• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,088 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 16

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 16:

Rainbow Dash and Soarin were led back to the cells. Their wings and limbs were freed from the magic, but they were put right back where they started. Dash argued being put in the same cell as Soarin, but the ponies who led them denied it and simply replied, “Captain’s orders.”

Both Descent and Starry Skies had left them with the other Shadowbolts halfway back, but neither said a word before doing so.

Soarin and Dash also had new company. Lightning Dust was curled up in the cell beside Dash’s. Dash tried to speak to her, but she didn’t budge from her spot on the bed.

Dash slumped against the iron bars separating her and Soarin’s cell.

“Soarin…” she said his name quietly, her voice completely devoid of its usual confidence and gusto. She had every right to feel the way she did. Soarin had done his best to break down the situation and keep her spirits up, but Nightshade just killed all of it. He approached Dash from behind and gently placed his hooves on her shoulders, rubbing them softly.

“It’ll be alright, we’ll... figure it out.” He tried to sound confident, but she didn’t buy it at all. She shook her head, reaching her hooves up and placing them on his.

“What the hell?” She sniffled. “How did everything suddenly get all messed up?” She said while continuously shaking her head. “Life used to be so normal. Everything used to be simple.” She clutched his hooves tightly. “Ever since I became an element of harmony, nothing has been the same.” She droned on. Soarin had no words to help, he just offered his presence. “So many incidents I had to fight off with my friends, now magical tornadoes, mercenaries with a sadistic leader, being captured and kept like a pet…” She tucked her back legs in and hugged herself tightly. Soarin reached his head down and rested his chin on top of her head. She turned and reached her arms through the bars, trying to hug him as tightly as possible. “Minus you…” she sniffled, “I wish everything was the way it used to be…”

“Then we think alike.” Descent suddenly appeared from the hall. Both Soarin and Dash looked up at him. He approached slowly as if contemplating something. Soarin and Dash glanced at each other then looking back to Descent. Before addressing them again, Descent stopped and stared into Lightning Dust’s cell. “How has she been?” He asked suddenly. Soarin looked to Dust, then back.

“Hasn’t moved since we got back.” Soarin replied.

“Hmm.” Descent looked over Dust from outside her cell. He tapped the bars. “Recruit.” Unlike before with Dash, Descent's voice seemed to reach her. She stirred and slowly looked up. “Anything I can get you?”

“Huh?” Dash looked back at Soarin. Soarin was just as curious. Lightning Dust just slowly shook her head and curled back up. Descent sighed. He reached under his wings and pulled out a key ring. He cycled through the keys before finding a specific one. He opened the cell door and entered, sitting beside Dust and draping a wing over her.

“Starry is bringing you some food and supplies from the infirmary.” He said as Dust looked up from under his wing. “I feel sorry for you, recruit. You picked a terrible time to join our ranks.”

“Alright, rewind everything.” Soarin spoke up. Descent looked towards him. “Both you and Starry were clearly upset during our whole encounter with Nightshade just now. I’m tired of being confused. What can you tell us?” Both he and Dash wanted answers. Descent looked back to Dust before sighing and speaking,

“Very well, but let’s get one thing clear before I say anything. I am a Shadowbolt and I am loyal to Nightshade. I have been since before I became a Shadowbolt, and will be as long as I am one. Under normal circumstances, I would deny your request, but things have changed... terribly so.”

“I got all I could carry.” Starry appeared in the cell block, carrying a tray of food similar to the ones still sitting in Soarin and Dash’s cells. She also balanced a small medical box on her back.

“You’re right on time, Starry.” Descent made a head motion for her to come in the cell. She did, setting down the food before opening the box and pulling out a few materials to treat Dust. Descent removed his wing from Dust and continued.

“The Shadowbolts have been around for almost as long as the Wonderbolts.” He stood and paced towards them. “We do not keep history records, but at some point in time in the past, a Wonderbolt was discharged from their ranks. Why? It was discovered he was taking on outside jobs for money.”

“Not surprising, that’s one of our strictest prime rules.” Soarin added. Starry hadn’t been listening, but when she realized what Descent was doing she looked up from Dust.

“Wait, Descent, what are you doing?” She questioned.

“Telling them everything.” He put without hesitation. Starry looked alarmed.

