• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,088 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 17

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 17:

The Shadowbolts never saw it coming. Hell, Soarin and Rainbow Dash didn’t see it coming either. How in Equestria Fleetfoot managed to locate them, they couldn’t begin to imagine. It didn’t matter though. Soarin and Dash had lost all hope, they needed a miracle, and they got one.

The Wonderbolt forces made use of their surprise attack and smashed headlong into the bubble of Shadowbolts surrounding the compound entrance. The Shadowbolts were thrown into extreme disarray, scrambling and scattering everywhere.

“GET EVERYPONY OUT HERE! NOW!” Nightshade barked as Shadowbolts began pouring from every door and window of the floating base. “Where are Descent and Starry Skies?!” Nightshade glanced frantically around as the last of the Shadowbolts joined the fray. Her two commanders were nowhere to be found. She turned towards the ground and saw Soarin and Dash making a break for it. “OH NO YOU DON’T!!”

“C’mon Dash! We can get out of here in the confusAAAAH!” Soarin was suddenly forced to the ground as Nightshade slammed down on top of him, knocking Dash away.

“No! I will not fail again!” Nightshade glared down at Soarin, grinding her teeth together, and breathing heavily. Soarin grunted and forced his head up from the floor.

“Give it up Nightshade! I know everything! The crystals, your addiction, how you’re being controlled—” She place her hoof on his head and forced it back down.

“SHUT UP!” She belted, the corners of her mouth jettisoning saliva.

“Get your filthy hooves off him!” Dash fired at Nightshade and speared her in the side with both hooves extended.

“ARGH!” Nightshade grunted as the two of them began tumbling. Nightshade grabbed Dash by the arm as she stood, hoisted her up, and punched her hard in the stomach. Dash coughed hard, the air escaping her lungs before Nightshade threw her. Soarin was up and in the air as soon as he heard Dash exhale, catching her, and floating back to the ground.

“You okay?” He asked as they set down.

“Yeah.” Dash answered while wheezing. “I’ll make it.” She said with a smirk and a wink before they both faced Nightshade. She glared at the two of them, nearly hyperventilating as she ground her hooves into the floor so hard they chipped the tiles. She looked up overhead at the dogfight.

Wonderbolt and Shadowbolt alike clashed and charged. It was a swarm more than a battle. Hooves were flying and goggles and uniforms were being ripped and torn at, but there was a clear advantage to one side. The Shadowbolts were not as well trained in combat. The Wonderbolts were executing precise maneuvers, attacking in pairs or tag teaming. The Shadowbolts were heavily unorganized, their own code of everypony for themselves not proving to be very useful in a situation like this. But even with the Wonderbolts organized combat, the Shadowbolts still managed to hold their own through use of crystals. Nightshade growled in disapproval. The crystals were meant for completing missions if need be. Any other use was a waste, the crystals were hers!

“You are not leaving! Even if I have to kill every single one of these pathetic Wonderbolts to stop you!” She snarled as she lifted her wing. Beneath it she had a small harness with a holster that held four crystals in it. She grabbed one of them and smashed it against herself. “AHH! YES!” She shivered as the energy enveloped her and her eyes emitted a bright pink light.

“We’ll take her together.” Soarin quickly said to Dash. She was surprised, she assumed he'd tell her to stay back. Then again this was Nightshade they were talking about. She wouldn't want him going at such a twitsed opponent alone anyway. “She’s wild, untamed, and angry. If we use her emotions to our advantage, we can bring her down.” Dash looked to him. As scared as she was of Nightshade, if she was side by side with Soarin the fear seemed to just… vanish. She found the strength to stand against her fears and take them head on. Nopony else did that for her by just being who they were. Soarin was, without a doubt, a pony she would stand beside till the end of time, no matter what.

“Lead the way, I’ll follow you to the ends of Equestria.” She smirked and nudged him in the side with her wing. Soarin flashed a smile back, but quickly looked back and readied his wings. They were fighting together but what were they up against? Nightshade just absorbed an entire crystal like Rapidfire had done before. Rapidfire was a mediocre fighter and one crystal turned him into an unstoppable war machine. If Nightshade just absorbed one, was anything capable of stopping her? It’s not like they could run, so they sure as hell were going to give it a try.

