• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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Making Up Six Words Is Hard

"What do you mean, 'Zeezrom exploded?!'" An old earth pony frowned from where he squatted, fixing a set of wagon wheels in front of Gideon's general store. "That's not like the Jury!"

"No, you don't get it!" A goat leaned forward, eyes blinking brightly. "They blew it up and saved it at the same time!"

A mare sat in a rocking chair, fanning herself. "Do you know how foalish you sound right now?! Nopony can blow a village up and save it at the same time."

"The Jury did! They're just that good!"

"Hrmmph... and what did they do it for?"

"To save the giraffes' long necks from goblin scum! That's what!" The goat pointed with a cloven hoof. "Same thing that happened in Mosiah and Ammon! I'm telling you, the Jury's a godsend! The best thing that's happened to this country in years!"

"If they're such a godsend, then why'd they have to show up after Val Roa turned its back on us?!"

"You know what I think?" Another pony strolled up with a basket of trade goods on his flank. "I think the Jury was sent by Val Roa."

"Pfffft... please..."

"Honestly! They regret closing in their borders and they've sent a police force to protect our lands in the interim!"

"What kind of a police force utterly decimates droves of Green Bandits without taking any names?! Or making any arrests?!" The goat frowned. "Also, since when did Val Roa have power over the elements?"


"The Jury is built out of lightning bolts, you daft horse!"

"It is not! It's a zeppelin!"

"What kind of zeppelin moves as fast as the Jury does?"

"Does it matter?" The mare on the front stoop shrugged. "What matters is that they're doing a world of good. When Val Roa went silent, I thought peace in this land would be over. But this Jury has single-hoofedly held the Southern Cartel back."


"Even the naga tribes haven't bothered encroaching on our land! It's a miracle, alright, but just how long is it going to last?"

"Why don't they talk with us? Like really communicate with us?"

"You make them sound a bad as the Val Roans."

"If you ask me, they speak through their actions."

"Then what is it that they want from us?"

"To keep us safe, apparently. The giraffes of Zeezrom had nothing substantial to pay anypony with. Whatever heroics they must have pulled off, it had have been a thankless task."

"I bet those giraffes aren't thankless."

"Heh... well put..."

As the villagers of Gideon spoke, two figures shuffled quietly by them along hte bustling main street, clad in unassuming brown cloaks. Booster Spice glanced at the group gathered by the General Store as they passed. He cleared his throat and spoke aside to the zebra leaning against him.

"We appear to be celebrities..."

"I must admit..." Pilate's lips curved beneath his hood. "There's a twinge of ego-stroking joy that comes with these incognito visits."

"Is that why you wanted so badly to do this?"

"Honestly, I was hoping that we'd have a chance at finding out more about Val Roa, but the earful of praise isn't terrible either."

"I doubt we'll find much by staying outside," Booster said.

"What would you suggest, Mr. Spice?"

"A seat in the local saloon would benefit us."

"I'm afraid I don't drink."

"Well, neither do I, but it's the best way to lend a true ear to local travelers," Booster explained. "Gideon's a major trading town, from what I understand, and it sees visitors arriving from all across the central valley, from the town of Mosiah to as far east as Helaman."

"You know..." Pilate cleared his throat. "I can't help but notice a distinct pattern to the names of your kingdom's many towns."

"You're right." Booster nodded. "They're polysyllabic." He motioned into the saloon. "Here we go. Let's step inside. I'm certain they serve something non-alcoholic."

"Yes, I would hope so..."

"My messengers came back just two days ago, Rainbow Dash." Merigold looked up, her weary face reflected by flickering firelight. "I provided them with the Seal of Amulek personally. I made sure that they were acting as official representatives of the township. And, just like the group I sent before, they navigated the Central Passage and approached Val Roa's Western Gate."

"Lemme guess..." Rainbow Dash sighed from where she hovered inside the town's main hall. "They were sent away."

Merigold hung her head sadly. "I've lived under the protection of Val Roa all my long years. Never before have I witnessed them become so closed in... so secretive." She gulped and glanced up with sad eyes. "They're going back on their promises to protect us... or even acknowledge us. You must understand, this sort of th-thing has not been recorded as happening since centuries ago, when the kingdom experienced a brief civil war."

