• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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Loyalty Is Always Its Own Reward

“One thing I don't understand is why we couldn't take one of the Lounge spheres,” Josho grumbled, wiping sweat from his brow as he scaled yet another ridge of arid rock. The sun was just then setting, casting the northeast mountains into dark brown shadow. The stars peeked into existence, one by one, but the obese unicorn wasn't about to relish the sights. “Or we could have—y'know—hitched a ride on that skinny redbeard's sky schlong.”

“This close to the Grand Choke?!” Jake shouted over his shoulder from where he took up the center of the expedition. “Periwinkle! They'd crash and burn within seconds of reaching the mountains, ya talking blimp!”

“Well forgive me for thinking aloud!” Josho grumbled.

“Need I remind you that it was your decision to join us on this excursion?” Jake grinned to himself as he caught up with multiple reindeer guards who made up the hiking group. “Though, I wouldn't blame you. It's a good first step in squeezing that fat out of your ass, Mr. Ex-Juror!”

“I only volunteered because I happen to have experience in spelunking through changeling holes.” Josho's eyes narrowed. “And don't call me 'Ex-Juror.'”

“Why not? Your ship blew up, didn't it?”

“If you worked with a team as long as I have, you'd learn to realize that heroism is more than hull-deep.”

“Yeesh. They should have sent a poet.”

“Quiet!” Midnite Bastion growled from the head of the group. “Both of you!” Her eyes narrowed as she rounded the last crest of rock. Mountains loomed to her left and a flat endless plain loomed to her right. “I think I see something.”

The group approach a solid swath of stone, stretching diagonally northeast at the base of a tall mountain. Dead ahead, the rock loomed dark, lost in absolute shadow.

Midnite squinted. Gritting her teeth, she shouted over her shoulder, “Everydeer! Channel your magic!”

The reindeer came to a stop, forming a solid line. Holding their breaths, they filtered mana into their antlers. The natural branches lit up with glowing energy. Josho tilted his head forward and contributed to the aura with his own horn.

Soon, a pale white spotlight formed across the rock, straight ahead of them. In the center of the dark patch was a large hole—too perfectly round to be natural. The interior of the cave was polished smooth, as if burned with an acidic compound.

“This is it alright,” Josho said.

“Well, she wasn't lying about the hole,” Jake said. “But for all we know, it could be a trap inside.”

“The fact is, we don't know what could be inside,” Josho remarked. “Best to let me go in first.”

“I think I do know what's inside,” Midnite remarked. “But I could be wrong. Either way...” She turned back and glared at the group. “...I'm going in first.”

King Lunarius stood up from his throne while Queen Azira and Prince Eine looked on. “...then, if I am to understand things correctly...” He paced forward across the brightly-lit throne room while hundreds of servants, politicians, and citizens looked on. “...while the Duchess Arcanista of the House of Sehlp was the... brains of this operation, so to speak, you, my little pony, was the heart of it, through and through.” His eyes narrowed. “As the uncontested 'leader' of the Noble Jury, do you deny this?”

Eagle Eye, Ebon Mane, Bellesmith, Pilate, Kera, Floydien, Arcanista, Props, Zaid, and Booster Spice stood in a line before the throne. Meanwhile a second row was formed behind them, consisting of Prowse, Seclorum, Zetta, Basso, Crimson, Phoenix, Arcshod, the two Xonans, Tweak, Lucky Strike, Mamunia, and Jet. Roarke stood along the fringes, along with the Lounge leader, three other suited naga, and a very nervous Jex. Nilla stood amidst the crowd, gazing upon the scnee. However, in front of all the members of the Noble Jury and the Tarkington, a prismatic pegasus stood, occupying the absolute center of attention.

“I don't deny that all of my friends joined me in my flight—and that the only real reason they headed east to begin with was because I was making that journey myself.” Rainbow Dash stood tall, her pendant glistening in the torchlight. “They all had their reasons, and I respected each and every one of them. But... to put things simply...” She took a deep breath. “Yes. When it came to decision-making, everypony looked up to me. There is nothing to deny.”

“So, then it was by your authority that the Noble Jury conspired to infiltrate Val Roa, deceive the High Council, and work your way into Prince Eine's confidence?” Lunarius glared. “And breaking into the military compound to undermine the Soul Sentries that were sworn to protect this kingdom... was that authorized by you as well?”

The crowd stirred nervously.