“Here she comes!” Soarin called out as he and Dash set their hooves and Nightshade fired towards them incredibly fast. They were ready to attack, but she suddenly sped up even more. They both blinked and she was gone, then both lurched forward as Nightshade kicked them from behind. Dash bounced off her front hooves before landing and skidding to a stop. Soarin pressed his wing to the ground, swung his body around and faced Nightshade too.

“What the hell?!” Dash tried to comprehend what just happened.

“Nopony said it would be easy…” Soarin snorted and set his hooves again. Nightshade snickered and twitched as the pink energy around her continued to crackle and pop. She licked her lips as the snickers turned into slow, steady laughter.

“I’ll take both of you back, and be sure to punish you for this. However I see fit!” Her head twitched twice to the right as she spoke.

“Sheesh, she never shuts up.” Dash growled.

“Looks like being on the defensive is a bad idea.” Said Soarin as he briefly glanced at Dash.

“Would charging be any better?” She asked, shooting a quick glance at him as well.

“I don’t think we really have a choice. LET’S GO!” Soarin yelled. He and Dash burst from their spots and hurled themselves towards Nightshade.

“YES! COME TO ME!” She beckoned them wildly. Dash kept her eyes on Soarin at first, using her talent of mimicking to recall how she saw the Streak twins work together. She mirrored his motions so that when they went in for the punch, they struck at exactly the same time and same way to double the force.

She timed it perfectly, but Nightshade brought up her arms and blocked both of their punches effortlessly. Their momentum pushed her back a few feet, but she had stopped them both. As soon as she halted them, Soarin and Dash began throwing punches and kicks without hesitation. Nightshade blocked every single attack using her arms and wings as if she had four front limbs to defend with. Every punch Soarin and Dash threw felt like hitting a thick sheet of steel, even against Nightshade’s wings. The full power of a crystal in Nightshade’s hooves was unimaginable.

Nightshade suddenly ducked, causing Soarin and Dash to fly over her with their motions as they attacked. They quickly turned to strike while Nightshade had her back to them, but she kicked out her back legs, bucking them both hard in the face.

“Rgh!” Soarin grunted as he flipped and kicked off the ground. Dash did the same, both of them crossing each other’s paths as they charged again. Nightshade pumped her wings down, propelling her skyward into the swarm of Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts. Soarin and Dash ran into each other in their angled paths, bouncing off one another, and splitting apart.

“Dammit!” Dash cursed as they both shot up after her.

“HeheheHAHA!!!” Nightshade cackled maniacally as she crossed her arms over her body. The pink energy surrounding her sparked and began to concentrate in her arms. As Soarin and Dash drew near, Nightshade swiped both of her arms outward, firing large blasts of pink magic down at them. Dash had anticipated the attack upon seeing the magic buildup. She flattened her wings and pitched hard to the right. The blast shot past her, but came so close that the aftershock broke her stability and she tumbled uncontrollably to the ground. Soarin was not so fortunate. He didn’t predict the attack like Dash. His eyes widened as it drew near. All he could do was slightly turn his body and curl up as the blast collided with him in a large explosion.

“AHHHH!” He cried out as fell towards the ground, a trail of smoke streaming behind him.

“Soarin!!!” Dash yelled as she saw him fall.

“Pay attention, darling.” Nightshade’s twisted voice came from behind her. Dash had no time to turn as Nightshade planted a kick to the back of Dash’s head. Dash went flying forward and bounced across the ground twice before skidding to a stop near Soarin. She cringed in pain as she got to her hooves. She looked around until she saw Soarin lying on the ground, sizzling.

“No! Nononono!” Dash quickly ran to him, beyond relieved when she saw him stir.

“Augh…rgghhhh.” Soarin groaned as he tried to stand. Dash quickly supported him.

“Soarin! Are you okay?!” She looked over him with worry.

“It’ll take more than that,” he winced, “to keep me down!” He glared at Nightshade, but then suddenly fell back down.

“Soarin! You—” Dash stopped and gasped. Soarin’s right wings was completely singed and slightly bent out of place. “Oh no,” Dash looked between him and Nightshade.

“Dammit! My wing!” Soarin gritted his teeth as the pain set in. He could barely move it, and when he tried to it hurt like hell. Not to mention the rest of his body stung all over from taking a blast of pure magic head on.