"What caused that?"

"An internal schism with the monarchy," Merigold explained, pacing across the grand hall while the pegasus watched. "Which I highly suspect to be the issue once again."

"You really think so?"

"Val Roa has always had a great deal to be proud of," Merigold said. "Its royal integrity most especially. If there was... so to speak... a problem in the monarchy, then I imagine the Ruling Court would prefer silence over admitting it."

"What kind of a 'problem' are we talking about?"

"I can only guess," Merigold said. "I'd venture to guess that an heir apparent has been seen unfit to rule. The Val Roan royal family has—historically speaking—been plagued with... health issues in the past."

"Health issues?"

"Mental... issues..."

"Oh great..." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "The kingdom's being run by a melon fudge... literally."

"That is pure conjecture on my part, of course." Merigold sighed. "The truth is, I don't know what's happening beyond the West Gate. Nopony knows, Rainbow Dash. I feel confused, frustrated, betrayed, and—most of all—sorry. I'm so sorry that I cannot help you with this..."

"Hey... it's nothing for you to apologize for." Rainbow smirked. "The crew and I have been away for a while, so I was hoping that maybe you would have heard something from your end."

"I've endeavored to uncover the truth. Truly, I have. But, reality is, Val Roa has long fallen out of our graces," Merigold said. "Even long before you arrived, it was evident that they wanted nothing to do with Amulek's future. But you, Rainbow Dash..." Merigold gazed with glossy eyes. "You and your friends' arrival has done so much for us. If it weren't for you, our silver mines would have remained closed forever. And I shudder to think of what would have happened to all of my surviving citizens."

"Hey, for the umpteenth time, don't mention it." Rainbow smirked. "You're a swell gal, Merigold, and even beneath all that 'bitter survivor' crap I could see that you and the rest of Amulek needed help."

"Well, you are... most certainly eloquent if nothing else, Miss Dash." Merigold cleared her throat.

"Besides..." Rainbow Dash paced close to the ceiling on flapping wings. "We needed Amulek almost as much as this place needed us." She gulped. "If it weren't for what I found in the mountain, I wouldn't be breathing now. And the ship—"

"How is the Jury fairing, anyways?" Merigold craned her neck. "I thought that its primary engines had suffered a power loss."

"Eheh..." Rainbow ran a hoof through her own mane. "Just a temporary setback. I've got it covered."

"It would certainly seem that way." Merigold nodded. "You've built quite the name for yourselves. All of these interventions along the southern border have brought much joy and relief to the kingdom."

"Somepony's gotta do it," Rainbow Dash said with a shrug. "And if Val Roa won't step up, then I guess it's up to us."

"But—surely that isn't what you all came here for." Merigold's aged eyes narrowed. "I get the distinct feeling that all of these selfless acts are delaying something important."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Our goal has always been to make it inside Val Roa proper."

"What a shame that you'd run into such a terrible road block."

"'Sky block' is more like it," Rainbow muttered. "Let's just say that there's more than the West Gate holding ponies back from entering the jewel that lies against the Grand Choke."

"Well, I most certainly hope you find your way in, Rainbow Dash," Merigold said. "I'm afraid all of my attempts have been in vain."

"And I totally appreciate you for trying, Merigold."

"Though I must say, if a group such as yours can single-hoofedly fight back the Southern Cartel..." Merigold's wrinkled lips curved. "Then I have full faith that you can go where no other pony can tread—including beyond the borders of Val Roa."

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "Yeah, well... one th-thing at a time."

Merigold blinked. "I... I don't understand. Do you or don't you wish to—?"

"Right now..." Rainbow Dash flew towards the hall's exit. "...I have to meet with somepony in time to make it back before sundown."

"Sundown?" Merigold scratched her chin. "I do not understand. What happens after sundown?"

"I have a very important date!"

