• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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The Council of Sehlp Part Three

"I haven't attempted crossing the West Gate in several months," Arcanista said. "And I have every reason to believe that even if I tried, I would not be welcomed back into the High Council's hall, regardless of my good intentions."

"Then why bother trying?" Booster Spice remarked.

Arcanista's lips curved slightly. "Because there is a clause, a very specific loophole that I've always considered using if I absolutely needed to be in the 'good' company of my fellow politicians again."

"And don't you think you absolutely need to do that now?!" Rainbow Dash blinked. "We're beggin ya, Duchess. We'll do anything to get inside Val Roa Proper!"

"It will be no simple task," Arcanista said. "And it requires somepony—perhaps someone in this very room—to put on a dramatically convincing act."

"'Act?'" Pilate remarked, ears twitching.

"You mean as in a performance?" Bellesmith inquired.


"What kind of a performance?"

"According to the 'Ambassadorial Representation Statute' that was written into effect over one hundred years ago, the Val Roan High Council is obligated to push the congressional address of foreign dignitaries to the very top of the regularly scheduled priority list."

"Could you simply that for the thinking impaired?" Zaid asked.

Arcanista smiled. "Generally speaking, a representative of a foreign nation outside of Val Roa's borders is given the chance to speak at an assembly—before any other political venture of the day. This is because Val Roa has established itself as the strongest power on the Continent, and after the defeat of the Southern Cartel decadese ago, the Council deemed it necessary to promote good diplomacy with prospective allies beyond our sphere of influence. As a result, if a representative of a Val Roan province was to arrive with an ambassador from beyond the borders—"

"They'd get first billings at one of the High Council chat sessions," Zaid said, blinking.

"Precisely. What's more—so would the representative responsible for escorting the ambassador into Val Roa Proper," Arcanista said. "So, simply put, if I was to arrive at the West Gate with a foreign dignitary, I would be given a straight and unimpeded path to the Capitol, to appear before the Council."

"You'd finally get a chance to speak to all the seats in the legislature," Bellesmith thought aloud. Her chestnut eyes brightened. "You could actually put Bountiful back on the map!"

"Not to mention call out Fishberry and her lackeys out on their bullcrap," Josho said.

"I... wouldn't pretend to go that far," Arcanista said. "But this would most certainly mean an opportunity of arriving in Val Roa as swiftly as possible."

"You sure it would work, though?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Sounds like there's enough bureaucratic sludge to make any attempt at anything crash and burn."

Arcanista slowly shook her head. "Fishberry's influence is strong, indeed." She frowned briefly. "And I suspect her of many... many terrible dabblings." A clearing of the throat. "However, she's still very much a public figure, and not all Council Members are corrupt in Val Roa. All things considered, the Chancellor will be forced to oblidge by the Ambassadorial Representation Statute." She smiled. "Especially since the law's been both unchallenged and untested for several decades."

"Several decades?" Eagle Eye blinked. "Why?"

"We haven't had many visits from foreign dignitaries," Arcanista explained. "Val Roa is very closed-in."

"Jee..." Josho blinked. "We had no idea."

"Josho..." Belle sighed.

"Sooooooo..." Rainbow Dash scratched her head. "Where do we come in?"

Roarke droned, "She's about to propose that one of us pretend to be a foreign dignitary."


"The metal one is right," Arcanista said, nodding gently. "And this is where the 'subterfuge' part comes in."

"Wuh oh..." Zaid smirked. "Either I'm gonna hate this part or really really love it."

"All of you are from remarkably distant kingdoms already," Arcanista said. She turned to smile at Booster Spice. "Well, most all of you..."

He smiled sheepishly. "What gave it away? The goggles?"

Arcanista continued. "I don't believe it would be too terribly difficult for one of you to portray an ambassador from such a foreign land. I would support your claims, using my influence as both a Duchess and a Council Representative."

"Hmmm..." Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin in thought.

"I have no doubt that it would get us past the West Gate," Arcanista said. "Beyond that—if we're lucky—we will get a chance to speak one day inside the Val Roan Council, first thing in the morning. Provided that the 'ambassador' gives a convincing speech, it will be enough to satiate the other Representatives' curiosity. In the meantime—"

"You'll get to give the Council a piece of your mind as well!" Props chirped.

"Even more than that." Arcanista's nostrils flared. "I can shock the entire Council by dropping the largest bomb of all, which would certainly expose those in high places who've been dabbling in a malevolent conspiracy all these years. I may even be able to shake your elusive Queen Chrysalis out of hiding."

"How?" Ebon Mane blinked. "What kind of a bomb are we talking about?"

"Why, the most handsome bomb there ever was!" Props giggled.