“Feeling a little sore!?” Nightshade chuckled as she slowly walked towards them, each step she took left a sizzling print on the floor below her. Dash gently set Soarin down and stood in front of him, firmly planting herself between him and Nightshade. She flared her wings out and glared at Nightshade. She smiled in amusement, “Hm?”

“I won’t let you have him.” She glared and stomped her hooves. Nightshade lifted an eyebrow.

“Suddenly so brave? You collapsed with just a step in your direction last time.” She taunted as she drew closer. Her voice pricked Dash’s ears and her limbs began to shake slightly. She shook her head out.

“NO!” She yelled, “I don’t care who or what you are. I love him and I’ll defend him at all costs!” She proclaimed.

“Even if it means death?” Nightshade sneered. Dash didn’t waver, she stared headlong into Nightshade's glowing eyes.

“Even if I die.” She stated. Nightshade burst out laughing.

“So naïve, so precious! You crack me up!” Nightshade laughed uncontrollably.

“SHUT UP!” Dash leapt at Nightshade.

“DASH!” Soarin called out to her, but she was already on the attack. She threw multiple punches and kicks all aimed directly at Nightshade’s face. Nightshade easily blocked every single one, the devilish sneer never leaving her face.

“GO ON! STOP ME!” Nightshade taunted as Dash failed to land any blows. With a swift, sudden elbow to the chest, Nightshade staggered Dash and began throwing continuous heavy punches all over Dash’s body. To the face, to the chin, to the chest, to the stomach, to the arms, to the legs, to the side. Dash was being pummeled violently. Each blow forced intense pain through her body. The attacks were so fast that her brain could never focus on one spot of pain at a time. It was like she was being repeatedly stabbed, there was so pain her nerves went numb quickly.

“NO!” Soarin tried to force his body up, but fell back down.

"RGH!" Dash, with a sudden second wind, shoved off from Nightshade. Her limbs buckled, but she could still feel her wings. She pumped them vigorously to take flight. Nightshade watched with interest as Dash zipped through the air past the swarm of fighting above them and landed on a rooftop of the Shadowbolt compound. Dash shook her body out until she got some of the feeling back. She set her hooves firmly and went smoothly through the motions for Soarin’s Sonic Blast-off. She shot from the roof, knocking aside a few Shadowbolts and Wonderbolts in her path as she seared towards Nightshade on the ground.

“Heh.” Nightshade scoffed at the blatant frontal assault with so many margins for error. She lightly leapt back, seeing clearly that Dash had little control over her trajectory. But unexpectedly, Dash angled just enough to touch her hooves to the ground, and perform the motions again, using the Double Blast-off move she used to pierce the tornado back in Ponyville. Nightshade’s eyes widened and she threw up her hooves as Dash struck her going almost three times her usual full speed.

She pushed Nightshade along the ground, her back hooves grinding hard against the floor as they failed to halt Dash’s speed. As they neared the main building of the compound, Dash flattened her wings and braked hard, releasing her from Nightshade. The momentum propelled Nightshade through the wall of the compound lobby. The whole wall crumbled from the force and buried Nightshade beneath.

Dash hovered up into the air, panting and wheezing from the amount of stress the double blast-off had put on her body. Mixed with the pain from all the blows she received, she was having a hard time not passing out. It was excruciating.

Did she win? Did she… kill Nightshade? Half a building just fell on her, even with the crystal's power there was no way she could have survived that. If it were anypony else, Dash would have been mortified by what she had just done. Obviously though, she didn’t really give much of a damn about Nightshade.

She glanced briefly towards Soarin, and the brief moment of distraction was her undoing. A large, sharp blast of pink magic came bursting out of the rubble. Dash looked back just in time to see the blast inches from her.

“AAHHH!!!” Dash cried out as the magic struck her square in the chest. The shock and pressure of the force shot through her like a resonating pitch shattering a wine glass. All equilibrium and control was lost and Dash plummeted to the ground.

“Dash!” Soarin tried to rise again. He managed to get to his hooves, but after two steps fell down again. “RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!” He called out her name as she hit the ground. His body began to glow slightly. He noticed it happening and kept trying to move. “Yes! Come on body, I need that power now!” He yelled at himself as the dark energy flow inside of him slowly strengthened. He had almost forgotten about it during the fighting. If one thing could give him the strength to defeat Nightshade, it would be the power that he never asked for.