“But the captain said…!”

“Are you sure that’s Nightshade giving the orders anymore?” He cut her off. “I’m done with it. She hasn’t been herself and you know it.” Descent gave his argument.

“But—, I—, we—,” she struggled to find a response. Descent turned and lifted an eyebrow at her. “Fine.” She shook her head. “But if Nightshade finds out, it’s on you. I’m not getting stuffed in a punching bag or whatever might be tickling her fancy at the moment.” She pointed before returning to Dust. Descent turned back and continued.

“In response to the Wonderbolt discharge, he gathered together a small band of combat specialists and founded the Shadowbolts in secret. A mercenary band for hire, taking any job and fulfilling it any way as long as the objective was met and the fee was paid.”

“How did we never hear about it?” Soarin interrupted. “If the Shadowbolts have grown to this size, how could you have remained hidden?”

“We are discreet.” Descent put simply. “we only accept jobs that give us a low chance of being revealed.”

“Like a giant tornado?.” Dash rolled her eyes.

“Ha!” Starry suddenly laughed and shook her head, “we’ll get to that.”

“Where do you guys fit in?” Soarin was curious. The question seemed painful to Descent, it clearly wasn’t going to be a happy story.

“Starry, Nightshade, and I were orphans. We were all abandoned in the outer edges of Canterlot twenty or so years ago.” He shook his head.

“That’s actually quite common.” Soarin said with dismay as he felt Dash’s hoof grip his. “The outer reaches of Canterlot are not very safe or friendly.”

“Indeed.” Descent agreed. “Every day was a fight for survival, and every night a hunt for shelter. I fought and hurt many other colts and fillies to get my way.”

“Got himself really messed up one night.” Starry Skies cut in. “Nightshade and I had been sticking together, found him really beat up and brought him back to our box. Since then it’s always been the three of us.” She explained. Soarin realized something. The irony. The bright and shiny irony forming around this story. Just three young pegasi, two mares and a colt, trying to find their way? This was beginning to sound eerily similar to him, Spitfire and Fleetfoot, only with much more brutal circumstances. “I met her after the damage had been done, but Nightshade had been beaten before she was abandoned. Those scars? Most of them are from before I even met her.”

“That explains the sadistic nature.” Dash shivered, but Starry shook her head.

“There’s more to it than that though. Descent, continue.” She pitched it to him so she could keep tending to Lightning Dust.

“One night we stumbled into a back alley.” Descent spoke again, “we came across an earth pony and a pegasus. The pegasus was wearing what we would later learn was a Shadowbolt uniform. The earth pony was beating him senseless. Now mind you,” he put up a hoof, “in the dregs of Canterlot, ponies stick with their own kind. It’s just the way it works. Not knowing what was going on, I leapt at the earth pony, biting and punching like mad. The pegasus found his hooves and took advantage of the situation.” Descent paused. “He killed the earth pony. Right in front of us.” Soarin and Dash’s eyes widened slightly. “He turned to leave, but stopped and looked us over. He beckoned us to come with him, and he led us to the Shadowbolts."

“As you’ve been told, the Shadowbolt code is that whoever is strongest, leads. I’m sure you can imagine the rest.” Starry spoke up.

“We were taken in for saving one of their ranks. Over time, we became Shadowbolts ourselves, and eventually fought our way to the top.” Descent finished.

“This is all nice, getting to know where you guys come from and all,” Dash suddenly chimed in, “but what’s the point? Are you just sympathizing with us?”

“Is that better?” Starry patted Dust on the back. Dust glanced at some of the bandages and ointments that had been applied to her. She sniffled, whimpered quietly, and then threw her front hooves around Starry, hugging her tightly. “Alright, alright, you’re welcome.” Starry looked away while letting Dust hug her. “Eat something now.” She let Dust back down and came up beside Descent.

“No, we have our reasons.” Descent said to Soarin and Dash. “For a while things were fine.” he nodded. “We took on jobs, I got to fight to my heart’s content. At times we had to do silly things, but mercenaries are paid. We do not choose their objectives.” He glanced at Dash. “For instance, posing on the other side of a foggy bridge to make a young mare question her loyalty.”

“Oh!” Dash perked up. “You guys were hired by Nightmare moon to try and sway me?”