Rainbow Dash flew out of the largest building in the heart of Amulek. She twirled and ascended skyward, zooming past the rooftops and guard towers of the tiny town. Villagers paused what they were doing to wave at the familiar, bright figure. Rainbow smirked and waved back before contuining her lazy glide east. She glanced south at the Noble Jury as she passed by. From a distance, she thought she spotted the shapes of Roarke and Kera training in the field alongside the craft.

Flapping her wings harder, Rainbow accelerated, cruising over the dense and denser forest that collected at the foot of the mountain. She passed over dirt roads where stallions hauled wagons full of ore back home to Amulek. She curved northeast, taking a familiar path that led towards the columns of smoke in the distance.

Minutes later, she flew over the entrances to the silver mines. A bustling camp had been built over the past month, and there was no longer any sign of the damage caused by the faux chaos dragon that once stalked the community's airspace. Below, she spotted stallions sweating and toiling at the mouths to the caves. One stallion in particular noticed Rainbow's swiftly darting shadow and looked up. Drakshaa's eyes narrowed above a neutral expression. Taking a deep breath he returned to whatever it was he was doing, paying Rainbow no further mind.

Without a word, Rainbow climbed altitude, spinning around the summit of Silver Peak. The mountain was a great deal easier to scale without any misty fog clinging to its granite heights. Within the span of minutes, she was levitating at the north face, staring into a dark gaping hole bored acidically into the stone depths.

Exhaling calmly, Rainbow Dash touched down at the mouth of the cave. She peered down with a rattle of her pendant, her eyes narrow.

Darkness stared back at her. The tunnel was dead still, and even the slightest sniffle or cough would send noisy echoes reverberating back up.

In a dull voice, Rainbow muttered to herself, "Here lies me...." She bore a tired, bitter smile.

Something echoed back—but it wasn't with her voice. "Did you have success in Zeezrom?"

Rainbow jolted. She spun and stared up at the top lip of the cave's mouth. "Uhhhhh... t-totally! You should have been there!"

With the crackling of stiff shells, the gray stone surfaces shifted in three distinct places. Pulses of green flame erupted one after another, and soon three changelings were fluttering down to perch on the cave's mouth beside the pegasus.

"We were there," one changeling said, its glossy eyes thin, weak. "Minor casualties... but no deaths among the giraffes."

"Considering all the explosions you made," said another, "It's no minor miracle."

"Heh... best compliment I've heard all week." Rainbow gulped. "And thanks for—y'know—not blowing your guys' cover. When'd you get back, anyway?"

"Just this... just this..." The middlemost changeling teetered, then collapsed forward. "Nnnngh..."

"Wh-whoah!" Rainbow leaned forward, catching the weak-kneed metamorph. "What the hay, dude?! When was the last time you recharged?"

"C-couldn't help it..." The changeling wheezed in Rainbow's forelimbs. "Had... t-to get back here before we were discovered..."

"And why didn't you make a stop in Amulek?!"

"You know we're not comfortable doing that," another changeling said, its webbed fins drooping along its skull. "Not after all the mistakes we made."

"Dang it!" Rainbow frowned. "How many times have we been through this?! If you guys want to survive out here, you gotta do some things outside of your comfort level! I can't be in two places at once!"

"We're sorry, Rainbow Dash. It's just that..." The changelings collectively winced, avoiding the pegasus' gaze.

Rainbow blinked at them. She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine." She motioned with a wing. "Come here. Let's get this over with." Rainbow then proceeded to hold the weak shape-shifter in her arms close, nuzzling it close. "Keep close."

"Rainbow..." The creature wheezed. "Please forgive us—"

"Shhh! Will ya hush already? Now... concentrate." She closed her eyes, meditated, then gradually smiled. "Hmmmmm... ah yes, there's a good one..."

The changeling in her embrace closed its eyes. It took a deep breath. Then, with a curtain of green flame, it morphed into a petite version of Roarke.

The other two shape-shifters reached in, resting their webbed hooves on Rainbow's shoulders. Second passed, and they both breathed at the same time—a warm and wholesome breath. Their black shells flickered to a gray coat and then back. Their wings buzzed, and suddenly they could hover in place with full strength.

"There..." Rainbow leaned back, tapping the muzzle of the Roarke doppelganger in her grasp. "Better?" She smirked.