“A fine technique.” Nightshade rose from the rubble, slightly scratched and bruised, but otherwise unaffected, “but, as with everything else, useless.” She sneered and leapt towards Dash.

“No no NO!!!!” Soarin watched as Nightshade approached the weary Dash. Dash shakily tried to crawl away, but Nightshade slammed down hard on Dash’s back. Two loud CRACKS were heard and Dash suddenly felt an immeasurable amount of pain in her wings.

“AAAAUUUUUGGHHH!!!!!!!!” She cried out as her wings lay flat, the bones painfully dislocated from her shoulders. Nightshade seemed to shiver with delight as Dash wailed endlessly.

“RRRRRGH!!!!!” Soarin stood up sharply, the blue energy finally erupting from him as the screams of his beloved rang through his ears. Nightshade blinked and glanced towards him, eyes widening. Soarin forced his burnt wing outward and back, a loud POP sounding out as it snapped back into place.

“What?” Nightshade said as she looked over the energy swirling around Soarin.

“GET OFF OF HER. NOW.” Soarin ordered, the power flowing more fiercely than it ever had. Nightshade smirked at him, while still standing on Dash’s back.

“Make me, if you ca—”

Soarin’s hoof connected with Nightshade’s cheek. She hadn't even blinked and he somehow closed the distance instantly. All Nightshade felt was a force comparable to a hurricane shooting through her face. She was sent flying off of Dash and bounced five times on the ground before tumbling to a halt. As soon as she stood up Soarin was already in front of her and sent another heavy blow to her stomach. Nightshade exhaled loudly, clutching her stomach as Soarin spun and delivered a roundhouse kick to her face, whiplashing her and sending her in an arc up then down to the ground with a crash.

“What… Where... How...!?” She finally showed signs of being afraid as Soarin slowly approached her again. She threw a punch at Soarin’s face, but he tipped his head to the side and caught her hoof above his shoulder. Using her own momentum against her he swung her over his body and slammed her hard against the ground. “UGH! NO!” She forced herself up and turned her head, only to see Soarin’s hoof an inch from her face. She felt multiple crunching sensations in her nose as the blow connected and sent her tumbling backwards.

“S—Soarin?” Dash struggled to watch as the sharp pain in her dislocated wings continuously stabbed at her like a thousand daggers. The pain was so intense she could barely keep her eyes from slamming shut.

“I CAN’T FAIL!” Nightshade yelled out as she stumbled to her hooves. Her motions were shaky and she struggled to balance herself, falling down twice in the process. Blood was flowing freely from her broken nose. “I REFUSE TO FAIL!” Her vision wouldn’t focus, but she could clearly see Soarin approaching her again, still enveloped in the blue energy and still glaring at her with the intent to kill. Nightshade's fear was visible in her entire body. That was, except her in her expression.

The usual, twisted sadistic sneer appeared on her face again. Why was she smiling when the odds were suddenly stacked so heavily against her? Had her mind finally snapped? Crushed beneath the hoof of the crystal's fake influence?

“YOU! CAN’T! BEAT ME!” She shouted as pink steam began to rise off of her. “I AM. THE CAPTAIN. OF THE SHADOWBOLTS!” Her voice almost seemed to warp, changing pitch randomly as she spoke. She lifted her wing, revealing the harness that held three more crystals in it. “I WILL,” she grabbed all three crystals off the harness, “NEVER FAIL!” She pressed all three crystals to herself. Soarin's eyes shot open and he froze in place.

Nightshade stood completely still for a moment, then an invisible shockwave propelled from her body, rushing against Soarin.

“AHHH!!!” She suddenly clutched her head as her eyes released an intense bright pink light. She reared her head back first before thrusting it down and smashing it against the ground. She began to groan and wail as the overdose of crystal energy seemed to destroy her from inside out. The pink light around her intensified, little bolts of the pink energy shooting out of her body. She began to foam at the mouth as the energy overtook her completely.

Soarin stepped back, horrified as he watched. Nightshade’s body was twitching and convulsing. It almost looked like the energy was trying to escape her body, trapped in too small of a space. Her muscles were randomly bulging and reverting, her wings kept extending and retracting, and she began coughing up an incredibly disgusting amount of blood. Eventually the light got sucked back into her before exploding outward. Soarin shielded himself as the wave of energy throttled against him, but when he looked back, she had fallen motionless to the ground.

