty, and he loved it.

Rainbow Dash slowed down as they entered her room, she had turned and pulled him close to her. He nuzzled noses with her as he kicked the door shut behind them.

“Well I finally brought a stallion back to my room. I’ll make sure to check that off of the reasons why I’m so awesome.” She smiled as she floated into the air. Soarin lifted off as well, turned her around and hugged her from behind while resting his chin in the crook of her neck.

“I hope it’s only because it’s me you brought back.” He said while rubbing his nose into her neck. She sighed happily.

“It had a little bit to do with it.” She teased as they slowly floated in front of her large mirror. She stared into it. She used this mirror every morning to check herself out and start the day off with her awesome image. But something about looking into the mirror and seeing a stallion she loved with his arms wrapped around her just made her heart soar. Pun completely intended. She bit her lip and turned around to give him the most seductive stare she could muster. “Alright, I’ve been holding this in since your little mach one kiss stunt.” She said slyly while swaying her body back and forth. “How long can you hold your breath?” She suddenly asked,


“Let’s find out.” She reached up and grabbed the back of his head, forcing their lips together passionately. The kiss got sloppy quickly, their mouths both opening wider to thoroughly suck on each other’s faces. Soarin backed up towards her bed, turning slightly so they fell sideways. They didn’t break the kiss, even with the rough impact onto the mattress, Dash quickly tried to roll them over to be on top, but Soarin kept turning her as she tried so he ended up on top after a full roll over. Soaring pressed his tongue against the outer edges of her lips. She met the challenge head on, quickly meeting it with hers and pinning his to the bottom of her mouth. They tongue wrestled roughly as Dash continuously tried to get an upper-hoof on the body front, but none of her pushes or movements could budge Soarin from on top of her.

They both gasped as they released each other’s mouths, a small trail of saliva lingering between them for a moment as they panted. It was getting real hot in the room, real fast. Their eyes were like magnets, never straying from their gaze upon the other. Dash wanted nothing else, and neither did he.

“I may be wrong, but I think you’re sexy.” Soarin said between breaths while cocking a grin. Dash lifted an eyebrow and whisked her mane around until it was even messier.

“You better believe your right,” she batted her eyelashes at him, “I mean only the sexiest mare would be yours.” She ran her hooves over his arm and chest muscles and made a playful growl.

“I especially like it when you’re defenseless.” He suddenly said while reaching underneath her back. Her eyes widened too little too late. He pressed the spot beneath her wings, a little harder this time.

“AHH!!!” Dash cried out in pleasure. Her wings fired out from beneath her and her face turned completely red. “NNnfff.” She moaned and inhaled sharply while biting her lip and pressing her hooves hard to his chest. He chuckled and let up, but she glared at him. “HEY! DO IT AGAIN!” She demanded.

“Of course.” Soarin obeyed, massaging the wing joints gently, but with plenty of pressure. Dash writhed slightly beneath him, but it wasn’t in pain. It was shooting waves of pleasurable shivers through her and she loved the feeling.

“OOooooo AAAAhhhhhh” She kept moaning as he worked his hooves around the spot to get each part of the shoulder muscles that attached to the wings. After he made three circles around them he stopped and let her catch her breath. She looked so cute when he did that. Her face turned to one of pure glee and her body tingled so much he could feel it twitching. He quickly learned that he shouldn’t have paused. “HA!” Dash suddenly pushed up and flipped them over, pinning his arms down as she flopped on top of him.

“Why do I always fall for that?” Soarin smirked.

“Because you’re hot.” She poked him in the nose before kissing him again. It wasn’t as rough this time. She placed her lips on his slowly and softly. He ran his hooves over her neck and back and she ran hers through his mane.

Just like how it began: A kiss that was soft, long, and loving. She smiled at him as they broke apart, which he returned. Both were happy as could be under the watch of the other, and nothing would ever change that for them. EVER.

Dash rolled off of him while giggling. The two lay on their backs side by side, panting slightly from their rough play. They released a long content sigh simultaneously before turning their heads to look at the other.



“I freakin’ love you.” Dash smiled while hooking her hoof with his. He squeezed it right back.

“I love you too. So. Damn. Much.” He replied.

What a night, what a couple of days, what a great LIFE. Both were confident they found a source of happiness that would last a lifetime and beyond.

