• Published 3rd Mar 2015
  • 7,823 Views, 1,387 Comments

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining - David Silver

After deciding to stay in Equestria and learn its ways as a unicorn colt, Silver Lining now faces Canterlot and learning how to be a unicorn with his former-OC and Trixie to watch over him. Will he master magic, or discover the cruel side of foals.

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22 - Getting Feelings off our Chest

Rough Draft was the first to awaken. The room was as he left it, clean and mostly quiet. He looked over and saw Trixie there. He paused. He saw Trixie there. She was... enchanting. Even with drool hanging from her sleeping snout, he could see no wrong in her. He leaned in and gently nuzzled her on the cheek, waking her with a start. Even the way she woke up was... What did he do to deserve being next to this stunning mare?

Trixie came awake with soft blinks. They were still in the hospital. Rough Draft was looking at her oddly. His face was... handsome. He was strong and reliable. Trixie's heartbeat began to race as she gazed into his eyes, and he into hers. He had all the skill with words she wished she had, and he cared for her so deeply. He hadn't slept in an actual bed since they moved into the house, giving up the comfy master bed to her without even hesitating.

They leaned towards each other slowly, taking in one another's scent with gentle twitches of their noses. Neither scent was new to the other, but it seemed... better right then. "Trixie," said Rough, "I... I've been lying to myself."

Trixie tilted her head, "You do not have a dishonest bone in your body, Rough. What do you mean?"

Rough suddenly pressed forward, stealing a kiss from her brow at the base of her horn, a lewd act to be certain. "You are amazing, and I haven't told you that enough."

Trixie went scarlet under her fur. "Then Trixie is also guilty of deception..." She leaned in, gently nuzzling over his neck, "Trixie feels safe when you are beside her." She swallowed heavily, both of their faces red, their hearts thundering in their ears. All of their lingering feelings poured out freely.

Rough suddenly tackled her to the ground. She squeaked in alarm, which quickly faded as he kissed over her collar and withers, "I don't deserve you. You are truly great and powerful."

Trixie soaked in the praise, holding Rough closer with her hooves, "T..." she stopped, frowned, "I," This was too important to play her part. She could feel her tender heart exposed. "I think I love you..."

Rough smiled, a goofy smile. "I think I love you too..."

Trixie squirmed underneath Rough, happy, and yet nervous. "What do we do now?"

Rough softly shrugged before kissing along her horn, making her squirm in delight, "I show you all the love I've been holding back?"

Trixie smiled gently, "That sounds lovely..."

The door opened suddenly, admitting a nurse into the room. The mare blinked down at the two ponies entwined in one another's legs, went red, and walked right back out with a stiff gait.

Trixie gently disentangled herself and stood up, straightening her cloak on the way with soft pulls of her magic.

Rough was soon up as well, and cleared his throat, "We should... continue this outside the hospital."

Trixie bobbed her head, flushing gently. How could she have taken so long to realize this pony loved her? How could she have taken so long to have realized she loved this pony? Everything fit together perfectly, except... She trotted over to the bed and looked at the slumbering form of Silver. He looked better, restful. She leaned in and kissed his brow, and his eyes suddenly fluttered open.


Trixie went still in surprise. Silver's wits returned to him and he realized this was a pony, certainly no human. "Hi Trixie."

Rough padded up on the other side of the bed, "You gave us quite the scare."

Trixie softly prodded him in the shoulder, "You incorrigible little colt! You scared Trixie half to death. She thought you might never..." She pulled out a rubber ball and tossed it on the bed. "Go ahead."

Silver looked confused at the ball, then back at Trixie, "Go ahead and what? What happened?"

Rough shook his head, "You strained yourself to the breaking point. Do you feel better?"

Silver took stock of himself. His horn was a little sore, and he wanted to stretch, and he had a headache, but other than that... "I'm OK."

Trixie nudged the ball, "Can you lift it? Just a little. If it feels heavy, stop."

Silver unleashed the magic and gently wrapped a silver hand around the ball. He lifted it and offered it to Trixie. His horn ached a little, but it was well within his means. "What is this supposed to prove?"

Trixie took the ball in her own magic, "You could have burned yourself out entirely. Imagine that, a unicorn with no magic at all?" She rose a brow at Silver, "You are lucky."

"Sorry..." murmured Silver, "Can we go home now?"

Rough reached over and pressed the nurse call button, "We should let them look at you once to make sure you're fit to go."

A new nurse appeared in a few moments with a smile, "Is our patient feeling better?" She began to take his temperature, look in his ears, and put a stethoscope to his horn.

Silver looked up at her cross-eyed, "What can you hear?"

She smiled down at him and soon had it on his ears instead. He could hear a gentle thump-thump, like a heart. "Sounds healthy," she announced. "Irregular beats in the horn would be bad."