The fighting above had completely halted and every single Shadowbolt and Wonderbolt was staring at Nightshade’s lifeless body, small traces of pink energy crackling and popping around her.

It was a good thing too, because Soarin suddenly felt the toll on his body. The energy around him began to fade and he stumbled around.

“Dash…” He called her name as he limped towards her.

“Soarin…” She smiled at him, enduring the pain in her back to show her relief. He reached out to touch her face.

But then another wave of energy fired from Nightshade’s body, causing Soarin to fall forward and land on Dash right on her injured wings. She cried out in pain as he quickly, but carefully pushed himself off, and looking back towards Nightshade. She was getting up.

“No… Come on, you’ve gotta be kidding me.” Soarin pleaded to himself as he felt the repercussions of his dark energy pulling him down.

Nightshade had indeed risen, and she was a terrifying sight. Pink sparks were continuously rising from her body, with streams of pink steam escaping through her ears, nostrils, and between her lips. Her body looked swollen, all her muscles flared up and covered in pulsating veins from the magic as if her body was forced to make room for it. Most terrifying of all, her eyes were pure white, pupils completely gone.

Everything around them had stopped. All the Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts watched Nightshade with a mixture of fear and confusion. Soarin could see Fleetfoot, Misty Fly, the Streak twins, and Surprise, who was still noogying a Shadowbolt. Silver Lining, Blaze, and High Winds from squad two, as well as every other Wonderbolt all looking down. Nightshade was approaching. She said nothing, stomping heavily with each step as if her body no longer had a mind.

Then Soarin realized something. His energy stopped fading. He looked down and saw Dash was holding onto his hoof as she slowly stood up beside him. This was the fourth time the dark power resting within him had poured out, and after all these times, something became very clear.

Rainbow Dash.

When she wasn’t around, the dark energy was uncontrollable and unpredictable. Although the intense desire to succeed seemed to bring it out, without Dash around, it always ended with the power overwhelming him. When Dash was near, it relaxed. It became calm as if cradled by her presence. He wondered if it had anything to do with Dash aiding Celestia in restoring him after he nearly died. He wasn’t sure, but there was no other explanation, and no other option.

“Dash…” He turned to her and clutched her hoof with both of his. “I need you.” He said as she stared up into his eyes. She was weak, weary, and still in pain, but she smiled.

“Soarin, I’m always gonna to be with you. You better damn believe it.” She tried to speak tough, almost falling over as she did.

“Good.” Soarin said with a smirk before reaching for her face and pulling her in and kissing her.

The dark energy exploded out from his body, re-enveloping him and expanding nearly twice the size it had before. He slowly pulled away from Dash and she cocked a grin.

“Mess her up for me.” She said before wobbling and falling down again. Soarin caught her and gently placed her down before turning and walking out to meet Nightshade. They stood near each other and their surrounding auras clashed together, neither overtaking the other but causing blue and pink sparks to fly between them.

Nightshade suddenly roared and flung herself at him. Soarin’s eyes widened and he put up a guard as she threw a punch for his chest. He blocked it cleanly, but the force lifted him slightly off the ground.

“Good GOD!” Soarin exclaimed as the vibrations from the punch made his body shake. Despite feeling super charged, her strength had become near sublime. As he tried to focus, she grabbed him by the head and smashed his face down against her leg, propelling him backward. He quickly stopped himself and was forced to guard again as she began throwing extremely heavy punches and kicks at him. Each one pushed him higher and higher into the air. The surrounding Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts all quickly moved aside as they ascended.

He finally managed to push her away, then blinked. She was gone. On instinct he shifted left and her hoof passed right beside him below his armpit. He clamped down on it and pulled her towards him while throwing his head back, smashing the back of his skull against her face. As she grunted, he clutched her trapped arm and began swinging her around. He spun and spun and spun and let go, hurling her back towards the ground. She rounded out and slammed her hooves to the floor.

Soarin fired back down, not wanting Nightshade to have any time to get her bearings. He landed beside her, ready to strike, but her elbow came flying out, striking him in the cheek and knocking him towards the ground. He flared his wing out, pushing him right back up, and kicking her below the chin. She instantly flipped back and slammed both of her hooves over his head.