Love is a powerful thing. It can make one challenge their comfort zone, overcome hardships, break through barriers, and fight past the last breath. A soul that resonates with another, is a soul without limits. You’ll know when you’ve found that one who makes you feel as if you can fly, wings or no. Because even in a life that’s short, with them you’ll feel like you can live forever.

Rainbow Dash looked away from Soarin for a brief moment. She blushed as a thought entered her mind. This was her last night with him for a long time. She had been a bit stiff about it, but now she wanted it just as much.

“Soarin…” She put the most seductive tone in her voice she could muster.

“Hm…?” He smiled, picking up on her tone. She looked at him, blushing, with bedroom eyes, and running her tongue over her top lip.

“Let’s do it.” She slyly whispered into his ear. “This is one thing I hope you’re not so fast at.”

“Aw YISSS!” Soarin’s ears shot up and tingled. A huge smile smashed onto his face and his brain was singing hallelujah. He reached over, rolling to get himself into position.

“Hold it RIGHT there buster!” Dash caught his arm half way. She forced herself over, shoved his arm back down, and rolled on top of him, straddling her legs over his chest. She sneered at him and got down into his face. “I’M. ON. TOP.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

---THE END---

Author's Note:

It has been a long, fun, unexpected ride.

Thank you ALL for your comments, critique, and support. I love you all.

I hope this does well in the contest ^_^

Comments ( 477 )

4274749 haha, nice use of the faces :rainbowlaugh:

If somehow you make another fic, you should have Pinkie and Surprise meet just for fun.:eeyup: Awesome story.


I dare not end the universe as we know it :pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for reading! :rainbowkiss::eeyup:

Soarin Dove

Either he has a new surname, or that d needs to be lower case.

But Luna is clearly does

Drop the 'is'.

I know we’re going separate ways, but it’s not like we’re NOT gonna see each other as much as possible.”

Missing speech quotation at the start.

how to drive wild

how to drive 'me' wild.

...how the hell could you end it there? Then again, rating. Heh, also loved the face smash Rarity made on Soarin.

Now then... let's see how Thunderlane is doing, shall we?



I'm such a bad editor.

Haha yeah, I'd rather not write clop, and the contest rules forbade it anyway.

Gonna take a liiiiittle break to rest my fried brain and get back to Weight of Responsibility :eeyup:

THANK YOU for reading. AND THANK YOU for pointing out errors. I appreciate it greatly :twilightsmile:

Yes. Freakin Yes. Just completely freakin yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Beginning yes. Middle yes. Love yes. Sex, absolutely yes. Thank you for this and one more thing. Yes

really great story! :eeyup:!


Thank you very much and thanks for reading :eeyup:


All of your yes :pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for being continuously supportive :twilightsmile: I appreciate it greatly :eeyup:

And then they banged :trollestia:


Chapter 19


the end :rainbowwild:

Awsome there's no way you can lose

ERMERGERD IMMA EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!:yay::yay::yay: That. Was. So. Freaking. CUTE!!!!!!!! Way ta end it bro. Mah feels are soarin with happiness. Also i caught that super sayin reference and good idea of having surprise say it. Can't wait for another story.

if you don't get at least top 3 for this story i'm gonna rage quit from excessive bs.


i figured i got a tad DBZ happy with the fight scenes so i figured making a joke out of it would catch a few laughs :rainbowkiss:

I'm glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile: Thanks so much for all the support, i greatly appreciate it :eeyup:


The other two stories entered so far were both featured at some point, they aren't bad stories, but sometimes i feel like getting featured is pure luck... i would KILL to have a featured story, i would get so many followers :fluttershbad:

na, I personally don't think that it was just luck. Your writing is very enjoyable and your easily in my top 2 authors( Brony Nuemo being the other. I sometimes have a hard time deciding who's better) I think I may go over and check out your other stories being I haven't done so yet. Can't wait for more and good luck in the competition.

This was……The……WORST STORY EVER!!:flutterrage: lol Just kidding! I Fucking loved it!!!!!!:rainbowkiss::rainbowwild::twilightsmile::moustache::yay::heart::twilightsmile::heart::heart:

You know there hasn't been much of fanfics of Spike spending time with his surrogate mom Celestia.