“Oh yeah,” Starry rolled her eyes. “We got paid a fortune to do that. I thought I was gonna bust a gut when I was ordered to ‘stand and look menacing.’” She shook her hooves in the air comically.

“But then,” Descent snorted, “the crystals—, and this Kayn Ost enigma.”

“Everything was fine and normal,” Starry cut back in. “We had plenty of work, were making a fortune in bits, and got to do as we pleased. It was a good life. Then we received this new contract.” She paused, “Nightshade is the only one who knows the identities of our clients. One of her jobs as our leader is to protect the confidentiality of those who hire us. We are given a name to call them by, but the real name is never told to us. We only know this employer as Kayn Ost.” She looked to Descent and he cleared his throat.

“Along with the contract, Kayn Ost also gave us the crystals. And once Nightshade got her hooves on the crystals, everything changed. The crystals allow us to use a certain degree of magic similar to that of unicorns. It is not as precise and malleable, but it is magic none the less. The problem with the crystals though, is that if one misuses it or abuses the power, they become addicted. Nightshade never stood a chance, having full access to our supply. Her behavior changed, she always had an interesting way of viewing things, but it became twisted and more intense as the days went on.”

“But wait…” Dash stopped them, “Didn’t Nightshade just beat up Lightning Dust for overusing the crystal? And Rapidfire nearly killed himself absorbing a whole crystal. Just now we saw Nightshade push a whole on into her body like it was candy!”

“That’s because she’s in control of distribution,” Starry frowned, “she is addicted and cherishes every single one, even the ones she hands out to us. If they are used recklessly, she punishes.”

“The day we executed the Ponyville tornado was the first sign that something was wrong,” Descent picked up, “we had never accepted such a high profile job. we would clearly cause a ruckus and be discovered, but it was our contract. Like blind fools, we followed Nightshade. When we returned, we found out that our ‘pay’ for the operation was more crystals. Because we failed, we received none. Nightshade nearly went crazy that night.”

“And since then, all of our contracts have been from Kayn Ost.” Starry added. “Nightshade has accepted no other clients and more often than not, our pay has been the magic crystals.”

“Hence why I said earlier, that I don’t feel like Nightshade is in command anymore.” Descent growled.

“She’s being controlled.” Soarin wondered out loud. Starry nodded and glanced back at Lightning Dust.

“The crystals have driven her mad. Her personal desires now flare out for everypony to see. She’s always had strange… ‘turn-ons,’ but she always kept it to herself. She doesn’t care about anything but her twisted fantasies now, and she can barely last a few hours without absorbing power from one of those damned crystals.”

“But you’ve been using one too!” Dash pointed out. Starry looked down in shame.

“I have, but I use it very sparingly to resist the addiction. I have been sent on jobs recently that require me to use the crystals power. I am not proud of it, but it was to fulfill the contract,” she turned to Dust again, “and now Nightshade is using it to draw in new recruits and control the current ones. But even she is at the mercy of them. As far as I’m concerned, we no longer receive orders from Nightshade. We receive them from Kayn Ost.” She agreed with Descent.

“Again.” Dash put her hooves forward. “I appreciate the explanation, but can you please tell me what it has to do with us?” As she asked Descent rose and moved around in front of their cells. He reached under his wing and pulled the key ring out again.

“Descent, I still think this is a bad idea.” Starry shook her head as he looked through the keys. Soarin and Dash quickly stood up when they saw what he was doing.

“I am loyal to Nightshade. Not a faceless client who controls us from without.” He unlocked Dash’s cell first, then Soarin’s. “I will no longer do the bidding of one who controls my leader.” The two carefully stepped out of their cells, not sure what to do. “Go.”

“What?!” Soarin looked to the end of the hall, then back to Descent.

“You heard me.”

“Aren’t you guys gonna be like, tortured or who knows what by Nightshade for this?” Dash questioned. Descent shook his head.

“I’m leaving as well.” He suddenly said, making Starry snap her head towards him.

“Descent!” She looked at him incredulously.

“And you’re coming with me.” He said without hesitation.

“Descent, we can’t just—”

“If you want to stay and continue with the way things are decaying, be my guest. I’ll be taking her with me too.” He pointed at Lightning Dust. “She does not deserve a single bruise she's recieved, but she had nowhere else to go. Until this all blows over, I will no longer be a part. When Nightshade realizes what she is doing, I will come back, but only then.” He looked to Starry. She grunted and rubbed her temples.