“ARGH!” Soarin grunted as his face hit the floor, he picked his head up, blood flowing from a cut on his forehead and trickling past his nose. She grabbed him by the mane and kicked him in the face, sending him flying towards a nearby structure.

Dash watched as the two exchanged heavy blow after heavy blow. She could do nothing. Her wings were barely in one piece. All she could do was pray for Soarin and cheer him on, hoping that her silent encouragement would continue to fuel his inner power. Soarin couldn’t lose. He would never lose. He was unstoppable, and no one knew that better than her.

Despite having taken serious beatings and receiving more than one wound that left him bleeding, Soarin’s will was unbreakable. He was fighting to save the love of his life and end the suffering of many others through a pony who’s body and mind had been taken from her by something hidden away. It wouldn’t solve the whole problem, but it would end a huge factor in it.

Soarin tucked and flipped around, smashing his back hooves against the building. With a single swipe of his hoof, he wiped the blood from his face. He fired off the structure with his Sonic Blast-off, pulverizing the whole wall as he did. He extended a leg for a flying kick. Nightshade ducked as he seared towards her, but with a strong extension of his wings Soarin almost came to a full stop. He flapped his wings in opposite directions, spinning him in mid-air and swinging his other leg around into Nightshade’s face. She fell face first, quickly rising, but Soarin stood above her with his front hooves clasped together. He smashed them over her head, sending her back down.

“That was for Descent and Starry!” He yelled. She tried to rise again, but he smashed her back down again. “That was for toying with Misty Fly!” She tried again, he smashed her again. “That was for all the crap you’ve done to me!” Again. “That was for any other pony you’ve hurt!” Then one last time, extra hard. “And THAT, was for hurting Rainbow Dash.”

Nightshade shook and sputtered on the ground, no longer able to stand. Soarin huffed and wheezed for air as he felt his power weaken slightly. He stepped back from her. She growled and groaned, but didn’t seem capable of moving her body anymore. But then the pink light began to shine from her. Multiple waves of energy were expelled from her body and crashed against Soarin.

He recognized this. This is what happened to Rapidfire when his body could no longer contain the energy. A sudden rush of alarm passed through him. Rapidfire was contained by a dome of magic when it happened to him, but the explosion was extremely violent. If the same thing was about to happen with Nightshade… she had four crystals worth of energy pulsing within her body!

“Oh no!” Soarin looked around, all the Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts were in range. Nightshade was gonna blow any second. There would be no time for them to get away. He glanced back at Dash, who was staring at him with worry. He frantically looked back at Nightshade, and saw no other option. He shoved her flat to the floor and covered her up with his body.

“SOARIN!!!!!!!!” Dash yelled out.

A giant pulse of energy fired out from Nightshade followed by an incredibly large explosion. The shockwave slammed against all the Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts, propelling them in every direction skyward. But despite the shock, the explosion was muffled, contained by Soarin throwing his body over Nightshade.

Dash shut her eyes tight as the energy slammed against her. She slid a few feet back, but being close to the ground saved her from being blown away. She opened her eyes when she felt the ground tipping beneath her. The floor of the flying base had been completely torn asunder by the explosion and was falling away. Dash looked all around for signs of Soarin as she began to slide across the tipping floor.

Then she spotted him. He had been thrown into the air by the blast. She caught glimpse of him right before he fell over the edge of the crumbling floor.

“NOOOO!!!!!” She ignored all pain in her wings and body and forced herself up, she stumbled and fell twice, but struggled all the way over to the edge. She watched him as he slowly fell towards the earth that was at least a thousand feet below. She looked up to see that all the Wonderbolts were in disarray and none of them could’ve seen or known that Soarin was falling. “SOARIN!!!!!”

Without a second of hesitation… and despite knowing full well her wings weren't working…

She hurled herself off the edge. Diving after him.

Dash straightened her body, doing everything she could to negate wind resistance and catch up to him. Soarin was falling back first, limbs and wings dangling above him like a ragdoll. Dash didn’t care about anything else. She just wanted him. She slowly closed the gap between them with still maybe 800 feet to the ground. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly and calling his name.

“Soarin! Soarin!” She shook him, trying desperately to wake him. Small tears squeaked out of the corners of her eyes.

“Uuuhhh.” His eyes slowly open. “Dash…?” His voice brought her more joy than she had ever felt in her life. He was alive.

