• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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My Kingdom For A Cruise Liner

"Mmmm... nngnhhfff..."

Rainbow Dash lay on her side, forelimbs twitching. Her eyelids fluttered as her muzzle scrunched and unscrunched.

"Grffff... wnnaa... mhhf? Guh!" She sat up with a gasp. "What?!"

Darkness surrounded her, full of the echoes of churning waves. A celestial canopy of glittering stars hung overhead.

Rainbow Dash panted and panted. "Who? I... I thought..."

She brought a hoof up and ran it through her bangs. Her mane felt ice-cold to the touch. Something fluttered through her starving gut, and she couldn't explain it.

Just then, something moved out of the corner of her vision.

She turned to look, body stiff and rigid.

Yaerfaerda bobbed up and down in time with the undulating sea. Its lavender colors pierced Rainbow's mind across the dull night.

Rainbow's nostrils flared. With a melancholic sigh, she sank back to the surface of the raft. She curled up into a little blue ball, resting the edge of her cold pendant against her crossed forelimbs. As she started to shiver, her ruby eyes stared off into nothingness, framing a confused and exhausted face.

Squinting in the bright daylight, Rainbow Dash unscrewed her canteen. After taking a deep breath, she turned the container over directly above her gaping maw.

Nothing happened.

So she gave the canteen the tiniest of shakes.

Two droplets struck her tongue, and that was it.

Seething, Rainbow reluctantly screwed the container shut. She stared at the empty thing in her grasp, then glanced forlornly at the salt water lapping all around the raft.

With a quiet shudder, she trotted over to the bag that was tied to the mast. Pilfering through it, she brushed past the bag with the two and a half remaining Heaven Slices and pulled out the container of Nebulum. Leaning back, she held the jar up to the light. There was barely enough mist inside the enchanted container to refract the suns' rays. If she didn't know better, she would have guessed the jar was empty too.

The day broiled around her, levitating waves of heat off the ocean waters so that they thoroughly baked Rainbow from all angles. Her mouth was like a piece of the Grand Choke that had followed her, and it felt just as sandy beneath her tongue too.

So, with anxious shudders, Rainbow began twisting the nozzle of the container.

She stopped halfway—though—then released her grip of the jar altogether. Her heart ached at the mere thought of it, but she courageously put the container back into the bag anyways.

She was uncomfortably thirsty... but she wasn't dying.

"Not yet," Rainbow muttered.

And once the bag had been tied back shut, Rainbow crawled back under the lean-to, collapsed on her side, and proceeded to do nothing.

As the day wore on...

That night, there was no sleeping.

The wind had grown incredibly unpredictable—or at least that's what Rainbow Dash had assumed at first. The raft kept being yanked north and south—but never east. Rainbow lost count of the number of times she had to untie/reattach the rope so that the sail was repositioned to better catch the wild gales.

No amount of concentrated effort could keep pushing the raft east. Rainbow tested this—continuously through the night—with no small amount of cussing under her breath. The task of re-casting the sail was incredibly frustrating, with Rainbow having to summon tiny spurts of magic from her pendant in order to illuminate the raft around her.

When at last she felt as though she had gotten the raft pointed appropriately towards Yaerfaerda again, she couldn't help but notice that her velocity was practically nil. Instead of churning through the waves—or even coasting over the swells—it felt as though the Scootaloo was only drifting along at a glacial pace.

Rainbow Dash grumbled. Gnashing her teeth, she pulled the sail down, tied the rope around the mast, and planted her flank on the stern.

"That's it... friggin' useless strip of tree bark, I swear." Frowning, she gripped the raft in all fours and beat her wings. "There's always one way to move a Scootaloo."

And, just like that, the craft began cruising forward, propelled by Rainbow's sheer wind powers.

"Hah! How do you like that, ya stubborn melon fudge?!"

By sunrise, Rainbow's wings were too sore to even move.

The pegasus whimpered, collapsing on her chest as her strength finally gave out. To her utter frustration, the raft came to a near-complete stop, barely moving fast enough to form a wake behind it.

With a frustrated groan, Rainbow covered her eyes. Her tail dipped lazily in the water, relishing in the last touch of cool liquid before the sun's baking arch cooked everything all around her once again.

At last, Rainbow tilted her head up. She looked defeatedly at the mast and its deflated sail.

Despite her misgivings, she got up on wobbly legs, ignored the pain in her wing-muscles, and trotted up to the mast. Unfurling the sail, she stretched it out and tied its rope to an outer peg in the raft. Standing back, she stood in place and... simply stared at the contraption refusing to work.

Rainbow felt a wind. She knew that there was a breeze rolling past her. But—despite what she sensed—there wasn't even the slightest ripple to the patchwork fabric.

Frowning, the pegasus stood up on her rear hooves, took a deep breath, and literally blew on the sail.

A three square inch stretch of fabric undulated and rolled back, then was still once again.

Rainbow plopped back down onto her hooves. She exhaled heavily. "I don't get it. I just don't... get it..." She turned and looked at the water surrounding her. The entire world was an endlessly shifting plane of blue waves. "...what is it that makes this place tick?" She gulped. "Or untick?"

A streak of lavender flickered.

Rainbow jerked and looked east.

Yaerfaerda hovered in place, just above the horizon, bright and steady.

Rainbow blinked. She cocked her head aside and gave the symbol the stinkeye.

It continued lingering in the same spot along the blue line, as constant and shimmering as ever.

"... ... ..." Rainbow sighed. Her wings were still too sore to continue giving the raft thrust, and the rest of her body was beyond exhausted. Nevertheless, there she was, stuck in an aquatic desert where magic and the elements were swiftly crumbling all around her.

It was precisely around that point when the pegasus began anxiously pacing in tiny circles.

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