Rainbow kept her jaws tight. “Yes, Your Majesty. I sanctioned everything. If you're looking for a pony to blame, she stands before you.”


Slowly, Lunarius' smiled. “I do not look for a pony to blame, Ms. Dash. I look for one to congratulate.”

The crowd filled with smiles and amiable murmurs.

Queen Azira and Prince Eine exchanged gentle grins.

Eagle Eye exhaled with relief while taking the moment to nuzzle Ebon. Pilate and Belle held hooves with Kera nestled snugly between them.

Clearing his throat, Lunarius paced before the two lines of heroes. “You have accomplished much in the face of fear and paranoia. I understand that—in the absence of myself and my Queen—this kingdom had bottled up, closing its borders and ignoring the plight of many outlying provinces. I intend to undo all that which the great deceiver has done.” He turned to face Arcanista. “Starting with the province of Bountiful, whose ruling members have been needlessly ostracized from their representative seats within the High Council. I think I echo everydeer's sentiments when I say: 'Long Live the House of Sehlp.'”

The throneroom broke into applause, with hundreds of subjects pounding their hooves against the floor.

Arcanista smiled, misty-eyed. She exchanged tearful smiles with Mamunia and Jet, then leaned over to nuzzle Floydien. The elk said nothing, his gaze situated on a blank area in a distant part of the throneroom.

The applause died down in time for Lunarius to speak up yet again. “No more shall I allow this kingdom to turn a blind eye to my royal subjects in need, no matter how grave the crisis. I shall forthwith send companies of my finest representatives out into the furthest reaches of Val Roa to assess the needs of the citizenry, starting with the exodus of zebras in Bountiful...” He came to a stop, smiling gently at Booster Spice. “...and with the humble miners of Amulek, who have waited far too long for support from the Capital.”

Booster Spice bit his lip, smiling blissfully. Zaid reached over to nudge him, and the stallion chuckled while applause echoed once more across the chamber.

“It goes without saying that each hero who partook in today's triumph shall be rewarded handsomely,” Lunarius said. “To the selfless crew of the Noble Jury... and to the valiant ponies of the Tarkington... I extend my blessings, my respect, and even my fortune—should you desire it. You're restored more than my kingdom and my throne.” He paced over and lifted the hoof of Queen Azira, gazing into her eyes. “...you've restored my family.” He trotted over and nuzzled Eine's forehead. “And our future.”

Eine sniffled, struggling to hold his tears in while he relished the comforting embrace of his father.

At last, in the ensuing silence, Lunarius swiveled around, trotting forward and approaching Rainbow Dash. “But you... winged one with the colors of the sky...” He smiled. “To you, this kingdom—this family—owes the most. Name any title, and it's yours. Name any price... and I will pay it.” He stood before her, towering and proud. “You've had the ability to go anywhere, fly anywhere, and yet you chose to bless this kingdom with your heroism. Rainbow Dash of Equestria...” He bowed low, eyes shut. “...Val Roa accepts you in open arms.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. She sensed several members of the crowd following the King's lead, bowing in reverence. Before it could carry on much longer, she cleared her throat and said, “I am honored, Your Majesty. Like... more than you'll ever know. And I'm glad that you're willing to extend your blessings to my friend n'all. But... I-I'm afraid I cannot accept any of the things you're offering me.”

Azira and Eine exchanged curious expressions.

As a low murmur filled the room, Lunarius stood up, blinking awkwardly. “Why... what would make you say that, heroic one?”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. Her wings fluttered slightly. “Simply because I will not be staying in Val Roa, Your Highness.” She gulped. “I will be flying east...”

Instantly, the room filled with gasps and whispers.

Nilla's jaw dropped while Mamunia and Jet exchanged surprised glances. Eagle Eye and Ebon Mane quivered where they stood. Arcanista's lips pursed while Props and Zaid trembled.

Belle and Pilate, meanwhile, hung their heads. Kera's gaze darted about in confusion. She almost trembled herself—until her gaze fell upon Roarke. The metal mare wasn't shaking one bit, and for some reason that was enough to pacify the little Xonan, though a noticeable lump had formed in her throat.

Midnite Bastion scurried swiftly up the subterranean incline.

“Not so fast, girlie!” Jake belched from below. “At least let the guards' light catch up to ya!”