“Why do I always agree with you, you big idiot?” She sighed. “Fine.” She turned to Dust, “hear that recruit? You’re coming with.”

“One thing big guy.” Soarin stared at Descent with his ears flat. “We’re kind of in enemy territory, we can’t just waltz on out.”

“Actually, you can.” Starry cut in. “Shadowbolts outside of the team chosen to take on a job know nothing of it. The only Shadowbolts that know why you are here are Nightshade, Descent and I.” She looked at Dust, “Lightning Dust here and your old wingmate Rapidfire.”

“What about the four that led us to Nightshade’s room?” Dash asked.

“Their orders were to bring two ponies from the cell block to Nightshade.” Descent answered. “Other than that, they know nothing and have no reason to care.”

“So they’re stupid?” Dash concluded with an eyebrow raise. Starry rolled her eyes.

“It’s just how we do things okay? As long as you can avoid Rapidfire and Nightshade, you'll be able to pretty much walk out and fly away.”

“O—okay.” Dash wasn’t sure what to do. She looked to Soarin who draped a wing over her before nodding to them.

“Never thought I’d be saying this to you guys, but thanks.” Soarin smiled. “If we manage to get out of here, I will relay everything you’ve told me to Spitfire. I don’t know what she’ll want to do, but at least we’ll know there’s something else working behind the scenes.”

“And hey,” Dash looked towards Lightning Dust. Dust had caused them lots of trouble, but after witnessing her being beaten, and seeing just how far into a corner she had been pushed, Dash felt herself feeling sympathetic towards her. Nopony deserved Nightshade’s sadistic treatment, Dash didn’t care who it was. “Take care of her.” She motioned to Dust, who looked towards Dash with a mixture of thanks and surprise.

“Very well.” Descent pointed. “Now get out of here.”

The story was long. Rainbow Dash and Soarin learned a lot. Who the Shadowbolts were, what their function was, and why they’ve been causing recent havoc. In the end Starry Skies and Descent were both just following orders and being loyal to their captain in ways that Soarin was sure he and Fleetfoot would be to Spitfire.

Nightshade was being controlled. Her sick and twisted fantasies were her own, but she was on an invisible leash. She was at the mercy of the pink crystals provided to her by a mystery client who none knew the true name of besides her. Soarin felt bad for Starry Skies and Descent. Sure they were mercenaries who would kill for the right price, but they just both showcased a great deal of honor, duty, and sympathy. They were aware of the consequences, but let Soarin and Dash out anyway. They were loyal to Nightshade, but refused to continue as long as she was controlled.

Starry Skies and Descent had a battle of their own ahead of them. One that surely would mean life or death, but Soarin had a feeling they would find a way out. They had proven to be very skilled and resourceful after all. Soarin was also glad they were taking that poor mare, Lightning Dust, out with them. She was clearly not cut out for the current situation.

As for Rapidfire, Soarin had no thought or reason to care. Rapidfire chose his fate, now they just had to avoid him.

However, more than anything, Soarin had one very important task on his mind: Get Rainbow Dash home. He was ashamed that she had been drawn into so much. She had come to him and the two shared moments of love and desire, only to be thrown into a conflict she was never meant to be a part of. He felt responsible. She was everything to him and he would get her out of this no matter what.

Dash was scared. She would never tell anypony that, but she was really, truly, legitimately scared. She’d faced many dangers in the past, overcome many challenges, and taken on many foes. This was different though. The whole scenario with the Shadowbolts and Nightshade was just different. It wasn’t just a brawl anymore. A lot was on the line. If they didn’t escape, Soarin would be “handed over” to some mystery name. She didn’t even want to think what would become of her. Nightshade was like a figment of her imagination straight out of her nightmares. Dash had nothing to use against her and no way to get away.

The only safety she felt in this situation was Soarin. As long as she stayed by his side she felt strong enough to power through. She loved the way he affected her. Even in the darkest scenario’s he gave her the will to succeed. Dash was always one claiming to be heroic, but secretly, Soarin was, to her, a true hero. He’d save her. She just knew he would.