It was fun to write and fun to get to know all my silly commenters:rainbowkiss:

Thanks SO much for reading and supporting. I appreciate it greatly :eeyup:

4276105 No problem:twilightsmile: I'll always be around for Ideas or just to be silly:rainbowwild:

You should totally do that
Chapter 19
And then they banged.
The end

Is it wrong that I wanted chapter 19? *Wink wink*

Brilliant :rainbowkiss:

Well, it's the end.
It's a great chapter to finish this story, Spitfire isn't alone anymore, Misty Fly is still the best Wonderbolt and Soarin & Dash are two lovey-birds ready to step forward in the future :)
Congratulations man, you did a great job there, and even if I don't really like SoarinDash, I enjoyed this fic ;)


i know i brought it right to the line:rainbowwild:, but i'm not gonna cross it. They are ponies, i just don't feel comfortable writing it:fluttershyouch:


I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile: and i'm glad a non soarindash fan liked it :rainbowkiss: The focus was soarindash, but my goal whenever i write is to give readers a STORY to enjoy regardless of the focus or theme.

It's the appeal to many that counts, not just the appeal to a certain niche :eeyup:

Thank you so much for reading and for all you support.

however, i must also give a SPECIAL thanks to you because without you planting the idea to use more Wonderbolts, this story might have ended in seven chapters :rainbowderp: after writing in squad three i suddenly had all these new ideas, YOU ENABLED ME :rainbowwild:

but again, thank you i appreciate everything :eeyup:

I'll be following you as my #1 author. Your writing style is very readable. Also the fact that you can demonstrate love without going into clop. My reading lust is satisfied by your descriptions.

This song came on the radio as I read this and i thought it was pretty fitting :rainbowlaugh:



Love isn't just about the sex :raritywink: It's important :rainbowwild: but there much more to it. :twilightsmile: The tender loving moments and the attention and comfort given by another are some of the most powerful emotion stirring things that exist. I love expressing moments like those :eeyup:

Also thank you very much :rainbowkiss: I'm honored and flattered you think so highly of me :yay::pinkiesad2:


my music reader! I was wondering what you would post this time :rainbowkiss:

and lol talk about good timing :rainbowlaugh:

Don't get me wrong I know that love is more than sex. Sex is a nice climax though. THE PUNS XD



so punbelievably punny with the PUNchline there :pinkiecrazy:


Did i just hear something crash through my roof? :rainbowderp::twilightoops:

Haha, i'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading, and thanks for being super supportive and silly and making me look forward to your comments:eeyup: i appreciate it :rainbowkiss:

4278156 Yes you did just hear something crash through your roof. :pinkiecrazy:

Your welcome for reading and the comments. I am a very silly person. Now...



Actually, after reading your story, I'm more open to Soarindash (even if it'll never end in my OTP) x)
Thank me ? Man, I may have gave you ideas, YOU write the story, I must thank you for giving us enjoyable moments while reading this ;)


you're welcome :rainbowkiss: I'm just happy you sparked my interest. Using the rest of the Wonderbolts gave me an opportunity for unique and original personalities.

Using Misty Fly as the EXTRA unique one was my little shout out to you for getting my creative gears turning :pinkiehappy:

*sigh* freaking cliffhangers man! but i got to say that absolutely loved this story :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


thank you :twilightsmile: im glad you liked it, thanks for reading :eeyup:


fleetfoot is meant to be the silly prankster :rainbowkiss:

Lightning Streak is based on a beligerent college roommate i had a few years back :rainbowlaugh:

Slightly paraphrasing Tom Chaney in TRUE GRIT:

I didn't think they'd do it!:rainbowderp::rainbowlaugh:

I think I'm going to start using Chapter 19 as a catch all phrase for story events that we are teased about but don't get to see. "Stop Chapter 19ing me, man, get to the good stuff!":flutterrage:

This story was a lot of fun! Not the best written MLP fanfic I've seen but you definitely understand what makes these characters tick.


Thank you :twilightsmile: and i appreciate your honesty, i really actually do:eeyup: i do not claim to be perfect and i only hope that every time i write i can find ways to improve my writing :pinkiesmile:

Thanks for all the support and comments, i appreciate it greatly :pinkiehappy:

and sorry about chapter 19ing you, i'm just not very comfortable writing sex for ponies xD (contest rules say no clop anyway)

Hmmm...... So........ I wonder what they were gonna do at the end *Thinks* OH! They were gonna do that thing were one person stick there back hooves in the air and the other person acts like an airplane on op of their hooves!!! I a a absolute geinus!!!! I wonder if I spelled that right?:applejackunsure: Oh!!! My hot pocke is ready bye!:rainbowwild:

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