“Mr. Drool Farm has a point!” Josho said, galloping to catch up with the earth pony. “Last time I was in a cave like this, I bumped into stuff I didn't want to! I'm not just saying this because I'm fat, but slow the buck down!”

“No can do...” Midnite sweated as she clambered over rock and shoal. “Nnngh... if what I think is in here is truly in here, then... th-then I gotta...” She slipped. “Gaaugh!”

Josho caught her in a wave of telekinesis. “Yeesh... and here I thought I left the real sissy back in the Palace.” He smirked as he levitated her onto even rock. “Now will you take my advice, lady?”

“How... deep... would she have dug into this mountain anyway?” Midnite wheezed.

“Shhh...” Josho pulled her up one last cleft of rock and pointed ahead. “...deep enough.”

Midnite peered down the even tunnel. A gasp escaped her lips, for a dim green glow was emanating from beyond. “Is... is that...?”

“We're about to find out.” Josho levitated his shotgun and pumped it. “Bucks, after me. Moose? Take up the rear.”

“I am the rear,” Jake grunted, ushering the other soldiers along. With a cacophonous percussion of hooves, every guard took their place, then shuffled forward in a thick line. Midnite Bastion formed up along with them, glaring into the cavern ahead.

At last, the group pierced their way into the heart of the chamber. They instantly relaxed, standing loosely as their lungs emptied in awe.

“Sonuvagun...” Josho blinked, lowering his shotgun. “...maybe things were that easy.”

Midnite pattered past him, her jaw dropped.

Situated at the end of the cavern were three spheres of hardened green slime. Suspended within the globules were three elks—two bucks and a cow. Despite their frozen state, they all looked to be in good health.

“What are you waiting for?!” Midnite Bastion spun about, her eyes wild and feverish. “Carve them out!”

Minutes later, the soldiers had done just that. Fishberry was the first to take a long, wheezing gasp of pure air. She winced, curling up into a fuzzy ball while Jake dragged her away from the slime-coated pedestal.

“Fishberry!” the Constable spoke, shaking her gently. “Chancellor Fishberry! What is the last thing that you remember?”

“Nnnngh... guh...” She winced, coughing up slime. “...smelling good,” she whimpered.

Across the way, several reindeer guard helped Sharp Quill to his hooves.

“Secretary?” Josho trotted up to him. “How do you feel?”

“Never mind that...” The elk sputtered, his purple eyes thin as he gazed across the chamber. “The Prince... is he okay?”

“Who, that dinky little fawn?” Josho asked.

“Rrrrgh!” Sharp Quill dashed towards Josho, having to be restrained by the guards. “I should cut your tongue out for calling the Royal Prince that, you miserable overweight bag of phlegm!”

“Heheh...” Josho turned to smirk across the way. “Guess this is the real deal, guys.”

“Just why would the Queen of Changelings preserve them?” Constable Jake remarked. “I don't get it.”

“Same reason she kept the King and Queen alive,” Josho remarked. “To feed off their emotions and get a true gauge for how to impersonate them.”

“Wait...” Sharp Quill blinked awkwardly. “King Lunarius... Queen Azira...” His eyes grew misty. “They're alive?”

“Yes, and so is your precious godchild, the Prince. Don't worry.” Josho waved a hoof. “It's all sunshine and rainbows for Val Roa from now on.” He looked across the way. “Midnite? How's the weather on your own, girl?”

“Midnite?” Jake voiced.

The mare didn't respond. She tore and ripped at the last of the mold that was holding Saikano in place. Wheezing, the large elk stumbled out of his prison, only to be caught by Midnite's tiny figure.

“Nnnngh!” Struggling, the mare nevertheless lowered the elk gently to the stone floor.

“Gnngh... attack... under attack...” He opened his good eye, blinking wearily. “The Soul Sentries... wh-where?”

The buck gasped, feeling the warm embrace of his adopted daughter, nuzzling him deeply in the neck. He raised a shaking hoof, feeling her mane and coat.

“Midnite...?” He gulped. “I... I do not understand... how...?”

“I love you...” She whimpered, drying her tears against his warm coat as she choked back a sob. “I love you... I love you I love you...”


“You don't even have to say it back.” She gulped. “Just know that I know... and that I love you so much, father...”

Saikano blinked. Gently, he raised his hoof and patted her back before holding her close. “I... feel as though I missed a lot...”

She sniffled, then leaned back with a tear-stained smile. “...and I feel as though I haven't.”

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