“Yes! You’re alive!” She yelled out while hugging him tighter. Soarin was weary and his body felt extremely weak, but most of all, as he became aware of their position--

“Dash…” he slowly spoke, “My wings… they aren’t moving.”

They both went completely silent.

About 500 feet still remained between them and an impact that was now, undoubtedly, going to be the end.

“Oh god…” Dash said quietly upon realization. They were falling fast, neither of them were able to use their wings, and there was no pony in sight coming after them. Soarin slowly reached a hoof over and clamped it with one of hers.

“Dash, it’s okay.” He said as tears began to fall out of her eyes, and fly up off her face.

400 feet.

“Soarin…” She sniffled, the weight of what was happening really sinking in. She dug her face into his chest.

“Rainbow Dash,” tears built up in his eyes too. “I’m not afraid.”

300 feet.

“I’m not afraid because I promised myself I’d be by your side until death.” He ran a hoof over her mane. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, accepting everything as they fell.

“Neither am I,” she sniffled, “because I know you’ll always be with me.”

200 feet.

“I love you Rainbow Dash.” Soarin drew her head in.

“I love you Soarin.” She said back.

100 feet.

They kissed each other one last time.

The ground was only inches away.

Everything froze.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…” Discord appeared beside them as they hovered inches from the ground. it was as if time itself had stopped. Actually, time had stopped. “How dreadful is this?” He slid along the ground below them that they were fated to hit the instant time started again. “All the fighting and all the effort in Equestria… and this is how it ends…” He stared at the two of them, immobile like floating statues, lips locked in their final passionate kiss. Discord reclined and rested his head in his claws, tapping his cheek in deep thought.

“Well, Celestia, I hope you’re happy. You saved his life, only for him to lose it here.” He spoke to himself as he glanced at the surroundings. “Oh? What’s this?” he hovered over about ten feet away.

Starry Skies and Descent were frozen mid-dive. Discord looked between them and the falling lovers. He realized the two ex-Shadowbolts were trying to reach them.

“Hm,” he twirled the scraggily end of his white beard with a claw. “A valiant effort, but just too late.” He stared back at Soarin and Dash for a moment, then back to Starry and Descent. “Oh hogwash, why am I even contemplating it?”

Discord hovered back over to Soarin and Dash.

“I sincerely doubt that sweet old Princess Celery would be happy if she found out she gave up everything for no reason. So much sacrificed... and then he dies again anyway.” He looked the two of them up and down. “Oh I can just hear it now,” he held up a sock puppet that looked like Princess Luna, “Heareth thou our extra loud voice as we berate thee for messing with reality.” He said in a purposely comical version of her voice. A dunce hat appeared on the sock puppet before he put it down. “Lulu is definitely going to try and cut my head off for this,” he sneered, “and that is precisely why I’m going to do it anyway.”

He reached his paw towards Soarin and Dash,

“First we’ll put you two…” he moved his arm up and the two of them rose about twenty feet into the air. “There! That should do. And then…” she slithered back over to Starry and Descent, “hm, still a bit far.” He extended his arms and slid them horizontally. Starry and Descent moved until the distance between them, Soarin, and Dash was cut down by half.

“Perfectomundo!” He smiled in satisfaction as he reclined back in mid-air and sighed. “What is this world coming too? I remember a time when mortals tried desperately to gain the favor of the gods. These days it seems like the gods are always doing favors for the mortals.” He surveyed the small changes he made one last time before moving back upright and slowly disappearing from the bottom up. “Celestia, you owe me for this one.”

Right before he fully disappeared, he snapped his fingers.


Soarin and Dash both opened their eyes in disbelief. They had been pulled apart, but Dash was resting in the arms of Starry Skies, and Soarin in the arms of Descent. They both blinked, their brains trying to catch up with the fact that they had not died, and in the second miracle of the day, had been saved from certain death. Soarin and Dash both looked at each other and slowly smiled, both overjoyed. They began snickering, then chuckling, and then full out laughing.

“You’re welcome…” Descent grunted as the two touched down and released them. Dash was instantly in Soarin’s arms and knocked both of them to the ground. She crashed her lips against his and kissed him as passionately as she could with new, different tears flowing out of her eyes. Descent just looked away, but Starry,

“A-HEM,” she cleared her throat. Soarin broke the kiss with Dash and looked up at them, but Dash continued to kiss his face all over.