Arcanista turned to look at Floydien.

Floydien seemed distracted. Only after a good ten seconds of silence did he actually look up, red eyes blinking. "What what what?"

"Floyd... brother..." Arcanista gulped. "This would be our last and final opportunity to make a difference..."

Floydien blinked again. He frowned. "No."

Arcanista's ears drooped. "But Brother—"

"Butt Brother butt boomerself!" he stood up straight, seething. The guards shifted with unease while he pointed a cloven hoof at her. "Floydien barely knows his own spit anymore! Why should he toss it at stabby stabs from beyond the Gate Gate?"

"I know you're struggling with what you've learned here," Arcanista said. "But... please... you can still make a difference! We both can! Won't you appear before the Council? There are wolves in sheep's clothing who need to be pulled out by the roots and an appearance of a legally diceased Duke would have such an unbelievable impact on—"

"Floydien knows that Floydien is alive, and that's enough for Floydien!" He snarled. "Boomers love to spit and glimmer, but do they ever stop to think that it will just stab back onto themselves in the end?!"

"Mr. Floydien," Pilate spoke up. "You've endured so much, but what the Duchess here is offering is a chance at retribution!" He smiled. "And we've gone to such lengths to track down the Changeling Queen! Right now, you're the key to the next step and—"

"Floydien is set to open nothing but a cloud bank!" He snarled. "Boomers dragged Floydien away from the sky and from Nancy Jane! And for what?! A parade into stabby stabs?!"

"But Floyd—"

"Spit Floydien's name right or don't spit at all!" Growling, the elk spun around and stomped out of the room. "Floydien doesn't need this! Floydien never asked for this!"

The door slammed, sending a cold shudder through everypony in the room.

Rainbow Dash winced. "Well, so much for that."

"I... I am sorry..." Arcanista sighed. "It was terribly presumptuous of me to think that he would be up for such a venture."

"You never know." Eagle Eye shrugged. "Maybe he'll come around!"

"Floydien?" Josho raised an eyebrow. "'Come around?' Hate to break it to you, Princess, but once the space elk's stuck in orbit, there ain't no re-entering the atmosphere."

"Awwwwwww..." Props pouted. "And here I was hoping Handsome would get well enough to sing someday."

"As much as I would love to convince him otherwise, I simply can't force my brother to accept the truth that he's discovered here," Arcanista said in a defeated tone. "I would love for him to break the fetters on his mind someday, but the most I can do is wish him the best." She gulped. "And offer my support as a loving sibling."

"Look, we all know that Floydien is going through a lot right now," Rainbow Dash said. "And—yeah—I'd love to see him get out of his 'boomer' schtick, but let's not get wrapped up in that, okay?" She looked at everypony in the room. "We can still get in with this 'Ambassadorial Representation Statute' thingy, right?"

"Erm..." Bellesmith squirmed in her seat. "Presumably."

"So... one of us just has to put his or her acting lessons to good use."

"It takes more than sheer personality," the Duchess said. "One must be visually convincing as well."


"To bypass the scrutiny at the West Gate, a 'foreign dignitary' will have to look foreign," she said. "Before we even implement a farcical backstory."

"Well, duh!" Zaid smirked, pointing at Pilate. "Racing Stripes over there!"

Pilate leaned his head aside. "Me?"

"Seems a logical choice, beloved," Belle said with a smile. "After all, I've always secretly admired you for your exotic qualities."

"Ahhh, but of course..." He smirked blindly. "I hear the fever is most incurable."

"I bet nopony will have seen a zebra around Val Roa before!" Props said.

The Duchess sighed through a weary smile. "Except the two provinces who have over the past five centuries."


"Limhi and Teancum," Booster Spice spoke up, fidgeting. "Located far to the southeast, sandwiched between the Val Roan Mountains and the arid plains owned by the Cartel."

"Lemme guess..." Props' ears folded. "Zebras?"

"About eighty-seven percent of the population," Arcanista said. "Noble warriors, the whole lot of them. They've fought goblins so much over the past age or so that they have a custom centered around collecting impish bones."

"Brbbrbrbrbbrrr..." Bellesmith shivered. "I'm rather glad they've had no need for the Jury, then."

"I must admit." Roarke's lips curved slightly. "It's the first culture I've learned about that appeals to me."

"They have at least half a dozen representatives on the Council," Arcanista said. "They would see through the blind stallion's disguise in an instance."

"Well..." Pilate shrugged. "So much for my thespian career."

"Then who else is wild and crazy enough to look the part?" Eagle asked.

"We could send in Josho," Zaid said. "Pretend he's from a country where every stallion generates enough gravity to rival the moon."