She reclaimed her stethoscope as Silver realized something. She hadn't washed that before swapping from ears to ears. Do ponies just not have that kind of worry? He smiled up at the nurse hopefully, "Can I go home?"

She nodded, "I don't see anything a little rest and love can't fix." She waved a hoof at him, "Now don't go hurting yourself again. We don't want to see you in here for a while."

"Yes ma'am," said Silver as he slipped to the floor and began to stretch out languidly. He looked up at Trixie and Rough. They were glancing at each other, trying to be subtle and failing at it entirely. "So..." He glanced between the two, "Did I miss something?"

Indecision rippled through both ponies, but the lingering effects of Cadance's magic emboldened them. Rough Draft nodded, "I will be sleeping in the master bedroom."

Silver blinked a few times before it all clicked and he laughed, "You sly dog! I... gotta admit I'm a little jealous."

Trixie tilted her head at Silver, "Wh..." It became clear to her and she flushed red, "It is not proper for a student and a teacher! Besides, you are a colt, not a stallion."

Silver nodded his head, "All true, but I've a pair of eyes, and that's all I need to say Rough Draft is a lucky stallion." Some pony perspective helped. He could pick out a few tiny things that made Trixie prettier than another mare, but a few things she lacked as well. Trixie was not a model, but she was a fine mare. Silver tilted his head, wondering if he was even looking at the right things. "I'm going to stop thinking about that now."

Rough booped him on the nose, "Good. She's mine. Dibs." He kissed Trixie on the cheek and hugged her tight. Silver smiled at the exchange, even if some small part of him whimpered.

They were checked out of the hospital and trotted home together. "So," asked Silver, "How long was I out?"

"Most of the week," replied Rough.

Trixie said with scorn, "You are not taking any more exams this year. Trixie knew you were not ready."

Silver flinched and sagged at the angry words, ears falling, "I'll be more careful..." His chest hurt a little. He hadn't heard that particular tone of utter disappointment since he had left Earth. "Sorry, really. I didn't mean to worry everyone."

Rough nudged into Trixie's side, "He's going to try anyway."

Trixie rolled her eyes, "This is true." She leaned in, "You must let go if it is too much. It is not that important you get into an academy this year. Where would you be if you had burnt out? Weaker than an earth pony, without any magic at all?" She snorted softly, "It is truly the most pathetic of things. Trixie's student will not end his learning in such a fashion." She reached and ruffled his mane with a hoof, "Now how about some mint ice cream?"

A cool treat sounded like a far better topic. They soon arrived at a small dessert shop and gathered around a table. The waiter, a cheerful pegasus, had their bowls of ice cream out in a flash of green fur. "Enjoy!"

Silver lapped at his ice cream directly a moment before he noticed Trixie looking at him. "What?"

Trixie gestured to her own, lifted it in her magic and took a delicate nibble. "It is never too early, or late, to learn proper manners."

Rough leaned in and took a big bite out of his sugary treat directly, "He looks fine."

Trixie huffed and produced a small vial of pills. She shook out a pill with her magic and brought the pill over to Silver, "We should get a permanent prescription."

Silver snapped the pill out of the air and swallowed it without water. His head and horn ache dulled slightly as it worked its magic. "Thanks... for everything." He wobbled a hoof, "For being my stand-in pony parents. I can't imagine that's helped your normal work schedules."

Rough flashed a smile, "I finished my book! I sent it off to get edited and copied."

Silver tilted his head, "Are you going to head to a convention to sell it?" Rough bobbed his head, "Are we coming?"

Rough nodded quickly, "If you want. I'd be happy to have you both along." He went in to steal another kiss from Trixie, though the boosting magic was wearing thin. He hesitated with anxiety, but went for it anyway, getting a smile from Trixie.

Trixie nodded lightly, "If she doesn't keep an eye on you two, who will? Trixie will be there."

With their snacks completed, they left the eatery behind with a small collection of bits. They soon arrived at home. Silver entered after Rough Draft and in front of Trixie to spot something odd in the living room. He tilted his head, "When did we get the computer back?"

Trixie shook her head, "It was not there when we left. Mayhaps Luna has finished her study of it?" She didn't seem too worried about it, and neither did Rough, and they soon retreated into the... Silver watched them trot into the master bedroom and close the door behind themselves. A soft click of the lock told Silver all he needed to know.

Rather than allow his thoughts to stray to what his guardians were up to, he hopped up into his ever-uncomfortable chair and pulled up a delightfully mindless and violent game. He had the sound turned down, and his headphones over his ears. Human headphones felt odd on pony ears, but they worked.

Author's Note:

A needed wind-down after last chapter, and some emotions get put out there, thanks to Cadance's meddling. Pink princess can be best princess sometimes.

You know who doesn't have any love? Typos.