“Sorry, we were kinda both convinced we were gonna die,” he chuckled, “I think I have enough endorphins pumping in my head right now to turn it into a balloon.” He ended with a smile. “But seriously. THANK. YOU.” He said clearly with as much gratitude as he could make audible. His body was still weak, but he tapped Dash on the back as he slowly rolled over. She set her hooves on the earth and wobbled to a stand.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, we’re alive, I can’t believe it! We’re alive!” She turned at Starry and threw herself at her, hugging her tightly.

“Okay! OKAY! Why am I always the one getting hugged!?” She complained as she lightly pushed Dash off.

“I thought you guys would be long gone by now.” Soarin pointed out as he finally got to rest his body.

“We were gone.” Descent stated, then glanced behind him, “but she insisted that we come back.” From behind him, Lightning Dust slowly peeked out, looking at Rainbow Dash only briefly before averting her eyes shamefully.

“Well, we came all the way back, and saved them on top of it. Go on.” Starry reached her wing back and nudged Lightning Dust towards Dash. Dust kept staring at the ground for a moment while Dash looked at her in confusion.

“I—” she began and swallowed, “I’m sorry, about everything.” She squeaked out. Dash’s eyes widened. “I never meant for… any of this to happen like it did. I’m so sorry!” She shut her eyes tight and quivered. Dash smiled, feeling very warm on the inside. Lightning Dust had always been a proud mare, the weight of all her reckless decisions must have really set in. Dash reached forward and pulled Dust into a hug.

“Hey, no worries Lightning Dust,” she put her at arm’s length, “we all slip up. You just gotta bounce back in the right direction. Learn from it. I’ve been doing that for as long as I can remember.” She grinned happily at her.

Soarin felt all warm and fuzzy from it too. He had heard about Lightning Dust from Spitfire, but he was unaware of her relationship to Dash. Seeing Dash accept the apology and make amends was just another reminder of her kindness.

“I promise i'll work to avoid my past mistakes. There are no more shortcuts.” Dust nodded with a weak smile. “You taught me that,” she looked down, “I learned it the hard way… but you taught me that.”

“Uh oh, we better fly.” Starry Skies nudged Descent with a wing and pointed up into the sky. Wonderbolts were approaching. Descent took note and looked around the rest of the area as well. The Shadowbolt compound had broken to pieces and had floated harmlessly to the ground due to the propellers still turning. The Shadowbolts had all been scattered, but Nightshade was nowhere to be found. Whether or not she survived seemed like it would remain a mystery.

“Let’s go,” Descent called to Lightning Dust, who gave one more hug to Dash before lifting off and following Starry Skies.

“Descent.” Soarin called to him before he could take off. He turned and looked back at Soarin. “We stand tied one to one,” Soarin smirked, “We’ll have to settle that sometime.”

“Ha!” Descent scoffed with a chuckle, “After what I just saw… I might need some time to catch up. Farewell.” Descent followed behind Dust and Starry.

Dash hobbled over and fell down on her flank beside Soarin.

“So we’re alive.” She said while smiling at him. He returned the smile.

“Yup.” He replied simply. He observed the party approaching. It was Fleetfoot along with squad three.

“You know, I had a feeling we’d be alright.” Dash crossed her hooves and nodded with a proud smile on her face. Soarin lifted an eyebrow at her.

“Really? You were bawling your eyes out!” He snickered. Dash turned at him and pouted.

“Was not!” She huffed.

“Seriously, they were like upside down waterfalls!” Soarin teased while putting his hooves to his eyes and slowly moving them up. "Fwoosh! Haha!"

“You take that back!” She pounced on him and bit his ear while growling. Soarin rolled over on his back while laughing,

“AH! Uncle! Uncle! My body is broken already ahhhhh!” He yelped while chuckling. Dash rolled off and the two lay side by side on their backs, sharing a hearty laugh. Laughing really hurt, but they didn’t give a damn.

They were alive, and what’s the point of life if you don’t enjoy it?

---To be Concluded---

Author's Note:

I got a LITTLE Dragon Ball Z with that fight, but what the hell, i had fun writing it :D

Only one chapter left :( but it's gonna be a good one, i promise.

Thank you all for the continued support. :)