Soarin peered around the corner at the top of the stairs. Descent and Starry Skies had better be right about the other Shadowbolts, because they were absolutely everywhere.

Soarin took a deep breath and stepped out, pulling Dash out with him.

“Act casual.” He said quietly and took two steps down the hallway. He flinched as a Shadowbolt walked right passed them. She glanced at the two of them, but kept going. Dash breathed a sigh of relief.

“I guess they weren’t kidding.” She whispered to Soarin as they continued down the hall.

Soarin wasn’t sure which way to turn. He kept taking corners casually without putting thought into which way he was going. Shadowbolts kept passing them, and he didn’t want to look like he was lost. Unlike the Wonderbolt compound, there were no signs that pointed out what was where. Also unlike the Wonderbolt compound, the place had no symmetry. It seemed like every turn he took led to a different arrangement of hallways. They all looked the same: dark, gloomy, and metallic.

“Soarin, where the hell are we going?” Dash whispered to him while keeping an eye out.

“I haven’t a damn clue.” He answered quickly. “I should’ve asked Descent for a map or directions or something.” They both stumbled randomly and looked down at the floor. “I swear that’s the third time that’s happened.” Soarin glanced back at Dash. She nodded.

“I know, it’s like the floor is moving,”

“I wonder what—” Soarin froze. Dash quickly did the same. They had turned a corner and Soarin was nose to nose with Rapidfire. Rapidfire’s eyes widened at first, and then narrowed.

“Hey—!” Before he could get another word out, Soarin punched him square in the face and knocked him over, drawing attention from other nearby Shadowbolts. Soarin reached back and grabbed Dash’s hoof.

“FLY! NOW!” He yelled. The two took flight in the hallway, quickly taking the nearest corner.

“Hey!” Rapidfire stumbled to his hooves and called to the other Shadowbolts, “Those are escaped captives! Go after them! I’ll get the captain!” He yelled.

“Dammit!” Soarin yelled, hearing Rapidfire as they sped down the halls. They turned each corner sharply, hoping to see some sort of salvation with each pitch.

“Soarin!” Dash called to him, pointing behind. Two Shadowbolts were already pursuing them. But only two. Without a word Soarin pushed his wings and limbs out, completely braking in mid-air, and thrusting his elbow back. The two Shadowbolts ran smack into his elbows, each landing between the eyes. Their momentum clothes-lined them and they crashed roughly against the walls and floor. Dash stopped to look behind, but Soarin was already back with her and pushed her along.

“Go! No stopping!” He commanded and they continued their flight. Three more Shadowbolts came from around hallways they passed, each just missing the two as they flew by. One appeared ahead of them and charged. Soarin tapped to the floor and executed the Sonic Blast-off, pushing him forward passed Dash, and throwing his hoof right into the approaching Shadowbolt’s chest. He grabbed the disoriented Shadowbolt by the arm and flung him over Dash, sending him careening into the Shadowbolts giving chase. One of them took a direct hit, but the others dodged and continued after.

“Look out!” Dash yelled as Soarin turned. A new Shadowbolt was right in his face, Dash quickly sped up and clocked both of her front hooves into the Shadowbolt’s face, then angled them down and stuffed him to the floor.

“Thanks.” Said Soarin briefly before pushing her along again. They kept winding and winding through the halls until they finally emerged in a large lobby like room with a high ceiling and multiple doors that looked to head outside. “There!” Soarin yelled while pointing. He took a quick glance back, counting at least seven Shadowbolts giving chase and more were coming down from above. The exit was in sight, but once they got out they still had to fly for dear life. One thing at a time. Soarin grabbed Dash out of her path and put her on his back. “HOLD ON!” He tapped to the floor and performed the Sonic Blast-off again. Propelling them towards the heavy looking doors. Soarin hoped to Celestia that the doors were push and not pull.

Luckily he was right. The two burst right through the heavy doors. Now they just had to fly away as fast as they--

“Oh hell…” Soarin came to a complete halt. They had made it outside. But two things caught them completely off guard. The first being obvious. They were surrounded. Completely surrounded. There was barely a five foot space between all the Shadowbolts that hovered around the entrance to the compound, creating a dome perimeter around it.