"Or we could send you, pal," Josho retorted with a grunt. "The world's one and only talking piece of roadkill."

"How about Roarke?" Props asked.

"We want somepony to address the Council," Eagle droned. "Not blow it up."

"Hrmmm..." Roarke folded her forelimbs.

"Uhm..." Rainbow Dash smirked. "Not to soak up the spotlight, but..."

"What, Rainbow?" Belle asked.

The pegasus smiled, pointing back at her flapping wings.

Belle blinked, then slapped her own skull. "Spark, spare me!"

"Of course!" Props hopped up and down. "Dashie could pull it off!" She grinned. "Nopony outside of Durandana has ever seen a mare with wings!"

Roarke stared thoughtfully at Rainbow Dash, blue eyes narrow.

"I know a thing or two about diplomacy," Rainbow said.

Eagle squinted. "You do?"

Rainbow stuck his tongue at him. "Back in Ponyville, we did all sorts of funky things, bending over backwards to spread 'friendship' and whatnot. Why, this one time, there were a bunch of buffalo who went all buffalo on a town of non-buffalo..." She blinked. "...buffalo."

"What came out of that situation?" Zaid asked. "Besides buffalo?"

"You know what? I-I kinda forget at the moment." Rainbow tapped her chin. "All I remember is Pinkie Pie in a saloon dress."


"But even still, I can totally rock the whole 'ambassador' thing!" Rainbow grinned. "And—when we're nestled in the middle of Val Roa and when I'm not talking to the Council, I could take wing and start... y'know... snooping around the place, figuring out just what Fishberry, Sharp Quill, and all the other freakjobs are up to!"

"Yeah!" Props grinned. "As soon as we can get Dashie inside Val Roa, it's game over for those backstabbers!"

Roarke blinked, then glanced quietly towards the floor.

"As much as I admire that idea..." Arcanista stood up and paced towards Rainbow Dash. "I must state a concern."

"Oh? What concern is that?"

"While portraying this 'ambassador,' you would be under intense scrutiny," the Duchess said. "You would be subject to a great deal of questioning, dinner arrangements, the normal pageantry of Val Roan custom."

"Er... yeah! Okay! I can totally do that! Really!"

"No, I'm afraid you don't get the point." Arcanista shook her head. "This will occupy your entire time beyond the West Gate. It will be virtually impossible to find a time and place to sneak out and perform your reconnaisance from the shadows."

"But... b-but..." Rainbow blinked.

Arcanista waved a hoof. "I am in no way attempting to shoot down the idea of bringing you into Val Roa. But, instead of putting you at the front of the convoy, might I suggest we smuggle you in?"

"Smuggle?" Bellesmith blinked.

Roarke looked up. "How do you mean?" she asked in a suspicious tone.

"Rather than play the part of a foreign dignitary, Rainbow Dash could present herself by not presenting herself at all."

"I... don't quite read you, madame," Rainbow Dash said.

"We'll dress you as one of my noble servants," Arcanista said. "So long as you're dressed appropriately and kept at the back of the procession, no one will take any notice of you whatsoever." She smiled. "And they most certainly won't know that you have wings."

Roarke opened her mouth to say something.

"I think that's rather brilliant," Pilate said.

"You know what, that isn't too bad," Josho said.

"Can she really pass as a maid of the House of Sehlp?" Bellesmith asked.

"It should be a simple task," Arcanista said. "So long as she maintains an unassuming air about herself."

"Ewww..." Rainbow Dash winced. "That sounds super-hard, actually."

Props giggled.

"But, still... totally doable." Rainbow Dash smiled. "Yeah, I think I'm game for that."

"We still need to come up with whoever portrays the 'ambassador,'" Booster said.

"Well, it can't be you," Zaid said. "You're about as white bread as it gest around here."

"I'll have you know that I have a very good singing voice."

"Yeah, good thing every pack of Green Bandits we've beaten up didn't need a baritone."



"Come on, everyjurist!" Rainbow Dash's voice cracked as she flung her forelimbs at the group. "Let's think! If we can't use Pilate and we can't use Roarke and we can't use me—then who can pass themselves off as a representative from a foreign land?!"

With a pulse of magic, the door opened and Kera came waddling back into the room "Whew! I'll tell you one thing this place has that the Jury doesn't! Decent plumbing!" She hopped up onto a couch, smiling at Bellesmith. "I bet I flushed that thing twenty times just to listen to the sound!"

"I got it!" Zaid smirked. He dashed over, grasped Kera by her midsection, and held the tattooed filly upwards like a lion cub. "Ahem... I present to you Princess Kera Tin Mehjj of the Xonan Empire!"

Kera's emerald eyes blinked as her tiny limbs dangled. "Derp...?"

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