The changeling gulped. "V-very..." It slipped out of Rainbow's grip, returning to its insectoid default. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash. As always, you know just how to make us whole."

"Correction: You guys know how to make yourselves whole!" Rainbow hovered with her forelimbs folded. "For real, dudes! The ponies of Amulek can do the same thing for ya! You don't have to hide yourselves up high in this mountain, wasting away!"

"The ponies in that town hate us."

"No they do not."

"Yes, Rainbow, they do," one of them said emphatically. "We know it."

"You can't possibly—"

"You know very well that we can." One sighed. "Courtesy of the empathic sense that Mother hatched us with. The villagers want nothing to do with changelings, and honestly we can't blame them."

Rainbow stared at them silently.

"Your love and your friendship is ample enough to keep us going," another said. It bore a weak, fanged grin. "I think the formula that we have going right now works the best."

"Just keep sending us out on reconnaissance missions," the changeling next to it said.

The other one nodded. "We'll find out what you need to know about the Cartel. You move in to stop the Goblins, and then we all come back here."

"Everypony benefits."

"Yeah... but not forever guys!" Rainbow sighed. "At some point, the Jury and I are going to make it inside Val Roa, and I can't promise that we'll be coming back here!"

"You honestly believe you can make it past their borders?"

Rainbow squinted at the three.

The changelings collectively shuddered. "We're sorry, Rainbow. You have every right to hate us for saying that."

"No! I don't hate—ungh!" Rainbow Dash touched dowh with an aggrivated sigh. After a few seconds, she strolled forward and rested a hoof on two of the changelings' shoulders with a smirk. "To think, millions of miles and a year of flying, and I'd run into a bunch of Fluttershy's."

"Flutter... shy's?" one changeling blinked.

Another turned towards its sibling, growing long pink hair and a yellow coat. "She means this," it said in a honey-soft voice.

Rainbow instantly winced. "DON'T—" She clenched her eyes shut, sighed, and breathed calmly. "How many times have I asked you guys not to do that?"


"Just not in front of me." Rainbow gulped and produced a weak smile. "That's all I ask."

"We know of no better way to communicate."

"I'm aware of that." Rainbow nodded. "Which is why I'm so determined to find another hive."

The changelings exchanged nervous glances.

"What?!" Rainbow shrugged. "Is that so hard to wrap your heads around?"

"Mother... n-never communicated any such nest to us—"

"But she had to have made more places to settle than just Silver Peak!" Rainbow exclaimed. "It'd totally make sense if she was wanting to stage an invasion of Val Roa!"

"For all we know, she's already done that."

"Pfft. You know what I mean."

"Honestly, Rainbow," a changeling muttered. "You have far greater concerns to deal with than us."

"Nuts to that!" Rainbow leaned forward. "Look at me. You guys sacrificed so much to put me on the right track, and I owe it to you to find you a place to live happily—"

"You don't need to—"

"Yes I do!" Rainbow frowned. "Even if you're a bunch of wish-washy saps!" She chuckled and playfully rubbed one of the changeling's skulls. "Please... let me do this for you! Someway, somehow, I'm going to reunite you with your own kind! I mean—heck—I know they're out there! It sure wasn't a wayward soccer team that I saw flying out of Stratopolis when that place went down!" Rainbow grinned. "If you ask me, all I need to look for is a sign!"

The changelings exchanged glances.

Rainbow noticed it. She raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"It's nothing," said one.

"Just something we observed while flying back from Zeezrom," said another.

"Shhhh!" a third hissed.

Rainbow squinted. "Okay now..." She folded her forelimbs again. "Out with it. What did you find?"

"Uhm... it may be nothing... but..."

"But what?"

The centermost changeling stared up with glossy eyes. "Occasionally, when flying, we send signals in every cardinal direction."


"Like sparks rippling across the emotional wavelength. It's... d-difficult to explain."

"Try me."

"Well... this last time, when we sent a spark out..." The changeling gulped. "...a spark rippled back."

Rainbow leaned her head to the side. "From where?"

"Due northeast."

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