But the other? The compound itself. They were clearly high up in the air. There were clouds close by and giant propellers riddled all over the front courtyard and in the far corners. The propellers were turning very fast, and as Soarin and Dash landed, they felt the ground shift again. The ground wasn’t moving. The whole compound was moving!

“A mobile base?!” Soarin exclaimed as he surveyed his surroundings as well as the trap they had just flown into. “No wonder they’ve never been found… It’s a giant flying ship!”

“How very perceptive of you.” The voice was like claws on a chalkboard. Nightshade floated down between the collection of Shadowbolts. Dash yelped quietly and slowly lowered herself behind Soarin. Soarin glanced at Dash very quickly before setting his hooves and looking all around before fixing his eyes on Nightshade. “I don’t know how you two got out of your cells, but I’m afraid I can’t let you go any further.”

Soarin looked around. Now what the hell were they supposed to do? His brain fought vigorously for a plan, but was fruitless in its search. So instead, he said the first thing that came to mind,

“Why?” Soarin suddenly spoke up. Nightshade blinked, not sure what he was getting at. “So you can be rewarded more crystals? So you can feed your addiction and play lapdog to a faceless name?” He glared at her. “Well?” She looked alarmed.

“What? What are you saying?” her usual sneer was absent and she glanced back and forth. Soarin didn’t give an inch. Dash had no idea what Soarin was doing. She had risen back up from behind him and just stared, confused, as Soarin just kept talking.

“You heard me.” He looked up and around at all the Shadowbolts. “YOU ALL HEARD ME!” He yelled. The Shadowbolts all glanced between each other in confusion.

“I’ve had enough of this idiocy.” Nightshade growled.

“Don’t play dumb!” Soarin snapped at her and looked to the Shadowbolts again. “HOW MUCH LONGER CAN YOU ALL JUST LET THIS HAPPEN?!” He yelled. “THE CRYSTALS GIVE YOU POWER AND SATISFACTION THAT AREN’T REAL! ISN’T IT TIME TO FACE THE TRUTH!?”

“SHUT UP!” Nightshade leapt into the air and faced all the Shadowbolts. “Don’t all you sorry sacks of shit look at me like that! I’m your captain! You follow ME and the decisions I make! Any who have a problem with that, speak up now and i'll make it nice and quick!” She began to rant to them.

“Soarin, what are you doing?” Dash asked from behind him. She had no idea what was going on in that mind of his. She was also worried that by saying those things, Soarin may have opened a lead for Nightshade to follow back to Descent and Starry Skies. He had to have a plan though, why else was he smiling?

“I don’t know.” He said honestly, chuckling. “We’re trapped. I’m only winging it.” She looked at him with disbelief as he turned to her. “But Rainbow Dash? No matter what happens from here. Damn, I love you so much.” He grinned. Dash blinked, and then couldn’t stop the smile from slowly forming on her lips. Why did she smile? They were in danger, one of the worst kinds of danger, but Soarin never stopped being the great stallion he was. Even when it was hopeless he tried everything, even if it only bought them a little extra time.

“You dumbass.” She chuckled. “I love you too, don’t forget it.”

“I won’t,” he winked, “now if only we had some sort of miracle.” He sighed as the Shadowbolts and Nightshade turned back to him.

“What, you mean like the Wonderbolts showing up and this turning into a massive Wonderbolt Shadowbolt dogfight? Actually that would be pretty awesome.” Dash chuckled.

“HEY SHADOWDOLTS!” A voice yelled from out over the edge of the ship.

“Was that… Fleetfoot?!” Dash’s eyes widened. Suddenly, from over the edge of the floating compound, Fleetfoot and Misty Fly burst through the clouds. Seconds later, the entire Wonderbolt Elite force, squads one through twenty emerged behind them. Streams of cloud trailed off all of them as they rose high above the Shadowbolts.

“Yep, it’s totally Fleetfoot.” Soarin stared incredulously as Nightshade and the Shadowbolts all turned in surprise.

“MERRY HEARTHS WARMING!” Fleetfoot yelled and the Wonderbolts charged.

---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

Well i hope things are clearer now ;)

now time for MORE ACTION, but this time, Soarin and Dash will be working together.

Also, i hate to break this to everyone, but i only think there are two chapters left to go :( I'll be sure to make them both the most amazing chapters i've ever written. You all deserve it for all the positive feedback and encouragement you've given me.